Isaiah 54:1 to 55:2 ~ Rebroadcast picking up at Isaiah 54:1

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good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our our Father is word how fantastic it is you know the last chapter documented the crucifixion the burial and the resurrection and this chapter is kind of written too to those of God's elect especially here in the end times I'll document that in a moment as we come to chapter 54 the great book of Isaiah Isaiah meaning in the Hebrew tongue jaw of a salvation that's God's way of salvation for you chapter 54 verse 1 and it reads with that word of wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name sing o barren Val that did us not bare break forth into singing and cry aloud that thou did is not travail with child for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife saith the Lord now this would be a little confusing to some if you did not understand that our Father is speaking spiritual here he's speaking to those that he called before the foundations of this world basically and he's this is why it was written in mark 13 Walter those that are with child when I return and those that give suck meaning spiritually impregnated with the false Christ and actually nursing along his work and and those that remain Berenice to say wait for the true husband he even calls them wife and you know that he considers the wedding even from the first Earth age if you want to go that far if you don't put it on the shelf over here and reread chapter 19 verses 7 and 8 of the great book of Revelation but our Father loves his children and what he's saying here sing and celebrate if you're one of those that didn't get drawn into the false marriage of the false Christ and his false teaching and again it's a blessing for a mother to conceive and bear a child always has been always will be as a matter of fact God told people to replenish the earth way back in Genesis chapter 1 but spiritually speaking it's a totally different connotation you know it should remind you of Christ's words as he was carrying that cross up the hill to Golgotha with the crown of thorns and the blood dripping what did Christ say the women were crying by the by the path as he went up to that hill and he was thinking of the generation that would wait for him at his return listen to it I'm gonna read it to you you won't have it Luke chapter 23 verse 28 but Jesus turning into them these daughters of Jerusalem said daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children justice a generation a generation for behold the days are coming into which they shall say blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bare and the paps that never gave suck in other words that waited for the true Messiah then shall they begin to say to the mountains following us into the hills cover us that's when they realize they worship the false Christ at the true Christ's return for if they do these things to a green tree in other words if they do this to the Messiah Jesus Christ when he's in the flesh and blood runs in his veins what shall be done in the dry what are they gonna do with the spirit they're gonna fall off and worship the Antichrist most of them are and what are they going to cry I'm not a widow of a queen and old sister babbling and all those that are deceived by the false christs will give that cry and guess what happens when the true Christ returns just as he warned spiritually barren until the true husband returns no marriage till then spiritually speaking verse 2 of chapter 54 the great book of Isaiah let's go with it enlarge the place of thy tent this is the ones that are barren and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitation spare not and lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes in other words you were barren but you're going to be so blessed and so many are going to be converted you're gonna have to enlarge that depend on your tent and your house in other words because to hold them there's going to be so many and of course naturally when you look forward to that first day of the Millennium when Christ returns every knee is going to bow to him every knee they won't stay that way but they will when they realize they've been had you do not want to be caught in that trap of not having studied God's Word to know the difference between the true and the false your true husband and the fake verse 3 for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left and I seed shall inherit or to rule the Gentiles that should be translated nations and make the desolate cities to be inhabited in other words the nations are going to come forth again every knee bowing to the true Messiah King of Kings Lord of lords the only government there will be at that time verse 4 fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed you're not going to be praying for mountains to fall on you you stay true neither be thou confounded don't you be confused for thou shalt not be put to shame for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood anymore in other words the fact that Christ was gone and and and this should remind you and you should make a note of Revelation chapter 18 verse 7 where the old sister harlot the the sister Babylon says I'm not a widow I'm a queen and the false Christ supports her pays her bills miss Chia teaches her falsely and she loves every minute of it false religion false teaching it's a dangerous thing to go against the Word of the Living God for God has forewarned us chapter by chapter verse by verse Trump by Trump sealed by seal vial by vial exactly how it goes down in the end times and you have you ever read it you know anytime Christ was injured to quote ask a question he would say haven't you read in other words it's written it's all right here why haven't you read it so there you have it so remain true to the true father okay verse five who do you remain true to let's read it in verse 5 for thy maker is thine husband well who made you what the Living God did he created your soul the Lord of Hosts is his name and I redeemed the Holy One of Israel in other words he's the nearest kin you've got and he's kinsman redeemer the god of the whole earth shall he be called in other words Universal Dominion he picked Jerusalem he weds her he made a covenant with her in Ezekiel chapter 16 it's his favorite place not only in the world the universe and that's where he intends to establish the eternal heaven and he shall return the full Godhead will not return thee juror until the end of the millennium but the son returns on the first day of the millennium which is called the Lord's Day how long is the Lord's Day well as it is written in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 7 be not ignorant of this thing for one day with the Lord is as a thousand years with man in other words it's a thousand years meaning the Lord's Day is the millennium it's that time of teaching the time that many that have never had an opportunity to hear the truth they're going to be taught well are you talking about a second chance with so what's being taught by some people some of them don't have a prayer of a chance because they won't study for on their own they won't study for themselves there shouldn't be any great mystery to that verse our husband is our maker that's the truth don't be sold a bill of goods and went out of season and be spiritually impregnated that means in your mind by false teachings to worship the false messiah his message I've come to fly you away a lot of people gonna believe that and that's real sad because they were forewarned in the Word of God exactly sealed by sealed Trump by Trump and vow by mile and the great book of Revelation exactly line on line as to how it would go down see that you one of God's elect those that he thought of as he was carrying that cross up to Golgotha to Calvary weep not for me but weep for those that are that are with child blessed are those that are barren those that wait for me that wait for my return verse seven I'm sorry verse six for the Lord hath called thee as a woman Forsaken and grieved in spirit and a wife of youth when thou wast refused saith thou the God in other words you may this is the during the great apostasy you may feel you're abandoned if you're not careful but if you know God's Word and you won't you know you're wasting your time if you feel that way because God promises I will never leave thee nor will I forsake thee but for that one little period of time the apostasy that's caught that's the falling away that's when the false Christ returns and the world after him thinking he's the true Jesus performing miracles in the sight of people excuse me that deceives the world boy is he going to be accepted by those that are unlearned but you're not unlearned do you know the Word of God and you believe the Word of God and you follow the Word of God verse 7 listen carefully for a small moment have I forsaken thee but with great mercies will I gather thee it may seem like I've abandoned you in other words he's got to give the false Christ that little bit of time but that's when you shine that's what your destiny is as it is written in mark 13 that's when you're delivered up and you allow the spirit the Holy Spirit the spirit he mentioned in in Luke 23 what will they do with this the tree with the blood running in the vein what will they do was my body in the spirit the Holy Spirit you're going to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you you're not going to around with the false Christ and you will do exploits as it's written in the 11th chapter of the great book of daniel simply standing your ground and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak that's destiny my friend and what a privilege to serve the Living God verse 8 in a little wrath just a little bit of anger God is saying righteous indignation I hid my face from thee for a moment but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee saith the LORD thy Redeemer the one that saves you the one that redeems you over and over when you fall short my he loves you he's your father he is so very very proud and and shows kindness toward those that see the truth that care that want to please him that want to stand against the faults when the controversy is between Satan and Almighty God which side do you choose do you listen to the traditions of men that make void the Word of God or do you listen to your father the choice is yours there there what he's saying is there may be seemingly to some just a little rough moment there but hey bring it on we're we're can-do type people we can cut it why because we know that God has given us power as that same book of great Luke st. Luke in chapter 10 verse 18 he gave us power over all of our enemies in the name of Jesus Christ so we don't have to worry about those things we can cut it we can get it done and we will not disappoint the father and that brings many blessings do you know what his reward is for that not tomorrow but today verse 9 for this is as the waters of Noah unto me this is your father speaking for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth so have I sworn that I would not be Roth with thee nor rebuke thee you can count on it in Genesis chapter 9 verse 13 what did he promise he gave us a sign he said every time you see it remember that it's a rainbow every time you see the rainbow it's God's promise that he will never flood this earth with water against Satan's gonna try it but every time you see a rainbow it's a promise to you that God is never going to be angry or walk with you that he loves you and he shows that kindness to you and it is everlasting you know and hard times you need to know this and you need to never forget it that it's a promise from God and do you remember what he said back in chapter 43 verse 26 he said hey remind me of the promises I have made you and let's talk about it well do that that's that's a condition remind him of the promises and talk to God about it talk to your father about it but this this is a powerful promise that he has made us us who you that remained barren when the false Christ comes you that will not be taken in by a false messiah but will love the Living God with all your heart mind body and soul spirit to love ye that will never forsake you and leave you and every time you see that rainbow today it's placed there as a promise from God that he will never flood the earth again but also for you the Behrend spiritually speaking you that stay true that stay true to the seals the trumps and the vials that's to say the Word of God it's his promise that he'll never be angry with you when God's tribulation comes and hailstones are falling on this earth if you're right in the middle of it you don't have to worry he'll protect you he'll guard you you can count on it it's his promise and and I'll use it again just as the three Hebrew children Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when they were in that fiery furnace Christ walked with them and they weren't singed so it is for you and the fiery trials of all the of the end times of Satan's you don't have to worry God has given you the rainbow the promise talk to him about it claiming verse 10 for the mountain shall depart at the end he's going to shake things up and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the Covenant of my peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee that covenant is eternal that covenant is everlasting that promise that he made concerning the rainbow will always be remember it stay true and never I mean even even when the tribulations and the shaking and you see if you're on Christ you're on a rock that can't be shaken anyway so when the end comes you don't have to worry that's what he's saying here verse 11 although afflicted tossed with tempest and not comforted behold I will lay thy stones with fair colours and lay thy foundations with sapphires he's quoting here from revelation 21 18 where he's talking about his election and how that he that he brings all this Indian you know what colors is and Hebrew it's makeup I'm gonna you're gonna look good and then we're not literally speaking that in other words it's gonna be beautiful were you at spiritually speaking all right even though he uses the word make up here stipulate well and I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of carbuncles and all thy borders of pleasant stones again you can read of this in that final chapter where the earth is rejuvenated and we go into that eternity in Revelation 21 18 you want to be there or do you want to be in that other place it's called the lake fire you don't want to be there verse 13 and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord in great shall be the peace of thy children you know when this happens it's in the Millennium and a lot of people will say well I didn't know there would be any teaching in the millennium well God says there will be why wouldn't you believe him that's what it's about you know the traditions of men so make void the Word of God that very few people even have the opportunity to hear the real word of God taught in this generation they have removed him from the schools and they wonder why they have shootings of children shooting each other up in schools you take God out of their environment you know something that's the only place many children even heard of God was prayers in school and it set the morals and the standards in this nation we didn't have school shootings back then well weren't there guns yes there were guns but we had morals we taught children morals we don't do that anymore and that's what you have they will be taught in the millennium discipline and order verse 14 in righteousness shalt thou be established you can care that doing what's right thou shalt be far from oppression we're gonna get rid of anxieties for thou shalt not fear and from terror for it shall not come near thee in other words there will be no terrorist there there'll be somewhere else okay that surely won't be there so you don't have to this is a promise from God you can count on it verse 15 behold they shall surely gather together they're going to come against you but not by me God said I'm not the one that gathers them what well who is that Satan of course wickedness whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake why because God's with us any weapon that is brought against us will fall it will fail why because God is with us he promised it he said it I believe it our Father is faithful to those that truly bring forth his word the truth unadulterated in the traditions of man unvarnished with false teachings but the pure open truth they did that he says what's what he's saying is there will be some people talk against you but that's okay I didn't bring them but I'll take care of them that's what he's saying and indeed he shall verse 16 behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work and I have created the waster to destroy do you understand that God is saying I created the waster to destroy he's saying I created Satan well of course he did he created everything Satan went bad and many people said well that kind of shakes me Apple no it shouldn't what God is saying I made it all I'm in charge I'm in control there are certain things I will let him waste and there is a line it won't be you I will prevent him if he comes against you but what it does it gives you the strength of your spiritual husband which is God the Redeemer and the creator of all things including the wicked so if God owns their souls his souls are that his are his soul their souls belong to God for God to do it as he chooses and sees right and that's why the lake of fire will have company 417 listen carefully and learn from God's Word no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper now I want you to absorb that how many how many of the weapons can prosper against a No zero not a no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper it may waddle along and it may look bad but it's not going to prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord you can count on it now listen I don't want you to read over something that was in that verse because many would say did you hear that any tongue that rises against us God's going to judge and do away with that's not what it said it's not what it said at all well let's go back and see what it said it said and every tongue that shall rise against the in judgment thou you you shall condemn so you see it takes a little work on your part Christ in that great tenth chapter of the great book of Saint Luke and the 18th verse is I four mentioned and this'll this same lecture gave you power over all of your enemies you condemn them and that's why you can boldly go forth and criticized and condemned those that would mock or come against the word of the Living God you don't you have nothing to worry about nothing no weapon that goes against the very works of God concerning the endtime that leads up to the Millennium can prosper against God's elect God's wife those that that God chose before the foundations of this world that he can trust he knows them why because they stood against Satan in the first Earth Age only one-third of the children fell off to Satan in the first Earth Age Revelation chapter 12 verse 4 you didn't if you're one of God's elect whereby Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 says I chose you before the foundations of the earth meaning the word in the noun is cuttable the overthrow of Satan in the first Earth Age I chose you then what why well why would God choose because you earned it he doesn't give free rides you earn it so this is a fantastic chapter this 54th chapter Christ remembered them when he was walking up that hill to Golgotha to pay the price and the price he paid we collect in the very next chapter chapter 55 chapter 55 is given by invitation for those that love him and those that truly do love him and we thank our Father for that chapter 55 verse one whole everyone that thirsteth come ye to the waters and he that hath no money come ye buy and eat yay come buy wine and milk without money and without price well how is it that you can buy it without money because you have to know what kind of wine and milk he's talking about the milk of grace the wine the blood of Christ that washes away all of your sins and water the living water that wants you partake of it which is to say Christ the truth you never thirst again the reason you don't bite with money as he paid the price on the cross he it's not free it cost an awesome price he that wore that crown of thorns he that carried that cross and he that said to the daughters of Jerusalem as he was going up to be crucified to pay this price don't weep for me weep for yourselves blessed are those that we are barren and when he returns of course he's the one that paid the price and when you recognize the fact that he did pay that price then you know and understand that our Heavenly Father loves us appreciates us and certainly we can share in that love and that understanding the fact that he would never never abandon us nor forsake us and that nothing that ever cross that any weapon that comes against us would never prosper this is by invitation God has his election but this is whomsoever will meaning that will believe that will know that he paid that price and he or she that has ears to hear first to report wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which satisfies not hearken diligently unto me you listen closely to me and eat ye that which is good and let your soul delight not your body but your soul the light itself in fatness I don't know how many times have you gone to a church where you weren't fed or didn't satisfy why did you spend your money where it didn't satisfy where it just plugged no truth there no life truth comes from the Living Word there is no substitute for the blood of Christ there is no substitute for the truth that truth is precious that truth is the word of our Father our husband I don't know it is up to you as to which side you choose and whether you want freely that that he has paid for or if you want secondhand hand-me-downs from that will never satisfy true choice he sent you the letter it's yours to read and accept I hope you do don't miss the next lecture all right bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on seed
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 18,173
Rating: 4.8381505 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Isaiah, Shepherd's Chapel Book of Isaiah, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Isaiah, Pastor Murray Book of Isaiah, Isaiah Bible Study, Book of Isaiah, Isaiah 54, Isaiah 55, Isaiah Chapter 54, Isaiah Chapter 55
Id: abbNYucx7ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 31 2014
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