Isaac, Finishing Rogue Legacy 2, Starting Dead Cells

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning good morning gamers how are we doing today [Music] i'm gonna do my daily and now you're gonna bet right now we're gonna have a gamble uh win daily yes no let's give it two minutes people can be able to join in time uh there we go there we oh oh hold up hello diablo slayer sassy gaming no this is this daily was so ass oh who is it magdalene i think let's see let's see i like michael and i think back into this fight feels a little hard having heart containers early is pretty good yet like uh yeah sacrifice room doctor nice streaming experience mr streamer serio thank you for the six months man i was out drinking last night but i'm not dead today i'm fine albino i am here once again kindly asking begging for just a singular kiss one on the cam just for me no i think i will thank you for the bits though [Music] i will not do that how was your deal by now well i woke up another pizza and now i'm here i was i don't know it's just a okay i gotta tape this camera stick like that that's better that's better yeah i just woke up uh was in bed for like an hour you had some water warmed up to pizza and then just uh washed uh some movie for a little bit and uploaded the video i made a thumbnail and garbage [Music] and it's it's it's the best is that logged in i can't tell her so i haven't trained griefing me thank you for that for the sub uh just open that put that there close premiere pro because that's open for some reason post a bunch of [ __ ] hello sassy backer hello players thank you for tier 1 man [Music] all right what what did this slow down man why this is only the slowest character come on come on now oh my god that doggone pepper yeah you know what i don't care shoot me all he wants i got the health for it [ __ ] [ __ ] well we surely got health dude i am so slow oh my god this is gonna be a long one jesus christ is gonna take forever genuinely taking forever and like this we got a bomb so we have that even slower why is this a plane how about a hug then i can sneak in a kiss one for maggots your most loyal maggot thank you very much paco this is terrible this is this this challenge i agree i don't know who actually said that but this daily challenge is ass i don't like it one bit no i can't serve a bit because i'm a big fan of this one three hour stream to mega satan let's [ __ ] go al beast okay we've got some tears that's nice at least can't be a secret from there but and some damage and speed down wait my speed is hero 10 is that webs oh my god i'm slow what the [ __ ] it's not the game being slowed down this is i have like literally zero speed oh my god dude yikes and i got the more speed down in the rock tremendous well if i do find one more coin i'm gonna buy that uh do i even do am i am i'm gonna walk back there to buy that [ __ ] i don't think i am actually jesus christ this is the lowest speed you can have in the game yeah zero point point one is like the lowest you can possibly have it's not it's like impossible to get in the lord on that legit i have five damaging pretty good tears though but like jesus christ i got some range any coiners no all right [ __ ] off then how many times did that go the left two two more achievements cracked crown and uh horf pill once i have those i have that god well i gotta pick up a couple of i gotta pick up the no the crack crown is a trinket actually and horfield is a pill i gotta pick up clear rune no i don't need it anymore there's a there's like four or five items i gotta pick up now to get that gold well at least the game is [ __ ] easy it's not like i'm going to get hit here so we got that going there could be a secret could it be to the left here it could if i get two bombs i might be able to get the boss first thing that'd be nice is that a jarrah oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn okay uh it could also be below here we haven't checked the room below there so yikes it could also be to the left here on top nice got the key are we gaming or not we're gaming we're just gaming really [ __ ] slow neuropathy you can see a healthy american at top speed this is why they have motorized motorized corpse in america because i'm just that's [ __ ] fat yikes i was hoping it would be there i think i'm gonna damage myself down to one health and uh just do it anyways now i can actually check here i think it's i mean i could whatever wow okay more garbage i'm gonna see if we can reroll that i don't know i don't know i don't know i didn't want to see this no more wow dude uh okay it's on top of the pillow it's gotta be on top of that pillow where's the [ __ ] you [ __ ] as zano thank you return subs man appreciate it it will be here though why am i so unlucky with my [ __ ] god [ __ ] damn might be a character so if there's a sacrifice from here though but that would be pretty though but so far these floors are pretty [ __ ] ass no sacrifice either it's over [Music] they can't they genuinely can't [ __ ] move this guys this is gonna be only isaac no i'm gonna do daily and then i'm gonna do maybe some more stuff and then we'll do uh rogue legacy too because i like that game that game is fun and i wanted to play more of it so it's literally the last room that i actually checked which is up here yup tremendous this one that i wanted it to be the least i have two keys in one bomb so i'm gonna go ahead and grab the uh yeah open this with a key and we got [ __ ] diplopia all right i don't know how i'm gonna afford that how do i afford that i want that utility soldiers thank you for prime man i need to get the money this challenge should be called slow and steady this challenge should be called american pov it's not a challenge always daily what the hell is going on hi sek speed very good oh my god we're like almost fast now not really but there could be a quarter in here i'm not sure exactly i have a lot of hearts uh do we want angel rooms um i'll check it oh wow sure i see there's one more coin we got a coin though now listen chad uh what we're gonna do is [ __ ] um find some urns we're gonna bomb those and whatever those urns drop we're gonna jared that and hopefully that will be enough to get me some money to uh buy the diplopia and then i can bring the diplopia to a cool room and get something that isn't garbage that will be the the what we do today now i'm gonna have to get a pretty [ __ ] good coin too or like a bunch of urns like together or something there's nothing down here no oh my god oh my god no this is looking bad dude i guess i'll take that what does zero do it duplicates pickups if there's pickets in the room in the room they will be duplicated everything everything everything just fell into place everything just fell into place my god [Music] my lord [Music] and there we have it there's my money how what's the what's the odds what's the [ __ ] odds of that dude holy [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] and also give me this uh yeah let's take this with me though um we're gonna bring it in here so we can heal before doing the boss i ever have a chance to drop hearts when getting hit combined with the money when getting out potentially a lot i don't think i'm gonna have money issues this one put it that way oh that's nice we got the diplopia and um all as well now what's up now you can't have mods when you're doing daily challenges unfortunately so we're dog stuck with this uh no mods but we got the diploma and i'm gonna check this out because i could use some bombs and stuff and this and this there we go that's better still slow as [ __ ] but oh wait hold let's just grab that i could probably feel myself full but like if i take rather damage next door i'm gonna be [ __ ] anyways so anyways one and twelve cauldrons will have a swallow penny one in twenty one and twenty that's that's you know xl after the [ __ ] oh that's bad unlikely for that i'm gonna get the angel devil now oh well oh nice base i can go fast now why am i getting so many this [ __ ] pill but holy [ __ ] if i find like a money machine i'm going to be rich thank you this is a daily room what is that zero hey that's the like i don't know it's a daily run that kind of feels like a like a low budget challenge like uh yeah [Music] it's like somewhere between a dealer and a challenge i would say look a mix of both it's a daily but it has like some special it's not like a regular run usually dailies are just like you gotta play a normal run with this character that's it but the speed decrease and the two stopwatches makes it feel like a challenge but i mean it's gonna help me get my uh my uh achievements load on this machine and get blood bag for speed yeah see that's that's one thing we can do to speed this up a little bit oh hello i'm gonna go in here now this is probably a bad idea because we're slow we can't dodge him so [ __ ] off i'm too slow he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna run me over like i'm too slow if i had speed i totally no problem but we don't have flying and we don't have speeds that's that's a very bad idea it's just gonna be annoying okay normal pets this is mm-hmm what's this done nice garbage um i'll see if we can re-roll there might be a rear somewhere and if there is we're gonna do that i do not cook my devil chance please oh my god [Music] there we go thank you [Music] i thought i would i thought i would maybe not make that time holy [ __ ] okay die [Music] there we please there we go i could go over there and open that stuff but i'll do it after the boss i think is that what i think it is well we can't use it on uh we cannot use that on um what's called on key pieces because the key pieces are what are the spawn so that's like another picture this will just be used as like a um a regular reroll i guess so what i could do i i wanna what did i have over here that's the foothold okay [Music] okay a moving box or butter will be sick right now but i'll think about it for a bit i want to save the um the the club for an item that has synergy with where like it will help me by letting me pick up two of the same items and like i want to use the knight in the stacks basically that's what i want to do great [Music] the cursed item pool now what i could do is diplopia the blue puppy and the rear only thing get two curse items but i want to check the secret room also because i could do the same with that also let's let's let's just if i can boom can we get two hearts garbage emperor [ __ ] no we'll afford an emperor [ __ ] error walking i don't think i need that i don't think that's something i need right now so cursor motions aren't that sick though i think i'll just reel the blood puppy because that's an item that's just i definitely am not going to get no matter what and then um yeah it's good to have a rear though like hmm [Music] personal rewards items it's like a one time d6 there's so much so much [ __ ] dog [ __ ] here i always want to reorder this like they're so bad [Music] i could do the boss first yeah [Music] password i think about your one man let's just do this i guess can you do both in one go like a very middle well you can nice oh a little bit trash let's do the boss before we do that though okay got my moon spit man oh great refreshing on copium yup thank you for the suburbs like sorry i gotta focus a bit i don't wanna lose my chance if you take a damager i'm gonna have to buy a heart i don't want that that would suck there we go what do we get tremendous oh are you winning son uh not really i'm getting dog [ __ ] this challenge today is working garbage like the the the speed stuff is fine but like the items in there they are just trash angel devil this disappointing all right i guess we'll loose stuff to use it here no sacrifice either oh i didn't actually check the last rooms up there it could have been a sacrifice there ah yikes it could have been there [Music] yeah the items i'm getting here are just sad that's gonna be it's not going to be difficult to beat this one it's just going to be boring because it's so slow great dude a key makes it it's gonna take a while to kill ya all right i'm just getting the most boring [ __ ] [Music] okay dude thanks yep [Music] here's your item sir a couple of bombs yep a couple of bombs i'll just build a little puppy and then take that whatever i get hope it's good can i get the pact or something like no i wanted the 666 symbol so i can get more speed oh my god holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah if i take damage i do a lot i will recharge my item i will get drop a coin i will drop a heart like if i if i do get hit lots of good stuff will happen but jesus christ man i got this guy too i guess we will do absolutely nothing by the way and to the next store we go hopefully there will be something non-garbage there unlike this level jesus christ you also like knock at xl please 71 chance now that's pretty cool okay thank you of course i get speed up immediately yep and there we go what's this screed no grid forget a dream catcher um yeah why not thank you i'll buy that just a safety so i don't lose my chance copium holy [ __ ] it's so slow jesus christ thank you should i should i just do the thing first let's do it into the fire and there we go okay and the one item angel uh yeah no that's fine sure even slower let's just slow it a bit more let's just slow it a bit more more slow don't give me anything good that can like help me do damage and make this a bit faster just make things slower that's fine mm-hmm mrs there we go tremendous what's the challenge it's just it's just a daily this is a daily where you're really slow if i hadn't gotten that like rock damage up this would have been [ __ ] painful i mean it like this painful but a little bit more painful i guess thanks nice sure [Music] well we do have hearts and tears up my tears are really good my tears are like i shoot really really fast but i can almost [ __ ] sway back here fast but man yep and what's this great come back please thank you worms yep they're so slow you don't even get to get up jesus christ there's the item finally all right time to walk slowly all the way to the boss and go next floor i'm not going to diplo a [ __ ] little brimstone if i'm gonna drop if i'm gonna dip or something it's gonna it's gotta have synergy it's gonna have some synergy okay something at all i'm going to get a speed of pill and [ __ ] pill mimic i guess i'll take that how do you have 25 speed because this daily just sets your speed to like [ __ ] zero i don't know why i just thought it would be funny and what's this nice it's actually fast now jesus christ didn't get the item either didn't get the [ __ ] item either by the way didn't get the item then why would i right there we go oh we got money i'm not going to put them on it by the way this is not going to happen okay i'm not going to hit this more because i hate this more i'll get the other engine boss and then i'll get the i want to go to the dork room just yet i mean i could speed up the challenge by doing that honestly i don't know chief i should pretty fast now how are my items is bad oh my god dude i guess i'll take it man death animation is taking so long oh my god just first all right thank you dark crown was like the last item i needed it's like yeah it's good to have if you actually can't rock it but like my build does not really want that build does not want that right now okay that's actually not bad that's a good item that's actually a good idea finally one good thing a good ending yeah i think i'll just have to keep people until i get to the dark room at this point it doesn't seem like nothing else anything else is really worth what's this yeah because i have money so i'm not allowed to use it right [ __ ] that right it's so annoying in this game yeah like you actually get we actually get money and it's like i can actually buy some items no no you can't here's here's greed [ __ ] you more tears just making it a bit faster xd well there's somebody so there's some damage there's some damage that's fine just a little bit probably the worst daily challenge i've ever done because it's just so [ __ ] slow okay i prefer the opposite i like builds where i'm going like super [ __ ] fast that's like what i think is fun the other day i had like more than two speed i think i had like four like six speed or something it didn't say six speed but i i definitely had something equivalent to six bill the other day when i was playing i got the eso junior and eso jr has like a it's like a secret that's like a bug where you can certainly just go super [ __ ] fast all right at that end thank you mm-hmm well something has been one now i guess have you ever played the last yeah beat the game it was fun now what do we get reverse yeah that's a boring one i could bring that i'll bring that i will bring that justice what's called i had the chariot and this is what nice that's gonna be secret room for this floor if i can't be asked to find it if even breadbasket i think what's up man there we go thanks yup there's more what oh my god okay chill i can't actually outrun them oh my god that's worse than i thought nice i believe that why you so [ __ ] speed i would actually argue that i'm the opposite of that but uh it's a day that's weird it's the weirdest daily there we go can you like go somewhere i can actually hit you thank you got the devil dildo what's this do i want that about them it will turn on my horse into red hearts there's a black heart so i don't want that no no no i don't think i will with crown doesn't work we only need to have one heart with that it would have been zero of course get this garbage of course off the course yep and we only go within [ __ ] minus like literally negative speed this is fun nice look [ __ ] oh my god anything down this guy is going to be pain or not now we actually have to explore this level because here there will be a shop i don't know if this makes it spawn a shop in shell but there's only one way to find out at least i don't think it does i can't route on it oh my god wow thanks tremendous okay dude my god [ __ ] bouncing tears dude goodbye all right this would be fine oops oh i gotta get not get hit now because if i do i will lose angel or devil i don't even know where the bullets are yup rip that the bloopy on a single coin i i'm it's like it's gonna be like effectively a [ __ ] uh crooked pen at this point that's the effect i'm gonna get from it i did the giving money why cuz i think what's up man i guess i'll take that oh my god i'm slow i couldn't outrun brim anyway maybe if i was like really close close i could have done it but yes i can just waltz through that though wow [Music] literal garbage curse literal garbage cursed oh my god dude how is that working curse of the trash thanks that's a lot of [ __ ] bullets to jesus christ goodbye what a run okay doesn't the thing the white thing that i pick up and make it so that i will like get things from picking up hearts something today thanks no yeah okay hide behind the [ __ ] oh we got a library though neat i don't know if i picked up any books but i have not there is no shop here okay rip houses run so i don't know dude i don't know i i even got a shop and it's still it's still trash i couldn't even get a good book like oh [ __ ] wait how the [ __ ] do i avoid damage there it's like oh you don't have flight i guess i guess you're dead now see ya you should die sort of the last wow should diploit thanks coins that's exactly what i need maybe it's like a lovers or something at least oh wow okay thanks one good thing they're still fast even in this [ __ ] jesus christ uh hearts okay run all right satan time oh my god i think so [ __ ] all right can we tell our bullets apart honestly thanks there we go no this is going just fine just fine there we go all right longest saturn ever true there we go i guess i got one thing got one good thing the pact i got one good item i mean this is gonna be good for the boss i suppose i'll take him this thing doesn't shoot tears for some reason so he's useless he doesn't actually do anything that's just great wow now isn't that just great resistors go into my thing into my like laser ship okay wow [ __ ] snipe right speed down one any chests he does they're coming from the euro beam though do you think it just puts them in tractor beam yeah probably so i just get double damage and i guess that's pretty cool no complaints there nice yeah he literally just gives me double damage at this point plan c the second phase or no balls does it die in time no because i have to pick up the trophy [ __ ] off one down thank you oh he was actually there still this is gonna be a chest less dark room no chest ever no chests there we go what do we get more garbage holy [ __ ] we actually get to slow down we gotta slow though that's exactly what i needed thank you unreal this game oh yes let's mixing slower thanks wow speed up boy speed up i just lost damage for literally no purpose though not a big fan of that it's fast now so every fourth room let's see a broken stopwatch every fourth new discovered room so three more rooms and there we go dark room or relaxed mega saturn thanks one two oh [ __ ] that three next we go boss and the boss is going to be slowed down to a halt hello my baby are you winning yeah i think i am if it's proc slow down now that would be very funny i think yeah it did it's gonna be even slower now i guess this thing those are some slow bullets okay thanks i can't move it's over like so slow i wonder if they stack these two things i got like more bullets if i screw more than magician doesn't work for the current room it works for 30 seconds or so so when a boss place gets hard i'll lose it or if i start running real low on health or something okay push it to me that's great thanks oh my god bye bye and phase two i think yeah slowly but surely we're getting there hello bino actually backwards and still hit him my range is actually that [ __ ] sick but then they still hit me what the hell i got [ __ ] magician on dude i can barely see the [ __ ] bullets at this point okay okay we've barely got him we apparently got him on the health with [ __ ] slow down oh my god yeah that's a little challenge done oh clap yes yeah i think we do we'll do a bit thank you now we definitely have a five win streak now so i could go in and modify my my like steam achievements to let me make the game give me the crash crown because i should be having the crack crown now but the game is bugged five winstreak and daily list is cracked around like i i have it but hey that's one of the worst daily that's the worst deal i've ever done i'm not going to do that on stream but i'll do it astrum at some point let me get some water real quick though brb [Music] [Music] how does this get spin so much i don't get it every time i come back here i feel like spin the hustle because it's like curled up but i've been literally been sitting on it with it on like how to fix that happen like what it's always the same way too it's always like this way it's wild um i don't really have anything to do i'll just win this game honestly i have done all like i've done all the things sap sunday we can do some msp later i think yeah if people want if people want to play we'll see if people do want to play then we can do that it would be fun another thing i want to do is also is uh ttt velocity is a bit like underdeveloped i hope someone will make a ttt like a remaster of it or something where like people actually have tasks to do like basically among us with guns that would be cool he'll buy a nice dick in awesome balls thank you commodore larper yeah i think i'll switch games to uh the rogue legacy [ __ ] it i want to play it that's what i want to play because it's fun because there i actually have goals to accomplish this game is a good game it's unfortunate spaceman is literally among us with guns yeah okay but it's not ctt so continue hell by the first stream i caught love your naughty videos they helped me get good good that's good magma battle balls yeah i wanna go with this dude i like assassin for those who don't know this is like i have 9 000 oh yeah because with last time we played we made it like really far but we got [ __ ] by a chest um this is expensive but i do kind of want to be able to really in case i get like dog [ __ ] what is good to get though that's the question let's see what runes and [ __ ] we have i like weapons we got sanguine cape can i wear that there we go oh so it's unity level 20 and then uh 50 and 100 so like it doesn't do anything to yeah it doesn't do anything for me right now i'm gotta hit like bunch of marks but like i it says you can like upgrade them i think but it's not available right now i don't know why so it's strange let's get that let's get an armor no i mustn't just max that point or unbreakable snow dash strikes you more damage all right i'll do that can you explain this game this is this i don't know if that's to explain you it's basically it's literally a roguelike that's that's what it is it's like you go into a castle you get through the through the thing it's it's also more metroidvania like nice because you get permanent upgrades like when you clear an area you generally get like an upgrade that has to like dash through certain things like this is the regular dash this is the new dash that i have it goes further also like the one that like there's also a lot that lets me like you can dash once in the air normally but not more but i can dash and if i use this i can dash again so you get some abilities like that that lets you like travel around more and explore the areas um for later um which is cool these are the first two bosses that i've killed the skeleton up there and the other skeleton they're both skeletons everything is a skeleton in this game basically get more weight so you can have more assault yeah it's probably a good idea it's also very punishing this game it's pretty diff thick and especially when you're stupid like that but yeah if you know what the rook like is then you probably know what this game is like it's not overly complicated it's also very surprised to find that like that no people basically almost no one has like played regular legacy one it's a pretty pretty [ __ ] good game you know it's basically like isaac but you find like permanent upgrades uh that you can invest in and have like statutes across like places uh which i'm not a huge fan of but the the gameplay in this in is like really tight so it kind of makes up for it and it's like permanent settlers in my opinion it's not like the end of the world it's just something that i don't prefer really this is like the first area i just went through now and there's like a new biome it's all randomly generated although this one is always gonna be the same i could just let's try the board there this is a new area i haven't done yet i've been ever all of earl won and it's a [ __ ] class game it's really good yeah i i regularly say one is a lot of fun and the second game this one just improves and adds upon like a bunch of like cooling mechanics and [ __ ] i think it's a it's a good continuation you could say still mad at those balls not if i burn you got rough terrain here snow makes you slow okay stuff like that was not like a thing in the first game i can't apparently get out there yet prunings and upgrades to reach those right of course thank you i won't ever play that game yeah literally when i whenever i play a new game whenever i switch games they're like oh no oh no don't play that one play this i'm never able to play this game but thanks for always keeping the vod archive channel updated thank you for stopping by oh this is a bit hard another thing i'm not like a huge fan of is like the [ __ ] you know enemies like this this the skeleton mage that was here is the same as it was on the first level it just does more damage here greetings were max thank you for the sub man um let's do a gamble bd boss there we go because i don't know like i'm doing this game blind so i don't know what to expect in certain points i'm just like doing generic prediction seconds you could say also okay never mind i was gonna say you can you can initiate attacks outside of the red stuff but that's not actually true he will still shoot even a few yeah can't bounce off of them i guess okay okay i meant to drop down there but oh thank you i don't know how i thought that would work out i could have just shadowed around there [ __ ] i keep like forgetting to use abilities here i need an upgrade to get it are we gonna be some regular youtube videos i think so yeah i'm gonna be playing this game a lot so probably like i i'm going to start playing a lot of bunch a bunch of different games now because again uh i've finished life's like i feel like there's not much to do there now i've listened with an old tech marks for all characters all the challenges and i'm just grinding out the last two achievements so like i'm not gonna sit there unless like play isaac for the sake of playing isaac like well there's no worse there's nothing to really achieve i just like doesn't make me like really people need to play i guess this i'm actually remember to use my ability which is nice can wolf jump in this game yes they can that's something i keep forgetting because they don't they don't always jump but sometimes they do and when they do it they can't [ __ ] you up i believe albino don't persuade me i just stopped for the seventh time in a row well uh this area is does it say here yeah risk level three now i've killed the first phase of a boss in a risk level five areas i should be well equipped to deal with this they do hit like like it's relatively hard here and i'm probably gonna get like two or three shot by the boss but i have a oh okay that's i didn't notice that thing these red things here they will uh attack you if you attack within the range like if it's red like this they will attack you and like retaliate if you uh attack anything which is a bit aid but you can you get a that's another thing you get like a permanent ability at some point that lets you just shut them off for temporarily if you get close to them just play dead salts well uh babani yo kitten i'll have you know that i just installed dead cells today and i'm gonna play soon [ __ ] these guys i thought i could space that properly but i should just use my thing right the ship of course okay there's an arrow trap i guess i could just drop like okay where's the where's the child what you just jump over it or you just drop down sometimes they're like traps in this game you don't really make sense look at this guy these guys need to [ __ ] off like seriously thank you oh my god good come over here yeah thank you looking great in health right now but should be fine do you like traps yes i do there's this guy again scam what a nasty room what a nasty goddamn i guess i'll go over here i thought that was a well-known fact at this point i like [ __ ] post about traps all the time well not really maybe maybe not like you know they shoot poop blipples have some thank you again also like rng uh game where like suddenly you will just find randomly find the health that when health and have a health up in a rogue like as you probably know it it's a really big deal you wanna self outwit like once and that was it yeah but i mean on my discord like on my discord server but wait wait there i don't know i used to at least also i wore an install oh to fit and then i wore a made outfit and then a war then i wear something else as well to be outfit oh my god i like in this game you can actually see the zombies before they appear they have like little arms in the snow that's good that was like one of my pet peeves for the first game where like this those zombies would just pop out of the ground and uh in the first game there were no like visual tell that they were actually there which was a bit annoying here's the fair chess we're gonna do that close out of the way fast that spell is not very useful niche spell well that was tight that was tight got them what's this done liberate life force to store health for every second enemy defeated scales within nice that's a good run that's the room that i would think i would want to buy and they carry with me restore health okay we have a heel here should we ever need that i think though don't think i'm gonna go for the max out here unless i find another tree so i can like use one tree to uh gain maximum take damage and then use another tree to heal up there's a little flower here can't really make it though nobody traps for the here i don't really care about that though it doesn't take max healthy yeah it's just those three so like either you take like a massive amount of damage and get half of that i think half as max health or you can just use the other apple to just heal yourself then and there the damage you take from the max health is just so rough that unless you have like a [ __ ] and of lifesteal or like guaranteed heals at some point it's just always bad it's just always a bad deal i just gotta find some unexplored rooms there's one up here to the right i think yeah all right now this i i like about this game is that it's just like a straight up upgrade from the first one for the most part do we have two trees now is that two threes we can take one yeah now it's worth because you can use one to take that and we use the other one to heal up that's exactly that's the only case this is actually worth it because the other one would give us 104 health back which was sick there we go now we just got maxed off we did lose out on two heals though if i should take like damage later but i think this overall is like a pretty [ __ ] good deal as i remember when you were a migrant three days ago and now you are chad defeating bosses on the first run this is the thing about this game is that the game expects a lot of it out of you and once you get like a feel for the for the gameplay i could say there we go and learn how things okay let's listen to this lore uh then it becomes a lot like easier the the game has like a statue creates that you buy outside of the runs but uh in the end it's it's all about like how you can fend for yourself and use mechanics your advantage only father believed me if not for him my brothers would have had me sacrificed years ago no farms no meals no hunting everyone must stay in a natural state we took better care of the land than the lord land cared for us the yields were kept small okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay can i get a i thank for the money though fine secret and it's literally nothing thanks what's this again this is the shop right now it's a lower moment brz balls what insights apparently i should read those because they can like progress the game or something maybe that was a scam though this was a scam shop here i could i can almost do it i can almost do it you need to do a double jumper for those which is a bit rough but there we go lily of the valley that's the breaking bad reference epic it's gonna kill me okay there's room down here i guess i don't think i was supposed to get that i think there's like an heirloom that makes me jump higher or i would that was just supposed to be a big rain [ __ ] moment or something remember a lot of those blue little things like actually oh he [ __ ] followed me with that explosion that's really rough explosion this guy is really bad jesus oops wrong way and i lost coins thank you uh yeah to the right there we go can't reach that but i can kind of poke him a bit i guess that's so tight i'm gonna wait for him to shoot and then just like oh my god i was tired not really worth it like i'm just trying to leech health off them really damaged that would be it would have been a big l boss look at that she won't see anybody she hasn't felt the conservatory a month left on the servatory mods you should stop wasting your time esther and nom i won't open the door unless you have an offering she demands too lily of the valley blossoms but the rs not easy to find okay i have one so i gotta get the other one i know where it is but yeah i just gotta figure out the puzzle to get it so getting through this boss cost result basically oh yeah that's interesting i'm bad i know you can bounce off them i know we can kick them i know you can do that yeah see they have that yellow glow which means you can do that i just do a bunch of damage that's not good there we go it's more money uh the lily is like to the left and the bottom lefty i think that's what it is done pretty much everything here at this point so i just got to figure out how to get it there's some sort of jumping puzzle and i swear to god you're probably in there look to get it like you gotta jump up there somehow you drop them here that's you dash off of that drum down there you jump off of it dash right and then you're kind of dog stuck in there like how the [ __ ] are you supposed to get up there i don't know there's nothing more to bounce off of that's why i'm thinking of that like i got the first one but like i said kind of a bug like i was supposed to have an airline to get that that's the feeling i'm getting it wasn't a portal the portal is the portal resets it the portal is recently back to the beginning more or less with question mark that was the top left what was that again let me just double check that this is the scam shop yep you go up left up hopefully don't get molested by arabs what's this one it was yeah this is another one okay so it's like it's cocking you upwards can't you spin jump into dash after you pass the first spikes no i can't get higher like vertically i have good horizontal movement but i don't have like i can't dash upwards i can only dash like to the side so unless there's something to bounce off of over there which there isn't like you can jump off these things but like i feel like i'm feeling i'm missing like an heirloom or something well there's something to this room up here that i'm missing if there was an enemy here i can get it yeah there's like nowhere to really bounce here can't get it if i had the ibs thing probably missing double jump yeah maybe double jump is something uh i need to do this but i don't know where i get that maybe there's like a i don't know what that is there's an heirloom to the right there that's an heirloom literally if that is like something i can get to which i don't think i can by the way maybe maybe i just dash like into the [ __ ] ocean and then something happens i have 190 health i might as well try no there's like literal heirloom in this area waiting for me i just gotta like try getting to it i guess that's probably what i need the first uh lily of the valley i got is probably just like an oversight by the devs that you can like do a short hop into dash and dash twice in the arrows or like spin drum twice in the arrows so i kind of sequence break that but that doesn't help when i don't have the other literally because you could have both to get to the boss this is what i'm thinking like below the waterline i've tethered i would rested on the rope to the heirloom okay yeah i see so i can't get it headless separates probably double jump yeah it's a double jump okay that explains it wait why didn't the trigger what the hell i was too early on the inputs okay it's over all right you don't recover the double jump when you do that when you spin dash though yeah you recover your dash but don't do double jump nope well that's so nice you're gonna keep the combo going in there yes oh my god disguster is let's reset to get the jump back didn't need it though yes oh my god i can't double jump if i yeah there we go got it good afternoon wilston now we can double jump we can get the thing i got health from doing that i was not nearly that healthy when i came here this means there's probably a way for me to get the heirloom in the um study let's do a study most likely there is special from the little valley wasn't like on the top or top left though so much we'll just walk there but oh my god beating the the chest boss now like in sticky and study is gonna be so much easier with the double jump no wonder i was struggling with that ball so much when i can't even i i was sequence breaking so i didn't have the heirloom to beat the boss like i did beat the first face but the chest part would have been really easy with double jump i think oh nope next one there we go that's literally you just gotta that's it okay we got two of them epic i could just go here actually any balls watch other balls great oh this is not actually a connecting area it shouldn't go here oops we'll get some health back 20 when we go into the bathroom so i should be fine either way should be fine but i haven't learned her move sets so it might be a bit aids why am i not looking at the map there we go i only need two lilies there's no as far as i know there's no point in having a third all right let's go doors now forever open we don't have to we don't have to collect those again my wife no i just like leave thank you so second face too there we go oh no so that's too bad right right come on england i think i got her first try okay not bad not bad at all now is there a mimic boss is it gonna be a [ __ ] mimic this time i hope not ah very good very good very good very good thank you third boss done and i didn't get a single [ __ ] trinket or whatever all right she's dead sleek instead it would be the next one and then this is sun tower now actually let's see what the sun towers difficulty is that would be it doesn't be the one after study it would make sense this one is fine i think stinky and study is the one that's like number uh again is probably for them into this oh cool okay voidlifts research your dashes okay cool but we're not going here yet access monday we could go over look for some uh trinkets awkward thanks for the bits man let's just go get some hp and some trinkets and [ __ ] before we go into the study i feel like i could really use that i like this area i'm stupid i'm just why did i do that getting way too cocky here double jump yes the timing man how do i get that one it's a little bit tricky somewhere right i've seen this just so many times and i've never found out how to get there gamba yeah sure game is pretty cool i definitely recommend it if you like if you like roguelikes i would recommend this game but it's not it's not like finished yet so maybe hold off wish list that and then you know take it from there i guess i can get this nice just in case i get some hints i didn't know the lore was actually important but i guess it is to some degree there we go health good i think the double jump is so [ __ ] nice dude i had to use the down kick instead of a double jump i'm done ah [ __ ] it no more not yet that's that's just not worth the [ __ ] off welcome to the video nataling thank you for the best aqua what's this then and a thing that i want nice and this but this is real this one is good definitely gonna get the that's one of the better ones this one makes so that if i kill it if i kill six enemies um i get a shield to block one the next source of damage and one enemies do like you know a sixth of my health or more it's good to have charlie chili think of what's up man i'll try to chill rather there we go would you be a chester though i can definitely get okay thanks the gameplay in this game is actually so [ __ ] tight it's unreal how like good it feels to move around and like when you when you when you like execute things well it's really good the bruxism thank you for the prime do you like roguelikes at two more than the first oh yeah 100 100 it's it's like such a huge improvement it's tremendous because they added so much more to the game and made it like sort of like a more like metroidvania focus where like you will get permanent stuff that will not make you like super strong well they kind of do but time limit wait what okay okay i just get greased where'd i go now [ __ ] it up no it's definitely better the graphics are much better the like basically everything is better oh double jump i keep forgetting a habit well i can't bounce off those why did i think i could do that now i'm just [ __ ] up i'm really [ __ ] up right now jesus recipe moment scholar trinkets another one of the lists thank you we're gonna have two bosses one run we just might there we go i was always scared to do this chest now i'm not because i know i know it's fine i got the hang of the game thank you looking at full health now which is pretty good uh europe just 200 damage there's a cooldown i don't want that this one costs 44 so i don't want that either not good for bosses anyways i want if i'm gonna get the 44 one that's going to be the one that applies burn which is pretty sick this is just aids i think i should just go to the study and do the boss now i think i will yeah we're almost at the end here i feel like hitboxes have important have improved a lot since roguely c1 from just watching your gameplay uh kind of the the i think they were always fine in my opinion but maybe yeah i mean they're definitely better but not but like there wasn't that much to improve on like they were pretty tight in the first one i do like though that on some maps like this the map this the like screen is zoomed out a lot so you get to see everything i wish the game will had like an option where you could just do that manually but yeah the risk here is yeah four so this is this is i've like beaten the first main face of a boss here but the second phase was like a mim the chest that spawns afterwards with like a mimic and i wasn't able to get that but with the new double jump it should be okay nice i had the shade though i think that's where the shield is epic i love it so much it's gonna get more procs on my shield again so that i think that was like a solid 70 damage dodge that otherwise would just [ __ ] me up and now we need one more to get it again i hate this guys what oh there was a knife the axe didn't take too much damage would have taken a lot more if i didn't have the shield ready i think i just got it before i got hit the second time there so that's good there's a study hall two rooms to check out i guess this thing i found two of this every unique really increases your damage by eight so it doesn't do anything on its own but it still costs 34 that's like a really bad relic that's a really [ __ ] [ __ ] here we got a heal again so should i need it i have it would like more roguelike you can see or release two no i said earlier i like to way more 2 is just really good it just improves in the first game by like a lot of things that the first game was like kind of lacking like oh i forgot about this platform cx a lot of the things that the first game did not do well this game kind of like fixes though it also implements a lot of stuff that fits well with the game and just makes it better like it's just straight of a better game in my opinion no doubt they've had more time to think about how they want to do things when it shows right okay i did not need to trigger that whoops there we go didn't take damage because of my tremendous trinkets being able to do [ __ ] like that is just so satisfying this game like my options for roommates now are so big there's so much i can do there's just so much within my control that i can do to just avoid damage outright it's pretty sick now my shield is up again that's good oh they shoot those this room again well i could just there we go you're gonna barely have time for this yeah oh [ __ ] that's tight i really appreciate that like when he has all of this swing his sword the hitbox doesn't linger on his leg on his sword that makes sense oh come on there we go okay challenge nice now we can may get a rune yes that's bad timing is aids okay okay the [ __ ] maggots really did we do have a heel though in the study so it should be fine stone rune core more ore gain more ore all right but unlocking runes is never a bad thing these things are annoying there we go here's the boss so we could go for him now but i think i'm gonna go that fruit first to heal up and then we will go for it but i could check more rooms i suppose okay i think i will oh that's terrible fighting looks similar to yeah yeah it's pretty similar you even got the pogo you can dash on top of people like this with your sword but there was enemies there i don't think i want to do that or do i know what we're regarding it's just a lock i forgot to jump i'm done it's a lot of [ __ ] things [ __ ] it let's just go get health i've walked into it i'm done i walked into him i'm gonna die oh what a room i didn't [ __ ] max money let's get that here not this one half health now i got i think i'll go to the first area teleport there and uh see if i can farm some stuff i can do this easy let me just recharge my uh my ability i can do this no problem here just go down to recharge it that purchase is basically just free um i just gotta we get my ability back it's ready let me just form some hp i got it in order this time i don't know what this game wants to do there's a question mark here but i don't know what the mark is meant to be let's just go get the fair chest at least and then form some health in here afterwards i play dead cells yes and i will play it when i finish this logan i beat in this game i'll be dazzled i think or hollow knight either or maybe a bit of both with the whole night a bit of that cells what's this the one yeah there we go you see that's why this class is good in your heirloom with again an additional double jump nice let's go and play ng plus i mean no i think at that point i'll just switch games and wait for them to be more content than this one because there are some unfinished areas and stuff now we have a teleport to the boss side but i'm just going to go explore the first area and get some hp back some low risk low risk gaming please i got stuck on hollow knight after getting the first standing lamount well for i remember from one of the electing mushroom ending you basically need to google it like it's impossible to find it yourself other than that you just gotta like get good xt hello everybody welcome to hell i guess that same [ __ ] uh trinket again by the way great knuckle pill is good 44 i'm gonna have a lot less max health but it's gonna give me sick damage let's go for it now almost knocks off now we can just go to the boss throne and we'll get our health back when we enter the room that time let's hope it works out if i got two bosses in one [ __ ] rundown basic right this is explosive dog [ __ ] my [ __ ] bell wasn't ready did my double jump work what the hell oh my god dude this is not gonna work out i think holy [ __ ] it up this bad oh my god thank god i have that ability i don't want to be in the middle but he's almost dead but he had a little ball under the ground ah that sucks there was a little ball under the ground that i didn't see man [Music] let's go valkyrie yeah i forgot about the balls yikes no what's the three faces anyways okay so that's uh that's the timeout i already knew about that but i don't mind spoilers in my chat uh is this really just sacrifice down one percent like is that really worth it i don't know just get some weight [ __ ] it to get more assault until the warden caps i can't get like why am i heavy now i was not heavy earlier what armor plus three it's like the ruins i guess old game plus 10. and you can't upgrade them i don't know why i can't do that defeated that's good i want that yep chris moves a bit [ __ ] it i can't afford x stupid armor weapons you need to find recipes again okay so you need to double them up and then buy okay did you play this that sucks no i did not i will probably eventually but not yet i have it installed and i'll get it when i when i get it i could just go for the boss last night like i could just grind him the only the only thing that would be bad like yeah let's just go to stay again and i i i do want to get like my result to be like around 100 because 150 resolve like i have like unspent points basically that i want to spend getting something um it's just gonna be a bit of a grind to get it there we go oops i think what's up mr big rig okay got them [ __ ] coins let's remind this i don't want to [ __ ] with that almost took damage got it twice yikes you haven't locked the gunslinger glass they are the best uh i haven't tried it yet i haven't been locked but i didn't try them i'm not gonna go for the pizza here i think this weapon is nice i like it a lot don't know how that didn't hit me but anyways [ __ ] off not gonna [ __ ] with that literally have not found a use for that [ __ ] yet i guess when i find like duplicate recipes it's gonna be nice to have the the ingot so what what not got a heal here critical chance up is good i'll get that that's a very nice one plus 10. and we have a healer just in case there's some damage before the boss is that walking through got him you haven't unlocked again yeah i ordered that please blink to a good game i didn't really like spelunky i'm not gonna lie like i know a lot of people like that game but it's just not for me i think didn't enjoy it too much honestly can you [ __ ] off from where i want to go thank you oh we've got him already nice all right let's go have you played darkwood yes i liked it the other group was a nice game it lingers for a bit yeah i actually didn't know that i was close to [ __ ] up oh my god the platforms are griefing me i forget i forget about that wave every time dude there we go [ __ ] off okay nice ability man good [ __ ] did we get to play gun stringer no we don't deflect uh what's that synthesis that's fine i can get that above 50 deal more damage nostalgic i'd rather be it again starts with the good little trinkets i forgot what the name actually is but i just call them trinkets [ __ ] it the biggest 15 more damage basically remember one of the streams you said you'd play ds2 what about it there is a mod called gs2 poorly translated that i do want to try but like if that's all it does i think i need more than that to justify playing the game again need something more than that back off actually stalling you're not gonna cook me out of my chest okay sorry but it's not gonna happen okay [ __ ] i can't get there dude yikes there we go i don't know why i wanted that money so bad but i did i guess it's not going to come down jesus a thing warden chest finally what is this switch talents kinetic reel i don't know what that is there's 50 it's 50 years old 34 suede what's this well i didn't need to reload anything i had a [ __ ] lance not sure what i mean now we know it's it's this [ __ ] gunslinger ability but he needs to reload the [ __ ] and i don't have the result for this or that sad but at least i know the healer if i need that i guess let me find the boss though for the boss side oh my god we just got that rare i'm getting so many of these now that i don't actually i can't actually take them that's great i really wanted to enjoy that enjoy yeah i really wanted to enjoy that ball but i couldn't i want to avoid that that's what i was saying okay dude we have a heel though yeah having double jump is super nice super nice okay sure resolve work at the boss play to the right to the right we go there's this thing i had to either take scat coins or that great damage or damage make your choice let's get the health [ __ ] it i'm already [ __ ] up there we go of course i get healthy i don't need it well i wasn't full but that was tight i really wish i had my regular ability now thanks boss please don't get i already done this one here with double jump this should be fine now yeah literally brainless mode now thank you don't know what those are for yet but i guess we'll find out eventually back off i'm just gonna leave the game will allow me to jesus christ there we go boss let's go win maggot well without my deflect getting past those like orange like fire protectors is gonna be tough but you know what whatever why oh my god i was like on a [ __ ] tip this one's going to be a bit dated too and i keep forgetting about that last week every time dude let's run this remember the last one the [ __ ] shadow wave okay dodge through that [ __ ] very good over here thank you yeah i had nowhere to go there i think no mana okay i kind of [ __ ] it up from the start you got this no i don't think i do i think i'll beat him in like the next try or so we got a small gunslinger though being small and using guns is probably not a bad idea though applies boar burst dwarf version [ __ ] mode why not now let's see if we can get some stuff you are tiny uh well i'm actually gonna wear that though am i what about the runes okay that's pretty sick okay a bit faster i got 1009 on the gold should i use them look it you can aim it yeah but i'm using controllers i'm not gonna do that i use d-pad i don't use uh and it looks like i don't use analogy for platformers because that's there we go i think small is probably gonna be nice for us oh he hits hard too jesus christ all right jesus he does have a reload time which is kind of aids to get used to i think but do the damage in the range jesus this feels like a really strong class honestly i think his range would be bigger probably if i had um didn't have like tourism than that though it's pretty strong it's gonna take a little time to get used to it but yeah without actually like a keyboard and mouse i think this would be a lot stronger what if i keep it there oh a [ __ ] coin right oops yeah like if you use ski with a mouse this is like a super good character but i use controller so it's a bit dates because i can only shoot in those directions and maybe it's worth switching for this but yeah i basically have to switch when i want to aim but it doesn't have like any ability to like dodge attacks i still think the assassin is the best one but this is pretty good there we go got a heal nice that area he just destroys the [ __ ] oh my god we got two nice let's do that don't here get that former lust back to polo that's pretty sick holy [ __ ] oh but if you reload the real at the wrong time it's bad it's gonna [ __ ] you up you can just hover in there and [ __ ] those guys up that's really nice you're being shielded by something there's no elite stuff like that i just suck at aiming though huh let's go just go up kind of a big spread lastly but i could like stand here no it's only big spread lion it's weird pretty good what the [ __ ] okay thanks i should have read that i should have read that honestly i probably should have read the thing they'll probably let me know what exactly what to do or something this character is nice but getting caught lacking no bullets would really suck okay it will help good doombusses in here found the study we have 150 results so we could pick up a thing but there's just maximum there we go i still haven't tried either of these actually 24. that's right okay instantly defeat next one it's like a worst version of the scene i wonder what sueve does is like press crit or something hey or dps okay so i mean you have to reload anyways like i don't understand you you could reload normally or you could reloading it they get more damage like what do you choose there we go let's try it out right after you reload the election damage okay sounds good that does cancel oh this is bad this is bad i [ __ ] it up is it very good oh that was their [ __ ] all that reload the idiot first face done first fist down how the [ __ ] so that's the second spine okay he one shots me jesus all right sure shoot up oh i can just shoot up literally ah dumb person gravity beam now it was a good reroll i'll try i'll try if i can that person yeah listen i didn't know the exact range of those explosions okay i wasn't aware just for your information i did not know basically we're going to be doing some live stealing and with this car like with vampirism it's different than the first one this vampirism is actually good for uh bosses in this when you have the actual trait because it deals it heals you based on your damage not on kills so if i take damage i can heal it back with vampirism so if as long as i just don't [ __ ] up like four times two times two three times in a row i should be good i should be good i got like 15 health per hit it's pretty sick that hits 150 though i take more damage but i heal it back pretty fast oh it comes from there that's fine sure okay again so now getting the max from those trees is really good because we're gonna just heat let's push it right back up again basically you're [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] nice pizza do i go for the pizza with the pizza is good yeah i'll get the pizza [ __ ] it pizza's nice vampiric pizza my spell though is not going to see much use but it's a big kind of stick i'll stick that chest i think someone didn't get hit by that chest but yeah i'm gonna complain about it cool come on come on in good luck [ __ ] off gaming am i right thank you for the sub man gaming okay free money let's go goodbye left then up here uh we got 20 resolve block damage hector salam 24 that's so that's fine let's just try that okay so if you're below i did more damage sure that's good because then i'll be able to heal back more efficiently okay perfect oh we're really low now jesus i'm gonna get one shot i'm gonna have to just heal up quickly 150 now but we do get hit for 150 years i'm gonna be a bit careful it needs to be physical how does it like farm this guy for health yeah i can abusing game mechanics boys i guess it doesn't get deleted when it dies based wait where does it go cheating stop pogba why does it do that you can plug yes pizza what oh my god this [ __ ] game that should be enough you probably have to go that this way to get to the boss anyway so let's finish them off one more time which will help and which will help your thing or not wow the [ __ ] timing of this guys he hit me for 200 holy [ __ ] the damage the deal that's insane yeah i i didn't think i would take that much more damage but that's this glass jesus that's working bro so longer that i can space out the hits that i take they should be fine this open is really good for clearing out those little ghosts though okay oh no three nice the boss is here yes we can just heal on the boston let's just go in with like [ __ ] no health and hope for the best pizza is very good for bossier oh god i got hit also good for this spot specifically because it's good at clearing us those little ghosts these [ __ ] oh bad let's get the felt back shall we that's good but we got this space now we can heal on the chest okay it's a spicy piece he got five health from killing him that's also good i guess oh no [Music] that's oh man there we go all your coins not i don't think they do i don't think they do i true because like you can heal back if you get it once but like you really need to yeah let's try this guy i killed him pretty fast though so that's nice oh yeah vampire trait just means that i get i heal back on hits but i take like [ __ ] uh 150 or like 200 damage so yeah basically i teleported to the wrong area well basically they they kind of [ __ ] me up if i do get it that sounds not worth it at all no it's actually good like in that fight i got back to maxwell pretty easily so like if you again it's like if you take a hit you can just come back like pretty easily but if you get it like in quick succession then you're kind of [ __ ] basically what did i turn around what the [ __ ] wow this is justice okay at least it's cool it comes out that attack comes out pretty fast okay great today those things did like 30 damage compared to like the [ __ ] 300 they did last time this is really good knockback too like it just keeps you in place got them again this is a move that i don't really like too much because it keeps you in place in the air and on the ground just a bit annoying yes i'm almost hit just to go right there no where the [ __ ] do we go down down and then right maybe it's an heirloom no it's a another thing no i could just not attack them [ __ ] let's go some rats all right nothing here what the [ __ ] do i go to the boston institute left i can go left over there good of course wait what is it connecting over either freaking convoluted levels man oh my health why chris just one shot and that's nice so down left here i guess i was tired yes i can charge into bullets that's stupid it locks you in place like that which just leaves you vulnerable to so many things which is not a big fan of that got him it's a mimic don't touch it i'm guessing it's to the this way [ __ ] [ __ ] did they come from [ __ ] okay now there's some health albino what is this game this is a rogue legacy 2 good game i like it i could switch the boxing gloves but that doesn't really build up my i'm not gonna build up my shield really fast isn't it but i don't like it i don't want to be locked in place in the air more than i have to you can't jump out of it either like you have to wait for it to stop and then you can like jump out just aids do you prefer this to the first this one by far i don't like dragon lesser though their attack is just too laggy it's like yeah it's good damage but it's just too [ __ ] laggy now we got a tiny tiny thief that's perfect very good well that's going to be really rough for a chest fight though a chest sprite is going to be really rough with this better think about it [Music] it's gonna be scuffed because my blades are gonna be so small super tiny isaac when we wanted to play isaac i just did my daily other still decent size i think definitely good enough right i'm bidding him and now with this would be cool because we will get more money because we're small we're tiny thank you oh there we are okay let's go alone you think you'll be streaming it until you get completely burnt out on the game oh yeah i'll finish it oops and this is where being small hurts because like i could have gotten a little damage there normally whether there's [ __ ] him up there there we go perfect we can't aim it up for sitters oh that was so close it's going well i'm taking damage before so there's that oh thank god i got them cleared stairs too oh i turned the wrong way [ __ ] good okay [Music] okay first place first face done but now comes the cancer part now this oh this spell that i have is not gonna do much against this chest it's gonna be like impossible because just like he's too [ __ ] oh that's not good i don't know what spell is like i think it's gonna do i can't really attack him can like if he does the run attack there with this [ __ ] coins then i'm [ __ ] because he will lose a bit bash into me you know like that that's the worst that's like what i'm afraid of really wait this home after me okay i can actually stall enough in the air for that to just not be a thing yeah i'll just avoid that all together it's too random i got him i think yeah yeah i think i did i think he's dead real chest now okay there we go okay very nice very nice believer payout good [ __ ] finally that's that that guy was rough that guy was [ __ ] rough holy [ __ ] i got going with plus 30 gold that's nice pretty dope goodbye being small is epic oh where did they jump what the hell i actually completely avoided that what that little jump look what are you kidding me oh my god dude that's so dumb okay okay not sure that's fine that's fine it just got clapped by nothing push the [ __ ] into me good good good yep why not what's up here actually the skill is locked through all the worldly means okay nice uh can i buy something neat over no here gold let's go i'm gonna play metroid red when it comes out uh maybe i'm not really too hyped about it to me metroid is a metroid prime i don't really care about the other games to be honest get gamba yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna just put some mood food in the microwave i was like [Music] so so give me [Music] you know what this is can anybody guess what this is any any any guesses berries you gotta be more specific than that watermelon [ __ ] rosenberry are you getting somewhere getting somewhere which ones not strawberries i'm gonna eat them with my with my with my my dinner lincoln bears there you go those [ __ ] picked by my mother good [ __ ] i just gotta like warm them up in my hands a bit oh they're so cold food is almost done i just gotta like yeah take it on the plate and then uh put this in the microwave for like i think one minute and then that should be good to eat almighty mama stream one i think she actually has been on stream a couple of times when i lived in my mom's place um like i lived in spain right and i had to go back to norway because of cobit um because i didn't want like be in a foreign country during a pandemic that would kind of suck so i moved to my mom's place and i lived there and streamed there for like almost a year during that she did come up on stream a lot she would come and like give me dinner and stuff like that and sometimes one time she like came up and took my alcohol she just like came and took the wine bottle i don't remember why why did she do that oh because she gave me some wine and i took the entire bottle up and she got mad she choked me because of it yeah yeah wait was that because was that why she choked me what why did she choke me again she came up on stream and like behind me i didn't see it i didn't see it and she like came from behind and just choked like that i don't remember why she did it for some reason she was like pissed at me or something yeah i don't remember why there was a reason for it there was like a good reason but uh i don't know but anyways the food is done [Music] hmm yes [Music] [Music] bear with me chad i need to microwave the berries you can't have what i'm about to eat you can't eat it without the lingenberry it just doesn't work it would be terrible i need to heat him up and just get him uh you know into the thing brb so um there we go alright all good now this is some good food some good [ __ ] oh my god what is it i can show you we got uh meatballs lingenberry jam pea stew and potatoes it's a very like this is like the most common microwave food in norway it's nothing really special it's pretty good though like it's very tasty the reason microwave food is actually really [ __ ] good no it's not ikea food okay cope panther thank you for what's up man let's watch some video while we eat this what should i watch what have you been watching um let's watch employment's nintendo video in my my last video i talked about the wizard of oz a work of art so beloved that it overshadowed the horrifying gauntlet of trauma endured by its cast and crew the studio behind the film was mgm a company that for generations single-handedly carried the film industry on its back decades later you could have said the same thing about nintendo and the video game industry in 1983 the u.s video game market crashed in just two years industry revenue had plummeted by more than 95 percent atari the leading american games manufacturer was forced to bury more than 700 000 unsold cartridges in a new mexico landfill the state of the video game industry was in shambles providing ample opportunity for one japanese company to pick up the pieces in 1985 nintendo released the nes in the united states a console that rejuvenated consumer confidence in gaming in its darkest hour the video game industry was rescued by a mystical company from a far away land many fans of gaming have come to see it as a miracle by 1988 the nes accounted for a 70 share of the video game market and the industry was poised for its most prosperous period yet nintendo inherited the exalted title the savior of video games now nearly 40 years and six consoles later the warship is far from over [Music] come on where are we going the neverland you'll never grow up there modern-day disciples of nintendo span a variety of denominations together they form one of the most loyal followings for any brand in the world however despite the daily outpouring of reverence and adoration nintendo receives from its fans the sentiment is far from mutual recently it's been quite the opposite in fact the past 20 years have shown us that nintendo's most passionate supporters often wind up becoming their most forsaken last year i posted a video about hungrybox and competitive melee it's a video that features many layers of conflict one of which was nintendo's antagonistic relationship with competitive smash super smash bros was never designed to be anything other than a party game but developer intentions wouldn't stop some players from reinventing the game in their own vision the rush development of melee led to a series of engine exploits which pushed the skill ceiling of the game to the limits of human ability but it was so frame perfect i felt like literally an explosion in my hand these unique mechanics transformed the game into a competitive spectacle and one of the first video games in america showcased in sanctioned esports tournaments mlg hosted melee tournaments as far back as 2004 predating even the earliest call of duty championships at the time the esports industry was still in its infancy and super smash bros was in prime position to lead competitive gaming into a new era unfortunately nintendo wasn't on board with the idea of their game being played competitively at all lead developer masahiro sakurai made it his mission to all but erase competitive play in the next installment of the series no contest melee's defining mechanics were neutered if not outright removed in its sequel a deliberate design decision by the developers who feared that melee's competitiveness was intimidating new players considering that melee was the best-selling game on its system it's tough to justify that wave dashing had any effect on casual players reception towards the franchise across all of gaming it's very unusual for the skill ceiling of a game to actually affect the enjoyment of new players even games as simple as tetris and chess see highly competitive top players utilizing extremely advanced strategy yet they remain two of the most played games in history in melee the competitive community at the time only represented a minuscule fraction of the total players and it's very likely that the vast majority of nintendo's customers didn't even know they existed the company's insistence on specifically punishing competitive play is truly bizarre and possibly unprecedented among the entire industry in the end though dynamic and nuanced play was sacrificed to appease the casual player base who in all likelihood would have still enjoyed the game regardless removing competitive techniques from future titles is one thing but deliberately sabotaging competitors from enjoying an existing game is a whole other level of petty mlg's original run with melee ended after 2006 but it was originally supposed to continue into 2007 and beyond the organization was allegedly pressured by nintendo to drop melee from its pro circuit so as to not interfere with the release of brawl while other esports at the time were beginning to prosper competitive melee was subject to a dark age that would persist until 2013 when the community raised enough money to earn a spot at evo of course nintendo infamously tried to revoke evo's rights to stream the event a decision so unpopular that they were forced to back down less than 24 hours they're literally still doing this i think it was uh i tweeted the other day that like good morning i hate nintendo that's because like they they had a recently i think it was called riptide they had to did they have to pull the game off of the tournament because nintendo was like oh no you can't you can't play melee because merely it's old and people should play ultimate they're just like nope can't play it and has been heavily publicized but it wasn't the first time nintendo tried to black out a smash tournament in 2010 mlg hosted their one and only tournament for brawl a tournament that was never seen by anyone outside of the venue nintendo refused to allow mlg to stream the event and unlike the case with melee a few years later brawl stream was never reinstated nintendo's contempt for competitive play is something not seen by that's been source on my jacket i gotta get that off it's stupid look it's like nintendo they're they're like uh they make decent games they make good games they've like recently i think they're getting something kind of [ __ ] like mario disables kind of garbage um did you mario party was dog [ __ ] it's not like banger after banger anymore they still make good games like breath of the wild and you know super smash ultimate some degree but they're they're just [ __ ] they're just pieces of [ __ ] practically any other big name game developer it's common practice in the industry today for developers to bankroll big tournament pots because it's fairly well understood that a healthy competitive scene contributes to a more engaging product for all players while competitors in most esports bask in hundred thousand dollar prize pools smash players have to act graciously for simply being allowed to play at all nintendo is not just indifferent to competitive smash often times they are actively malicious 2013 saw the release of project m a modded version of brawl which combined its existing roster with melee's mechanics over the next couple years project m tournaments grew in popularity to be on par with melee in viewership and attendance but then nintendo said no you can't have fun yikes they're just [ __ ] that's not even mentioning i think i i think at some point in the video it's probably gonna mention how nintendo like talked over youtubers basically for a long time on youtube they don't do it anymore i think but they do they do just like outright copyright they used to like not let you show gameplays of their game like back in the day like if you're a nintendo game gameplay in the video you're just like no you can't have that nope nope guess we're going to the sun tower now aren't we 39 max hp for like all my [ __ ] health jesus oh [ __ ] thing i thought i was gonna be able to double jump there but thank you holy [ __ ] instant death okay great that's a lot of work for one chest i think i just keep reading this so they're still appearing okay okay dude there we go opening chester was doors health um skeleton key i don't really want that i think i'll pass i still don't know what the secret in here is you think you could check out the voiding of some time not right now never heard of it it's a lot of [ __ ] soldiers but then i want to promise anything promising give me any promises that i can't keep nice camera you want gamba i don't know what to gamble on i mean i guess the next boss would be like in the sun tower or something i don't even know if like i'm able to go to the boss yet like that's the problem let's do a gold gamble let's see if i can collect a certain amount of gold there we go 7k this is an area we can't go to yet it's a lonely stream why did i bother so you can't go here the fish run fish on dry lake under construction that's like an early access type thing basically whether i keep doing that when i'm maxed out for anyways okay that's that's that i think he removed small protectors that's actually a really good spell honestly because this character kind of lacks that like oh you can only do the melee attacks i should probably make the doubters mod by taking that [ __ ] it yep yes oh yes okay i think yeah i'm on overcharge below 50 health i don't really want that can i get like one good uh trinket i'll buy more drink of heroes i guess six on the sixth health problem now that's really good took a while to get there oh okay so you don't actually get the health and the [ __ ] uh charge you consume it okay so we don't go there the study is done we don't have to do that we could go to the sun tower or just completely [ __ ] up that or i could farm gold here and like these things increased more damage more mana uh forget that resolve is just like a currency if you have if you have a more than 100 or so then you're fine if you get below 100 then you start it's like the percent of result we have below 100 is like your max health so if you have 50 result then you will have like your health cut in half uh but if you have 154 then it doesn't do anything so as long as you don't go below 100 you won't face any consequences but i don't know if getting quick damage and this is like really worth um this character doesn't create much as far as i can let's go to the sun tower yeah present above the earth health bar so like yeah you just stay over 100 and you're fine sometimes i go below but that's like if it's if there's like a really good thing that's like synergizes well with my class or something then yeah i'll go i'll go above but for the most part i just yeah stick to what i got stick to the 100 or whatever how to die rude but these guys shoot dogs oh i'm not gonna bother with this guy i think a cursor that well is guy sucks what the hell 2 000 gold now these cauldrons are pretty sure do damage if you just walk into them what's this okay uh i don't think i will thank you the 80 damage that's good okay that's bad oh the heel doesn't do too much oh please smg or smg2 yes what did you think of it no i have nothing this will have to do this i'm assuming those clouds okay i didn't realize i was standing on that [ __ ] it i think doesn't go that far good [ __ ] oh okay this is this guy x that's kind of [ __ ] up it's just pretty cool actually didn't get to hit them i just run into him that's probably gonna work out right it's gonna work out just fine they don't do that much much like damage here dash damage let's try the seed okay stop the scam secret wall i can just hit those black can't i unless i completely miss time it i'm [ __ ] yeah nice what makes a platform whenever i get hit i see before he's lost thank you here we go nice time to cook but i can hear less with this guy i'm not gonna go for that chest that's just dumb i really gotta keep my double jump for that holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] i actually did never mind that's more like it good rebecc's thank you for the prime man we're at 4.7 now getting getting close there's a door over there let's check that out this guy's gonna be i like the lighting on that guy though it's pretty neat oh he just gets [ __ ] okay now what could this be a spell i don't want just being able to delete those projectors off the screen is super nice thanks let's don't see this [ __ ] garbage i'm not gonna get that again weapon i know what's left i think one i don't think there's i think there's like five bosses maybe but i'm dead so i guess we'll have to find out we did not reach 7k no let's do it again pacifist jeff with uh acting work you are sticks not stones oh let's do that i forgot what actomorph is but we'll see i think that means i can't knock back or something something like that i can't afford it whoops hey the quinn yep let's go i think the only thing i have to do is the center now because like uh the this uh guy on the top like here is the next boss and the last one here is probably the the fish on lake that's not like finished yet that's my guess oh it's just two right i don't know right got them course no no no no okay i'm stupid [ __ ] what's this game about uh just killing [ __ ] yes it's a roguelike you die you start over you're trying to like get stronger over time and just beat out the bosses or [ __ ] oh she bounces of course well i got it and it's this garbage again that i don't even have any use for it's tremendous but i would rather have a duplicate room at this point three chests foreign got him i mean it's just you're barely giving the money but whatever let's probably go to like a snow area or something we're gonna be much better to form there that's good give me that now i might actually die let's see how it goes i take damage now before killing 10 enemies i will instantly die so let's hope i can kill those enemies empty vessel it looks exactly like the thing that i have they're called relics relics yes that's the name one two four now all right i can teleport from here would be nice to get some resolve back i think didn't see that guy seven eight no not yet we got it hey 183 sold now epic oh don't get hit i didn't see that whoops anyways let's get some relics shall we ah the heavy stone bar on this guy he leaves a dot so why not a two second cooldown that's gonna ace though for chef it's fine i guess like if i just there still hit something over and over i will do like much more damage than if i get like there's better there's better ones for sure there's definitely gonna be something better oh lord but it's already impossible to kill now since they have the [ __ ] there's two with barriers what the hell all right molly no it's good money saving yourself for rogue legacy listen man it's not that good like it's a it only costs like 10 resolve anyways and i don't think it's good i don't think it's i think it's a bad it will make my my character worse so i'm not going to pay results for that okay does that make sense at least i'm [ __ ] i'm almost dead jesus this guy's hit there's a bad spell i'll kick once more huge money plus forty percent well done that's pretty good thank god it's nothing that led jesus this thing oh i missed the 100 it's over whatever hope 100 damage jesus christ kill me there we go now i'll get some use of my result boys look at this it's a [ __ ] tree but i can get help though i think there we go uh defeated enemies of eight chance of dropping meat or deal and take 100 more nah we're not gonna do that we're gonna do this one that's a good one good for chef the last time i had that it procked zero times but we'll see i wonder if i can do this thing again what is the cloud right of course i can't do it again one time only well if the thing works as this says oh hello daughters four thousand now an emit no [ __ ] eight percent by the way nice yes i should kill some chests good what's this more of this garbage thanks why did i ever get that oh it has some starter frames the attack of this guy is good but it has started frames which is a bit annoying sometimes 5000 my god okay i'm dying am i really gonna throw this i can't aim it throwing where am i or am i wait not though i'm not though it's all good do you like fps games not particularly okay copium i couldn't jump on that because i got kicked by a more room wait watch my jump thanks well i'm almost dead now that's great i need a little bit more gold just a little bit let's go not die three hp that's just tremendous die so fast [ __ ] balls [ __ ] off six five fortified health network there we go [ __ ] coins uh we need the money oh we're so close dude oh do not snipe me [ __ ] six nine seven k okay yes there we go [Music] okay dude oh my god [ __ ] assassination suicide oh sanguine helen though we got all this ingredients now what if i level them up though i get it yeah i gotta find the recipes again like that's gonna take so long i guess it's something you only get an energy person in energy you're not supposed to have like level [ __ ] a million of something [ __ ] forest oh my god no i don't think i will actually i mean i could this is a free chest isn't it thank you goodbye you wink let's just go sun tower [ __ ] it that's the place i gotta go to so a single insert this lifestyle but the way it works like in the end in the first game you would get um like how to put it you put it on an arm piece and that arm piece will give you straight up just like uh x amount of uh lifesteal right vampire whatever gives you so much lifesteal and then you get another one it just stacks straight on top of that in this game you need to reach like certain thresholds you need to like one one uh piece of armor in this game will give you like plus five sanguines like whatever and you need to reach like 50 and 20 and whatever to reach like higher levels of it nice i could just stood still i didn't [ __ ] off oh great oh you don't take damage if you touch them that's cool there's a door over here though yeah [ __ ] let's rip for the damage points rewards goddamn so there's one mid level and just like okay everything is on the side okay dude wait what how am i supposed to get not to get hit by that [ __ ] off nice it's like oh you're not supposed to do it i guess if you do you just take like damage give my health [ __ ] good [ __ ] what's that heal i mean i don't have heal no charge it's a chest but i don't really want that yeah that uh that didn't really work but we did did we have beat bosses the thing that's not gonna [ __ ] happen as a chef however as a thief it could be completely possible let's let's pick thief let's pick this guy and then get potions recharger class talent yep i just got her but i believe oh i depend like just going off how long it took me to beat the previous boss i think this one might i might i might be here for a while just saying might just be here for a while this is my favorite class though so maybe there's hope perhaps oh i can't see them thanks oh press up chest i [ __ ] that platform just basically if i jump into it i take damage that's so mean i'm definitely taking damage here oh that was it yikes now to get out of here i will jump into that and take damage genius okay that was rigged this is actually i'm dead basically i'm dead you know that uh happens uh nice troll yeah you can't take much of a beating this guy and it's it's like actually scuffed when you can't see the enemies they're like hiding in the shadows and they can't really make out what things are like there i kind of rely on my peripheral vision to see what enemies are and what not 60s let's get that more gold time to cope no iframes though if that was more let's get a free win here because now i don't have airframes that's pretty rough i'm gonna go farm some uh relics hopefully i can get the one that gives me like a resolve or more than that i'm gonna farm gold i like this class i just don't like their talents these casters have a shitty talent thanks it's not going for the boss but this is a good idea but i can try yeah see that there i really get it like twice with that it's it's really rough it's really rough going to the stigan or like the sun tower with this that's uh yikes don't get hit basically leaves me to get very very very molested fall into the pit and see what happens if i fall into a pit i'm just gonna i'm just gonna die basically it's just death let's see how it goes can i bust the bills today i mean this in this game you kind of can get that breaking this game is a lot harder than breaking nice sexy guy hits pretty hard though getting a lot of money though a whole lot of money slug hog 2k already holy [ __ ] and watch this warden cape that could be an upgrade actually hyperion ring that's a double life i'll see if i monitor block all damage for five charges but i don't have 175 what makes more of your money someone's subscribing on twitch or watching until they have earned 35k coins uh i have no idea you gotta stick up here again pretty good yes how did they manage that it's a big [ __ ] ballista we're getting a lot of money i think this is like the easiest like trait to manage honestly uh what some kind of [ __ ] puzzle maybe i'm missing an heirloom i'm probably missing in ireland there he goes what does the discord server access redeem thing do it redeems discord server access you use it you get discord access that's about it kind of self-explanatory oh my god this is bad oh get me out more i didn't see there was a bullet there even yikes okay [ __ ] that well there's a thing in there though when i get money for a mana for a [ __ ] spell i'll do that not a second before though it's 75 thankfully that guy does not turn around which is always nice now we can do the thing below i'm doing that there we go [ __ ] oh my god he's done thanks to a good old crit and we got mad money yes 7k already boys any mother believers this was a money but they would have won already okay dude what it's all for a chest yikes i didn't realize i should check them out before i go places not to self not necessarily a bad idea uh well we will have to go really far back to make progress now holy [ __ ] that's a big l i gotta go all the way [ __ ] jesus christ through here not for this one let's work on the hyperion ring i just missed that they do that now okay that probably would like [ __ ] one-shot me here we're getting a [ __ ] on the money it's like almost 200 money it's really [ __ ] good how long will you be blessing us with your presence today until like midnight i would say that's fine oh just two of them got them pretty basically though all right a thing warden trinkets good [ __ ] and some health much needed health very good no doors to the left here these enemies aren't too bad this has been my best runs for this area so far on this one again got it and it's trash thank you again i'm sure that stuff is probably useful at some point but i just have not found the use yet okay it's 10 p.m i'm in sweden but we have the same time soon yep yep so like let's say two hours more unless i like i'm really really really into gaming sometimes i do a stream for like longer than midnight but it would have to be like a [ __ ] super lit stream or something oh oh it's just the round helm good [ __ ] this is a very successful run so far jesus thank you that was supposed to be a double jump not a [ __ ] dash thing god damn it i don't like the fact the spin jump and the [ __ ] other thing isn't the same button spin kick and double jump is the same button the only difference is you holding down or not so a lot of the time i will do a down spin instead of a double jump this is a tall [ __ ] map [ __ ] this guy still alive [ __ ] oh he's got shields goddammit i put enough damage him what the [ __ ] was that oh there was one of the dark bullets oh give me that 11 000 gold now jesus increase your current goal by 35 and die if i if i get like really lucky and take a little damage here i'm just going to do that [ __ ] it let's just bait them down here it's probably better because no iframes boss in this area is probably something i'll fail another one a drink ah no iframes pain actual pain okay we have hyperion though you thought i just burned it this is only for a chest we got 15k gold now though listen boys it's an investment all right you want to see it for what it is it's an investment okay those things spread out far got that okay this is suicide right oh my god i'm not gonna make that am i that's death [ __ ] off why did i even open that yikes i gotta kill it why didn't i just kill it what the hell wait how the [ __ ] do i is am i supposed to go hold up i need to save my double jump as well jesus that was insane all for this [ __ ] door can i do one of those like fruit things i want the fruit okay no i don't have the result for this [ __ ] yeah i'll take another one thank you goodbye we can actually go up over there actually actually actually it wasn't very clear but you could do that oh hello drowned chest and some schmeichel tower boys oh my lord okay we're gonna kill the [ __ ] sun let's go jesus the presentation balls oh you could actually stomp those right okay we got that if i want though can i get up please okay i didn't see that that's my third death but we made the 17k gold i think that's pretty good [Music] that's pretty good i'm happy with the outcome and i don't know the bosses the boston but that was actually that boss unless that's like some insane second phase it seems pretty easy um compulsively gambling it's like the chat character i'll get i'll get this i think no ocd shockwave bliss i'll get the blaze [ __ ] it i'll play chat now uh what do we get what do i need i need more weight at least hmm all right screen smile take care man career center i mean it could be good to have this let's just get it there's something locked behind what's that ruin wait see i should just unlock stuff [ __ ] it so i can know what i can i'm getting into only chests of gold okay well that's fine we're just gonna go for a boss so gamba beat a boss let's go sun tower getting up there was pretty like it was a long long climb but the area was really cool i like the platforming sections they were actually really cool big fan big fan getting there was long that's fun i'd say goodbye all right how is he shooting so much holy [ __ ] i'm super [ __ ] late tomorrow it's over i'm already dead so gg believers i guess hold up for a [ __ ] chest it's over well we got nothing for it okay they they very wildly they vary actually so [ __ ] much holy [ __ ] no i think i will i mean i could with this oh got some help back let's go ain't nothing wrong with that i can do that too kind of a [ __ ] spell honestly this is the scam room right yep stop plus 10 mana but i don't retain my double jump do i great what an awkward [ __ ] position to be in truly truly i don't like that class anyways and the spell was kind of [ __ ] you want a spell that you can just toss out while you dps with your melee having to channel it is kind of [ __ ] ah we get over here this guy ocd on a [ __ ] thief thief is good though because he has the best ability in the game as far as i know can i afford something i have no duplicate runes yikes can't afford it that's why is the gun any good yeah he's good but on this boss i would i would play something else what i don't like about the gun class and a lot of other classes is that when they when they attack they're like stuck in the air this guy he can like literally throw out his attack completely independent of his movement so like i can just like keep the attack going and like move around and do all this like weird [ __ ] do it while dashing stuff like that like i can do this jump while doing it that's what doing it like it's really good that's why i like him and also has an ability that lets them just basically go in this and when you're invisible you don't take damage and then you can just like i think it lasts for like five seconds like this i'm immortal now and i'm faster and it lasts for a long time and i can cancel it whenever i want so it's just it's just really good takes a little bit to recharge but that's fine basically good damage and good survivability with the torch kind of pain to kill these terms i think he has pretty good christians as well if i remember correctly but yeah he kind of just slays stuff with good damage definitely my favorite lotus battle let's try it out the eighth ball is not going to be good against this boss because this ball kind of needs to bounce a bit before you use it basically it's like a ball you throw in the more it bounces the more damage it feels but like this one bounce boom good damage but the boss has eyes on both sides so like it's not gonna be able to bounce from one side to the other basically well that's fine those things like those obstacles don't do too much damage i've done this one before but i don't want to take damage [ __ ] it i could finish it and just get the blood vials i really don't want that it can't bounce off that oh it can got him cool yeah jump down to me what the hell is wrong with you okay i'm done that's wow i'm done i'm gonna [ __ ] die from this aren't i yep that i could run into that for me i could have done that didn't think about it i'll just real and hopefully get another thief [Music] oh there we go hero complex kind of a bad spell but i'll take it what is that one stuff but there's no way to restore it oh my god okay we're just gonna have to not take damage have you played risk around two yes is fun for a while until you break it for the millionth time and it's not fun anymore oh you got 600 health broke so but our vampirism is for nothing now i'm used to [ __ ] vulnerability yeah i laughed you know i have no choice but climbing this tower now like it's just gonna be a dead run if i get there and i have low health so bye mr bones oh okay that was like that end all right no 13 [Music] i don't supply any so i'm gonna get that ah that's that i thought i could just dodge it so this is the chest okay why didn't he move when i attacked him what the [ __ ] they always do that afternoon kids they always [ __ ] off when you shoot when you hit them what the [ __ ] but not this time i guess let's just go up why is it a triple please die i just want to go up man okay thanks the same relic again dude this is a chest room why did i even go here there we go i'm done keeping the [ __ ] out well we made it here with below myself so that's aids i didn't get a weapon okay dude come on kill me didn't use my ability once by the way i didn't get my [ __ ] double jump back i'm done i'm stupid hey third ball on floor yeah i noticed that's the thing that hit me now that's that [ __ ] ah no i can do that no trace fine let's do like based on attempts let's do like three attempts so i don't have to like reset this [ __ ] every time there we go can i buy a weapon crushing to open this plus crown is plus 13 but it's plus 40 weights can i buy that no plus 14 strength that's really good okay okay we get sanguine helm let's next time we buy the sanguine helmand we get the drowned weapon that should be better way more damage and still keep my like left up we go [ __ ] off this guy's a way to thank you not that much taken though hey attack got them and off we go i don't want to save her for that um this sword well he's going to continue when he stops right yeah no nope to be fair though it's not so hard to find like the right way here you can ask you can kind of tell where you're supposed to go if you want to progress oh my god that's [ __ ] everywhere now i should soon be able to afford a sword uh nope uh sure i guess probably gonna proc but i'll have to hit the bullets yeah man i gotta go where i gotta go jesus not here i hate cursors so much curses are [ __ ] cancer okay this is chest thanks i am bad at video games that was the detour i'm done all this was a [ __ ] detour all of this that was the detour by the way [ __ ] sauce tower that's probably the way just a wild guess [ __ ] this guy man reset thank you there could be one of those rooms where you just pick like a fruit or something that exists here i want to be part of it i should have dodged i basically have to find the health of a fruit at this point that's the boss okay so we gotta throw now now we're gonna go back here and form some health with my sanguine gear so that i will stand a chance against this [ __ ] that's not where i wanted to go at least with this level this is where i gotta go yeah but like it's kind of hard to tell like when it's i think it's faster to get to the boss of this stage than any other stage in the game because so you just got to go up you just gotta find the way that ghost the most stuff when you're good you can do that that's what oh my god i already got help these guys will take for [ __ ] anyways i don't have to worry about getting hit here why did i do that waste waste i like that the last area they added is like a the late game area so that the next time they when they add it i can just get jump into the game again and just continue sort of that's very nice it's very epic i'm gonna kill that guy this should be a 20 of that but no not now i gotta form it there's a little bit not a big hope but a little bit always i thought it was going to be a [ __ ] fireball cx cope afraid of fire 35 again there we go okay now we're never definitely full of i can maybe afford a trinket honestly with the rest one i'd like to find one but that's not too hard usually let's see if we can do that there we go pretty good damage increased yeah i mean i lose two maxels from this but uh that's more damage okay it's a trinket i'll just find a portal now and [ __ ] off and there we go we have a funny reward up here no it's not here okay let's go under resetting progress of on full release are they resetting oh yeah yeah i mean they might i wouldn't really care if this is the capital games you can just play over and over again and that's fine let's see what spelling have again frost blast foreign yes okay what i dodged that [ __ ] off could make it in time yes couldn't do it yeah yeah that i didn't think they would all be active at once i didn't think that jesus uh okay i'll play it i play that's that's two two one or two is that one i don't know actually we should be able to afford a sword another let me just knock far away oh that's bad for this guy x but we have a lot more damage now a little a little bit less health but a lot more damage what's the vampire trait does uh vampire trait means you take a lot more damage like you take like 150 or 200 damage uh but you gain back health on hit so you don't have to kill anything to gain back health you just like hit something and you get your health back like it's pretty good why don't you ever lock the castle i mean i could do that sure does the map stay revealed if you do that because that could save me a lot of health when getting to the boss but then again if i lock it i get less gold from killing the boss i do a lot more damage now i think okay this is terrible what a [ __ ] dog [ __ ] map [ __ ] off they were not that far away honestly that's nice that's actually a really good spell to have that's gonna help the boss a lot you wanted to play vampire sounds sick i mean yeah it's good until you get hit more than once because you can get your if you get hit once then you can get your health back but if you get it more than that then you will die in like two hits so there's definitely benefits it's like a it's the same as playing and like now i will have to like manage my health more over time but as vampire is more like you know it's different okay it's not up there okay it's got to be put it this way that's great that's just tremendous i did not want to go in there do i want to go in there yeah i probably do want to go in there good could be that way not going to go for fair chest i think audrey said oh my god really those things linger so [ __ ] long that's probably way i was close [ __ ] those guys i'm not gonna do that looking for one of those fruit rooms or something like that so i got my health back what did you say the best struggle you've played was uh probably isolator i probably isaac isaac is probably the best one i'm not like super big on it right now but because i've like beaten everything and i don't feel like very motivated to play it but i still think it's like probably like if i'm gonna be objective about it it's probably the best one there we go we got our health back i would prefer having a trinket or a relic before i go to the boss but okay jesus christ that's it there we go full health for the boss that's good that's some coin oh my why do i keep doing that dude i'm [ __ ] but i'm going to get it back like we have we have a thing for it where we get health back when we enter the bathroom it's going to be fine we're going to be like basically not completely is this even the final area uh no there's i think this is that might be the final one in the game right now but as for like what's final release okay i'm bad games that's that the blue attack is definitely the worst one when you're like uh in a final phase right now it's like manageable but in a little bit it's gonna be terrible jesus really thought i kicked that for sure this is bad i live [ __ ] i don't know what i was supposed to go there [ __ ] i think i did it i think i did it poke yeah did it he's dead now i think there is no more to the game because the final area is not uh available world complete the threats of fate have been locked in drift house yeah so i think i think we just beat the game i'm pretty sure that's all the rest of it right now i think that's it that's the sun tower and then uh yeah that's probably andrew plus the ng plus a lot we got there the game is really good though like i saw so far it's working fantastic and i like i don't i'm sure there's gonna be a little bit polish for like the early game and so on and it will probably be better to play get the full experience when i played it but i i i really enjoyed my time with it and when they do add more up stiff to the game i might wait until they add everything and finish it and then do a full playthrough again uh or i will play periodically i'll see what other games i have available if i if i'm like start for games and i have nothing to play i guess i'll like play periodically but if not then i'll do it a bit by bit or i'll do it like in chunks that sounds let me actually see if people want to play scp because we could do an sap stream if people are down for it let me check i'm not gonna host it though they will have to host it if they want to host them we'll do like a little game i watched it on youtube it didn't seem that cool standard i do it surreally that i gotta double check that my cables are not getting like [ __ ] pulled because like i think i've said this before with my microphone the arm doesn't have anything to lock it in place there's no like thing you tighten or anything like that it's just it just relies on the mic being heavy enough to just like kind of hold into place and it's a pretty good mechanism it's a very good mic arm it's the best i've ever had however my mic is too [ __ ] light and i gotta go get the newspaper to put on this thing what i do have is this very convenient rule big for gloom heaven okay and that's gonna be the weight that i put on my mic just to make it all kinds of stuff in here put that on there and now see when i put the mic somewhere it stays genius look at this cable it's [ __ ] twisted i wonder why gloom even is a good game plus rap yeah i love it it's it's a lot of fun uh i wasn't like it's only recently that i suddenly got like super into board games but we we played some gold board games we played like some [ __ ] el dorado diamond [ __ ] uh some uh lord of the rings sport games some dnd and then we found gloomhaven and i paid like [ __ ] 200 for it and it's like this i can show you the box hold up this is a board game by the way but look at the look at this [ __ ] thing like box that is constant and it weighs like 10 kilos these containers just to contain all the [ __ ] tokens and cards and [ __ ] like it's insane how much stuff it's like i put this on the table during a session and the entire table like you can we don't have space for snacks we don't have space for it because there's this stuff takes up everything it's huge how much time to set up uh usually we will we will like decide a scenario to play before we do the session and i will like spend half an hour maybe setting up the game and then we play it and then we finish the scenario when we do another scenario and i have to spend like not half an hour but a long time to uh to set it up but honestly it's a lot it's a very fun game if anyone's just like if any of you are into board games i would recommend it 100 how would you describe the game from what this sounds like a dnd like yeah it's this game the reason it has so many tokens [ __ ] it's because it's like a uh i can literally play it on steam right now but i my viewers would drop to like literally zero because that's a it's a it's a slow game with a lot of thinking basically i like playing in australia i don't steam but yeah oh my god why have i been playing with [ __ ] i could aim the spells with my mouse [Music] like here i'm playing with muslim keyboard now you can see my mouse going around but like i could aim my [ __ ] with my mouse but it's basically dnd uh the the gameplay plays out very much like the india except for like all the the the checks and all that you just do with isis uh there's there's there's no like you can't it's dnd without the role play that's what's loom having us it's basically like a more like a video game a board game so you don't roleplay you don't be you know the backstories are all laid in the character that you choose it's like basically playing a video game on your table it's a lot of fun i enjoyed it a lot but it looks like the sap is going to be a bit of an issue to set up so what we'll play next i'm not sure gambo is still on oh did we did i not play out there we go gambo is not still on we we won believers want that let's see i could do dead cells but i feel like dead such is so similar to this game that it's it's also 11 p.m like i'm not gonna be playing the game for like more than an hour i guess uh okay chad we have three choices we have three choices here okay i'm gonna do a poll and you guys decide what i play i have three games i can play and it's all up to you what game number one hollow knight number two dead cells number three uh that was let's see did i have a number three no i don't think i did nope there is no number three there's two games hollow knight or dead cells and you will not have additional levels you will have one vote each and it's gonna be three minutes there you go i can't set scp as a goal because if sap is an option then it relies on people uh wanting to play so if it wins and i guess it could just go for the second most voted opinion then but it's unreliable are you game starved so if so i'd recommend i'm not i have games listed of legend yeah people people say it's good not really game star star right now i have two games to choose from and i'm having my chat decide so it's like we've got plenty of games at the moment enter the guns in the future i did try to replay into the gungeon but since i last played it there hasn't been much changes to the game and i've already beaten it like a hundred percent basically then all the bosses like alternate bosses too so i don't really when i beat the roguelike like that i need to have a goal i need to have like a thing to to reach towards and in ice like the reason there's the reason i've been playing isaac for as long as i have is because there's so many goals to reach in that game there's like so many characters so many challenges so like all i've been doing is going towards 100 completion and when i get that i'm not going to play the game anymore that's like yeah that's that's why i can't really play a game constantly that's why i need to switch up games because like if there's no more things to do to accomplish then i don't gain anything from playing it but yeah i mean i know i'm going to take like a big hit in viewers i'm no longer i'm like i'm probably not gonna be sitting at uh the 1k that i've been having in isaac for the past like two or three weeks and that's that's fine uh i just don't want to end up in a trap where i'm like forced to play a game that i don't want to play but yeah that's the reason i've been playing isaac so much that's why i've been grinding this game for the past couple of days and why i'm stopping now because there's nothing more to do and replaying it is something i will do when there's more contents my completion hololens is 110 i know but also i mean i have i have like i don't think i reached 12 because i haven't played all the dlcs so in hollow knight there's going to be new content for me there's going to be things in there that i haven't done before uh so that's the way i want to play it again also because i won't want to do a steel heart playthrough where i do 100 completion with with like permadeath i already have the achievement for that i did it like in 2017 apparently by some of my steam stats but yeah i want to do it on stream because i didn't stream back then i started streaming in 2018 i think there's also a gun mod for whole life we can do without that i think do you have a playlist of songs you listen to before in neutral or just pull stuff up as you want when i play neutral i use the the i think it's on uh command hold up yeah there you go stream bangers that that playlist is what i played when i played noita seeing someone playing something he doesn't want to it's not that good to play what you feel like yeah have you played godhome now golem is the dlc i haven't done and i think that dlc is probably going to tear me a new [ __ ] and make me reconsider doing steelheart so we'll see how that goes anyways uh that cells it is let's just close this [ __ ] switch games and play some dead cells i also thought all hollow knight would win but i'm down for themselves i am down for that if i can find it in my seamless list i guess that sells dead cell studs and stork source 3 that sells add to favorites there we go and i can find it fast have you ever played hades yeah played it beat it done with it played it on stream actually but i played it on stream before i did the like archive streams on my third channel because like right now every stream that i do is going to end up on my third channel as like a vod forever so but that's why you can't go back now and watch that would you guys recommend playing this with controller or with the mouse and keyboard we'll do a new save slot there we go controller okay we're starting over again uh normal mode streaming do i do it with this twitch thing here if you're a masochist don't maybe maybe it's a bit much to take in i have i have tried getting into this game like three times now no two two times two times but i never got into it but now after after playing after playing a rogue rogue legacy i kind of like feel they're more or less right if you like dead cells you would like rogue legacy because they're basically the same game um and since i enjoyed drug legacy so much i figured i would give this another shot you didn't upload the drunk stream with the third shot you know i didn't do that because you could see up my skirt at some point okay you could literally see my ball well you couldn't see my balls but you could see like uh things you shouldn't be able to see it's not tos it was not eos but it was just like something i don't want to have on uh online i guess i do have that stream stored on my uh second hard drive though for archiving purposes a little thai action yeah let me go take a [ __ ] actually i need to i need to um i need to have a [ __ ] cleansing of my intestines before i go into this game i have a feeling it's gonna [ __ ] me in the ass brb so so so okay dude that was the hardest [ __ ] that was the hardest [ __ ] i've ever had or not not ever i probably have the harder [ __ ] but god damn i had to channel all my life force into my anus to be like [Music] to get it out and in the end it worked but god damn it it took [ __ ] forever was the shape i i didn't look i didn't look i just wiped and [ __ ] left that much that that's that's my [ __ ] going into the toilet that's what we're playing as right now you have a triple combo yep oh my god my jump is slow jesus have a double jump cat got your time oh yes that's right no time anyway it must be strange back from the dead and really understand it but you're not the first to find yourself in this situation i can't die okay oh enemies don't do damage by default here i can just walk into them right yeah i can walk through them only when they attack do the damage right so you can just roll through this [ __ ] right right they really do the jumping though i've been listening to this on stream before haven't i oh let's roll up power all right i never remember this is like a goodie to like is the ability to stack those or to like go into different things if you want a lot of one thing or like split them up i forget i forgot depends on your bill goodbye sure it's really better than the [ __ ] bow i already have that though we should change the category yeah hold up there we go it's like stunned or something lacrosse okay cool uh let's go i wonder if it stunks let's go pretty good range though can't do it back to those yet remember those being a thing you have to like shock them or something hello [ __ ] tonic minus one damage received i'll save my money there's not something it just electrifies or something bloodsport sounds good you can break this golden doors how are we getting there again i gotta do the [ __ ] plant [ __ ] yeah oh okay okay sure i like that i see cope i like that though this is a cool uh cool little mechanic oh my [ __ ] hairline oh time's wow that's all the suns i got wait what after being hit yeah it's a combo how do i use that that is on the button called wait lb left left bumper okay yeah there's also increase let's also increase with your color sketch okay yeah yeah so if you have a computation since what what not that synergize with certain colors you should probably upgrade those right good evening henry we're gonna descend because i feel like city now he gets good to open up one color who must put scrolls into that color okay remind us [Music] i gotta like oh oh my god [ __ ] ninja nice one okay the hitbox is not as convenient as it looks [ __ ] off okay that's an enemy oh my god two more curse lifted that's good make her survive so that's what's cursed so i guess track that's a my god oh we just got one shot okay these guys are dog stuff with range deck they don't actually have melee that's nice i'll probably try using my traps fire brands burst the enemies on the ground okay slicer sure that thing disappears then yep let's take a snooze oh hello hey what the hell get out of here an artifact [Music] oh it i already had the vines that was fast remember taking some time to get it last time oh my god balls it's over it has literal minecraft son okay this sucks [ __ ] minecraft okay dude how do i heal oh it's like a full [ __ ] juicer that's pretty lp this uh this hammer [Applause] this hammer looks like it does more damage actually does it does not do that much damage i don't like it it's a lot of [ __ ] hp let's go what do you have here no one's home wait get us a wardrobe or some [ __ ] gardner's key i don't have that this door is locked it looks like a cool thing that i can't have it you can't really do you get iframes when you're dodging this game or is it just movement what's this [ __ ] thing got him oh look assistant the turrets cool so it's a dot it's not like it doesn't actually like stun them which is the damage over time electricity okay i'm just gonna go here i think this thing is really good for cleaning out the sail annoying flies i got stunned from falling it's over [ __ ] off everything just dies yeah just auto aims and kills them that's great oh you can roll through there cool let me down dude i just want to go down thank you okay i'm not paying attention there we go well you can like do a drop down cool you don't get stunned if you ground slime yeah if i just like press a and down and i will just like drop down and [ __ ] him up still going to use like the button layout on this but this seems good so far i don't have healing jacks the stage is pretty long actually nothing up here yes but i can't jump there yet what's this then can't open from here guys i need those like statues to use those this is first place i've done this level before on like uh oh i can actually just jump down epic okay i've played the game before but i kind of like quit it pretty early but that was like a year ago or so and i didn't get far i've never tried this hammer open before there's a time lapse i wanna get those saddles uh they're kind of expensive actually there we go oh i just get it cool yeah i like this one you stop playing because of the backseating no way we're just kind of bored of the game are you planning to do one rooms and completed themselves i'll see yeah i like it robin your streams are such a joy to watch and your youtube intros the best thank you aliens uh vengeance seems kind of [ __ ] but i'm probably gonna take damage yeah let's get vengeance beginner friendly dog look [ __ ] i i like this this whip thing the whip thing is pretty neat because like it uh it um all targets on stuff that i can't really reach with the sword which is nice i appreciate that there's a vampire skill yeah [ __ ] it i should have gone for purple stuff because i i think i'm going to invest most in purple but the the vendors know that it seemed pretty good it seemed good so i wanted to get it goodbye an artifact look at that [Music] the custom mode cool oh it makes them bleed that's cool goodbye handsome blood why'd i stun them this is like a random chance or something oh my god they hit hard now holy [ __ ] i get them rexella but they also hit like a [ __ ] truck uh oh my god stop what's that [ __ ] thing it's an elite okay that makes sense now i didn't notice until he teleported [ __ ] off well it's over xd next time why did i get like four blades next though oops this camera gave us this great access i don't think i will i want to touch my leg okay well i can't seem to do anything about that so yeah i need health i need a lacrosse croissant got them let's see for these enemies this is so good just gets [ __ ] where's that see you more tactics some brutality oh my god goodbye but now i know it will heat us well we should look at that la bomba upon throwing the enemy suffers from bleeding well it stuns no i will i want cc well i'm going for red then yeah should i get this instead yeah first place more or less you could say what the [ __ ] okay epic i think one mutation in that person could help now i'm not sure i could stuff like this in this game but it seems like something that's good to have just being able to maintain or sustain rather chemistry is just can't do that yet probably the thing for it why did i not roll i'm stupid i'm doing good damage so i'm kind of [ __ ] on health ignore shield sexy do again if you beat the boss i don't know it's i think i remember what the boss is uh just four percent hp get that it's like some sort of guardian garbage i'm a big tank looking [ __ ] i think that was it but it was pretty hard this is bottom to the [ __ ] it back off goodbye how fast is [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] jesus i'm quick whoops like bridge yep at least i made it here thank you would like some health flask tranquility i do very nice cool the bridge various the concierge i got the shield though what i'm so used to those just being on the the trigger triggered like things oops [Music] okay dude he's still [ __ ] now oh that wasn't too bad that's fine i i kept [ __ ] up because i thought my dodge like in the ho in rogue legacy my dodge is on the uh there's a lot of money my dodge is on the [ __ ] uh the triggers these two this is very dark in this game i dodge on the circle button that's just yeah that's different don't they have that on me right okay i think i do it upgrades it though firebrands it is 7 dps oh it's like a range weapon uh i think do i want that or the whip it's electrically one so obviously i want that to be there and that to be there done i go up to the range open so my current range open is like it's like number one let me uh do the bad thing do we have many believers here oh my god five percent holy [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] payday god [ __ ] damn that's crazy sure how about it i don't guess i ain't got [ __ ] for you sorry i can reset them okay i think i'm good turned 80 to 1.6 k did someone have like a big win from this because like dude if you bet a lot of that oh my [ __ ] damn though you would be you would be kind of rich what's over here stilt village what's up this is a this is the branching path a branching pathway fractures rise no this is the dlc and i remember it [ __ ] [ __ ] me up last time i'm gonna go to the river no no i don't want to get crushed still village all right yep so the longest i've gotten ever in this game is here i got here and then i died burn what isn't it what is net burn oh my god okay teleporting maggots are you kidding me jesus christ give me the lumberjacks la baguette actually i don't like this i'm the dartmaster i choose my abilities more because [ __ ] i need it i think crap epic what's this you want to do a gamble for this area beat the area there we go why not oh we got money i haven't really found a user money yet except for the door i broke and got cursed for why is this teleport why did he really need that those guys only throw eggs they don't nearly attack that's a goddamn lemon key do that village epic tremendous you better believe because i'm just that's good at the game okay cannonball it's almost like these guys are dangerous so i'm just gonna take their advice on that i'm just gonna burn them next it works look at that no no no there we go dead back up before you kill the maggots so they will still spawn yeah i mean obviously i just don't know i don't know what they have as attacks i want to like observe them [Music] [ __ ] uh you need some more of this to get health okay i got stunned dude [ __ ] off oh they get blue fire if they're on the [ __ ] did not want me to go down here i didn't mean to go down okay i'm done i wanted to go up well it's over no uh i guess beat first boss again back already shut up let's talk all the way here jesus they do the same why do i upgrade health that they're gonna do the same damage anyways like what's the point why bother actually why bother the artificial uprise give me that leave it yeah yeah i want hmm what's this thanks can i like thank you bloodsword ah this controls the dog [ __ ] holy [ __ ] let me uh oh it's lonely ice shield toxic sewers let's go what does this obama suffer against clock what's that how is this cells okay let's go uh blueprint frenzy all right let's try i can parry like dark souls flint looks epic yeah whoops did i do that okay anyways i thought i was divisions sure let's get that i don't need it true hello sirs i still have that curse though [Music] i'll find the room you're good buddy oops oh there we go there it is is it trying to like dodge with the wrong button hey i got some scorpion okay it's got a long cooler [ __ ] zordo let me okay oh my god the damage what the [ __ ] hit like a goddamn truck it's over i thought the red torches probably oh okay i thought it was leading you to something but i guess not you can parry with you i know i'm trying to but i'm bad at the game okay oh my god i'm gonna die because i can't click my [ __ ] buttons dude look at that look at power this [ __ ] ass that hammer sucks dicks [ __ ] the hammer balls i can heal yeah okay unless they get immediately attacked by some [ __ ] [ __ ] why am i taking damage like so much damage maybe one of those uh yeah one hp yeah is that like a thing that i have or i'm just lucky dogs oh hope i tried to block with the [ __ ] wrong thing again yes it's it's weird that block is on why can i put my balls in your jaw ah i tried to [ __ ] i lost all my cells what it's over can i put my balls in your jaws no you can't uh yeah miners is hp and you get damaged for all your hp if you get left on one hp what when did i get that what the [ __ ] is that how the [ __ ] i didn't select that i did nothing like that at all okay you can shut up oh yeah can i like not have garbage systems already stuff please oh there we go that's more like it i can just boom frozen why can't i go stream dude the role does not give you more immortality or something that should not happen why did the first preacher go so well and this girl went to [ __ ] so fast did something change give me sword all right maybe what it does of course it goes all the way there dude thank you the [ __ ] wrong cooldown is [ __ ] with me rat go i like the candle a bit more you could use it more often it doesn't stun but it's still pretty good nice scam where i leave this place man yep thank you oh cannon i can buy that all right but i'm not going to get any of those speedrun stores speedrun doors that's for sure opening doors next to enemies dunstan yep oh i got it though [ __ ] goddamn this is [ __ ] sure a sword shield cool look at that uh yeah combo is pretty good with the weapon that i have synergises neatly everything shield yeah you turn off on the kill count in the setting ship track of your the bonus door what you need oh the third thing is 30 enemies kill i thought it was 30 seconds get over here all right i want to get those bearcats they were [ __ ] sick hit me okay oh i got a curse although i didn't split three plus well probably better than that sure i don't want to go through a trap area we have a [ __ ] curse on can we like get some enemies in here god i'm gonna die i suck at this [ __ ] oh that [ __ ] ready yep seven more let's count doesn't enemy how cool almost done two more there we go i'm doing a lot of damage for some reason i don't know why i'm hitting like a [ __ ] truck why what's going on jesus everything just dies god [ __ ] damn more red let's go yep it's going to spit on the [ __ ] out of this thing get the next speedrun door hopefully i think it was five minutes i'm just one shotting enemies holy [ __ ] i'm strong eight minutes i don't know that's gonna be oh hello there we go easy wow that muslim resistance is just but 75 that's actually really good yeah i want to keep that actually a bear trap is kind of sick though yeah it's a little nicer like that yeah what's up is this insane like it's basically carried me for the first boss like easy hello blacksmith the highest level applies oh okay it actually doesn't just need to be red fifty percent temperatures max health oh that's way so good it's just like more damage when i'm full health first could buy the flint that's his attack i guess oh i want to get fancy yeah friends looks sick yeah vengeance is pretty good i don't need it true we're playing this before this first dlc single binaural play it makes me want to go back it's fun i like it good game probably gonna bless to the next boss i gotta get like a decent range weapon though if i can get find like a red bow or some [ __ ] that would be nice i [ __ ] speed that from my uh mutations i think or something is like [ __ ] insane at this point oh there we go it's already dead uh oil burn i want to get the production okay we're just gonna go fast [ __ ] it give me that we do have a little bit of green but uh let's get that okay i like it these guys are annoying this guy's more annoying i do get iframes from from rolling it's not just movement i found oh they leave explosions after them when they die that's insane they like linger this is the first time playing it now i played it like a little bit before but not like too much honestly there's some more hp could have been a mistake but it ain't that deep oh it's just the progressor is somewhere else what's this using the instrument power button i'm not using full i mean oh it's only kill cancer it's not actually more time limits yes i have zero cells but i could i guess i could invest in the [ __ ] uh frenzy hello mutations man i don't think necromancer really is like that good that sounds good if i can land a pair of let's [ __ ] this guy up good luck with conor concierge yeah i'll uh hopefully hopefully hopefully we'll do well last time i had this i'm pretty i mean i still have wolf trap so it should be fine as long as i have all traffic like whatever like okay there we go look stuck okay i guess okay [Music] that's a lot of [ __ ] damage though nice there goes my [ __ ] thing epic immortality moments oh i gotta rule for that we're immortal again or not i mean it's kind of a pushover this guy is kind of pushover not gonna lie it's not uh yeah spartan sandals knockbacks enemies dealing damage where they land there's two forty nights of damage if the enemies it's a wall the final try gonna come will knock on any enemy uh i really like the weapon i have now like this thing it's number three but i can probably upgrade it at the blacksmith honestly if there is one here because you have one strap it makes almost all bosses easy mode okay yeah it seems like it i mean even without that like you he you basically he will he will do like the [ __ ] attack and you just roll behind him and he does another attacking role behind him he does the shield you're all behind him he jumps right behind him like i i don't know dude target shoots arrow victims freeze oh okay this is like a wound you the dps on the balance blade is just too much to pass up it's just like if you keep smashing one enemy you just completely delete them you saw that boss you just [ __ ] meshed it like i'm not going to take any of this i got to sell stuff so that's nice my sword is actually better no can i bite sir scroll from the dead it's kind of [ __ ] i do be shooting grenades though it still has like the yeah damage increases when you're attacking [ __ ] if i can find a way to poison or slow down targets i will be doing a lot of [ __ ] damage if i can find any way to poison them like it's gonna delete enemies basically i guess i can try that hello [ __ ] now we don't get more mutations it's over you'll look like me can't do that thing down there yet i'll go to this place here but yeah i gotta i gotta find a way to poison enemies basically this is gonna be hard now because i have to mealy stuff last time i was here i had to like uh i had like range to deal with stuff but yeah we'll see how that goes oh there's like [ __ ] delete you they have really quick attacks oh thank you well i do have some sort of range i guess with that okay he's just gonna cap [ __ ] this guy actually camping he will attack three times okay so we'll be like i don't know that that's probably fine how the [ __ ] you avoid that okay you just like made it up and move away i guess that's it yeah sure well not too bad yeah once you've just learned that you should attack with them behind them and i wore away from them yeah that's what i'm probably gonna do with them just unlocked epic like over here hold up i found it last time so it's like right over here somewhere there's a door here there's a [ __ ] key on the thing right they turn around i keep forgetting that oh my lord we teleported yeah they do that okay they teleport i forgot yikes death ninja maggots they're just too strong man i'll look i'll continue this game but now it's midnight then i'm gonna go to bed uh i will stop drinking last night so i have no idea how i last how i last this long i have no idea but who the [ __ ] is this it's probably the final boss oh cool yeah that's gonna be it for now i'll um play more of it later i think we'll just start playing dead cells now this game is fun just gotta get good at it 10k on the [ __ ] yeah good night thank you for stopping by i'll see you tomorrow's monday i'll do another if i'm doing a stream tomorrow it's going to be an early stream because i have um martial arts in the in the evening so yeah i'll i'll probably do all this tomorrow probably in like uh 12 hours from now literally six 12 hours from now i'll be live again so uh yeah good night take care thank you for watching thank you for the subs what kind of martial arts we're doing uh brazilian jiu-jitsu in my town yeah there's like there's like a club class thing for it it's a lot of fun but yeah take care love you all thank you for watching thank you for subs have a good sunday and enjoy your week see you in about 12 hours good night
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 3,645
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
Id: OUgojhwwxzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 371min 50sec (22310 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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