Is Traditional Masculinity Harmful? | Good Morning Britain

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for the first time in its history the American Psychological Association released guidelines concerning men and boys saying that so-called traditional masculine see not only is harmful but could also lead to homophobia and sexual harassment and the main thrust is that traditional masculinity which you great defender of called being a man by stoicism Competitiveness dominance and aggression is on the whole stoicism and competitiveness and now evil things they're harmful it's harmful to be stoic it's harmful to be competitive it's psychologically harmful and socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage so what we got to do you got to sit your boys - I've got three boys well I've really really got this wrong I should have rather than saying through come on lads life's tough let's crack on how we will deal with life's problems you know if you lose it football can we have a chat with me this rather than you know but rather than saying okay used to which is you've got to play a bit better son school more goals son this is how you do it sons go and train don't practice let's dig deep just be strong let's be stoic be competitive it so I win oh no I got it all wrong that's your saddam as they come here come here come have a good cry come on come on keep crying okay and next day come on keep keep crying no the only other everything in life is to keep crying don't be stoic yes watching boys in that stereotype of mashing is harmful to store emotions so for instance if they can't always compete at top level in sport which I know you want them to it might be a time when they have to accept that chill and that doesn't mean that they're failures when you saw Andy Murray clearly upset about like that he has to take a step back from the one thing about competitiveness dominance and aggression that he can no longer do he was in touch with his emotions being absent no problem every single characteristic that Andy Murray has shown to become the greatest tennis player we've ever had in this country arguably our greatest ever sportsman everything that drove him to be this successful is harmful and must be stopped instead take your boys to a little corner and teach them how to cry all day allow men to balance right all of that just to read the news just to read the news release just I know what you think they said let me just read you what their news release actually says yes the main thrust the main thrust of the subsequent research is a traditional masculinity marked by stoicism competitiveness dominance and aggression is harmful those are the four things which of course drove Andy Murray to be a great champion so they're now all banned everyone instead you take the crying I don't mind him being emotional it ablute me knowing his careers over perfectly rational he's a champion you know I get the emotion the raw emotion that's fine but you can't now be stoic competitive dominant or aggressive in all of that as long as that's not all masculinity shown to limit male psychological development constrain their behavior result in gender Austrian and gender all conflicts and negatively in eternal absolute a bunch of radical feminists are trying to extinguish masculinity they are though the whole agenda is being driven by radical feminists who want to expunge masculinity and people being male men men want balance it's just nonsense don't be trapped any any young boys are watching this I've got three sons I like to think they're stoic competitive when they play sport dominant and aggressive they're all good things in the right way they're all good they're not harmful so no harm being any of those things in fact they're good things don't let these people tell you you can't be stoic they're also not we can't leave it awfully light just like we can't be strong or you can't be any of those things what have we become in this country we're now being stoic is wrong how would Winston Churchill have survived seriously he's in touch with his emotions we know no I've got no problem with being out of your emotions but Winston Churchill couldn't be stoic or competitive dominant or aggressive really where do you want the war then how would you want the war tell me that radicals any win any win a war against the Nazis if you're not stoic yeah we were using Ashley these are great characteristics actually and they're yes they're male yes they're masculine is not done listen eternity bands Niners competitiveness dominance and aggression I'm capable of all of those things women are allowed to be all those things but men ours is that we you say no I'm saying that not exclusively rich do you think they're harmful not is it harmful as the main thrust reveals I think if you feel that that's all it is to be a man then yes it can be harmful nobody's ever said it's all all that to me I think that that's what they're saying no rubbish you've got no idea what they think they say you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 558,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, american psychological association, traditional masculinity, traditional masculine roles
Id: roSjH0WQJ_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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