Fishing Rock Piles For BIG Flathead Catfish

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well good morning folks it's Richard here this morning it's currently 50 degrees can you believe that this time of year we had a bad cold front yet another one here in the Tennessee Valley hit so I'm going to be fishing today I'm gonna be fishing for catfish I don't really know how active they're going to be this is a pretty bad situation right here really as far as the cold fronts concerned but I think that patience is the key fishing here on the Tennessee River water temperatures at 67 degrees a couple days ago it was at 73 degrees that's a big difference but we're gonna be fishing with skipjack herd putting her time in let's see if we can catch a big catfish the currents not real bad right here that there is some current and I'm fishing over about 24 feet of water right here right on the edge of a break line the water is a little bit cloudy but not real bad we've had a lot of rain I thought it would be a little bit muggier than this but it's not too bad right now I'm using today that rod is going to be which I have - it's a silver cat rod silver cat Elite seven and a half foot medium heavy rod and I have a what is this an ambassador catfish special right here loaded with 40 pound test trying now being the current it's not too bad I'm just going to use a 2 ounce no Rose sinker with a bead and I have a leader here about 22 inches long with 50 pound test red Cajun line and that's a 10 out eco claw cigar circle hook and I have a knotless knot right here they used to call it a nose nail knot but let's hook is Chad this is skipjack heron let's hook this heron right there like that and throw this head out here I call fees at Gunners will down yesterday and I've had them on ice so they're fresh they're fresh fresh baits real import and excuse me I had to get that okay it off my hand police lob this whole big head out there I'm not gonna throw very far I'm not like that and let let's see if that two ounce no roller hold it oh yeah I'll tell that a hold it real good now that's right on the drop off right there just put that one in the rod holder this is a Steve Douglas rod holder right here all right let's lob this one on out here this is a piece and that that caste right there is probably in about 14 or 15 feet of water now I'm going to test this place right here for a while in other words give it about 20-25 minutes and if I don't I don't catch one I'm gonna move look here folks that's on that big head there we go all right tell you what my fish was round something and he come on hyung this is a big one this is a big fish right here and I'm glad I got him on this forty pound line and I'll tell you what he is it's flat head I believe it's flat head but it's our big song we're gonna excuse me let me roll this one out of the way acting like a big flat head yeah if I don't roll it in he'll be all in it when he gets up here to the boat yeah see how that fish is wanting a hole to the bottom nice flat heads oh my goodness oh that's the kind of flat heads right here I used to catch back now olden days I used to fish for these a whole lot it's coming to the boat now a little bit I won't have to wear this one down whoa Oh Elmer skipjack heads I'm gonna say this right here has taught me a lot of big fish over the years folks the body pieces you know they work too but them heads are just something about it oh my goodness what a fish whoo see if we can get a shot of this fish oh my goodness what a flathead look here he's not as big as I thought he was but he's huge I thought he was bigger than that I'm gonna be honest with this current well fool you I thought he was about probably 70 60 or 70 but I knew it was a flathead when I hooked him oh my my my my whoo can y'all feel it whoo I'm excited now getting him over here is gonna be legal I'm just gonna leave him and put him in the boat what a monster quit he's ugly but so am I come on in here why don't y'all look what a fee get in here I'm gonna weigh this fish I am going way that he is a huge fish right there folks let's get this big song who got off here getting back without hurting him yeah fishing is a sport well thank you tonight yeah 38:38 for folks I snapped my peepee but it's closed let's let him go just big boy go right here what a fish I believe she's ready to go oh my good sir she goes all right I thought that fish was heavier and that this current is something else it just makes the fish feel like they're three times bigger and what they are well ain't nothing for me to do now but try to catch a big blue let's got hay crops you fingers folks I love it love it out here alright folks you know I learned a long time ago you can't over estimate or underestimate the Tennessee River then because that fish give me such a battle in this current I'm gonna reread that raw and over again I'm gonna get rid of the hook retie all my everything back up properly though cause a big blue can hit and it'd be unfortunate if I hook like a 70 pound sixty or seventy pound blues that he popped my land but that fish right there is dedicated that flat he had to the Oakland Fire Department okay in Tennessee bishops thank y'all for the shirt and the crappie jigs you sent me let's catch another alright folks now moved and I'm anchored right on the brake line on down from where I was and in this area right in here that there's some rocks right out in front of me let's make a cast out here where I'm talking about okay about probably eight yards from where that bait just hit and I mean about 16 foot of water but I'm right on the brake brake line in other words just right over here is 24 feet of water so I'm fishing right on the brake line right here and there's another there's two more spots from right here to that point way down yonder that's the same way I'm gonna fishies for a little bit see if we can't come up with a blue or another bighead our flat head I just call them B heads you never know there might be a big ugly right here if there's not or a big blue I'll just move next hole I'm gonna start moving now either they're there they're not 15 20 minutes and I'm gonna move there it goes there he goes folks I'll watch the big fish there's another good oh my goodness that didn't take long this is awful awful the big head skipjack head let me reel this one in get it out of the way this is a big fish here where he feels big excuse me I have to do this cuz they'll get it from me somebody else may be different but they'll get my line every time that rhymed it that's a big see it's another flathead though I'll tell you all right now I'm home it's a blue don't going good Bluetooth dad buying durn usually a blue becomes straight up to the top but that one wanted to stay on the bottom goodness what a fish what a pretty blue look how fat that fish is folks ain't been eating that's a frickin John now John this is for John I you give me a big net and I tore it up trying to fix it so that's the reason I'm not using you need I'm talking about John Doe the regular dude he's a good dude - he'll give he's the most giving this person I've ever seen in my life he'd rather give them receive folks I might have to reach and grab you I don't know let's try this technique go it burn it's Rock's getting a taste it right here he did go whoa what a battle this is a heavy fish because he's so bulky oh boy that feed you bacon I thought he was now if I had these if I didn't have these gloves that thing right there tear me to pieces on top but let's let him go my gimme ain't kid that's a hard biting fish right there some of them do some of them don't listen right here yep yep yep let's let him go we been out - there it goes whoa yeah all right I'm gonna fish I'm gonna put me another bait on this and I'm gonna fish this rock pile right here yeah 15 more minutes maybe 20 and if we don't catch her I'm gonna move on down the next rock policy I made her a billion let's do it all right folks I've moved again this is gonna be the last hole because I'm out of shed or out of skipjack excuse me now this is a deep hole by the beam it's about 25 feet of water just right here and I've got two heads on two to skipjack heads two heads is better than one let's see if we can catch yourself a big blue right here I'm plumb out of bait I got one piece left in the color a bitey piece but I'm gonna use them all up before we leave you never know whoa-oh-oh hold me and this is a good one folks what it is this Bank right right in here is just like a little hole it's something different this is a big fish right here let me loosen my drag off folks I cut the camera off because this is just going is just a heck of a battle right here I went ahead and I reeled this out of the way so what I'm doing right now is just trying to where the fish down and I'm not going I'm not gonna get in any hurry I'm just gonna try to do what it takes to wearing down because I don't be known him a long time I guess probably hmm close to 10 minutes so there's no need this currents helping this fish I want you to let y'all know that but the fact is it's just a giant it's a big fish folks this has been a 40 minute battle right here 40 minutes now the current like I said it ain't helping but I've done seen the fish it is a huge flathead now he's taking lion again but uh yeah I'm just taking my time my back's hurting my shoulders is hurt and everything is hurting and trying not to let him break this 30 pound line here and then once I get this fish worn out I don't know how in the world with this type of current that I'm going to be able to get my hand in his mouth but yeah sound serious don't it well I'm I don't want to lose this fish because this fish right here will be my PB if I get him in it's a monster flathead I mean it's the big one and I hope let's get a let me see if I'm getting to the top of the water again so we can at least seem yeah there he comes now look here can y'all see that whoo-whee that's a monster and the reason I've been fighting so careful is count this 30 pound of land I don't like to lose fish I won't y'all look what a monster now he's give up I didn't think he'd give up I was getting to think I was gonna have to fight him forever but I've got to watch it right here I'm gonna Inc him in boom woo my goodness folks okay one hour in 15 minutes and I'll explain to y'all why it took that long to catch this catfish my goodness and the reason is my anchor I tried to pull my anchor up and hold the catfish too and I couldn't do it because my anchor is stuck on a rock okay so I'm gonna have trouble getting my core out anyway the current is blasting 30 pound test trialing big game underrated line once again okay that's survivor a little bit she looks like she's bleeding it's just such a big catfish I guess I had to cut that hook I couldn't pull the hook out I had to uh cut the hook and pull it through but it was just right in the corner of the mouth all right there she goes whoa okay don't make it where you can [Music] [Music]
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 375,986
Rating: 4.8956409 out of 5
Keywords: catfish, catfishing, catfishing tips and techniques, catfishing bait, catfishing with cut bait, catfishing with skipjack herring, catfish fishing, catfish fishing tips, catfish fishing bait, catfish fishing with cut bait, catfish fishing with skipjack herring, flathead fishing, flathead catfish, fishing for flathead, flathead catfish rigs, mudcat fishing, shovelhead cat fishing, catfish fishing rig
Id: emv6cjuLwHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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