This huge container home started as a bet.. then he built it

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I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS. This man is a visionary creative genius, this is peak adhd. This is what we should aspire to, instead of trying to be normal. This dude lets all his creative urges mix together

Hes got a sunken living room, with an aquarium and a fire pit above it! Recycled pieces antiques, industrial chic, nice furniture and a mural outside. It works well together actually

And then at the end, oh yeah im gonna sell it im bored 😆😆😆

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ohsnapt 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Posting a 15 minute long video in an ADHD sub is the best way to make sure it doesn't get watched.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AggressiveCarpet 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there welcome to my channel where i  feature alternative and unique home tours   this week's video is part of my alternative home  playlist where i feature homes of all sizes doing   unique and creative things to make a spectacular  home and i guarantee you that this week's tour   is going to make you rethink everything you  thought you knew about shipping container homes   just take a look at this multi-level family home  complete with cantilevered rooms decorated with   recycled materials and featuring several tranquil  spaces the owner recently listed this house on the   market and it's been going viral online the  price tag makes it one of the fanciest homes   i've ever stepped foot in but also one of the  coolest concepts that i've ever featured on   this channel we're going to take a tour with  the owner who came up with the original design   and he's gonna discuss how he's lived  in this space for the last four years   with his family we'll also learn why  he's selling and what he plans to do next hi i'm edward merced and this  is my shipping container house i decided to build a shipping container house  because it was something different something new   it started out as a joke with some friends at  one o'clock in the morning my friends you know   they're making fun of me at first they go  oh it's going to be a mobile home park or   something like that and use that joke as a drive  for me to do something like this even though i say   shipping container house it's more livable  than you know your typical one i would say how i got the idea of shipping containers is i've  been in the import export business for 20 years   now and i've always you know seen stories on it  at first i was going to do only a 2000 square foot   the city wasn't open to certain things so the more  that they try to keep me from doing things you   know the more it gave me energy to go against what  they want to do my family you know there's four of   us my wife and two girls i designed this house for  them with what they want in the design a lot of   people think i'm an architect or an engineer you  know but actually i have no background whatsoever   it took me almost a full two years to build  it and then i've lived here for four years now   the question that people ask me most is does  it cost more to build a ship contained home   versus a regular conventional home to build a  normal shipping container home yes it can be   cheaper but the way i did it no is not i didn't  go to save money i meant it as a fun project   welcome to my shipping  container home let's go inside   i just came in the front entrance and as you  can see this is like the center of the house   in terms of where we are at we're sitting in a  20-foot container and you notice they're all high   cubes so they're nine and a half feet tall off  those but you know it's pretty tall so we walk   up the stairs and there's 11 shipping containers  you know 840s and 320s but this wall and this   wall are only one of four walls in the house  that are not made of shipping containers   so originally the house ended there but i  decided to add more more square footage to   the house so that's what's good about shipping  container home is that if you decide to add more   you can keep adding you know i can add another  three or four on the property still and still   be okay so this is kind of my  office area and this is where   you know one of the cantilevers so right here  we're technically in the air hanging over so this is one 40-foot container it goes from  here all the way back there the difficult part is   how you connect it to the wood so what i did  is i just put a standard roof on top of it   so it overhangs the container so it doesn't leak   you'll see this atrium i've always wanted uh  to grow plants inside the house but i didn't   want it in pots like everybody else  we rotate plants in and out sometimes my wife's from japan so this is  my take on a japanese tatami room it's as true to how it looks like if you were  to go to japan as much as i made it the only   difference is it's in a 25 shipping container the  mats are real tatami mats like they have in japan   and they're set a certain way too they're just  not just thrown in here stuff like this you know   came from japan this came from kobe we didn't  want to go to a store and buy stuff that didn't   go with the room you know like this thing is  like 80 years old it's paper mache from japan   now we're entering the master bedroom and it's  just a hallway going down and again i use a lot of   wood that is meant for outdoors i just you know i  just kept it indoors for a month and a half before   i put it on so it doesn't you know swell or you  know doesn't take moisture and stuff like that a lot of nuances of frank lloyd wright he uses  a lot of wood in his house and again this is   outdoor wood that i bought and i left it in here  for a month and a half until it dried up and and   again this i just went with the flow you know we  we started out with just one c and then i wanted   to give it the tree house effect if you look out  my window it looks like we're in a tree house   this is also recycled this came off of some  commercial in downtown portland i try to mix   a lot of materials so if you can see this is  something very delicate my wife's mom made it   you know by hand but this is just a piece of wood  and then i had a welder this is a motorcycle chain   but it's just a simple shelf that i made  gives you a little more like a steampunk   and then you know you get this little delicate  flower paper flower on top the story of this is i   have a friend who wraps cars for a living and i'm  kind of his guinea pigs he decides he wants to do   wallpaper so this is a photo from a famous garden  in japan in my wife's hometown and we decided to   print it out put on the wall so we have wallpaper  around the house you know so it gives it you know   just not just drywall but you know gives you a  feel of nature too walking into the magic bath   these came from overseas and then this actually  came from indonesia it was somebody's door it's   dated back to the 1500s basically when i built  this house i literally didn't have a plan the door   the front door there there came to the point where  my guy he couldn't cut the container yet because   i didn't know which door was so i went down to  the recycle center and a door a guy just donated   it was still in the cart i bought it right off  of the cart and loaded my truck brought down   to my container guy and he went and cut it out  that's how it was so up until 10 minutes prior   i didn't know which door i was going to use  you know it was kind of like that all the time   we're back to the front door and this is why  saying you know the recycle door that i go   in the fly you know and bought but and i kept  it like that i didn't want to refinish it and   anything i buy recycle for the most part i don't  go and finish it because if i'm gonna go and paint   this stainless it's gonna you know hurt nature and  that's not the point of you know trying to recycle   right i actually uh looked it up this door was  mahogany door it's a ten thousand dollar door   when i walked into that rebuild center  they had just unloaded off a truck some   i guess some rich guy didn't it didn't fit his  house or something so i bought for 900 bucks   so they're gonna sell for twelve hundred dollars  but i go hey can i do it for 800 and then we sell   at 900 but it's a it's a solid um 10 000 door  you know so that's the good thing about that   and so now so if you get the um frank lloyd wright  you know image is like when you walk into his home   you know the entrance is kind of smaller i didn't  want to keep it that small you know it's just an   impression of it so and then when you walk in here  now all of a sudden you walk into a bigger space this area is the main living area that's a  40-foot container going that way and then you   got a 40-foot container going this way and that's  a 40-foot container and it's divided you know   the bar the dining the the cooking area  so this first part is a fully stocked bar that's a container ceiling there and  that's drywall it takes a lot of time   but somebody had to cut each  piece you know out of drywall   so you can see you know there's  a little steampunk look in there this is our dining room table it's just a solid  piece of eight and a half foot tree trunk that   i imported from indonesia a lot of stuff came  from indonesia japan china and then a lot of   stuff locally one day i came across this door i  go you know what that's gonna be my chandelier we like to cook ours is actual a restaurant  kitchen not legal in normal home but in here   it's okay because we have metal we use this type  of tile which doesn't melt sometimes when we   have guests over we just close this that's the  pantry the refrigerator everything's hidden in   there this table was made by myself and another  guy at one o'clock in the morning we bought home   depot 60 pound creep bags 32 of them and we just  put in a wheelbarrow and we dumped it in here and   smooth it out and sand it quite a few times  we block epoxy and we mix in glow in the dark   when you have the light on during the daytime  it charges so i'll give you an example so   i just turn on the flashlight to charge it  and then at night this is what it looks like   this wall here is another 40 foot again  this is a part of the shipping container   these are one trippers and when i say one  trip is that sometimes like intel or nike   or apple or something they want a brand new  container they don't know what chemicals or   whatever has been inside the used containers so  these are called one trippers and they use it for   you know high-tech stuff so that it keeps it  clean and stuff i know that these are pretty safe   this is a teak root you know a thousand-year-old  teak root but it's illegal to export teak from   indonesia now so they go back in  and they dig up these roots to sell   and then this actually came from the local  rockery so it's just a piece of flagstone and   a friend of mine he carved it out for me i just  hooked it onto our plumbing and call it a day   the vibe you you get when you come  in my house is you get a 1950s   mid-century with a modern industrial with a little  bit of steampunk 1950s if you think about it you   know you got a conversation pit so that's what  this is my pond it becomes my fish tank in here coys i have 15 or 17. and  then the goldfish about 70.   so originally actually this was going to be  a swimming pool for the kids we had to save   these fish for my old house i took these and  bought them here so we turned it into a pond we're going to the kids room the kids room is made of three 40-foot shipping  containers because of coven you know they had a   study from online from home so this is where they  sat to study so it's a nice circle window this   also cantilevers out from this circle window  all the way down to the artwork down there my   kids drew that's a 40-foot container and if  you notice here a lot of containers exposed   these three windows here they came off of a  historical building here in downtown portland   when you cut big holes like this in a container it  does ruin the structure of the actual corrugated   so how we uh alleviate that is we put  these tubings you know it's all engineered   uh our engineer calls it out and we we we  follow what he says but these are two inch   tubings this is the end of a 40 and now you're  gonna go see two 40s you know next to each other   this is the kids tv room this is where the two  containers meet and then we we just bolted it on   and then we weld them on the outside  of this so this is their bathroom we have a little throne here there's uh pipes  and water running underneath and we didn't want   to expose this these are the i guess the little  differences in a normal home because normal   they would you know this wouldn't be  like this but since it's a shipping   container home you have to do what you got  you know you have to work with what you have   here's one the girls room and then  here's another girls sleeping area   if you want to look up close this is where the  two containers meet so this is one container   and then just see the container my best accomplishment or  you know a feel good that   people tell me is like when they open the  door the first thing everybody says whoa the reason why i'm selling this house is because  one is trying to try to downsize make a smaller   footprint two is i want to do something a  little crazy might build a home out of more   ship containers or something totally different  you know concrete or something i don't know mud i   don't know whatever somebody dares you to do right  thanks for watching this week's video make sure to   like share and subscribe and i will see you next  week with another tiny house or unique home tour you
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 287,896
Rating: 4.9524412 out of 5
Keywords: tiny house giant journey, shipping container homes, container home, containerhome, shippingcontainer, alternative architecture, architecture, vancouver, vancouver shipping container, shippingcontainerhome, architecture design, recycled shipping containers, containerhomes, container house, mansion, mansion tour, green home, green home tour, container homes, luxury home, unique home, house for sale, container home for sale
Id: YN_0dvkUWyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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