Amazing Modern Single Level Tiny House Gives Couple Ultimate Freedom

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with all of the craziness that's going on in the world it's been an opportunity for so many of us to reevaluate our lives and think about the things that are really important to us and that's exactly the case with this next couple we're about to visit who decided to sell up everything and build themselves a tiny house [Music] hi leah how are you good thank you bryce very nice to meet you g'day russell how's it going mate good how are you very well thank you and wow your tiny house looks incredible yeah thanks very much thanks for coming it is my pleasure so first of all what was it that inspired you to build a tiny house well it started with you i think i used to see your face daily for about three years i was watching your videos constantly and at the same time sort of weighing up you know what do we want out of life where are we going um where to from here and then of course covet happened and then it was a matter of us thinking about what our priorities are where we want to be taking consideration that we're minimalistic people and and i guess watching people around us too you know building bigger houses you know with bigger mortgages and really you know getting out of that rat race getting off that train really and for us it was being able to go to the beach and come back here and live on the farm without the million dollar price tag yeah yeah i definitely think that covert has been a real catalyst for people to start prioritizing things that are really important to them in life yeah absolutely it did do that for us once i had um convinced russell after it takes a little while to convince me three years only yeah only three years but uh we're here now and uh the farm here is our happy place this is our friend's farm and we're fortunate to be able to um to place our tiny home here and we have stressful jobs but we come home here and we're we de-stress russell can be a police detective by day and on the weekends he can be the farmer and it means for me after you know working with vulnerable youth through the day and then coming here at night it means because it is tiny i can't bring work home and the home just looks absolutely incredible can you tell me a little bit about the design oh thank you so what we did is like everybody else you know you look around and russell being an ex-builder is um quite pedantic so once we found a company it was great because it was a real collaborative effort and like i say i'd planned it and designed it over a three-year period and then finding somebody who was really close to those designs and working with them it actually was a marriage made in heaven and i thoroughly enjoyed it so much i want to build another one yeah so this design is actually a consented build and it was important to us too to get it consented so that yes we can move it around but we've got the opportunity if we wanted to you know in the future buy a piece of land and actually put it there full time then um you know it's consent i've got that opportunity it definitely is nice to have that flexibility yeah totally and i really love the color scheme of this house you've got this very striking black exterior with the wonderful copper accents i really like what you've done oh thank you yes it was quite deliberate as you can see i love black i actually love black and white so i love really strong clear defined lines and the black with the rawness and just how harsh it is and then with the copper you know it's nice and warm in actual fact what i was so pleased about is that everything that we designed came to fruition that nothing was out of place it was designed perfectly and how big is the tiny house uh it's ten and a half meters long uh by three meters wide and you have such a wonderful parking spot for it as well you've got incredible views here yeah i've been coming to this farm for 42 years it belongs to my best friend and when she was able to purchase the farm outright about 18 months ago she said yep go for it build your tiny house that you've always wanted and here we are so i've personally come back to my happy place so it's been great and i was always going to be a farmer growing up obviously things changed along the way but yeah we're pretty fortunate uh with the views where we are we've got a position we can see uh farmland all around us which is pretty soon yeah i can i can be that farmer now and then of course the big french doors here really does just accentuate that indoor outdoor flow of the home yeah these french doors open plus that window there folds right back as well we can pretty much open everything up yeah we deliberately made sure that when we were designing it that almost every wall has got a window or a door and that of course makes the house feel bigger bringing the outdoors in and keeping the house cool through the summer so yeah that was really important for us to really open up to the outdoors and you've also got this great outdoor kitchen here too absolutely that was a really important part of the design because we entertain quite a bit and we want to be able to have our family here and we don't want to stop having the lifestyle that we had in town just because we come out to the farm so we comfortably want to be able to have about you know 8 to 12 people that can you know sit around and of course russell does a great barbecue and we needed a bare fridge so um that actually took a little bit of convincing why were we building a tiny house to have another kitchen on the deck on the outside and it's all about you know creating those vibes you know and yeah we spend a lot of time outdoors you know through the summer i'm sure i'll i'll be spending a few hours behind the bbq and probably have a few beers out of the fridge as well that sounds like a good plan to me well this house is just so striking on the outside and i cannot wait to see the interior can we check it out absolutely i'm in thank you very much [Music] oh wow i love the colors that you've chosen in here yeah i just like the real harshness of the black and the white and then the green tones coming in and then the warm wood and the copper you know funnily enough they picture that my grandmother did when she was 19 that's been with me for many many years and i guess unconsciously i picked all the colors in and around that particular picture so yeah it all sort of just worked in and the layout in here is really nice it feels very spacious and i like that you've got a single level design here too it's an age and stage we didn't want to have to be climbing on ladders or going upstairs once our children had left home we were looking at a one level but not so much so that they can't come home and stay so we've got to pull out couch so two at a time but it was deliberate it was really deliberate to keep at one level to keep it um you know easy living for us and and i guess it does come to an age and stage where we are getting older [Laughter] nice to be future-proofing anywhere absolutely yes that's the word future and this is a very comfortable lounge that you've created absolutely that was really top of my list as having a decent couch so that at least we could have you know six to eight people seated here in the dining and the lounge it's about being comfortable all the time i didn't want anything too small an ordinary couch because we spend most of our time you know relaxing in here and it pulls out to a bed and also it has the storage underneath so it's a win-win and then the lounge space just very naturally flows to the breakfast bar over here absolutely yeah we wanted something that was going to be multi-purpose not that we want to bring paperwork home but we've got the option there to use that as a barlena you know if we want to catch up on some work and we've got the tv there um it's great to be able to sit there and look out while you're eating breakfast in the morning yeah plenty of space to use that area and then this kitchen is really something special the black cabinetry those incredible green tiles and then the wood just really pops in this space yeah love black so i've always wanted a black kitchen funnily enough it actually hides everything i want everything low maintenance easy clean so you know it's got the touch resistant fingerprints which is fantastic the wood just warms it up i love the pop of brass coming through but i just wanted something really simple really plain but i think with the green tiles you've got something there that just pops i'm not actually the cook funnily enough i love hosting but i wanted something that was really functional and easy care to help russell i think with tiny house design there is this idea that everything has to be light and white to make the space feel more spacious but one of the things that i love with the color scheme that you've created here is that it really makes the space feel cozy and it sort of draws you into the kitchen i guess for us you know having as many you know windows and doors as possible creates so much natural light so it doesn't really matter how much black you have in there and it's a great sized kitchen as well i can see that you've managed to build a tremendous amount of storage into it oh absolutely i think you know taking everything up to the ceiling you know one thing i did know within the designing is that you need as many drawers sort of from counter space down and then your cupboards from the counter upwards that way you know you're using up every little bit very cleverly done and you have all the necessary appliances here as well absolutely yeah so definitely went with the oven and microwave combo definitely needed a dishwasher so the pull-out dishwasher that's all been integrated in behind we've got everything here that you would normally have in a normal-sized home so we've got our coffee station and yeah it's was really planned for easy care and convenience yeah we've um we've tried to think of most most things we've got a pull out pantry which is uh pretty amazing it goes right to the top and obviously some things are there we don't use very often but everything else is uh easily accessible and plenty of space absolutely loads of storage in there yeah i literally measured everything that i had in my existing house we've used every little bit in the house that we could yeah i didn't have to downsize much at all in my kitchen you know we can comfortably you know feed eight to 12 people great and then what do we have through the door there okay this is our bedroom alrighty oh this is very sweet i've heard it called many things but not sweet oh okay i guess i went for a little bit more of a vintage vibe but again just the bare basics we need in here like a decent wardrobe i didn't want a pokey little wardrobe in here we've actually got you know like three full you know single wardrobes two obviously for me and one for us and also in there too what i what i really like is the fact that we've got you know we've got our drawers two drawers and then um further down we've got you know where we put our shoes and then up the top there we've got a whole lot of baskets and that's um literally russell's of mine changes season clothing so we didn't actually have to curl much which is great and then we've got two side tables we got really creative with the side table so again i took my grandmother's side table that you know is really dear to me and put that in there and then we actually just grab like a box and turn it upside down and use that as another side table but for me it was bringing the brass through to the bedroom keeping it really simple again black and white so everything seems really streamlined bigger than what it is really capitalize on the fact that we've got a long single you know window and then we've got the big door here with the window above it and then of course you've got to have your task lights it's really important for us to be able to have that again you know not compromising on the way that you naturally live because we read a lot when we're we're in bed so yeah we bought those in and but yeah basically bed wardrobe side tables what more do you need you can definitely see that this is an incredibly well utilized space and i especially like the way that with the door here the bedroom does again really just open up to the outdoors yeah again like i looked at how we live and i'm really fortunate because i get breakfast in bed every saturday and sunday well aren't you lucky so the view was really important and having the sun you know come directly into your bedroom in the morning is just a beautiful way to wake up and the barn door there is really lovely also it just brings a bit of warmth from the timber into the room yes i've always wanted a barn door and i love like the fact that you've got the wood and then you've got like the wrought iron so again there's that black coming in and that real harshness and rawness that i really really like and i'm guessing that leads to your bathroom it does all right let's check it out oh wow this is a very unique layout yep i was pretty pedantic about this particular space this is where we get dressed we utilize the space a lot because we've got the laundry we've got the bathroom and we've also got our built-in linen cupboard so it had to feel really spacious really functional and have plenty of room to be able to do everything that we needed to do in here so i see everything else but where is your laundry hiding right beside you and that long mirror there that's our actual laundry it's a bit like a pantry so it's uh not quite walk in but it's got everything in there what a clever design so in the laundry we've got a washer dryer combo so it was really important for me to have a dryer um so that was one way to be able to fit everything in and we've got to pull out ironing board as well so we've got our iron in there we've got all the cleaners and everything i mean we haven't had to skimp on anything everything that you would normally have in a laundry is in there so it's um really functional excellent and gorgeous design in here as well i especially like your base in here i wanted something you know a vocal point in this particular room so actually going for the marble vessel was like perfect so you know it is a small space but i wanted a decent basin something that we can really utilize yeah and it's a lovely match with the circular led mirror too the girl has got to have a good mirror absolutely absolutely good mirror for your blow drying your straightening of your hair your makeup and you know also capitalizing on all the light and russell's shaving as well absolutely man's got to have a good mirror oh great you've got a great sized shower in here and i especially like the way that you've positioned it where it sort of encloses the space but doesn't really feel like you're cutting anything off yeah so i wanted it to be see-through so that it does appear that it's bigger than what it is but it is actually a standard 900 by 900 shower but just really simple low maintenance and makes everything look bigger yeah and without compromising on space and i see you've got the incendiary toilet there as well absolutely we like it because you know every couple of weeks you're just pulling out ash and then you're able to you know put it out into the garden all round it's it's what works for us yeah yeah very nicely done so you've only recently moved into the tiny house but how is it working out for you so far it's been a week yesterday so things working out really good so far love it just you know when you visualize something and it's really unusual in life that um it's exactly how you visualized it to be but it's yeah everything everything that we thought everything that we had planned and imagined it's just perfect and what did your children think of the tiny house well when we first told them they thought we were mad um we probably still do they probably still do but yeah they they know we're a little bit crazy so um this is probably really not unusual but yeah i think they're just happy for us you know they want us to slow down they're always going on about us slowing down and enjoying life more and spending more time with them so that's what you know 2021 and 2022 has got planned for us yeah just slow down a bit enjoy our surroundings and enjoy our family and friends yeah great and can we talk about the cost that was involved in building this home yeah so we started off at about 165 000 but it was really important for us to get council consent and then we looked at you know were we going to go off grid or not and we decided to still um be prepared to go off grid and have solar but at the moment we don't so obviously we attached ourselves to the main house where we're staying and did all the right things with the plumbing and that so yeah we start off at about 165 000 and we've gone a little bit over that by the time we did our deck and all those bits and pieces so yeah really really happy waking up in the tiny house now actually is freedom yeah there's a real big feeling of freedom even though we've been here for a short amount of time we've been working towards this for you know three years it's everything that i wanted it to be and now that we're here we've got to put things in place to slow down in a healthier way being a police officer and other first responders there is um pressure there so it is important to be able to obviously do the job when we're at the job but then being able to come home and being able to relax leave the job there although we know that job is important but having balance here at home going tiny like you can't bring a load of work home it actually makes you prioritise being out where we are you know naturally you know you come over the hill and it's just like going home so for us i guess it is it's actually freedom for us covert really just made it happen faster you know we got our priorities straight and we're still trying to get them straight you know but this is at least this is a new beginning for us yeah yeah even though we're at the other end of our life we actually feel like it's just starting yeah it's exciting well you really have done such a wonderful job with this home you can really see how much thought and attention to detail you've poured into this design and i love all of the wonderful materials you've chosen in here thank you both so much for sharing thank you bryce thank you bros my pleasure leah and russell really have created such a wonderful home for themselves here there is so much clever design that has been poured into this home that just makes it work so well but more than anything for this couple it's a home that now gives them more freedom and more time to be able to spend with their loved ones and really that is exactly what a home should enable us to do [Music] you
Channel: Living Big In A Tiny House
Views: 951,881
Rating: 4.9527788 out of 5
Keywords: living big in a tiny house, tiny house, small house, single level tiny house, architecture, home design, alternative living, tiny house tour, small house tour, living big
Id: Ej4oUU2eaFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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