YURT TREEHOUSE Built by Senior for Fun & Retirement

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hey guys jenny here welcome to my channel  where i feature tours of creative spaces   in today's video we're traveling  to one man's unbelievable property   where he built a two-story  tree house with an elevator a cozy yurt with a backyard  full of alpacas and goats a super cool man cave   and a miniature town inside of an airplane hangar   this video is a continuation of my channel's  partnership with airbnb where i show you some   of the most unique rentals around the country and  share the stories behind the hosts that own them   so let's meet dan and take a tour of his  incredible property which he calls danville   of course hi i'm dan shaw and i am the mayor of danville our location is in geneva florida which is north  of orlando it is east of sanford we're 18 miles   from the ocean i've had the wonderful  opportunity to have a number of careers   started out in the air force in 1967 i became  a plumbing contractor and was a plumbing   contractor for 48 years i was an inventor  for five years which i have 23 u.s patents the first airbnb rental i had was the man cave  as it sat empty i had a friend come down and he   suggested why don't you put it on airbnb and i  said what's airbnb and why would anyone want to   stay in my man cave well much to my surprise and  glee i had lots of people that wanted to rent it and it was it was great fun and what i learned was  i was getting to meet some of the most interesting   people in the world i found this as rewarding  as traveling so instead of me traveling i have   people travel here and i learn about different  cultures and different countries and so it makes   an interaction that works very well for for me  i'm very grateful for the opportunity to do it   the inn here where we have weddings was second   so we started renting it out sparingly based on  when we had opportunities to rent it on airbnb   so my next project was the yurt i then bought some alpacas i thought  alpacas would look good with the yurt so   i put alpacas next to the earth and it adds to  an experience the alpacas became an experience i decided that i thought i would  like to have a couple segways   i realized that the segway was an experience that  they were having while they were staying here   guests love to drive golf carts they just do and  it becomes an experience so i'm i guess my hosting   style now now that i realize it is offering  as many experiences as i can during their stay   the next project that i built was a treehouse   we built this about three years ago it has  an elevator as far as i know it's the only   treehouse in the united states within elevator and  it has an interesting downstairs deck come on in   this is the hot tub level and i have a hot tub and  it's built uniquely out of a cowling of a dc-10   you can see it in that picture over  there that's what it was built from   it is a soaking tub it gets to about 101 degrees  has a table in the center for your wine bottle and you can talk to google if  you like turn off the lights   and google will play music for you if you like   over here we have an outdoor shower it's hot and  cold water this time of year it's a preference   so that you can have a little bit of space  in your shower a little a little more room you have some chairs to sit this  is a great place if it's raining   it's dry you're underneath the yurt and it stays  dry for if you're just sitting out on a rainy day   downstairs is a tiki hut with a grill and  this is where you can prepare your meals   if you like a fire pit where you can  have a wood burning fire if you like   upstairs there's a gas fireplace that's the  trail that leads off to the rest of the property we'll go upstairs take a look upstairs the elevator was made to look like a tree stump i  had a local artist help me paint it and it's so it   looks like the tree stump is going up in the air  i'm gonna go upstairs and i'll see in a little bit we're on the treehouse deck we have a upper upper balcony  that lets you look out over   the rest of the property watch  the horses and the goats next door   i have a gas fire pit out here that you can  sit out here on a nice evening you're amongst   the trees the yurt was an interesting  design because it gave you lots of space   lots of overhead volume and it makes it a very  comfortable stay come on in i'll show you inside   this is the inside of my tree house as i build it  i wanted to make you feel like you were amongst   the trees and part of a tree house so i couldn't  put it around a tree so i actually built a tree   inside the tree house and made it look like  there was a tree in here it has a murphy bed   i find that that murphy beds make a very very very  interesting way of having a yurt and still having   a bedroom too so it's either a big bedroom  or a big living room whichever one you want   i had a friend make me the parrot picture to put  in there sort of an interesting concept to put in we tried to make it as comfortable as we could  and still have the feel of being in a tree we are air conditioned and heated so you have  air conditioning and you have heat people ask   if they're staying in a tree house whether  they have any electricity and yes we do it's   it's hot water and air conditioning your table  you have so that you can eat and have a place   to sit inside the treehouse if you're not  outside television interesting i have a map and i ask guests to put a dot from where they  come from so i'm able to kind of show that people   come from all over the world that stay here and  it makes it sort of a fun thing and then i can   roll it up and they can watch television your  kitchen small but useful has a bowl in the sink and then the bathroom has a real toilet  not a compost toilet real toilet and a   small shower that has a few light fixtures  behind it that make it sort of interesting   it was made interesting the shower is  made out of two sheep watering troughs a lot of what you see here is all repurposing  i my goal is to repurpose everything i can find   i find things i found found the chairs  for the table and i thought they would   be interesting up here in a treehouse and so  repurpose is sort of what i really enjoy doing the skylight is wonderful especially if  the moon's coming in if you can catch the   moon coming in the skylight while you're  here at night it makes a very nice day i had a guest it still is a little emotional  for me when i when i tell the story the guest   emailed and said that he would like to stay in the  man cave that his wife was suffering from a brain   tumor and had no short-term memory and very very  sensitive about it and hadn't gone out in a year   but he thought that the man cave would be  something private enough when i would see   her during the day i would introduce myself  again say i'm dan we met earlier today   and she was she became comfortable and she was  comfortable with her stay he took pictures all day   long he was photographing everything to find out  that in the morning he would show her the pictures   of what they did yesterday they left and he  wrote a wonderful review and saying that they   had a great time about four months later he  called back and he said i have no money but   she would like to come and stay for a few days and  she's been told she has only four weeks to live every time i tell that story so she spent um her last few days  that she was having here with me   and that was very impactful to me   and without the platform none of this would happen  none of this could be possible i would have never   met all these people i would have never it had  a chance to impact her life and she impact mine   i started this project in my uh  my late 60s i'm 74 now and i'm   i'm still building them it is getting a  little slower i'm glad i have elevators   it was good but it has really added to my  life experience as you get older you need   activities you need things to do you need a  focus you need a purpose and this gives me that   now we're working on woodstock that will be  a you get to sleep in a 64 volkswagen bus and if you bring your instrument i'll  give you a sound stage to perform on   we'll have happy hour there and i'll buy the beer the opportunity for people and the opportunity for  senior people to meet interesting people from all   over the world is possible now you get to know  them they've already been vetted you can read   reviews about them and you can host these people  in your house even if you just have a spare room   it can make a very rewarding opportunity  for you a part of your life where you may   not get out may not travel as much have people  travel to you thanks for watching this week's   video make sure to like share and subscribe and  tune in next week for another incredible tour
Channel: Tiny House Giant Journey
Views: 323,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airbnb, uniqueairbnb, airbnbpartner, uniqueairbnbs, yurt, treehouse, florida, seniors, senior, retirement, danville, best airbnb in florida, tinyhousetour, elevator, tinyhouse, tinyhome, tinyhousegiantjourney, treehousetour, yurttreehouse, yurttour, easytreehouse, treehousebuild, creativeairbnbs, twostorytreehouse, 2storytreehouse, treehouseelevator, seniorcitizen, earlyretirement, airbnbbusiness, airbnbbusinessplan, seniorretirement, seniorretirementflorida
Id: dM2t1MPVa5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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