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[Music] how fast does milk it's past your eyes before you know it all right Lads and lasses welcome back to another edition of RS Outdoors 74 and today we're going to be taking a look at this new piece of Kit I've just had delivered from China Alo CW c05 alcohol stove so guys clearly some curiosity around this product you know I'm very curious about it um a number of people have contacted me on both Facebook and Instagram said they've been looking at this product as well I purchased this from AliExpress um I think all in including tax and delivery I think it was 53 pound um and it took about a week and a half to get here it was like I think it was 12 days delivery time all right um when I show you it you're going to see very quickly it's aimed at um replicating that support um the trang gear sets the 25 and the 27 what I'm going to do then I'm going to take it out unbox it if you like um I'll show you what comes in the box and then I'll lay out the individual parts of the product so you can see what's in there and then I'll talk you through the individual parts of it um I might even do a quick little boil test with it just some water something I'm not going to be cooping on this today I'm going to save that for another video and we'll take it out in the outdoors where it's supposed to be we'll make a little of meal on it um and I'll do that in the future episod for us so without further Ado let's get the Box open and see what's in there right in lad lass so as it says on the box there it's a 10 piece C cook set let's get open and products relatively well packaged it's know it's sealed with the little bubble WRA packag in with that yeah wrapping the bottom as well so it's pretty secure just get rid of that get and comes in a nice little stuff sack Bally with a little fashionable toggle just that's pretty cool that little bag pretty cool so let's get it out there yeah good little stuff sat night it wouldn't necessarily even have to use it for that use it for anything pretty cool that let's get that out the way M comes and it's fastened up well mine's not fastened up it's got the the band around it but it's not actually fastened up all right um and everything's actually plastic bags brand spun and new okay so we'll move the strap out way first things first the lid feels pretty solid guys this this whole thing by the way is made of anodized aluminium it says lightweight aluminum but come on the weighted set around a bit Ah it actually comes with the alcohol store Alex stove that's class really good um it's got the it's got a little simmer ring on it as well oh me cool I like that man this feels solid look at that screw on lid so you you'll be able to keep your actual you be able to keep your fuel in there so you won't have to carry an extra bottle unless you going to do a lot of cooking brilliant that I'm I'm happy with that obviously that screws on there there's the pot Clump gripper fer whatever you want to call it that's got umer there so you can pick up your pan moving away obviously anyone familiar with the tranga sets I know all about that oh some else in here as well sorry all right so that's a little cloth prot all right here that's the that's the actual p pan stand isn't it all right okay so that's the pan stand and that like that obviously sitting inside the pots we've got the first pot I come back to the sizes of these in a minute for you but there's the first pot the smaller pot um that one there that's it that's say that that's one lit there so obviously be a little bit a little bit more one lit with the one lit marks there and it's clearly M on the inside as well so you can see where the one L is pretty cool here's the bigger pot another one with plastic they're quite nice these they look really smart love the gray I like matte great finish on them um and yes this is the bigger partt in that is it's 1.2 so this one's 1 L that one's 1.2 The Nest together like that looks very smart this stit I like the way it looks this is the little frying pan oh it's got like a um nice that's it's got like a little thre threaded bottom I think that's what it would call that isn't it nice I like that then that's think said get your little gripper there and that's how you pick it up sit inside there like that I'm liking this guys I'm liking this and then this here that's the that's the windsh part is it and that's yeah right okay so that's the um that's actual wind guard part of the stor and this is the base so you you need to take obviously that out way that just pulls out of there and then you've got your base goes that way around this does have the little space so you can put in um a gas a buttin stove or something like that that'll go in there as well but yeah guys that's all the pieces I'll talk you through them um now um size wise Etc stuff like that so you know the dimensions and then we it all together right Lads and lasses so first and foremost star with the small pot there like I said it's a smart little set this the gr Mac gray anodized lightweight aluminum looks Smart looks very tired I really like it um is a TR gear version TR TR gear transier version um which is the same color as this now can't remember what it's called I can't remember what called called but I'll put it in the description down there for you when I find out but um basically right so this small po here A big one there small po so it's 7.5 cm down by 16.5 across the front that's the depth of that one all right um but easy L I'm talking I me I don't know what you it depends what you want to cook in here dog ha in there um but you easily cook will be rice peas veg stuff like that that it's it's more than big enough for that and if you just wanted to get a brew on quickly you know there you go W it in there all right so yeah handy that little one um and that's the first pot with it okay so next the larger pot I really like the look at this one it's it's got that Alo Brandon on there you can see that properly and like I said this is the one 1.2 L I think you can see in there so this one is 7.5 cm down in depth and it it's actually on this one it's 17 cm across the width all right um yeah like see the L I look at this one with the branding on really really smart says Alex since 1979 so been going a long time you know like um like 44 years coming up 45 years I don't know about that until I started seeing these kicking about I've never even heard of alock maybe some of you have if you have leave a little note in the comments about you know way you heard of them and if you've used them before if you got any experience of them but yeah that's pot number two um 7 and 1/2 CM depth 17 cm width so next the frying pan like I said it's got this little threaded bottom I really really like that um and this one is 3 and 1/2 CM depth by 17 1 12 CM width all right easily big enough that easily big enough to get your um a fried egg in a couple of fried eggs easily or four maybe it's five sausages I would say three maybe it's four bits of bating oh you just load it all load it all in there but yeah it's more than big enough that it does feel very lightweight and I said it's got this little gripper that comes with it there you know I love that little gripper and it feels sturdy when you pick it up you know like you could that's going nowhere hide it from your misses cuz if you get in the bad boots BOS it could take you out with that made but yeah look that's a c and little gri I love that that even that feels real quality and again that's branded there as well guys I'm really really liking the look of this kit it's it's smallart it's tidy and like I said it's quite stealthy with the Mac gr finish so yeah that's the frying pan so we took a look at um the frying pan both the pots right um let's get it put together okay so when you take off the little band the little tie this is obviously what you're going to be left with all right and so nice little little um handle on the top of the lid makes it easy to pull it off there's your stove um whole stove you grip out your PO gripper inside in the stand going to move all them out the way that's the stand code but you can use that as a little nice little cloth as well that it's obviously to protect the interior of the pants we getting this because this is supposed to be Co and like an anodized coat for a little bit of nonstick as well I've read different reviews as to how good that is guys you got to bear in mind with the greatest of respect that this um this cookon set is coming from China whereas the trangia um it's a Swedish product You' got to you've got to consider uh the quality of the aluminium that's going to be used on both of those different products hence the price you know so this is bit quite a bit cheaper than the triang year 2527 although I do think not I'm I'm not any kind of Trang year expert at all I've only ever owned uh the triang triangle the little one so I've got one but you know got a little alcohol stove try it but be fair that looks just just the same and just as good um and feels quality it's heavy it feels really good but I've got no real experience or usage of an actual TR cting system like this so unfortunately I can't compare the two of them for you all right but I mean it looks good it looks good and you know it get what you pay for but this really does look good so let's go on to we've got a pot in there it said we' got the pan let's get them out the way and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to put the Bas together so this bit that's got the little um stove adapter that's for your your your beIN stove your gas stove that bit goes on the bottom and you'll see then it's got these um these three little points there can you see there's one there um one there and there's one there right now that's four three slots you see there's three indentations one two three there right so these set over that and slide in and lock in all right very simple easy all right guys so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to get the stove sat in there so it's nested take the top off take the um the simmer ring off unscrew it and it just sits in there like that all right show you okay just sit in the inside like that all right out there in there easy and now that we've got the base put together and the pot stand and the stoves in there obviously if you're ready to cook or boil you're going to fill that up first but I'm not going to be doing that immediately I'll finish this set up so next we've got the pot stand when you first take it out it's going to come like that it's all folded up all right you just open up these legs here three legs open them out look and then just all take that out man and then we can obviously pop them in to these there's three little slots like this elong get slot there one two three slides in there really easily guys and there's your pot stand in there all right so dead simple base stove stand and then from there guys just take whatever you're using you know you've got your pot there look quite nice that's your small pot your big pot your pan fits on there as well you have your little gripper there it's perfect that but yeah look love this does that fit oh and your lid fit your pan seconds and it fits and it fits the big ball as well and obviously I'll go over that if you do need it to but I think sorry I think this is made more four that pan fits it perfectly it's quality that so I mean you can p eggs in that with that lid steaming them easy but um brilliant yeah that's it so that that's that's that all put together guys um let's just have a go bu in some water shall we right guys so we're going to boil a little bit of water in this now all right and so first things that we need to do we need to get some um fuel in here this is just um bio ethanol fuel that's I always using here I'm not going to go ment in here cuz I shouldn't need that much not deal for one burn there's quite a bit there there just for that actually look let's do a little test squeze little but on here leak test nothing coming out of that M but quality absolute quality that and you've got your little simmer ring goes back guys brilliant that because you T on there like I said if you're not going da with loads of fuel you can leave that alone then just put what you need in there take it with you now got M how much I put there about half so don't know if you can see that there guys but there about half in there right so yeah like I said all you got to do load that in take your standand take the legs out make sure the legs are out put the and fit that in made a bit put that too far on the other side there you are nice and easy right right guys so just grabbed a later there all right um and basically what I'm going to do I'm going to boil just enough water to make a cup tea all right so I'll be using that in there so first off let got a LD on straight away got lit there show you burn way nicely that I'll just give it a couple of couple of minutes just to settle itself down and start to sim through the Rings properly cuz the minute that's just turnning away but yeah look I mean to be fair that's no different than me Little Triangle one that one not at all no different all right guys that's pretty much sort so we get the pan on there we get the um water in Sp half of that that's the water in um and we'll let it just let it just blast on I'll get have another quick look at that there you are can see I just burning away in there guys it's 13 minutes past 6 now let's see how long it takes the boiler cup of T in that yeah guys so if you've been following my channel for a bit now you'll know that I'm never used to be like a big fan of alcohol stores because I don't really like waiting for them you know um I've always been a gas man first and foremost I prer you know Jeet boils um MSR pocket rockets that type of stuff really got much patience when it comes to um waiting for boiling something that but if you look like one of my last videos um if you go back and check it it was me solo wild camp in the secret location where I was up in a chiev Hills freezing it was freezing temperatures and me gas stove failed and I had a resort to me backup stove which was little fire gel ones that um fire dragon gel stoves what the what the military use and off the back of that that's what made us think and it' be a bit more ready and a bit more prepared because one of the sections um that I was going to do in that video I couldn't do because of that this is starting to get a little bit of a bubble on way this guys I mean it's been in there 3 minutes wow wow quite impressed with that but yeah so off the back of that gas St feeling I thought going to go and get one in the trang are expensive man aren't they they're expensive man I know the brilliant and I know you get what you pay for on that but like I said I'm not really a lover stores I don't know like corers but I wasn't so B with the intention of using all the time it's literally going to be just me winter stove that that's it do you know what I mean in the summer I'll be using like me um my MSR or my BRS depending on what I'm doing but this is going to be me go storm in in the H in the win in the cooler months but I let you have a look at this cuz this is starting to get a little bit of a bubble on now guys I let you have a look you can see I starting to Bubble already and you know what if I had like a brain in my head I would have done this straight away wouldn't I and put the lid on [Music] these little cook set it doesn't matter these are usable all year around it's going St very soon guys they're useable all year around if you really want to and I get a there people out there who go camping and just want to enjoy every part of it and make every part of it last as long as possible and for people like that these are great stores and this little handle is going to be dead handy for this as well I'm starting to get a little bit of a boil on there guys 8 minutes nice boil there now guys I'll show you there you have it 8 minutes that's taken there so going to get this off now and I'll come back is there we are comes off like that side your little um simmering through push it on flame straight out dead easy all right yeah guys and all finished right that was 8 minutes it wasn't that painful all right good look job so works you can see it works there and like I said I'm want to save the cook test but when I'm actually Outdoors um so you can see it in this Real Environment right guys so that's now had about 10 minutes to cool down and it should be ready to put away now so let's break it down LD off pool's nice and cool now I have left this for about 10 minutes by the way L and L so make sure you give it plenty of time to cool down because this this was boiling initially but yeah it's all right now this just lifts back all those little slots like that so give a quick wipe down there right so that comes out obviously get your a little um simmer ring off there put the lid back on lift it out with a lid that's cool enough now anyway still a little bit warm that that self is still a little bit warm so just bear in mind guys you know do get hot these they do get very hot obviously it's going to get hot to the stove but what I mean is to stay hot to retain the heat those little alcohol stoves and obviously the the metal pot stand it's going to R the heat for a while so leave that to cool down a little bit this is all sound out this just spins back off same way it did before and they've got that all back inside itself SP first the windshield um The Frying Pan the large pot the all pot then obviously the little pan stand goes back in this a little protective cover to make sure you're not harming the scratch proof stuff pop that in there small pot along with the um pot handle and that would go in there as well I'm not going to do that cuz it's still a bit too warm right lead goes on put that down there now I have seen reviews I said this can be a bit difficult to get back on let's just take this all out a second this might been a better idea to do yeah if you take that off first use your finger so it's got to go through the the two little bits there there you go that's it through there might be worth doing first guys right do same thing there just guide them with your fingers so obviously lesson learn straight away there guys get that little strap in first then you can take you Al said blast it in in it [Music] goes yeah I did do that upside down there to be fair right but it is what it is that's fast now it's on there it's safe and all of it just going to go back in that stuff bag right guys so because obviously this is not a small cooking set this is meant to be for two to four people don't expect it be an ult like kit Weight Wise is to 748 G right it's not like ridiculously heavy I notate that but for ults that might not be the thing for you um but yeah 748 G but my first impression of that I love it you know like I said I'll take it out I I'll get it out in some woodland or something like that and we'll cook a meal on it in a future episode but phom is going to leave it at that all right so I hope that give you a good Glimpse in this produ I couldn't find much information on it when I was trying to find it there's a couple of um videos but they all seem to be in Chinese um when you're looking on YouTube and you have to read the the um the subtitles Etc which stops you fully enjoying the video and concentrating but to be fair from some of the comments I've had over the last um couple of months you might need subtitles for my videos but um look no I hope it's enjoyed that guys like said that's the Alo CW C5 2 to four person C cook set going to finish the video there so thanks for watching this episode of us outdoor some and until the next Edition stay safe and take care
Channel: RS Outdoorssevenfour
Views: 3,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GRqchl5hBzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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