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hey guys ernie here and welcome to the paleo hiker md channel the transient spirit burner is by far my favorite alcohol burner and if you look on the internet you'll find a lot of what we'll call copycat stoves out there today we're going to take a detailed look at the transient along with three very commonly available stoves that happen to look a whole lot like the tringia let's see if they can live up to the original thanks for watching guys as far as i can see it looks like trangia the company was founded in 1925 and the original stove i believe was put out in 1951 between 1964 and 1976 the special swedish military version which is a little bit larger than your standard transient was produced let's take a really close look at the modern day transist spirit burner so here is our transient super nice basic stove i've had this one a long time i probably have four or five different actual transient stoves this is my oldest one dimensions are 2.85 by 1.75 the weight let's see 3 and 7 8 ounces it is made out of brass and the website does say that the material inside is 100 cotton and has a 100 cotton wick inside it is made in sweden and the current price is 17.90 comes with the simmer ring i want to look at a couple of different things you can see the simmering is very basic some of the other ones have a handle here you can make your own but this one works just fine unscrew this you'll see an o-ring here this allows you to store fuel inside and here is the actual stove you can see the bottom it's got the t transiet and you can see the jets are all the same size uniform very traditional for the transient that is different than our other three which we'll see in just a little bit we'll go ahead and put this thing to the test boil some water and then we'll move on to the next stove okay we've got our transient this is just one cup of water guys i'm just telling you guys that i usually do two cups but i don't have a lot of time today so i'm just gonna do one cup it'll still give us a good idea what we're dealing with i am still using one ounce of fuel so let's get this thing going you'll be able to see the flame pattern i'll show you a close-up of the flame pattern here in a second [Music] there we go let's see how long it takes to get to a boil all right four minutes 35 seconds 4 minutes 35 seconds for a boil we will let this continue to burn and see how long it burns for there it is 9 minutes 17 seconds total burn time this is the esbit as you can see it says right on top esbit dimensions are a little bit different they're all the same on these other three it's 2.9 by 1.8 the weight on this one three and three quarters so a little bit lighter material is brass and there is nothing on the website that tells me what's on the inside i assume it has some kind of a wick but we really don't know non-descript top the bottom has this little star this will be very familiar here in a little bit take off the top and it has the familiar rounded o-ring and if you look at the flame pattern this i have to be honest guys i've used this stove quite a bit and it looks brand new so that is kind of neat it has the same diameter holes as the transient but then alternating with smaller holes like an alternating large small large small so that is a difference from the transient the original this one is made in china and the price is 22.99 currently on amazon let's put this one to the test we're going to put our one ounce of fuel in carefully as always i'm using heat out of the yellow bottle basically methanol we've got our water once again 66 67 degrees [Music] that on get this on get it started let's see how long it takes and how long it burns for all right coming up to our boil here five minutes six seconds that's five minutes six seconds on the esbit let's see how long it burns for all right nine minutes 33 seconds total burn time with the esbit next we've got the solo stove basically the top just says solo stove but otherwise to me it looks exactly the same it's got the little star pattern on the bottom just like the other um esbit take off the top you do see a difference i guess so so it's trying to be a little different they have a flat ring here o-ring which keeps things a little bit different but pretty much i don't see any real difference in what it would do it's still just going to keep it water tight and you have the exact same hole pattern as you do on the esbit looks very very similar i can't tell them apart in my opinion this one the esbit is a little shinier but otherwise they are the exact same all these measurements as far as where these indentations are are exactly the same in fact if i'm not careful i will mix them up very easily this one again is made in china it is priced at 24.95 the most expensive one which is interesting let's put it to the test all right 66 degrees again this is the solo stove let's get our one ounce of fuel in there probably work better if we put gas in it right it's hard to do exactly the same amount of fuel but it's pretty close i use a little measuring cup all right let's put it on start this bad boy up let's see how long it takes to get to a boil and how long it burns [Music] all right stop there on accident 506 506 for a boil to get the water off and let this finish burning off so 506 with the solo [Music] there it is 9 37 9 minutes 37 seconds total boil time for the solo stove last but not least is the cheapest one we'll just look at our top here and this is the red camp that's how you know the difference because otherwise it looks exactly the same it has some scratches on it from my wear and tear but the same star pattern on the bottom this goes back to the traditional o-ring just like the transient okay and the pattern of the jets is the same as the other two just like it now i'm gonna keep these separate so i know which ones which but i'm having a hard time deciding which is which it looks to me like there's a little bit of different polishing and some minor changes but you would never know that they didn't come out of the same factory in china and all they did was change the top with their name on it and that's how they got their stove anyway let's get this red cap fired up and see what kind of numbers we get last one we've got our red camp we're gonna add our ounce of fuel let's get it started [Music] all right here we go let's get a boil [Music] [Music] all right 5 10 5 10 for the red camp five minutes 10 seconds let's get the water off let it burn off and see what we get there we go nine minutes 46 seconds 9 46 for the red camp so quickly let's review those results the transient brought the one cup of water to a boil in four minutes 35 seconds the other three were very very close five minutes and six seconds for the esbit and the solo stove in five minutes and ten seconds for the red camp the transient burned for a total of nine minutes 17 seconds and once again we had very similar results with the other three the esbit burned for 9 minutes 33 seconds the solo stove for 9 minutes 37 seconds and the red camp for 9 minutes 46 seconds we are looking at very very close close numbers for three stoves that look a whole lot alike well it is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and that is definitely what we have going on here with the transient and its imitators here are a few thoughts what's interesting is that the solo stove burner and the esbit burner are more expensive than the traditional transient even more interesting is that the red camp is quite a bit less expensive way less expensive than either of those two stoves which is most interesting because they appear to be basically the same thing is the esbit or the solo stove worth more money no i mean i really don't think so if you want to save a little money off the transient and get something cheaper go ahead and get the red camp you get the same stove as the solo stove or the esbit you get an included pot stand and it's a whole lot cheaper some people may favor that shiny brass look i really like the older look of the transient but if you want the shiny one get the cheaper one get the red cam so what's my recommendation well it hasn't changed i would suggest getting the transius spirit burner it is the old tried and true it's the original and i think it's the best now if any of you guys know of a difference with the solo stove or a difference with the esbit something that i'm missing let me know i scoured the internet i looked at both manufacturers websites they don't have a lot of details about these burners they simply state they're made out of brass that's it but if you look at them very closely like we did they look like all three the red camp the esbit and the solo stove are essentially the same thing all they did was change the logo on the simmer ring and they had themselves their own alcohol burner so nothing i saw today makes me want to take my transient and replace it with one of these copycats not sure if you guys are aware but i have an entire playlist on stoves make sure you check it down below as well as in the cards up here somewhere at the end of the video if you like the video please do me a favor guys hit the thumbs up really really helps spread things across youtube it is a tremendous help to our channels if you like those videos if you're not subscribed and you don't want to miss any videos hit the subscription button and if you want to make sure you don't miss any videos hit that ding dong bell and you'll be the first to know just wanted to take a minute and tell all of you thank you so much thank you so much for the support for the comments we have a lot of new subscribers here on the channel recently and i hope you guys will stick around for not only these stove videos but as the fall hits we're going to start actually getting out in the woods which is going to be exciting and i'm planning on doing just a lot of day hikes a lot of wood burning stoves a lot of cooking out in the woods just basic simple videos that i really love to do as always guys i appreciate you checking out the paleo hiker md channel stay tuned for more videos soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PaleoHikerMD
Views: 43,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trangia, spirit burner, alcohol stove, stove, test, esbit, solo stove, redcamp, copycat, fake, hiking, backpacking, off grid, emergency, weather, inclement weather, alternative heat source, alcohol burner, best alcohol stove, msr, cat can stove, fancee feast, fake trangia, trangia copy, copy, is the trangia the best, trangia testing
Id: OqoXHMqxWa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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