Low cost Heating check out this stove heater!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel so I've been sent in by a viewer a kerosene cooking stove never actually had one of these um so I'm not sure how well it's going to perform we will be testing it just to see if it is any good I mean as you can see we'll see how it goes let's have a look at the packaging let's get into it the fire wheel brand not heard that one before obviously again Chinese superior quality kerosene cooking stove yeah will be the judge of that one guys e not much on there as usual so stove top adjustable legs yeah pretty standard pretty flimsy though can't see how long them um split rings are going to last but yeah seems pretty decent it's all right it's not the best really thin now apparently this Heats as well I've seen on a few other videos that this is um people use it as heaters as well for their home put it on a low light it just creates like a burn chamber in these two cylinders um so we'll test that out as well um and then we can try the heater on that one what else does it come with that's quite interesting okay yeah so it's kind of the same principle of a paraffin Lantern I've got a couple of them in the shed they're always good for emergencies and set the mood when you're camping so it's pretty much same principle eight Wicks quite a lot of um spear on that as well that's pretty straightforward again seems decent enough it's not it's not the best but I mean if it's anything like the paraffin lanterns the better named ones always seem to work better the cheaper ones they always seem to these always seem to snap or the the teeth always seem to go but again time will tell what do we have next okay okay fuel spout I'm assuming yeah cheap little plastic spout I'm assuming that's the wick then seen in other videos you have to use this sort of um this is more like the tank cap for it doesn't screw on or anything like the uh the paraffin lanterns you just dip it and basically light it around but we'll try that out as well on test I'm assuming that's the middle bit again pretty thin it's only like a m steel perforated you can see the finish on that on the camera I'm not sure if you can see that it's okay it's not the best it's a bit rough um welds aren't the best but again I mean this this retails at about 7 quid so how long do you think it's going to last for 7 quid oh we've even got Speare Wicks as well that's always handy we like a bit of spare Wick ah the actual tank okay so apparently you can actually cook on these um you know generally frying pan things like that I mean looking at them I personally wouldn't put anything heavier on than that is than a cast iron stove or anything like that sorry cast IR pan I think that's going to be too heavy um I think they're really quite flim actually I mean look that's bending already not the best of qualities you see that look yeah it's not great I mean for emergency use I suppose it'll be all right and it'll get you by but it's it's not the best it is quite thin finish isn't the best it's quite rough um again 7 quid what do you expect but if it's something for an emergency to get get you through you know a night or a couple of hours or something like that if the power's gone out I mean the UK is experiencing experiencing a lot of flooding at the minute so it's always nice to have a few backup things candles and ways to cook and some clean water and things like that okay so I'm assuming then stick fill that with paraffin we soak the wax in it let that soak for a while burn Chambers that will sit on top cover as you can see so you have your air flow your lights will come out the Flames I'm not sure if you can see that on camera but when we use the wick to go up they actually come out and that will draw you that will draw you flame through the inside into that cavity cuz that's obviously wider than what it should be then obviously this is just the the icing on the C really that's just the crown stop it eclipsing all right I mean it's it's it's not the best it it could be better quality for what it is but again recommended retail price 7 quid you're not going to get much I definitely wouldn't trust them legs on a casty pan though anything heavy that's you know full of food or water or whatever you're trying to do and accomplish with it but I've seen people on videos use these for um Greenhouse heaters so that that' be great for a greenhouse heater you know a small shed um providing there's nothing else that's flammable in your shed like oils and things like that definitely want to put it near anything like that obviously because it is a flame even though it's on low can still be quite dangerous and then your stove top so a apart from a few things with it being pretty thin metal um I think it's generally all right it it's not the best um I generally try to look at the positive side on reviews and you know if it's got a a purpose I mean someone's gone out of the way to to make it and mass produce it but I wouldn't go as far as probably buying one myself the testing will find out whether it does actually heat up a room and stuff um again we'll try it on the testing make sure it's safe to use and stuff I don't like to give reviews out on bad products um but I do like to review all sorts of products because obviously that's the market for it there is different um Brands out there some are better than others but if we can find a cheaper deal somewhere we'll we'll try and find it so I'm assuming then obviously that just goes in there soaks in to the wick not the best of fit in really though pull it out then obviously we' roll up the um Wix to go up a bit once that's lit we just run it around and then it lights up blow that out and then once that is gone out make sure there's no flames in that before you stick it back in there cuz that will be full of paraffin or kerosene and then it just goes back in puts itself out really and um I mean as far as quality wise color is quite nice I don't know why everything with you know camping and cooking always seems to be green and blue I've never understood that suppose it's a nature thing um this does hold on the instructions a liter and a half of paraffin so that's quite a lot now I've looked at what burn time is on kerosene never use kerosene myself I prefer paraffin just because paraffin generally better inside it doesn't smoke and there's less odor but apparently it can run up to 18 hours now if that works out to 18 hours per 1 and 1/2 liter I think that's a great price because that's actually cheaper than using your central heating obviously central heating uses your whole house but if you if you just wanted to you know turn your heating off and keep it on low and just use it in a room and you know just to keep yourselves warm and things like that we'll definitely not use this in a bedroom while you're sleeping no don't do that at all um and always make sure you have a carbon monoxide alarm that's that's Paramount you know always think Safety First you don't want this thing running over nighttime you've fallen asleep cuz you've gone all of a sudden really tired um and then find out you've had no carbon monoxide poisoning and God forbid that you don't wake up again that's that's not what we want so always think Safety First when it comes to you know Flames like this um and always keep it away from flammables um anything that can catch fire you know just make sure you keep it away make sure your kids can't get at it if it's in the house um make sure it's away from any cardboard or anything like that that's in your Greenhouse anything that's flammable Plastics Etc um any fertilizers um cuz God forbid anything like that went you know went up um it wouldn't be good um so what we'll do is now we'll give it a test we'll put it through its Paces we'll stick it on heating I'll stick a thermostat next to it show you roughly while how hot it's getting things like that we'll stick a pan of water on top give that a test see if it does boil up water if it's any good if it does kick out any Flames with it not really being oxygen rich I can't really see it being anything like a jet Flame or anything like that um but I mean for Bill quality I'd say it's probably about a five out of 10 really there is better Brands out there better quality what are you going to get for a Chinese make it is what it is it was 7 quid delivered um for the price you can't really Grumble if it if it heats up your you know your Tomatoes over a you know a cold night so I can't really see an issue that way but everyone says it's pretty good for warming up your house so we'll give it to see we'll stick a carbon monoxide alarm next to it see if it sets it off and if it does we'll let you know [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] so guys after doing the test on this product um I would highly advise it's crap don't use it at all you know it's took nearly 20 minutes to do a boil and it wasn't even rolling at that pan is completely wrecked which I expected to be fair anyway wasn't the best um I did put 2 lers of water in it now it is a ler and a half a paraffin 20 minutes I mean the thing was giving off fumes toxic I had to open the shed door at one stage it absolutely stinks highly advise do not cook or heat with this in any sort of closed room in your house always use it outside the the thing's pretty lethal to be fair again build quality not the best it held the pan quite well I mean 2 lers was all right full of water um but I'd advis definitely no no to um cooking and heating indoors with this you gave off plenty of smoke took too long really to roll and boil there is plenty of products out there that do a better job quicker more efficient less fumes and toxic gases um so this is definitely a no from us thanks guys thanks for watching see you on the next [Music] one a
Channel: TheGreatGearReview
Views: 8,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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