Trangia Alcohol Stove Tips

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hey guys how's it goin all I don't a little bit of late night man cave tinkering you most probably saw that Trangia stove review that I just did and I was having problems with moving the simmering all that the flame was just being all over the place the simmering I couldn't adjust it while it was in there I'd have to take it off and and try and adjust it this just seems a bit of a silly buddy situation so I figured some people have commented on those videos thanks heaps guys for all the tips and tricks with with that Trangia stove I've got to see if I can loosen that up or work something out but anyway let's get this all out and organized and we'll get into see what I can come up with actually guys here's trying to light that especially when the liquids Fareway down can be a little bit painful someone mentioned about using a fire steel I'm going to give that a shot Millie went all right so that is now lit but that sounded like a whole lot of effort I'm sure I'm using it bloody wrong how's that first shot that's a good idea thank you very much for the tip I'm going to put that out I'm going to just try with the with a lot of thing beautiful all right that was easy - maybe it was this when I was due on that review just totally new to everything and I was being stupid cool so both these work no worries at all alright guys so while this thing is preheating or doing whatever it does to get up to full steam this is the simmering that we're talking about what I'm talking about that I want to fix so when you got to move this it's still quite stiff so that when it sits on that stove it doesn't clip in so it's actually loose and when you try to move this the whole thing turns around it doesn't just move that so somehow we've got to make this thing be loose all right so my first instinct is to kind of like just manipulate this thing try and loosen it up some people have said about drilling that out and maybe putting in a smaller or a looser rivet in it or drilling drilling that out and putting a nut and bolt or a screw or something but having it locked in there but not type so so it's loose so levar we've been going to just keep wiggling at this so I've just been wiggling it and so far that seems pretty good obviously if I go - huh no it's when you when you're on air that part there that's why I got on there and see what happens so ideally what I would do is I just put that on and leave that in the fully open position now we'll put I won't put that on just yet so I could use this pretend I was going in and adjusting it like that all that works all right let's whack this on can you guys still see can't really see can dangle let's move you over right so you should be able to see that now guys so now if I put this in here so I'm caught again look at that won't do it so slight little test oh I reckon that'll work all right so I've been having a bit of a play on being letting this thing heat up because I thought when it heats up its going to expand and it might get tired of its so far it hasn't done that it's still being able to turn I've worked out my tongs are going to be a really good thing for doing that I'll show ya so not only are they better than this because I've got a little bit more reach on it there you go so I just got to give it a tap once I get past that grabby bit I can then adjust it but before I wanted to do that you saw that didn't yet how's that why do you Ripper cool so there you go guys mini tongs and that simmering does the job alright another thing that people said in that review I use the cap to just put the flame out and then take it off now that gets pretty hot so even though it's only on there for a little time for a small amount of time that by doing that you can hurt that oring and obviously you want to keep that earring as good as possible people have already mentioned on there that they actually keep the fuel in there if they don't use it all and then just put the cap on and they never have a problem with leaking and that's obviously as long as your o-ring is in is in good condition so I don't know why I didn't see this but obviously the simmering in the closed position is what you'd use to put it out instead of you know chanting stuffing up your o-ring cool another thing that someone said was when you're cooking I don't know if you can see wonderful I can see that without tipping out the bloody you can see the black stuff underneath there choose merely tip and boiling water on it's not boiling yet to stop you at the bottom of your pans and that getting that black stuff on there what you can do is put 10 percent water or how would you work it so with you add 10 percent water to your methylated spirits and that helps with the sorting and it actually hurts because it comes with a little booklet it says that it actually says that in there so that's another good tip if you wanted to not worry about getting all that saltiness on the bottom of you you have pots and pans and all that kind of stuff alright so another thing that I didn't touch on with the Trangia which I'm not going to go into but you can see on the side here actually oh kettles boiling let's remove that I'll even remove this that out of the way bring you closer yeah you can see there's a hole there that hole there is for if you want to run a gas stove so basically we move this out of the way without filling and burning the mancave down you put your guess part would sit on there and then the hose would run out through here to your bottle gas bottle and then you could run this whole set up using a gas bottle let's see if I put this back without dropping it scary oh there we go it's done so you go that's that's another option whether it is to run is to run the gas with it so there you go now I had a question in regards to these two bulbs as we know they nest together fast kara member who was that I said would they go that way now they don't actually kind of like to slip on each other that way and why why ask that was to form an actual oven Owen wow that's a bloody good idea and I reckon it would work so you can see that I want to bring you over so if I was just to work it in there now let's say we had we put a true that you need a trivet in there so something that just grabbing the one out of my other pot so this is what you call a trivet now this one won't fit in here obviously oh it nearly does can you see that so basically what that's doing is whatever you're having in there now whether it's a hot dinner roll I think you were saying about dawn or oh so that could be a very small roast but anyway yes oh you could do that and then just stick this on there and I reckon that that would work as an oven couldn't see why it wouldn't air tiny Nick the other or the other way I suppose you could do it if that maybe got too hot well you can turn the cemetery just 10-7 down or you would lift these out stick that on there Jesus wow that's hot me Wow swear to god hot things just door oh man I can feel it all the skins gone tight that's going to be white later on ah me Oh crazy um Jesus yeah all right let me get you back down ah if you put this on there regarding I shall hear how this pot was it's it's melted to the bloody carpet d how alright so we would then put that on there and then put that on over there you know what I mean well if you can't cause certainly can't say the transi it doesn't get bloody hot man crazy alright I think I'm going to finish it there go and run my fingers under some cold water all right guys Kevon ride and if you ain't ride and keep on keepin on
Channel: Biker Bits
Views: 197,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biker, Bits, Australia, Motorcycle, Adventure, Trangia Alcohol Stove, Trangia, Camp Stove, Trangia Simmer Ring
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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