Is This a Real Tank? We Ask an Historian... ft. @The Chieftain | #Shermanator [EP2]

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okay so our tank you guys know that we bought this thing out of a swamp and we don't even know what it is like i have no idea so before we tear into it too much and do any more damage just got to try and figure out what we have what parts it needs and that's the tricky part is because i really don't even know what we have it's not anything that you guys have mentioned online hey what are you doing here um i was sitting by my desk and i heard the anguished cries of a tank that needed tensioning so i thought i'd come down and do a little bit of work do you have anything bigger than this that's absolutely pathetic i'm nick by the way i go by the sheep though okay well nice to meet you here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i used to use it to dig black muck and i think sat for 10 years and fired right off so the coolest thing is the steering wheel actually works it's connected to the tracks come on girl more power what in the name of saint george have they done to that tank we have come to the ontario regiment museum so you can have a look at what your thing looked like or supposed to look like doing 20 mile an hour in this thing on the road is actually very scary okay so maiden voyage we're gonna grease it you know we want to do proper maintenance on our stuff let's see if we can make this an easy driving experience i know we have a hole in our radiator back there so top that up i wasn't sure if it was a detroit but just driving it up and down the driveway here a little bit starting to leak oil everywhere too so we're gonna take it to some uncharted territories find a way through the bush and see how we make out here we go now this transmission is just a four or five speed with no overdrive so if we were to upgrade to an overdrive transmission we could probably get it up to i don't know 35 miles an hour something like that right now we can stick this in bowl low and that in bowl low and we could pull a house down i'm sure hey a chevy tail light i wonder if that's off this truck if i draw the glass it looks like water to me but anyway transmission was a little low we got one fill port on the side of the transmission and then we've got one for each final drive so we'll pull that plug and make sure that the final drives are full fuel oil it's wet in there we're all set she's in good shape whoever thought of this did not stick this through very good well that's our level must have been a bullet german so it's quite the hole you ever hear the trick with the eggs yeah yeah pepper eggs and pepper or pepper oh yeah how many eggs there's a there's a chicken coop over there do you mind grabbing a couple eggs [Music] that should do it all right i just bubble gum it up and let's go yep you have some bubble gum do you no i didn't bring any gum right the eggs or did you just throw them in throw them in with the shells yeah i thought maybe vince could weld that hole up for you i've done it before but it ain't fun he's already said no to me not welding that so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little underpowered [Music] [Music] you nervous so so [Applause] [Music] [Music] more power more powerful if we go off to the side we flip over [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so so we're probably okay to go through here i don't know what's underneath this swamp or how deep it is this is a creek and then this time of year it's about to dry as as it gets the issue is if we get stuck we're going to spend a day or two to get us back out again we have to cut a bunch of trees down for kevin's tractor to be able to come back in a day or two's time i think we can pull the cab off put the bigger engine in the back so at least we have power and then maybe put that four cylinder in the front with a hydraulic pump and a winch i'm sure vnr's got a massive winch that way if we get stuck we can just winch yourself out rather than being idiots and going through here or we could just drive through here and pretend that we don't think things through either way the train bridge is super cool these are the tracks that make it to the front of my house but i don't think we can fit through the i think we're 10 feet wide and i don't think and i i wouldn't be surprised it kind of curls around at the bottom so i don't think we can make that all right guys if you don't know who this is this is nick aka the chieftain the internet's resident tank expert one of them but i like to think i hold my own you saw our little video there and some people recommended you come down and take a look okay so you know what in the name of saint george have they done to that tank and it's probably it's a travesty oh my god it's pretty cool it is very cool i've got good news and i got bad news okay the good news is that was never a tank okay good thank god the bad news is um do you know the way when you put something take something apart you put it back together and there's always a couple of pieces left over yeah yeah imagine you did that with a whole bunch of tanks and then you looked at all the bunches of pieces you had left over and said i got a great idea that is what you have so so what you're saying is that is extremely rare and extremely valuable it is extremely rare right so things that this tank is not other than being a real thing so there are a couple of interesting suggestions and i have to say i thought about them as well when i first saw the vehicle until i came up close and i realized this was a bespoke custom-built pulp yeah honestly i don't know why they didn't just use the regular m4 hull i guess we were just trying to keep the weight down so the spacing of the bogeys this is a horizontal valued spring suspension system the earlier vvss these volume springs were vertically mounted and they gave you a little bit less range of motion so this is also known as the e8 suspension units they look fairly similar to the elvis chalmers suspension unit as you'd find on let's say an m6 high speed tractor but the wheels are definitely different and actually if you look closely the suspension unit is different as well don't bother counting the return rollers because this is just a completely novel suspension system we think even that's why they didn't even bother with the shock absorbers on the hvss because it looks like they interfere with where the rotors float now if you look at the back end of it you might think oh this is similar to a pershing or this is similar to some of the self-propelled artillery pieces like the m40 yes it would be similar again though your difference is the back end of this was not a real vehicle so the regular m4 idler wheel is much higher so you have a straight return run well they didn't even do that with the front end with the sprocket so for those of you thinking this was originally an artillery piece no evidence of that at all i'm afraid either now it is possible that maybe the iron that was originally built for an artillery piece and then got put onto this thing but generally speaking that was the whole point of the american designs of world war ii was that you tried to use as few different types of component as possible on as many different vehicles as possible just to reduce the amount of supplies that you needed to ship overseas to keep things going these are basically disposable parts people saying m4a3 and 482 yes the canadians were heavy users of the m4a2 again though this wasn't an m4a2 hull the engine is no longer an m4a2 that had the twin gm diesel the only original thing about this is really the nose uh so what happened is that there there's this industry after the war basically of converting vehicles uh what was the swords to plowshares a lot of people would think hey tank it's great for moving heavy things around for dragging plows or doing things not really because tanks were designed more for birth speeds not for continuous low track you know continuous tractive effort but it's better than nothing in a lot of situations there's a couple of companies out in western canada out in the bc area uh madele would have been one washington ironworks would have been one might have been a couple of others they would create lumber equipment using tank chassis or in this case tank components so what it looks like to me is that i suspect metal is the manufacturer of this specific one they built a hole of their own and they put whatever components that they needed to get this thing to to drive around a hillside in british columbia the entire differential control differential steering system in the front and that armored section that's the only armor on the tank is that nose piece right yeah so that is genuine steel armor it knocks trees over pretty good actually we'll do that then it comes through the drives through the final drives to the sprockets and they have the correct tank track type but i don't even know if they got the right amount of links i mean so ordinarily i'll tell you to do track maintenance we can go around we can discuss how you maintain one of these things but i couldn't even tell you what the correct level of track tension is supposed to be on this because there's no manual at least i'm presumed there's no manual i i looked in the glove box and it was not there no no i am curious though as to how on earth you managed to get the transmission and steering to work from a body that's six feet above where it's supposed to be two cases of beer and one afternoon you're joking pretty much there was another i-beam welded here and they cut that off and then they put their own steering suspension on there so just put my arm off of a normal ck pickup and then when you go back it pulls pushes on the one and when you turn the wheel the other way it lifts up and it puts the brake on on the other side so originally of course you just had two tillers or centrally located you pull back pull back the other but yeah that would be where the connector is and your gearbox how do you reach your clutch pedal so this is a manual transmission it's a manual transmission i can't see a clutch linkage on this meaning there's no way to disconnect this transmission from this final drive when you drive a tank and you want to get up to full speed do you cycle through all the gears well you start a second but yeah okay second yeah so we never got it fast enough to get any rolling speed to be able to get into the next gear i would not be courageous enough to get this fast enough to get the rolling speed to the next game with loose tracks that are not maintained properly and we go too fast uh well then you throw a track yeah so then you just stop on that side and do a quick spin and then there she sits uh base that is the effect yes the track stops and you'll you'll do a rotation and then you have to get the track back on so my next question to you is if you don't have the big wrench for tightening it do you have the track jacks for taking the track apart putting it back together we have excavators and we have some bulldozers and some chains and pulling and and that it's yeah so what the track jack does is it kind of uh it hooks on to each side of the outside end connector your brake is here yep and these end connectors and the center guide to come off the track jacks are used uh like a clamp a big c clamp one on each side to bring the two together and then you can hammer on the end connectors right but unless you have some mechanism of doing that you are not going to get this track back together i mean the other thing is if you're going to run this any length of time you've got no road wheel on your rubbers you've lost your shock absorbers um we have to check to make sure you have to check each individual wedge bolt is still actually inside all the of the end connectors if you have those falls off then then you're hosed but do i ask what the engine is it is a 471 two-stroke detroit only 140 horsepower with a four-speed manual transmission two transmissions so it's a transmission driving a transmission okay well there is precedent for that that in the tank world although it's usually a transfer case or a high range low-range transfer case and then your regular transmission okay come down to that 140 horsepower well okay so the saving grace is as a piece of logging equipment this didn't have to go fast right so you have shark notes housing 629 it looks like okay that's why you get the next one yeah you would never have found that number but that's not for the vehicle that's that is only for the housing yes turn into a tactical like like like the toyotas in chad put a put a heavy machine gun on the back deck if we do that can we get it in any world of tanks video games i can ask how many likes on this video if you want to get it up to any speed for any length of time yeah yeah you probably would need to replace the road wheels it is possible to get rubber track uh if you if you want to throw a few dollars at it these were designed from the start as being steel key oh okay it would be nice to get rubber tracks on it but the only reason i see that is to put it in parades yeah and um drive to town we can throw a hay bale in the back and put a slow moving vehicle sign on it and legally we can drive that down the road again it also comes down to your road authority believe it or not especially in hot in colder weather the cleats do less damage to the roads than rubber tracks do oh a lot of road authorities will not look at the look at that they will just say we want rubber or not metal yes end of story right the cleats will actually just slide over tarmac right uh you know if it's hot and the tarmac is soft that's another matter entirely but you will have a lot of that same problem with rubber as well as it's gripping the track as it does that spinning right i think probably the best way of getting you to understand how to operate one of these things is i happen to know a guy who happens to have a running sherman that we can look at we can do all this this is around the corner we're gonna have to drive a little bit [Music] so [Music] [Music] we have come to the ontario regiment museum it's in oshawa other side of toronto from you guys so you can have a look at what your thing looked like or was supposed to look like as far as the designers of the components were concerned yeah and immediately you're going to see things like the end connectors are all flush with the track you'll see the road wheels are all rubber that's weird i am not 100 they're telling me that i need to replace all the idlers with ones that have rubber but i'm still not 100 convinced that mine had rubber on it because because this lip is not as big or our lip is bigger the inside i can see it it's fairly sexy it's a wear plate is what it is so that's a piece of metal that's rubbing against the guides here so they had to reinforce that right a little bit thicker it was not unusual for there to be some steel road wheels in world war ii they just weren't on shermans but if you look at let's say a german jake panzer iv it had rubber road wheels on the back but because the thing was so nose heavy the rubber on the front wheels were just getting ripped off so they replaced them with just pure steel-brimmed road wheels and also rubber was a critical commodity in germany so they they put the rubber was actually around the hub instead on the outside and they had steel on the outside it meant a lot of friction a lot of noise uh but at least provided some form of vibration cushioning for everything else we have our shocks hooray you see the springs are a little bit more compressed than they were before yeah like mine the shocks are already out yeah which makes sense with the rubber being missing again well that spring is going to be neat replacements yes but uh again i'm here all day to point out everything that's broken um but uh this isn't my tank so i'm going to hand you over mike we have guests for you can i drive this thing hi how's it going good yeah so you know these things a little bit a little bit yeah right my name is mike rashad and i'm a volunteer here at the ontario region museum we have a basis of probably 100 volunteers i'm part of a crew that look after the shermans my senior crazy tank truck and uh so with that we can compare some stuff on it and uh maybe we'll get you to turn some sticks and burn some fuel nice awesome [Music] it's a lot different than uh on our little girl so what we were trying to decide last night is we've got the the truck transmission at the back with the 471 the drive shaft but there's no clutch in between the transmission and the final drive in the front correct so it's the same thing there's a clutch on the back of the engine right so another big drive shaft going straight to the back yeah so we got the clutches and then you've got that transfer case that i was talking about and it puts it into one driveshaft this has the twin 671 yes yeah this is original this is your lockout so for your gate you put that in you go all the way over and then straight down yeah it's forward straight backs reverse okay and then you come across then you got second third fourth and fifth okay the gears are pretty good it's a long throw you can feel it like um yeah it works push your clutch it works a little better too um [Laughter] [Music] so if you can imagine we have a we have a bar that goes around the shifter like this right right and that connects it's a big long bar that comes in it's got a holder where it where a pivot's in right so it's able to rotate and then it comes through the floor and then the floor so the bar comes up it's got a big handle here so we can we can lift the handle up and that does that does this and this right but i only have reverse one two and three i don't have four or five and then because it it it's able to slide through that bar it it it pushes it forward and then you pull the handle back and it pulls the gear back right but it doesn't have this solid like clunk where you know that it's and it's just it's just in like right about here right and that's as far as it moves and that's as far as it goes so we need to change that up and then it shifts a little bit smoother too yeah with these two tanks because of their age so like this one the third gear synchro is pretty much non-existent okay so we gotta double clutch them sometimes you you'll nail it and just like it's just perfect it's like oh right now i got it then you do the next thing you do the shift and you're totally blowing right um here we can catch fourth gear for like a couple seconds and we run into space yeah we basically shipped up the third and and we bombed around third um how fast do these go brand new they're probably on the road brand new probably 25 mile an hour doing 20 mile an hour in this thing on the road is actually scary scary it feels like you're doing 100. this is your throttle yeah um so you're well your feels shut off basically right you feel control so all the way off the floor this is your parking brake [Laughter] during more time due to like heavy like you know 30 mile 40 mile road movements and stuff or vibration and stuff you could actually lock it in oh it sounds like cruise control yeah yeah um and it's all based off of your fuel pedal as well these are your clutch lockouts so because there's twin engines left engine your right engine so if you were if your range went down shut the clutch in pull this out so it just basically just connects that engine from the drive but you're good engine it's so functional it's functional but it's but it's also now it's not dragging the dead engine too right like originally they would have had a nine cylinder air cool not to give them a big long story of sherman's but basically when they originally started building the shermans their earlier models uh it was a nine cylinder continent radial engine yeah what happened was uh as the production really started going and the wars are really kicking off there's different theories but the the reason that i buy the most is that uh the war effort the air effort they needed those radios for the bombers and for right for airplanes so they had to start sourcing other engines and that's probably the point to where the other uh two of the big three car manufacturers really got into into the manufacturing insurance and they all kind of went their own way with engines so any of the shermans they they have like manufacturing numbers uh so like this one is an a2 any a2 sherman has the twin diesels okay the a3s they're the fords and they went with a massive v8 gas engine and stuff it's called the ford double a it's the biggest production v8 ever built uh it's something like 18.5 liter v8 we need that for a product it's a monster is that an expensive engine we'd like to put that in like a car i love how they're ambitious it was a 60 mile an hour i think it was just a standard standard uh in the germans they never looked at they never looked at the speedometer anyway for the start it's out of here procedure okay and then to your left you got power on that red light should come on the key on where's the key i'm just kidding okay so you've got the power on okay you got another gear now you can do your fuel so you're going to just push it down to just kind of feel the detent there's the detail okay push the clutch in okay hey look over you got two starter buttons yes blow down down yeah yeah okay all right and then do another one [Music] your generator runs off a belt right here yeah yep we just did a refresh on this yeah so i haven't sat here since it's been running it's like this one really quiet [Laughter] sounds like detroit you want to move okay so clutch in yeah okay push the button in hold the button in the opposite gate up go all the way over to your side and then back is reversed okay we'll go forward right that's slow gear yeah yeah now you got the crazy part you got to unlock the tillers oh okay okay so there's a little little tab there push it down all right pull up one shoulder back let it go all right ah there we go we can just uh [Applause] that's it is happening yeah yeah oh that's right that's right that's right back up okay hold on this guy's been a great engine guy and the best part about chris as the engine guy is he's amazing at lifting the engine hatches so i'll make a deal you both hit the turret i'll lift the hatches i think that'd be a job for you to swing your turret sure i'm just going to say yes to everything i'm going to go up and climb into the commander's hatch okay so way down there in the gunner's seat the way down on your right hand side you'll see a tea level by your elbow keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going there it goes [Laughter] okay come on up you want to see how heavy those hatches are nice you drop them you can put your finger so they're not ambidextrous they're the left and the right because you've got intakes on the outside and exhaust on the inside this winter we pulled both engines in yeah and it's only one location for the starter it's not you can't put a starter just because of the space right most heavy duty engines you put the starter whatever side you want right right right you could take the head off flip it 180 degrees drop it off it'll run yeah okay because over here where the supercharger is got two inspection ports on either end right in the center four yeah supercharger it's leaking oil to try to make detroit sleep though but there's nothing you can do here it's like oh it's broken it's like yep it's broken so they're two engines and then they go uh to a transfer case and then it's one shaft going to the front to the transmission yeah yeah two engines two clutches and the two clutches is really strange i don't know why they wouldn't do one clutch on the other end of the transfer but the real reason is so they if you lose an engine yeah you can de-clutch it and have it locked over right right yeah but uh as long as i start the other one it seems like there's so much extra work because when you're adjusting the clutches it's nightmare right because you like when we did that one you and your tachometers because they're cable driven yeah it's like that's 500-ish so if one's grabbing more than the other comes off first you're gonna roast the other one right yeah yeah yeah okay now on top of that if you're uh trying to pull away you're pulling away on the power of one engine right so before you get the clutch all the way up you'll probably stall this engine before the tank moves right yeah and that's we've been down that road soccer experience here they have their own individual uh fuel system but there's an equalizing line that runs from the bottom of each reserve tank across the back so you always have the same amount of fuel each side but if we go to that system where you've got to block the clutch out and you're going to run an engine you can take fuel from the entire tank right so right so when you pull the motors you come straight out there's a bit of disassembly like you take off these grates it comes out with a transfer case so you get kind of a funky moment where you got to kind of kick the back end up to kind of come out like this and then once it clears this section here you're just just never straight up you're just like just you know there's a uh two-stroke generator uh home-like generator they call it a little joe it's designed to uh run all the electrics in the tank when the tank's not running so if they're on station you know on watch at night whatever they want to run the power turret the lights are that kind of stuff they can run that little joe instead of running the main engines as well as it it'll also charge the batteries up uh so if the batteries are dead they can fire that up they'll have a smoke and a coffee and hopefully charge the batteries now you can direct that the heat off of that go into the battery box to keep the batteries uh warm when the tank is parked and that really does a good job of heating the tank up when the tank is sitting so you do kind of have a heat system or heat source if you want to use it right that cap right there that's the that's the one for the little joe yeah so it's just right below that inside the inside that finding the fire pole what's up it's like extinguisher powder system um the balls you can't see they're down anything and there's two flute uh nozzles and they'll spray and flood this compartment but not inside the cap like the just no it's the c engine compartment now that's two six v71s i don't understand how you get 30 cylinders and then line six the the chrysler that's good yeah the multi-pack how do you get 30 cylinders in here in a circle yeah it looks just like the the chrysler pentagram uh thing really so yeah you got a head like this like this and two like that huh there must be dry sump or something to to get oiling yeah there's only one sump for the well okay you can always tell the multi one because the road wheels there's a big space between it because they had to stretch that hole that's funny cool engine the fact that once again the bugs worked out it was it was really dirty yeah that's just that's awesome but now extremely rare are there a lot of them around they're around but they are rare in the fact that like uh by the end of the war museums like like ours or whatever right that would get a multi-bank they'd jerk that engine and put something else in because everything you had to do you had to pull the engine and if you're a museum that works on a small budget yeah you can't afford your thing want to tune that tank up you gotta pull the engine right but they were smart enough to not toss them they're on the shelf somewhere no really yeah really oh yeah yeah a lot of stuff you just surprised some stuff that went but when people inherited these afterwards like getting your dad's 1988 chevy pickup and it meant nothing to you right yeah yeah there was nothing there was 128 000 of them and this one meant nothing so you jerked everything out scrapped it and stuck it somewhere else you can look at it all right remember to start procedure yeah so uh master power behind master this is just the 24 yeah the top one and then these are free yeah so you want to clutch in button start one yep start sorry throttle oh yeah starting one yep there we go starting too that's uh running yeah this third into the game [Music] gear all the way over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a fail double clutch [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this [Music] i think this was about as fast as we could go and [Music] [Applause] all right i found something well a little bit better than what you had so yeah track tension the most important part of my life nice well nick i appreciate you guys you're coming down showing me my neighbors and uh found made some new friends today this is a lovely wonderland isn't it yeah and and i think i'm gonna go start wrenching on some tanks too so i really do appreciate you coming down taking the effort definitely check out chieftain um anything and everything tanks texas armor history doctrine vehicle reviews the some people call me the doug demurrer of tanks oh nice which i don't know if that's a good thing or not i was about to say that but that's awesome i hope you got some inspiration for your thing doesn't have a name yet all right so that was a lot of footage space over a long period of time but we want full edited videos with the beginning and a conclusion to each one which is why it took so long to get a tank video out in the process we've done a pile of work to this thing and we'll let you guys decide what we kind of have been working on on the chassis itself on the truck itself but all those videos will be on dghc that's getting edited right now but there is bonus footage of us driving this thing and 360 cameras so if you watch on your cell phone you can turn your cell phone and get 360 view of everything our reactions of this thing almost tipping over knocking trees over it was a lot of fun trying to shift it and get it into gear up thank you for all the truck names i think we're stuck on sherminator uh we're 90s kids and america pie you can put it together we're not married to the truck itself so we might be changing the bodies later on or doing some neat things with it afterwards but uh we will be using the truck for now we're almost at 100 000 subscribers on dghd so tell your friends subscribe there that helps us out and uh look forward to more videos the transfer track has come a long long way i'm working on kind of everything in the background those videos are just being edited right now but there is footage of us driving it so remember get out there work on it because if you're not filthy you're not rich here we go
Views: 92,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: squarebody c10, square body, ww2 tanks, ww2 tank found, ww2 tank restoration, ww2 tank recovery, sherman tank startup, sherman tank engine, sherman tank inside, sherman tank model, sherman tank driving, sherman tank restoration, sherman tank sound, squarebody tank, detroit diesel 2 stroke, detroit diesel cold start, detroit diesel sound, detroit 671 engine, detroit 671 sound, sherman tank firing, sherman tank variants, sherman m4a2, sherman m4, the chieftains hatch
Id: WuGjyqGLCK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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