Complete Rank Math Tutorial | Better Than Yoast SEO 💥

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Hi guys my name is Ferdy, and in this video, I'm going to explain everything I know about an amazing plug-in called RankMath. It's better than Yoast SEO, and it's all about optimizing your website for the Google results. Let me show you what we will cover in this tutorial. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to download the free plug-in RankMath. We will configure the plug-in. Get a Google search console account so we get more information on how good we are found on the internet, through which words and terms we are found on the Internet, what the behavior is of people on our website. We will configure our monitor or 404 pages. And if you think what are 404 pages, do not worry my friends. I will explain in this tutorial what it is. I will walk you through all these steps. We will optimize our search result, titles, URL and text below the titles -- the area people will see when they search for something on Google, and we will even configure it in such a way that all the posts and pages and products on your website automatically will be optimized for Google. But you can optimize all your post pages and products even more with RankMath. You get handy tips to optimize your website even further. So you will be found better, get more visitors to turn them into clients, make more money, and be a blessing to the people around you. Thanks to this amazing plug-in and to this tutorial. We will do even more and you will find out about it in this tutorial. If you want to know more about a certain subject within this tutorial, you can go to the timestamps in the description. There, I'll show you what I will cover. If you see something particular you would like to know, you can click on the timestamp and then you can go directly to that point in the tutorial. If I go too fast for you, you can slow down the video by clicking on this icon, and then the tutorial will go slower. If you're new here, please consider to subscribe for more upcoming WordPress related videos and feel free to like this video and leave a comment, if you have a question or you have a comment. Let's get started. So the first thing we want to do is get RankMath. It's totally free. You can get it over here. I go to a new tab and I type Then I hit enter. A WordPress SEO plugin for e-commerce stores but also for a lot more for normal web sites, for niche websites. If you scroll down, you see what rank math can do for you, and then we can add stars, we can add information about a company, our domain name over here an image of our logo or an image of ourselves. It can look so much better using Rich Snippets which is a free option within RankMath and which cost money at Yoast. So there are a lot of Pro features for free. People seem to love it and here you can see more about all the amazing things RankMath can do for you. I will show you what you can do in this tutorial. So I click on download over here. So it's downloading over here, then I go to my website. I go to the backend. If you're not logged in, you can go to your WordPress website forward slash after the domain name /wp-admin, and then you can log in. Then I want to go to plugins > add new > upload plug-in and then I drag this over here. I click on Install Now, and I close this. Then we activate the plug-in, and then we need to connect a free account. How can we do that? We can click over here and we can sign up with our Facebook account, Google account, or an email address. I will use an email address. My name is Ferdy, my email address is this one and I click on register. Awesome, now I go back over here and I click on activate RankMath. That's it. I click on OK and now I'm logged in. What we can do now? First, RankMath will check if your website is compatible and it is, you can see it over here, which PHP version you have and all that stuff. When everything is fine, you click on start wizard. If you YoastSEO already or other plugins, RankMath can import all that data for you. If you want to know how to change a website from YoastSEO to RankMath, you can click over here. Right now, I will skip this. So I click on skip - don't import now and then we go to step 2, your website. So this is my website Photography | Film | Web design -- Ferdy Korp Media and here we need to fill in some information. What kind of website is it? Is it the webshop or is it a personal blog, community blog, news site, small business site. Well, I think this one is a small business site. I'm sure it is. And what kind of business type is it? I make websites. So website. Then here the company name, so let me say Ferdy Korp media, and this is what will appear in Google. So if I go and search for Google search console, you see information over here in Google search console which is a website and then some text over here, and when you say over here, your company name is Ferdy Korp Media, it will appear over here. Then logo for Google. You can upload the logo -- this is my logo. If you click over here you can search through your library or upload new files from your computer. Well, mine is there already and then there's a default social share image. I want to upload one or get one from my library. So I scroll down -- so 200x200 will be fine for me. Use this file and it says over here the recommended image size is 1200x630 but I choose a square one. Then I click on save and continue, and then we go to the next step. We need to use search console and it will help you to get a lot of important information from your website that will help you to make your website even better and be found better in Google. So in order to get it, I click on get Authorization code and I need to log in to my Google account. So I use this one, Ferdy Korp for instance. If you don't have a Google account, you can get a Gmail account and they have a Google account and you can link those. So I scroll down and I click on allow. Please copy this code, switch to your application, and paste it here. So I copy this, I paste the code and I was authorized, and now I can go to search console and choose my profile, but it will probably not be there yet. As you see, what do I need to do? I need to go to Google search console, start here, make sure it is my Ferdy Korp account and I want to add a new domain. I can do it in two ways. I want to use the domain way. So I say over here, -- and this can be a little tricky because we are going to use DNS verification. But I will show you step by step. I can remove this and I click on continue. So what I need to do? I need to copy this code, then I need to go to my provider, which is Siteground, you can go to your domain hosting, login and if you don't know how this works, then can open a chat session or send an email to them and ask them if they can do it for you. So I'm over here, I go to websites here at Siteground. I go to site tools, then, I go to domain DNS zone editor, domain name server, and then I need to go to TXT, as you see over here. Copy the txt record below to the DNS configuration. So here I am. I paste the value and I click on create. So it's now created, it is over here. Now I need to wait probably and I can click on verify. Ownership verified -- that's how it works. Click on done. Now, if I click over here I can go to elementorcity -- awesome. What I want to do now, I go back to the setup wizard and I refresh all the sites. Now, I search for elementorcity, there it is. If this does not work for you, or you're confused, then open a chat session with your web hosting provider and they should be able to walk you through the steps. I click on save and continue and then we go to sitemaps. Sitemaps are really important. Sitemap is actually a file - an XML file -that you've sent to Google or to Bing or to a different search engine and it contains all the important information of your website. So it becomes easier for Google and all those other search engines to crawl your website and get all the important information. So do I want to use sitemaps -- yes. Click on 'on'. Do I want to include images -- yes. And if you have posts, pages, products, or even more things, I will check them all because you want to be found on all those pages, and post and products pages. Public Taxonomies -- I want to include them all. So I click on select, so I can be found on any page in my website. If I turn off posts, I will not be found on my posts in my WordPress website and I want to be found on everything. I click on save and continue; awesome. Then we want to optimize our website, SEO tweaks, Noindex Empty category, and tag archives. If you want to create a new category for your blog posts, for instance, affiliate marketing, because you want to create affiliate marketing related blog posts in the future, but you have no blog posts yet related to the category -- affiliate marketing. Then you decide over here, if you turn this on, when a category is empty, for instance, affiliate marketing category in your blog post, it contains no blog posts with that category, it will not be shown in the index. I turn it down because it is better for the Google search results. Nofollow on external links. I turn this off because if I link to an external website, I want Google to follow it because when you link to other websites and other websites link to you, it can also be good for your search results. So I want to turn this off and open external links in a new tab. I like that. So if I click over here on a link, it will open in a new tab instead of a new window. I prefer that, so I click on save and continue. Awesome. Our website score at this moment is 82 and I want to enable auto-update of this plugin. So when there's an update, it will automatically be updated. And then I scroll down and I want to go to the Advanced Options. So I click over here. When you have more active users on your website, you will see an extra option over here, something like this -- the role manager. There you can say, all the administrators have access to those features within RankMath. In that way, you can give administrators, editors, and authors certain roles when they are logged in into your website. I don't have that because I have only one user in my website. So I go to the 404 + Redirection options. So what you can do over here at 404 and Redirections, you can turn them on. Here at 404 monitor, if I turn this on, it means that when somebody goes to a page that does not exist, for instance,, that means they go to a page that does not exist. And I want to know when people go to a page like that, because then there's an error in my website and I can get rid of that error. What else I can do, I can create a redirection. If I turn this on I can decide in these settings that when somebody goes to page that does not exist, then I can redirect them immediately to the home page or to a 404 page, or to a specific page I have created for people that go to page that does not exist. I can say on the page, "Hey, I'm sorry you're here. At the page that does not exist anymore. Click here to go to the home page or to donate a thousand dollars to my PayPal account." So it's up to you what you can do. I will turn them on and I click on save and continue. So at schema mark up, you can give more information to Google and other search engines, so they can make your search result look better. If I go to Google, and I search for PlayStation 4 Pro, I skip all the ads, and for instance, over here at coolblue -- dutch website, you see the rating, you see reviews, you see the price and more information, and that is something you can do over here at schema mark up. Not all those settings, but a lot of those settings. So let's take a look at that. I want to turn this on. Schema type for posts -- a post is an article but maybe, all your blog posts are about books. Then you can say, I want it to be a book. Or a course, event, music; maybe you have a website where you show people how to make beautiful meals. Maybe you have a website about cooking. Well all the blog posts are maybe about recipes then you can check this, or in my case, if I go to, all my blog posts are videos. So I can say "video." I will leave it at article over here and then article type, it is a blog post. So for pages, I can also say none, or just an article and then I select article over here. Schema type for products, so I leave it as it is, and the more post types you have like posts, pages, houses -- whatever, the more options you see over here, and you can give every post type or article type a certain category. So that's okay with me. I click on save and continue. Now, it says here, welcome to RankMath. So you see over here a few options and they can be turned on, active or inactive -- turned off. I don't use Advanced Custom Fields, so it's turned off. I don't use bbPress; I don't use AMP. I want to use Link Counter, and if I see something I want to use, the role manager for instance, I can turn it on and then I can adjust the settings over here. So let me go to that. Here I can say the administrator should have access to everything, and editor -- you know what -- I want to give editors also access to this area of RankMath. And authors and contributors, all that stuff, I don't want to give them any access. When I'm happy I click on update, or when I have the settings I have in mind. So I go back to the dashboard and I'm happy with this. Here we can take a look at import and export, settings. So if I like those settings, I can export them to a different website, but before we do that, I prefer to go to all the other configurations. So here at the RankMath, I go to general settings, I close this, this, and this and then we talk about links. So here are some link settings. Let's start with the upper one -- strip category base. If you turn it on, what it will do, it will make your domain like, become So this area will be left out. So if I go to my website. I go to the blog page, I go to this blog post and then I go to category - Self-Improvement. This area will be left out. When I go to a blog page, it looks like this -- the domain and then the link and I decided to do that here at the dashboard. Then the settings of WordPress. Permalinks, I use the post name over here, and I turn this off. I leave it as it is, because I like people to see the category. You can turn it on. If you turn it on, you can not turn it off anymore. You can, but if you do so you can get 404 errors because then the links will not work anymore. Because then there's a chance that Google links to an old page. So it's up to you if you turn it on. If you really want to know, why I should do this, you can click over here, and there it will be explained. Redirect attachments -- I turn it on. It means when you find an attachment through Google, through a search result, you will go to the post where they appear in. So I turn it on. Redirect orphan attachments -- I redirect them to my website but with https. Remove stop words from permalinks - no. That means when there's a blog post like Ferdy and Anna are getting their second child, it's not the case, yet but maybe when you watch this video, we have two or three or 15 children already... no, not 15, but it will remove the "AND's", and the "THE's" and the "A's". I don't like it. I want my permalink which appears over here to be just exactly as it is. So if I go to the blog again, "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he," and this will be removed and a few short stop words. I don't that. So I turn that off. No follow - we discussed this already when we were doing the wizard. So I leave this off; I leave this off, and I turn this on. I save the changes and then we can go to the images, and here are two options. Missing alt attributes. I love this. It will save you a lot of time. I turn this on. What will happen? When you add a new image on your website, it will automatically fill in the alt attribute. Normally, I have to do this manually, then I copy the file name and I need to remove the dashes, but here I can choose how it should be named without me doing anything about it. So what I can do, I can click here on the drop down and I can say, I want to have counter, or I want to attach the file name. Well, I like, personally, to use a file name. So if the file name of my image is called "sunrise," it will appear automatically in the alt attribute. When you have this in the alt attribute, you will be found better by that in Google. The same goes over here; missing title attributes, I want to do exactly the same. So I remove this and then I search for a file name. I save the changes. So now when I upload an image, it will automatically have the file name in the alt text and in the title attribute. The great thing is, if you want to know more about all these settings, you can click on learn more and there's an amazing knowledge base over here, with all the information with gif files, with explanation, really great. So let's go to breadcrumbs and I can tell you, you can leave this as it is, otherwise, you need to paste this somewhere in the PHP code. It's too complicated, you don't need it, so let's go to webmaster tools. Google search console. If it's not verified yet, click over here, copy this code, paste it, here and that's it. The same you can do with bing webmaster tools, Baidu webmaster tools, Alexa -- I personally use Google search console and you can use Bing. Those are two biggest ones. I never use those. I click on Save Changes, and then edit robots.txt, leave it as it is. You don't have to do anything over here. Same over here; leave it as it is and then if you have a WooCommerce website, you can click on WooCommerce. Then we have remove base, and it's doing the same as with links. It makes the link shorter, so products > accessories > action figures and then this one will be changed into this one. So I like to keep it shorter. Keep in mind, you cannot undo it. Otherwise, you can get 404 errors, but I like it to be shorter. Remove category base - so product-category/accessories becomes accessories. Well I never like this one, so I turn this one on. Remove parent slugs, so product-category/accessories/action-figures will be changed to product-category/action-figures. No. I like to have all the categories over here, so I turn it off. Remove generator tag; I will give this on. Remove schema markup on shops -- yes, and then the brand. I leave it as that is. Save the changes and let's go to others. So over here, there are some other settings. Useage tracking -- I turn it on. Why? Because it will help RankMath to become even more powerful, and they do not use your data or whatsoever, it's completely anonymous. If you turn this on, it will show you calculated SEO score as a badge on the front end for selected post types. It can be disabled for a specific post. So if I turn his on, I can select where I want to show this and I can make it a square or a circle, above, below content, or only above, only below, or using a shortcode. I can support RankMath with a link, but I do not use this. It's for your own purpose, or you can show people how good your website is optimized, but I leave it off. Then with RSS Before Content and RSS After Content. With RSS, you can fetch information from other websites. So maybe someone wants to have news feeds of a lot of different websites. Well, they can add it to their own RSS feed and we can decide what people will see over here. Here are some variables and I like to show a featured image first, then a blog link, and then the blog post will appear. After the blog post, I want to say this blog post is originally from and written by ...this guy. I save the changes and then I go to the 404 monitor. There are two modes - simple and advanced. If you have a new website use simple. Log limit -- I will turn this to zero. It doesn't matter if you have a big website or small website, you will never be limited with a log limit. You can exclude path, so if you say, for instance, my category, self-improvement, we will change it to improvement or self-improvement ,and without this [ - ] over here. Well, in that case, if you do not want RankMath to log those errors, you can say everything that has to do with self-improvement and cannot be found, it will not be logged by the monitor, because it's on purpose that it has changed. Then you can turn this on. I don't need it. Save the changes. Let's go again to search console. We need to select elementorcity or own domain, cache limit, how many days to keep data rows in a cache and ID is fine. I save it, and then I go to Redirections. Do I want to debug redirections; I leave this off and then here at fallback behavior, you can send people to a default 404 page which is created by the WordPress website, or redirect them to the home page, but then the visitor can be a little bit confused like hey, I went to a certain URL and now I go to the home page, what happened? Or you create a custom redirection page, and then at that page you can create something creative, like hey, I think you have entered page that does not exist anymore. Here you can choose what you want to do. Go to the homepage or do something else, and you can make it really beautiful. You're not limited by the default 404 page. You can secrete something beautiful with Elementor or the page builder you prefer. So that's it. Redirection type 301 is okay, and I turn this off. I'll leave it off. So those were the settings. Let's take a look at titles and meta, and keep in mind that those settings are really important. They will save you a lot of time, not only for everything you've done in your website, but also if you add a new blog post or a new product in your website, then these settings will determine how the website will be optimized. Even though, you can change all the settings over here, you can always override the settings in individual blog post pages, WooCommerce pages and other kinds of pages you have. So this will just save you a lot of time, but you can always override. I'll show you how you can do that. So let's start with a global meta options. So what you can do? You can say, I want to have my website not indexed. No pages will be indexed but, I see no reason why you should do that when you're watching this video. So I turn this off. Everything will be indexed right now. If you see this, just leave it as it is. Noindex, empty category and Tag Archives, we talked about this. Turn it on. If you have no posts in a certain category, it will not be indexed which is better for your search results. Separator character; I always like to use this one. So wherever in the website in all these settings, I say I place this tag, a separator will be shown. So keep that in mind. So post title and then you see the site title. So first you see the post title, how to get a better life by Ferdy Korpershoek Media and then you see the separator. If you change it, you see it changed over here. Then here you see and then the post title. It looks beautiful. Capitalized title -- yes .That means that every first letter of every word will have a capital letter. I like that. OpenGraph Thumbnail -- that means, when there is no featured image on a page or a post or whatever page you have, then this image will be shown, when it will be shared on something like Facebook. You can change it, upload a file, maybe I have a photo of myself. This one, I can use that. Twitter card type -- you can say summary card or summary card with large image. I leave it as it is. Save the changes. Let's go to local SEO; there's a chance you do not see this. Why do you not see this? Because I said that I am a small local company in the wizard. So there's a reason you do not see this when you do not see that. If you have it, you can say you are a person or an organization. Let's say I'm a person, no, I'm an organization Ferdy Korp Media; my logo; my URL; I can leave my email address; my address. And I can show my address -- format address, locality region and postal code. I can change it all. I can add my country like that. So I can change that. Business type - I have a website. My opening hours, how do I want to display that, with AM and PM and all that stuff. You can show your price range, or this About Us page... about. Then here is the contact page, well the contact page, and this can be used in the Rich Snippets when you search on google for this website, or for Ferdy Korp Media. Google Maps API key -- if you have Google Maps and you have and API key, you can paste it over here. If you want to get your coordinates, then you can go to If I would say Van Geeststraat 1 's-Gravenzande, that's where I have my office. I will leave there in a month, but I just want to show you something over here. Right mouse click, what's here and then I see this code over here, also over here. Longitude and latitude, and then I will show it like that. But you need to have your Google Maps API key, otherwise it will not be shown. So that's what you can do. Let's go to social media, and let's fill in all these pages you have If you have a Facebook authorship, and that's your personal page you can paste it here. Facebook admin a numeric id, if you want to find that just Google how to find your Facebook id. That's how you can find that and you can place it over here. If you have an app, secret you can paste it over here. Twitter -; username - Ferdy Korp; Google Places -- Yelp, LinkedIn, Instagram, I see you need to add your forward slash probably and then you can fill in all things over here and if you're ready you can save it. The homepage -- it is the home page; that's all you have to do over here. If you want to change that, you can go to, let me see, settings > reading and there you can change your homepage. Post formats - really important. Right now, how will it be shown? From archive titles, so if I go to the website, to the blog page and the blog posts, and then I go to a self-improvement category, how should it be shown? Here's a separator, here's a side name, and here's a term. I like it that way, and here you can have a description and then you can say let there be an excerpt. I don't have that for my categories. If you want that you can go to posts > categories and if I have a category fashion, I can have a description over here and it will be shown over here when I say show an excerpt. Let me see, first here, then excerpt -- yes. Format archives robot meta -- it says custom, do I want to index them? Just leave it as it is. By the way, all those settings are optimized. So when you change nothing, they are good. But you can make them better if you want to. But, over here, they're all fine. I save it and then we go to the next one -- authors. If you have more authors you enable this, so Google knows they need to search for more authors, and if you have only one author then you disable it. If you enable it, how should it be called, author, I think that's perfect. So it will say and then Ferdy Forpershoek. Then author robot meta, noindex, I don't want this page to be found. A lot of times a page with not much information, so I prefer that people will find important pages on my website instead of the author page, and again this, when I see this I leave it as it is. Author archive title -- Ferdy Korpershoek | Ferdy Korp Media page 2 of 4. If I have a lot of blog posts, for instance, it will be shown like this. Then description, again I can say excerpt. If I want to show this then I need to go to edit my profile, scroll down, then I can have some information over here and that will be fetched over here when I say... or let me see. Here, that will be fetched over here. Add Seo meta box for users -- yes. Save it. Okay, let's go to the miscellaneous pages. Date archives -- I personally really don't like dates in my titles. So I disable this and then if somebody searches for something, example search page 2 of 4 from Ferdy Korp Media. So I can change it over here, the search query, then the which pages it is, the separator and then the site name. If the page is not found, the page is not found Ferdy Korp Media. Noindex, noindex... let me see. Yes, I don't want to index that. I don't want to index the paginated pages. The subpage -- I don't want it to be indexed and prevent password protected pages from getting indexed by Google - yes. I don't want that. Save the changes. Then I go to the posts. So how do I want to display my posts and again these are the basic settings and then you can overwrite them by the individual settings you choose for each post, or page, or products. And actually I like this. The title of the blog post with a separator and site name. The single post description excerpt -- yes. Schema type -- we talked about is already; article, headline and the SEO title description, seo description. Article type -- for the blog post, it is just blog post, and I leave this all as it is because I think, yeah, we discussed this already in the wizard. So I don't have to change anything because it's already perfect. Then we go to the pages, again, the page Ferdy Korp Media, the excerpt, it's an article with an SEO title and an SEO description. This is an article because it's a static page. Page robots meta - default. You don't have to change this. So, perfect! Then, attachments; again, title, separator, site name; perfect. The excerpt, the schema type -- nothing. Media robots -- custom; I do not index them. Again, it's a setting from a RankMath and I leave them. That's the right setting. Save the changes, there are actually no changes. Let's go to products and again when you have WooCommerce installed, and I like it -- the title, separator and the name. The excerpt, okay, product archive title. Let's see over here, product archive title page 2 of 4 by Ferdy Korp Media, and here again even though it's not always the case, you have that just in case. Schema type -- it's a product. Let me see.. this one is default. Link suggestion - on. Do you want to use a title or focus keyword? I use the titles, product categories. A thumbnail for Facebook. So again here you can upload something that if you do not have a picture for a product, I see no reason why you should not have that but if you don't have it, then you can have a fallback image, which can be something like this. Add SEO meta box, I turn it on. I enable this and I don't want to have any custom fields. Then we have our Posts. Categories -- the category, the separator and then site name. I want to have the excerpt here. Default. Turn is on. Remove this; save it. Tags. You know, RankMath does an amazing job itself by having a lot of great settings already. So we don't have to change a lot. Also here, perfect! So that's it. From now on all the titles in our website will be fetched by Google in a really beautiful way. Then we have product categories, excerpts and the product tags. Latest one excerpt. Let me see. Yes. So, let's go to the next one, to sitemap settings. So what are sitemaps? The sitemap is an index of all the content on your website which helps search engines to easily discover your content. With sitemap, you can be sure that Google and other search engines will know all about the content on your website, whether they index it or not. Also with sitemaps, you can prioritize certain pages. So if there's a really important blog post on your website, you can say to Google, this page is important, rank it first of all my pages. So your sitemap can have more pages. So if you have 400 links and the maximum here is 200, you will have two site maps. So you can say, I want it to be 400, but RankMath found out that when you have a sitemap with a maximum of 200 links, it will be fetched better by Google. So leave it at 200. Do you want to include images in your sitemap -- yes, of course. Do you want to include featured images in your sitemap -- yes, of course. We can exclude post from being indexed. If you want to do that then go to the blog posts, let me see, or pages. I go to all posts, I click over here, and then I see it has ID 170. So if I turn it, or place it over here, that blog post will not be indexed. You can do the same with categories. You go to posts, categories. If I index fashion, I see ID 26. So I can say ID 26 should not be included. Ping search engines -- that means that when you change something, Google will get a message, hey this website has changed so index it again. Of course, we want that. So we save the changes. Then we go to the posts. So depending on what you have installed on your website, you'll see different post types over here. For now, I want to turn everything on. What you see over here, there are multiple sitemaps. This one over here is This is being created by RankMath and I like it. So I go to pages and now you see here page.sitemap. All the settings are okay. I go to media and it says to generate attachment sitemap, disable attachment redirection to parent. In order to fix that, go to the general settings > links and redirect attachments. Turn it off. Save the changes, then we go to the sitemap again and then add media, turn it on. Save it. Awesome! Then to products, also perfect. Let's go to categories. We will find include in sitemap. Include empty terms -- off. Same goes for a text -- on and off; product categories on and off and tags -- on and off. Save it. So now we need to do one of the most important things in order to be found in Google. We go to Google and search for Google search console. Then we log in, start here, let me see Ferdy Korp, then I click over here. I select the property which is elementorcity. I don't need to start actually. Okay. Then over here, I go to sitemaps and you see there are no sitemaps yet. What I need to do now? I go to my website. I go to posts or maybe general. I grab the complete link. I want to add an s -- https. Submit. Submitting the sitemap. Google will now process it and you'll be notified if anything goes wrong in the future. Then you do the same with posts, copy; paste it. Then pages and so on. In the beginning, it says couldn't fetch, but after a few seconds it will ... submit. Media has nothing. So I go to products, copy it. Taxonomies or categories. Tags. And we need to only enter them one time and then Google will update it by itself. It well check again now and then if there are new updates. When we change something on the website, we will ping them so they will know immediately. Copy, paste. So that's it. I want to refresh this page and they will soon be a success. So what's next? Let's take a look at the role manager, we did it already, so we can skip that. 404 monitor. So this log will be filled with URLs when pages are not found -- when 404 pages appear and then we will see which link it was trying to be accessed. So let us check it elementorcity forward slash something like this. It does not exist. If I refresh the page now -- I tried to find this page, it wasn't found. It has one hit and if you see a lot of hits, you know hey, somebody is sending people to the wrong site. What you can do then, you can grab this link, create a page and redirect it to the right one. Talking about redirection, if I copy this... so let's try it again. I go to elementorcity/asfsdfsa --- this site, it does not exist. Then you see this page. What I can do now? If I go to redirections over here, I can add a new redirection. I can send it to the new URL. So I search for exact, let me see, this page or from this moment on, from the forward slash, because of course this is our website. So from the forward slash, then this link. It needs to be redirected, let's say, to the contact page. So -- it's a 301 permanent move. It's active and I click on add redirection. So it's there. Now, if I refresh this page, it should redirect to the contact page, and it does. So that's the power of redirections. I use redirections all the time. I send people to and it will redirect them to the Astra theme, which is amazing. So I use redirection all the time and it that way, when you see over here at the monitor, that there are 404 errors, then you can redirect them using redirection. It is amazing that this included in RankMath. Search console -- again wow! Here we see some information about our website. There are total 30 clicks, 500 impressions, average click-through rate, average position in google, total keywords, total pages -- they're all indexed by google now. We see the history of clicks and that's all been shown by RankMath. There we go. Now I go to search analytics, so people that search for "ferdy korpershoek" will go to this website, and that's how I am found. Then we have the keyword tracker, and it will come soon. So stay tuned. Position -- when I search for ferdy korpershoek, this page or this website is on position 6. Ferdy Korp is on petition position 2. So a really nice tool and in that way, you can see if you can make things better. You can also rank them by clicking over here. Awesome! Let's go to the SEO analysis, and I can start a check. How's my website doing? I click on the start site-wide analysis. We get 72; okay, and there are a few failed tests, and here we can see what is wrong. No h1 tag found. For the best SEO results, there should be exactly one h1 tag on each page. How to fix it? And then, wow, this is amazing. So you can optimize your website. It doesn't have to be perfect with no errors, but of course you can optimize your website. So this is how it will look. Home | Ferdy Korp Media | elementorcity -- we love photography. Right now, we see the title, the separator and the title of our website. Here we see the URL and here we see text that is fetched from our page. So if I want to change this text, how can I do that? Well let me show you. If I go to the website and I go to a certain blog page. For instance, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. I made this with Gutenberg. So if I click on edit post, I can see how good it will rank. Well it's 25/100 which is not good, and if I click over here, I can see how it will look on Google. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he -- probably like that, and then after that my site title. Here's the URL, the permalink and then it says over here, the way you see yourself is often the way you treat yourself. So let's do something, let's view the post and search for this over here on Google. I paste it. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he --- Photography | Film | Web design. It was my title before, then there was a dash, so it needs to be updated. So it should say, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he," and then there's a symbol like this, and then it'll say Ferdy Korp Media. Then it says the way you see yourself is often the way you treat yourself, and how you behave in life. If you think you are worth nothing then you are. So where is this text coming from, it's the first paragraph. So what we can do in order to change this, we can click on it and now we can change this. So I can change the title if I want to, I can say, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he, Ferdy's Thoughts," and then here we see how good we are doing. If I have too much, it will become red, and then we have the permalink. I'll leave it as it is and here we can change the description. So it's too long and that's why you don't see it completely. I can change it over here, or I can totally create a new one. Again, it's too long. So let me, something like that... okay.. I don't know, it makes no sense, but this is how it will look in a few days. How will it look on a smartphone, like this with my icon, link and like that. How does it look on social media, like this. The domain, the title and the text over here. Again, also here, we can change this. So this is too long already. I can remove this. In this blog post, Ferdy will show you how you can change your life and then it's long enough already. So for everything it will be updated or it will be optimized. Twitter, it will look like this. Perfect! So I'm happy, I closed it. I click on update. Then there's a focus keyword; what is the focus keyword? As a man thinks, it can also be multiple words. Based on this keyword, you want to be found. So now it'll say you're using a focus keyword in the SEO title, because over here it says "as a man thinks," but the focus keyword is not found in your SEO meta description. So let me update it. Click over here. Where is my meta description? Here's the excerpt. I should change it, make it shorter because the excerpt is the text that will be fetched for the Google search result because that is what we have configured in the RankMath options, by saying show the excerpt over here. And here you show the title with a separator and then the site title; I don't know. If I make too complicated right now but let me show you. Here you see excerpt. You can create this for every blog post and then here we go to RankMath, site titles & meta; I go to posts. I say I want to show the title, the separator and the site name. Below in the single post description, I want to show the excerpt. So here the text will be shown that I have created over here at the right... this. But as I said, we can overrule it, override it by clicking here, clicking here and then change it over here. So it's in the title. What else? Let me show you. Click here. Focus keyword not found in your SEO meta description. So, I need to click over here. "As a man thinks is often...," So the meta description, now it is over there. So that is gone. Focus keyword doesn't appear at the beginning of your content. Don't over do this; keep it readable. "As a man things is often the way..." so now it's optimized even better. Content is 332 words long, consider to make it at least 600 words. So if I would make this longer by adding some blah blah blah.... and I copy this, and I paste it like all the time, I click on update, it's 502 words. Okay. That's good. All good. So now we have 78, which is really good and then we can go to the additional IDs, focus keyword not found in subheadings like h2. So here we can change that if we want to. Its h2-- as a man thinks... Well, I'm overdoing it right now because... this is not necessary to paste it here but now you see there's an error less. Add an image with your focus keyword as an alt text. So there's an image. Write a caption --- as a man thinks. It's not the focus keyword. Title readability -- your title doesn't contain a positive or a negative sentiment words, and you can click over here and it will be explained. So in that way, you can optimize every page. If I view the post and I go to a different one, the elementor page builder, I can edit the post, it has 0 or 19. So the focus keyword is "Elementor" and I have 67 already. It looks good; content is 302 words long, so I need to make it longer. Well, there's enough beautiful stuff to write about Elementor, and then I can go through all these settings or feedback, and then I can make it better. The great thing about Elementor or about the RankMath, when I go to my home page... let me see, it's updating right now. When I go to my home page and I edit it with Elementor, since new update of RankMath you can even apply SEO from within Elementor itself without going back to the backend of WordPress. So here I click on SEO, Home | Ferdy Korp Media. I can change that. So I click on edit snippet, and now from within Elementor, we can change it. So I can say help us to tell your story online - Ferdy Korp Media. The permalink, okay. We are specialized in helping companies to be found better. Yeah, copywriting is something totally different. I want to show people that I can help them to be found on the internet, to get more customers. We are specialized in helping companies to get more business by telling their story, blah blah blah. Something like that. If I would save this, I think I should change something over here and bring it back and then I click on update. Click over here or over here. Go to SEO, maybe you can update it over here... no. But again, the focus keyword, "marketing or rebranding." This is great; we can have more words. But this one is the most important one I guess. Focus keyword does not appear in the SEO title. So over here's SEO title. I can say rebranding, so it is getting better, and in that way you can optimize your website. So let me get rid of rebranding and I will add marketing agency. Over here also, if I would say marketing, it will be both. Then I can take a look at the errors and fix them. Again, change the thing over here, update. So let me check. If I go over here to SEO, it says 68. I go to the dashboard and it should say 68. Over here; so it is saved. So if you need to change something, put it back and then you can save it and it will be saved. So that's what I wanted to cover in this tutorial. You can do two things. You can now, with your optimized, website wait for the Google results to be changed, to be found better. Or you can create valuable information on your website, great blog post, add more products, help other people with information you have to share on your website. In that way, over time you will rank better. Thank you for watching this video. I hope you learned a ton of stuff and you have now, if you applied everything I told you, you've optimized your website. So you will rank better. But keep in mind, there can be only one, number one in Google on any search result. So keep on adding valuable information on your website, and it will help you to rank better. My name is Ferdy. Feel free to like this video, subscribe for more upcoming WordPress related videos. Hit the bell icon next to the subscribe button and you will be the first that gets a notification when I upload a video. In the beginning, when I tried to say this sentence, I had so much trouble but it's getting better and better. If you're still watching then I think you're a really nice person. I hope to see you in the next video, or you see me in the next video, or maybe -- maybe there's a new feature in YouTube coming, we can see each other in the next video. Bye bye!
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 139,695
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Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress, Rank Math, Rank Math Free, Rank Math vs Yoast SEO, Yoast SEO, Best SEO Plugin for Wordpress, Optimize your Wordpress website, Optimise your wordpress website, SEO Tools, SEO, Rank Better in Google, Rank Math Tutorial, Complete Rank Math Tutorial, Rank Math 2020, SEO 2020, Best SEO tips 2020, Rank better in 2020
Id: TzDxO9FCstY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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