Is Pierre the True Villain in Stardew Valley?

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hey everybody and welcome back today we're going to continue working through the npcs of starter valley last time we examined mr key and today we're going to talk about pierre we got really really speculative last time but this video should be more supported by in-game content like dialogue and cut scenes there are a few topics that are a bit of a stretch but everything is at the very least hinted about let me start by saying that if pierre isn't already the villain in stardew valley it sure seems like he's trending that way he's self-serving money-hungry and he's a jojo wannabe let's be real he only succeeds because the farmer creates his success and with such a loyal customer i mean how could he fail i don't know about the rest of you but pierre gets a fat like p-h-a-t fat payday from me on the first of every month i know that by the time i'm in the end game i could be using seed makers for everything but i mean let's be real nobody does that or maybe you do let me know but pierre absolutely capitalizes on my time crunch by allowing me to bulk purchase thousands of seats at a time on top of that he's the only place to reliably purchase tree saplings and his store is also the only place to upgrade your inventory and buy the catalog for decorating people are always talking about joja's real life equivalents crushing competition in small towns but at least in the valley you know they don't even have as many products to sell as the local grocer consider this if you want to date anyone in the valley you have to go through pierre you can't build your own bouquet from the hundreds of flowers on your farm or you know the ones that you've gathered over the years and thrown into a shed in all of your chests no you have to get them from pierre pierre also absolutely takes advantage of his fellow pelican town residents including the farmer unlike lewis who somehow sells your 300 bottles of iridium ancient fruit wine on ebay or something i don't know pierre will turn around and sell your produce straight back to the community at a markup i mean probably i don't actually know that don't quote me but townsfolk will talk about buying produce from pierre's and if the quality is high they'll be surprised that pierre is able to grow such great products you might have some competition eh then there's pierre's special order quest which involves growing and donating 25 gold star vegetables in 28 days gold quality crops aren't a guarantee as we all know but the more annoying part of this is that the quest only pays out 2500 gold on completion sure you get the mini shipping bin and yeah that that is actually pretty cool but do you know what pierre is doing with those crops that you sent to him it's so much worse than just selling them back to your neighbors and taking credit this time he slapped an organic label on them and jacked the prices up 10 times higher then he has the audacity to be like affronted when people won't buy them he almost almost has an epiphany and realizes that people will hate him if he doesn't figure out his pricing shtick but then he asked the farmer to buy the same crops back for one gold more than what pierre originally paid for them this quest actually kind of gets my blood a little hot if you can't tell well if you think that's shameless consider also that pierre spends his festivals peddling seasonal goods instead of celebrating with his family at every festival you can buy some decorative goodies and i'm sure i'm not the only one that pretty much goes ham on strawberry seeds each egg festival the only festival that's that's really fun against pierre is the stardew valley fair where you rightfully spank his display just straight into the dust hopefully at least caroline says that she wishes he would spend more time with his family and we will dig into that more in the next video but it's like he really only cares about money he even says he wishes he could invent new festivals just to push his sales figures this man doesn't care about the valley i'm not even sure he cares about his own family in abigail's six-heart scene you chance upon her spending some time alone in the graveyard she explains that it's the only place in town where she can actually get some peace before quickly changing the subject to talk about her training with the sword eventually as you guys are chatting pierre shows up and does the whole back to the kitchen young woman thing he tells her that this is no place for a young lady and she calls him sexist and leaves it's definitely possible that pierre just wants her to be safe and less like emo but it was a really tone-deaf way to try to make that plea instead it just came off as a you know kind of a know your place woman kind of phrase [Music] next time we'll spend more time talking about caroline's side of things i wanted to squeeze her into this video but it's just not happening but today at least let's look at pierre six heart event because he is absolutely hiding things from his family when you achieve achieve six hearts with pierre you can view a scene where you're looking around in his room you stumble upon his secret stash behind the bookshelf i mean let's not worry about why we're here or why we're digging around behind pierre's bookshelf i don't know maybe we're looking for tax fraud i'm not sure but anyway pierre comes in and you have two options if you tell him a secret is safe he'll express his appreciation and ask you to forget about whatever it is that you just saw more interesting though you can tell him that his wife deserves to know selecting this option costs two hearts with pierre that's wild 500 points there aren't a lot of options that that will lower your heart values by that much and we we don't find out exactly what we found in either selection but i've seen lots of interesting theories on what it might be that he's hiding from his family you know i'm not here to shame anybody but if there's any you know sexual content in there it would definitely be spicy alternatively like we were talking about it might be tax related stuff or people have suggested maybe there's like drugs or whatever again you know i'm not here to judge live your life pierre but man it sure would be disruptive if the small town shop owner was found hiding some questionable materials especially since he has a church in his house that's weird but we're not going to talk about that okay so so what you say pierre's got some secrets but he's filling a need that no one else has stepped up to fill except that's not true because joja is here what's stopping them from selling backpacks and bouquets well i don't know probably lewis but that's not really the point but let's think why is it that one farmer can essentially shut down an industry giant in a little town like this i'll tell you one thing it's not because you filled a community center it's because joja corporate realizes after a physical altercation involving one of their competitors that this valley is hostile to them let's think about the community center cut scene pierre punches morris in the face if you goad him okay so yeah they kind of you know exchange blows for a second but pierre is a self-reported former boxer and he punches a retail manager just a retail store manager in the face because he threatened to play business hardball with him and no one stopped this physical assault some of the community members might have been bothered by that i think caroline was or maybe she was worried about him but i doubt it but anyway i'd be willing to bet money that a lot of players cheered at least internally seeing that conflict and you know what uh i'll be honest the first time i played through i probably did too but let's be real we should be testifying in court against pierre not rejoicing that we can shop from his store on wednesdays i mean who cares so let's recap here what we have here is a violent deviant with delusions of grandeur and the willingness to leave his family by the wayside for a quick buck he's the valley's original and potentially only grocery shop owner who cons the townspeople and lies about his suppliers he has a chokehold on the institution of marriage in this town let's be real you cannot get married unless you shop at pierre's and no one can carry around more than 12 items unless they pay him i mean that's just ridiculous why can't you get a backpack upgrade from like emily if you thought jojo was the bad guy in this game i would really recommend that you re-evaluate your opinions or at least play through the game with the you know a more open mind it's no wonder that his wife oh actually no that's gonna have to wait for next time because we're talking about caroline in the next video if you like pierre or if you think i'm being unfair you know let me know i'd love to hear your best and your worst interactions with him make sure you subscribe so you don't miss caroline next time and thanks for watching you
Channel: Leapalot
Views: 421,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stardew Valley, Pierre, Caroline, Conspiracy, Exposed, Exposing the valley, Stardew, Abigail, Cheating, Divorce, Tea, Greedy
Id: dG4oE0axBTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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