Is No One Survived - A Zombie Survival Game Worth Playing In 2024?

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all right guys welcome so today we're going to be jumping in and checking out a game called No One survived now this is classified as a open world survival crafting um zombie game of some sorts now this one came out a while back when I say a while back I mean I think like last year at some point I I didn't get around to playing it uh when it initially came out came out um but I'm I'm checking it out now I I've heard a little bit I've had people ask me about it I actually haven't heard anything about the game whether it's good or not um but I am going to be checking it out seeing what we think and uh going from there guys so if you guys do want this to be a full series hey smash that like button subscribe let me know in the comments what you guys think and uh yeah we could potentially do uh more of this but we're going to be starting off one episode today seeing what this game is all about and uh seeing what we think about it and seeing what we think about it guys so um I know know it is a multiplayer game uh but you can also play it single player which is cool I'm down for so let's go ahead and uh [ __ ] should we play the tutorial yeah let's definitely play the tutorial okay um okay our dude is a straight Chad looks good all right um sensitivity feels okay I might have to turn it down a little bit let's see all right so Crouch uh space to jump over climb over op doubl tap to roll okay um if you fall press space to get up all right let's see okay we got to crouch under this got that Marine Core obstacle course here pay attention to the weapon slots below first two slots are for long weapons okay second and the last four slots are for short weapons now try to pick up the previous weapons and swap them in different slots okay so we have a fire axe considered long weapon ker considered long weapon oh I like how he just pulled that axe out of nowhere baby okay and then bow and arrow is okay in our backpack um so what do we just oh I dropped it on the ground okay okay there we drag it there boom we got a bow and arrow here oh that's actually not a bad bow animation uh what are the handguns okay handguns small let's grab some of these arrows yeah it's not a bad bow animation there all machete and then we got the M4 assault rifle so what is taking up that okay okay so the backpack is kind of that grid um it's kind of got that grid like Daisy style backpacks so you got to make sure you pack out W and that actually takes up a ton of space uh can you rotate let me see R yep R rotates uh so you can rotate stuff around in your backpack make space all right this going to be nice okay so open uh press tab to open backpack we have SIMPLE crafting um our stats so the skills technology okay so there is Technologies just like games like Ark Conan those style games uh we have do have Technologies I wonder how primitive you start if you actually have to craft like your own stuff or if it the game's more dependent on looting um then we have basic crafting here Stone ax okay so it does look maybe kind of primitive chat Stone axe got a building Hammer Stone knife wood spear Stone pick torch hard wooden bow Stone arrows bandage and cloth bag uh but look at this we got some military gear here why why the hell would we need any of that we beat the game baby um so we got bandages here I got no space right oh no no yeah so I got no space damn it this [ __ ] M4 is wonder if I put the M4 on my back okay so it does take it out of your inventory okay so these slots down here don't count towards your inventory slots oh I'm bleeding okay so let's uh go ahead and damn the bandages take up six okay yeah we use that hudel with the one1 thank you so much it was good Chad I hope you're having a good day and then droing 20 gifted brother seriously thank you so much seriously I appreciate the love everybody receives one of those memberships welcome to the family is this game new so this game came out last year at some point I couldn't tell you exactly when holy [ __ ] hudle dude seriously thank you so much um I couldn't tell you exactly when I wasn't keeping uh tabs on it like that um somebody asked if it has controller support controls um so I just see mouse and keyboard right now I don't see controller guys yeah I only see mouse and keyboard right now all right let's grab a backpack military backpack yo we're already kiding we already to beat the game uh we got log stick okay so items thrown on the ground would disappear if they're not picked up for a long time all right so this is teaching us building which we can all we can learn while we're in the game we don't need that uh storage box bottle of water I just want to I just want to see what the aiming and shooting's like uh okay so we got tool boxes damn look at all these guns Okay so SVD SKS uh bm4 shotgun we got a normal like 870 um MP SMG little MP 40 scar uh AK obviously the M4 ammo pistols all right let's let's see how the shooting feels in this let me grab some ammo so we're going to need some 5.56 I want to test out the bow first because I feel like this is going to be a weapon we're going to be using early on okay so got to kind of aim a little high on that I only had one Arrow really are you kidding me so there's a the there's drop off with the arrows okay okay so there is ADS uh if you guys like your ads uh third person aim is pretty good too but obviously ads will be way accur more accurate okay ads is spoton see what the third person aim is like that's pretty that's pretty spot-on too dude okay so even the third person shooting um pretty SP oh you guys can't even hear the game can you there now there's I I had the there it is yeah so the third person shooting's pretty spoton with that let's try out this Glock I don't have any ammo for it uh 9 mm right this gun actually has the guns actually have a little bit of recoil to them it's not like a crazy M it's it's nice though it's a it's a it's a nice bit of recoil recoil is a little less punishing in um then in third person all right um we could try the AK really quick okay so as you guys can see the backpack actually has quite a bit of storage um that's our like pocket storage our backpack has a ton of storage we can relocate stuff around our inventory like that I want to see what the kicks like on this AK okay it's not too bad I don't know how to shoot change the oh oh you can just play this game in first person if you want chat yeah so you could just play in first [Music] person I was trying to change the firing mode of a gun uh right Mouse button for third person click improveing firearm skill after get Firearms train exercise over press Escape okay yeah so you could play in first person M4 deagle right so let's get the hell out of here let's get into the game let's see what it's all about all right single player our name will be Brian I I really just typed brain seriously [Music] [Music] okay and then we'll go [Music] there you know I got that short hair guys oh we can get a beard [Music] too wait that's that's a long beard [Music] to that beard ain't it guys that beard ain't it that is what it is we're going to be wearing armor and stuff anyways right so it doesn't [Music] matter oh yeah hudel the game audio I I didn't turn it on initially I got it squared away now though it should be good for you guys all right oh [ __ ] sh sh hold on no no I wanted to customize my attributes all right we'll delete this Brian we'll make a new one attributes here we go um oh so you could can you choose them though so this is kind of like it's got the attributes like zomboid but I don't see a way to choose them so you kind of got to randomly roll them like stated Decay so here we got it seems like you get good and bad attributes so this is athletic iron stomach master of weapons um but we get bad business which means no bargain so if there's traders in the game that's not going to be great back problems carry weight reduced we don't want that and then careful more time fing yeah no no I'm good uh I'm going to look at these negative traits first uh even see if there anything I'm willing to work roll with asmatic no weak Couch Potato yeah these remind me of zomboid back no Couch Potato weak stomach care dude these all [Music] suck so I don't want that back [Music] [Music] problem [Music] yeah good you can have one if you want no I meant like you can move the truck back I'll do it later the it's still on yeah I was letting it warm up okay yeah mhm M so I think I'm going to go with this guys we carry more we're strong master of weapons we're dyslexic so we'll have learn we'll learn slower we got to be careful what we eat and we'll take more time fighting things but I feel like this is it guys yeah this is this is a good one I'll roll with that okay here we go uh the game uses the latest Unreal Engine five what really all right [Music] let's okay so yeah uh difficulty don't I don't want it to be too easy should I just leave it on beginner for [Music] now just so we learn how to play but oh so this has like a zomb like seven days to die to holy [ __ ] [ __ ] hudel thank you for the 20 more gifted dude what is going [Music] on seriously I appreciate the love out here blessing the hell out of people man guys if you receive one of those memberships welcome to the family I think we'll just leave it on beginner for right now um learn how to play and then we'll change things up as we play just to get a feel of the game I don't I don't want to I'll just leave all this I don't know map one map two yeah we'll just leave all that stuff we're don't want no starter kit though we'll keep the starter kit off though um we're going to we're going to play with No Loot respawn cuz we're straight monsters loot distribution will be normal so this got has like a zomboid feel almost year duration 40 days day duration I wonder if they have um ooh Sprinter zombies 11% virus death rate wait wait wait so is this like zomboid dude if we get bit is that it guys did we get a third person project zomboid after zombie outbreak you sought refuge in a shelter for three years that's nice um but as resources dwindled you were forced to leave and now you must fend for yourself damn so they just kicked us out in our freaking boxers dude what the hell okay let me see so map we're here we got a city to our north um we got a little cabin here looks like there's somebody standing there I don't know if that's a zombie no those look like people hey partner uh so this a Traer I have nothing uh can you teach me something Metallurgy so you can teach Metallurgy I have no clue what the hell that is um I need to send a signal to my people but that will attract a horde of zombies will you help me give you something okay so there's quests uh definitely not going to do that right now uh I need want to redeem the kill reward so we go out kill zombies we can exchange oh man look at those gun like saw whoa look at these melee weapons dude need zombie teeth zombie Venom giant teeth okay we'll worry about that stuff later I I I think so um so can you okay so we can pick up Stones here can I equip [Music] this no okay okay so let's go ahead I want to check our simple crafting here so a stone axe we need wooden sticks so let's go ahead and get that going we'll have some kind of basic weapon at least wonder if you got to punch a tree nope the sticks on the ground might just be like just like the stones yeah here we go OD so my god dude seriously thank you so much out here showing that Mega love dude just trapped a huge Super Chat guy running around I know they slayed us man at least if you're going to kick us out kick us out with some basic I mean we did we did forfeit the starter kit but I feel like the starter kit would have been op okay this guy running around in his gch seriously thank you so much I I really appreciate the love man okay so now we have our first weapon here let's see what we get from this uh so we got some fibers fibers and STI yeah plant fibers and sticks um so so we can make a wooden spear that would be a good weapon to start with too yeah so it doesn't seem like I can oh I can make a bow too with the uh the plant fibers here okay so we got a bow and arrow uh now what about arrows yep we can get some arrows here let's go pick up some more Stone we're going to push into town I want to make sure I'm at least equipped with the best stuff I can get so not not that bad getting started kind of has like a scum feel like the way when you start off scum uh you know the the the things you're trying to get your hands on uh this kind of feels the same way [Music] okay so I would love to do it's glitched bro uh let's go ahead do some Stone arrows so want to see how many arrows we get per craft one one one for one okay so we're completely out of sticks right now I need that yeah 12 all right so let's see uh now for the cloth bag we need fabric but I can't make fabric right now so let's see where we going to head guys um let's think about maybe here F7 we can go check that area out see if there's some buildings over this way and then we'll go from there we got a couple arrows so if we run into any zombies we'll be okay grab some extra sticks here yeah well I can't craft the backpack yet cuz I need Fabric and um I don't know how to get fabric I thought maybe using plant fibers or something the game's running pretty smooth like uh FPS wise I'm not having any issues right now keep moving see what's over this but again hudel seriously thank you so much I really appreciate the love to man it's absolutely ridiculous how generous you are man here showing so much love dude big ass Mountain over there Dam okay so this a little bit further than I saw I don't know if there's any vehicles in this game um so it's going to kind of we have to kind of figure out find out uh Tony hey welcome welcome you already opened all of them H you already did all of them I got three good ones I got the box the two full there are Vehicles that's cool then this is far man cuz yeah I just started making this journey here I didn't cuz when you look at Maps like this you can never really tell the scale um but like we started over here and I've been running for quite a bit I didn't think I didn't and as you can see we're only like a little less than halfway use this Stone axe if I so I was hitting plants um with the a before before but all we get from it is uh the Little Fibers or whatever or not fibers uh the yeah the plant fibers but we need actual [Music] fabric what the hell is this in order to craft the uh oh did I just drop my spear when I swap that yep I did so definitely got to be careful when you're sitting here mess around with your inventory so this does not look promising over here it looks like some kind of RAC trck or something I tried dropping the ax in three and four oh there it is oh that now it went in I thought it went B uh okay here we go we got a motel some cabins little buildings down here uh food oh [ __ ] we got to eat and drink and stuff don't we damn so yeah water food we got to figure something out uh so I'm playing single player right now you can't play this multiplayer okay we got a zombie no I don't we got to be careful there's sprinters too in this I don't know how big of a drop this boat we'll let it get close not a sprinter oh damn okay as long as they're not sprinters they're nice and slow okay that guy is big oh [ __ ] seriously I'm pretty sure that gun doesn't have any ammo in it right yeah no ammo search the zombies okay [Applause] my arrow back dude stop being stingy all right let me check this building first real quick see what we can see we need some damn clothes okay so it's got like a state of decay style searching yeah didn't you guys say you could loot the zombies oh the zombie teeth yeah yeah we needed those for the bounties or whatnot got a tool box which I can't fit in my inventory right now oh [ __ ] beautiful guys backpack right off the bat hell yes you see my phone mm iron nugget grab that I don't know what I'll need and what I won't so I'm just going to kind of grab a little bit of everything right now plus we just got that backpack so I wonder if that vehicle there is uh drivable nothing h seriously CH did you see that freaking armor I just pulled I don't know if that's any good I mean it's Sprinter oh that was sick [Music] okay [Applause] got him a spear is actually quite nice get to keep them away from you oh we got fabric off that zombie no way dude hle that's too much brother seriously dude just Dro 50 more gifted guys out here blessing chat like crazy hudle you have a great day at hockey practice my son's at a hockey game right now with Crystal that that's funny seriously thank you so much for that man I hope you have a great rest of your day guys hearts in the chat and uh everybody who receives one of those memberships welcome to the fam John how you doing man seriously that is that is so kind to you man y here sh so much love to the chat you really don't understand how much that means to people dude uh we got a medical kit holy crap now I'm going to even if this gear is not that great cuz it seems like it could be really it's like it's pretty heavy oh we could sell it right uh we got some 9 mm uh Gun oil uh we got some boots um actually let me see what the difference is here between like what I'm wearing currently so I got on these medieval shoes they weigh 1.2 conditions good speed plus 15 speed plus 17 damage res resist n these these these M this medieval gears actually pretty good guys it's got some good imp impact resistance good defense it is a does minus your speed you know your movement a little bit but hey screw it um makes this nice and tanky right now okay nothing oh here we go bullets Gun oil holy [ __ ] man Hud's out of control dude that's so crazy uh we got some first aid nothing guys I love this helmet yeah I'm a huge fan of this helmet it's very lit King you know what I mean uh antibiotics nothing then wow bunch of antibiotics there we got to get a nice little base set up get uh get our loot organized little some little medical area here so this does have kind of like a zomboid vibe to it uh I don't know how scary is the zombies are supposed supposed to be but it did say something about getting infected and the virus what the [ __ ] [Music] okay so those guys you definitely want to try to kill at range the [ __ ] dude that was crazy my Health's down a bit uh we are going to going to need food and water I'm I'm finding everything right now except can you drink this water oh you can clean yourself um I mean let's take a sip let's see what happens okay I don't know if we can get sick from drinking this but uh I just took a swig our water's good now my food's going down though I don't know if was something my oh [ __ ] clothing repair kit oh here we go we got pants we got pants dude uh some sports shoes we'll kind of just grab everything right now cuz anything I don't need I could sell to that Trader right gastric meds oh food poisoning so oh so I do so drinking out water gave me food poisoning guys I got the gastric meds right there boom clears that right up okay so we got to we got to we got to treat our water you can't just drink the Random Lake water who who would have thk it [Music] right I'm definitely feeling all these medical supplies uh lockpick take that there was a garden yeah I was going to go check it there looked like there was even like some cabbages or something like that growing over there lettuces is it Lettuce is or just lettuce I think it's just lettuce cuz lettu uses sounds dumb when I say it I pick this up now has something against pants looks like the sun's going down though I don't know how dark it's going to get tons of meds though guys tons of meds and I turned the loot down too guys cuz it was on um I don't got no space for this take that there there move that there rotate this yeah like that like that okay so far not too bad on the dark front [Applause] got him able to get some more fabric there yeah the storage systems a lot like DayZ yeah the grid storage I I actually like grid storage a lot so this big dude let's scared the hell out of me should just deal with him now to see what we okay so you got to open the hood and then you can search the engine uh fuel bottle car spare parts small fuel bottle Advanced Parts okay so we'll leave that there cuz right now we're not in any position to be uh needing car parts I don't know all right let's get this big guy here we got [Applause] Sprinter remember if you guys want to you can also play in first [Music] person this guy seems stuck like Chuck so we're good our spear is almost broken wonder if we can cheese him [Music] C spear is [Music] broke God damn I [ __ ] up I messed up right there chat [Music] en en eny eny [Music] God [Music] damn oh my god dude [Music] he he's not the one he's not the one chat we got some kind of severe infection and bleeding yo Brian you got to revisit surrounded They just added a whole new area and new types of zombies and Legendary Weapons along with quests Z yeah I plan on checking that game out again at some point uh the thing was is there's just so many that I haven't checked out [Music] yet [Music] okay so does it take time for the antibiotics okay there we go um oh we're good we're we're [Music] healthy I do got seven [Music] rounds [Music] I would have if I would have known CH I wouldn't have [ __ ] with this dude [Music] [Music] man damn [Music] [Music] it [Music] out of [Music] ammo o see if we can get away for this guy [Music] now [ __ ] yeah I think we messed up dude there's more stuff I wanted to loot there but my inventory is quite full anyways so let's uh let's get out of here that thing is no joke dude so I'm going to make another spear the spear was actually quite good I'm going to head back over towards that traitor yeah I think we're good now we broke we were able to get away from him that [ __ ] was no joke though guys there it is yeah so I think was the damn JK I put a lot of bullets into it um bunch of arrows into it I stabbed it a bunch of times damn near killed me I I got grabbed tons of infection I don't know what this means here adrenaline I don't know what that means guys but I took uh antibiotics to treat infection scared the [ __ ] out of me he didn't die no no I didn't kill him I just ran away okay so where's that traitor it's bit this way I love you too baby yeah dude was no joke so night time isn't too bad dark wise we do need a figure out where I want to base up and I'm thinking maybe outside of a town like this you know what I mean would be probably perfect because this is looks like the biggest town in the map because we'll be a to base up and then we'll be to head in and start doing uh start looting you know and then building up our base getting a vehicle and [ __ ] like that this getting a bit darker though now I could craft up a torch I think right so I'll take it a torches yep main slot so we need light do that I'm not going to waste it right now though got to use the sledy again thank you so much guys I appreciate the love I hope you guys are enjoying this remember if you do want a full series of this game smash that like button subscribe and you know we'll keep it rolling um but it was definitely one that's been on the list for a long time for me to check check out along with um KN of the Dead is another one that's been on my lip did I drop my bow it's fine I can craft another one they're not very expensive okay so let me see um so he's got clothes so can you barter like items for items or is there a currency cuz in surround dead it's they have a currency that you can trade them for let me see so if I say I'm going to give you [Music] this okay okay so yeah it's a item barter system which is pretty good um we could throw some extra little bits and Bobs in here this think about giving him this battery but I don't know what I might need it for so this is just a clothing they don't have any anything other than clothes so I was thinking about maybe getting my hands on this jacket cuz it seems like a really nice jacket got some scratch resistance High defense um let's see he didn't want those wait why is it making it worse does he just really not want that [Music] [ __ ] but Jay thank you thank you for the 12 months man seriously thank you so much fam everybody we're all doing good we're all doing good so that didn't change it at [Music] all okay I'll give him that battery [Music] is okay let's go uh let's go find a place to base up I'm thinking right outside this uh the out skirt to this city here so I'll cross the bridge we're going to take this highway down and then we'll cut up to right about here there's even a baseball stadium can we go look at maybe living at a baseball field guys Ed thank you thank you for the reup I appreciate the membership of course man I hope you're having a good day bad wolf how you doing good to see you okay so the bridge is this way okay so our hunger and thirst is going down a bit and we have not a damn thing right now so we got to keep our eyes open for something we can eat I wonder if there's animals in this game do some hunting there's a bridge now these rural areas here seem pretty chill there's not any zombies whatsoever all the zombies seem to be very focused on the urban areas now I don't know if this is anything like zomboid where you know how like as the days go on the zombie population grows yes uh battle if it does it feels a lot like it's it's a good mix between like scum State of Decay project zomboid like for sure Lorenzo with the Super Chat a you know family didn't take C uh Good N I didn't take anything from her stuff no I was over on my second Channel today though we uh streamed for a couple hours um I was trying to complete my my card Set uh my own o this car can be driven I think uh it's got storage no fuel though how do you check the condition is zero put a repair kit man if there was that truck over at the the motel that had gas guys we could get this car up and running so I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to throw a repair kit in this right [Music] now oh this is different a car repair kit okay so what we have is not that oh I do got some food ch yeah we got we got this right here we can eat let's eat this damn this going to be a long ass walk this going to be a long ass walk uh so I didn't pick the I didn't pick those fuel containers up when I seen them I left in there cuz I was like I won't need this right now uh so I left them have any of you guys played this multiplayer is it like a Day Z style multiplayer like you know like a scum cuz I think this would actually make a pretty cool multiplayer game I don't know how rough the PVP would be but but yeah we were over on the second Channel earlier we were streaming it was uh it was a good ass time I was actually surprised how many of you guys showed up for that so thank you again uh for those you guys that came over and hung out hey B how are you and family yo you didn't take crystals good cards right L Mao hello boot gang how is everybody I hope there's some military Bas I'm pretty sure there is there's that there's got to be military on on this oh so the merchants are actually marked on the map got another Merchant over there there's a mine g [Music] o got some fog coming in once we get based up I'm going to I'm going to spend a good bit of time just making like four or five stacks of arrows all right here we go got a gas station it looks like here if we could find any vehicle stuff in here this would be cool this would be cool another car condition yeah it needs fuel everything's junked up ah so we got cars here too though go on come on sway Sprinter got him [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing and I'm pretty sure yeah you could turn in the kill counts uh the or the trophies or whatever from the zombies um to the merchant for weapons and [ __ ] ah nice got some food Army gal dropping the gifted thank you so much seriously thank you whoever receives that welcome welcome God damn well now we know that's a thing yeah small fuel bottle car spare parts uh I'm going to drop some of these clothing items take up a lot of space and we definitely need other things bit more priority right now food and water is definitely big uh see gas nothing whoa oh three barrels of fuel okay so we know that's here aluminum nugget toolbox so we can find any food and drink in here magazine I wonder if the magazines are like zomboid oh yeah yeah so it makes you increases your mood so this game is definitely a lot like like it's probably the closest thing I've seen so far to a fully like graphic project zomboid we just got a decent bit of food and water out of here though so let me see can we check these nothing nothing okay so how far we're about halfway keep pushing I don't know if this town is going to be a good idea like I wanted to live on the outskirts of it cuz I was like oh it's going to be good loot and but now I'm sitting here looking at this town like this [ __ ] looks like a giant quarantine area that does not look like somewhere we want to go inside oh nice military backpack uh question is how much bigger is that than the one I have wait I already have a military backpack I think it's the same size one that we have weighs nine yeah it looks like the same exact backpack yep same size too bad you can't hold them yeah you could put stuff in O nice got a car battery you can put stuff into it I was I didn't know if it was like zomboid where you can like hold a extra bag in your hand o nice got a scope you can carry I I didn't see oh thirst damn we're like Wicked thirsty all right let's drink a little bit of water now what if we keep the bottles yep push tab drag on to the screen then tab [Music] again okay oh what do you put it in your [Music] uh oh [Music] oh it's kind of like scum it's kind of like scum when you do the uh what what do you do that in with scy I think you do the same thing with bags right you do like some weird thing with the bags and scum too okay so how far are we we're going to start cutting up here as soon as we find an opening in this so is this whole area quarantine this is open here train tracks so it seems like this whole area around this town is all in you do it with vicinity yeah I I I knew there was something that you did with the bags and scum too we're going to get over here we're going to get a little bit of a base set up um and then we're going to have to push into town and see if we can get some food and water I'm hoping that we can find animals or something around here too I would like to live next to a water source though let's see what's up here go have Noah get you a bandaid okay oh you can get one okay sorry sorry okay yeah I like this it's flat we got we got some uh sight we got some pretty good sight lines here decent bit of trees around the area right on the outskirts of town the baseball St that Stadium there is freaking huge at sports Stadium okay so let's uh let's drop the bag how do you drop it there all right let's get some stuff uh crafted up real quick so what I'm going to do is store some of this extra stuff in here real quick cuz I'm going to need to make space for uh now how long will this stay on the ground here I'm it's not going to just freaking disappear on me right trying to take inventory on food right now I'm I'm I'm decently close to water I I honestly I could be closer if I'm being honest but uh yeah I I'm just worried about the permanence yeah oh Sunny for dropping gifted thank you so much I just need it for a couple minutes just so I can get a a foundation down get a chest built and then uh then we'll go from there okay so water that's what we're working with there this what we got for food Med supplies are looking good beer drop that in there all right so we'll leave that stuff stored right there for for a sec let's go chop some wood up okay so I didn't do the tutorial on how to build so we got to figure this [ __ ] out right now it like the firstest you got to chop it more Yep there we go so now we got logs all right let me see trying to figure out how the angle I want to build this at okay so how do let me first let me figure out how to how do we even build is there a build menu oh I think I need to make one of them building hammers yeah this so we need logs but Sun thank you again for the gifted I appreciate it all right go ahead do building Hammer okay and then open close building menu here we go wood [Music] foundation okay so the building doesn't seem overly complicated which is always good you guys know me I'm meta metabase Builder 9000 right here I'm going to show you guys how it's done uh can you sink this into the ground at all shift yep excuse me so we'll have it right here oh okay now now you build a print for it and then you add materials that's just like scum isn't it it's also like Humanity too I like I like yeah I do like those all right so now I got this down let me see about building a chest storage chest here we go planks okay how the hell do we get planks though what if we need like a sar oh oh let me check the Technologies how how do I check the Technologies oh the bushes will stick through the foundation yeah I'll raise it up tab them book oh yeah the book uh Technologies oh here it is planks excuse me guys uh so we need to build this crafting [Music] table let's get that started let's do that first I think I got some Stone don't I don't have any stone here's piece CamRock holy crap thank you for the huge Super Chat uh CH as Brian shows us how to build a bit yo that's what I'm saying no what do you mean is not done no no it's it's how it is done meta remember show you right here right now guys chat watch closely as Brian shows us how building a base is not done LOL just joking dot but not really LOL yeah okay we need a bit more [Music] yeah I mean Base building is actually what I'm known for guys Base building and driving isn't that what we're all here for top tier Base building top tier driving no not not not killing Granny's or dogs none of that guys Base building base B building and driving we don't have to add anything else all right Workshop no furniture no structure wait so did I not learn that here we go Technologies oh I didn't confirm it okay so there we go and then we definitely want to learn planks first what is this a loom chemical lab medical lab wooden box frames o rain collector that would be nice uh furnace spike traps oh here we go battery table oh damn got some basic level tools here that we can also focus on iron dagger all right let's get this basic stuff built first boom Oh damn we need more more of those in a tool box okay so we need one tool box we need some more Stone right y more Stone uh James thank you thank you for the reup on the membership man a list no my list is not that long the list driving and Base building yeah that's it that's all I can think of all right so let's see so now we can do planks on this bad boy right guys yep here we go so we just see logs throw them in there we get some planks I got three on me right now so what do you oh so you got to put the items in here okay so you put the items in there and then boom production time 45 minutes or seconds 180 seconds right think I think that's seconds better be [ __ ] seconds dude no no no no bad wolf see see the I've proven my innocence God damn wonder if we could chop these logs here no I don't know still on huh still on oh it's fine oh actually just go turn it off it's in the bll you go push the button yep oh wow okay so you get a decent amount of planks uh every time you craft too it's not just like one for one so we'll throw all these in here we're going to need planks for crafting so that's why I'm just stocking it up right now uh let me see so we'll do a full nine grab these out the one good thing is good thing we don't need nails dude nails are wait do we need Nails we don't need Nails right simple Parts uh [ __ ] do I have simple Parts I I know I had Parts I don't know if they were simple though no we got Advanced parts oh wait wait no no no you can craft simple Parts you could craft simple Parts seen it right here iron ink [Music] really [ __ ] okay so the only thing I'm worried about guys is this despawning so let me uh take anything out of here that I would my feelings would be real hurt if I lost this really isn't much store this stuff in here for right now uh also the backpack will only despawn after not being interacted with after about an hourish or more okay I don't plan on being gone that long but I got all my medical and food stuff out of my pack we need a drink though right now so let's go ahead and drink oh wait do you got to sleep cuz my fatigue is like wicked wicked low damn it yeah we're like really really tired do you got to like you can put bags in anything that has storage space so if I were to put the bag in the trunk of a car would it not despawn sit here trying to find some I mean we got we got some hair we could use real quick no actually I don't I thought I had sticks there we go all right let's craft up another Stone axe a sunny with another gifted thank you so much oh we had so many we have so many new channel members today guys welcome everybody I appreciate it I appreciate all of you guys being here I hope you guys are enjoying this uh like I said there's actually a lot to unpack in this game um and I know damn while I'm not showcasing it in its entirety right now um this game is pretty Beast I like it a lot so far can you store the bag in a crafting table I don't know that's good I could see if I could throw it in there oh [ __ ] you can oh we're good we're good yeah there's there's some nice storage well temporary storage right there hopefully it doesn't delete all of her stuff that was in there right but I wanted to get some more foundations down real quick give us a little bit more room here I won't this snap how am I going to be a base Builder 9,000 if it won't snap oh I got to rotate it come on I'm too much of a scrub for it to not I mean my eyes are really bad right [Music] now yeah that came out good baby the hell you only get one log from that some sticks yep you get so from the small trees you get a lot of sticks and you get like one or so logs that's good to go we got a little bit more space that one's a little off but it's all good that's the meta anyways and then we'll go ahead and I'm going to have to do a bed roll wooden sticks and plant fibers okay so I need five more fibers there it is oh [ __ ] so you can actually pass time so it's about to be 4 we'll sleep for 4 hours and I'll set it as my respawn Point all right so you can actually pass night if you want to which is cool let's go ahead and store this up and we're going to head into town now I'm going store a lot of this stuff in my craft bench for right now okay so we need to eat ah the game is called No One survived all right so we're looking good guys we'll leave that all in there for right now I am going to probably have to craft another spear so I will grab some sticks sticks and stones for arrows we're going to we're going to craft up arrows on our way into town uh Zeno with the two years boot gang 2024 Miss make it a good one it's already a great start to the year minus you know my uh sewage Pips pipe bursting and me having poo water in the basement but that was we're over that we're over that okay so I'm just grabbing as many rocks as I can right now for damn a lot of sticks I need to I lost my phone I need to use the all right let's head down as we're going down let's uh try to El see if we can find yep we got more Stone down this way yeah we're going to start with that big Sports Stadium I don't know if there will be anything useful in there but hunger and thirst man craft a pickaxe the pickaxe requires what the same uh what and you could can you farm stone with the the pickaxe yeah that [ __ ] takes up so much room though replace that there we go that's much better [Music] oh wow yeah you get tons of stone dude there it is we beat the game all right let's get all these arrows crafting all right so we going to get some arrows going here for a sec uh e guitar with the six months uh again thank you so much looking forward to more zombies this year I'm hoping to hear some on state of K3 this year right guys just a little bit of information um and codex with the seven months thank you so much dude n hey s months is a long time dude I wish you could craft more than one but probably because we're doing base inventory crafting we're up to eight arrows so far nine so stack of nine seems like that's Max stack Augustine thank you so much for the membership welcome to the [Music] fam yeah nine yeah weird stack number nine is a little wait why' this only one only stacked to six maybe nine isn't Max stack no nine is definitely Max stack I think it depends on where it's pulling the resources from also uh that's where the item that your you're crafting goes okay so we get a couple more of these going we're in good we're good shape I'm going to also craft up a extra spear too drop that for right now pull this over here no no no no stop um more arrows yeah food and water is got to be our main focus right now guys okay so these are the last two there it is this okay perfect so I got an extra spear um oh I don't have a I don't even have a freaking bow chat what the hell am I doing dude I'm such an idiot let's get a bow crafted up 10 fibers there we go we got another we got a bow let's get this dropped there okay inventory looks good let's go out try to find some water food we got plenty of arrows now I'm going to drink right now though we got to we definitely got to drink here we go so pushing into that area looks good I wanted to scope the stadium real quick before we get into time we got to make sure we avoid those big Juggernaut like zombies those things are absolutely horrendous uh nothing in this there's a zombie right there police officer good [ __ ] nothing found on them I was hoping we find some ammo I got this uh deagle but yeah ammo for it is scarce as hell well so much for that spear good thing is the spears are quite cheap I think we can jump this wall here right or the fence nope too high are you able to build inside of I I haven't tried to build inside somewhere um uh it all depends um I don't see why not in single player like why would it matter in multiplayer they might they might uh block that type of stuff so we are looking for simple Parts also o got gas aluminum copper iron Dam it small backpack [ __ ] is that spitter dude dropped them okay so cover does block that spitter dude this was okay we ran up on him man this it was interesting trying to kill that guy now they're hitting these items can the world be broken or what like can buildings and ship be destroyed like this fence so that's kind of how it is zomboid right every everything can be broken uh right now was single player yeah this game is single player I'm playing it in single player you can play it in multiplayer too damn it dude I think there's no zombies around okay I see so these alarms will spawn zombies in cigarette here we go so we got car battery some parts I we could Technic I mean can you backpack inside a backpack no you can't we can obviously do our little okay we got stuff over here on the bench looks like a can of food maybe yes two cans of food right there got a Central Hospital there you know what we need to go try to find a grocery store guys a little grocery store convenience store it has to be one in town right gun shop I see the sign for a gun shop from here I'm going store that backpack in there for right now I'll do a backpack switch like if once I finish this fill this backpack we'll come and we'll swap to that empty [Music] pack should actually drop this uh gun and stuff I'm carrying make some more space on my lower inventory bar a see hey this game is it's dope man it it it is pretty damn dope so far I'm enjoying it quite a bit drop those out I'm just making a little space here so we can we'll grab the stuff on our way out of town but there's no reason for me to carry it right [Music] now have a hoarding issue in games like this it it's it's hard though cuz you loot right and until you're like pretty you know well versed in the game you don't really know early on you don't know what you need and what you don't need that's that's the issue I have so I kind of just hold on to everything because I don't know what I'm going to need you know what I mean and then cuz there's been so many games I play and I'll throw something away I'll be I don't I don't need this this just seems dumb you know what I mean I'll just drop it and then like 20 minutes later oh simple Parts there we go 20 minutes later I'll be like well [ __ ] I needed that okay I'm getting I'll take the simple parts we are getting a little bit away from what I wanted though I turned loot respawn off though guys so um you don't have to obviously do that I like doing that in games like this though because it makes the loot feel rewarding and promising you know what I mean that way you have to like for food and [ __ ] you have to figure out another way like going out and looting just ain't it so we got to I don't know if you can fish or hunt in this game or whatnot but we're going to have to figure out another source of food or gardening I do that anytime I play games like zomboid and stuff I always turn loot respawn off that way it forces me to explore the map too because if not then you kind of if you notice when you play games like this you kind of just keep going back to the same area over and over again cuz the game doesn't Force you out okay there we go convenience store oh are those guns I can use oh no why game why so thing about guns it's like yeah we have found quite a few guns ready uh do we have anything use a [Applause] 762 which might seem a little op cuz I'm like damn that's kind of op dude we found a [ __ ] ton of guns already I don't do guns have durability so guns do have durability but my saying is you can have all the guns in the world and it doesn't matter if you don't have bullets to shoot and in this case it's like yeah we found a lot of guns but we don't have any bullets so doesn't matter I need something to shoot 762 so this SVD 762 SKS is 762 so we'll grab this SKS and we'll put that in our bow slot for right now and I think I'll grab one of these 5.56 rifles to bring back too now the rest of this inventory is dedicated to food and water what the [ __ ] is that I have 12 shots whatever it is it literally just destroyed that door dude scar said 5.56 when I checked it do you guys see what the whatever that was here we go this store has whatever it is it's coming [ __ ] [ __ ] stamina stamina Stam good thing is it doesn't jump okay it does jump stamina stamina oh [Applause] [Applause] B [Applause] just got to get my bow out guys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what [Applause] [Music] you they're about to break the car I'm standing on dude dude what the [ __ ] man this is it won't die [Applause] guys [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Applause] [Applause] m that was unnecessary dude why was that so ridiculous those special infected are no joke dude I almost [ __ ] died so good thing is convenience store loaded with water I just wasted all my ammo res everything I had guys just gone like cuz you got to remember not only did I shoot it with the bow not only did I shoot it with the bow guys I shot it with the freaking um with the SKS also Medical oh yeah it's good food run now the only problem is this is a onetime shop or One-Stop shop guys once I loot this stuff there's no respawn so we got to we got to make this last and also figure out another another spot yeah look at that look at that dude uh I'm going to drop one of these tool boxes make some space for some more food and water I did get some simple Parts which we needed to make one of those chests okay so we got a bunch of stuff back here we can still search my inventory is full so I'm not going to go super super ham how do we get this cooler can we get in there ah you can yeah so we got more stuff that we could search here okay so this spot is not done guys we got plenty of food um we could do a whole another trip back to this spot it's a good pull Ed Bob with the 29 months one more arrow for good luck right dude that was ridiculous did I loot that dude by the way I think I did he's gone now so it doesn't matter damn it shitty things I don't have any weapons I don't know how to put a marker down see if we could lose this guy I I got my bare hands that I could fight with too but okay this just a walker might have to do this got [Applause] it catch my [Applause] breath damn this s be the [ __ ] out of here got it okay so what I can do is not a whole lot okay let's throw that there um um okay so that in there grab the rest of this got a walker come and I'm going to go ahead and craft up another spear really quick [Applause] tanky ass zombie dude Sean with the 23 months man happy New Year just finished cleaning out uh 4 Ines of snow uh time for some stream appreciate and keep up with great content I appreciate that man yeah I was just uh cleaning out the driveway with my son earlier we had a lot of lot of snow we got a couple inches ourselves probably like 46 in that we had to clean up but it worked out guys it worked out that thing was tanky as hell at least we know though you see those special any of the special infected so far none of them are a joke they're all the real deal that one was like a like a like a feral the other one was like a juggernaut so what do you guys think so far obviously it could use some Polish here and there but I mean overall I think it's pretty damn good once we get a vehicle we we'll be in the money oh [ __ ] I just hit Escape damn it have to go back down and get my uh go back down and get it real quick just trying to clear that damn it at least we know where it is honestly this reminds me of lot of uh surrounded it seems like a more modernized graphical version of that game along with like zomboid and stuff like that you hear that the [ __ ] is that noise shh stop breathing so damn heavy bro thank you uh do I have any Elite survivors in the chat right now um I don't believe so now there's only about I think I have two or three Elite survivors um cuz it doesn't show me people's like rank I wish they did seate it like that but they don't but I do have uh a few on the channel yeah people are absolutely insane so the one thing I have not really seen is any Wildlife I don't know if there's a certain area I've seen people say there is wildlife does anybody know if there's fishing there we go so both backpacks dropped in uh which one my spare parts there was the other one Yep this one can add this to this boom now we got uh we got some storage okay so storing stuff in backpacks and then storing the backpacks in the chest is definitely the meta [Music] 100% [Applause] definitely The Meta so for right now let's get all this stuff organized the best we can I think I picked up some more 44 mag let throw this in here so I think I'm going to do one more chest and I wish could you move this chest and we're going to do this one more chest for food I want to make sure I keep good track of my food here we [Applause] go so food and water in here probably going to go we're probably to head back into town real quick we'll do one more uh one more run for food and water [Applause] it's okay so that's what we're sitting on right now guys food and waterwise in my opinion not bad not bad that that should last us a little bit [Applause] okay so let's see okay I do got 44 magnum wanted to see if I had any more bullets uh we organize this up here I'm going have to sort through this stuff cuz we got uh keep this on me too what was this and oh this is food energy bar okay crafting [Applause] resources and then this one had just a gun I believe right no this okay so this one had a scope I wonder if I could put that on my SKS Let's see we got more 44 magnum right there 556 762 here we go so we got ammo guys we got bullets baby got a little bit of 5.56 too for the M4 uh the gun oil I think you guys said is used to repair I want to see if this scope fits on the SKS I don't think it will but won't hurt to try [Applause] no real quick put that there okay so I have no clue how you even mod a gun would you just drag an attachment to it maybe [Music] no maybe item cannot be equipped here so okay so we just can't put that sight on the [Applause] SKS all right it is what it is we're going to head back into town right now I'm going to eat cuz we are quite hungry we're going to drink and we're going to sleep for a few hours and then we'll head back in do one more uh one more run um I'm going to not use the bow and arrow this time cuz very high maintenance and it was [Applause] frustrating but we got the SKS we got some ammo in our guns if if we really need to shoot our way out of a situation we'll we'll be all right we got that I got one more set of antibiotics all right let's eat oh build like a weapons bench yeah we got to we got to figure out a way to so we can drink this corn wine all right um still need to eat a bit more okay so we're good waterwise oh we just need to eat a bit more should be enough to hold this over well still need a bit more man this food is not going oh better to use after heating some of these yeah we got we got to warm some of these up and they'll they'll be better all right yeah build we got to build a stove I mean we still got a we got we got a lot to do we're going to go do one more loot run let's load up our guns just in case so 26 rounds in that full mag on the deagle too so we're good to go jet we're good to go yeah definitely cooking uh cooking the food up would probably be more beneficial we got to figure out what we can do for uh for stuff I don't I we'll have to check the build Hammer when we get back yeah uh crafting our own bullets is going to be where it's at that's going to be real nice I was supposed to go to sleep but we're we're all good our fatigue went up because we ate or went down because we ate okay so I do have two more Magazines worth of ammo for the uh handgun [Music] too as case is the one we're the most short on I got about a half a spear should have brought my uh some sticks with me to to make more Spears me see if we can grab yeah let's grab some sticks so I think the spear is just one stick right yep we'll do two extra Spears ah CJ I'm glad you're enjoying the stream I hope you guys are enjoying this um it's always these new games like this I'm always a little skeptical on because I I don't know how to play it and you know I don't I feel like I I usually do a pretty bad job showcasing some of these games but hopefully you guys are enjoying this I know some of you are probably super super good and it's it's it's kind of cring watching [Music] but I'll also uh the hell is that rotten food wonder if you can use that for anything okay so I was going to open up some of these cars but I don't want to deal with the alarm right now so on our way back out of town we'll we'll hit some of these cars see if we can get some more simple Parts cuz we're going to need that for crafting with the difficulty settings man I wonder how many zombies you can really crank in this game does anybody know okay sprinters done uh 9 mm ammo bandage man there it is don't don't discount the trash cans guys it's a big hospital over here too that we can hit the central hospital and there's a big building next to it I wonder what those are so this is just convenience though I don't know if there there's another food store cuz this is a very big town as you guys can see I'm in the the top of it as we go down that way this it's a very very big town another gas station over there so we should have plenty of food in the city to hold us over for a while that door respawned okay let's see here nice tiet the cigarettes are probably a good trade item what yeah once we get a vehicle it looting like this is going to be so much easier cuz we'll be able to load up our vehicle be a to make you know trips faster I don't know how gas is going to be though that that's going to be the one thing a lot of loot in here [Music] [ __ ] this wasn't locked before Oh that damn zombie broke it didn't it I had a lock pick but it's back at base the one feral zombie smashed that door down for me soorry we'll go check that gas station over there [Music] [Applause] oh and drama looks like a big [Music] building we would like to find a vehicle we could start working on in town St okay so this had nothing in comparison to the other convenience store uh but we'd be a to pull fuel out of here too um we had that other gas station that has the fuel jugs in it I'm not going to pull the fuel right now just we'll just leave it for right now until I even find a vehicle that we can use now can you loot the vehicle repair cuz I've seen somebody earlier saying something about needing uh to get them from a a merchant is that the only way to get the repair kits uh police department o should we should we give it a go yo that place is massive dude holy [ __ ] that's a big building yeah two police buildings here might be able to get ourselves some more [Applause] ammo spear broke start with a smaller [Music] building reminds me of the Raccoon City Police Department doesn't it oh nice we got ourselves a little Glock [Applause] [Music] 9 mm you actually got to look at the surfaces I almost missed that no no I I meant like the um like the way the office was laid out in here it has the same like aesthetic the one from the movie is the one I'm thinking about uh if you ever watch the the Resident Evil movie uh I think it was the second one where Jill like walks in and like or not Jill yeah Jill walks in and shoots that damn uh Michael is like tied to the the little bench there and she like walks in and shoots him that's kind of what it reminded me of okay we're getting good bit of ammo here though guys for real yeah so you see like the little ammo drops like they're like actually sitting on the desks and things you want to like yep see 12 gauge right there you got to give it a nice look Jim Cary wow a lot of 44 magnum dude what so these are like studying books they teach like engineering electrician it's a lot like zomboid in that [Music] regard that's the little in room uh a mod a stock for a uh sniper rifle that looks really cool uh compensator for an assault rifle I wouldn't even have known that was a thing you see how tiny that [Applause] was got another incoming tanky s [ __ ] there we go uh whoa blueprint for a water storage station I don't have enough space for let me eat some of this food actually drop that pull that down see some people are really good at grid um depending on how good you are at actually organizing your [ __ ] man you could you could fit a lot of stuff in these backpacks like Tetris as you guys know Tetris is my least favorite game of all time I I hate it with a fiery passion but we're making I'm making some space I'm making some space guys hey there we go so we got a decent bit of space now just by rearranging oh 5.56 extended mag [Applause] it's [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] stamina dude [Applause] [Applause] a B Dam it knew it guys okay I wonder if you can recover your stuff that was crazy dude yeah that alarm just that that that went ham and that was it that's all she wrote yeah I didn't even like I didn't even break down a door or anything I just walked in and boom set off the alarm and then there's no you're stuck upstairs in that small Corridor I should have just kept running but uh my health was ticken down slowly uh because I had an infection so I had to stop to try to heal but so there's a grave okay so easy enough to get your stuff back now if we were super far away that would have that would have sucked a lot more than than it did but [ __ ] wondering if it if I should try to push in that one more time [Music] now I'm a bit well I I don't know I feel like I'm ready for it but I I don't know I feel like I might not be ready for [Music] it no the alarm in the Armory is on thanks dude appreciate the heads up there a SKS on the ground right there the thing is I barely have any inventory so I don't think it's even worth setting that alarm off for it's not like I can hold anything oh yes so the main thing I'm here for is bullets I already have plenty of guns uh we got the M4 got the scar once I get a good bit of 5.56 I'll probably primary to scar oh yes perfect guys this is this is everything I dreamed of bullets yeah we got a base we built up a we built up a little base uh well not really we built up an area I want to call it a base yet but we got a little area where we can store some stuff the backpack's getting quite full oh we got a 762 extended mag that doesn't go on there got our compensator here we are maxed out guys hold a little bit of loose ammo but that's about it so I want to check the the one thing I'm curious and checking is the difficulty settings um cuz I didn't look over them all that well when we first started I I don't know if you can change the zombies I know I seen stuff for like zombie damage and stuff like that oo definitely want the food uh but like the amount of zombies I don't know if it's something like zomboid where over time again I think I asked this does anybody know if over time does the zombie the zombies like spawn increase or um how does that work let me see can you no you can't change the settings mid [Music] game I don't believe it gets worse over time some areas are overpopulated others are sparse got it needed to test that the Death Star oh we're going to be playing some Ark uh after this [Music] I tried to put the scope on the SKS it didn't go on we have we got a decent bit of guns like I said we got an okay amount of ammo to kind of like get ourselves going um but yeah we got rushed right there by that horde and I was not in a position to fight you have to put the gun in your bag then right click and click mods oh okay I'll try that when we get back to base I think my main focus at this point is going to be now that we got food and water or food and drink which was obviously something we really really had to focus on now though we're going to be focusing on getting a damn car all right that's one chest full guys pretty much full of food and drink a little bit here that we can we still got to stash up but [Applause] okay so let me see put the SKS in my bag right and then rightclick mods okay here we go so I wonder if I can put the extended on this nope um butt stock okay so you can put the new butt stock on that and oh this is the 762 extended there it is yep so I was able to put the 762 extended mag on the SKS this was the 5.56 that's why it didn't work okay and then we had the scope here [Applause] mod yep and then we have the compensator now I don't think the comp this isn't classify as an assault rifle so I don't think we'll be able [Music] to throw that on there nope [Applause] think so we keep this drop that [Music] sections okay so we fully kitted our SKS now we got the sniper butt stock I got a scope on it along with an extended mag it can now hold 35 rounds now we could snipe for real guys you hear that like glistening sound what the hell is [Applause] that listen listen guys my base is a working progress okay it's a work in progress we we needed food and water bad all right we needed food and water bad so I had to prioritize that over everything else that's the only reason why the base looks like this it will soon be the meta base though that you all know me for soon enough okay so we're going to run ES KS and oh cuz I was using this but I'm going to just store that ammo up for right now we got the 9 mm has a higher mag ammo [Applause] capacity okay so never mind yeah now but now we can focus on the base um so I got I got plenty of food and water to hold me over for a while um and that's where we'll pick it up next time guys uh but we'll end this episode here having a blast with this one guys really uh I I didn't know what to expect going into this I thought it was going to be kind of just one of those run-of-the-mill you know zombie games that they made but honestly I got to say I I've been enjoying this one it's definitely a good combination of a lot of games I really like and I feel like it's a good com combination the only thing I could think of let me go back I just saved right the only thing I can even remotely say is I could I could probably use a little bit more zombies at this point but I also started off on the easy difficulty um so let me see if I want single player hit new character let's just [Music] say yeah so we'd have to I think start a new game can you I think you can have multiple characters though right let me see [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah see so you just have multiple characters then new game okay so let me see what we could change here [Music] um wonder what map 2 is so you could turn off the special zombies if you want zombie respawn you could change this is that zombie wave attack thing seems like it's like a s Days to Die deal so yeah the only thing I could see changing here is the zombie respawn so what three times the amount of zombies [Music] so we we' be to try that out me let me actually click this to see [Music] what 25% sprinters man now I felt like I was already seeing a lot of [Music] [Music] sprinters Dr that down to 15 reset all skills after death loot distribution we'll say rare No Loot respawn 10 days to restock Merchants that's crazy so you can make the you can definitely fix up these we're going to make it 10 days cycle for the zombie attacks so we're just doing this real quick I just want to see if there's a difference oh wow so the starter kit they gave you is op as hell dude look at that yeah so starter kit is out of control oh so map 2 is an actual different map map guys so there's two maps you can play on we got the one that we're playing on already and then there's this map too so yeah it's an actual different map but yeah they like gave me some really really crazy gear to start the game looks like like the original map the game released oh so this is the the OG map oh okay so we're playing on the new map then well at least we know that there's two maps all right so there it is guys um honestly I don't know if we do another episode I'm kind of tempted to to start over with new settings just to you know get the game balanced how I would enjoy it personally like uh you know cranking the zombies up um maybe tweaking the loot down a little more because I feel like we were finding a lot a lot of loot I feel like the loot could be TW tweaked down a little bit more uh but we'll we'll figure it out so if you guys are enjoying this and you want more smash that like button drop a comment down below let me know what you guys thought subscribe to the channel if you guys want to see more too and uh we'll keep it rolling guys we'll keep it rolling for sure I might start over though just to but I don't know we might just play it out a little longer see just how it feels but I don't know I don't I'm not I haven't made that decision yet but uh thank you guys again I appreciate the love support I'm going to go eat food and then uh we'll be back finishing up theight with some Ark also if you guys missed it earlier I was on my second channel uh Linked In the description below uh I started doing some unboxing stuff over there just some like IRL [ __ ] that I'm interested in uh so if you guys do want to come and check that stuff out too and hang out with us my second channel is linked in the description below so you just click on it subscribe if you guys want to get notified and uh yeah hopefully I'll catch some of you guys over there all right peace
Channel: Brian Menard
Views: 121,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no one survived, survival, zombies, open world, survival crafting, day z, state of decay, review, first look, walkthrough
Id: h_xySyBX_4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 42sec (11622 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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