Playing The Greatest GTA Game Of All Time - Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Part 4

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all right guys welcome back to another episode of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas we last episode we made it to the second island um which has been a good time so far seeing as I don't really remember much of the island this this feels all new to me um I started I remembered a little bit you know as we were going through like the countrys side with Catalina and stuff like that that was pretty dope uh and now we're officially set up in the second island we got our little um car garage that we're working on we got some workers working for us and um yeah we're just going to start digging into this and seeing out where it takes us guys so let me get this set up my controller guess got to plug this okay but um yeah guys we I had a phone call the cash is leaving Los Santos again of course the cash is leaving so no I'm not going to have to let this one slide man got too much [ __ ] on my plate too much [ __ ] on our plate um so first things first we're going to go work out real quick um we're a little short on muscle I believe let me see yeah my MUSC we could we could we could skip a day if we need what didn't I have a car in there that silver one H maybe I didn't save it all right so let's just let's see what's going on with this Mission we got to we got to also get some money for zero who said this I'm [ __ ] him up sorry guys copyright music who said this to you those guys over there I'mma [ __ ] them up oh scare off the uh the construction crew destroy the uh the port uh the Portables and kill the foremen okay uh construction Machinery will help you destroy the Portables all right sounds like a plan to me okay so I got the silenced handgun I don't know if these dudes are going to start shooting at me they're just coming at me with shovels is this dude really trying to do this I ought to kick your ass I needed a release all day just try that again I saw all you got I'm going to mess you up this the best you got on buddy okay so that guy's got piece of Machinery let me get into this one see if I can pin this guy or oh see if we can push him in that hole got him all right so we got that guy down let's go ahead and start breaking these Portables come on really there we go there we go holy crap guys like I was in Austin Powers for a second there you blind buddy what do you mean worst driver ever I this guy's going to pull me out going you made me drop my [Music] WR come on [ __ ] damn I didn't even realize the timer there was a timer for this let's see what you got do yeah I didn't even I didn't even you want me to I didn't even realize it was a timer so we just got to go quick let's get in the Dozer and start ramming [ __ ] fast easy pal there we go [Applause] boom what's all that damn clatter holy crap I didn't see nothing then bury him under concrete our this sounds like sounds like a plan to me dude oh there's a chainsaw up there learn how to drive God damn this is going to be fun watch were you walking [Music] [ __ ] hey what was you saying what was you saying this no more there we go okay so we're just going to push the I'm going to mess you up drove the whole truck in there guys drove the whole truck in damn where the brakes at dude unbel I'm late this thing had no breaks dude yo it can't even want come on guys listen listen [Music] there it [Music] is yeah this thing has no brakes like that's me hitting the brakes guys doesn't want to stop whatsoever oh looks like there's a flame thrower back here too you are not moving when you yeah what yo man it's Jethro dude hey Jethro what up well I was talking to Caesar and uh don't get me wrong dude I mean you are one out there dude when it comes to driving man but Caesar he told us how many cars you get through dude and me and Dwayne were like whoa what is your point Jethro no no point man no point just that there's an advanced driving school like just up the road from the garage man like driving school man exactly what you trying to say man nothing man nothing it was Dwayne really cool Focus I just need I think you're you know cool and [ __ ] I better go CJ I'll see you later Driving School guys like should we really even do Driving School somebody said come over here and listen huh oh buffering yeah it's I got a I just got the warning right now too I just went over to where we buried them it didn't make no noise or anything get out of the way the wife with the 42 months I look forward to becoming a lawyer let me see this is what that waiting thing is yeah we got a pretty bad storm going on here right now where I'm I'm living jet so uh I've got what's the problem could definitely be um a bit of that going on insurance will rocket okay so let's go check out this driving school that everybody boasts about is not dude be careful all right let's see what this is all about guys hello oh probably this welcome to the advanced Driving School to pass you must score bronze or higher in all 12 tests to do a demonstration of each Test please use the TV over there passing a test will unlock the next test in the training program you can come back and check your scores or take new tests at any time all right let's see how this goes the 360 get a 70% or higher the pass [Music] okay left trigger really why won't [Music] it guys I'm hitting both of the triggers and it's just driving for I told you something was weird with my controller earlier too like with the brakes the right trigger just wasn't working no just what the hell is going on just keeps going I I [Music] don't is this what this is going to be you like chat no so I hit both and turn the wheel just does that I burned out before I the last episode I was doing it in my other car so I don't know why all of a sudden it's not working proper no not my gol shirt yeah my right trigger just isn't doing anything when I'm holding it yeah I'm on an Xbox controller right now it's like barely working give me my oh so yeah the controller why isn't it going all the way down oh no my blood pressure yeah the button not going all the way down now I have this like if I look at this if I push this one down it goes all the way in and then this one is like only it's like barely going in I'm not afraid of you okay somehow the switch on the back there's like a switch on the back of the controller that got moved over I figured it out yeah there's like these little switches back here and it was over like this and when you do that it like it like stop STS the trigger from going all the way back and then when you move it in it trigger goes all the way down should be good now yeah there we go see yeah now we're good no wonder why I was trying to aim at those guys too and it it it wouldn't work put you on fool but now we're good now we're good guys uh for rapidly pulling trigger for FPS game oh okay I don't really use controllers so why does this hey there handsome can I get your number sure here go my number cool I'll call you we should hang out sometime she's my girlfriend now just like that damn that was fast all right now now let's rock it chat about to show you guys how pro drivers really do it 360 [Music] easy okay no no no hold I want to [ __ ] I don't even know what I'm supposed to do okay so what do we get for this one [Music] 99% that's pretty good guys right is that a gold was that not a gold does it have to be 100 or does how do you know if you got a gold [Music] [Music] yo 99% better be gold dude no that looks pretty silver to me chat yo how do you get 100% on that that's I'm just a little further when you go to the list to shows a metal yeah up on the top there it shows a silver medal I think so that means I got silver so let me see this [Music] one morning Brian I was just watching your BF4 videos Punk Buster as an anti-che program for multiplayer games that's why it kept kicking you hope you're doing well will you go back to wwz at all um greater I thought about checking out World War Z it really wasn't my kind of game man like I don't know I enjoyed playing it for like what it was but it was like once I played it that little bit I was I was over it uh but thank you so much for the Super Chat I appreciate that and Lorenzo with the 17 uh I enjoyed the earlier stream glad you do uh what you're doing great Entertainment also Bo gang rocks glad to be a part of it hello chat hope you're all well and enjoy how you doing Lorenzo it's good to see you and uh cold with the four month slap him clap him train their blood take a hammer to it for the gold listen I don't know if it's possible guys like I just got 93% on that and I don't see how I could damn it like that's hard man we got a 96% that that like 96% is good enough for me 70% are higher to pass so whip okay yeah I could do that it's [ __ ] easy 92% dude that's that's boss overall score 96 come on chat come on chat popping control is easy right oh 98% or 97 okay burn and lap oh we got got do five [Music] laps 95% get 70% damn that dude hit the cone in the descri in the in the in the video he hit the my triping chat he hit the [ __ ] cone watch watch watch watch look watch he hit the cone that one right there I did it just like him well he he didn't hit that girl though [Music] oh [ __ ] damn we would have done good on that if I didn't hit that cone at the end [Music] hit another damn cone dude 99% boy like a boss here it is to all right the 90 I mean I passed it first try right that means something right I got a 80% higher score that time and I hit a [ __ ] car that one that was it a ah damn it 92% 82% that was a pretty good one there it is 84 damn it 80 87 we'll take it we take it 94% 90 baby first try super I don't understand how it's taking so much damage I mean 92% yeah we're taking it dude I don't know how he wasn't damaging his car Spin and go yeah 40% damage we would have nailed the 90 there if I didn't hit that damn cone couldn't see I mean we passed but that ain't it it wasn't enough damn it still hit a [ __ ] cone [Music] damn it we had it dude what cone did I hit okay I'm go right there so we got to go ah got a pit 75 and may be passed 100 baby [Music] ham [ __ ] Anderson I appreciate you popping in man I hope you have a good day at work brother Come On Shut Out 85 dude oh they want me to land straight [Music] 92 we got 92 guys that's not bad 96 what 100 baby wait [Music] what oh what you doing my wheel [Music] beagles [Applause] what damn this one is no joke J we need some move hello there it is guys had damage penalty man get out [Music] my I get it chat I get it y' I could probably beat that City slicking in Gold though man no I'm really enjoying the Rock you better be drunk man you never be rich Let's Go I there it is and there it is look at them look at them hundreds baby look at them hundreds that [ __ ] hit the cone bruh they shouldn't be allowed to hit the cone watch third cone he shouldn't be allowed to hit that cone in the video that just goes to show they can't even [ __ ] do it 95 dude I think I just had to pull forward a little more right 94 what is too easy chat how do you not damage the car dude [Music] no that [ __ ] like I don't understand sh B oh hold on forgot so you can kind of flick the wheel and keep it going a little bit damn it too much this one's hard guys that's hard no I had it I had it stupid [ __ ] soon as you hit the wheel that way [Music] though it's like I I you like catch it right on the edge too much 97 that was just heading out should have just rode it right there yeah I don't know about 100% in that one right now that was tough I mean look at these scores though 97 94 99 95 97 96 96 99 like those are respectable scores man like those are respectable scores ch yo CJ it's like a Jethro dude hey Jethro how is it yo dude the garage is coming along nicely man but I rang about something else there's an unofficial Street RAC Club in San Fiero unofficial as in illegal right I don't know what you're talking about Dude any who they meet up around the driving school someplace thought you might you know like to know thanks jet throw I'mma think about it now holl at you later man but that doesn't change anything it's still long what do you think a college girl come on get a okay guys so we don't have a car for street racing though that's the only thing um and how much money did we need for zero I want to go back to the Philippines let me see do we get a car for this maybe CJ you got it hey my cousin just called me he gave me a tip about a Ballers car going to sanfo to score yay [ __ ] we got to find out who's supplying those C read your mind holes I picked them up at the mahen intersection I'm trailing them now okay I'm coming to meet you better make it fast these boys are hanging around sorry lady I need your car I need that vehic okay where do where do I got to PO him up no oh we're hungry too we got to make sure we eat after this move you yeah we can follow us out hand down free [Applause] come on man [Applause] oh hop in holes get out of the damn way where we going they were head head it over Angel Pine Way follow the road and maybe we can pick them up man sorry C bro why did you make me drive all the way out here to pick your ass up dude could have met me halfway dude i d try to run my off off the road I'm going to hammer [Music] we got to eat man my muscle is just chipping away I can L hear it oh man we got to bail out don't even don't even just leave it alone guys just they were headed over Angel Pine Way follow the road and maybe we can pick them up I wanted to restart have a fresh car wouldn't like to know what the 33 months can deny this Mission when he calls you f f what do you [Music] mean would you like to know thank you so much though man 33 months holy [ __ ] George with the Super Chat brother the thank you so much man man stop playing with me just respond negatively when he [Music] calls CJ these cars won't take a they were headed over Angel Pine Way follow the road and maybe we can pick them up D no I was reading chat guys I was trying to be a good streamer and and read my my my chat respond to my friends and I drove off a cliff that's why you don't text and drive guys come on man move cuz then I don't does this guy even read chat does this guy even read chat he's a [ __ ] bomb dude if I was a streamer ID read my chat and play the game at the same I can see my house from up here go move ah man thanks for that this a windy ass Road man get out [Music] of ah screw you like why couldn't we just meet here Cesar we should have got some chicken photographs the F of each Target there it is H was [ __ ] Rider what you sh head sh head business is bigger than any gang is it Rider little [ __ ] let's go get us some drinks I'm drying dirt this guy take himself real serious that's TBO Mendes what now is that it who the [ __ ] is that dude hey who's the Greeno I don't like the look at that guy this more than a few thugs pushing product it's a serious organization is that pinky how many of these clowns are there a I know a pimp one I see one they being clever about this it ain't no exchange of nothing in Criminal n damn that was some heavy [ __ ] we better split up and get out of here I'll meet you back at the garage e why is he yelling co yo we got what we came for anyway [Music] yo there's so many of these Miss I I have no idea I don't remember these at all it makes me feel like I didn't even I know I played the second island on this game I know I played the third island but I I don't remember any of this guys I'm going be dead straight up honest don't remember any of it we got to eat some chicken clock clock how can I serve you my man did not sound happy only 10% guano isn't guano bat [ __ ] okay so let's go check out zero stuff here I might have enough money guys to get this whole operation going feel like it's a good business to invest in Pay 30 up front didn't you guys say you can get like 5K a day from zero you Grand or something this truck actually handles really good oddly slow going up the hills though I don't so intersection just like this in State of Decay guys Cascade Hills intersection where you coming uh you turn down like you come across the bridge and then there's the little ammo checkpoint like right here and then there's literally a mountain or like a hill just like this and that brings you down into the main town and then this goes left towards like the farms and um I think Mike's lemon or Mike's uh concrete what not the base there you guys know what I'm talking about what you yes get off the r almost back in town Cobra martial art ooh can I learn a new fighting style in here so you wish to become a warrior yes drunken pumpkin stance what excuse me oh he's [ __ ] me up I want CJ punch dude I apologize absorb with the eyes young student and you will learn strike like an atomic cbra damn that was pretty that was pretty epic nothing clever here just kick them while they're down become the Avalanche and bury your opponent come on fool run away oh I'm still doing the boxing moves would you like to spar with your master I am a master no offense you sorry you know who you [ __ ] with Harding me I know Kung Fu you looking should back down and run away that man pulled out a whole knife oh oh [ __ ] up come on bro [ __ ] with the wrong one chat he was the wrong one I'm trying to your hand out of myet run away [ __ ] you're a good look you snitch kick are devastating bro don't play it off them left kicks are de devastating and right devastating what's happening are you a banger me no right I'm good bro just driving man do the ambulance missions to buff for your HP you know we got hands now guys hey Caesar the yay leaving San Fiero right right but they're using bikes Cen they go cross country not right now I got to check in some [ __ ] all right let's see what this is all about 30,000 [Music] guys okay now I'm what looking good bro Steak Out is really a police surveillance scheme animal okay now how do I hello Carl it's zero oh hi Z you wasn't around when I signed the de yes I know I was on a dangerous reconnaissance mission deep into enemy territory uh yeah right sure whatever you say I should come through and have a look at the business you know oh of course of course I'll have to tidy up a bit this place is such a mess don't worry about it I'll drop in [Music] soon hey what up Z nothing is up car apart from my blood pressure and the imminent collapse of my hopes and dreams why as usual the forces of Darkness have triumphed over good life is nothing but misery briefly interspersed with Agony homie what you own whatever it is you need to reduce the dosage excuse me but I never take drugs we all know drugs are for losers and or sex maniacs and right now sex is the the last thing on my mind thank God for that Berkeley is back oh Berkeley yes who the [ __ ] is Berkeley just a man I once beat in Fair competition a man literally obsessed with Revenge oh you put hands on him no please I never initiate violence oh I know you knocked his [ __ ] uh no I won the prize in the science fair first prize that is and now he want to pop you and they say gang bangers is petty as small minded hey what's that bleeping s that's him we shall fight to the end Berkeley's launched a fulls scale attack this is insanity all batteries commence fire he's going for my transmitters if he takes them out I'll never be able to launch a Counterattack no problem man but they only toys they're not toys they're just [Music] smaller CJ Bogey's at 12:00 great kid don't get cocky RC bar at 9:00 High Carl was kind of op that they give you a whole Minun to shoot down little baby airplanes saying they give you a minigun to shoot down toy planes [Music] dude damn it's a long ass mission that's the pattern's not even like it's just the same pattern it's not even hard there we go three over there it be there that'll be there and then there'll be one here there should be one there come over here go back here burkly as long as we have opposable thumbs we will fight you well done Carl now leave I must prepare for the battles ahead never have so few owed so many two little three no that's not it what is it we will fight him on the beaches well rooftops I'm well there's [Music] that uh and Kelly thank you thank you for the membership I appreciate it a very old brother let you hey Z where you at go away Carl I'm I'm very very busy back here top top mud I have no CL what that is CRA too sensitive come on homie where are you I said go away Carl I don't need any friends today thank you then them some pretty strong draws yes my hero Carl he came back and humiliated me I shall probably turn to prostitution now where I will be found dead and broken I am a 28-year-old man whose landlord just helped him down from a hook from which I had been hanging from my underwear contemplating my inadequacy for nearly 2 hours ow my crack look you got to get even homie what kind of weapons you got uh I've got a prototype of a miniature plane huh well with that plane we going to go humiliate Berkeley okay cool man this ridiculous that went right up my crack Kelly thank you for the Super Chat watching Dead Island subsistence I've uh I haven't played that game subsist all deliveries well we shall hit him where it hurts the most bring his mail order model business to its knees launch the Red Baron the Red Baron come on Dam [Music] it why they driving so [ __ ] God damn [ __ ] let him get away punish him for his war crimes one down four to go this plane sucks dude it's straight booty better off just driving this [ __ ] on the ground dude what they want us to do ha only three delivery boys left [Applause] these AR be careful Carl only two left now Carl hunt them down you've got to fly to him and then land and then shoot him while you're on the ground dude cuz if you try to shoot him while you're flying that [ __ ] is impossible dude just fly to him and land and then shoot him on the ground so you just fly to get around from point A to point B and then once you get close you just just land that [ __ ] D Pop That B down spit it and light him up don't get hit by a just one more and Berkeley's mail loader department is finished the one in Vice City really sucked cuz you had to like drop the bombs and [ __ ] that was terrible are you going to move that now get her back home in one piece before she runs out of fuel a a smell it you know that ozone smell hey why I sh hell is that self-destruct out of what's Happening zero I'm off to engage with Destiny good or bad what the hell are you talking about now the hour of judgment is upon me and I must ask myself if I am a sheep or a goat Carl will you be my second here are some letters I've left everything to you in case I don't make it please already own it what's wrong with you man we are Crossing the Rubicon I am to engage in battle with Berkeley at stake honor and our very lives it's funny I've never noticed before how beautiful this time of year can be I may never again see Rome in the springtime a butterfly come on with all the talking man is you going to battle Berkeley or what it's a fight to the death come hither behold no man's land man y'all take this [ __ ] seriously Berkeley's headquarters is across No Man's Land I'll drive the Bandit you fly the Goblin and help any way you can if I get the Bandit into Berkeley's base he must leave and Fiero for good let battle commence pick up [Music] objects I forgot to put this in here to create like a bridge for him maybe Carl don't be an idiot use the goblin to move that Barrel get a plank from our base and make a bridge across that Gap plank oh [ __ ] bro you should have said that before man seriously get me a plank to cross that River Berkeley's using tanks Carl grab a bomb and get rid of any tanks that threaten our progress little [ __ ] tank bombs don't go whipping all over the place like the damn planks did damn bro stop driving you're going to ride right to the tank boom what the [ __ ] the oh so you can just drop the barrels on them why the [ __ ] did they tell me that for I'm going to keep him stuck at that Barrel that way he doesn't come over here and get shot Carl I'm blocked I know then you're going to stay blocked dude I blow it yes got it there's another cursed Barrel in the way move it Carl Berkeley's blocked me again relax I'm trying to clear the [ __ ] way all right now we can let him free curse you Berkeley Carl move that Barrel is there any other tanks we're going to need to grab that plank wonder if I can grab the one I dropped here that's not freaking spazzing out yes Carl there's no Bridge there's no Bridge Carl move that obstruction Carl I'm blocked there's another cursed Barrel in the Way Berkeley you sir are a loser leave the field of battle in shame pack up your crummy mail order business and get out of my town Carl you were all a dualist like me could want in a second sir I salute [Music] you $55,000 a day guys and we made most of our money back uh from the 30,000 that we spent to invest in property Mike we just played daymare yesterday man I'll be uh playing more of it uh in the next over the next few days huh you need some move yeah I don't backto back games uh just to give people a chance to get caught up if I were to play a game back to back every single day uh people who couldn't make the live stream they get super super backlogged on my content because I stream so consistent um so I don't don't stream games uh back to back for that reason just cuz I want to make sure that people have a chance uh cuz that and people sometimes don't have 4 hours or 3 hours to sit there and you know watch the whole stream all at once so I like to give people a day or two you know to chew through the content that way people can attend the live streams as much as I can that wasn't that bad guys the zero misses that that plane was absolutely horrific to fly but that's crazy what are you looking at exactly hey man you get them flicks developed wozy hey Carl I was just explaining to your brother-in-law that we were friends oh yeah well look woozy I need to get some info from you man what exactly do you boys want to know who are these Bas holes why don't you go take a look these guys yeah they're The locco Syndicate they're pretty big time I think don't have any dealings with them we don't touch blow now this guy runs things I those two the guys we seen this guy is Tbone Mendes he's the muscle and who's that guy that's Jizzy B he's the biggest pimp in town he helps set up the deals you know uh concierge of sorts hey then he my way in how I get to him oh Jizzy Jizzy runs the pleasure domes Club in that old fortress under the gamp bridge hey good looking out woozy no problem don't be a stranger all right I have no clue what the hell we're about to do guys Jizzy be's Club uh stay to DEC too anytime soon so yeah um I've actually recorded two episodes already of my lethal Zone guide um so I'm hoping that you guys enjoy that I'm working on uh you know I'll probably start getting the EV the actual episodes edited and stuff like that tomorrow and uh probably within a day or next few days we'll we'll start releasing that you know what this car looks like I don't know if you guys it might be a little bit before your time but back when I was young my mom she got a Dodge Spirit and for some reason I Was Young when she got that car but this is this car for some reason reminds me of her Dodge Spirit I always now I need to go look up a picture of a DOD spirit [Music] real don't make me make a phone call what are you doing come here time for laer I told you I don't remember the second island missions what soever guys so this is this is uh like new to me brain I don't remember any of this [ __ ] Jizzy B see baby I got everything is that Charlie Murphy now who's this trick I don't need no more in the city armig thank you for the gifted seriously I appreciate it for a guy like music to work with to work for you got to have Mo in there you got to like a flying [ __ ] you know 100 eyes every somebody's been messing with his girls damn killed two of his girls so we got to go find out Chad that's what he's saying yeah Jizzy Jizzy B wait up Mr C to the J see see that pretty young thing in My Car drop her off at the hotel down town use my car phone and give me a ring of Dan when you're done and watch the rims player treat that baby like the pop mobile how you doing just got a nice car chat what a strong [ __ ] what's up Peto chat ever had half and half with a susia like me yeah go I'll do things youra won't I'm listening honest I'm no [ __ ] but I need the FIA uh-huh real interesting whatever [Applause] put [Applause] a kid San Fiero is not even in GTA 5 right later is hey Jizzy it's Carl I just dropped off your girl church got a little errand for you to run before you deal with that problem I was just talking about some young buck thinks he's a player been trying to peel my hoes over in hash now one of my girls over there just eyeball the punk I want you to get your ass over there ice that pretended so what are we getting chummy chummy with Jizzy B so we get the in oh my God really burn me up here come Comes My Player now you in real trouble this is my track sucker get back in the pimp mobile hey it's CJ just to let you know you don't have to worry about no competition in hashberry worried did I say I was worried no I did not now to the real deal some of my girls in the Foster Valley been getting knuckle over I want you to get your ass up there nose around find out what's going on I got to get some he or arm or two after this I want to thank everybody too we got over 200 likes on the stream I do appreciate it hit me sucker one more time damn Mr Jizzy a CJ you the bad luck charm flunky that girl you dropped off downtown wants out of the game her sugar daddy wants to take her off the streets nobody turns my ho you get your ass back to the hotel and you make an example out of all of them [ __ ] up Jizzy car a little bit talking about that the Hispanic chick that was yelling or telling me the story in the car and [ __ ] and what's the third area in this in this game called the the Northern Area there the third island isn't it like l venturus or something like that that wasn't in GTA V either right P like the Lord sent me to save your threadbear soul Harlot get in the car and remove your filthy vestments so I may better gaze find my corre get us out of here before the devil's right hands po girls El right away your Evangelical hilliness the never comes to claim his own God speed driver God speed we need more than just the Lord Ben action away don't worry girl the Lord's army will come to our Aid now just keep on resing hand there where's the one more guy oh [ __ ] wo what theer crazy the want me I say watch those teeth careful the little Bishop [Applause] wh F Abomination respond to in City Hall everything's been taken care of Mr Jizzy oh CJ used to play his right hand baby oh and by the way that car has just come up over on the AP dump it keep it whatever just keep it away from me my hoes and my club oh for sure you got that man I keep it got ourselves a little pimpmobile [Applause] where's the pants [Applause] [Applause] bro [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] did your daddy KS you damn got ourselves a pimpmobile me out of the way I wonder if I can customize this at all one day I want to be senior [Music] account right let's get this over to the I want to see if we uh I might throw some rims on it for right now I don't have a ton of money so I don't want to go too Ham on customizing it start the sub Mission wait oh I can do submissions in this so this is a mission vehicle too guys okay you're not customize [Applause] it oh so I don't think you can custom it cuz it's a mission [Applause] car it's all good we'll hold on to it [Applause] though why are you keep that we want to do some pimp missions hey what's up hey Carl it's Wy hey if you got some time I'd like for you to come over so we can talk about something yeah for sure where you at I own a little Bing shop in Chinatown just come around and uh introduce yourself my people will be expecting a visit it's a plan man later okay so we got pimp missions now didn't Jethro say something about races guys I don't see any oh maybe it's that race icon right there let me go find a car that we could potentially race with I'm grab this motorcycle you ain't going to cry now are you oh who this looks like a [ __ ] like what a what is that a Ford GT oh look at this yeah let's go put some love into this all right um what was the standard color of the 4 GTS wasn't it like silver with the blue stripe probably do red like a black stripe maybe or can you not change the color to Second the stripe yeah Red's actually pretty clean though the black is kind of clean [Music] too dark purple we're not a we're not a say the blue is clean also yeah I actually like the blue a lot blue white stripe we can put x 10 nitrous in it uh oh those are nice can't do no body kits on the car like this but it's fine it doesn't need it it's clean so do you not bring your own car to these races guys what in sorry spor com [Music] this buggy is pretty cool though [Music] [Music] [Music] right oh those cars spawning at the driving school are my reward for it for finishing I mean I was just mad cuz I had just put money into it you know what I mean I literally just spent like well over a grand on the rims couple hundred on the paint so that's what sucks yeah we always get another car it's just the fact I put money into it then just [ __ ] Houdini right in front of my [Music] eyes if you get all gold there's a different cars or a different car 10 G holy crap [Music] okay so that was that one what the [ __ ] this thing squirly as hell guys what the look the ghetto ass Mario Kart is this we are grown ass men and women so oh [Music] this thing actually handles pretty nice once you get used to this the turn radius like it's so sharp you just got to kind of flick it just a little bit and it's just like you're so Cy [Music] and another one we're making good money right here guys making up for the fact that we lost our uh our car Sano fast lane don't waste my time you think it's [Music] random do [Music] hey man move your [Music] [Music] pom let me just shut the [ __ ] up dude [Music] [Music] what does your father do damn this one's long 5.2 [Music] miles this car is quick dude [Music] think of these [Music] [Music] me run [Music] this place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] for you better be [Music] [Music] drunk you did you get out much [Music] pie of [Music] [ __ ] hold hold [Music] [Music] on [Music] arm man don't than to you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [ __ ] oh not my [Music] right I just don't know who to try stop I can help you [Music] a screw [Music] you there it is [Music] there it is baby country endurance 6.68 miles guys that's a good one so we got two more that car in front of me is pretty cool looking what the hell is that my my wife not me your [ __ ] are low already that really hurt are you [Music] crazy this is sub race [Music] law sub R talk with the Super Chat brother thank you so much I hope you're having a great night [Music] tonight on hold a this come on look out [Music] [Music] oh D [Music] it [Music] get [Music] [Music] he [Music] P it get the step there it is and then I think this yet this is the last one dirt bike danger yo these races are paying out crazy guys [Music] is a [Music] I there it is there it is so we beat all of them $110,000 a piece guys 83 Grand is what we're sitting on right now hey Caesar de yay leaving Sano right right but they're using bikes Cen they go cross country not right now I got to check in some [ __ ] that was that was a good time guys that was a good time oh but again I want to thank everybody for coming and hanging out tonight I hope everybody's having a great night we're going to head over to the driving school and see if I can get another one of them nice cars then I think we'll go uh do another mission for the pimp Jizzy B how you doing because I got oh there it is so what do you get one car for getting all bronze and another car for all silver and then another car for all gold so what is this one we've been club members since I can remember Super GT well that was your fault dude that was a choice you made damn this one only gets times two nitrous problem you can fit three cars in here you know your at hey honey yeah the driving school definitely paid off nice nice got a freaking especially with this car this car is a monster this thing is so fast and the handling on this car is just top tier [Music] all times 10 nitrous [Music] dude oh you can't even control it oh you hit literally turns into a [ __ ] [Applause] spaceship there it is we got three nice cars in there save real quick and let's go uh we're going to go hook up with Jizzy do a mission for him now we need a beater though uh I'm having that damn just robbing the whole [ __ ] family then how you going to leave your mans like that just a this roll out of here now my way I'll be pissed dude I'm saying that was my wife right and we're sitting there driving some dude opens up the door punches me in my [ __ ] throws me on the ground and she just peels off I'm going to be upset dude he's crazy here we go now just listen to me okay now it's very that you listen to copyright music chat melons up in here what do you mean the [ __ ] has been ambushed we can't just go out there T-Bone it could be a get to the Ambush van this blister are a bit better than uh this truck they're not super fast cars but it definitely be a quicker [Music] drive so all these guys are working in the same operation that Big Smoke and RI in right that's a nice [ __ ] car dude car is this the jester oh I love the Jester in GTA 5 it's actually my favorite car P's your C oh damn this a nice [Music] bike but I just got to snatch it okay so I just got to snatch it tracking out [Music] [Music] to [Music] precious [Music] you [Music] have this place [Music] sucks [Music] hey as many [Music] fl she [Music] home I like M I do like this [Music] bike no you don't just bump into it you have I had a like when I was going by them you just time it perfect when they're right next to and he'll just snatch it tone pump your brakes baby take a chill pill and just lay back and let the Red Mist fall bre hey homes open your eyes dog can't you see we're getting messed with here H hey partner keep on look it's car now he's a real hero out there s see we still good what are you Ro stupid someone's on to us we need to go back and rethink I think they was just trying they luck Mike Mike I've been trying to contact you what oh man where are you okay just keep talking hey holes Mike's in trouble let's bounce what trouble who was Mike man they taking the yay shipment and the van and Mike's still in the back but what we going to do how the [ __ ] we going knowwhere he's got his phone he's going to talk to us till his battery runs out come on we got to bounce all right let's J I don't have got to make this quick Mike doesn't got much time on his battery left he says he can hear seagull Mike can hear gos seagull [ __ ] that could be anywhere in this town he can hear heavy machinery seagull and heavy machinery what is that a building site or Landfield or something there's a building site in door bro why couldn't you give us a [ __ ] car with a little bit more horsepower dude hey just hang in there Mike help us on the way uh is the SVD yeah yeah uh the SVD is the gun I'm still looking for in stated K I'll find one eventually I haven't I haven't really looted uh Trumble Valley like really trying to find one yet so but I'm pretty sure if I actually tried I'd get one this B SES right over near my base he says he can hear a truck reversing he says it's busy like a freight Depot or something Freight oh they must be down at the dock get to the docks in Easter basin hey we'll be there in a minute Mike [Music] I'm gas my [Music] my cell phone battery is running low man I'm already late for my I had a feeling I wasn't supposed to come up here I was like this seems weird like why the [ __ ] would they have me drive up I should have just went the way I you have me wasting time the GPS is dumb as [ __ ] [ __ ] he says they stopped then he heard gunfire he thinks they just shot their way through a security gate they don't have heavy security at the dock but they do at the airport break Depot to the airport you got to be America's dumbest crook yeah got to make this quick Mike doesn't got much time on his battery left he says he can hear seagull Mike can hear gos seagull [ __ ] that could be anywhere in his 10 Eagles and heavy machinery what is that a building site or Landfield or something there's a building site [Applause] Ed hey just hang in there Mike help us on the way trying to run me [Music] over he says he can hear a truck reversing he says it's busy like a freight Depot or something Freight a they must be down dock get to the docks in Easter basin hey we'll be there in a minute Mike [ __ ] he says they stopped then he heard gunfire he thinks they just shot their way through a security gate they don't have heavy security at the Docks but they do at the airport breight Depot to the airport rap Rapido Johnny brother thank you so much dropping the 10 gifted on the channel brother how you doing tonight aircraft taking off and Landing seriously thank you everybody whoever sees one of those memberships welcome to the film hey don't worry Mike we're nearly [Music] there that's good to hear good to hear is running low there's the gate and some de go hey this is the place keep your eyes peeled for that van okay the tag should work now homes tag the hell is a tag after that last bit of trouble Mike hit the transponder in the white we was going to follow it to the gang but something must have [ __ ] up and now we got to use it to find the van and rescue mik oh how it works simple closer we get the stronger the signal [Applause] [ __ ] there they are [Music] my hey man come on hurry up there about time ton who the [ __ ] is this hey that's one of Jizzy clowns relax W you hear that we got to torch this van with the Coke in it hey Charlie W we ain't torching now this is a setback but doing 20 to life is a little more than that can friend Amigo hey he right man let's do wouldn't get the hell out of here hey who the [ __ ] asked you basor this ain't a committee exactly I call the shots here now shut up and let's go and we're getting in deep with this organization guys my stretch doesn't make a very good getaway cow I'll tell you what it's not bad but go back to the pleasure Dome how long you been working for Jizzy I haven't seen you before just got into town last week I've done a couple jobs here and there let's get into town huh where were you before that hey what is this man just answer the [ __ ] question look man chill I've been in Los Santos with my family all right give me his wallet what hey get off quit struggle and concentrate on the road here you go Mike Carl Johnson huh all right I seen enough here hey it was a dub in there better still be there when I check shut the [ __ ] up oh [ __ ] they know who we are now Chad we're [ __ ] we got him I wonder if they're worried that we're like a fed or something if this dudes working with 10 Penny and [ __ ] then we should be straight like smoking Rider don't know we're coming after him okay Carl Johnson you did good today man I shake the spot we got [ __ ] to talk [Music] [Music] about that man literally that was a choice let's go hit uh let's go hit the uh ammunition didn't woozy say oh yeah Woo's mission's right here okay we'll go hit ammunition I'm going gear up and then we'll go we'll go see what wozi has for us yeah uh we should probably get some food too found [Applause] me been meaning to get some body armor attitude well hello a doodle do enjoy a doodle do D we got almost 100,000 ous guys stop harassing me Father let's go Splurge a little bit at ammunition I don't know if I unlocked any new guns yet PM how you doing oh we got gun range it's all fresh out of the crate okay we unlocked some rifles what is this have fun there better than nothing hope he KS some ass top off our SMG Wise Choice sir Wise Choice perfect for killing pure and simple Rob the gun store steal all the guns let me see the wars are coming you here Elation challenge compete against two [Music] competitors how's how's that do dual Wheeling [Music] bro y'all suck they're still shooting at first [Music] Target okay the firstus score 20 points five already [Music] there it is micro SMG round one do I get anything from [Music] St [Music] [Music] e the NPCs aren't really even doing anything [Music] shotgun hoping that we get some Splash damage on a shotgun doesn't do [Music] [ __ ] [Music] yeah probably shoting slugs or something cuz yeah definitely [Music] damn bro that boo two is on fire right now dude I didn't get a chance to shoot all right they're working now guys [Music] [Music] e [Music] yeah that was close keep practicing you reach Hitman level dual wield pistols gangster level read you can now move while aiming stance lock arm machine pistol how do you check your your your your your levels stats weapons pistols were gangster so what is is Hitman after gangster so I'm I'm Hitman already on the a k i don't even I'm not even using the regular pistol I use the silence pistol you can legally own a gun probably should switch to the regular handgun then works well in a crowded area if the cops ask you didn't get it here okay I to the off I don't even know what that is there are cultist everywhere friend so we just got to keep ranking up now can you do that again Su the cash is leaving Los Santos again going have to let this one slide man got too much [ __ ] on my PL hold on one sec guys I just got to grab a uh a new Band-Aid real quick mine's coming off and my finger's bleeding any there we go much better much bet all right so whoy right uh we got armor we got that yeah is very I I didn't I haven't seen the the horse betting what is the icon look like let me see L key uh Triads property [Music] Barbers I don't see a horse betting place or is it not marked on the map oh in Vegas oh we're not there yet oh yeah wuzi did say he was in a bing shop that's where we're going right now actually you come on you can do it you can do it kick we're close pucky easy man I'm here to see woo oh uh upstairs stupid ass [ __ ] come on come on come on go go go come on you can do it I'm Johnson I'm here to see woozy I work with him you yes right this way uh you know of the boss's curse curse nah he's blind blind but we was just racing cars last week yes I know he's blessed with unbelievable good fortune and the Triad that would do anything for him we call him our lucky [Applause] Mo all right I keep that in mind good so how is woozy driving if he's blind yet woozy hello Carl hey what's happening woozy you know how you doing straight to the facts I can't use your help unless I'm open with you about who I am and what I do let me reintroduce myself I am the boss of the mountain Clow boys nice to meet you likewise why don't you sit down aslo of the Triad my responsibility to see that disputes are settled without uh damaging important business where I come in at we shall see I'm about to drop in on a local Triad that failed to show face at the last Tong meeting come with me and you'll see how we Triad settle things without recourse to unnecessary violence all right I'll ride with you we'll need a ride mine's getting some bodyworked onto it all right don't trip the blood feather Triad have a storehouse around the block we shall see what excuses they have to offer okay so what's all this talk of business some small time Vietnamese gangs have been making trouble lately we're not sure why they're gaining any courage now but nervous about the situation how do I fit in all of this you're an outsider this is a place come on it's this [Music] way now where's that loose cop hey what the hell are you doing just checking you know shut up oh this way H yes intriguing what's wrong you lost you need a [Music] [Music] hand what's up [Music] R stop standing there [ __ ] chewing bubble gum my friend I know these shoes is tighten up hey look [Music] out yes a [Music] gun ah we're here this way strange this gate is usually locked stick close oh man woo what's got you so spooked oh oh sorry didn't see you lying down there he's dead they all off the blood feathers wiped out die die low forgive me I was too scared to fight so I hid enough what happened here venamy surprised us cut us all down [ __ ] they come again this looks like violence to me the Triads must have Vengeance keep you will wander as ghosts you got a death WI give me some cover hell sewers that was a sniper bullet CJ take out that sniper you want to get blasted F I want that rifle dude die you [ __ ] sons of [ __ ] in chill bro we got more company you drive I'll send them back to the sewers why so slow CJ sold so like me keep driving I'll take care of these murderous scums I'm going to find you ass that look like the last of them thank you Carl you saved me from having to kill them all myself okay let's get back to my place yo what this kind of a Savage dude here the token of the t's appreciation for what you did today [Music] hey wooy my man what's going down hey CJ let me introduce you to shuk Fu ronali he heads the red gecko Tong on the west coast how you doing yeah a aong has sent word from Kon a Vietnamese crime family the Danang boys are preparing to move to the United States this may explain the Cowardly attack on the blood feather Triad there may be some trouble ahead the Shu would like a package retrieved a corer has left it in a drop at the airport it is most important to the matter at hand oh I can do that huh he is Triad a mountain boy no a personal friend of mine and less likely to draw the attention of the Danang boys okay thanks for your support let's get over there um we'll take this car that's not about to blow [Music] up Brian 183rd what's going on yes woozi is blind thank you for the Super Chat brother I appreciate you he's crazy I love this car so much man it's so good do that come on move [Music] your is woozy blind I mean if he's blind I still don't know how he's driving cars and shooting guns but hey so am I supposed to steal the car or take what's in it [Music] you won't get [Music] far happy birthday St Lord am I interested to play GT RP yeah I thought about checking it out at some point um when it comes to uh GTA online though it's just no no no no no no [ __ ] oh we spent a lot of months playing it before we go head to 103 and uh when it comes to GTA online whoa are you kidding me dude uh when it comes to RP I just don't know like how the content will go um what I would even do in the it's just so I'm still trying to figure out but I'm pretty sure before we play GTA 6 uh at some point we'll check out GTA RP the car is not that fast guys why couldn't we Drive mine uh shun thank you for the membership welcome to the family you won't get far stole that car way [Music] [ __ ] he's getting [Music] away yeah just [Music] w [Music] got him don't wrinkle me car's the best take some money whoa got a little squirly on me there tyv thank you for the 13 months I appreciate the love how you doing tonight shares a bowl of Doritos with everyone what kind of Doritos though what kind of Doritos we talking I used to love Cool Ranch Doritos so much when I was a kid I mean I still like them they're all right um but those sweet chili Doritos y those shits are actual deliciousness the ones that come in I think it's the sweet chili right the ones that come in the purple bag Catalina is that you again a thanks for the money did Catalina really just call me yell Pig and hang up oh the money at the RC shop yeah let's go grab that yeah let's max out too is there no icon for it I think it was on this road right that's weird there's no icon for the the shop oh the money didn't fill anyway so we're good we we didn't miss out on [Music] anything chil Heatwave Doritos yeah see the thing is is I'm not a huge Dorito guy but there there I don't know why but there are moments where just an an original regular ass Dorito Just Hits different like them shits are good they're really really good and then I I don't really care for them all that much but yeah the purple bag Cool Ranch Doritos are really good but yeah the the the regular Doritos do have their moments where I don't know they're just they're just really good there we go all right guys so we're going to end this episode here we got I I feel like we made some good progress I don't know how far story-wise we made it through this episode but I feel like we got a good bit done um we started really digging into the second Island we're working around we're getting integrated with the gang there or the the organization working with woozy working our own stuff um got some races got Driving School done we we got a lot of stuff done today probably not the most interesting episode with the races and driving school but hey I had fun it is what it is right but uh remember if you guys are enjoying this and you want to see more all you got to do smash that like button subscribe we'll definitely keep playing um this is just one of those gam games I'm I'm I'm thoroughly enjoying I think even if even if the viewership dropped off on this I'd probably still play it to make videos at least but all right guys thank you so much I I appreciate the love the support um remember on your way out if you haven't smash that like button if you want to help the the video out um as soon as the stream ends just click back on it on my homepage click back on the stream drop a comment below let me know what you guys thought about the stream and uh yeah we'll go from there so thank you guys we'll be back with more streams tomorrow and uh yeah hope you guys have a great rest of your day and night and I'll see you all in the next one peace
Channel: Brian Menard
Views: 15,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: open world, grand theft auto, san andreas, gta, story, walkthrough, review, definitive edition, gaming, gameplay, live stream, Brian Menard
Id: xXQSCeJggwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 59sec (12239 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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