This Zombie Survival Game Has A lot Of Potential - No One Survived Part 3

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all right guys what's going on welcome back to another episode of no one survived now before we start today one thing I wanted to talk about was in the comments people kept bringing up the name of the game if no one survived then who the hell are we I don't know Chad all right listen I just play this game okay I just I I work here I'm here like everybody else I don't know all right y'all getting so deep and philosophical in the comments I can't even keep up all right I don't know I don't know why or who we are but welcome back guys last episode we went we ran through this area we got some looting done um backpack's pretty full we're going to get this crap back to base and um I really need to figure out how to get a damn car today guys like we need we need to figure out how to get a car okay so our carbohydrates are quite low I'm actually going to pop this uh Rich can of something all right so yeah we got to head back to base I do have pants on guys they just they're just kind of the shorts they're definitely shorts I have not found any guns on this play through so far last episode or the last playthrough that we start started um man we had like tons of guns like within the first few minutes of playing we went to that one area Now Grant I haven't hit like any cities with gun stores yet so I'm pretty sure if I did do that I probably would have guns Anthony said I got a car and the deer wrecked it so be careful now I don't have a car yeah that's my goal today we're going to try to get a car up and running uh we're going see if we can go trade for a repair kit and then we got to figure out some fuel we got to get some damn shoes too all right so we're we're we're over here venturing back to my base uh it's not too far now I got two Traders here we got one in D6 one in D5 I was going to go scope out both of them and see um what they have for sale cuz there are two Traders right near my base so it' be cool I think we did have a gun trader nearby um so we could take technically get guns from there but there's my base in the distance no did someone steal my shoes no no I would I have to have shoes for someone to steal them we just we just haven't even found any yet now we're just you know walking through the good old nature toes in the sand in the dirt the whatever the hell you want to call this stuff I got plenty of storage um we able to get some boxes and stuff like that crafted up let's see um yeah this was my food so we go ahead get our food dropped now I thought I'd grabbed more food than that while we were out but I was really wrong yeah so I can't use that book yet um this was crafting supplies um then this was all just like random crap so ammo wise we're doing okay guys uh you know we got 30 rounds of 76 21 there nine nine but I have no guns to shoot it with so doesn't really matter uh we got one Arrow drop that in there that in there and that extra flashlight zombie Venom rotten food [Applause] okay just want to make sure we had that set I was I'm pretty sure I did do it but okay so let me go ahead and see now I believe I checked this Merchant I don't know let's go check this Merchant here we're going to go see what they have um I'll also grab some stuff to see if if we can barter with them uh just some extra crap I think I have a flashlight on yeah so these are both extra flashlights um so we'll grab those um sell this sell this mood book now this one teaches or allows me to craft a sewing machine we got a lot of these flashlights man I don't know if I'll need this condenser for something so I don't want to get rid of it keep these tool [Music] boxes I'll sell the sniper stock sell this compensator yeah we don't really have a whole lot in the uh in the gear front right now meat's already about to go bad dude what well that sucks all right let's go see what this Trader has um and then we'll go from there yeah my water is getting quite low once we get a car though guys we'll we'll be good we'll be a to make nice long loot runs um we'll be able to loot up more than obviously what I can just carry on my back we'll be in good shape um so Anthony uh from what I was told people said that you can't loot vehicle repair kits that you have to get them from a Trader and craft them yourself Crystal want a pack on Crane's giveaway oh [ __ ] there it is does she know about it if not I got I'll let her know I'm going to grab a couple extra sticks cuz we're going to have to make some more Spears um once we go into town definitely going to need some extra Spears Guru how you doing brother I app appreciate you popping in man I hope you have a good day hope the weather's all right for you down under it might be a car in a military base yo screw that place man I I'm not going in there until we got guns in all the bullets we got a big ass boar over there we could hunt too we're doing all right on meat right now um the stuff seems like it spoils pretty quick and uh you get quite a bit of it from when when you kill uh kill the animals so Sunny 80° I always forget how you know how the planet's set up cuz uh I forgot it was it was wicked weird it was like February for me and somebody was talking about how it was summer from them for them and I was like bro what the [ __ ] you mean it's summer dude it's goddamn February you know and obviously you know the other hemispheres and [ __ ] like that Earth is tilted in different direction I was like oh yeah I forgot a northern hemisphere a northern hemisphere winner is uh the southern the South uh summer or whatever but [ __ ] in Australia do y'all even really get winner like that [ __ ] winner for you is what 67 50° all right let's see so ooh pizzer this guy sell what do you got for sale dude okay so this guy's got a little bit of food uh fishing rod oh guys there's fishing I asked if there was fishing and and I swear people said no he even got he even has some ammo car repair kit there it is so we need to we need to see how much that plus the fishing rod is see if I can okay okay he's liking these flashlights okay he's not liking three of them no okay there we go that's a that's a trade boom so we got the car repair kit from him all right and we got this fishing rod let's see let's see what else let's see what else we can scam out of this guy I'm not scamming him Chad he knows he knows what he's he's a grown ass man all right he's this his choice a full meal carbs yeah let's grab that too dude all right let's sell on this flashlight look at one flashlight dude give me that I didn't know these flashlights were so valuable dude I didn't know chat all right let me see um let's do some more bartering let's get uh let's get this 9 mil and this 5.56 and the shotty damn ammo is no joke expensive what the hell all right so what we're going to sell them is let's go this battery on there that that's thick throw this on there oh yes and the okay that's not it oh there mood book come on dude you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so maybe we'll take off uh take off the 556 and uh we'll grab a battery yeah two batteries first a kit all he didn't like that I throw some gun oil in there [Music] nope we'll take the first aid kit off we'll roll with this it's it's good enough I'll take it all right so let me see if I like to redeem kill rewards so as you guys can see I I got a bunch of to these little zombie teeth um that oh wow dude we can afford a good gun we got 30 teeth the handgun here is only 20 guys damn I wonder if I have more teeth at home I don't I don't remember chat I don't remember if I emptied out my inventory completely damn this is about to spoil on me man I'm going to eat this food real quick I know how to fish what do you mean [ __ ] sticky what's going on how you doing so uh Andrew when I when I was stationed in okowa Japan um I pretty much we pretty much lived on the Equator so um it it wasn't too bad because it was semi-tropic it was pretty tropical there but yeah there was summer and then not summer that that was that was the that was the seasons and just yeah a lot of rain a lot of rain so we got a vehicle repair kit um we got a fishing pole now we just got to get some gas guys we we did find that pickup truck and then uh I don't know what happened to it but it is what it is hey goo you have a good rest of your day brother all right the winter is about 55 bro that is not winter time man we get 55 60 in the spring let listen Brandon my boat was a legit boat man I don't want to hear it we even went and we looked at the the ad all right on the website of the boat that I bought and it said boat so there it is um I was going to buy a gun guys but before I do that I want to go make sure I have all my teeth or I have I want to go see if I have any extra teeth because if I can get a better gun I won't I won't get the Glock to start with I'll get a you know something bigger but we're going to go back to base we're going to drop off this gear I'm going to keep the repair kit on me though cuz we're going to be hunting for a car we're going have to find gas um and and a car so I'm thinking maybe we could hit this town to the north here uh see if we can potentially get a car up in there but damn I didn't know that the zombie teeth would get us guns like that dude I thought we would need a lot more okay we're running low on water again bring the zombie Venom uh I don't didn't the AK only cost teeth I don't even know if I want the AK though realistically I gotta I got to get whatever gun I have the most bullets for Jonathan what's going on yo if you're talking about the third island on GTA yeah we just got to the third island dude I'm was so happy all right let's see so this yeah this bottle's empty now too those are full of dirty water gra another can of food there so I got half a bottle water left chat we're we're really winning right [Applause] now okay um so ammo wise we do got a bit of 9mm yep see I had 10 more teeth but I think I needed 45 for the uh damn it I'll keep the batteries on me too I think I needed 45 for the AK was it mean that bird just sound like it was chirping happy birthday to you was like swear I heard that all right so we do got to bring a little bit of food with us though for carbs um yeah we'll bring the canned dog food we're going to probably have to start drinking dirty water man but got to do what you got to do to stay alive all right so we got 41 teeth uh I'm going to grab the N I think we're going to end up buying the 9mm for now guys um I do got a lot of 76 I I got 30 I got 30 rounds of 762 guys we'll see we'll see which one we can afford um if we can afford the AK I'll buy the AK if not then uh we'll just end up getting the uh the 9mm yeah I mean any gun is definitely better than no gun at this point but the gun is going to be mainly for like emergencies cuz I I don't have a whole lot of ammo right now I got pants on look I got pants on should have ate that full meal but oh I have food poisoning dude how how the [ __ ] did that happen oh I wonder if you if you eat low quality food cuz my meat was damn near spoiled um I'm I'm worried that eating that gave us food poisoning and I don't know how long you have food poisoning for too that [ __ ] sucks man oh crane dude man thank you so much for the Super Chat brother of course man of course it's always a good time dude I had a great time man in the Stream dude the double thigh shred and and and you know not not not that I'm happy that you suffered you know what I mean um because you know I don't I don't want you suffering but it it it made me feel less lonely that I was you know and now I feel like I'm not at least I'm not suffering by myself I'm not suffering by myself yeah I should craft up some freaking arrows I didn't even realize I I had one arrow on me and I stored it you know that that's how you get through so many things in the military dude like when you're going through like schools or you're on Ruck marches or you know terrible freaking uh Patrols in Afghanistan and [ __ ] the one thing that got you Gets You Through is you know if you look to your left and your right like all the guys that are with you they're just they're all going through it too so it's like it it feels so much better better when it's not just you I don't know when you're sharing the suck with everybody else it just it it makes it bearable but when you're sucking by yourself dude oh yeah [ __ ] it's it's the worst ever dude can't stand it should have uh you should have made arrows back at base where I could have bolt crafted the [ __ ] is that oh [ __ ] is that a bear yo that's a bear dude I don't want that smoke yeah I I we're going we're going to try to find a cookie poie like I said main goal right now is we're trying to get a vehicle operat ational that way we can uh we can stop walking everywhere I really hope I can afford that AK there's the [Music] traitor I'm not shredding no cards no that that's that's Crane's thing man I I offered last night was the only stipulation if I if I got one of the big three while we were opening those packs last night because it would have been such a godsend of luck I was like I I would but no that that ship is sailed all right that ship is sailed we didn't we didn't get blessed does anybody in chat know know how long the um the food poisoning lasts does it last until you eat the the medicine George what's up brother how you doing man all right let's see so let's go here barter all right he doesn't have anything all right so let me see uh want to redeem kill rewards so the pistol is 20 the AK is 45 God damn it short four teeth guys trade night was great cuz I yeah it was a really really good time it it was a really really good time um I actually got a bunch of stuff I needed for My5 my 151 Master set it worked out pretty good guys it was it was a good night and now chat the only thing I'm thinking I could get this MP 40 but I don't know what caliber of ammo it uses I'm thinking should we just settle for the handgun right or should I push into push into this area here and just kill four zombies you know what I mean and just get the teeth we got a farm right there that we can go check check I I I I we're going to we're just going to push into the farm I'm going to make some arrows right now crap up these arrows ah crane it's so tough man like I like I said I I bought one box dude and I didn't I didn't truly understand what I was getting so I got excited and thought that it was and then yeah as soon as I started opening the other boxes I was just like nope this ain't it uh you got a shiny charizard it's well if it's folded no no no yeah um the only cards that you're going to see they're going to be worth a ton of money um they got to be meant yeah they got to be cards from the 99s that are in perfect condition those are the ones that are worth ridiculous amounts of money oh yeah first edition Charizard is is definitely worth a lot of money man all right there we go so we got handful of arrows all right let's do this [Music] guys okay so we're going to push into this Farm here I'll clear out a couple zombies my stamina is absolute crap right now because we got food poisoning but because I already have food poisoning that means I don't have to worry about getting more food poisoning by drinking dirty water right n yeah George those are those are legit man yeah that's a legit card if you find it let me get it dude let me get it I I'll take that burden off your hands man I'm not even going to sell it either I'm I'mma keep it dude maybe we could strike a deal I'll I'll buy it off you okay so I don't see any zombies oh there we go is that a special infected or somebody wearing a safety vest can't tell cop zombie over there here we go uh Easter it can be worth a lot of money if it's at like a PSA 10 and if it's a shadow I think if it's a shadow list um has to be a shadowless first edition at a PSA 10 to be wor like crazy crazy money George with the gifted brother that's what I'm saying George if you can find it we can work some out man you know I got I got a budget dude but I might be a I might be able to squeeze like 50 okay stop swindling your viewers for the CH man listen it's a good deal once in a lifetime wait did I grab teeth out of that other one no I didn't oh but George thank you again for the gifted brother I appreciate it man no damn despawned it's all good there this right so two more teeth and we're set I can go get the AK uh so so Yu-Gi-Oh cards I mean some of the OG ones like first edition like you know cards mint are they're worth a right amount of money but they're yeah they're nothing like Pokemon cards um like at all one of the card sets I was thinking about checking out was the uh Dragon Ball Z card oh man some the artwork on the new oh they look so cool guys uh crane was showing me some yesterday at the card shop um he was showing me on the phone like the ultra instant Goku it's like this gold Ultra instant Goku cart that [ __ ] looks so fire I was like oh my God it looks so fire but um and it's like $1,800 card yeah literally $1,800 and okay so this is it this is what we [Applause] needed there it is uh so we didn't get teeth from that one there it is okay so we got 45 46 okay all right so let's head back up to the trader real quick we'll get the uh AK [Music] and uh now we're going to go Scout the town uh should I go back to base and mass craft some arrows guys I feel like I'm going to regret it if I don't I mean we're out and about I could just craft some out here it just takes way longer but I think the time it would take me to walk back to my base collect supplies then mcraft arrows it would take probably even more time so I guess we could just craft while we're out here I don't know let think about it I'm going to grab resources on my way back to the trader though uh death ey what's going on how you doing how many sticks do I have so we need more sticks I got a good bit of rocks I could chop down trees for sticks if I would have brought my basic tools man this would have been a lot easier to farm up to uh we could craft uh a pickaxe actually while we're out here right now yeah let's craft up a pickaxe real quick I'm like what the hell am I doing with my life dude chasing the Beast Gohan rare from DBC there it is oh I forgot these um the pickaxe is a full-sized weapon so it takes up one of your main slots okay put a bunch of stone there so we just got to get a bunch of sticks then we're going to manually craft a bunch of arrows I feel like we'll be golden we're starting to get kind of exhausted too all right we should be all right for right now so let me craft up some arrows real quick and then I got to eat carbo we didn't need carbs bad yeah I didn't have the stuff to make a rain catcher yet I haven't even uh figured that I mean we live right next to a river so water collection wasn't a big deal I don't know if when you collect rain if the rain is considered a clean water source um if it is obviously that would be ideal but as of right now we don't have we don't we don't have the ability to build a ring collector I'll check what it takes though oh Raymond I'm glad you're enjoying the content man all right George amen you have a great night dude I appreciate you popping in of course dude second best transformation in dvz ever first obviously Gohan versus oh yeah easily I think Goku going Super Saiyan 3 would have been pretty dope too but um they drew it out way too long like it was like three episodes to him [ __ ] sucking up clouds and charging up and screaming it was literally like I sweared three episodes long dude that [ __ ] was way too Dr out leor seifi brother it's good to see [Music] you is this game worth buying man I'm having a ton of fun with it man honestly I I really am and I feel like as soon once I get into like actually you know having things set up and have a little bit of efficiency I think it' be really really nice we got a ton of arrows now too so we're we're we're doing good let's do a few more okay so I ended up with a good bit of arrows guys we're freaking stacked how do I turn my light on that's the question there it is T I knew there was a button for it that's so weird we can't see the rain but then as soon as I hit this it lights up the drops okay so we're going to head into town here a little bit um better off heading towards this intersection but yeah Gohan uh was a great transformation that that [ __ ] was really fire uh I really liked um what was it uh Majin Vegeta Majin Vegeta I thought that was dopee as hell too when he went Majin I mean Majin Vegeta everything about him was a goat like that [ __ ] was my favorite dude ah Nia thank you so much for the super chat um how we doing today guys uh here's one code for Resident Evil 7 biohazard for steam yo over here dropping the love in the chat for people that is so dope oh I did forget my AK so going to rush to get into town I forgot the AK I no I didn't buy the gun yet no I probably should craft another freaking bow and arrow too man this one's this one ain't it like to use my light man but this is like I could see better without it can use it to spot sticks that over those h all right kill reward AK-47 going get this loaded up there it is guys there it is I love you baby let me go ahead I got to get another uh I'm going to craft another bow too just to what is this silver ore yeah we don't need that right now go ahead will craft my stone Axe n we're good on food my my C my carbohydrates are low guys my carbohydrates are low and my water is low we got to keep it moving um but no no we're good we're [Music] good h yeah the the the food icon on the top that that that's cuz I have food poisoning not because we're hungry our guy is sick all right there we go so now we got an extra bow um I think one of the pieces of meat that I had was the freshness on it was so far down that when I ate it it made me sick so it is what it is have I thought about playing DBC kakra of course we talked about it a couple times um I would love to guys Dragon Ball Z is one of my favorite anime series of all time and um I haven't played a DBZ game since like boot Kai 3 or something like that so I would love to play that on the channel I just don't know how it's going to perform you know what I mean I i' I've asked around like what if people would be willing to watch it cuz it's a fighting game I gu guess if you're even if you're not in a DBZ it's still a cool fighting game um but I guess like my thing is like I I want it to do well so I can keep playing it and I'm just scared it's not going to do well so I I I keep like putting it off but it's one of those things I mean I should probably just play it see what happens even if even if the channel doesn't do well with it like maybe it's something I could just play and making videos on my own time or something we should play uh the 50 Cent bulletproof NE Hey listen I actually loved that game when I was younger uh the only problem is there's a lot of copyright music in that game like the whole damn game is Just copyright music um so I think it would be pretty lame to play it without the music cuz I feel like the music actually made that game a lot better you know what I mean um so I feel playing it without the music would be so lame okay so we got to drink some water here okay so we're no longer thirsty carbohydrates are still quite low um it wasn't storming and this flashlight raindrops weren't so aggravating we would push in to the woods maybe see if I can find some mushrooms yeah I mean I the way I looked at it is I already had food poisoning like you know how much worse could it get oh [ __ ] that zombie actually didn't see me somehow cooking the canned food doubles the output let's keep it moving so we're going to push across this bridge here and then we'll work our way up into town we're looking for a car um we're quite tired actually Dam thought about throwing a bed down in the woods somewhere and try to grab a nap real quick intersection seems clear there is uh medicine to help with the food poison and so we're definitely going to be on the the lookout for that douchebag dude good thing to say is got nothing around so we don't got to sweat it we'll search these uh these cars see if we can find anything in the trunks that we could eat or drink and then I think I'm going to go off into the woods try to grab a nap before pushing into town and these flashlights were actually worth a bit at the trader got a car battery I don't know how necessary those are what you need them for uh another shoulder [Music] light uh looks like we got a gas station over here nice so the those gas stations should have a little bit of water and stuff for us [Applause] [Applause] back [Music] [Applause] you holy [ __ ] dude we were getting shredded man am I bleeding okay I don't think I'm bleeding Jesus man y looting the [ __ ] cars ain't even worth it dude those alarms are brutal let's keeping moving down I'm not even going to mess around with the damn car limes right now that's the last thing I [Applause] need yeah my we definitely need to rest for sure that's but I want to if I rest now without anything to eat or drink when I wake up we're going to be in a lot of trouble so that's why I was trying to see if we can grab a little bit of food and drink before we uh go to bed there we go is so let's go over here into the to the trees um oh crap I need a hammer actually to build the bed that's easy uh yeah we got some decent stuff here that we could probably use as carbs uh to get our carbs up right now um like this this canned vegetable uh we're going to get that going I don't know if I have enough to yeah we'll do up a fire and everything we we'll do a whole make a whole little campsite here okay so do a bed right and then I want to [Music] do camp fire okay so we need stones for that plant fibers for that Rick thank you so much for the one mon I appreciate it how you doing it's good to see you okay bed's built Fire's built um throw some sticks on there get get that going thr the Cann on there canned corn on there okay so I got that gave us a good bit of carbs let's grab some sleep uh what time is it 2:55 so we'll sleep for four we'll sleep for 5 hours okay so I should loot the gasoline out of this gas station we're definitely going to need it I'm going to drop that right now cuz we're going to need space in our inventory all right army take you thank you thank you so much s gal for the gifted whoever receives that welcome to the fam no gas on something give me something there it is fuel Barrel I don't know if that has fuel in it but okay oh we got a little doctor's office right there a little Hospital might be a to sneak in there and see if we could get ourselves uh some medicine for our stomach okay oh [ __ ] okay look at that cans of food in the freaking trash that makes all the sense dude okay we got a dog over there tons of infected [ __ ] sucks got a spitter zombie [Applause] [Music] there okay spitters coming all these zombies are coming dogs [ __ ] coming [ __ ] [Applause] ow [Applause] stressing me out dude [Applause] [Applause] I'm out of arrows of course I am all right we got we're going have to get another spear going a few more Spears I'm not going to cuz we blew through all those arrows in that one engagement hopefully this is [ __ ] worth worth it man yeah my stamina's hurting because we got food poisoning all right extra battery oh somebody commented on my first episode of this uh of this game but we did our first uh stream of it ever and uh as you guys know I I never played this game it's my first time you know and somebody somebody commented they're like I don't know why people watch this guy he's not even good at the game and I was just like dude I ask myself that every [ __ ] day dude every day I didn't respond yet cuz I was going to I was I was going to be like d that like he should probably make a YouTube channel like that that commenter and show us all how it's done you know how how you can jump on a game for the first time ever in your life and just be a pro at it that's that's the YouTube channel I want to [Music] watch no no you guys don't have to no no I I no it was just I thought it was funny when he said it cuz sometimes people say stuff like that and I'm like doesn't make a whole lot of [Music] [Music] sense we're good all right so really really hoping that we can nail some uh belly meds uh adrenaline I think that gives us like infinite stamina Metallurgy that's a sounds like a good book more adrenaline I'm actually going to pop this adren renal in yeah see how much adrenaline maxes out your freaking stamina dude okay so we're looking for a car here got Jesus Christ there's so many zombies [Applause] dude so stay on the car so far [Music] [Applause] h [Music] so far no luck guys in anything that looks like a working car was there one oh wait there was a car over in the starting area right where next to the motel I initially stored TR stuff in the trunk of it right we could hike back there guys we know for a fact that there's a car there instead of aimlessly running around the city oh Patrick with the 12 months one year man uh you're a good man and fun to watch keep it I appreciate that Patrick and laidback with the nine months of the games are just an excuse to hang out with I appreciate that brother uh Brian Hollow outer middle show and yo Robert that's some that's some pretty big company that you have me uh in League with there man those those dudes are all great and uh Ben holy [ __ ] dude huge Super Chat man uh thanks for the great content keep it I I really appreciate that man I'm glad you're enjoying it I think we we need to do guys oh that's so far but the thing is is we can go down we can cut across C6 front part of D6 and then come down like that I don't know or we could just keep a running I don't know maybe there is a car around here somewhere let's keep looking uh Mayo thank you for the 15 months a nothing but love and I appreciate it you okay nice I'm going drink this right now yeah cuz I was like I know where there is a car guaranteed that that would be our like worst case scenario plan like if we really cannot find a car or something then we'll we'll go back and get that that one that we know where it is well small backpack ours is bigger we got enough space to be grabbing all these damn books though we know where they are ooh convenience store over here large backpack let me see how how large this backpack is smaller than one we got now obviously I could do like the the multiple backpack carry method right now but I'm not going to mess with that until I get uh get a vehicle I was hoping we'd get some uh better clothing or something out of these packs a lot of book a lot of backpacks which is good restoring [ __ ] lots of backpacks all right let's keep it [Music] moving holy [ __ ] that's a lot of zombies dude like is that uh I don't know if that's a drivable vehicle there definitely is some kind of vehicle in in this garage no definitely not drivable another fuel [Music] Barrel so we find a car we should have everything we need to get it moving I got a repair kit uh we got the fuel barrels now I don't know if these fuel Barrels have fuel in them car let's go around this way dang guys like the wife just made God damn [ __ ] hot she just made the the trace L Chase cake is there still more of that other one the you don't want mine no I was Wonder you don't want my cake so you're saying my cake sucks so you're saying saying so you don't want my cake no I'm saying we're not going to be wasteful can't believe you just said that you didn't want my cake that one ain't even ready yet wow yeah this yeah that shit's so good guys so unhealthy but it's so delicious all right so we're going to cut a right here we'll cut into the town roads are actually not that bad over here now the drivable vehicles are easier to spot because they have uh you'll see like smoke coming off them uh Cohen says uh I came to this channel uh from watching Mark yo Mark Mark's the real deal uh meet Magan talk2 and fer you sir uh have the best content and uh fan interaction by mile can't get enough of your daily streams I I I really appreciate that man that is some uh that is some monster company dude yeah not is sweet I like it huh I like it no same whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on [Applause] why [Applause] [Applause] de [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] out [Applause] didn't get Space to line up a [Applause] shot [Applause] [Applause] many [ __ ] stamina [Applause] oh jump jump jump jump [Applause] jump damn it look what your wife did to me God damn it guys we just got we they do have stamina regen stuff I could have popped uh an adrenaline but but yeah I could have popped an adrenaline and um we would have been we would have been fine so we're back to this again guys now we got to try to get back get our gear because we definitely don't want to lose that damnn dude it is what it is though it's all good where the hell did I die it goes right on this back road here so we could hit this main road kind of cut up and then come back down instead of cutting through the middle there we'll go up and around what am I going to jump in and play scum again I'm probably going to play scum again when it has its 1.0 release didn't they just drop like the 95 or something like that or 95 is releasing I know there there's been a lot of updates uh to the game I heard that one of the last ones though kind of has a game a little bit on the buggier side so but yeah I'll probably try uh scum again on the 1.5 or the 1.0 and then uh same thing with uh with zomboid I plan on playing some more project zomboid I'm just waiting for uh build 42 [Music] so still no luck on the car yeah that's where I'm going M right now nasty I'm trying to get back to where I died so I can get my gear back so I I had everything my AK everything on that on our body so we definitely don't want to lose that stuff hey yeah in shrouded I plan on I plan on checking that game out doesn't it come out like the 20 something 21st 24th I've been hearing a lot of good things I haven't looked into the game at all like I have no idea what it even is uh but a lot of you guys have been bringing up and shrouded so um I never got like I don't even know if they ever did Early Access or anything for that game I don't even know who made I don't even know who the devs are I probably could message him and like be like hey are you guys doing Early Access but I don't even know who they are zombies act different if you piss them off a horde spawns there's a new truck there's a serious bug with the inventory that can be easily avoided though okay so we keep on moving through here oh yeah I plan on playing Dragon Dogma 2 that's why we actually we restarted uh or we we continued our playthrough of Dragon Dogma 1 uh because I wanted to beat that you know in time for Dragon Dogma 2 uh Wolf the uh the wifey made some uh what was the name of it Philly cheese steak Yeah was like Philly cheese steak pasta [ __ ] was so good what kind of game is in shrouded guys I'll take it it's a survival game right Hammer a helper with stum dude I haven't had stum in forever we that stum a lot backr I don't think you've ever bought them right what's wrong with stum chst don't like um stum I might have to fisty Cuff oh what the hell dude the core of the game is solid no yeah I definitely I definitely U going to be playing scum but like I said I was I was thinking of just waiting for the 1.0 cu the the issue we have um if if I was like a scum content creator you know what I mean I would I would thrive on updates you know what I mean like cuz I did it with state of K every every little incremental update that came out with the game I would cover it I'd play you know because that was my game that was like the content I needed I needed to milk it for every little thing I could you know what I mean to to keep people you know interested um but because I'm not a scum content creator I'm not that desperate for Content when it comes to the game so it's like I'll play it when it's content Complete because if I'm not going to sit here and just every incremental update Play a little bit like that's why I stopped playing Suns of the forest cuz I was like I'm just going to wait for the full game to come out and we'll just play it all at once uh that way we're not sitting here because I have so many games that I can play and want to play that you know there's no point in me sitting here you know nickel and Diamond every single one of these games oh is this driveable no got my damn hopes up I used to love steakums till I found out what they were made of wait what they made of they made of their thinly slic steak dude all right where did we get murdered at [ __ ] I don't remember where I died I hopped over something right and got massacred okay so we're fighting them over here right yeah cuz I had come up like around here somewhere damn this zombie really won't leave me to [ __ ] alone [Applause] dude [ __ ] see what happens see what happens I think I ran down this way right think we actually got hung up on that fence there yeah I jumped over this then I ran this way just swear I died like right here the there it is I knew it was over here somewhere that we're golden okay still no car head down this road y those apartment buildings are deadly dude just pour zombies out of them yeah that vehicle back there was uh non in you couldn't drive it [ __ ] got a damn that's a big ass Supermarket bro yeah you can't fix that jeep damn this place is the real deal oh man look how big it is guys [ __ ] oh [ __ ] one of them Juggernaut dudes here it's like yo we could build the top of B6 man to be set forever there's so much God damn it how the [ __ ] did he get all the way over there oh cuz there's more than one okay yeah we're we'll keep moving around this way uh the division 2 DLCs worth buying uh what were the division 2 DLCs I don't remember the New York one I think if you talking about the New York one though that [ __ ] was fire dude I I actually loved it uh brings you back the map isn't the same like big big area of New York but it still brings you back to the New York area um summertime it was pretty yeah warlord New York is definitely was definitely fire let's check the parking lot over here so far guys no luck on cars man need shoes yo dude shoes are the rarest rarest items in the game I mean we can't even find pants we found shorts so we got Bandit Camp Farm mine shop and port for stats are looking good food waterwise honestly die and reset my stack pretty nice like carbs wise and [ __ ] police station ooh try to go in there and get some ammo I stick to the mission car first car first is what yeah I was I was going to start it today guys but um with the backlog of games um like Ark and and this and GTA I was I was getting kind of behind cuz we were starting firing up just some one oneoff like games we were checking out um got a little backlog I was going to start Pacific drive today but we won't have time so I'm going to save it for tomorrow but that'll be one another game that we're going to just kind of check out see what you guys think I have no clue what it is I just know that some of you guys were saying I needed to check it out [Applause] uh I don't know if it's a good game B I have no clue what the hell it is I the devs hooked me up with a review copy I messaged him and asked them and uh they were like here thank you so uh but there was a bunch of people in chat over the past like week that have been asking me to check it out I had no clue what it was [Music] damn it's it's like this hard trying to find cars guys we're actually going to have to walk back all the way to that other car dude I guarantee it um have I ever played Dead Space yeah we've played every single Dead Space on the channel actually even including the remake we got hands CH I got be some more Spears done up [Applause] he got another gas station here y the vehicle spawns are nonexistent dude oh I think I see one I think I see one maybe that gray one right there yep there it is there it is baby all right um let's see so how does this work okay car has been repaired yeah so you just drop those in there the big gas tanks boom there's gas car is ready to go uh we're going to hit another gas station down the road here and we're on our way guys there it is yeah we're mobile now we'll have to get another oh big jugy dude I'm going to come back and loot this place out [Music] uh okay so we got our water got food I don't know if he's on to me oh nice except the GL Glock here we go see as soon as you find a car chest stuff just gets it just gets better I got 9 mm ammo right there definitely going to need a bit more gas we already hit up those tanks right that's that's where I got my first bit of gas from this intersection super plugged [Music] up yeah I hope this thing offroads well that Motel might be my next uh spot I try to loot because we can get clothing from [Music] [Music] there yeah the fuel indicators behind me um it's just a little blue bar I got like 3/4 of a [Music] tank so offroads well now the fuel consumption seems to be pretty decent so I still don't know what exactly what we do with that pathogen I got these small fuel bottles that we can also put in our car for gas drop this in got no more gas over here [Applause] yeah I think we might go poke around that let me reload this gun I could hit the trader real quick too and um no I bought the 9mm the trader had [ __ ] all right let's go go out that Motel let's see if we can get some some clothing hopefully the area it's not too swarmed stay to drivve in the beaches here that way I don't hit anything yeah I can repair the car more it's only at 50% right now with the one tool kit [Music] well it was at 50% I haven't no I haven't read any books I did just get a Metallurgy book though that I could read um because it was a level one the uh the other books I got were too high of a level so I couldn't read them damn that just got away from [Music] me yeah you could kind of place a bed down anywhere yeah there's no restrictions on where you can place a bed from at least from what I've seen kill this zombie real quick and then I'm going to get these fuel cans obviously we're going to be looting for gas too so any any cars we find get a little bit of gas out of cuz fuel's going to become an issue I don't know if you can craft gas later on like we got a couple couple Runners on us okay more than a couple what the [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] [Applause] he [Applause] a Micah again thank you for the membership I appreciate it seriously thank you so much I'm glad you enjoying the content man that was uh a bit more uh than I thought it was going to be that was for damn sure let's get another spear crafted up real quick some more sticks so we can craft up more Spears not going to lie guys the spears definitely goated for sure cheap easy to craft and it's pretty damn effective it was the same way in zomboid though the spear is just it's so good and in in just zombie lore in general Spears are just so effective active cuz you get range you know what I mean between you and the zombie and you just poke it [Music] boom crazy thing is I turn the sprinters down to like 6% damn and we still have so many sprinters [Applause] electric furnace I'll grab that I already got one of those condensers Parts take it oh nice lockpick oh yeah now I think this game does have seasons too guys um remember in the little trailer thing I I think I've seen snow and in the in the settings you get to pick like how long you want the year to be and stuff like that I I pick extra long years so that means that we'll be in each season quite a bit longer so I don't know if you have to prep for winter I don't know if you have if you have to be dressed for winter but all I know is winter is coming check that right yeah a metalurgy book oh there it is guys we got shoes baby we got shoes oh if you guys didn't know too you could play this game in first person also thinking need confined there it's easier to see in first person oh nice we got uh medicine for our B ooh metal bow blueprint that that's a win okay here we [Applause] go got it [ __ ] kidding me dude I was so excited I was so excited seen a safe I'm like here we go I mean I I'm glad we got some shoes though that's a win uh we got this metal B blueprint but we got to we got to get some crafting um stuff done we got to get like a furnace we got to start smelting metal Mining and things like that because there is like legit resource Gathering like that like go out you can mine get Metals smelt them down um and we're probably going to have to start doing stuff like that for sure if we want to get some some things like that metal bow done that is a lot of zombies over there holy [ __ ] man DN wait is this that area I looted before yeah so already looted this house out oh my car is right here yeah I parked it here out of the way that way I don't have to worry about uh getting damaged or anything like that I don't know if the D the zombies can like hurt it by hitting it or whatnot um so I just kept it way out of the way yeah there was a huge huge group of zombies over that way we're definitely not going there definitely not going there what's the overall premisis of this one if you die you lose everything um so no it's like I mean you can make it perade um I did not turn perade on in my settings but you couldn't you could make a per death if you wanted to but um I mean if you die you have to go back to where you died and you can pick your gear up you want to see The Horde I'll show you but yeah if you want to play perade Death you can um it is a setting I turned it off though I was like no I'm good might have dispersed a little bit Yeah they they definitely spread out a bit but there's still quite a a few over there I'm hoping the motel's not like that cuz we're going to be heading over here right now to see if we can get some gear okay so already three right there dog would like to hit these cars up see if we can get some more gas only thing I'm worried about is setting off the alarm big guy so we're not going to mess with the cars right now let's loot some of these rooms out I don't know which ones are okay so the ones with the doors open you can go in the other ones are closed obviously let me eat and drink real quick oh we got some military boots [ __ ] take off the sneaks throw on the boots yeah we're styling and profiling chat got on a t-shir we got a t-shirt [Music] here uh damn my knife's in my car all right we'll hold on to that real quick we probably cut that up into usable resource conre thank you so much for the huge Super Chat um chat nice to see you playing this um how is this game compared to State of Decay too watching you I feel the combat is fun looting as well but what about the environment um I feel like a scary Pharaoh is so this game definitely has um it's it's zombies that are way way way bad it even has almost like a a feral type zombie too um yeah it's quite quite sketch uh has a juggernaut type it has all the freaks uh just like State of Decay um it's obviously not as polished as a game like State of Decay you know there's there's Jank um the combat's a bit stiffer than the gameer state of DEC but it's still fun in its own right you know what I mean it's definitely it's definitely a good time uh Farm breeding and farming I'm going to get some art going here okay big guy's over there so we don't have to worry about him uh 5.56 ammo engineering volume one completed or insufficient learning what what some leather [Music] shoes more shoes so now we're getting all the clothes dude I still need pants though I need pants got an energy bar Pi the oh and uh their zombie detection is a little finicky as you can see there like I don't know how to I mean it might have seen me through the window or some [ __ ] but all right some more 762 tailoring yeah see now we're finding all the clothes guys all the close uh mechanics one definitely read that belly meds oh we got we got pants we got actual pants dude I don't know if I need all these shoes I mean I I'll keep this stuff just to dismantle it we'll probably better cut it up for fabric and [ __ ] so let's go make a run to the car do a dump and then we'll come back up and hit a couple more rooms I know you guys you guys were begging me for pants the whole time and I finally got some so no need to fret no need to worry yeah trunk's all nice and full and I still have a full backpack guys that we can go your cars are just the meta chat it's the meta [Applause] now guys tomorrow we're going to have uh I'm going to be having the internet dude at my house in the morning I don't know how many hours it's going to take him so I don't know when I'm going to be starting stream but if it gets a little out of hand on when I'm going to start stream I'm going to release a state of decay uh lethal Zone guide episode are we in this one no and then uh I'll go for nowan of assess how everything's happening another set of Mill boots Oo we got gloves another shoulder light as you guys know the trader loves those damn things medicine three Crusade kit sun visor yeah our jacket is starting to get a little beat up the one that we're wearing here we've been taking a lot of damage and stuff I think I found a sewing or repair kit for clothes uh I don't know if it's back at my base now I personally I turned off loot respawn so all all of these spots that we're hitting it's a one time deal chat we're going to have to if we loot out this city which I feel like it would be a while before we loot out this whole city there's so many buildings and [ __ ] like that that we can search um but yeah if if we do you know we're going to have to keep pushing to other cities and we're have to start learning to manufacture our own gear we'll take both these backpacks actually oh you can't put a backpack in a backpack okay at all probably help for the car trunk though oh those shorts are fire got some cam cam shorts put this bad boy down got a big military backpack here I think it's the same size as the one I currently have though actually yeah it's a big backpack as long as we don't aggro big dude down there we'll be okay I got some more gloves okay we're good yeah if you guys don't know those big guys are just as dangerous as any Juggernaut like they're the real deal I tried to fight one um initially when we first started playing I shot it with a lot of bullets um and yeah it just it didn't care and it does a crazy amount of damage if it if it gets a t on you so I'm grabbing all these shoes and extra clothes because if I can I'll rip them I'll dismantle them for resources maybe we get some leather some uh [ __ ] like that we'll see if it actually paths it's all way all the way up to me can you play this with a controller so I did not see controllers in the settings at all oh nice so we just got good bit of 9mm he actually made his way up yep damn why was that zombie so tanky oh those are nice dude hell look at those more pants we could break up all right we should be good all right I'm kind of playing with fire right here but seems like he's not all that interested in me up here uh yeah there is uh you can play this game um online yeah we're just playing a single play single player uh o breeding and farming volume one uh we got another coat we take that take the wo cap let me see do these have like cold so they do have cold resistance so I honestly yeah so when winter time comes guys I guarantee that you're going to have to you're going to have to keep yourself warm where the big boy [Music] go pants for okay I'm try to make a little bit more space yeah this is going to be our biggest loot run yet P we pull we got a lot of pulled a lot of resources I was actually surprised on how much food we were able to get too from this Motel all right let's do this they starting to get thirsty and uh really really tired for we go put that in there so we're going to miss out on those clothes but it's not got to change out my battery on my flashlight Paul thank you so much for the gifted brother I appreciate you [Music] man where the hell are my batteries oh here they are oh I think I yeah I got to do it from the uh from the [Applause] [Music] inventory that zombie did not want to die dude [Music] [Music] um aril thank you so much for the huge Super Chat um thank you so much uh evening Brian do you know if this game has uh multi-story buildings you can enter and loot um always thought looting a highrise so there are highrises I don't know how high you can go in them though yet um those were the buildings uh when I was in the city up there there's a couple really big apartment buildings that zombies were pouring on of but I have not got inside one yet to uh to really see how far up you can go somebody in chat might be able to answer that but uh I there are multiple multistory buildings for sure I've been on second and third floors already and like the police stations and stuff like that the hospital looked like probably four or five floors for sure uh the yeah there's definitely more highrises dude the supermarket that had like four or five floors to it also I just drove past my base my base is so good it's a good camouflage sh ah well Amber welcome I appreciate you stepping out of the Shadows of chat and and uh and chatting with us I hope you're having a great day today and wolf thank you thank you for the five gifted brother out here blessing the community man uh Sakari thank you thank you for the Super Chat you have plenty of room uh if you transfer everything multip via multiple backpacks and storm the car yeah that's what I planed on uh trying to get set up now that we know there's a ton of backpacks over there we're going to definitely do some backpack Voodoo all right let's see what we're working with here guys we got got a good bit of food good bit of food here I'm going to need more storage definitely going to need some more [Music] storage I'm not even be to fit everything we just looted I'm just trying to get a a good handle on my food water situation that's the main things I want to get organized first let's catch a nap real quick uh we need a drink though I'm going to get a roof CH we're going to have a roof this is about to go bad this whole [ __ ] plate of food had to eat that before it went bad so all your fresh stuff you want to make sure that you're eating that ASAP cuz yeah it goes bad and then it's just a straight loss let me go grab any more food out of here we did quite well guys I gotta I gota be honest we did quite well foodwise and that wasn't even our goal that was not even our goal going out there it is dude raid who raided I wish I wish YouTu would like tell me that notification a little bit better yeah so we we completely filled that out guys there it is we're going to need we're going to need more storage for sure throw our excess in here for right now I don't even have enough storage we'll have to leave it in the trunk until I get some more storage done up yeah we we're we were hurting on food and and drinks for a bit there um but now yeah it's not it's a non factor now guys now granted food doesn't respawn so obviously it's something we still have to always take into consideration um you know but I feel as pressured water though might still be kind of an issue cuz we're going to blow through this water quick so let's check our Technologies right now um I want to check my Technologies right now and see what it's going to take to do like actual water stuff okay technology um here we go so rain collector here so we need three planks for this and then nine sticks for that so let's grab some planks let's go grab some [Applause] sticks check in here real quick NOP we got logs in there I got to stick here all right let's go grab some sticks we're going to have to craft a new uh new Hatchet here Kasa with the ra again brother thank you so much man Kasa always show us so much love I hope you had a good day today dude all right let's go ahead craft up a new Axe can you break logs in a stick I don't I don't know if you can break logs in a stick not that I know of not that I've seen at least uh but I also haven't really tried I know you can cut down like these trees and you just get a bunch of sticks yeah sticks are on the ground pretty easy to find h all right so that should be enough to do the technologies that we need right now all right let's see here so we'll go ahead we're going to do this uh wooden box frame boom now this will allow us to stack uh chests I believe which is going to be nice cuz we're going to have and then we're going get the rain collector here [Applause] now like I said I don't know if the rain collector per se is fresh water um if it's not fresh water then it doesn't really matter for me because I live right next to water but say uh you built your base you know in the middle of this area up here and you don't have access to go down and get water like yeah that [ __ ] would suck and you're going to probably need rain collectors so but if the rain collectors are also clean water that [ __ ] is that's where it's at but I highly doubt it I've never really most games that do rainwater they still consider it dirty there we go so we could do this out here that that's going to need fabric parts and sticks easy enough and then um wooden box frame boom so we'll start off with that now what are these going to take to build five planks two parts okay now I know I went ahead and I got myself Fair bit of Parts six there five there let me dump the sticks into this and the parts oh we also need fabric right [Applause] yep got fabric [Applause] there boom okay so that's that's going to do its thing whoa do I got to put something in there to collect water some kind of container got one of these big ass bottles empty let me see if you need to put a container in there oh no so it fills up to 50 L and then yeah then you just collect it the rain water has to boil also so yeah if that's the case then that that's that's going to do nothing for us guys at all let's grab [Music] this because of our base location okay so we need four more planks so we'll do those [Applause] I got enough parts to build more chests now the thing is you can't relocate chests once you put them down you can't like move them uh cuz if so that sucks so that means I'm have to dismantle the chests we [Music] have do I have any more parts no when you break them you get all the part oh so you do get all your resources back okay so that then that that that that's good then I can do that okay so that's the done now we'll go ahead and build a few chests on here okay so yeah you can do three on this boom boom boom yo how the hell do you reach the one on the top though that's pretty tall man okay okay this is this is coming together nice Chad now we now we got to figure out a roof we got to figure out a roof all right so while that other planks are going uh let me actually get definitely don't want that was supposed to be planks nine go now we'll start moving uh stuff over okay so yeah we I could reach it from here I'm out of Parts [Applause] though okay so we'll start our food chests over here we'll keep that one [Applause] [Applause] there now these little coffee things like they're okay I'm not going to we'll store those right here for right now until I get this all organized cuz they don't really feed you all that much they're good for fatigue recovery but when it actually comes to like sustenance they're not that great so I feel like I should do water in its own chest like we'll have our food in one chest cuz as you guys can see how much space the food requires um but I think we should do food in one chest and then we'll do uh water in its [Applause] own [Applause] here we go okay so we got all that set um food and drink for right now yeah we're doing all right on the canned stuff the canned stuff is is is what we're going to have to use for like cuz the can stuff doesn't go bad but cooking pot guys let me I'm going to check the uh let me move this okay so get the hammer out um hold to demolish okay so we got yep then we got all the resources back come over here [Applause] boom [Applause] that finish that one there okay so then we got one chest there so I got to figure out how the hell I want to organize these um we got food and water I think I'm going to need like another food chest at some point just due to how and this stuff we're going to we're going to we're going to dismantle requires a knife dude I got a knife don't [Music] I there we go uh okay so we got cotton from that we got bunch of fabric holy crap dude so I don't want to get rid of all of my pants though the other all these trousers and [ __ ] I don't want to get rid of all of them so we'll put like clothing um no we could we can get rid of these I'll probably sell some of this stuff too uh yeah these sun hats and [ __ ] we could dismantle oh don't do that that don't [ __ ] do that dude so the one thing you got to be careful of is running into your car it's no joke all right so we're going to leave all this uh these boots in here I'm going to I got an extra pair of Mill boots uh so we're going to sell those all this crap here will sell I'm going to keep this I'm sell this this this keep keep keep keep keep keep electric furnace Park parallel to the short genius yeah that way if I do hit it it doesn't go into the [ __ ] drink yeah like that so I'm not going to keep both of those um in this chest we're going to do like resources so crafting resources stick in here here cotton um Parts like that this we're going to shred now one if these plant fibers you get to turn them into anything later on because I haven't really been able to do much with them yet other than uh the bow but I I was wondering if you could turn them into fabric okay do this [Applause] this all the extra clothes stuff we're going to throw in here we're going to shred a lot of it uh for parts and then this random chest right here yeah we'll leave we're going to sell [Music] [Applause] these uh this will be the one I use for miscellaneous or this I'll I store the books and [ __ ] in here okay [Applause] um so I'm going to keep the pair of military boots uh for extra clothing just in case something happens to ours I want to make sure we have extra shoes and [ __ ] um crafting and this will do medical and ammo for now we'll keep our 9 mm but the rest of this so that's that's what we got right now for bullets guys I got 14 rounds of 9 mil plus my my uh mag then we got a little bit of 5.56 a little bit of 44 a little bit of 762 and a like yeah so we're we're really not you know swimming in ammo by any means but we got a little [Applause] bit I have no clue what the hell this is even for okay so we'll sell that uh car battery we'll keep in the car I think uh I'll take it the car batter is probably used to craft um repair kits isn't it if I were to take a guess that that's what I would guess that the the car batteries are used for repair [Applause] kits got our fishing pole here [Applause] so many of these damn tool tool boxes okay so we got this blueprint there going to sell that condenser hopefully the trader even has uh enough resour like has stuff that we want to even trade for I mean granted we could make we could never I guess we could just drive around to multiple Traders it's yeah it's really not a big deal drive around to multiple Traders see what they all have try to find a gun trader get some freaking ammo from them and [ __ ] be [Applause] clutch okay so we got that all put up so for the most part we're we're pretty organized guys we're getting there got tons of planks done up oh we just need more spare parts and we'll be able to get ourselves uh another chest rack and a few more chests yeah we're super super tired okay so a lot of these shorts I'm going to cut up so this this backpack here we're going to use to store stuff in um we're going to probably get a bunch of backpacks that way that's how we're going to do our storage in our car um this is all going to get sold these are going to get sold these are all going to get shredded or worn for winter time so like the beanie will keep for winter um and I think the rest of these we just going to shred into fabric [Applause] uh we got another first aid here we can drop drop this down here [Applause] ah we're organized guys is not obviously could it could always be better but we're organized is feels good uh let me look at the Technologies here now that we got this all squared away um a pot let me see if we can do our can so can you craft a metal pot or do you got to loot one here it is yeah pot so we need iron iron ingot to start working on that iron ingot to start working on simple Parts canteen um electrical wire really nice tools bows traps grenades down here things get real sophisticated thermal generators electricity canning machine well lights tools bullets those are real far down though batteries oh y so you can craft fuel uh once we get an advanced chemical lab going we'll be a to craft our own Fuel Oil Well course so you you can drill for oil electric furnace um more traps and stuff because I uh oh [ __ ] guys I forgot about that on day 10 we're going to get attacked our base [ __ ] how many days have passed oh you can change the settings guys you could change your server settings right in here um I don't know how many days have [Applause] passed well we're going to learn today dude we're going to find out uh we we're going to have to start working on just some like basic uh base stuff so not all these are full some of these are actually empty right and some of them my dirty water let me actually sort through so this is dirty empty empty see I actually don't have as much water as I thought okay so those are good yep that's empty okay so that's what we're actually working with these two are dirty um these are all [Applause] empty tab top Corner stream oh up here okay day five so we got five days we're good we're golden baby we're golden we're still in Spring okay I see that I didn't even pay attention to the top you got to remember guys I have a I have a very very big monitor so for me to look up in that corner I have to like go like this and I have to look up in that corner I was so focused on this I don't I don't even pay attention to any of [Applause] that so yeah now it we got to work on a forge uh let's see this so we need clay grab four hours all right so we're going to head up to the trader uh I also need to make sure I grab my pickaxe so I think to get clay we need to we need to use the [Applause] pickaxe voila let's make it happen [Music] now I think my vendors restock their inventory every five days oh yep there's clay right there the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude come on come on stop it yeah I think this is all clay here got too close to freaking Yogi okay we got a fair bit I feel like we're going to need a lot of clay so I'll grab I'll grab a few loads of it just because I'm not exactly sure how much of it we're going to need so we'll do that clay bricks we're going to need more [Music] clay oh we need metery level one I I got the book for Metallurgy so we'll be able to do that oh what is this I this might be the silver ore not the [Music] iron yeah that's a silver oh that no that's all that's all we're mining today that's all we're mining okay so let's see what the hell this Trader has we'll see if he'll take all this crap whoops yeah that's about all that's all I wanted to sell the rest of this crap is ours did I empty this how you doing brother all right let's see uh I could trade him for a kill reward but I already got the AK and the gun the handgun so it'd be a waste I'll save those up for something better in the future okay so no repair kit this time uh we it does have some 9 mm we could grab and 762 we could grab so let's try to get that off them want these shoes bro and this condenser oh yeah he likes that condenser and that and we'll throw in a flashlight why don't you want the flashlight dude we about another pair of shoes come on bro why you [ __ ] with me dude about these leather boots I hate you come on dude this is a good trade man why why giving them more sh why oh my god dude what about some clay bro you want some clay [ __ ] you then oh I got the cigarette bro for there we go throw something else in there what about this first aid kit no okay of course not um what about this can of food okay about this can of food okay that's a that's a good trade all right we'll take that uh we got some more bullets um let's see what else you got uh you know what let's go check the other Trader the uh this way down here play more Borderlands I mean yeah I have I have the intent to play more Borderlands in the future um the issue with it it just it wasn't viewing very well like you know the interest in Borderlands on my specific YouTube channel just was not very great um for whatever the reason was um people just weren't all that interested so I uh I I did try to to do some videos for it to try to keep it going but I also I got super super consumed with life so I kind of fell off on that a little bit but at some point we'll definitely have some more Borderlands cuz I I want to play three really bad all right let's head down to this other Trader [Music] oh I think offroad's pretty damn good trying to take my it does seem like it takes a little bit of damage though as you're driving it Offroad I don't know if it just takes damage passively as you drive the car like just kind of wears down over [Music] time or if it's because I'm like Offroad [Music] all [Music] gargantuan [ __ ] wolves dude what [Music] damn that did a lot of damage to my car [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude get f c [Applause] [ __ ] lady you better be worth it you [ __ ] kidding me Lally came down here trador her [ __ ] for antibiotics to cure the infection that I got from coming down here to trade with her how many bullets do we have left damn am I still bleeding I am okay [Music] I'm going to let it go to waste come on go go [ __ ] really really come on come on broke guys it's broken o yeah I probably could grab a couple of the piece I mean it doesn't even matter cuz I got to [ __ ] we're going have to go hit another Merchant anyways to get the car up and running that's got to be my prior we got to get the car fixed CH it is what it is yeah we're we're going to have to get the car up and running it is what it is I don't know if I should just head to another Merchant you know there's two over here on the other right on the other side of the river those are relatively close by we hit this one and try to get a repair kit I think that's what we should probably do honestly instead of going all the way back to base the only problem is I didn't bring any freaking water with me man so no we we'll head back to base we'll gear up uh we'll grab our AK we we we'll gear up for real for real and then we're going to push out um and hit these Merchants here and try to try to see if we can get a repair kit or two I also got to see if there's any other gear that I could grab to sell I'm we go from there [ __ ] can't like literally we we we just ruined our car to come over here to a Trader that was butt straight up butt and I traded away all my stuff for antibiotics got infected I wasted freaking a whole magazine of bullets and my car got destroyed like not even worth it dude really gained nothing from coming over here it was the worst that was absolute garbage dude I'm so I'm so upset it is what it is though it is what it is just created Created more work for us but we'll we'll work on that next episode guys we're going to go back we'll head back to BAS we'll get all of our stuff squared away inventory cleared up and then we'll head out try to get some repair kits we got to scr some stuff together even stuff that I'm I might not want to trade uh to trade because we're going to we're going to have to get those repair kits uh but thank you guys I appreciate the love I appreciate the support I hope you guys are enjoying this I had a ton of fun tomorrow uh like I said we'll be playing that pacific drive and I'm probably going to be playing some Arc and uh depending on the T depending on the internet guy how long he's here how fast it goes or whatnot because my internet passed what all day today seem to be okay uh so I don't know what the hell he'll say when he shows up so um when he gets here depending on how long that takes I might release a guide video for State of Decay 2 tomorrow um I didn't want to I was going to wait another day or two to release it but if if he's going to be a while then yeah I'm going to definitely get that out for you guys but all right guys but thank you again I appreciate the love support remember if you want more of this smash that like button it's the best way to let me know that you guys are enjoying it uh if you guys are new to the channel consider subscribing and uh yeah leave a comment down below because you guys know the comments really really do help out especially with the algorithm um even if you're just saying hi it it really does help out but leave a comment let me know what you guys thought about the game and this episode and uh yeah I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Brian Menard
Views: 43,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no one survived, survival, zombies, open world, survival crafting, day z, state of decay, review, first look, walkthrough
Id: Hf1hchpv1rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 50sec (11870 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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