Exploring This Zombie Survival Game - No One Survived Part 7

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all right guys welcome back to some more no one survived now last episode let me fix my there we go um last episode we finally made some pretty decent moves on like building up our uh like collection stuff we uh were're able to stop and get another repair kit so we'll be able to get our vehicle up and running again uh that's been a journey in itself but uh yeah things are going pretty decent we were to get our hands out a little bit of ammo I'm almost out now uh I actually I think I have a good bit of 44 right yeah so we got a good bit of 44 M uh for the our deagle here um but outside of that we've we we really really have many bullets but we we built this little uh tow behind I'm actually going to grab this fuel cuz we're going to be going to getting our car back and uh yeah that's going to probably be goal number one it's right down here in this intersection so we're going to kind of just follow the road down we'll swim across get the car and bring it back uh meta base so this base uh not so much you know this one is kind of just thrown together now looking at this one after you know all the Bas I have been building it's a little I'd say I wouldn't say it's it's just weaker than my other base builds all right so let me make sure I think we're good to go we got some food uh we'll get some water we're to sleep and then we'll head [Applause] out here we go throw this clothing repair kit in here got another fuel can here uh where the hell did I think my repair Kit's still in the is it in here think I start it oh I think I think I put it in here yep here it is okay so we got a repair kit um let me see do I got need 556 yeah we do a little there also got this triangle grip h [Applause] yeah we got our cooking pot too last episode now we can uh go ahead and um do up all different types of you know we don't have to worry about water pretty much ever again at this point all right so what we're going to do is we're going to grab out the 5.56 rifle I could use a scar too but this one's damage is 46 I want to see if there's a big damage difference between the other two uh Heather with the 26 months holy crap thank you so much over two years sorry been L hey you don't have to apologize for lurking other you know I tell you guys all the time I appreciate the fact that you guys even there watching you know what I mean so thank you again so that one was 46 with uh let me see yeah so they're the same they're the same all right so we'll grab this I just hope you're having a great day Heather let consume this what's wrong with my cart man there's nothing wrong with my cart mods um boom so we put that front grip on there there's nothing wrong with it okay so yeah we we got this on the M4 now [Applause] all right we're going to sleep and head out that's good to hear Heather that's good to hear but I hope everybody's having a good night oh it's 10:00 so we'll sleep for 8 big morning tomorrow Chad big morning we're finally getting our we're getting big Bera back that's definitely not what it's called but we're getting we're getting our car back I want to actually see so how do you use this pot I want to I want to see what it takes to boil water [Music] so so how do you get water out of this [Music] thing maybe you don't use it there I don't [Music] know so the pot can't store water so I wonder if the pot maybe okay goes there and then you put the dirty water I think in it so for instance let's grab a couple of these big bottles here or some of our empty stuff oh yeah we got to drink something real quick [Music] though yeah so I'm still trying to learn all these systems myself guys I'm not exactly sure how everything works we are low on carbs though okay so then we'll fill this dirty dirty all right let me throw this on there oh so it only does one serving of water okay so I'm tracking so you take the dirty water from it it puts one serving per in there then you have to take the empty vessel once it's done cooking you scoop it back up it doesn't take too long for the water to boil either maybe what 20 seconds yeah okay so that's two full bottles this is dirty yeah so as you guys can see water is not an issue for us play pubg mobile um I don't even know how I would play that cuz I don't I don't like Mobile gaming um that and uh I'm not a huge fan of Battle Royale games either pubg was actually the reason why I hate Battle Royale games believe it or not pubg was the killer of uh battle Roy for me well we just need a bunch of carbs let's [Applause] [Applause] see okay so I got bit of food on us enough for the trip that we're about to take um so once this [ __ ] is on can you turn it off I don't think you can like once it's burning it's burning dude no it wasn't even the fact that I couldn't stealth like I said it's it's the loot Goblin and me um that that makes it makes it unbearable almost you know cuz I like to I like to drop in I like to take my time you know explore the map a little bit but you know then then there's the time crunch cuz you know the the the storm or whatever is closing in the zone is closing um so then that already bothers me cuz I like to take my time I like to to loot and all that [ __ ] and then on top of the time crunch I I got I like say I spent 20 minutes looting I get fin you know I find some good gear I find some good guns I get all the ammo I get a nice backpack get some armor and it you know I'm finally geared up and ready to go and then you just get the long shot from across one shot dead didn't even get to shoot a bullet didn't even get to aim my gun that I just spent 30 and and that that's what did it for me guys was you know you spend 20 minutes looting and then you don't even get to [ __ ] shoot a gun before some sweat that absolute Legend status comes and kills you instantly can't stand it you [ __ ] bothers me dude Rachel how you doing now some people would say hey it sounds like a skill issue man goddamn right it is all right and I don't give a [ __ ] I hate it skill is sure or not and that's why I don't play the [ __ ] game all right so we're going to come down yeah we got to follow this road down quite a bit I'm pretty sure I hit up all these cars for gas water storage station am I playing pal world tomorrow I'm not sure what we're doing tomorrow Moga all I know for a facts is we're playing the uh Suicide Squad game we'll be checking that out first thing and then uh we'll see where we go from there because I have uh I got an event I'm doing with my daughter uh she has like a little dance at her school right now it's like a daddy daughter dance or father daughter or whatever the [ __ ] it's called like a sugar plub something forgot I forgot the name of it but um it's pretty much for dads and their daughters so I'll be bringing her to that laid back with the Super Chat holy crap thank you so much brother watching from 34,000 ft on a plane dude there it is man that's wicked bro I hope you're having a good day man okay so yeah we'll cross right here where it's not super wide good thing there's nothing in the water that can kill us right what multiplayer shooter would I play I I've played plenty of multiplayer Shooters back you know back in the day uh OverWatch being one of the biggest multiplayer Shooters I've played uh probably in my life uh I you know I played Squad uh we played uh just recently on the channel um we played uh H let loose um couple games like that going almost there should get on the outside here yeah you know we got the hackers and stuff like that Nate Dog yeah that shit's a it's annoying but it is what it is man that's why I just avoid those type of games cuz they just frustrate the absolute hell out of me trying to see if we can find a big opening here in this fence so I don't have to go all the way around y right here big ass [Music] opening have I played csgo yeah yeah I played Counter-Strike before um I wasn't a huge fan of it back when I did play it cuz at that point I was already really really um I was into first person shooters that like had aim on sides and I didn't like the fact that Counter Strike didn't have ads now I could I would probably be fine with it like I don't it does doesn't bother me if a game doesn't have ads um but back when I did try Counter Strike I was like what the hell is this buns ass game doesn't even have ads all right let's check these cars for little bit of gas my world's loot was uh redone because of the setting change nice and we're getting fuel so we can recheck a lot of this stuff for for gas damn it good h so we got a little bit of gas guys got a wee bit she is the one the only ads is uh aim down sights where like when you're play like forance for an example when you play Counterstrike this is how you see like when you aim your gun it's just this perspective you have a Crosshair you have your gun and you aim um it doesn't allow you to do this like aim down your sights you're just shooting with a Crosshair like like this um I I didn't like that initially like I said I it wouldn't bother me at all now but back then it it for some reason I just didn't like it okay it's not the litz king helmet it does kind that's why I love it so much because it does remind me of the litz king helmet all right so we got two Spears um there's a gas station right down the road here we can go hit real quick see if there's any more gas that we can squeeze out of there [Music] and we'll search any cars that we see on our [Music] way have I played how to survive no I haven't played that game yet mad um I wanted to try it at some point but yeah I haven't I haven't played it yet [Music] how far down this gas station I think it's good [Music] [Music] distance got a few infected here holy [ __ ] Mighty bro dude that is a ridiculously huge Super Chat man absolute Legend uh hope you're having a great uh week how long have you been uh on the stream so we just started this stream maybe 20 minutes Mighty Brian you absolute F asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk Legend I hope you are having a great at week how long have you been even on this stream yeah we've been going for about uh whoa about 20 minutes or so mighty seriously thank you so much man I hope everything's going good brother that was a shot by the way wolf what's up brother how you doing whoa h we're super bloody we got to clean ourselves up here soon good might with another Super Chow dude shops good bro come get dude I man if I'm ever up in area 100% dude 100% man okay so we got to be careful because we might setting off alarm and this is a little dense so let's check out some of these warehouses see if we what kind of stuff's in here Shop's good bro come get a slice and dice sometime I can't go in there yeah so the one downside to this game I've said before in my opinion is the skillbook grind um it's all RNG you know what I mean and then there's no way some I don't I asked in chat nobody told me but there's some skills I don't even know if you can level without the book and if you can it's so slow after level one it's not it's not even worth it it's like so so bad um and then you're at the mercy of finding these [Music] books uh Ty baby I'm sorry you're not feeling good definitely take the nugs yeah people are like oh you'll get metalurgy and stuff like that if you like keep the the window open while you're crafting like ingots and stuff but I'm talking like I'm not going to sit there and just stare at a [ __ ] crafting window for 30 minutes like that that just ain't good that's not good gameplay in my opinion is are Li um I I don't I don't know it'd be nice if there was somewhere you could just go and Hunt books straight up but a lot of people were saying that loot is quite RNG yeah now that we got the uh the car though we can go back up north and see if we can find that that police station those bullets and books are our number one goal now you know where we could go also guys there's a uh H hold on okay [ __ ] it we're going to do something a little risky chat you guys ready for [Music] this [Music] in I'm CH the new suicide got graphics and gameplay are top tier yeah we're going to be playing that tomorrow wolf when it comes out yeah I'll be checking that out tomorrow are you guys ready for this for think it's Game of the Year damn weren't people saying that I is that the game that IGN gave like a [ __ ] three or some I haven't read I don't care about the reviews that [ __ ] doesn't mean nothing to me I know a lot of people were saying IGN and all these game Outlets have been giving it like really really low scores I don't know if I can hit a head shot from this far damn there's two guys up in that Tower so now once we start busting in on these fools damn oh [ __ ] nice we got some bullets from him for that [ __ ] stagger no joke oh why the [ __ ] are they so tanky though dude oh damn ow so one it's two things [ __ ] they almost like yeah stun lock exact that's the best way they stun lock you um you can't move you can't aim you can't do anything you just like get stuttered up you can't you can't even respond and they are so unbelievably tanky it makes no sense like there's no reason for them to be that strong I mean would it be a proper episode if I wasn't running around in my freaking underwear oh the police station has books and the military school yeah that that I wanted to you know see it was like to fight the humans cuz we haven't tried it yet and uh we just got a little taste of what that is like think a long range sniper rifle is the answer there we do did get a iron sword though new machete style weapon got a little bit of 9 mil see how effective this is I was shooting him in the face Anthony yeah I was hitting him in like head shots multiple head shot and it was just [Music] like kind of like State of Decay lethal Zone en enemies but even those AR aren't as tanky as that that just killed some in episode 6 little spoiler there [Music] yeah they were unnecessarily power like op from what I was like from what I seen it probably takes about 10 44 shots to 12 to drop one enemy and that's hitting them in the [Music] head maybe you know if if you requireed to maybe take two three head shots whatever but you should always reward head shots like when it comes to these kind of games like survival games and [ __ ] like like that for me head shot would be a one to two shot kill um and in body shots maybe like if you really want to go on like the extreme side of things I'd say maybe four to five okay so we're going to go check out this damn police station what yeah we got to we got to do some Sage at some point [Applause] to store stuff in my in here really quick um do I have any more [Applause] 9mm I'll bring the other I'll bring this 9 mm oh that one's beat up too good never mind so we'll just bring this one here wait this one uses 9 Mo and does a bit more damage doesn't take too much more space does it go in the handgun slot does not okay so that's the [Applause] downside [Applause] yeah so we went over there before to that military loc it was it was it was really really bad um dangerous as [Music] hell you this one now the one thing is the police station has an alarm so we definitely got to be ready for that [Applause] he here we go fixed up the gun with the oil let's head out any mollies no I don't have any mollies [Music] police station Southeast of my base talking about the one in that big town here I know where that one is I know where the one here is thought there was one up here too but we we got to locate it pretty sure it was right off the main road though on the back side [Music] [Music] for [Music] damn there it is who Naruto character you asking me I I mean my favorite I think the coolest Naruto character in existence is uh [Music] Itachi yeah I mean Itachi is the goat in my opinion hold on I got to fix my got to fix my my pilo Meo is pretty cool too you I'd probably give him like I'd probably say he's in my top like five but uh Hashi Rama he he's pretty [ __ ] dope too [Music] [Music] Madara like when that whole fight scene happen with uh when Madara like when he was Edo T the one of the edos and he went up against the like that whole ninja war scene it was it was one V like 1,000 he was just ripping through them that was one of my favorite scenes in the show I was at that moment I was like yo Madara straight slaps dude straight [Music] slaps [Music] I didn't see the police station on this [Music] side did I pass it chat or is it in the city a little bit [Music] yo yeah when he fought the five Co just slapping on him yo Madara was he was he was a beast he was a beast man but I honestly I I still think that Prime Itachi he could he could have he could have gave Madara a run for his I don't know if he would have beat him but Itachi was you know isagi and all that [ __ ] he he could have [Music] probably he probably could have gave him a run for his money for sure do I think I'll give hell divers to I've never even heard of that Eun yeah I don't I don't see what building it could be I I I know it's like a twostory like this maybe this is it right here no that's like a [Music] [Music] construction [Music] damn oh it is this one okay let me check out this new melee weapon PR you good Zach with the 19 months man uh Fable in a few yeah so Fable 2 is a game that we're going to be checking out prob probably here within the next few weeks we'll we'll get that rolling give like a four player cop ho third person shoot gotcha no I've never heard of that one okay so I don't know if the alarm's going to go off as soon as I enter the building or if it's only in the armory okay so there's Armory right [Music] [Applause] there Charisma got a one what six and they only wanted one and I had it at 20 right I might let the clib still sit overnight because I feel like there's a chance I might get a cool yeah I'll probably do that one though yeah yeah yeah yeah that one I'll do it illuminated arrow drawing cool what the hell that is armor piercing arrow drawing uh the Naruto game is nindo Shinobi War the developer name on YouTube is oh [ __ ] I mean yeah I would love to play like I actually wanted to play um the ultimate ninja storm game I wanted to play one of them on the channel I love those games guys you know the the fights are real cinematic with the QuickTime events and [ __ ] like that they're they're really really cool I feel like people who don't even like Naruto would probably just enjoy the the game play because of how it is uh but yeah I did think about playing that at some point on the channel but it's just like the DBZ game I haven't played Dragon Ball Z yet because I want it to do good and then I'm just scared that it's not so we just got a new Helm to throw on sorry medieval that's that's what 5050 This Is 50 also the Demon Slayer game when hell is there ever a Demon Slayer game but yeah my my main thing that I really enjoy about uh like the Naruto games is just the fights like the boss like they're they're just so cool man with the uh the quick time events and I I love them I love it if just feels so cinematic just so epic oh this one's a green one we're getting some good gear here guys getting some good gear here mam if you're if you if you got me on Discord man um link me his channel I won't remember what you're saying right now so link me to the channel and I'll definitely check it out man yes uh balty the the game would definitely be a fast version of the story you get all the high notes um I I don't remember how Ultimate ninj Storm 4's story went [Music] um some of the older ones they they go all the way back to like when they're kids and then they progress all the way through shuen um so you get like the full thing I don't remember though how Ultimate Ninja Storm uh 4 is does anybody know does it go all the way back also some people are like bro I don't even know what the hell you're talking about dude I have no clue what you're even [ __ ] talking about dude [Music] yeah I mean the games do a pretty good job um well Ultimate Ninja Storm starts at the fight with Madar and hasama that's where Storm 4 starts but does it go through the original Naruto series is my question you watch six episodes of One Piece are you caught up getting close man B you getting there dude few more episodes and you you'll be you'll be right where you need to be I'm on like 900 and some I'm I'm pretty I'm I'm I'm getting up there can yes mechanics one baby there it is I needed that was the one we needed right chat don't let me get excited yet no what the [ __ ] dude I don't even need mechanics I hate this game I need electrical why did I get so excited like I'm I'm more mad because I got so excited damn it's a lot of [ __ ] helmets dude what the hell anything we could sell them right now I'm leaving the Armory for last cuz we all know that's going to be a [ __ ] show I'm probably going to die and I'm going to have to walk all the way back from my base and come up here and recover my gear I would rather die though than have my the zombies like mob my car and blow it up though oo [Music] oh I got mad space what the [ __ ] Mo uh the the discord's linked right in the description of yeah you click on the description man you'll see my Discord right there buff Gage 9 mil we got a little bit of ammo go put a bed down on the only problem is building it I don't even do you need for the bed stick some fibers we probably could build one pretty easily so pration definitely has all the different kind of loot holy crap dude [Applause] 5:30 that 9:30 probably won't stay the whole time yeah I'll take that yo uh the military Bas I can't even imagine what the loot looks like there you would have to do so many runs of like the police station no just to get ammo like we just ran this whole police station we haven't got I mean I don't know maybe the Armory is stacked full of bullets who who knows but as of right now we're we are getting a lot of books though which is cool let's go empty and all we got left is the armory is there no stairs in this one oh there they are all right let's go empty we'll go check upstairs it seems like but the Armory is on the first floor in this one so h o just filling on Up chat we haven't even grabbed the freaking loot out of the Armory yet or the second floor you can use the Crowbar to unlock doors if needed okay that's cool so this police station isn't isn't that bad right now obviously once I set off one of them alarms it's probably going to get real oh okay come on there we go guys now we're getting the bullets man suppressor pistol sniper rifle scope let me put my glock there mod it muzzle suppressor and now we got a suppressor on our handgun getting the goods guys we're getting the goods if I keep all the ammo on me weapon parts sell to Traders for good yeah that's what you guys said before yeah we got a lot of good stuff here I'm I'm really really happy about this loot run probably the best loot run we've had all the whole time we've been playing just hoping we get some more bullets here soon yes dude yes yes yeah no yeah caramba yes yes there it is guys is [Music] whoops all right wait you could dismantle the the stuff for resources oh [ __ ] yeah we might we might dismantle some of this stuff when we get back get some high quality uh can you dismantle guns for parts and stuff too no this is the army base is the police station [Music] h it won't matter it's one too short oh we got it perfect I'm not good at Tetris guys 762 we got some shotty some 5.56 oh yes y Rachel I'm starting to feel like we might have to come back we haven't even hit the Armory yet but Armory is going to be the the tough part that's where all the zombies are going to start showing up but yeah we still we still oh no we still have the whole upstairs I only did one room right well no the two rooms we did the j o Jess room here what is this this looks like another secured room if I open this you guys think it's going to set off the an alarm or is it only the Armory that sets off an alarm yeah we still got the hole upstairs but this looks like there could potentially be an alarm in there try to save all the alarm stuff for for last that way if we got a dip we could just get the hell out of here only one way to do it well I'm not that's the one way I'm not trying to find out either these are really good [Music] food yeah so that's where I plan on opening as the Armory but I was saving that for last because uh I already know it's going to aggro a ton of zombies damn we got some backpacks so which should be nice for our uh car outside but I so much big [ __ ] in the back that the backpack won't really help right now mainly in the market right now for bullets guys that's like the main thing we want e is so if we uh backpack Inception we might be able to do the Armory right now [Music] o [Music] e yeah we could do one more bag H there was one more up there we could we yeah we could easily fit this yo the police station was this [ __ ] is goated for Real this we've been getting some monster loot guys decent bit of ammo too that that that's like our main goal right now is to try to get as much ammo as we can and I'm definitely happy with the amount of bullets that we're going to walk away with and I'm I'm hoping that the Armory is just more what's here that would be so sick cuz we got the two p places we got the one downstairs that we can hit and the one upstairs oh [Music] e okay that's good enough that be good enough so we got my whole backpack and that much of the truck for for the Armory so we're about to about to set this place off hopefully it doesn't get too crazy [Applause] no alarm [Applause] need another a I mean I guess I'll grab it to sell but dude I don't really need another AK so there was no alarm there guys so we got the um oh was it because it was looted yeah there wasn't anything in there the room upstairs though looked like it had some goodies now I think I literally have like four AKs like two or three I got a couple AKs there's the evidence room back here we could try to get into also [Applause] yeah this this is going to set it off no I loot for ammo and stuff first before I start pulling more guns if we got extra inventory we'll grab but guns are the or ammo is the meta right now I got so many guns it's it's absolutely insane take the crow okay like our bullets are starting to come around a bit you know one thing I want to check real quick guys is if you could so you can't dismantle [Music] guns okay so now we got this room [Music] [Music] upstairs [Music] [Music] so how do I pick the [ __ ] lock with this thing do I just hit it with It Go project zomboid on this this [ __ ] how do I waste my lockpicks though I didn't break them I thought they only use if you break them let got to get my stamina back Sledge is better I just don't have a sledg on me we're almost done yeah that other backpack though Chad was a small backpack those aren't worth anything man you can't even stand a freaking Sledgehammer up at them they have like no slots what do you mean it's not working you can see that I think you I think that's the health bar of the door right there I want to make sure I have stamina before this breaks just in case an alarm goes off it's stam's good we're good got [ __ ] lucky or something CH no alarms get bunch of ammo in here oh nice got a [ __ ] ACOG I'll sit pretty on my M4 9mm extended magazine wonder if I can mod this one oh this one only has a uh muzzle mod and same with this one assault rifle suppress oh yes dude extended mag for that we got a red dot what what kind of batteries do ACOG sck they're uh solar powered they got a that red strip on the top of them uh takes in sunlight and then it we actually used we had to put tape over the top of them when we're in country because if not yo I'm telling you guys you try to look through an ACOG at when it's dark out when it's starting to get it the red just completely blows out the whole [ __ ] ACOG so yeah we usually put like tape of some sort over it cuz they they get way too [ __ ] bright dude way too bright so if you ever wonder why you see military guys with tape over their [ __ ] on the AOG it's it's to put it over that sun strip that [ __ ] is absolute really the brightest thing in the world about to go home and going to be playing Lego guns chat we're going to be building some cool stuff we got back we're good um we got a bunch of books [Music] too that was a good haul guys that was a really good haul missed the library what do you mean I hit the whole top floor stop [Music] it always on that [ __ ] [Music] man should we go military base guys or should we go back after that Bandit Camp I'm thinking Bandit camp Hey M man thank you man I appreciate the link dud y'all check that out dude I think it'd be cool to see what's in the Bandit Camp that's really close by military is just going to be more looting Bandit yeah all right [Music] let's do I play any instruments yeah I mean not like officially uh I've always loved the piano though I learned how to I just like listen to the song and and I kind of like recreate it or I can watch somebody play on a video and I just hit the notes they do but I don't know how to like read music or anything like that um but played piano for years absolutely love it yeah George we're getting back man we started replenishing the food stocks uh the other day just uh yesterday yeah me and her uh we went out and got some food uh to replace the all the [ __ ] we lost but no yeah man it's going good it's going good yeah I play the piano for real BTY play the piano for real for [Music] real [Music] okay okay so we got a good bit of 5.56 and stuff go through these bags I'm going to try to take out all the ammo we got what okay so we're about to dress up some new kick guys all right um how do we want to do [Applause] this so we're going to need multiple bandages if we're going to go after these Bandits uh got some antibiotics we got some adrenaline I got 9mm bullets now I'm going to where' I put my rifle okay so SVD is going to be something we're going to investigate right now um there it is my M4 okay so for the SVD we're going to go ahead sniper scope butt stock sniper comp okay okay so that's dressed up the SVD okay and then we're going to go with this so the M4 we could do a okay so that one already has a grip we'll do the the ACOG extended mag and suppressor we just don't have a fancy butt stock for it but it's all good now we need ammo for this and SVD ammo we should be good with this right guys seems like a good good starting point to me I just let me uh see how the guard the guns look okay so that's our SVD Ked oh yeah peeling some muffin caps back blue with this and then we have our M4 fully dressed and suppressed also can peel some muffin caps back with this okay extended mag looks nice damn 30 shot with this oh yeah let's do it I mean they're all the bandits are tanky as [ __ ] so this is obviously just going to piss me off and not go as planned but it's all good CH I'm going to I'm just relishing in my excitement now I know the game's going to ruin it and take everything like all my excitement away but as of right in this moment I'm happy as happy as can be [Applause] yeah some Derek somebody actually sent me that video on Twitter yeah somebody sent me that video on Twitter all right let's go do it guys let's go do it this is the most geared we've been since we played this game like gun wise we have so much ammo and stuff on us right now of course there got to be foggy out when I want to go do this sh n [Music] ow he for d he's busting right here [Music] St e St unnecessarily tank chat bullet production ow d fck s I'm going to have to use my antibiotics yeah we had to shoot those guys an absurd amount of times but it is what it is they're dead now used up all my 5.56 ammo tons of my H we still got a decent bit of our 762 though that was most of my 5.56 actually got a lot of shotty too we could probably start running the shotty is that like heavy hitter electric furnace Greenhouse yeah I'm hoping we get a good return on the investment of our ammo as of right now it's not that great we are getting some blueprints though but what so 18 mine are 20 mine are also about to break but I do have a uh clothing repair kit too so we could fix our pants guys that was not not really all that worth it in my opinion yeah I mean the loot that we got was pretty me got a couple blueprints [Music] I mean I did I did regain my pride you know we were able to kill him get an act our revenge yeah I mean there wasn't even an NPC in there for me to save you can rotate items yep in your inventory yep for so the issue is storage guys so much stuff what so I got to go ahead and switch over to this so is this a weapon not a tool the steel axe h I get overweight oh yeah we got a lot of we got a lot of weed on us all right let me just get some planks done up my inventory is just all over the place right now I'm just trying to get some planks so we can do uh so we can do up some of these chests [Applause] outside lot of shotgun ammo [Music] what the other trees could cut it yeah I know this one here I what is going on with this damn tree man oh there it is you need to cut it so we got enough to finish our stuff though so that's all we needed boom and uh you know what yeah I should be good now let's get all of this crap stored up the best we can h what's the problem with looting shot when you get all the loot and you got nowhere to put it it's the worst feeling has have any of you guys ever had this problem all the L itis for no such thing as having all y we got all the loot right now I don't even know where to put this [ __ ] we don't even know where to put it look I just made a bunch of chests for all the loot and I don't even think it's going to be enough [Music] all okay so our inventory is squared away so that's what we're going to roll with we'll have this to break down any Gates that we need [Music] too well let's see [Applause] here Nelly we're doing good yeah fam is doing good appreciate the love yeah I could Salvage a bunch of those weapons and stuff but I don't know what I need and don't need so that's why I'm kind of hesitant on like Salvage and [ __ ] right now I could sell a bunch of stuff too yeah I mean we don't we're not just stuck with all that gear you know what I mean obviously we can we can salvage and do stuff like that but I just me like right now it's just super super overwhelming with the amount of stuff we have until we get some real organization going but this is this is Ready set go um got bullets [Music] [Music] a oh yeah I forgot the Traders teach you skills I need to find a Trader that teaches [Music] electrical yeah we're going to go hit the military location right now now that we got bullets we can actually fight so yeah we're going to go military [Music] [Music] God damn it I have food poisoning how [Music] we got to Baby the car a little more sitting here being Reckless with this [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] s right now it's not super responsive on these tracks either [Music] chat [Music] yeah the cars are very very very squishy I definitely feel like they need to buff the buff the cars a bit I have not tried PVP in this game no I've never I've I've only played single player Austin what do you mean my organization is good man now I would definitely like to organize it a bit more but the last thing people want to do is sit here watching me play [ __ ] inventory Tetris for an hour and a half cuz yeah I definitely would want to make it a bit more organized doctor's office what's going on organize it so kind of like I know like the problem with my inventory right now is if I need something I have no clue where the hell it is I got to and then then you got to spend 10 minutes digging through everything especially when you have like a bag setion going on then you're like going in a a chest then going in a bag to try and it's just like shit's all over the damn place uh so we need all this stuff for like uh could get some more fuel uh crafting and things like that one of the suppressor one it seems like the zombes still Agro to the sound pretty good is that gas in the window there oh it's just a sign what the hell oh where they cooking pot sludgy probably should try to keep some kind of melee on me so we don't have to waste as much ammo when it's just like a few zombies Rob exactly dude Mr organization like organiz or organizing is like kind of what I'm known for like driving organizing Base building pretty much all my strong suits no not punching old women that's not not not a part of [Music] it I haven't punched the old lady in a long [Music] time [Applause] put on in my [ __ ] [Applause] car [Music] God damn those military Zombies bro [ __ ] man how much damage did he do it's pretty beat up guys we're okay though God damn see we we can pick these guys off [Music] any is that's [Music] day is going pretty good day is going pretty good holy [ __ ] those LM TVs look good those look legit what these conx boxes have anything on them F I don't know what that extended mag for the 9 mil goes too big building here bunch of tents down this way man this place is huge a cool man I'm glad you're enjoying the content so this game here is like a Sandbox Zombie Survival game submachine gun gotcha makes [Music] sense [Music] nothing up the ladder I don't think you can scale ladders in this game h F some kind of weird Collision on those ropes oh m e [Applause] a oh nice got a new military vest mine's still pretty decent condition anyway so it's all good another scar I did not kill no dog me oh nice we's got a uh suppressor for the sniper rifle so we've already gone over this I've proven myself innocent time and time again when it comes to the whole dog meat situation I don't know what else you guys want me to do like I can't prove my innocence any more than proving my innocence like it's not my fault you guys don't want to accept my innocence like what am I supposed to do at this point you know what I mean that hit that hit hard [ __ ] don't even say anything chat just [ __ ] [Music] stop God damn nice two things to antibiotics for a good gear here [Music] [Music] big guy down there have not been able to kill one of those dudes yet they the tankiest things in the actual planet [Music] [Music] shark did take think for the Super Chat how you doing yeah the military zombies guys they're super super tanky the normal zombies aren't that bad they die pretty quick but the military zombies because of the gear yeah they're the real deal oh let me see if I can extend though this mag on the SVD yo you can you have a great night all right o I like the color on that pattern there that's actually swap what we have this I can get some green pants that'd be cool Anthony thank you thank you for the Super Chat man cook the can on the fire to get more out of them yeah I the problem is they spoil pretty quick after you cuz so it's like you got to be like cook them cook come on the spot cut around this way we already have one this is smaller than the one we have little medical tent here s chaos svds h this hiking bag will be nice to bring back to the truck the SKS does a little more damage than the SVD as a sniper I I I have two sks's back back at base only reason why I didn't s outfit one was cuz this was just the one I happen to have on me okay so we're going to just load this bad boy up right now with what we have on [Music] us pick the o yeah like the normal zombies like these you could just use like handguns on there they're not that bad could just drop drop him with a head shot but when you get into the armored dudes yeah you got to you got to use higher caliber guns and yeah see so like this normal zombie here single head shot guy behind him would probably be a single head shot with the pistol yep ow you yeah I wouldn't mean messing with the help was that dog came at me said that was just def self-defense that dog started it I just finished [Music] it 70 damage 65 see sh Overkill with this all right so I just outfitted an SKS over the other gun two more SS's holy crap okay be careful this might be an alarm [Music] building o lot these are worth a ton too these syringes what oh yes got to love the bullets t just getting ammo feels so good [ __ ] infected me man the thing about your guns though you got to remember maintaining them with the gun oil and then bullets obviously but we're we're getting good bit of ammo right now so but now we're going to run into the issue of actually keeping the guns operational he we're g to we got to get our Stam back real quick character's tired as [ __ ] just in this one episode guys we've come a long way he man that's we we went we pushed the police station with a little bit of ammo we had and uh that paid off which gave us enough ammo to push the military site which now is super super paying off cuz yeah you look we got we got a good bit of bullets man depending on how this uh this stream performs we might go push the uh big Bandit Camp I don't know where on the map there's also this like air strip here here but I know there's a big Bandit Camp somewhere yeah the energy bar I mean it gives you 25% but if you lay down as you can see it it doesn't take very long um you regen your Stam like super super quick I we could probably actually got to stand up no no I I I I put the military backpack down yeah I stopped dragging it I left it out in the middle of the uh the walkway out there damn KS another K [ __ ] yes [ __ ] dude 249 saw seriously it's got a [ __ ] what I got to go empty out real quick that [ __ ] is Hu it is very very big it looks cool but yeah that guarantees tons of downsizes to trying to use that damn Gatling gun probably be good to sell though or it'd be good to kill this [ __ ] dude is for did we try to kill this guy well we're [ __ ] committed [Applause] now [Music] he got [Applause] him o ooh [Music] [Applause] o there a lot of [Music] ammo just swapped out the sledy too um so the problem Crow CR is the m the the um Pride UNL yeah I tried doesn't there's no like pry option it like a emote or something I don't doesn't do it just says locked yeah this that's what happens when you hit e with the c the Crowbar E equals locked we almost got it though yeah [ __ ] you scared the [ __ ] out of [Applause] me yeah I don't I I just swapped my sledy right before coming back in here so we're almost got it though it's almost broke what [Music] I get the Sledge for that room I'm going bring this stuff back to the car there's so much that we could still loot here yeah a we got to try to see if we can get our hands on another uh repair kit too got a lot of pistol yeah I feel like a couple big pushes into here we're going to be able to we're going to be able to push uh some pretty big pois we and like I said we just touched out a little bit there's still the whole upstairs in that building and everything we got a lot guys oh did I not grab the sledy I make sure I have that sudam around me cuz I'm pretty sure we're going to run in other doors that we got to [Music] persuade give a little bit of persuasion look how Bloody we are dude but all right guys we're going to end this episode here um I got to wake up early tomorrow we're going to be starting very very early tomorrow probably I'm hoping by like 10 the latest is like my goal cuz I got to be done streaming for the day by like 4: cuz I got an event with my daughter so uh we're going to be ending here thank you so much again for everybody coming and hang out hope you guys are still enjoying us remember if you guys want more of this game all you to do is smash that like button same things you guys been doing and we we'll definitely keep it rolling things definitely got quite interesting this episode uh definitely a different vibe once you got ammo and pushing with guns and stuff like that it's definitely a bit more uh engaging for sure and now we just got to go check some of these real high-profile areas but we yeah we took out a bandit Camp um hit one of the bigger loot spots it's awesome it's awesome all right guys but I want to thank you all again you all have a great rest of your night um I'll be starting like I said pretty early tomorrow we're going to be checking out that Suicide Squad game we'll see what that's all about and then uh not exactly sure what the second game will be but all right guys thank you again you all have a great rest of your night and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Brian Menard
Views: 17,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no one survived, survival, zombies, open world, survival crafting, day z, state of decay, review, first look, walkthrough
Id: PH7j26qnN_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 42sec (11622 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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