Is Melee hunter dead after the nerfs? The answer might shock you - WoW SoD

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going to go over why this change doesn't kill melee Hunter I know surprising now I'm going to go over some stuff I'm going to go over the logs I'm to show everyone the logs maybe people don't know about logs maybe but we're going to go over it melee Hunter is still probably going to be the best melee DPS it's still going to be good it's not over Bros however it is enough now why are Hunters getting nerfed so much it's because they're overperforming that's that's it it's uh no persecution it's just Hunters me Hunter currently soor let me specify that M Hunter currently is really good Range Hunter is not doing so hard but melee Hunter is doing really really good now what they're nerfing specifically is this little text here so for the Dual wi Rune if you're dual wielding that will no longer be there that is enough that is approximately because of how percentages work that's something like I think it's a 17% Nerf to rap the strike um because it's going from 100 130% damage to 100% damage that's not just a flat 30 right and then you factor in like other stuff like Raptor strike is not the only damage Source stuff like that so let's go let's just go 18% I've heard the number I use the L 18% Nerf right even then melee Hunter is still one of the best DPS in the game currently um do I think range me Hunter could use a buff yes um but this brings it more on line with everyone else um I've heard a lot of people say all Hunter bring his damage that's not true hunt even though it's not relevant Hunters do bring Frost trap Hunters bring um aspect of the of the line which is relevant not every not everyone plays on that lines and not everyone has a palad spect into the prop tree Hunters also bring their pet torns which is a big deal for something like uh for something like FMA plug especially when your tank needs to reset Stacks if you're single tanking and in case the tank dies the pet being able to hold it even for a couple seconds is is something that comes in mind but mainly for the Taun swap for the tanks something in BFD as we saw with like gamara or like get get the mloc being able to just taunt and drop sacks on the tank is a big deal it is relevant now your R team might not this that part might not be relevant but it's something to keep in mind but those are those in my mind are mainly of the reasons you would bring a hunter is aspect lion and pet tank tauns but the Lion's relevant for everyone so the Lion's the main one right it is the only pure DPS class in s so I of course do think it should be good however it doesn't need to be the best bu a huge margin this is the website we'll be using to check this is uh Warcraft logs now it's going to default you to dragonflight so you go see Discovery while uh now you can sort here the fomon and we're going to quickly go back in time to Black fathom deeps now this is the DPS for all bosses in Black fathom deeps um this is to give us a general view of it because if we just sort to Max DPS we're going to notice something really funny on aami which is everyone's cheesing if you just look at just the highest percentage so if you just look at the rank one passes you're going to get a very different picture than what most people doal of the the way they did this by the way was they spawned a billion ads on aami and they just let them just go to town on it um there's a lot of cheesy people do for Max logs not to say they're not good players for obviously getting the max thing but there's a lot of cheesy you've got to do to get Max DPS you're not just sitting in there and just hitting the boss right most of the time um so this is phase one phase one very clear most mely are are really really good um yeah that's it most mely really good um this is including gamar which is uh you know this is a very tanky boss so just going back in time Hunters were really good during this F rain Hunter was really good me Hunter was it was okay wasn't the best it was doing good though but definitely the upper half so Hunters haven't been terrible uh the reason I'm specifying this is because a lot of people in comments like are pretending that Hunter was somehow like unviable after they got nerfed in back F deeps that's not true um BM Hunter was also ripping the out of everyone in bgs I remember the I remember the full uh be full Hunter plus disc priest premades those were horrible nightmares of those things absolute nightmares so next oh my auctions Su based you can probably see that background I think um but that's whatever that's just a history lesson I've just heard a lot of weird cope again the Nerf sucks but we do it and to and to and to kill passes Range Hunter was insanely popular insanely popular class it's not like this only like no one playing it a lot of people play it not many people play melee which is important because we're going to track that everyone's just playing the best spec because we have 18,000 M players here let's have a look what happens when we look at current oh wow would you look at that melee Hunter is now insanely ahead I wonder why now this is passes so far keep in mind that's why the numbers are different but we can see everyone's playing Mele Hunter now and that's because it's good and it's also more fun like it is objectively more fun to be able to press an ability rather than waiting for the weapon Str weapon swing right and people are still playing Range Hunter no one's playing Frost Mage Frost Mage sucks all right so what are we looking at right now we're looking at the dot here represents the top DPS and the line here is the median the median is what we really care about because we don't want to just look at like rank one passes right now we could infer that oh the most geared people get the best passes all the best players get the best passes and that's true gear and gear and skill comes hand in hand of course but if we look at for the majority of people let's go 90 percenti this is what reasonably you can expect to do if you're a really really good player doing everything Mele Hunters Way ahead let's go to a we fight like grus or fisus FL is better it's got a lot of burst AOE so the burst AOE this is how much damage a melee Hunter is doing in the 90th percenti which is top 10% it is it is well and above oh by the way Warrior only here I will explain this Warrior's not doing so hot but it's really good on viscus Fallout because they they are sweeping strike or death wish and AOE down adds really fast which Warrior does Warrior has a really good uh bur AE um so for melee Hunter way ahead way ahead even if this is Enough by 17% you're still very close to the top now keep in mind they are also nerfing boss armor in this which will help Mele Hunter a lot too it helps everyone but M Hun's good let's look like secer still way ahead Crow pumer is weird I don't know why fire damage seems to do a lot of damage to Crow pumer I don't know why that is um but this is a fight where warlock absolutely pumps now why is or M really bad in this phase well there's two three reasons really one we've got access to a better world buff the world buff currently f cast is a ton the BFD one favored me more the second reason is um the armor values the mobs they just have tons of armor so your physical damage deal is going to do less damage the third reason is CS now have access to pis from disc priests this is really big for passing it's like what 30% damage for 20 seconds or something that's kind of good or 20% for 20 seconds that's kind of good that helps your passing right because a lot of these kills are going to be like a minute long so it's a third of the fight where you got extra 20% damage keep that in mind now they probably should be B silence I'm not saying cope Caster should always be better obviously but those are the factors coming into it of why most mes are doing worse this this phase than last phase um it could also be that they don't have their weapons yet you know but we're at the 90th percentile you'd assume people at this percentile are using their best weapons or they've got good weapons then let's look at an AOE fight like managerie now for %ti fire Mage is cranking this is a fight where like me is still super far ahead of everything that's a not not a fire Mage or dis priest or sorry disc priest DPS priest DPS priest fire like it's Nob brainer big AOE big living bombs big living frames big dots um and then we got a FMA plug yeah again massively Ahad this is a for melee anyway this is a super just single Target hit the out of the boss fight right melee Hunter is killing it even though you're getting kill even though me hun is still getting nerfed this is not going to Nerf this is not going to make you a DPS me hun is still going to be super good you could take you could take 18% off this and you'd still be a b fire Mage and that's not even mentioning that the ver plug's armor is getting nerfed so it's not going to be it's not going to be a strict 18% and now a lot of people have also said well Hunter doesn't scale ranged Hunter doesn't seem to scale which is why they fell off so hard between BFD and now and also maybe the runes the runes for bamman is good Mele Hunter does scale because it can spam a weapon attack in the form of raptor strike uh Raptor strike and flanking strike both these are very powerful very spammable in the case of raptor strike Meely swing damage this is why Warrior and Rogue are also really good they just hit with their weapon a lot which does a lot of damage I know shocker M Hunter will scale it's good I made this video because I I constantly see people just Doom posting about how bad Warriors I've seen a lot of people say Warriors outscaling them already I don't know where this is coming from even if we look at all percentile like that is not true at all like the median is so far skew towards this like and just to show you that I'm clavo here is all the all all all percentiles so this is all of them put together remember this line is the median this start is the maximum like you're going to see M Hunter is really good it's got decent AOE it's got really good single Target the only thing it lacks in currently I guess is burst AOE compared to like Warriors which we can see in like viscous Fallout and I guess Rogue with blade thr right well I don't think they play blowr anymore but whatever the r a is just Warriors have good burst away that's all I'm saying that's why warri is good on this fight copium and yeah like a lot of people have been posting like how they hate sod like if if you don't like the game because it was unbalanced that's fair I don't think these Nerfs are going to come I hope these Nerfs aren't going to come in 20 every every like couple weeks right like you want I think it's besides I do think warlocks are really good I think warlocks are going to be the Warriors of cis's phase they've just got really good runes but it's really not over melee Hunter is going to be good it's still going to be good you should just play whatever you like if if you really like playing ranged Hunter you should play ranged Hunter because let's face it unless you're trying to like unless for some reason you're trying to get into like a speedrunning guild so 9 99% of players aren't in super sweaty guilds that are doing 30 minute clears of noon or close to 30 minutes if you aren't in those guilds you can probably play what you want and you'll be fine if your guild is like super sweaty they probably don't need to be but that's that's a reality of pugs want the best thing obviously I get that so people are people are pushed towards what they want to play pushed towards the best class sorry but you should always try to play what you want to play if you're not having fun playing melee Hunter don't play melee Hunter if you're having fun playing melee Hunter congratulations you can still have fun playing and doing good damage that's all I'm saying love you all see you later
Channel: Arkvoodle
Views: 1,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, World of Warcraft, SoD, Season, Discovery, Melee, Hunter, Nerf
Id: 6tEISuemkwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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