Is it possible to be a PACIFIST in Bannerlord?

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money cash Moolah they say that money is power and today we're going to prove just that by playing as a pacifist and battlelord to see if it's possible to play a game all about fighting with armies without actually fighting here are the rules one I cannot fight and must surrender immediately if confronted two it cannot hire any troops aside from that I can lie cheat and swindle in order to stay alive I just can't use violence well I said a passive is wrong not a saint run if you're looking to make some moolah for yourself I can guarantee stacks of denars monthly for my super secret course all you have to do is sign up is like the video and subscribe right now backhouser one side legally Banning contract and that's not guaranteed right let's get into the video I always pick our character very carefully otherwise this would be very tricky the asurai Caravans and throws are cheaper to build and 10 less trade penalty sounds good to me let's do that all right we have our man here now who is a super rich man in history I mean Mansa Musa right I don't know what Manza Musa looks like so uh I think instead we're just gonna do this I'm gonna randomize like five times this is gonna be our guy one two three four five you sound good obviously we want the trade ability as much as possible so Urban Merchant seems to be a good idea let's grab that I mean absolute for numbers that makes sense in the markets sounds good and I don't think any of these are going to do anything to a trade yeah I don't think I want uh anything to do with engineering watching with the camp followers probably a good idea real stuff is just pure combat which is really not gonna matter given what we're trying to do count followers investing money in a workshop we're gonna Max on this trade this is this is good organizing them to break out gives us another leadership and some charm useful there we go all right even though it looks nothing like him we're going for Manson Musa wait first name so probably Mansa and then last name Musa what it's been three days [Music] three days did you just change race right in front of me all right we don't need to train where we're going straight to the bank all right let's get out of family name Musa you know what we'll yell at as well it was like Manson like that that's the stupidest part of the Year representing money the capital coinage some dude's face I don't think there's anything money if there's no money related things I will I will just pick this man's face that kind of looks like coins now we're gonna have some dude's face all right sure massive dude's face all right and here we go here's my thinking right obviously on the trade tree because right at the end you can trade settlements which is our ultimate all I aim and then all this stuff is going to be helping with that here's the issue we're gonna face in terms of Clans here which you need to be able to like actually own land and that sort of stuff uh usually get that through fighting we're not fighting so we need to figure out how we are gonna be doing this now there is the idea of like renowning influence for each issue resolve to like doing quests and stuff but I don't want to do quests I don't like quests this is useless to us because we're not gonna be infighting at all we're gonna surrender immediately if we ever get caught with surrendering so more likely to have children I suppose and here we get selling trade goods and your profits are marked today equipment I think trade goods put all of our Focus points in trade yeah as soon as possible yeah quests are not really gonna be faster out no master right why am I over here kind of want to get to my people we are going to have an issue and those issues are going to be Bandits because we only have one guy and I don't really want to be hiring any troops whether or not I'll be able to stick to that we shall see but for right now I don't want to be hiring any troops at all so no troops no weapons just me okay that's 49 looters man okay let's just go around him we're good we're good we're fine we're safe we're okay we got we're getting there we get caught in the first thing I'm I'm putting I'm not playing this this video you'll never see this video all right let's cross over here a large like rock that okay all right we've made it to our first city first thing we need to do tell our weapons how did you sell my clothes as well that is going to give us 446. so we have some starting Capital this is the initial investment like I said I've I've done a degree or I'm currently doing I want to jinx it a degree in business I'm a businessman and so uh This is Gonna uniquely suit me to training and banner like what am I doing with my life this degree cost me thousands and this is what I'm using it for right here we can see what different Villages and stuff produce uh if I go on the training thing I go for trade goods items 87 more expensive so I want to be looking for things like this like wool is 125 cheaper than average we're gonna buy a bunch of wool we're also gonna need some mules so we can carry this stuff but that's fine for now I actually need a pen and paper oh God I'm gonna taken notices right I've got my notes on my Consulting module that I don't think I'm ever going to use I'm gonna write on the back of those actually that's a terrible idea I've got the exam coming up let me find a paper okay so all for 80. where would like where doesn't doesn't have wool give ortizio a go it'll take us a while to wall to get there because we are massively over our capacity there's a bit of a test run I think the border for 80. we need to get a mule anyway later on I want to start like actually affecting supply and demand because I can really mess with people's livelihoods here fix it but for now where does it produce wool we have some horses there we have some horses there some olives little horses honestly I don't see any wool there but how have you got cheaper wool maybe oh wait you have you probably had expensive you probably don't produce anymore this is not a good first trade I I came in super cocky okay let's go in here we'll see we'll see what we'll see what the trades are here a bit bad at 77. you're selling it for 92 so it is more expensive here trade rumors can sell at ortizia for nine six nine five okay I'm gonna gamble everything in this Pottery okay we're going to be bankrupt if this doesn't work where's autism how far away is okay it's very close by this should be fine because we've been there right so now because we visited gel Maris we should know about the trade uh rumors there rely heavily on our on our skill 46 step Hearts this doesn't come through it's over for us yeah okay nice made the trade get the 1300 about a being better boom we're still worse off than when we started but it's progressed I look great for 17. that this is gonna be a good purchase I'm gonna buy a bunch of silver and iron ore literally going to the extremes here if we get robbed once it's this it's over welcome to the Grind ladies and gentlemen so I need to get 10K 10ks where I can get a uh a camera and start securing that passive income that's right I've been taking several courses from individuals who are telling me that I could be making 60k a month with just a Gmail account and a few hours of work and they tell me a Caravans were down the silversmith man I had to pay for his online course but now I'm misogynistic well actually that was a joke all right so all seems to be selling quite nicely there we go and we level up now we do need to secure ourselves a wife not because we have um any sort of plans about starting a family but because our wife can lead Caravans for us they can balance between autism in this place a lot it's also the percentage markup that we need to look at okay you're just going to be skipping this part really aren't you they're on 200 percentage markups here I've got a calculator and a and a bloody notebook next to me I'm glad I'm all doing a face cam for this video because this is sad also you don't want to pay attention to this uh you can see these purchasing iron anyone who's selling stuff there you can still pick up on their tips so this guy the silversmith has been making bank the issue is that if I do this too many times it's gonna basically uh change the price of silver and iron ore to make it no longer profitable because well we've just we are the trade route between the two right now there isn't one that's why it's profitable for us so uh I've overloaded so much with uh with stuff this is the highest speed and uh yeah it's just Mansa is absolutely massive he's carrying this all himself so uh our speed is the lowest it could possibly be God damn it oh no it got cool right at the end all right what's what's spending the dead eyes in the oil Ah that's gonna cut into a profits that's all part of it like you said I don't really want to be hiring troops it's against the pacifist sort of motto isn't it the downside to traveling slowly I thought this area was safe well anyway now I have four thousand we quadrupled our money I have um another idea as well right so I've been currently like pursuing a high quality uh or high uh amount if I'm gonna be like saddled either way green doesn't change its price right so here's my thinking if I purchase a ton of grain and there's a five markup difference if I'm buying let's say 100 for every 100 grain there's a five markup difference I'm making 500 denars each like each way you multiply that by any more of a markup even if it's a difference of one dinner then we're making absolute tons so fish for example better example that's that's way better it's we're gonna make a 20 profit on like 150 roughly maybe about 3 000 16. all right that's it also so each time we do that gives us loads of skill and trade plus 30 carry capacity or minus 50 cost of bartering for safe passage it's carry passing for my party isn't going to matter if I'm pursuing this like ridiculously slow uh method of travel and then I think we just mark up any losses as a uh as a business cost so last time we spent 100 I'm running all this down this one I spent 110 Den hours and two silver oil which I think was valued at will if we value it at the buying price if I think of 83 so it actually wasn't that bad we only lost about 300 Dinars for a trip that made us about 3 000. I don't wait to see the retention starts on this or why do we go don't get jumped right now we should be okay I think after this one on a visit a couple more cities to see if I can uh maximize the amount of trade because if we can start because right now we're going it's easier to create right if I can add in like John Mary's zionica and also that's a bit far but Joe Morris Ziana we bounce between these like uh five and that should do us quite nicely all right here we go bear in mind this is quite a high risk trade because if I'm wrong on any of these counts uh it's over for us all right seven thousand nice we're getting there current Sonos actually built to travel this is actually a lot closer that's a good trade that's also a double I'm gonna go back to autism after this I don't think it's like double we're doing that is efficient we've only got two left over as our trade skill increases so do the deals oh my God it's what's happening with my degree that's what I got told anyway when I look at the market I look at stocks and shares some things they just shine a bright green and so I invest and then I immediately lose all of my money oh it's okay it's fine we don't we don't look at that they send another letter but you don't need to know that's fine oh God even Mansa looks like he's crying why are his eyes so red um or even even you've been smoking something hey yo is it legally Cal radio I don't know the Caravans run as fast as they can oh okay two down I was in a work course yeah that kind of a bad oh hang on another group comment 10060 then I was there it's an expensive time I need to get into the open there's another group of Bandits right there all right I've been doing this a little while so I've got 14k uh my general plan as well is to keep uh money on me I have had to start from the start a couple of times uh but because I've been caught a couple of times protect me I paid you so it's a pretty good strategy but uh yeah I think it's time we try and secure ourselves our first Caravan but that we're gonna need ourselves a companion to run our our Ventures for us all right let us secure ourselves a hero all right we've got anyone here monster Mason's Game host I'm not gambling but that'll be a really bad way to make money no no one here oh um I didn't think I would actually want uh sorry [Laughter] no attacked a cow what's the matter I'm not not gonna make that joke oh God I wish to form a car of the van it's going to take us 10 500 which we can um so now we need to find a companion and we'll get it done I wanted to double check make sure my math is right then we've got about five thousand free Capital but that doesn't mean we're just gonna be making profit from the start Caravans are like they don't work like that casually carrying 15K in my pockets it's not a good idea anyone hurt any Heroes at all you're an outright I don't need you there's an easy way to do this isn't there there's never actually looked upstairs oh um I guess what's up I'm very wealthy oh yeah I can see it up here can't have someone's there or not I've only run into from town to town it should be trading this feels like wasted time buttermilk and nid wonderful enjoy that I reckon I can sneak around them there you go I just wasn't paying attention that's a costly one 526 he doesn't have any particular skills but I'd rather get it going so that's good I do want to have a caravan over here in Korea as though I like that being my base hopefully this guy's not slowed so here's the thing right Caravans uh are risky Investments than workshops workshops will sit at a crazy passive income Caravans uh you need to build up a bit of a reserve how do I know this about Caravans well ladies and gentlemen you may not know this but I was once the resident Authority on Caravans I made a caravan guide three years ago back when no one watched the videos I mean look at that thumbnail they come moments are all great thank you for making a quick video not some tent uh don't look at the time left in this video please but I I actually went through an Excel spreadsheet because at this time no one knew no one knew how they worked they did the game was kind of new and so no one really understood them so I want to be going off of um my party starving that's fine um I'm gonna be going off of what I knew three years ago I know the game's been updated since then uh but that that doesn't matter to me all right let's have a chat to the cargo Master it's not been that long it's been like a day there you go third of the hills he's not the greatest but I want him to get going now the Caravan needs to uh you know generate some cash uh first so he's gonna be off let me go chat too God he's a bit nippy so he's gonna go and travel from place to place to place the first like let me check uh that's a recent test the first like 20 days we won't be making too much of a profit and then after that we should look at the the time I'm just looking at my own video now here we go some time frames so you're gonna lose I'm gonna lose about three thousand uh so 300 a day so I need to make sure I can actually afford that otherwise uh this isn't going to go too well so I need to beat him to the next town and obviously I need to constantly well what how did you you made money already ow did they change it that much this stupid logo firstly we need to actually have some Grain on us otherwise our wait your party's starving it's just me this man does not miss many meals before you can get away with it all right we'll have some gray but I think we're gonna have to rinse and repeat grab another Caravan but for that we need uh a higher bit of run out but for now oh god I've broken my rule again all right let's hope we don't get attacked on the way this is more of a safe route like this is was a tricky one I got caught a lot on this road this down here has generally been a safe one if a little bit longer yeah it's a big trade but I can sell it at oh God that's so far away I didn't know it was that far away oh my God we have no money to pay for oh no we have no money to pay for a um a ransom okay uh I've got to hope that my Caravan makes money guys how did you get the money to me can you like can you pay palette okay that might be enough for us to to make some money that's so far away man well buckle up Lads you're about to see an individual travel across this in double time well probably like 10 times [Music] I went to the bathroom to come back we're only halfway there but our um our caravan's doing quite nicely nice oh for a second I I really thought for a second that our own Caravan had attacked me he went wrong 155 Dennis carrying our day by the time we get there the price is Gonna Change like these okay so for these long distance turret like travels what I'll usually do is go for high value Goods like jewelry that are really uh small that aren't you know ridiculous uh I would not have done this last little bit buddy I did I mean you talked to me like that in that voice hey take my gold oh we were so close oh hang on here's another lot oh same guy's a pedophile we're good nope apparently not I'm gonna lose money on this bloody trade I did lose money no oh for God's sake so 18 000 for a silversmith I I'm happy to take a Salesman in this area uh although it's very far away all right do you ever like small jewelry and stuff I could give to my guys over in craze purchase the jewelry no not today buddies they already paid those ones and I think I already paid those ones as well his constant payments ah it's so much easier for just hired troops but that doesn't feel very pacifist to me all right we're gonna I don't wanna talk to the oil pressure I really don't we have another 14k let's see what that'll get us all right we've got another Caravan weirdly enough to set the uh the second Caravan like to create that and like wealth took me longer than the first I I was heavily costed by Bandits minus 15 selling price while selling animals or buying for villages well we'll just start going for villages because I think here's the issue right that I'm running into it takes me so long to travel anywhere that it becomes like not worth it anymore oh there's there's the butcher goodbye I can track you on the map I don't know what the other one is I probably the worst possible companions for this there's six trade skills uh I kind of just got what I could get yeah these little trades and emptying the villages are not going to be worth that much I want to start working towards a workshop now we've got two Caravans which are a bit riskier that will take time to generate more profit that's why I'm investing them early now we just need to get this daily uh gold change up because it's gonna become less and less effective for us to secure the amounts that we need for me to do it personally that's the concern who the hell is teaching that oh no that's not good who's sieging you that's a thousand men ah this is gonna ruin our supply lines oh no so uh I was looking to potentially buy myself a workshop and then this happened and I don't I don't know what to do like are they gonna win or you're gonna defend this at all buddy no yes maybe I'm gonna sort of stand there and stare oh this would be a close fight the forest people have turned up as well long ass Siege getting chased Away by another 1100 world I was hoping that Siege would be done by now all right well this is clearly not a good place to have a workshop we'll go to autism we'll be back soon pretty sure this butcher guy's been in net loss it's not really like giving me too much Capital oh it's there right hello Jesus all right so this wine press is 2900 Christ okay well there that one goes all right just a little dregs now they can purchase our first Workshop uh we currently have three companions running around I didn't try particularly hard to find the best companions for this I remember back in my day the companions didn't really matter I think now they might do um because you know individual skills and such so I may have messed that up particularly with the butcher he's like six trading skill that's fine so he's got a clan tear up which is very very difficult when you're not fighting because how you get renowned is to through fighting and World missions I'm I'm tempted to do the mission side of things but in the meantime The Butchers and others are leveling up so they traded Goods 15 cost reduction in price so I also kill more profit also uh in this region I've been uh traveling it so often that I'm pretty sure I've paid off every single uh Bandit that exists I don't know that's a lot of the stuff that I have on me that might be enough oh this is gonna be everything I have oh I need another like 500 or 200 okay and then I'm not gonna have anything so I don't know maybe I should go something a bit cheaper 29 000 seems like a lot I was used to being like ten thousand God all right here we go I want to buy a Smithy there we go now I think because we only have 400. um let's see if we can do something about like with some missions uh are we poachers that's not gonna help us you no longer on the siege okay cool because autism I've never seen get uh done in I think it was a good place well should become 50 and I'll scale up soon oh no not true it's the task well I am a pacifist sir there are very few quests that I could do just run from major city to major city such a common Occurrence at this point they'll know me by name I think I'm single-handedly propping up the Bandit economy Rival game moving in that's not very pacifist of me so I can't be doing that near the wealthy what does that do please all right now Rockies will tell you are not good enough it's awesome by deserters again like maybe I can um solve a familial dispute I'm a good judge I'm a good judge of character I could read a book I can teach you some languages maybe I I just I'm not so good at the whole fighting thing ah here we go there's something I can do oh price raw materials you want me to collect five iron ore where it sells iron ore usually iakis does whilst my Caravans and my uh workshops start creating cash for me to purchase another one I think I'll just try and get my Renown up so that I can get more Caravans because we are limited by now okay or it's only two yeah rice and I'm gonna have to walk around a quick way guys are in comparison to me oh great and he immediately attacked by Raiders you don't have any I know what do you pick ironos or whatever here begin our Odyssey yeah you picked me at a good time it's all part of the cost of doing business honestly we'd make so much more money for the local economy if the kings were just the sultan would uh you know protect the roads packs more garlic or all that although this might be his way of stimulating the local economy maybe that's what we should do in real life we just give all the bandits money uh for free and then hopefully they spend that in the local economy to stimulate it it's genius got silver orbital iron ore all you do have iron or arcade uh I don't I don't care let's get eight why not so far you're the Montage what it's a long time hello friend I bring you Five Loaves of iron just needed that hear that sound don't think it was oh I did all of that because I'm pretty sure I lost money on the train okay well we'll just get rid of my iron okay so here's the thing we have reached the amount of uh workshops and also this lot that we can do so aside from me spamming out our uh well existing trades we're going to try something a little bit different we are going to start smithing stuff never done this before like actually never done this before so I I don't I don't know how to how to do this but we're gonna we're gonna do it anyways we're gonna buy a bunch of raw material we'll buy some silver ore wait you're not subscribed well I think I found your mother I'll tell you what I'm gonna wielder that's Jesus Christ why is this so expensive we're gonna refine all of this we have charcoal now so now we need we need iron ore a long journey let's hope we can actually get some bloody eye in here it's all over the travel all right please tell me your iron ore how you do loads of it sweet hardwood as well and this is now our new cycle we have to rest for a while until we can do it again you want to wait a day all right so I can create some crude iron that will make wrought iron and it's so blazed there's another thing where I can buy like these cheap little daggers and such and then I can break them down myself okay uh it's been a long time it's been several hours and I've legit just been smithing oh quite a high smithing skill now I've been doing orders and that sort of stuff yeah oh it's too funny so this has been what I've been doing then I rest for a while uh but I want to sell all of my goods because actually for a while now I haven't actually been selling my my goods so I want to go ahead and do that so you can see like the the sheer amount of money that we're actually holding they have they'll have enough for my stuff I'm sure so yeah this is actually quite a viable way to make cash the only thing that limits me is or has been the hardwood um so I've actually been traveling around getting a bunch of hardwood then well it's method it feels weird to explain to people this is this is my job oh that changes a lot of things that changes a lot of things okay uh I can't carry all of this um I might have to sell I don't want to sell it all it's been I took so long to like to create all this stuff please just be a uh a guy here that I can hire the spice vendor as well oh that's good I mean she's blazed out of her mind don't care about your story right we need set up another Caravan uh I've already got one here uh it's got a car ass look I kind of want to get a uh you know what we've got a carrots I want to get another Workshop as well oh this is very exciting this job oh two masters degree in a bachelor's degree I've lost my mind it's legit been so many hours grinding for fake cash in a video game oh I haven't shown you my like traits um well the most important thing with the Renown is that there's one that gives you a mouth for uh your Caravans and so that's how I've actually been able to level up our noun uh because I did a bunch of um quests but they're just not that great uh yeah oh I should probably show what the world looks like uh yeah Rebels and such are a thing the britannians are basically gone mainly because they've got these like Rebels uh or taken over we've also spent a lot of money uh in in terms of ransoms and such but most of what money honestly come from smithing I really underrated that uh as a as a source of income because anything you craft is worth a decent chunk of change and uh well it's been it's been quite useful because also what I'll do is I'll buy material I like how it explains it explains this to you to justify the time I spent as we very slow look at this real time that's what I've been waiting for it's not like I can Tab out and do anything else what happens when I tap out I've legit been staring at the screen once this is happening anyway you can buy these weapons and then smelt them down which gives you access to more um pieces uh and like and various weapon parts that then you can create and like you saw I can usually no please not again 2000 that's fine literally nothing very slowly but I have stuck to not hiring a single troop to that I want to form a caravan oh more expensive Caravan I want to buy your oil press grab another guy and let's move on don't enter the Smithy just for all times sake I'm obsessed with it just how I made my money pick a little two-handed sword that's worth 1500 all right on a former Caravan uh give me the good one Chuck that guy in there and we move on to the next place I'm actually being able to invest a lot of our money this time oh let's uh let's get them tracked on the map all right someone else yeah just take your thousand man just shut up and just leave right I'm gonna start making what is now the super launcher you know what let's just sell all our resources like we don't need them at this point I've made my money through the smithing if I need them again I'll just buy more stuff and then Forge them especially the hardwood man I had to travel so far for that I think I level up my trade skill based off of that alone we have tripled and sometimes quadrupled the daily income the last scene at hessenfold of course he's in the easternmost one ah Christ right halfway pot 831 bro you're kind of cheap you know okay I shouldn't I should a lot nicer traveling this way though although we have it's gone under 100 000 for the first time naturally I mean instead of just investing it and there we go I'm fine again right where's the king go chat to him right so we can actually swear homage into this guy because of our Renown through just money so sure all right awesome and he's given us I don't want that I will take you though hello it's us given our uh support Fortune we're not a war with anyone which is really important because our Caravans will go everywhere this is the issue with declaring ourselves a vassal is because we have workshops all over the joint over here and over here uh meaning that if we go to walk yeah Bad News Bears why did I say Bad News Bears increase it then I'll buy a hundred by a thousand I think we did that all right let's talk to the Lord what's up I don't have enough good enough troops The Story of My Life mate what about you all right let's have a look your young Kingsman owes money okay sure what are you planning to do not inclined to play the debt you could pay uh let's we're just gonna go do that I'm gonna free your Kinsmen I'm just gonna go and pay for it I was in an era that's so far away man all right off we pop unfortunately we are absolutely rapid now we're not weighed down by well you know the Smithy tools and the copious amounts of Weaponry that we created honestly we can um probably most of Cal radio wait is that not really a pacifist thing I suppose we're not really I didn't use the weapons so I mean I'm going to cancel me man's name is scabby prockleys that's he's well he's been rinsed at Birth on me sure that's 100 easy and we gained a thousand six hundred sixteen Perfect Right the next thing we need to do is get married that's that's the next plan because uh our wife can secure us another Caravan so he's somewhere over here go all the way around to get there yeah they're clearly around here somewhere other one okay we're good we're good we're good we're good hello hello hello yep works for me brilliant you want 36 000 denars for your daughter's hand in marriage sweet I got a wife we made a lot the daughter of a king from nothing to something Mansa Musa good job lad uh thank you um where where is she where's my wife he's over here somewhere oh she's so far away oh God right let's just let's go find her yeah just take my money bro they are I mean they are hounding me they know that I'm basically a piggy bank don't even have to hit me for money to come out ah Christ oh no we're good did we all wrap it 6.2 speed no no every time I say something man I open my stupid mouth I spent 30 000 on a wife I'd have had about 300 000 at this point but uh there was another online course uh this one was trying to teach me how to be an influencer in um in calria and I dropped a lot of money on it so far the guy uh isn't responding to my Discord messages but hopefully uh soon he's got this nft collection um I've bought into it it's gonna be great and then that that'll that'll that'll change everything wait where is she wasn't where's my wife did she hear us coming and run what last scene here but she is here oh she is here okay perfect he's also absent why does she look horrified let's talk to her first I'll propose all that might benefit us both do you have anything to give me no well and your only value to me is I want you to join my party uh and then we're gonna we're gonna send you off somewhere uh let's let's go sonala let's collect fish and stuff God you actually sped me up I thought you'd Slow Me Down nice so eager to get a caravan going that I'm literally another speed Point faster are these because she has a uh a horse and I don't don't have that really expensive horse I do another 10K making our money back out of troops she's my wife after all send my wife on our way good lad off she goes I really thought I was safe why am I commanding The Defenders help me all right let's see what we can do about discussing with okay he doesn't want gold uh this is bad I don't know how to get out of this one I'm not gonna lie a nipped to the bathroom yes yes okay we did get captured hopefully they besiege it back now I had to refuse the participate in the battle no it's being besieged well I'm not not paying 30k oh I'm the new owner of something I don't even realize counts of normal use for an aren't in a murderous mood but what bro what do you mean not in a murderer's mood my wife's actually solid at trading do I have a thief where is it oh I wasn't to vote because oh I'm climb to three I'm yeah I left for a little bit uh it looks like two of my Caravans uh are dead we also have no workshops um uh yeah so basically what's happened here is I had two workshops here and one here and it looks like it looks like my boys are losing so I had a fever one point and it got it got decked Road tall I don't understand actually yeah we're gonna get our asses kicked by this I mean I tried wait where's my wife oh she's over here okay she's okay that's the rest of our companions all taken together and his evil is now been taken out this may be the end of the SRI all right they've taken do we could do about that but they took like my main base down here no matter how big I get I still have to pay off this lot uh uh and then I said oh well this is all of your mothers the people that that haven't subscribed and uh and I think they did it's a really great listeners no offense buddy but you look like a different race to the rest you know I'm not gonna get into it I just um enjoy the day well there we go we'll grab ourselves a decent Thief mainly because we're a nice guy so that's ours now we we owned this the pacifism Lads pacifism let's add 10 000 demos into this and it's 50 construction ah even though we're a lord we still have to do this oh look it's third of the hills did they take that look at listen folk because I mean we're actually a good place if he manages that all right has the pool's been taken yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to get this one I'm gonna abstain save our influence oh there's another 15K is gone oh and Rebels you might give me back my uh you might give me back my workshop that'd be great but I think that's where we're gonna leave it for today I think I would prove the point we've got our own Thief we've not fought a single battle we were taking prison once because of our refusal had to contend with uh paying for ransom every single time we've got about 50k in the bank but we have assets that are quite useful wait that means I've hired troops technically I failed that's not passive is I've got troops oh no oh Christ well I I guess eight hours of my life later it's the challenge failed oh no anyway if you did enjoy then please do make sure to like And subscribe really does help me out if you have any other ideas for band load runs um that you might want to see then I'd be happy to give them a shot I kind of want to see British Cyprus as its own kingdom and do a full-on uh multi-part campaign trying to secure our own separate area of a cal radio because there's been a lot of work done since I last played in terms of managing towns and generally in terms of the kingdoms you've got lots of different policies and stuff and I think they're a lot of fun to see how far the game has come since I last played it otherwise I will see you all next time goodbye give shout out to my patrons most importantly redguard76 Lewis Wright Ryan B the tradies blender man Crilly ghost wolf jadeau52 xiaomi Luke Matthew McCue Mike 473 Mikey Lewis original Shadow singer and Tom the support means a lot guys also here why not watch another video I mean it's it's right there just just click
Channel: Laith - TheSocialStreamers
Views: 128,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord challenge, bannerlord pacifist run, bannerlord challenge run, bannerlord ironman, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, strategy, pacifist challenge, pacifist playthrough, true pacifist walkthrough, bannerlord, Is it possible to be a PACIFIST in Bannerlord?, socialstreamers, laith, bannerlord laith, laith bannerlord, social streamers, thesocialstreamers
Id: 4V3MWdcViXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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