I Turned Death Rate Up To 100% - Bannerlord 1.1.0 AI Timelapse

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have you ever wondered what would happen to Cal radio if people actually died in combat it's a novel concept I know let's try it out for science of course here's the setup sandbox mode Banner Lord difficulty the king Slayer mod turned up to 100 for all units including Nobles and we as the player will sit off to the side not influencing what goes on in the world as always crucial data will be collected at intervals such as how many Nobles are dead Clans eliminated and towns rebelled let's get started there's always a handful of dead novels at the start nine in this case no Clans in the eliminated Tab and of course the starting map always looks the same in the early game let's go month by month since things are going to get crazy in a hurry holy cow look at the chat log it's going nuts and people are dying left right and Center it seems like every other day there's a huge battle with 10 or more Nobles Dead one thing to keep in mind here even winning a battle could be devastating if the winning side's Nobles are killed as well the first month is over and let's check in on the important stats the list of dead Nobles is huge 180 anyone dead in total which means 172 died in the first month of combat alone it'll be interesting to see how the AI reacts to losing so many Nobles in such a short period of time looking at the clan tab seven have been eliminated including one minor faction it's interesting to note all four minor faction Nobles must be killed within a day or so of each other or they will respond in Replacements so they must have all been present in one battle and lost or Britannia is taking huge losses making up four of those lost Clans Let's go for another month it doesn't seem like the pace of deaths has slowed much betanian thiefs are being passed to surviving Clans as their compatriots die off only two remain owning towns sturgia strikes out and snacks balticon from cazette in the north because they seems to be having the same issue as batania with clans being knocked off while batania is wiped off the map for good and it's not even a full two months into the campaign because of the way succession Works vlandia inherits all of the betanian thiefs that's a huge win for durther month 2 is done let's check on the stats 261 dead or 89 for the month it's close to half of the rate from the first month so things have definitely slowed down wow I was not expecting this 29 total Clans eliminated or 22 for the second month it seems the first month killed off many Nobles but the second month finished off the rest of those in the small Clans there seems to be a good amount of cazette and Empire Clans in this one we'll see how long those kingdoms last moving on to month three there's still plenty of deaths from battles and we see the first Rebellion no surprise it's in the Balkans of Cal radio AKA betania okay I was definitely not expecting that because 8 has been eliminated and their feast transferred to sturgia then only a couple days later the southern Empire kicked the bucket and Northern Empire takes over their thieves valandia managed to take back pen Canuck but then loses maranath a week later to Rebellion looking at the stats for the month we have 298 dead Nobles or 37 for the month this is almost a 200 decrease from the previous month and over 400 percent drop from the first it seems we're running out of nobles quickly 38 Clans have been eliminated in total or nine for the month with Three Kingdoms already down it's hard to imagine this kind of action continuing moving forward but let's see it's definitely calmed down a bit Western Empire lost another clan and two thiefs rebelled Macabre from sturgia and penkanok once again from blandia this time 333 Nobles in total were dead an increase of 35 for the month which is very similar to the previous month 48 clans were now gone or an increase of 10. it'll be interesting to see for how long this pace of Extinction can keep up let's speed up the pace here and cover only the big changes halfway through the next month the Western Empire took a dirt nap and all their thiefs went to you guessed it blandia some people just have all the luck 68 Nobles died this month and seven clans were eliminated by the sixth month the northern Empire was taken out and their thiefs given to sturgio all three Empire kingdoms are now gone I've never seen sturgia this strong before okay I didn't see this coming the asteri are now gone and their feasts are given to sturgia as well I didn't see any thiefs in Asteroid change hands so I'm not sure how they got stomped so hard now it's down to the last two kingdoms valandia and sturgia although sturgia has a massive advantage in thieves I stopped collecting data for dead Nobles as it wasn't changing much from month to month and it took several minutes to count and to be honest it was making me dizzy the next several years were relatively peaceful with sporadic Wars taking place without much consequence and a whole lot of rebellions popping off I don't want to spoil the ending because it's a pretty epic struggle but I'm putting timestamps Below in case you want to skip to the end where I'll cover all the stats for the entire campaign here's the full time lapse from the beginning and I'll see you at the end for the recap laughs [Music] foreign [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no in case it wasn't immediately obvious the sturgeons got wiped out while the volanteans were able to recruit rebellious Clans into their Kingdom and slowly take over the rest of the map I thought for sure this would be Sturgis time to finally shine but at least they were the main Powerhouse for some time looking at the deaths and Clan eliminations from the start to finish the majority of the action happened in the first year and then leveled off once enough Clans died out it was time for rebellions to dominate the landscape only nine years into the campaign and the final kingdom was left standing with two clans intact from there valandia spent the next nine years recruiting Rebel Clans into the kingdom and slowly taking back the rest of the world they must have passed good policies because they rarely had towns Rebel while this test was definitely on the extreme side with 100 death chance I would love to see the base death chance increase some currently it's around one to two percent depending on Armor equipped and can go even lower with a high medicine skill personally I would love to see higher Birthright rates faster aging of kids and a higher death chance from Battle they could adjust the AI to be much more careful with their armies to compensate it's so dramatic to see an epic battle that actually has an outcome on the lands rather than how it currently is you wipe out a massive Army only to have another one show up days later with the exact same Nobles what kind of death rate do you think the game should use let me know in the comments below personally I think somewhere between 10 and 20 would be acceptable if you want to avoid dying in battle check out this next video to learn better tactics while leading an army a huge shout out to all the YouTube members and patreon supporters who show their love for this content every month I appreciate you
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 148,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord
Id: ozyaF0YkQoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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