What happens if you can only use Horse Archers in Bannerlord?

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the Swift and accurate horse archers of Legend were probably one of the most terrifying opponents a man could face on the field of battle and a mountain blade panel the Crusade faction deploys these troops with great results so today we will be playing as one of them and here we are outside of the safe City walls of maquette we are playing as bad sorry of Clan vanshee and our goal is to take our small path of crusade Noble sons and make the most powerful horse Archer only warpan that katradia has ever seen the rules are super simple were only allowed to use Crusade Nomad which is the Tier 1 troops and any mounted Archer that exists in the game that means no other infantry and no other non-mounted archers were not even allowed to go with Crusade Horsemen horse Orchard only shoot and Scoot I will try to be hostile against all other factions except for the Crusades as I intend to raid from step to step Desert Snow even the Bountiful fields of landia let's see how much we can plunder as Horsemen only first up I'm gonna get a bunch of troops these guys will be upgraded to become great Horsemen currently we're only rocking nine troops after the nuts it's my own little revenue of noble sons that were like yeah I'm not gonna get to inherit the horse Throne I'll use tag along with batsurig instead let's try out our prowess against these looters gotta earn that Fame somehow back off stranger and let's see what Trump when you see a man walking up to you you think he's the one looking for truffle what are you goddamn right come here all right the key to becoming accurate horse Lord is to stay at the arms length to the enemy hey you shoot that very good through take the beginners sir you should not have tried that oh yeah I'm like you're the week with this ball as you can see horse archers are very very powerful even when used in freaky look at this we need about we can't just upgrade him from nowhere this isn't your grandma's warpaint this is new Vander mode get with the times Homer luckily I happen to know a way that we can get more to do that we need a startering roster so let's go to baltacanda and buy yourself our first match we'll also sell off a bunch of jewelry that our Nobles brought with them yes these guys literally did The Crusade version of stealing your parents credit card to buy v-bucks but these guys took the family heirlooms sold them off so that this batsuri cosplayer can fulfill his dreams of becoming a horse Lord first up who develop today the storages are famous for having huge Shields which makes them a terrible Target for attacking with horse archers I'm thinking we're not terrorize the Empire these guys are weak from having eaten grain all the time but first let's soften up some looters you best back off for being joined by orcor let's under what a step 4 can do this this Muffler horse Orchard but that's not gonna stop me I was never good at tactics anyways I shoot the bow I kill the enemy one two three sure shoot your bow don't wield the banner and here you can see them using their very special tactic that the horse archers have in this game circling around the enemy and peppering the materials let's try the lands huh come here it's sharp it's effective it's tiny I'm just pulling these looters [Laughter] is famed for its absolutely mediocre horses but they're cheap and we can buy them here and now we will force The Peasants to give us Goods bottles without a fight alright I see how it is look at that oh that's not what you want to see at the outskirt of your villager very cool with the banner I like it and I won oh sorry sir you're gonna lift the shield otherwise it doesn't do anything hello oh you seriously Village ah we'll take some prisoners we'll take a bunch of loot every if we get horses for free let's go I don't want you to know this but if you raid the Empire you can steal horses for free we're now at war with the north Empire let's upgrade our troops and enjoy our new party of only horse archers time to start the raid Here Comes lanator that's enough stuff stolen now we will Scamper back to our own step plants while narrowly avoiding other enemies We're not gonna get involved with the Crusades used yet we're striking out from the nobleman we're being our own call we can't be stuck in a structure then these Lords have forgotten the ways of the steps you need to take steps to bettering yourself by recruiting the lowly people of the villages and putting them on horses where they belong we'll build up our Mighty horde with even more of these lands and then we'll go back in and steal them out from the Empire 45 Lads that's enough don't mind me I'm just taking advantage of a massive war I'll sneak in and we'll start raiding little horse Lord don't mind me oh that's one horse that's hides I think we accidentally kill the hordes I'm sorry very good now we go to orthra they also breed horses but first let's give these horses to do very well deserving lands I'm like a horse adoption service I find horses that are stuck in Northern Empire breeding grounds and I give them to a well-deserving and loving home look at these massive Force One Day my fine sirs you too will have yourself your very own horse we're working on that oh yeah bow shooters that's another one run them through yeah the goddamn Crusade machine gun so have you been poking at me stop who left these horse here oh yeah we kill them all we even caught ourselves some new horses now let's start raiding Lads we're focusing solely on mounts stop grabbing poultry and tools Stephen put down that washing machine we don't need that we're not disturgeons gentlemen we have to leave again yet another horse the scourge of the northern Empire here you go your very own mounts could we become like dastardly cattle stealing Cowboys and just cop herself a bit of extra we're gonna go in and steal some cows that hit wow I'm doing peasant bowling ah one two three four five that's it I'm gonna drop my lands I can't see anything with it don't you have that problem too when your lens is too big and now we steal the captain I'm aiming for at least five cows tell you what I can settle for one yeah 200 bucks nice we'll pick up some more Horseless lands and then we'll head in for another eight you think we could win this I said I wouldn't get political but I think I'm gonna help out here I'll take my own little detachment let's see if we can snipe some Lords sir lay down your weapon harass their lines serenor IAL oh yeah another Lord taken out we line up here and we'll start peppering at the little Shield wall there oh my Lads are peppering fine and well I'm out of arrows nothing more to shoot get this cat effect of his horse there we go shame on a fine Horseman but better a better stage ride that's and that is wow what a quote that came out exactly like I wanted to do by Steve took on the emperor called The Retreat we're leaving we did our best we fought valiantly we must make out it is fix it uh who are you oh oh that's a bit of a problem I will try to get away it's gonna cost us 26 soldiers if that means that I may leave then I'll take it we lost so many of our cool troops though gosh darn it I can rebuild but you can never rebuild your face after a shot and arrow in it we need to build up the horse orbit so we never suffered defeat like this again I thought that would take like ages but a bunch of villages have the Crusade Raiders and we will go in and we'll steal more States I'm shot at Luke on the emperor I've pilfer the lands of their holidays now I will steal even more horses start trading we quickly need money to pay the wages lest people leave oh that is snake off with the life on the steps are you like a land pirate constantly running away from the law [Music] screaming a bit of the top and entering the northern Empire surprise hey I love it all of this slow looting and raiding is fine but I feel like we're being constantly driven away from the actual big scores we're gonna see if we can convince some of the step Raiders to come raid for us instead I promise a good steal for every man that brings us deed to us seven step Bandits all right race after them come here stop I'm trying to give you a beast opportunity oh my Lord it worked these guys are amazing we've just unlocked unlimited potential be loyal to the one that rides you and the one that you ride please stop I'm trying to give you a better life there's someone weak vasila wait for it now go go go go go stop that you will be my captive bride not talking about you gal I'm talking about this fight gentlemen don't hide the weather outside is beautiful it is time for us here are some Lords stop that woman ma'am there we go it's like putting down the rabbit dog except the dog fights back more from here I'm the calm very good we've actually become the real scourge of the northern Empire now we hunt for small Lords small Lords with big Ambitions there's one I'm Coming For You Laz meow it would be so easiest to give up now we have to waste fine ammunition turn you're awfully stuck I was so stupid of you why did you come here there we go oh well time to pick up some more horses and this circle use continued let's sell this Loot and then we'll get a bunch of gentlemen on horses now we're talking that is quite a few troops but also a very Hefty wage now we can take the fight to them your fine wears that's close enough come on Horsemen ah I hit something hi I jump up here yes I can hello Horseless my name is batsurik and I'll be your con today all proceeds from this battle goes to the Horseless all right come on get in there don't worry the mountain will stay just behind you I just want to see which one of you wants to horses the most what are you are you using is that a horse Lord against us that's it get up then ah it's been bested by them by defense I see ow shocked me hello goodbye ah you speak one target to the mass hello sir hold this arrow for people you very good we can give horses to all of these 40 Nomads our first cards guard oh wonderful not as fast as I used to be but I'm fast enough hey it's probably all of these prisoners were toting alone let's get these sold off and we'll go back to picking of Lords we'll buy a Carol that's a really expensive horse but ah if the speed is unmatched I look at the terrifying hiding in the shadows like that come here I wish to purchase your fine Wares this is the horde of batsu revanching and we will take your goods love it everything you can steam take everything you can take steal so is that a crossbow I think it's time we step up our goals a bit all right our horde has grown to an immense size and we have spent most of our fortune on getting warm out to our soldiers not just mounts warm out we are rocking a bunch of tour good just a few steps away from the cansco tribal Warriors and a few Nomads that are yet to gain their horses but our horde carries a lot of horses with it look at how many War mounts we have every one of these that has like a laminate armor has a horse worth at least 500 gold now let me show you what we can do we can raid and what can you do varasis nothing kiss Daniel watch YouTube okay that's too many I'm gonna leave I want to take a castle is it even possible more upgrades acquired we are truly Unstoppable a horse Lord horde with enough men to stump anyone that opposes us let's see about getting a bunch of silver ore I'm gonna read this thing to the ground and no matter what order me opposes me I will never ever love the silver of the Islam shall pay for our next Conquest I want to take an entire Castle I I was just kidding about the not rounding part I need to leave now a golden opportunity trout towards me I have to kill you God it's been a while it certainly has but this time you're not gonna best me my entire horse Lord Army we will Thunder Over the steps we will step on them and this come scene is really fast push dab Papa wait for them to come excuse me coming through today we kill Lucan we get our Vengeance George we will plot out the sun with the arrows foreign I shot that man in the balls oh yeah hey you we did it let's go and there he is [Music] we have an army of 239 horse born lands having gone from nine Noble saads all the way up to 79 chords cards these guys are unstoppable but now we will try the impossible we will take Gauss cast this will be our biggest challenge yet attacking a castle is nearly impossible with Cavalry but we will do it we will take this Castle or we will die trying because there is a lot of troops I don't know you you self name yourself rat I'm gonna kill you outnumber three two one this is the ultimate test of our Riders perfect battle conditions an open field my friends this is it we must face them an enemy so numerous that it takes the title horn yet we are the horse Lords and we will win Force Lords assemble fire your arrows your high Shields are nothing come here ah I will kill any Lord that opposes me you're a fake horse Archer your Shields mean nothing you can only hold them in One Direction and I will shoot from every direction and start shopping a nightmare to fight does a horse or two but I will nightmares are made to be bested is cheap peppering arrows in there I am the rat exterminator ah I need to retreat ah I see it's chaotic over there spread troops but the lake rats they seem to be bested so many good men lost but then con scored at one more kill that I I missed ah perfect I can't believe it we're investing then rats and I will run you down oh my Lord we've done it you are all my prisoners so much loot we have no choice but to do it they're coming for us we will lead an assault gentlemen God's guard we will take this Castle from them we have slain the emperor come see I must follow my men for today we are not horse archers but foot archers with horses in the back we are the best archers that you've ever seen come here get up there now why sir catch boobs haha don't let him run hey yeah calm scarves attack them gates open and we've done it the castle is ours finally a place to rest our horses [Laughter] oh they're hello there Saloon ah see you doing fine job torturing people here I like it only puss you thought very good oh you're a lucky one we will leave them throughout there if you can grab them before they starve the rewards I'm going home to knock him and alas we return home to my camera a beautiful land a beautiful place and that my friends is going to have to be the end of this video horse archers only in battle Lord absolutely broken probably one of the most powerful Army compositions that you can have Unstoppable unrelenting the cons guard is probably the strongest unit in the game with the unmatched ability of range combat and the heavy glaves for multi-target attacking they are a very formidable foe against any opponent hope you like this video If You did leave a like consider subscribing and while you're doing that tell me in the comments what would you like me to do next if it only seems a bit boring but what about mercenary only or maybe even women until then wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
Channel: Koifish
Views: 177,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, archer only bannerlord, archers only bannerlord, bannerlord challenge, mount and blade archers only, mount and blade archer only, mount and blade 2, bannerlord archers, bannerlord archer, bannerlord best archer, bannerlord archer army, bannerlord horse archer, bannerlord horse archer only, horse archer only, bannerlord khuzait, bannerlord horse archer tactics, koi fish bannerlord, bannerlord koifish
Id: jP1cVHtS8YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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