Is He Dateable? | JD Rodgers

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[Music] so [Music] first off before we get started here in dallas texas i want to welcome my porch live locations of the night welcoming porch live greater lafayette porch live boise porch live cincy we all just helping our friends tonight listening online watching in the porch live locations of course my friends here in dallas welcome if this is your first time at the porch welcome we are venturing into night two of our dating series that we are calling dateable last week dmarv had a strong start where he just asked the question hey are you dateable we did kind of a self-reflection kind of introspective look at ourselves to decide hey should i even be dating right now and the next two weeks we're gonna get a little bit spicy and turn up the notch a little bit because we're gonna ask the questions is he dateable and next week is she dateable and so tonight i have is he dateable and ladies we're taking a look at the fellas but don't look too hard i'm excited and i want to go and address kind of like the elephant in the room have you ever had one of those conversations where like you know you have a roommate that doesn't do the dishes and you're talking with your other roommate and you're like that roommate walks by and you're like yeah someone would do the dishes and you're like wanting them to hear but like not address them that's kind of how i feel right now like i'll be talking to the ladies answering the question if he is dateable or not but fellas this talk is for you and this talk is not to make you feel shame it's not making you make you feel guilt like there's some unrealistic mountain that you can't climb you have to be perfect that is not my goal here like picture us right now fellas in a huddle i'm like okay here's the play let's go change the world let's go lead women let's go be awesome men of god stack hands let's do this that's what i hope comes from this talk that you are motivated you are inspired by god and his design and his call on your life as a man to pursue and lead women the way that he has called us to and so i hope this excites you not frightens you ladies i hope this enlightens you to answer the question is he really dateable so i remember a time that i had to answer the question if i was dateable last december i drove to arkansas to take a girl that is now my fiance her name is jenna um yeah getting married new year's eve cannot wait it's gonna be a time but i met her i drove to arkansas i heard about her she worked for the porch live location there her reputation preceded her i went drove we had a fun night karaoked hung out with some friends i brought some guys with me she brought some girls with her and we had coffee the next morning i got that you know one-on-one the next day she approved and then we had a four-hour coffee and i'm like this is this is in game this is the one i knew i had found her but i knew that in order for me to ask her to be my girlfriend which i was planning to do new year's eve this past year i had to ask her parents because my dad raised me fellas this is just free advice this isn't even my notes this is for you take this with you when i was in like i don't know 10th grade i wanted to like go and like ask girl to be my girlfriend and my dad was like well if you're going to ask the girl you got to go ask her dad first for permission in 10th grade me is like what and i was so nervous and he said son what kind of dad would let you you think that man would let you just walk in his house take his lawnmower start it up and walk around with it no you have to ask her permission he want to know do you know how to operate this machine how much more how much more does he think that you would or could you think that he would let you walk into his house and take out his daughter and date his daughter and lead his daughter i'm not calling girls machines but what i am saying what i am saying is that if a dad values a lawnmower how much more does he value his princess and you need to make sure that you ask him for permission so fellas you want to go and start off on the good lists you want to be like top 10 of men ask the parents for permission so i thought i thought this was going to be an easy thing i texted i got the number i'm still i'm sitting here 27 nervous as heck texting mom and dad also her mom's here tonight kitkat what's up and teach your mother-in-law getting those brownie points and so i text them and i'm like hey we'd love to talk they know what's coming they're not they're seeing right past the bull crap and so i'm like we'd love to set up a call and talk to y'all about something regarding jenna and i'm thinking this is going to be just so easy a quick two-minute call they're going to just be flattered that i would even ask and like what guys do that i thought chivalry was dead let me tell you what happened i get on the phone and i'm like hey i'm not really good at small talk so i'm like let's just cut to the chase i want to ask jenna to be my girlfriend this new year's eve and before i do that of course wanted to ask you for your permission and i just want to give you the opportunity to ask me any questions if you had any i'm thinking they're going to be like no thank you for asking go she said glad you asked and i hear this notepad open up and i start hearing writing i'm like what's she already writing like 15 ums already you know informal presentation i'm like what's what is she saying and so she opens up this notepad and we proceed to take the next hour and a half just drilling me with questions and i'm like okay i'm answering these i'm not you know getting hit i'm like i'm staying in the game i'm answering them all we talk about boundaries we talk about what community in my life looks like we talk about accountability sin patterns you know what my story all these different things why why did we spend an hour and a half doing that because her she katherine and her husband value their daughter and the more you value something the higher expectations you have of how it's treated and so they wanted to make sure are you dateable not because you have to be perfect not because it's something that you can do but do you have jesus in you and does he mark your life in such a way that you have committed everything to him and that you are leading yourself so that you could lead our daughter because they knew the way that i operated now and who i was today as a man was gonna impact who she would become as a woman if i were to date and lead her so they had a lot of questions because they valued their daughter and what i want every single person here to take away tonight if you don't hear anything else i want you to walk away understanding your value in the eyes of your heavenly father god i want you to know that you are worth more than what culture says you are worth more than what that guy that bum has treated you like you are worth more than being cheated on you are worth so much and you have so much value because every single one of you are made in the image of god and so because you have extreme value marked on your life there should be expectations for how you are treated and how you treat your life and who you date will have huge implications on your today and on your forever so you need to make the decision wisely lazy ladies you need to make sure that you are asking the right questions is he dateable and so what we're going to do here tonight is just like jenna's parents asked me questions to determine if i was dateable and good for her their daughter we're gonna look at god's word and see what he would have to say and the questions that he would have us ask to find out if we as men are dateable to date his daughters ladies these are the questions that you should be asking to see if he is dateable to date you so three questions and i know when i say looking at god's word you might be thinking well wait y'all say all the time that god's word doesn't address dating so what do you mean by that and i want to say that god's word yes it does not say the word dating or thou shalt date this way or ask out this way but what it does talk about a lot is the institution of marriage and because we believe here that you should only be dating if you're heading towards the destination of marriage we look at what god has to say about marriage and we use those practices and those foundations to mark how we date so that we can prepare for his desire for us to be married in a god honoring so that's what i'm going to do tonight so the first question we're going to ask the first question for my notetakers is this who's leading him if you're a guy write down who's leading me who's leading him and ladies i want to make sure i first and foremost address that you want to make sure that you know who's leading him and that the answer is not you because that's not your job and i think a lot of times ladies like the job of leading their men or they think somewhere deep down it's up to them to determine his spirituality and his spiritual walk with god you think okay well i know that i have a relationship with god and i know that he's kind of wishy-washy and he doesn't really read his bible or you know he does call himself a christian but he doesn't really go to church but if he dates me and he starts to give me his heart that's what gave him my heart and we start to fall in love i can help him i can get him into church i can lead him in the way i can lead him towards jesus and sure maybe maybe you could be of help to him but you are sacrificing something good or something great for something mediocre outside of god's design because god's design is this first corinthians 11 3 says i want you to understand that the head of every man is christ so christ is up top and the head of a wife is her husband christ husband and the head of christ is god this does not mean that because the head of a woman is her husband that the man is the leader that the woman is of any less significant value it does not mean that she is any less important what it does mean is that this is not a matter of rank but role god has given us roles for a reason to help us because he understands our makeup in wiring thank god he designed women differently than men he designed women in a way that men are there to help lead and by the way every biblical term in the bible when it talks about leadership here is referring to servant leadership you're not finding yourself some chief head honcho who loves to wave authority over you or dictate your decisions or control you you are finding in the ultimate server because if christ is lord of his life christ we see in philippians that he was the ultimate servant he came down and humbled himself from heaven onto earth he was all about serving and so if we're following and leading by his example we are chief servants we are constantly seeking to serve women by leading them our leadership at the foundation is constantly thinking what can i do to better her to love her to care for her not for myself but for her but who he leads will determine how he leads you and so you to ask yourself who or what is leading him because if christ is not leading him do not let him lead you second corinthians 6 14 says do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers for what partnership or what relationship has righteousness with lawlessness or what fellowship has light with darkness they're just giving the case here that hey like it's impossible for light and dark to like co-exist you can't do it and so when you try to have a relationship that is both god honoring and others focused it's impossible if you have someone who is following god and being led by god and someone who's not it doesn't work because the bible says in first john that god is love so if someone doesn't know god how can they know how to properly love how can they as they're just making the case here hey if you think that it's up to you to lead them you will eventually be following them because that's not your role that's not your job women and asking the question if he's dateable ask yourself who's leading him who's informing his decisions what does he follow what informs his thinking in his patterns is it christ is it himself is it you is it people who are bad influences is it culture you want to know that it's christ leading him and i don't mean an instagram bio or like the cross necklace or the cross tat i mean like jesus is lord of his life and i don't have to like explain it to you i really think you know what i'm talking about and you can try to make excuses for him but deep down you know who's leading him and you've got to know it's christ but i also know that it is getting harder and harder to actually know on the outside if the guy is legit because what his hinge profile bio says doesn't match up all the time with who he follows on instagram and how he lives and acts and i know that and it's like where are the actual godly guys i want an actual god the guy where are they where are they where are they i'm going to answer here's how you can know don't look at the bios don't look on the outside don't look at his words look at his heart do a heart check so here's just a quick way to remember in heart checking first check his habits what are his tendencies what are his hurts and hang ups does he have addictions that control and rule his life what does he do over and over what are the patterns in his life negative or positive say about who he is what are his expectations talk about what he expects in a relationship is he working towards the expectation that is the destination of marriage or does he just want to play games if he can't stand the heat he needs to get out of the kitchen ask him his expectations a affections what are his affections towards what does he care about what is important to him like what does he talk about what does he spend his like hours on hours doing is it work video games sports women lots of women like what are his affections next his reputation what are those around him and in close proximity around him say about him what is the reputation that precedes him is it like man that guy like he can throw some back on the weekends like or that guy he's been with like every girl or like oh mark everyone knows mark like what's his reputation is it someone that has the aroma of christ is it someone that is known for being led by christ and then lastly his time what does how he spends his time say about what he cares about does he spend his time following jesus reading his bible praying in church serving giving back pouring in relationally diving deep with people what does his time say about what he cares about because we spend time doing the things we care about so when you examine his heart his heart will tell you what leads him it's like when we talk about this idea of like making sure you know what's leading them have you ever followed someone who has no idea where they're going in a car like is the most frustrating thing and sometimes you notice when it's like too late that happened to us today actually with some girls on our staff um we uh we just driving and next thing you know you're taking an exit and you're like i thought that was okay but then you're going and then you call and you're like are you looking at maps do you know where you're going like how are you getting where are we going and they're like oh my gosh i took the wrong exit and you're like why didn't you just look at the maps well i didn't want to type in the address you know and it's just okay i'm following someone who has no idea where they're going like there's nothing leading them and the destination nowhere the same with men who are not being led by christ if he's not being led by jesus your destination will probably end at a dead end or you'll be lost searching and frustrated so make sure that you know that you know that he is being led by jesus and if he isn't following jesus and he is not letting jesus take hold of his life and shape everything about him do not let him lead you he is not dateable if he is not being led by jesus the next question question number two is he faithful or flaky and i want to have some fun with this one is he faithful or flaky because i think millennials we kind of have this like rap for being flaky people we're scared of commitment we're scared of being tied down we're like single till 30 at least we we just like if i want to show up to the party i will i know i said i'd be there like but this bubble bath is feeling good got a glass of wine like we can be flaky people and that's all fun and we laugh at it until we encounter it with someone that we like and their flakiness is what defines them and we're impacted by that inability to commit the inability to be faithful as a man and i hear so many girls say man like where are the godly men where are the godly men at and yet all they hang out with is boys all they do okay okay but i'm just saying where you spend your time who you spend your time with that's the result you're gonna get and so don't claim with your mouth to want a man and all you do is hang out with boys be where the men are and just because we're at the porch doesn't mean everyone hears a man okay let me just say that you already know that though okay but got me off track and the idea of being faithful or flaky ask these questions like is he passive is he committed does he do what he say he's going to do does he show up when he says says he'll show up does he follow through with his commitments does he communicate is he snapchatting other women ask these questions and ask yourself is this guy faithful or flaky james 5 12 put it this way by but above all my brothers do not swear either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath but let your yes be yes and your no be no so that you may not fall under condemnation boys are flaky men are faithful men do what they said they're gonna do men follow through paul gives us this charge as men in first corinthians 16 13-14 he says men be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong let all that you do be done in love when you are messing with a girl's emotions by being flaky that is not the attitude and the attributes of a man that's like boy vibes you want to be a man you want to be who you say you are and i want to address something that we get asked about a lot here and if you follow jp former director they i mean girls ask this every friday q a he has without fail and i'm like i'm about to give the answer i'm about to say it loud and proud once and for all you never have to ask again everyone asks this idea about ghosting and they say jp or porch if he ghosts me should i keep trying should i keep like pursuing should i stick around because like what he does it's like it's like he dangles a tree and i'm like oh this is nice and then like boom vanishes and then like right when i'm like i'm done with him he comes back and i'm like oh this is nice and then go back and forth like if he ghosts me should i leave here's the answer i'm serious ladies repeat after me ready if he ghosts me he needs the holy ghost ready if he ghosts me he needs the holy ghost okay he needs the holy ghost and you need to say bye because men of god aren't flaky they're not ghosting they are intentional and i'm not saying this doesn't mean that he's not a christian i'm saying that he is not mature enough to be leading you as a man because men act like men men are strong men are followed by their faith not their feelings or emotions men pursue with love and clarity and kindness guys i'm about to like bring my attention to you for just a second like again if you do these things i'm about to say what okay do this i don't know why god made women this way but it is in every woman's dna to overthink they are constantly wandering about everything it's a beautiful part of who you are embrace it but they're constantly overthinking and so your job as a man is to take her 1000 thoughts and conduce them to one bring them down to one thought that's what you do and how you do that is through something called communication okay listen here's how you communicate to a woman ladies if he does this he's probably dateable first you approach them with clarity you're clear on what you're about to say next you handle it with care and then lastly you say it with conviction you mean what you say and say what you mean and you know why you're saying what you're saying okay clarity care conviction if you do that she'll respond with the three r's she'll receive what you have to say reflect on it and respond accordingly okay so you want to practice the three c's and how you practice the three c's will say everything about her three r's how you communicate will determine her response why because you're the leader and you want her to feel confident and clear and understanding hey this is who he is this is his plan for us this is what we're doing he is faithful not flaky there was a time in our relationship me and jenna uh where i was playing the most epic proposal of all times behind the scenes and it's like really hard to be like communicating often when you're like lying a lot and like hiding and hiding things behind the scenes and like i'm like being distant because she's like what you doing and i'm like blowing up balloons and i'm like oh nothing and so i was kind of distancing myself i'll admit it and as i'm no pro i'm planning to propose and commit my life to this woman she has the audacity to say one day do you like me and i'm like what do you mean do i like you and she's like i don't know i just feel like lately it's been different like do you like me in that moment i could have chose to be like what i'm over here dropping money i'm over here planning i'm over here doing everything to just demonstrate my love for you but i thought about it and i'm like okay in the pursuit to do this i have kind of let down my leadership and i've like let my guard down a little and so i looked at her fellows and i practiced the three c's i looked to her and i said with clarity hey i really like you and i said it with care and with conviction i said girl it's you and only you my eyes are only on you no one else i'm not going anywhere else just you wait and see and she took that she received it reflected she's like maybe you were overthinking a little and like maybe you know he really like that phone call the other night was actually really good and then she responds accordingly because that's what happens when men are faithful that's what happens when men lead women are waiting for men to step up and lead and guys i get it wrong all the time do not hear me say like hey be like me i'm not saying that what i'm saying is is be like christ be like jesus whatever that looks like for you in your context of your relationship be it be god's men act strong be like men but ladies i think while i was prepping i was just thinking i think a lot of times like sadly the reason why we keep coming back to these men who hurt us and ghost us and are flaky it could be for a few reasons one fear you have a fear that you're going to be forever alone and so you begin to lower your standards and compromise and you also have this fear and this thought telling you well like what if there's not someone better than this another reason that you might tolerate a guy who's not dateable is excuses you become an expert excuse maker where you say well he just it was just a mistake he just messed up one time well just two times well just three times just four times and you become an expert at making excuses for him because you'd rather have a guy who yeah like he's not leading you well but at least you're not alone and again fear is dictating your actions which are excuses and you deserve better than that or lastly maybe it's your identity there's something in your identity that does not believe that you deserve a man that i'm describing that you don't deserve a man to wholeheartedly in a god-honoring way pursue you with clarity and love and gentleness it's because like there's something in you that thinks like you know this is all about me it's all about who i am like my identity i deserve this i deserve this but the reason why you want a man to pursue you this way is not to do with anything regarding who you are but who's you are that because you are not you but a daughter of him that's why you want to be pursued this way your identity is not founded in yourself the bad or the good what you don't deserve or what you think you deserve because your identity is founded in jesus that's why you deserve to be pursued and led by someone who has given their heart to jesus and so i'd ask you tonight when considering if he's dateable first consider hey it's fear making excuses because something's wrong with your identity it's placed in something other than jesus because flakiness isn't what marks a man that's stateable faithfulness does so if he's not all in if he is not committed and all in with you get out question number three is he committed to your purity over his pleasure oh is he committed to your purity over his pleasure because y'all purity matters god cares a lot about how we use our bodies he cares a lot about how we act sexually in a world that tells you that you can do what you want when you want that the idea of not having sex before dating or engaged or married it's just crazy to think like you mean to tell me that y'all haven't tested your sexual chemistry that is cultures lies that are feeding you and forming your decisions that is not what god would have for you in that when you follow that ideology that you have to be sexually compatible to be with someone you are setting yourself up for a lifelong commitment to unmet expectations and hurt because that's not god's design that's not what should attract you to someone that's not what should make someone significant to you or worth dating to you it has nothing to do with that but god does have a lot to say about how we utilize pleasure how we utilize sex and so here's what a couple of verses hebrews 13 4 it says let marriage be held in honor among all when you make the decisions to honor god in your dating life you are following this command because how you date prepares you for how you're married so you're letting marriage be held in honor among all and what does that look like it says and let the marriage bed be undefiled aka don't have sex before you're married for god will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous first corinthians 6 18 says this run from sexual sin no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does for sexual immorality is a sin against your own body don't you realize again he brings it back to value not keeping something from you informing you about what you're worth don't you realize that your body is the temple of the holy spirit who lives in you and has given was given to you by god you do not belong to yourself you don't get to decide if you are a christian you are signing up to be christ-like not what you want what he wants because you trust him because you love him because you surrendered to him and so you say right here hey we i don't belong to myself for god has bought me with a high price the price of his one and only son jesus so i must honor god with my body this shows me that god if he puts this in the bible it means he cares a lot about it he cares a lot about how we use our bodies and who we give our bodies to why genesis chapter 2 we see the first institution of marriage it says therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife or lay with his wife and they shall become one flesh one flesh we call those things soul ties connection and i know you think that when you get to a certain point of intimacy it's now time for you to act physically and that is the product that is sex you have sex with someone to show them that you care about them or some of you think no you just have sex with someone because you're both just like want to find pleasure but god is saying here it's so much more than that i designed this to be to have so much pleasure on the other end but i'm asking you to trust me with how you do it and when you do it and who you do it with and he would say here that you do it with one person your spouse after you're married why have you ever thought that the reason why maybe you can't get over your ex or that person still holds such like a weird place in the back of your mind and in your heart is because you both chose pleasure over purity and you gave yourself to them and y'all started to connect at a soul level because that's what god intended for sex to be but you did it outside of marriage therefore you ended it and you broke up and you move on and yet you wonder why your heart hasn't moved on because you have gone outside god's bounds and you've given yourself to them on a deep deep intimate level and you can you can't find yourself being able to separate from it that's why god cares he's like if you would just choose to trust me you're going to get the most pleasure ever but do it my way i am the inventor i know everything about you your makeup your wiring i know everything and i ask you to trust me with this but i think it's really hard for us to believe that it's worth the wait that it's worth choosing to operate from a place of purity not pleasure it's like this i think a lot of times we as men we like let's say sex is a sexist fire okay is that who sung that sexism it's like let's imagine sex is fire and i think we are naturally wired as men to treat it i don't speak for women maybe women too honestly to treat it like this though everyone knows what this does to fire especially men just like we like sex we like lighter fluid for whatever reason and so we go we put something down we light a match and we're like and we watch it like and it's like awesome it does something to us as a man it brings us pleasure it's weird i know but the problem with this is is this never creates a fire that lasts ever yeah it creates a huge spark it creates a show it makes you feel alive for a moment but that fire will never last and you claim to want a love that lasts yet you're operating with this and you're coming and you're like oh fire and it blows up and that's sex you're like oh a problem let's have sex and sex becomes your solution to your problems or oh we haven't felt really connected and so let's have sex and oh we're back together oh we're cuddling again oh we're intimate again and there's this cycle because sadly i think now women have found pleasure in giving their man pleasure why because that's the time that he gives you attention and so what happens is this like vicious cycle begins where if you want attention and you feel empty you know if you give him pleasure that equates to attention and so now you're giving he's giving you attention you give him pleasure he then gives you attention and you're just feeding each other and just going but eventually this is going to run out and this won't be enough and you're not warm you don't feel safe it's just a quick fix and it's become your source but that source runs out and so you get rid of the bottle and you have to go get a new one but what god intended was that your dating life is heading towards experiencing sex in an amazing way in marriage like god is so pro-sex he invented it but what he asked us to do is to take time building the fire in our dating relationship spending time pursuing purity not pleasure spending time being focused on what she needs to care for her soul and to not hurt her and to damage her and when you spend time building this fire and preparing this fire when marriage comes you get to set it ablaze and i know that we're all thinking man it's going to be amazing those that are waiting i'm so proud of you keep waiting keep going keep pursuing purity but the reality is is if you choose to spend your dating life honoring her by being committed to her purity over your pleasure you're going to create a fire that is warm inviting and that last you're creating a space for a love that will last because you chose to date with the right priorities and you can keep adding and adding and adding and i'm not going to act like the struggle ain't real like i'm in it right now like i see marriage on the horizon but the struggle is real today i know that but you know what's more of a real struggle is when you cross those boundaries and create those soul ties and then leave her and she feels used that's a worse struggle and so make the commitment today men to honor her purity over your own pleasure women wait for someone who's going to see you as someone that he wants to protect and provide for not to only get pleasure from psalm 119 9 says how can a young person stay pure by obeying your word by listening to everything i've read and saying god i know what i feel i know what i want but i'm going to trust you i'm going to lead her by following you i'm going to choose to be a faithful man of god and not a flaky boy and i'm going to choose her purity over my pleasure because your word tells me to because i trust in your design and ladies if he trusts in god's design he is dateable because he sees your value as a daughter of god so i want to close with this i start off by saying that the one thing i want everyone to walk away with tonight is understanding their value and that verse that talks about hey don't you understand that you have been bought with a high price paul is talking there about how god sent his son jesus to die for our sins and i know that in talking about sexual past and all these different things like some people can feel like hey i'm not worthy of this kind of relationship or some of you can feel like hey i could never be that kind of person if only you've known what i've done if you've known the relationships i've been in if you knew these things and i'm telling you that the blood of jesus covers every sin you've committed that no matter your sexual past no matter if you've given yourself away no matter if those boundaries have been crossed because of jesus and his death burial and resurrection you are new that's the beauty of why we gather that's the beauty of why we're here is i'm here tonight to tell you that this doesn't have to be your story that because of jesus you can be new that no matter how you've been dating no matter how you view relationships no matter how you viewed women or women you've viewed men or yourself you can be new tonight because it's never been about you it's been about what jesus has done for you and because of what he's done for you he now calls you son and daughter and so i pray that every single one of you would act like it like you would live like you were bought with a price that you are of value of the god of all creation the king of kings and the lord of lords because the more you see your value the more you see your worth the more you will live in your calling and your purpose and for the girl here tonight who has been hurt by men who are acting like boys who have claimed one thing and been another i want to say on behalf of men i'm sorry and jesus can heal you and make you new and you are worth being pursued by a man who is dateable who loves god for my men for my brothers if you've been one of the guys that i'm talking about a guy who has not been leading women well i know that behind every one of your poor dating decisions and choices and ways is not a dating problem it's a deeper problem maybe dating was never modeled for you maybe divorce was a part of your story and you saw what was supposed to be a committed relationship fall apart it had effects on you maybe the people around you have told you to date a certain way and you've done another or maybe you have one one point connected emotionally with a woman and she broke up with you cheated on you rejected you and you never want to feel that rejection and hurt again and so you have chosen to stiff-arm women and to keep yourself emotionally unattached from them resulting in hurting them but pleasing yourself and you've never been the same because you've never healed from that hurt that can change for you tonight every single one of you tonight has the opportunity to be healed by jesus to be made new by jesus and if you would be marked by jesus you will be dateable he will be dateable let's pray father i ask in your name that you would come and show us where we are not being who you called us to be would you help women tonight make the courageous step of saying no more i'm seeing my value i'm seeing my worth and i'm changing how i live i'm changing who i follow and i'm changing who leads me from this day forward men god i pray for the men tonight that they would they would see their calling and their purpose and the opportunity they have as a man to step up and that when they step up they're not forsaking something they're stepping into something so fruitful and something so adventurous and something so much better than continual hurt and pain and longing may that story end for them tonight i pray that you would raise up godly marriages in dallas texas that this would be the ministry that is marked by people who say we're going to be different we're going to be led by jesus not culture we're going to pursue purity and not pleasure we're going to be faithful men and women of god and god would you be honored by that thank you that it's not up to us to be the perfect boyfriend or girlfriend or husband or wife but because of you we can be made new and live like you've called us to live if there's someone here tonight who's never entered into that relationship i pray that they would stop the search for a guy or girl and start the search for an abiding intimate relationship with you because there is nothing sweeter nothing greater you know the needs of this room right now but you come and do what you do and then i pray amen
Channel: The Porch
Views: 11,624
Rating: 4.9093485 out of 5
Keywords: the, porch, dallas, watermark, community, church, christian, christianity, ministry, movement, fort, worth, faith, sermon, dating, truth, bible, advice, biblical, counsel, jonathan pokluda, the porch, watermark community church, young adults, fort worth, david marvin, todd wagner, the bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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