is Godzilla Minus One a masterpiece?

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[Music] hi everyone it's Nadia jig this is Buddy Sedona and Babu is right outside and today we're going to talk about Godzilla minus one it was one surprising film first of all I love Japanese films I haven't really watch any previous Godzilla film so I didn't really know what to expect and I will say right off the bat I give this movie 10 out of 10 it was so I like cried I don't usually cry in haters I cry at home all the time but I have usually more self-control cuz there are other people watching me and I don't want to you know I cried and it was so emotional and so well done I was just so pulled into that world like some some scenes were predictable for sure but it was just like it pulls you in with emotions it's not just like oh this monster we got to kill like it really shows you about life Japan in World War II and the devastation of those that that war it's like one of the best movies I've seen all year and it was so refreshing to watch because we've seen some good movies this year for sure but sometimes it's like oh man there's there really no not a lot of good movies out there I was like finally this was really nice you know and I can't wait till it comes out and I really want to get this on DVD what else do you think well no I think you are totally accurate you know the fact that like I mean there's a lot of good movies but they aren't necessarily in this mode of like epic action storytelling with a heart you know like these kinds of things that we know Spielberg James Cameron for you know just like felt like traditional storytelling done really well there was meaning behind every scene you know and it it was tackling very deep serious subjects and one thing I admired the movie while I was sitting there going like wow this is a lot of slow scenes you know this is a lot of slow scenes but I didn't feel the audience pulling away in fact I it seemed like it was just making it more absorbing and if anything it's a reminder that Hollywood films today if anything they're missing that slowness that reminded me a little bit of like uh Avatar the way of water you know like there's some slower scenes in building but you have to build things for people to care about what's going on especially like I haven't seen many Godzilla movies but the ones I've seen it's mostly focused on the action and on blowing things up and that can be fun but um the human characters are usually an afterthought and a lot of people are saying this about movie but it felt very true to the subject of Godzilla since the whole story you know was spawned out of post to Japan and is a commentary on the atomic era and everything so it felt very fitting and Godzilla as like a manifestation of this character's PTSD and guilt and um kind of the collective guilt and Trauma of uh Japan after the war was really amazing and the way they set up the family Dynamic was unique um it wasn't just a typical like oh he has a wife and daughter that he loves like they you spend time seeing their family get built from scratch like it's their whole story and you don't see a lot of that except in like Classic Hollywood movies where they're just like they keep the pace going and they're like all right we're going to follow this person's life and then we're going to bring in like the main conflict and just getting that was really satisfying and it made the Godzilla scenes 10 times more thrilling 10 times more scary you know like Godzilla was actually scary in this film I thought I didn't find him scary I found him cute okay I don't know I found him really cute but I that setpiece in the ocean when Godzilla's chasing their boat like that was yeah he was just playing with his toy I heard the director was inspired by jaws and you can kind of I've never seen Jaws you got to see jaws but I I am scared to see jaws but also like you had multiple Dynamics where you have like his family Dynamic where he has the the woman he loves and her the daughter you know and they're kind of like makeshift family un unit that's really beautiful and touching and the neighbor is really nice the neighbor you kind even she has like a character Arc you know you see how she goes get into that until we'll get into that just spoilers but you have that and then you have this like um guys on a mission you have the camaraderie of like um the guys he works with you know so you have like this work life you have this family life seeing them meet together it was I was so engaged just in the story and as I was watching it I was going man if if Godzilla wasn't even in this movie i' I'd be enjoying this film yeah I think that's a good point I didn't feel like it was a Godzilla film alth even though it's a Godzilla film there was already so much story and so so much emotion and really good substance in the characters in the storyline within itself of living through the war what it means whatever else everyday life that it was just like Godzilla is just going to mess it up a little bit more but he's not necessarily like driving um the emotions I don't know how to explain it like a consequence of something that was already moving yeah I would say this is one of my favorite movies of the year I'd give it like an eight or a nine and and some people might say like it was too sentimental in Parts maybe I didn't see that I feel like they earned you know they're dealing with the biggest events World War II the atomic era drama it's about com comicazi pilot you know like it's it's very very heavy subject some stuff that maybe people are like oh that was kind of cheap but I thought the way they did the ending the way the themes tied together it felt honest it felt like they really earned it they put the time in that I was like a wreck by the end of it I was like trying not to cry because it was so moving and and so well done not just the the act the final action set piece is fantastic Star Wars level almost like classic Star Wars in a way which is weird to say but you know there's flying there's all sorts of elements the ocean the sky you know Godzilla like it's just so creative the way they're building this action set piece it reminded me very much of like a James Cameron thing because it's so big so overthe top but so uh clear the stakes are built you know there's scenes where we're seeing almost like a top gun Maverick also kind of reminded me of that the way they nailed the ending they set up this is the plan this is the execution this is the geography of how it's going to work and then seeing it go the way it does it's just it's brilliant the way it it just brings the audience in and we're engaged we're participants so nailed everything like I'm just so impressed with this movie um the fact that it was made on a pretty very low budget compared to Blockbusters made in Hollywood you know it's incredible but I'm not that's not to uh like dismiss the movie as like oh it was great for a $15 million movie like no it was just great period shall we get into spoilers we shall 3 two 1 spoilers all right so I love the character Arc for all everyone um especially the main characters the guy who was a kamazi pilot it was really interesting that he escaped quote unquote his duty um and then went to an island where ultimately his actions indirectly um ended up getting a lot of mechanics killed he was blamed and from a surviving mechanic but even a character as small as the surviving mechanic because when he first arrives on the island the mechanic's like hey there's nothing wrong with your plane but hey I don't blame you like we're losing the war like I don't you for not wanting to go kill yourself for a lost cause like Godzilla like smaller Godzilla lizard Godzilla shows up on the island and kills everyone after that happens then the mechanic is like you're a coward I hate you because he has personal experience with that and I thought that was so brilliant that even he had an arc throughout the movie of forgiving him of learning of you know valuing life and like that's so interesting because when you see in the beginning you know the main character he went from like being a coward hating himself to really like being the hero and saving everyone from Godzilla Big Arc there and also um I love the Arc of his girlfriend quote unquote you know she is with him because the circumstances are easy she accept someone else's baby and they raise them raise the baby as their own there's a love interest there but he like the guy is's not acting on it because he feels so ashamed of himself that he doesn't find himself worthy when he tells her that he was a comicazi pilot you know she's like oh man you know I can't believe you did that kind of judgmental look but at the same time she's like forgiving of him and she goes at the end you know they think she's dead at the very end it turns out she's alive she loses an eye and she goes did you win your your War are you done with your War like she's talking about really like internal battle that he's because that's there's an external battle but there's also the internal Battle of being able to forgive yourself and let go of the past and feel like you deserve enough to be able to have a family of your own and you know live in happiness instead of living in the past so she's basically asking him like are you have you let go of the past and because he has amended his feelings by being a hero finally he has and I think that was a beautiful thing to see and the other Arc that I want to talk about is a neighbor who goes from you know you shouldn't be alive she loses her children and then it goes from that to being a surrogate not surrogate mother but like an aunt they call her the the kid calls her an aunt um and he is able to trust her to babysit his his you know adopted kid basically gives her money and to take care of her his uh his kid in case he doesn't make it that's really beautiful and also like it's really I love the scene where the final Tak down of Godzilla and you know he heads directly into Godzilla's mouth and then it's such a slow motion of doing it and then the way that it was directed was oh my God so good it was so emotional it was so emotional the music the way it's directed The acting Godzilla finally being defeated although he's not defeated cuz at the end you see that like he's probably going to come back to life cuz he has he regenerates his cell and honestly I'm glad cuz I almost feel like he's misunderstood but it is it was just so well done and and it it was like they made all this plan none of that work but we really worked is just like him sacrificing himself like he was supposed to in the beginning of the film he ended up doing it but he had something worth not sacrificing himself but he had something he could have like he could have died he didn't the point is that he didn't that's the that's the journey that he took yeah yeah and because he he wanted to live he's like I deserve to live I have a family of a daughter or whatever else like he has something to live for and that's like a beautiful thing that like life is beautiful and don't die it's not worth it it's better to kind of like uh rebuild out of the ashes Like a Phoenix rather than let go and they do that in so many ways like the guy's home is you know it was it became a wasteland because of all the bombing all the war and everything else and you see like the neighborhood kind of start to rebuild itself just like the neighborhood he also rebuilds himself and everyone else does in this film and it's just beautiful thing to see and it's very sentimental and I really love that I feel like in a traditional more traditional Blockbuster the thing to do would be once he has like this wife and kid he has something to care about and fight for but what was so interesting and what I loved about this movie is that we're going through the movie going like okay I can see he's he's going to have this family he cares about now and he's going to battle Godzilla again at the end and face down his demons but then there's a scene where he has his co-workers over and he's like oh we're not married he's not my wife that's not my daughter and then they're like you have something beautiful like accept it he's like no they're not my you know and that makes him that's like unlikable character you're like oh this is frustrating especially when the daughter was saying hi Daddy or something like that and he goes how many times do I tell you that I'm not your dad and I was like exctly I know I know it's it's like it's heartbreaking but then you see like why he like he really struggles with PTSD he has these nightmares and clearly is just so burdened by guilt that by the time we get to the final scene and some people may say it's like oh it's cheating a little bit that you bring back the the woman you know who ends up being alive at the end but I thought it earned it and it just really tied home the themes that were just oh my God it's perfect so I mean I don't know what else to say like it's just such an a flawlessly executed movie and the script is just so so well done and has the so much care taken towards the characters that it makes the monster feel like a real monster and um so good yeah okay so final question for you do you feel like the monster was truly a monster or just like he didn't know he was like a child who didn't like was treating all the people like a toy you know how like children sometimes they build like Bridges and play a monster and stuff like that without really understanding just chice to them so no I think in certain Godzilla movies Godzilla is like a misunderstood excuse me like a misunderstood creature or um even a sympathetic or a hero you know like it just depends on the the the movie on on who's making it and what the purpose is and I think for the purpose of this movie pure monster just pure pure chaos you know not even like um a thing of malice but just chaos and it because it I think it represents war in general just um all of War I think in certain movies and I think traditionally Godzilla represents like the atomic bomb and the atomic age and the unleashing of that kind of power which which is which is fair because he does unleash atomic bomb like powers from his oh that was incredible the Godzilla fire breathing it was just like oh my God it's really really powerful and and um frightening and yeah I think it's just War it's just pure chaos and War that's what Godzilla represents in this movie so that when they defeat him when they ban together is just so satisfying I would like like because at the end they showed Godzilla possibly rebuilding um I would like to see him come back to life but like almost like a child size so that he can like be taken care of by like humans and then he's like oh they're nice they could do a real Terminator Terminator 2 turning the Terminator into like a good B good guy and then when he becomes a big guy then he's really like but isn't isn't that like the whole story of the Godzilla franchise Godzilla keeps coming back to fight the new worst monster you know I don't know this is the first Godzilla film I've ever seen this is the first one you've ever seen yeah wow yeah you haven't even seen like the 20 like the Gareth Edwards Godzilla the American ones I don't think so unless I saw it when I was sleeping hey how about let us know your favorite Godzilla movies and we'll watch them yeah preferably one that where Godzilla is nice and also tell Nadia to watch Jaws please oh God I don't know well thank you so much and um let us know what you think and we'll see you next time yeah talk to you soon bye bye
Channel: Woman Carrying Man
Views: 9,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: man carrying thing, woman carrying thing, netflix, explained, marvel, godzilla minus one, godzilla
Id: PFkiU7Fazlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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