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like why you being so shitty man you know these people ain't done nothing to you don't you leave these people alone man it doesn't start with them doing something to mess with him first no he just shows up out of nowhere and go like I hate people yeah he just mad about something and say I'm you know what I'm gonna take it out on y'all nobody even know what he's mad about man he just shows up and just starts tearing up things man he's just mean yeah and and and and by the way I love Godzilla I love Godzilla in both version I partially him being a hero but you know I'll take Godzilla any which way I can but this one I had to call him out man I like no man listen I got your back a lot of times even back of the day you tear up the city I was like man you was so cool I had your back on this but this don't this no this just I can't I can't take this man he doesn't befriend any little kids or anything did you see this trailer right [Music] here December 8th that's a Friday going to be in the Red Room show at 10 p.m. so please get your tickets by going to Broadway comedy club.com or go to Double Toasted n.com and it should take you to this page right here where you can get your tickets now Double Toasted live in Los Angeles is going to be Saturday April 27th press that Banner right there and it will take you to X1 entertainment.com where you can see the tickets are available you can also get your tickets over at doubletoasted.com all right simple math we going to start out with Godzilla 1 equals your ass a lot of torn up [ __ ] you that's some mathematics you don't want to do don't ever answer that question Godzilla minus one equals just don't say nothing walk out the room I mean you figure Godzilla is going to destroy a city even if he's not trying to see that's the difference between that old Godzilla and what we have right here oh I can't wait to tell you about this Godzilla that we have here for one reason listen there's a lot of versions of Godzilla out there we've had everything from the Godzilla the you know the original to the man in the rubber suit to terrible CG American made movies to very good CG American movies that we have right now uh you know we've gone through all kind of uh different versions and Adventures and uh uh uh uh episodes with Godzilla but you know as many versions of Godzilla we have out there people say don't nobody do it like old too Studio out there man you know uh the people who start it all and now they are actually taking it back to square one with this latest version of Godzilla that we have here with Godzilla minus one you could say this is a reboot or a remake uh of sorts of the original Godzilla that came out years and years and years ago as I said man you know remakes and reboots or whatever the hell they're doing they can be dubious sometimes questionable you know sometimes you feel like if they got it right they were just lucky but that's true yeah that's why people you know that's why when they mess with somebody that people love like old gzilla out there you know people get very nervous but this one has been getting some good word of mouth but you know how that goes people who get to you know hang out with Godzilla early yeah right right right yeah they say oh man yeah he let me in early he bought me a drink you know y'all got bought off so we can't trust y'all I spent my money today to go see OG gzilla over here man and I spent a good Chun could change I went to go see him and that Dolby Surround Sound did you go to the ick uh yeah no I went down to the AMC but they had the the they for Godzilla uhuh they had the best theater in the house for him yeah yeah yeah so you know and that that cost a pretty penny so you know if Godzilla messes up after I spent my money you damn sure Hell whatever I don't know man like where did you go I don't know I just had I had a stroke let me make sure should let me make sure I don't collapse right here now you damn sure that I'm going to complain about it or tell you if he's messing up real bad let's go ahead and take a look at Godzilla minus one one one one you didn't get a chance to see it no I did not so I'm going to be the only one to tell you about it how did I feel let's go ahead and take a look after this y'all might want to stop looking and pointing and run I mean for whatever good that's going to do hell yeah you got through tear up everything now he's glowing out man I mean that's but that's how badass Godzilla is even the people about to die like oh [ __ ] that's cool as I mean if this is our last time on Earth let's go out like this we should run no I want to see I want see this is going n man listen let me tell y'all something they talking about many versions of Godzilla out there listen Godzilla has been a villain Godzilla has been a hero but out of all those versions of Godzilla no matter what he is that we've seen this version is the biggest [ __ ] of them all oh really man this Godzilla that we had right here you know I met through the whole movie I'm just looking at him and thinking your problem you know what I'm saying it's like yeah yeah like why you being so shitty man you know these people ain't done nothing to you don't you leave these people alone man it doesn't start with them doing something to mess with him first no he just shows up out of nowhere and go like I hate people yeah he just mad about something and say I'm you know what I'm gonna take it out on Yo nobody even know what he's mad about man he just shows up and just starts tearing up things man he's just just mean yeah and and and and by the way I love Godzilla I love Godzilla in both versions I'm partially him being a hero but you know I'll take Godzilla any which way I can but this when I had to call him out man I like no man listen I got your back a lot of times even back of the day you te up the city I was like man you was so cool I had your back on this but this don't this no this just I can't I can't take this man he doesn't befriend any little kids or anything did you see this trailer right here look this how this this is how much of an [ __ ] that he is uh cuz like I said man he's just he's just mean you know other movies he takes his aggression out on other monsters you know right right right like he's coming out the water you ever se he always comes out the water with that you know I'm Gonna Get You [ __ ] looking yeah yeah he's he's ready to come out the water and start [ __ ] with with with other creatures you know you seen them in those movies where some some some creature I mean they might not even be attacking the city they just might be strolling by he always comes out the water hey [ __ ] you yeah come here you know it's it's uh you know I get it when he's fighting other monsters because he's territorial yeah but with this one oh and by the way when he's attacking other creatures buildings they're just things that are in the way sure you know it's too it just takes too much time to wrap you know to walk around them yes and he gives enough lead time that those buildings could be evacuated yeah you know he gives them a you know he sticks out that water and and L him sound that horn real quick he's like hey y'all got about 15 minutes before I get out this goddamn bathtu right evacuate or make your peace with God yeah yeah uh yeah so you know you know he'll walk around them because it's just you know I mean or he'll run into them and tear them up because it's just too too much timey to walk around and give out an ass whoop you know somebody but in this one uh right here buildings are his enemy man these buildings might as well be King Kong or king gadora or something man because the the builders in this man he fought them for no reason yeah I mean seriously I'm not making a joke y'all like he he actually went up to building be like who looking at just punched them wow like he was aggressive towards buildings like somebody playing Rampage yeah yeah he would just punch buildings man like the like like they were other monsters man yeah which which made him scary you know this like Godzilla has always been fun to watch for me even when he's terrorizing the city but this is the first time that he's actually scared the [ __ ] out of me man dead eyes his not no ain't dead Ain anything but they they are alive with hatred and anger like I just told you this [ __ ] yeah like damn he got Oscar to Grouch eyes yeah like I said earlier he's got those I'm Gonna Get You [ __ ] eyes yeah he is very aggressive in this man like like listen y'all like uh and I'm not even lying that so that boat did one little thing to piss him off like they were uh they they were just out there looking for him trying to figure out what to do and he's like I know what y'all doing out spying on me I know what y'all trying to do he and he's so aggressive that he just chases everything any little thing that uh gets his attention and pisses him off it could be a fly anything he just he all of a sudden his don't piss him off cuz his he will be focused on you it will not let he's he holds a grudge bad he will not let that [ __ ] go oops it why did you do that they just they just they're just making him mad yeah this the the whole movie I mean he already start look thing is he started [ __ ] with them okay yeah the Japanese people here so you cannot blame them for defending themselves but but the rest of the movie is just just pissing him off more I'm up just like stop man just please don't do don't stop making him mad and that of course that didn't do it goddamn of not a scratch of course not not nothing not a mark his mouth too wasn't it yeah damn not a scratch that should have done something do a sore throat at least no in fact he was like that kind of tasty spicy like hit me again uh but it's also kind of sad you know I'm joking about him tearing up the city which is again just you know it's it's very frightening it was very scary uh but it's it's also really sad man because the whole reason why they call this minus one is because the Japanese people had just rebuilt after the bomb was dropped on now so so uh this is like minus one like they just got ahead and now he's taking them back one taking them back to to zero man um yeah yeah the Japanese people it's sad because you see the progress because it starts in 1945 and then you have a couple years I think they go to 1947 1948 and throughout those years they've managed to rebuild pretty pretty well and Godzilla comes out know you don't oh no he came out like man when he when he got to the city he actually stood there and just said damn y'all built up pretty nice city you don't have permits for any of this and people like why why you do he you know he was like Snoop Dogg just like Snoop Dogg and baby boy man when that boy built that fort yeah he just built that foot sto dog was kind of nice about like your fo good morning scrub buil you a little fort huh [ __ ] about your little fort that was Godzilla man it is it's it it's really uh and and he and he's proud of it too yeah yeah I mean no and I'm not even lying man like he tore up the city he tore that [ __ ] up and just stood in the middle of the city and was like yeah now y'all clean this [ __ ] up so fing come back and tear it up again he was proud of his work he's like damn I leveled everything wow man [ __ ] complete [ __ ] in this movie man but it is uh I was surprised that again how well they were able to relay just how heartbreaking it was for the people man yeah uh it it's it's I me you know I talk about Devastation but was devastating to see you know people die and everything we're kind of used to seeing that but man you know when you see how these people actually suffered from an actual War mhm and then this guy comes in and just ruins it all you know after just two years of hard work yeah yeah man it felt I felt bad felt really bad but don't let that stop you from seeing the movie if you're a Godzilla fan or if you just you know you're like uh you you you like good movies in general I'm gonna tell you why cuz some people thinking like it's a Godzilla movie and I'm like I don't want to see no giant monster movie like this man a I go I want to I want to see fine films drama and all that kind of stuff you might be surprised with this but if you are a Godzilla fan uh the movie is classic it is very much classic Godzilla uh you know it's like I said it's kind of a a remake of the first and when I say it's classic Godzilla they have all of the classic Godzilla elements uh when he tore up that City I got to give it to him he brought his theme song with him oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] d [Applause] yeah man that they played the theme uh he's got the roar wow that that shot from underneath oh yeah ey View and again they they make it scary this time because when he's even when he's uh roaring it's causing destruction man yeah uh and and here's the really scary thing man you know we were joking about his Atomic breath but the way he uses it so you have to consider what the Japanese people just went through and and when you see what his Atomic breath does again it's uh it's horrifying and it's just it's just [Music] heartbreaking it's another nuclear bomb right every time he hits and by the way he recharges quick so you know that's just like another bomb dropped If he if he uh uh uh uses it again yeah yeah yeah man you know this this this is how you up the anti with Godzilla you know not that [ __ ] they did with Godzilla 1999 oh ours is just bigger n get out of here with that no you make the creature just you either do something with his characteristics to make him more fun or you do something to make him more terrifying right and that's one of the things I was really impressed with with this I've never been scared of Godzilla before but I'm i' never been angry with Godzilla but I was I was scared and pissed off at him see when I was little I used to have nightmares about Godzilla oh you don't see this he's waiting on you yeah Martin I'm G be your dream tonight uh and I talk about how now here's now here's where I'm going to contradict myself I'm talking about just how much he's an [ __ ] how you know it's so devastating to see him go in and tear the city up with these poor people man who just rebuilt um I'm talking about how terrifying he is and everything but you know it's not cool what he's doing and I'm not and I'm not listen it's not cool what he's doing and and I'm not here to condone what he's doing but when you watch this just be you know listen you can't watch Godzilla without having a sense of nostalgia and you watch this you can't help but you can't help but feel proud That's my boy right there yeah man you really you can't help but feel proud you know just a little bit it's like man this is wrong but godamn boy that's my man right there that's that that is Godzilla right there that's what I've been talking about it feel it definitely feels hopeless man you know and a good movie a good uh a good movie you know will get you to a point where you feel like there's there's no way that these people can survive this there's no way that these people going be able to come back or the characters going to be able to come back and you have that moment in this movie man you just feel like there's just no way these people going to be able to defeat this this this guy you know it's just just none I mean they that's how that's that's how that's how well they do with the drama and that's how well they do with uh you know creating this new version of Godzilla right here man so does this Godzilla feel like he's the same one we've been seeing lately uh no no the design looks the same uh if you watch it he it's he's uh like I said he's in his aggression he's a he's a little faster you know if you like if you see those trailers like the other Godzilla he's still I mean I don't know maybe uh maybe I have to watch it again I could be wrong with this the new Godzilla that we have you know like the one in King Kong versus God or Godzilla versus King Kong uh now don't get me wrong the uh the Godzilla that we have right now like the one that's done here in America where you see him with uh you know uh fighting King Kong and everything don't get me wrong he's a bad he's a badass man yeah he and he he you know he can he can pack a punch but this Godzilla just seems to be he seems to be more agile you know like like I said in his in his anger and his aggression he seems to like uh seems to be a little more Swift a little more you know just he he just moves a little quicker yeah he's just more of a kill machine and he is more aggressive than that other one you know that like you know that God love we have right now he would you know he'll he will fight when he feels threatened okay the one we have now happen is happening in present day and this seems to be in the past well that's what I say it's 1947 so maybe over the years he's mellowed uh um maybe I mean like this is him when he was younger and then one we have in the King Kong movies is him older where he's like well this is a different world this is not even connected oh okay no no you know all these movies are they're taking place in a different world so this is this is a different Universe right this has nothing to do in fact I think that's why too kind of made this because they're like listen that's fine I know y'all like that Godzilla we gonna let y'all know the real [ __ ] okay we we we did it we did the OG all right yeah original Godzilla we we did that all right so yeah no this uh no this one moves faster this one moves this this one moves quicker this one's more frightening as it as it you know when it when it attacks yeah uh this one eats more green Chef you know which makes which I think makes him a little gives him that that Atomic breath yeah it makes gives them the energy to be you know to to to to to to to be shittier uh but no people Hey listen you know what time it is got to do got to do my my my segue yes to give a word to our sponsor and today our sponsor is America's number one meal kit for eating clean and that is green chef and no with green Chef the reason why they call it green Chef right here is because there's an emphasis on eating clean on eating healthy uh and eating in a reasonable manner for those of you who have tight schedules tight budgets and all that kind of stuff you've heard me talk about green shef before but if you haven't listen up pull up a pull up a seat let me tell you about old green Chef right here you can e clean the easy way they have recipes that help manage your weight keep you healthy support your Wellness goals that you have out there and a lot of people think man you know every time I try see this is why I can't get healthy because every time I get healthy I got to eat nasty stuff stuff with no flavor at all I got to go out and eat grass and drink wheat juice and all no no not here man none of that they don't skimp 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sponsoring this portion of the show and I want to thank all of you out there for your support so what's up you gonna say something it's funny though you know I'm talking about how this is a classic Godzilla movie and it is man like I said has all those elements in there somebody even tell you about you know they got the the Japanese people running as you saw you know everything is in there and I think you know they paid attention to make sure that those details were in there for the big fans out there but the movies um it actually has a for me a lot of Spielberg in it and wow it's it's weird you say that because just then and you showed those people I started thinking about Spielberg why is that I don't know and I don't know if it's connected with that uh second Jurassic Park movie where he does that really terrible joke in there but yeah probably is except they do it actually you know respectively um but so the the reason why I say it feels like Spielberg is because first of all uh at the beginning of the movie the first attack the first attack actually feels like something out of Jurassic Park and I'm not going to tell you what it is but when you see it you'll kind of feel like either Jurassic Park or even maybe more like the Lost World they kill a black dude before the credits credit yeah only only black dude in Japan man Godzilla come here I see your black ass running against all them Japanese people here you can't hide yeah he stuck out no it's it feels I would actually say probably more like the lost world but definitely it has a Jurassic Park feeling to it but uh later in the movie when he attacks uh this the city of G Tokyo uh which is the best scene in the movie right here that right there I mean yeah him biting into that Subway Trainz yeah you actually have uh this is really the the the the what we call it this the main set piece of the film right here I mean you get feelings of things like Mission Impossible and Indiana Jones and stuff like that because of uh some of the the narrow escapes some of the main characters make but uh after that though the movie slows down and it feels very much like Jaws because the people in the city now they're just trying to figure out how to kill this uh this this whatever it is they can't even figure out it's a dinosaur but it's it's not they we don't it's a new specimen we don't know and they have and that's what's cool about it they're all trying to figure out like we don't know what the hell this is how do we kill it and it feels very and plus and here's the cool thing about it uh it it has that like when in Jaws when people uh got together in a small town to try to figure this out yeah the citizens in the movie they are all trying to uh get together and figure this out because they have no help from anybody else that's the other thing that's adding to the feeling of hopelessness uh America who actually kind of caus this yeah kind of M caus this whole thing America and even the Japanese government they don't want to get involved there's tensions with the with with the Soviets so they don't want to get involved no they don't want no even the Japanese government doesn't want to get involved uh something about creating a panic so these these poor people are left on uh left to their own and so they always have it feels like that those Town meetings they had in Jaws where they get together and everybody's trying to figure out what to do they even have a moment where they they have oh I know one guy who can help us you know so yeah very Spielberg feeling moments in there but not the typical Spielberg moments where it's like you know they have those Feelgood Spielberg moments in the movie and stuff like that it only feels like it in like broad means of Storytelling are you know uh plot beats or so that's interesting because in uh Shin Godzilla Godzilla is growing and tearing [ __ ] up and they could ni the problem in the bud but the Japanese government the bureaucracy they're just arguing back and forth about what they should do yeah so all this time is being wasted yeah uh no it was uh yeah somebody said it was doing the Red Scare and all that so uh they were like yeah what I don't know was it at that time I just know that there were tensions with the Soviets okay and you know and nobody wants to cause anything with them and so they just say well you put basts on your own God damn yeah they have no help from any any body man even with a giant you know Atomic monster attacking all these people who are saying you're on your own have they seen this thing yeah and and America said sorry they said listen we know he's coming oh one day so you might want to get ready but uh other than that we can't do it they for you oh wow so yeah man uh and that and that is another reason why you you root for these survivors man right here but I tell you I'm talking about how this is classic Godzilla it's a little bit of Spielberg Jurassic Park and and Jaws but more than anything surprisingly it's a drama the drama actually takes up maybe most of the movie okay uh that's a good sign to me it's kind of cool that they do that because the the movie is very much character-based uh more than you would ever give a Godzilla movie credit for that's why I tell people like if you have second thoughts about seeing a Godzilla movie maybe this is the one you you might want to sit down and watch because it has a lot of heartfelt moments with these characters uh because what you have here is uh you have this woman here and this baby but the main guy is this uh failed kamakazi pilot what I mean by failed wow they say hey you know what you got to do you got to die he like fly I'm G FL somewhere and hide real quick but yeah this Kami this kamakazi pilot uh and I'm not going to even try to say his name shikishima uh he's suffering from PTSD and more so survivors guilt Survivor guilt yeah and uh he ends up taking this woman in who's another Survivor from the war and from the bomb and then uh he takes in this uh this little and oh and she actually was she had a baby just thrusted on her man so they all come together and they're trying to form a family but he can't get over his uh his he's not going to be happy until he does a comicazi mission yeah something like that you know he just he just can't he says you know the war has never left me so he they he's just he's struggling to like uh raise this family that was just given to him and you know they form friendship friendships with other characters in The Village other survivors uh in fact he makes some really good friends these guys man who you know they're they're the ones who are really left to figure out what to do with Godzilla so you know there's a there's a lot of character in the movie uh there's a you know there's a lot of character development in the film there's a there's a lot of uh again there's a lot of heart and emotion in here man yeah and I was that's what took me off guard with this I mean look at that oh look at that I think her name is a Kiko the little girl in there man who was adorable in the movie Man even when she was crying her ass off you know more be like shut up she was I was like oh man I get it you know I mean [ __ ] she just survived a bomb and out giant lizards attacking the city so I can't blame her man but yeah that really that heartfelt story right there really takes up most of the movie Man and as I said you know you really feel for the survivors of uh of the bomb and now this Godzilla attack because there's you know once he attacks the city uh they're left with nothing again yeah and they like well how we supp everybody saying hey take care of it y'all we can't get involved they're like how we getting involved when we got nothing sure yeah it's uh so there's a lot of tension in there man and like I said it's that's and that is why it's so heartbreaking to see Godzilla tear up this city it's like you know it's you couldn't pick somebody else yeah and he's got and the thing is man he they always and everybody's saying he's coming back and people like why there there's nothing there's nothing left you're just being a bully now which he is yeah uh if I had any complaints about this uh a lot of the drama turns to melodrama yeah and it could be the way the acting style of the Japanese you know there a lot of yelling and you know all that kind of stuff and may it could be that style uh it's very melodramatic though you know the the acting style of that the Japanese do anyway yeah so maybe you know I I'm I'm criticizing it but I shouldn't I just have to accept for what it is but it does feel me very melodramatic to me at times um I will also say this that as much as as uh I think the special effects are amazing in this there are some moments where Godzilla feels a little stiff even mechanical really yeah there only moments where he's walking and I can't tell if that was intentional or if the effects are just a little off because there there's sometimes you walking like Robocop and I got a clip of it right here that you maybe he just heard a really good tune and he was just like into it maybe he doing the robot I don't know you know rubber Band Man by the spin on rubber B well that's the wrong song cuz he ain't elastic at all man rubber listen to Ain else but rubber man listen to you might see what I'm talking about here and maybe that's just the way he walks I'm willing to let that slide but the only difference is I saw him like whipping and you know and and and and and punching and just you know being very as I said very flexible and agile early in the movie and then when he's walking he just kind of got this stiff ass walk and like I maybe it's just me you judge for yourself now that's just a small part cuz I don't have anything else but you kind of saw that little move like that there's moments where he's walking like that for a while so what what what are they using is a guy in a suit or no it's all CG all CG okay yeah at least I think it is I mean I don't know if they just had a guy in a suit and put some CG on him but I think it's all CG I don't I don't know for sure but I'm going to say yeah at this moment uh also uh a little predictable there was uh because I mean listen they try to do something in this movie they think they'd be as slick and I said I see you I know what you do it man yeah and if you see the movie you might know what I'm talking about maybe not but they do so much foreshadowing on something they make such a big deal about one particular thing in the movie and they do something I mean they actually even try to whisper it I say I know what y talking about don't don't hide I know what you did but I tell you man the climax is uh very exciting yeah yeah yeah the climax is uh is very good has a a few Star Wars moments in there too but uh because the thing is like I said they're working with nothing it seems like nothing's working they just keep pissing this dude off man so it's so just like you really are wondering like man how you going to get through this cuz I don't see I don't see an out are they on an island yeah yeah I move yeah yeah I mean people living in shacks and everything you know yeah so it's it's uh but you know it's a lot of fun and it's very emotional and I would give this a high mat I was very surprised at what they what they did with this I mean even I might change my mind later because really when you look at some of the Godzilla movies that have done out there this is really one one of the best Godzilla movies they've done in a long time it is it it's good it's very good and if you get a chance go see it again and on a nice the if there's an IMX theater that is showing this go see it there uh or whatever otherwise 4xd yeah that's what I oh wait a minute is 4xd the one where you is that the one where they they they it's the the the the seat shakes no no that's debox okay cuz I was about to say you don't want to see that no they'll throw that seat across across the city that be hilarious you're in that boat yeah you don't no you don't want to see that in that and everybody debox man throw your ass across that theater you better not going to see that debox Godzilla fans in there good Lord man like they they they you know the dudes wearing wearing the Godzilla shirts and and clapping and yeah it's always it's it's a lot of fun man they they know who they made this for and it's specifically made for the Godzilla fans but it's very impressive how they they made this to where there's something in there for other people outside the fan Bas yeah yeah [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 111,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla Minus One, Godzilla Minus One review, Godzilla Minus One movie review, Godzilla Minus One trailer, Godzilla Minus One reaction, Godzilla Minus One ending, Godzilla Minus One atomic breath, Godzilla Minus One atomic breath scene, Godzilla Minus One movie, Godzilla, Minus One, Godzilla Atomic Breath, Best Godzilla movie, Movie reviews, Movie review, Movie, Review, Funny video, Double toasted, Double toasted podcast, Double toasted bites, Double toasted review
Id: k9EAnEmBCkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 7sec (2047 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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