Exposing Perversion in the House of God | Jeremiah Johnson

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hey it's jeremiah johnson i'm so excited to come to you today and invite you to join me on a brand new e-course that we've just launched called end time messengers arise you know i'll admit that the greatest passion in my heart even in the midst of covet 19 is that god would raise up bold unashamed end-time messengers that would prepare the bride of christ to meet the bridegroom king i have an urgency in my heart as the anti-christ spirit is raging in the nations of the earth that god is seeking a remnant people who will not run away from the coming battle but will engage the enemy on the front lines of the battle and call the church back to her first love on this e-course you're going to learn practical tools on how to get invested in the bride of christ and god is going to challenge you at the deepest levels of your heart that now is the time to prepare i want to encourage you sign up today it's going to be powerful and we will all be marked for eternity check it out [Music] welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson i'm excited today to bring to you a message broadcast live from around our nation you know in the midst of covet 19 god is seeking a radical remnant calling us to the front lines of the battle i know that you'll be blessed by today's message and i encourage you to hang in there after this message for a special time of prayer check it out [Music] let's take a look at the global pandemic numbers now stay away from crowds stay home as much as you can the cdc has confirmed this is the first case in the country houses of worship essentially remnant is rising [Music] god is looking for a remnant in america who's going to build arts of his presence all over america your family might think you're crazy your friends might have never heard of that revelation before [Music] [Music] well as i said last night it's uh so good to be back here in lancaster you know going into this week uh had uh probably more warfare uh in the last 10 years coming into this conference and uh i really believe uh part of it is what i'm gonna share this morning and it's a uh it's a weighty thing uh i i honestly feel like throwing up so i'm glad bobby went first so that you could laugh and we had a great time it's not that we can't have a great time this afternoon but i do have some things that i believe are on god's heart that he would like us to hear uh before we dive into that just real quickly again a lot of you have walked up nicely which we appreciate and have said who are you and where did you come from and that's perfectly okay we get that at quite a bit of the conferences that we do with guys like bobby who have you know he's old enough to be my grandpa and has you know been prophesying longer than i've been alive and i'm just kind of like this this young guy most of the conferences that we do i'm like the youngest speaker by 30 or 40 years but just want to point you back to the book table there our team there's plenty of information back there i'm not really a big infomercial guy we do have a facebook page jeremiah johnson ministries uh that you can like and follow also on instagram jeremiah johnson ministries we also have a television program every monday night at 7 00 pm eastern time on the ptl network called the watchmen's corner i believe that god has called me to resurrect the voices of the watchmen of the past such as ravenhill wilkerson steve hill and also call forth the watchmen of today and we also resource the body of christ through products and books we do ship worldwide uh several of the things are selling out there at the table if you wanted something and it's not there anymore you can visit jeremiahjohnson.tv we talked a lot about the samuel company that is the name of my prophetic school there's about 12 hours of teaching a workbook if you're hungry to know more about these samuels that are rising you can pick that up also a book that i wrote that sid roth asked me to come on his show for it's called i see a new prophetic generation dr michael brown who knows dr brown a faithful voice of truth in this nation he commented and said if this book offends you it's probably the very thing you need and it's talking about a vision that god gave me of the future of the prophetic movement lastly also wrote a book with one of my spiritual fathers r lauren sanford son of john sanford john and paula you might have recognized them elijah house uh lauren has been a great asset to my life him and i got together he wrote five chapters as kind of a retiring prophetic voice i wrote five chapters as an emerging prophetic voice about the makaya company a rise a breed of prophets young and old that are really destined to tell you what you um what you need to hear not what you want to hear there's an obscure kind of passage of scripture in first kings 22 about the macayah prophet makaya you can grab that and just lastly god is always drawing people to us in form of partnership as a pastor of a local body in lakeland i often find myself pastoring people abroad as well we do have a great partner base and we do do retreats every year conferences every year we have one coming up we've rented out morning star ministries in november john kilpatrick mario murillo lance wall now it's called watchmen arise and again i very much want to gather men and women in this nation who really want the word of the lord unfiltered or uncompromised so if that's something that you're interested in again claudia and jatt are going to be back at the table all right if you have in your bibles would you turn to first kings chapter 17. first kings chapter 17 excuse me 16. last night i preached a message of course called judgment on the house of god we looked at ezekiel chapter 44 when i began to talk about a lot of the present judgment that i believe is on the house of god that oftentimes we don't recognize and that judgment as we looked at in ezekiel 44 is just simply god giving permission to have ministry to one another but then it says that there were zaddock from the zadok priesthood there were those who were actually allowed to minister to the lord and god is calling on his church to become that house of prayer to be a people that are devoted to the secret place that aren't worshiping men in movements i believe in honor i believe in honoring men and women of god but i don't believe in worshiping them putting them on a platform you know it's like some of the perversion and so much of the pollution and the prophetic movement is even a failure to understand new covenant prophecy right in the old covenant you would intentionally seek out a prophet for a word from god but under the new covenant there's this man named jesus he is the mediator between god and man we have been given the holy spirit to reveal to us the truth and if we are intentionally seeking out prophets for a word from god in a sense of we're no longer having a life in god ourselves i believe we're in violation of the new covenant the precious blood of jesus so real prophets they don't always give you a word they're skilled at teaching you how to get a word but it's like we talked about last night responsibility is a cuss word in the body of christ oh you mean i actually actually have to go home and learn how to hear the voice of god for myself rather than getting in the prophets line yes that's correct they will all know me from the least to the greatest would to god that we could all hear and see the spirit of god so just a little bit of of review last night i had a dream last night and if you follow my ministry you know that it's it's not unusual for me to either have a dream or a vision prior to going into a certain city or a region or usually after the first night that i minister and i go to sleep i will get caught up in what god is doing over the region what god is doing in that particular state and so last night i had a dream that i want to share with you to kind of spring board us and this dream is a is a weighty dream you know i i recognize um that i could get in trouble for what i'm about to tell you there's all sorts of different thoughts on what you should say and what you shouldn't say from a platform or on public tv but i really feel that the lord is asking me to share what he showed me last night last night i began to battle a spirit of perversion the spirit of perversion wasn't coming necessarily after me i was battling this spirit of perversion that has attached itself to many charismatic leaders on the heels of the message last night which if you were here you know we're talking about judgment in the house of god we're talking about the priesthood must be cleansed that we must stop worshipping men and movements we must gain greater discernment in the body of christ so a spirit of perversion i begin to wrestle that's presently resting on large portions of charismatic leaders the next thing that i saw was paul kane i began to ask the lord what are you saying about paul kane i don't know where you stand about this man i'm certainly not here to be his judge some believe he repented and ended well others quite frankly just don't buy it i'm not here to tell you what i think or what i believe but the lord told me that there's another wave of perversion that's coming and there's about to be a massive exposure coming to the charismatic movement now you might say well brother we've already heard about a worship leader we've already heard about uh you know a kiss gate dating goodbye you know i'm i'm talking about within the signs and wonders within the prophetic movement we are about to see another exposure and i'm asking the lord why why is there this continued exposure why god are there men and women that are operating in high levels of power that for whatever reason a spirit of perversion has grabbed hold of them i asked the lord in the dream where when when are we going to see the greater miracles the lord said to me in the dream when i can trust my people the lord said why would i grant signs and wonders people ask where are the wigglesworths where are the john g lakes the lord said to me why would i give my power to another individual that can just be worshiped and fall again what if god were to anoint an individual and a people with signs wonders in glory that ended up stealing god's glory because they made it about themselves and about the money and about the fame can you and i handle can we be trusted with honoring the next move of god but ultimately still worshiping jesus christ the lord said to me that the earthquakes that have come to los angeles they're a sign of a spiritual earthquake that's coming i don't really even know what i'm talking about but i'm telling you by the word of the lord that there is about to be a charismatic exposure coming in the los angeles area i believe that god is about to release a judgment on the house of god and we might want to accuse this leader or that leader for getting exposed but i'm just telling you from heaven a large responsibility of that sin rests with you and i as the body we have exalted and we have worshiped men in ministries we have helped to aid the deception and the delusion that they are operating under and so as we see exposure something's coming to la as we see exposure across the body i want to encourage you rather than point the finger rather than get disappointed rather than operate and gossip and slander ask yourself am i a contributor to this now let's deal with the spirit of perversion shall we because if it's already out there in the leadership you better believe it's in the people six times now in 10 years i've been invited into churches where the lord has revealed to me that the senior leadership was in adultery six times already in 10 years it seems to be a type of calling card for me and in all six cases when there's already immorality going on at the top there is also immorality going on among the people if the anointing flows from the head down if satan can rattle the gates at the top oftentimes in six out of six times there was not only immorality going on with leadership adultery poor not all sorts of things it was already running rampant in the people of god and if it is true that we really in some places don't care about character if we really worship gifting if we really don't care just give me a prophetic word and i don't really even care if you're living for god or not just work a miracle in my life you know we put on the facebook an encounter i had where i went to hell now this encounter it was interesting because there were all sorts of people that had received a miracle that were in hell i said wow lord this is interesting he said yeah they received their miracle but they were never told to repent how many people do you know they just get healed on the street god loves you and goodbye but what about if the miracles are actually supposed to aid in the gospel of repentance what if jesus said woe to you chorusing woe to you for if the miracles that were done in you were done in sodom and gomorrah they would have repented what if these miracle gatherings that we're looking for are more than just i got my miracle they're supposed to be aiding and i actually gave my life to jesus christ talked about last night what are we craving what are we hungering for is there an actual standard of righteousness that god is looking for in the land well what about david and bathsheba people bring these examples well what about all the examples in the bible of messed up people that god used can i just assure you that the sin in the bible was never meant to bring you comfort in yours because personally the only biblical character i'm looking at as the standard his name is jesus christ well but brother they operate in miracles yeah but they could still go to hell operating in the supernatural is not a sign that someone is right with god godly character is a life of sanctification a commitment to the secret place that is what you and i should be going for and what we should be looking for in the next breed of leaders that are arising that will have character that matches anointing but as long as we worship as long as we place men in their ministries on pedestals we are aiding in the deception and the end time delusion the mixture that's strangling our movement i say that it's time for you and i to begin to deal with the spirit of perversion even in our own lives because what i believe the lord sent me here this morning to just declare to you is it's time to get a new appetite appetite dictates the direction of our lives god wants to challenge us in the prophetic charismatic movement what is it are you after what are you hungry for not only in your own life but in the leaders and the prophets the apostles that you're following what is it that you esteem in them i love bobby connor i've been following his ministry for years now you know what i appreciate about him the most not the prophecies not the dreams not the visitations that he what i appreciate the most is he's been married to the same woman for so long [Applause] three of you what i appreciate about this man is he has character and integrity behind the scenes that has nothing to do with public meetings [Applause] so as a young prophet i'm not chasing people that i see that are doing the outward most revelatory the greatest miracles because what i crave and what i hunger for and the appetite that god has given me has nothing to do with a platform or a pulpit it has to do with a secret life in god again i'm telling you based off of last night's message part of the judgment that is on the house of god is simply man to man we're only valuing what people can do for us where god wants to make his house a house of prayer a secret place dwelling where you're more interested in do they know how to minister to the lord versus can they give me a word but you feel the tension in the room today you know being somewhat close to john paul jackson some years ago he showed up to a venue about 4 000 people he's sitting in the back and the pastor wants them to come out and greet the people and he says i can't do it pastor says what do you mean this is a ticket event there's 4 000 people here he said there's white witchcraft here pastor said what do you mean he said i mean they're here for me and not god i want to tell you i honor that man for not taking the stage i honor that man that day who would have rather gone to his hotel room and wept over the deception of the worshipping men in movements i honor that man who did not aid the people of god from propping up another figurehead that's just going to fall again and release so much hurt and so much pain in the body of christ first kings chapter 16 verse 29 let's deal with this spirit of perversion now ahab the son of omri became king over israel in the 38th year of assa king of judah and ahab the son of omri reigned over israel and samaria 22 years and ahab the son of omri did evil in the sight of the lord more than all who were with him first king 17 the most evil king who ever lived verse 31 and it came about as though it had been a trivial thing can you say trivial thing was a trivial thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam the son of nebat that he married jezebel the daughter of f bell king of the sedonans and went to serve baal and worshiped him we're dealing with the spirit of perversion that affects your appetite the spirit of perversion it grabs a hold of your life and you begin to hunger and crave for all the wrong things you have to ask yourself because we know how nasty jezebel is i mean how in the world who in the world would look at that chick and say she's a babe there would have to be a spirit of perversion already operating in ahab's life because the spirit of perversion what it produces is unrighteous affection some of you should write that down when the spirit of perversion grabs a hold of your life it produces unrighteous affection i'm going to tell you ahab had no business being attracted to jezebel some of us have lived long enough to know i should have never pursued so and so i should have never been in that relationship i have should have never fallen for that guy or that girl or in the church world today it's i should have never trusted that pastor i should have never trusted that tv evangelist we're dealing with this spirit of perversion that's in the church that's producing unrighteous affection in the people of god where we begin to crave and hunger for what we were never meant to pursue so if the spirit of perversion is operating in my life i'm gonna be attracted to the wrong type of woman because i'm bound in pornography because what's happening when i watch pornography is i am gaining unrighteous affections i am allowing that spirit to define to me what beauty is when i watch pornography i'm fellowshipping with demons quiet in here this spirit of perversion has grabbed a hold of the people of god where it comes and begins to twist it begins to connive it begins to manipulate our affections and what we're supposed to be going after and ahab the most wicked king who ever lived ends up being in a relationship with jezebel why are you ready because he treated sin as a trivial thing what does it mean trivial it means not a big deal because ahab did not consider a little pornography a big deal he ends up getting married and thinks his wife is going to take care of the porn addiction and really what he's going to do is ruin her and his children's lives because way back when he was a young man single he didn't think pornography was a big deal i'm here to tell you if you're a man pornography is a big deal i know this isn't preached anymore i know we don't like to talk about sexual immorality in the house of god because oh brother you're legalistic oh brother you just need an encounter with the father's love listen jesus christ encountered the father's love every day of his life and he learned how to hate what his father hated and loved what his father loved there was an oil of joy that rested upon him not because he liked to soak and hear about grace all the time he was anointed with the oil of joy because he loved righteousness and he hated iniquity and sin listen what was meant to disgust ahab because he treated sin as a small thing began to attract him i'm telling you there is a place of freedom in jesus christ where that pornography that once had you hooked when the spirit of god gets inside of you what you were once attracted to will disgust you is there a standard well what are you talking about okay timothy and titus paul lays out qualifications for church leadership you know it's just so interesting pastor joe none of it has to do with gifting zero there are zero qualifications in the bible for church leadership gifting you know what it's all about character curse word in charismania go to the prophetic school go to the supernatural school does anyone want to go to the school of integrity does anyone want to learn how to have a great healthy non-dysfunctional marriage it's quiet in here i'm telling you god is about to uproot and tear down an unrighteous affection a wrong appetite in the charismatic prophetic movement and god by his grace and mercy is about to do a new thing and a generation but i'm telling you for a lot of people it's not going to have the entertainment the pizzazz the wow just recently had a younger prophet that follows me online he's constantly pestering me jeremiah i see you travel i see how you've emerged you're a best-selling author you do television you've got churches i mean i just i want to know the secret to your sauce so i dodged him for about two years but after two years i just kind of had to yield to well at least he's persistent so i invited him and said you can spend a week with me so he just followed me around for an entire week and at the end of the week he came to me and said man this was not what i thought i said really he said yeah he said all i can come up with with what you do every week the only thing that comes to me is faithfulness [Music] [Applause] like he said i'm totally unimpressed i said that's exactly why god sent you here so that you might know that a generation of faithful stewards in the secret place are about to emerge a generation of eunuchs see they would castrate those who were around the throne to deal with their unrighteous affections all right that's probably way too deep yes but lord what ask yourself today what am i hungry for what do i esteem am i after a woman of noble character or a woman with her thong sticking out talk to the sorry real talk well i i just talked to these young guys i'm i'm looking for and someone like they're looking for an anointed man of god they're looking for a preacher they're looking for a miracle worker i said honey that's great but all of that publicly doesn't work privately him prophesying accurately and working miracles isn't going to translate into is he an actual good father so for me i'm like stuck the lord gave me a wife who when i get home she's constantly in my face like i don't care about how much you prophesy i don't care about the miracles i'm not impressed if you don't love me and the kids it's worthless [Applause] how many of you are not married and you want to be married who are you looking for who are you craving who are you fascinating who are you just i gotta have them well what is it in them that you gotta have i happen to be a fan of strong solid pre-marital counseling i will not marry you with at least eight without at least eight weeks and if you get it with me i'm going to turn over every stinking stone that can be turned over well brother that's in the past well if it's in the past why is it still affecting the present and the future lord raise up godly marriages i don't want any more sanctified millennial intercourse well the only reason we get married is because we can't wait to have sex listen listen the only reason why you can't wait to get married is to have sex you might not be in love you just might need to deal with some good self-control it's quiet in here [Music] lord i'm just asking that you would come and pure purge and cleanse what lord what am i after what am i hungry for lord is a spirit of perversion has it been caught in my mind do i think that oh it would be better to be married to someone else perversion we live in these fantasy worlds where the devil is constantly throwing lies inside of our minds and our hearts oh i want to be your personal intercessor no she's a jezebel [Applause] these things are weaving their way all throughout the church and i'm telling you the lord is releasing a spirit of deliverance and freedom at this conference this weekend he's saying you might have come hungry for one thing but i'm gonna purify i'm gonna cleanse the craving and the desires of your heart in such a way that what was meant to disgust you will disgust you and what was meant to attract you will attract you but i just declare over your life it's time to serve a warrant it's time to get those squatters those little foxes that spoiled the vineyard god i believe that the goliaths are going to fall in this generation but why do we think goliath is going to fall if we've never killed a lion or a bear lord would you help us win in the mundane we're working with young people as i mentioned i just don't understand why no one wants to get a job like literally we down in our school in lakeland i mean it's it's for all ages but 19 21 i'm called to preach i said that's great but at this school we're really after your character so i'm gonna recommend that you go get a job that you don't want to do huh i came here to be taught to prophesy i came here to work the miracles i said no the entrance to ministry is not a platform the entrance to ministry is the secret place where you're going to get some character and stability and you're going to have to go to work and work a job that you don't want to do so that when you get married and make a covenant you're not going to walk away because you're not feeling it but what are we preparing people for what what are we getting them i want to get a generation ready to be a great husband or wife a great father and mother what else is there it's quiet in here i don't know about you but i'm a millennial so i meet all the young people in the nation and they're just out with god because they're tired of mom or dad who was more of a father to their congregation than them i sit in these green rooms all over the country another wife literally an absolute wreck and ministry has become the premier cover-up for dysfunction so the awkwardness here is it's one thing for you all to talk about it church leaders and then you just get classified as oh they're rebellious they're stirring up no but the lord is actually going to raise up leaders to talk to leaders there's there's going to be a realm of transparency i'm telling you there's going to be a fresh mantle of fathering coming upon many leaders like bobby connor i just believe bobby the spirit of the lord even in this dream last night was saying i'm about to anoint bobby as a father to the samuels [Music] [Applause] there's a fresh sword of the lord that's coming upon fathers in this generation to begin to confront the sons i'm telling you this jezebel thing in the church the spirit of perversion this twisting this stealing of an appetite it all goes back to we don't really think sin is a big deal we like accept it as a package deal i was asking a group of young people a couple of weeks ago define a revival leader to me and i'm just kind of playing dumb is that a supernatural conference they said well they're gifted they can do the miracles and here's what i interviewed 15 all 15 of them said but usually what happens is they either have an affair they embezzle money i said oh so you're telling me it's a package deal they said yeah that's what it appears so the standard that we've now set is you can't be a mighty powerful man or woman of god without holiness what we're telling a generation is and and you can just do the stuff but god doesn't care about your private life again where are they getting that well what about david and bathsheba let's respond with but what about jesus christ well david was a man after god's own heart that's correct david wasn't a man after god's own heart because of the lack of sin in his life david was a man after god's own heart because of the brokenness over the sin in his life i'm not here to bash you over the head i'm not here to condemn you i'm not here to guilt-trip you i believe by the spirit of god the blood of jesus is crying out over the charismatic prophetic movement saying i'm here to offer forgiveness i want to help you get it right i want to raise up real proverbs 31 women in your midst because you know the only way the feminist agenda which is the spirit of jezebel you know the only way it's ever going to come down is proverbs 31 women the only way the feminist movement dies in america is if a generation of proverbs 31 women rise here are these people well i don't go to church anymore because they're hypocrites i can't stand it because it's true he's coming to cleanse his temple he's coming to change our appetites considered a trivial thing you know life in the spirit as we go deeper in god what i found is the deeper we go the less we can take with us like there's a place in god where what you once didn't consider a sin is now a sin says in the book of amos that they told the prophets to stop prophesying they said to isaiah stop confronting us with the holy one of israel shut your mouth give us prophets that will lie to us you know in the book of jeremiah it's amazing it says the prophets prophesy falsely the priests rule by their own authority and my people love it so just give us the prophets just give us the apostles that can just do the stuff and get us what we want and who cares one who's even going to heaven or not so i'm just telling you i'm not talking tongue-in-cheek i'm talking experience i told you the story last night i go into these supernatural prophetic conferences and i enjoy the glory and the gold dust and the feathers and people falling down but when you start preaching repentance you can clear out the room faster than you can say jesus and then when older men like bobby rise and start preaching about holiness the young people say oh what an old fogey he's out of touch he's old school but they can't do anything about a guy like me because i'm their age the message of holiness and repentance is an old school the message of holiness and repentance is the bible it's the way of salvation it's the way of sanctification it's the way to the greater glory because i'm not here to confuse anyone what i'm simply saying is if we have inherited a realm of the move of god in america with so much mixture with so much wickedness and sin what would god pour out what kind of revival would we actually inherit if we did it god's way what if we modeled our life after the lord jesus christ where everyone he prayed for was healed what are you trying to say i'm just saying jesus wants his church back i'm saying appetite dictates the direction of your life if you're not hungry for god if you're not willing to sacrifice to meet him in the secret place and you're just ready to drop a couple grand and go to a prophetic conference something's wrong we're willing to make sacrifices and go here or there to get a touch from a man but meanwhile we're not interested about a touch from god so lord here we are here you are and here i am we're gathered here in lancaster california just saying lord would you start this work of purging and cleansing in me i honored the men and women and the ministries the five-fold i'm not i am one i'm not i'm just saying there comes a point in time where these little foxes these little hunger pains for other anything other than christ have got to be exposed they have to be repented of now keep reading just real quickly here joe said i had till three so just hang on i'm just kidding [Music] i mean don't you love the bible i'm telling you it's crazy why do you love bobby connor he actually quotes scripture like [Applause] i just preached someone who charges ten thousand a session who never even opened their bible because i mean this stuff it seems crazy but no but what are we just really asking we're asking lord restore your word lord restore care we're just asking for the foundations of the faith we've got it lord we've strayed so far away that maybe this thing we're about to inherit is an ishmael maybe rt kendall was right maybe there is hope that a generation of charismatic pentecostal prophetic maybe we will inherit isaac maybe we will get something pure something undiluted something uncompromised and the glory of the lord the fear of who he is that dna that coming together that historic outpouring that we're believing for will be ours but it must start with us i do not practice what i preach i preach what i practice [Applause] now i want you to hear me i just got done helping to restore a young minister who had an affair on his wife i'm telling you i am preaching out of experience what i am actively involved in i'm not even warning of you what's coming it's already here what preceded the affair is this brother got a revelation of holiness and he begins to preach holiness and repentance to the body of christ and it was then and there that he testifies that the spirit of jezebel came after him i was called in to help this situation to diagnose it they said well what do you think i said well i think that he actually preached himself into the trap i actually believe the judgment of god fell upon him because he was preaching a message he wasn't living he basically opened up the door to jezebel because he began to preach a message and god said i can't just apply that message to the people the scales are going to fall on you first if god could cleanse the priesthood if he could cleanse his body i'm telling you you haven't even seen a signed wonder or miracle yet holy holy holy is the lord god almighty what about real revival isn't gathered around a man it's gathered around the throne room of god and we are beholding the beauty of the lord and we are getting a different angle each and every time we begin to worship him in the beauty of his holiness i'm telling you there's a highway to holiness that god is releasing in this generation and you are not crazy for craving it because i'm telling you this spirit of perversion it's so twisting it's so conniving it's making people even reject what i'm saying even though it's the bible we love to take out messengers so we don't have to receive the message well i don't like what he's wearing i don't like how he's talking i don't like don't miss the message because you don't like the messenger is the spirit of god speaking or is he not 32 so he erected an altar for baal in the house of baal which he built in samaria and ahab also made the ashura thus ahab did more to provoke the lord god of israel than all the kings of israel who were before him i thought god was in a good mood all the time in the days of healed the bethalite built jericho he laid its foundation with the lost of abraham his first son and set up its gates with the loss of his youngest son sagab according to the word of the lord which he spoke by joshua the son of none joshua had prophesied that the man who would build this gate it would cost him his sons in the days of ahab the prophecy is fulfilled ahab worshipped the baal what kind of man would do something that cost him the next generation a perverted man what kind of man or woman would look at pornography knowing it's going to cost them their marriage and their children a perverted man or woman are you ready one generation's compromise leads to a next generation's captivity i i i could run through the roof today i'm telling you i run through how you can do that i could run through the wall i'd have to fly up there listen some of you came here some of you men in the greatest prophetic act that's going to happen to you as a result of this conference is you are gonna learn how to be the head of your home again you're not going to let the spirit of perversion coming through the television coming through the video games you're going to say the buck stops with me as the head of this home i am the priest i am the protector i'm going to take my stand satan you ain't getting in my house it's just not a big deal though have fun enjoy yourself you're gonna have sex anyways here's a condom here comes the spirit of eli again tony god is after a generation of parents grandparents mommies and daddies old school is new school i commission you i encourage you i implore you by the word of god to drop a plumb line to believe that there really is a standard and it's not about hatred or bigotry it's about a love for the lord jesus christ it's about loving what he loves and hating what he hates well i was born gay well listen i don't even care to make that fight anymore you know why you might think you were born gay but you certainly weren't born again gay [Applause] but lord help us to help one another again i'm not talking about being harsh and mean i'm saying lord how can we create environments in the church where if someone is struggling they can confess someone is struggling in their marriage same sex attraction do we have a love in our hearts do we have the mercy that endures forever where we're willing to come alongside our brothers and sisters and say you were not meant to struggle alone let's get some accountability let's have some iron sharpens iron come on spirit of abortion it's all over the murdering of the innocent what about all the spiritual abortion going on in the church elizabeth carried john the baptist mary carried jesus it says that when mary with jesus in a room god around elizabeth the baby in her womb left i want to tell you that each and every one of you have a spiritual baby inside of you and part of your destiny is to get around people that make your baby jump [Applause] and spiritual abortion looks like hanging around people that kill the deposit of god inside of you it says in the book of amos they told the prophets not to prophesy and made them drink wine there is a fresh breed of nazarites that are coming that are pure that are holy that are devoted to the lord they're not ashamed of holiness they love the lord but each and every one of us have to hear the lord because i'm telling you there's a place in god where what you consider a sin your brother might not consider a sin based off of what god has spoken to you i was 12 years old the lord's already calling me to fast i was 15 years old the lord's already telling me you're not going to do this and that why god because i've set you apart yeah but my pastors aren't even fasting i'm not talking to you about your pastors jeremiah i'm talking to you see this is what is god speaking to your own heart what realm of consecration and purity and holiness is he asking of you parents it really is okay if you want to create a chamber of god's presence in your home and rather than hand your kid on electronic 25 times a day teach them how to worship [Applause] these grandparents they're like what is going on grandparents like my kids all their like my grandkids they're just addicted to video games and television and you can't even go out to eat and watch people have a conversation because they have to have a tablet or a computer what happened of perversion got in changed the appetite of a culture which shifted the direction we began to crave what fed our flesh that's why it's great to start disciplining your children as early as possible you ever talk do you ever try to counsel a parent who's just thinking about discipline at like four or five baby that flesh has got strong that little four or five-year-old that's never been told no the universe doesn't revolve around you young buddy you try to come up against that flesh oh man you better get ready for a war but as a parent you've got to know there are some wars you ain't losing i don't care how many times i got to put them back in their bed i don't care how many times i got to get it right there is a standard there is an authority there is a head of the home you're going to respect your mom and your dad we're not going to put up with nonsense in our house because if we put up with nonsense in our house there's going to be a lot of nonsense in the house of god how we doing there's a fight there's a war who are we fighting the devil the spirit of jezebel a perversion that's twisting a culture who are we contending for our sons and daughters who are we after our grandchildren what do you mean let's have a generation that begins to build for legacy can i say that again build for legacy not just so that you'll get god but that your children and your grandchildren and their children what i passed down in my bloodline was a devotion a love for jesus a sacrifice that would guarantee 50 60 70 years down the road they've inherited a life in god that devil will come and try to tempt you oh just do it it's in the moment it feels good right now i'm telling you wake up part of being an adult is waking up right it's taking responsibility my actions affect people nike came out with a t-shirt i wanted to burn every time i saw it the t-shirt said not a role model can i just tell you you're a role model whether you want to be or not can i tell you that people are watching you every second of the day they're learning you they're watching you let's close here in ii chronicles 29. we just looked at an example of this spirit of perversion i'm prophesying that there's about to be an exposure something's going to shake in l.a i'm telling you god is giving the people of god an opportunity to refine what we're hungering for what we're looking to honor maybe you walk up to that prophet that you love the prophecies and just maybe throw them off and say well how's your marriage and when they look at you in a like you're you're a ghost you know just to run what if the next great move of god has nothing to do with public meetings what if the next great move of god has to do with family what if the scripture is actually going to be fulfilled in malachi 4 5 and 6 what if fathers are going to return to sons and again some of us in our cares like wow that doesn't really seem very flashy that doesn't really seem but if it's glorious in god's eyes that's all that i want i see this hunger as i travel in young people they're over the platform they're over i told a pastor the other day who pastors a mega church he said again jeremiah how am i doing i said man i think that you've totally refined the sermon i said who are you fathering in this huge church how many of your staff are you meeting with of the 50 of them how many are you sitting down and asking them do you watch pornography why is that how's your mare how are your kids again he's done it 25 years right i've never thought about that i've got a commanding presence behind the pulpit that i can lead thousands but when it comes to actually fathering or mothering or discipling or getting the right things right i've never thought about it let me just point one more thing out to you and we'll land the plane so many mothers and fathers in this generation that are being overlooked and the reason why you're being overlooked is because you don't have a platform so there's this thing called rent a daddy so everyone wants to be a part or they want to be underneath an apostle they want to be connected to someone famous so they pay a fee every month and they can say i'm a part of this network i'm connected to apostles so and so they're my spiritual father no you're just bought into the rent a daddy scheme so we have young p i'm just pointing to you out the deception of the devil we have young people they're hungry for a platform they're hungry for a mic they want the anointing they're like the prophet let me just check out what you do and the only thing he watches me do is read my bible love my wife play with my kids he's like man this is totally unimpressive these kind of people and they only want because again their appetite is messed up there's a perversion in their mind about what they want to be a part of and so we've got people in the church i believe at least 75 percent of you i'm talking to you you have something to offer you have wisdom you have revelation you have life's experience you should be mentoring and fathering as mothering as many people as possible but the young people they don't want to give you the time of day because you don't have a platform what i want to encourage you is you don't need a platform to influence a generation i want to encourage you if you're a young person or if you're a middle maybe you're just seeking fathering and mentoring i know from my life people think well you're a prophet so you need a prophet to mentor you no i didn't i needed a pastor jeremiah your great prophetic revelations are awesome how are you doing in your personal life yeah but bro father i was going to tell you about the revelation let's just talk about that later the three spiritual fathers that i have in my life right now when i get them on the phone they've never asked me one time how the conference went six years ago i broke into the mainstream if you will i did a huge national conference the fire of god fell it was amazing god touched the people i literally walked into my hotel room across the threshold and the phone rang i picked up the phone and it was a familiar voice who had just watched it and said you better not be getting prideful and arrogant like two i i walked off the stage and went into my room and had a father who said hey jack we need these kind of people in our lives three of you no we need the people that rub us wrong that tell us the truth it's more precious than gold not a little ministry oh i can't stand her brother brother why can't you stand her because she tells me the truth yes that's who god gave you as a spouse it's called covenant the goal is not happiness it's holiness [Applause] i'm excited i'm telling you there's a fresh move of god coming revival's going to break out in the neighborhoods we begin to do family and homes i believe there's a movement that's coming that's not centered on public gatherings it's centered on families that are doing deep intimate relationship they have a craving for character the word of god healthy family and marriage i believe god is offering grace and mercy to anyone maybe who got swept up and doing it wrong would it just be great to have a bunch of testimonies of so many men and women who trusted in a super star preacher and got burned bet you there could be a lot of those here and we could prevent a next generation from growing bitter and wanting nothing to do at the church because they were exposed to hypocrisy just ready to get before the lord this afternoon and just say god would you expose what i'm hungry for amen if there's something inside of me that reeks of idolatry if there's a spirit of perversion that's twisting that's conniving like ahab if if i'm if i'm after all if i'm what i'm supposed to be repelled by i'm attracted to would you bring deliverance in my life god i want you to spare a generation of people getting married and divorced five times before they're 40. amen there's grace there's mercy but here's the thing we have to get real we have to get vulnerable we have to talk about the hard stuff because i've seen the harvest i believe in the bob jones prophecy but i'm telling you emphatically if we don't get ready in the house of god for the harvest that's coming they will walk out as fast as they walked in real quick hezekiah second chronicles 29 i promise less than five minutes and we're out bill johnson says every preacher gets three closes before they're a liar so ahab jezebel no no no no no no is that a good prophetic word no no like i tell my little one-year-old no no no perversion no casual harlotry just one drink is gonna get you where you don't wanna go just one date with that guy is gonna seduce you into a lifetime of regret have your guard up get some conviction know what you want do not compromise do not be ashamed of it so hezekiah comes and he reigned when he was 25 he reigned 29 years verse 2 and he did right in the sight of the lord according to all that his father had done you know what's interesting hezekiah's father was evil i don't know about you but i look up my wife a lot and i say god has raised us up to break the power of dysfunction in our generational line [Music] you could be in this room and your dad was this and your mom was this and you grew up in dysfunction heathen whatever it is ahab was a man of compromise but i'm declaring to you today that god is raising up a people of covenant by you being a man or woman of covenant god is literally going to rearrange they walked in their ways of their father god in the first year of his reign in the first month listen in the first year of the first month he opened the doors of the house of the lord and repaired them and he brought in the priests and the levites we read about them last night and he gathered them into the square on the east verse 5 then he said to them listen to me o levites consecrate yourselves now consecrate the house of the lord of your fathers and carry the uncleanliness from the holy place old testament we've got two great moves of god primarily one underneath the reign of hezekiah here and secondly underneath his grandson josiah this is not a message of all man the charismatic movement is done for no we're talking about issues we're releasing promises but i'm telling you reform is here god is raising up a generation of young and old regardless of what leader you were underneath regardless of how your parents modeled it for you there's an opportunity to take a stand for righteousness today and the very first thing that we've got to do is consecrate yourself go to the house of god and tell the people if you don't get right with god and judgment is coming first what will happen to people out there who disobey the gospel of god verse 10 hezekiah our man now it is in my heart to make a covenant can you say covenant i believe we're here this afternoon because god wants to put it in your heart this weekend to make a covenant you might have walked in here a man or woman of compromise but you're leaving a man or woman of covenant you might have been chasing after and pursuing ministers who you know are involved in mixture and compromise and you might lay i feel the spirit of god in this room and this seems crazy to even say but i'm telling you some of you right now you need to go on a social media podcast fast you need to stop reading their books and listening to whoever's messages god is giving you grace in this season to get in his word and learn how to incline your ear to the voice of god once again because if we don't know his voice we get led astray by others how do you detect counterfeit money not by studying the counterfeit you study the real if we study the life of jesus christ and we get back to him at the center of our lives we will detect any fraud and here's the thing that i'm saying here's the spirit of perversion there's people in the church that are studying the life of christ they know the standard but everyone else is just so accepting of compromise and after a while they're thinking to theirself am i crazy am i legalistic that's the spirit of perversion at work in the church that's calling good evil and evil good did you just catch that that's the spirit of perversion that's grabbing the church and then in isaiah 3 it says as judgment i will make children your leaders i will give you men and women of compromise who will do a little of man-to-man ministry but if you want to be a man or woman of covenant i'll let you minister to me jesus hezekiah god put a covenant in his heart i'm telling you god's put a covenant back in the heart of this generation think of that song i'm coming back to the heart of worship it's all about you it's all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the things i've made it i don't know where i got off track but i'm leaving this place pledging my allegiance to christ and christ alone it just it's just so weird right like the preacher is telling you like you don't need me you need god they don't tell you that because they can't get paid anymore but again you were never supposed to get fed by preachers you were supposed to get trained and equipped to do the work of ministry i'm not saying no church no leaders i'm just saying the spirit of perversion has caused the church to hunger and go to church for all the wrong reasons so he says i have a covenant real quick and here's the charge my sons and based off of this dream last night i just all i know how to tell you is this is the word of the lord for every person at this gathering my sons my conference attendees in lancaster florida excuse me lancaster california do not be negligent now i just got to tell you no it's challenging this word negligent does not mean intentional sin it actually means unintentional sin it means i'm i'm just distracted it means i'm just do not be negligent now and here it is for the lord has chosen you to stand in the prophetic line and get a word god just open up a realm of the audience of one because when you've seen him and you've beheld him and you've spent time in your pres his presence i remember when god called me to travel i was disappointed because it meant less time with god people in lancaster don't be negligent now for the lord has called you to stand before him this is the hour to stand to be sober to be vigilant to know that jezebel that the devil is roaming around just making you a little offer of compromise here and compromise there just do a little deal with the devil in private and no one will know about it it's a lie from hell i hear the spirit of god saying some of you it's time to get the monkey off your back some of us right now the spirit of god is rising up saying you know what i'm tired of being bound in pornography i'm tired of struggling with lust i'm tired of lying my way i don't know who i'm talking about i'm tired of lying my way into relationships for fear that they really know who i really am there is grace and mercy available to here today to exchange compromise for covenant chosen you to stand before me to minister to me and be my ministers and burn incense it's glorious you know what the inheritance of the levites was they didn't get any land but you know what they got what are we after abraham i am your reward i'm not saying he won't give you this or that or whatever you want but i'm saying if we don't get the main thing to be the main thing to be the main thing the only thing that awaits us in our our future is trouble is god enough i went to lancaster and i got more of god [Applause] i got the chains of shame and guilt and condemnation broke off of my life i woke up and i got my marriage back you know what i didn't do the best with my kids and they're not even serving god and i've been up under the shame and guilt and condemnation and i went and i heard the word of the lord that said in a generation of compromise god is releasing a generation of covenant and i'm going to contend i'm going to hold the standard i'm going to get revived i'm going to bring their names before god i got awakened i got revived i became sober i became diligent it's time to swim upstream well everybody's doing it but i wasn't born to fit in i was born to stand out just hear god saying my people i give you permission to burn this is not at this little light of mine conference this isn't even a a secret burning bush i'm telling you there's a wild fire that's coming there's a passion there's a devotion there's a love sickness i was telling the worship team here i'm telling you when we begin to sing songs to the bridegroom in these last days have you ever seen that couple in public make out and you're like go get a room i'm telling you people are gonna walk into the church and there is such this romance this love this affection this your love is better than the wine of this world what i once craved what i once was attracted to it no longer has a hold on me and i'm not miserable about it i've got the true joy that's found in jesus i haven't found a husband yet but i've got a bridegroom his name is jesus i haven't found my calling yet but i've realized it's actually to encounter god would you stand with me today i feel like just starting to yell jesus again i just give god i i don't it's not about giving me your time give god two minutes would you just bow your heads lord if there is compromise in my life the bible says that repentance brings refreshing i want to encourage you right now to repent and confess your sins to god lord i give you my compromise and today i'm asking that you would put a heart of covenant within me i've got a burden for people who aren't married god i'm asking for folks in this room that are not married that want to be god i'm asking that you would give them conviction that they would not lower their standards god would you speak to the loneliness in their heart of being alone and i pray that their future would not look anything like a step back but only a step forward moving ahead in god lord i pray for the marriages in this room god we're asking that you would pull the veil back of dysfunction lord would you just send help god just sent some people you you can't really even tell anybody but you've been crying out for help god we're asking that you would send help right now god finally i just continue to pray for the prodigals in this generation i pray for every mother or father grandparent in this room who has a child who's not serving you god as father nash prayed we're just asking that you would sick the hounds of heaven on them i just break the power of shame off of your life father i break the power of guilt off of your life mom i say you get up out right now stop sitting underneath the sorrow in the pain you are not a victim you are more than a conqueror in christ jesus we just kicked the devil out of your life i bind up a spirit of depression that has come upon mothers and fathers in this room concerning your children and we say that your mind and heart will no longer be a place of discouragement and despair but god would fill your life now with hope god would you release the gift of hope in this room that they will come home that the seed that we placed inside of them would not return void god would you help us to fight again would you help us to fight again i see the spirit of god putting us on the right path get off of that rabbit trail get out of that pit of despair delete that phone number god would you bring us in divine alignment today men and women of covenant men and women of covenant i'll just take a deep breath spirit of the living god would you fill our lives let's take another one you're not doing it for me you're just take a deep breath god bring us into divine alignment every burden freedom reigns in this place showers of mercy and grace falling on every face there is freedom freedom reigns in this place showers of mercy and grace it's falling on every face there is freedom one more time freedom is falling in this place showers of mercy and grace falling on every place there is freedom now let's give the lord a shout of praise come on let's lift up our voices i want to thank you so much for joining us today on the watchmen's corner i pray that the message that just went forth was a blessing to you that you were strengthened and encouraged we're going to go into a time of prayer but before we do that i want to ask you to consider sowing into the watchmen's corner television program the ministry of jeremiah johnson ministries we are impacting lives on a daily basis we're witnessing salvation miracles and deliverance be the portion of this generation there's going to be a prompt that's going to pop up on your screen you can follow the directions be sure to check out our website jeremiahjohnson.tv let's pray now father we just thank you for this opportunity today to gather and hear what you're saying to the churches we lift up every need to you those that are sowing financially into the program god we just ask lord for greater blessing to be ours today in the name of jesus christ amen thank you so much for joining us in the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 52,239
Rating: 4.908226 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremiah, Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, JJM, Ministries, Ministry, God, Jesus, Prophet, Prophecy, Author, Christianity, Christ, Jesus Christ, Church, Jeremiah Johnson Ministries
Id: IPnSG0qlNT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 13sec (6013 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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