Fusion For After Effects Users! - Learn Fusion Page (DaVinci Resolve 15 Tutorial)

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[Music] hey guys Casey Faris here thanks for checking out another video of mine here on YouTube today we are talking about some differences between Adobe After Effects and the fusion tab inside of DaVinci Resolve 15 pretty much the idea here is we're going to build something in After Effects and I'm going to show you how to do the same thing inside of fusion this will help anybody who is familiar with After Effects get into Fusion and be a little bit less confused and you know have a good time because you know good times anyway let's let's get in to it we're just gonna be making kind of some simple graphics today because it'll teach you the basics without getting to crazy town I'm gonna start by clicking a new composition sweet and okay I'm gonna right click down here hit new solid and let's do this on just kind of a nice pink maybe a little bit more red yeah something like that magenta red solid boom there's our background I'm gonna right-click and say new text and we'll call this something special something special zoom this up a little bit I'll use a font called motion control and I'm gonna line that to the middle now let's put a drop shadow on this I'll go to the effect controls go to perspective drop shadow you know let's pump up the distance a little bit something like that 50% black yeah something nice like that now I'm gonna make a little vignette there's about a hundred ways to do this but I think what I'll do is I'll make a solid and we'll just make it a black solid I'm gonna grab my ellipse tool double click it that's going to make an ellipse and I will set my mask to subtract I'll hit F and feather that out a little bit and then what I'm going to do is hit T to bring up my opacity controls for this layer and bring it down bring it all the way down and push it back up a little something like that and maybe we want this to fly and let's have it fly in at one second s and shift P that's gonna bring up my position and scale keyframes and I'll click on the stopwatch is there to add a keyframe right where it is move to the beginning of the sequence and I'll scale it up quite a bit something like that position it so it's still in the middle and Shoop there we go that's a little too slow so I'll just bring this back here I'll hit f9 what that's going to do is smooth out my keyframes so here's what it looks like Shoom nice and you have to say Shoom Shoom perfect so let's say we like that now what I want to do is add kind of a camera shake to this I'm going to select all of this and hit ctrl shift C that's gonna make a pre comp I'll just call it pre comp 1 hit OK and now I can move everything all at once as if it's kind of its own footage and the way I'm going to make this shake is by adding a wiggle and I could do this myself but I'm not going to I'm just going to go to effects and presets and type wiggle and I'll drag wiggle position to my pre comp and up here in my effect controls I'll bring the amount down a little bit and speed up a little bit something like that and I'll take this footage and I'll just scale it up just a little let's see what it looks like something special yeah there's kind of some basic graphics in After Effects and that's pretty much how you would do that in After Effects if you're familiar with After Effects all of this makes perfect sense so now I'm going to show you how to do the same thing inside of resolve in the fusion tab alright so here we are in DaVinci Resolve 15 the first thing we're going to do is make our composition probably the fastest way to do that is just go to titles here in the Edit tab and drag text plus into our timeline and then click the fusion tab so this is the fusion tab if you haven't ever opened it before if you don't know what it is here's a basic rundown down here are the nodes this is a lot like your layer stack here in After Effects but it's not really built in layers it's more like a flowchart of how things are put together in your composition which sounds super confusing but I promise you it's not as scary as it seems so I'll teach you kind of the need-to-know basics to get this composition working in the nodes each node is a part of the composition right now this is a node called template and without explaining a million things you can just delete this right now okay media out is what's going to be rendered so anything that's connected to this is going to be something that the viewer will see let's start out with something I'm going to hit I'm going to right click on the background here and go to add tool go up to generator and hit background and I'll just grab this little gray square and connect it to my media out a background you can basically think of like a solid and after effects watch I'm gonna grab this little color thing bring it down to that kind of red magenta and there we go that's our magenta solid so now you may be wondering okay how do I add the text layer over it there aren't really layers in fusion in the same way that there are layers inside of After Effects you do put things over things but it's not really like a stack of layers it's built with these nodes let's say we want to put text over this background I can right-click say add tool let's say generator and go to text plus you'll notice there's not a lot going on one of the reasons is because I don't have anything in style text right now so I'll type something special and you'll notice that I can't connect this to media out it doesn't work but if we want to see what's going on if I hover over this arrow I can disconnect it by clicking on it and then connect it to media out and see we have something special in here so whatever is connected to media out that's what's going to render but we can only connect one thing at a time so what do we do we're going to use a special node called a merge node and a merge node is basically put something over something else so I'm gonna right click say add tool go up to composite and hit merge so now we just have to connect all the pieces I'm going to disconnect my background and I'm going to connect it to my merge node and then I can connect my text to my merge node - and then if I want to see what's happening I can grab my merge node and connect it to my media out and look there's our composition you're probably saying this seems like a ton of work to just put a layer over another layer the good news is that you can kind of streamline this process in a couple ways the first way is if you just click somewhere on the node graph and you hit ctrl spacebar it brings up this little select tool thing and you can type in what you want to add so if I type MRG that's a shortcut for a merge node and then I can just hit enter and it will make that node for me and then I can you know do all my fancy things like I was going to do but I can even make this faster if I have my background node selected and I hit ctrl spacebar and I think it's alt spacebar on Mac brings up this menu type MRG it makes the node and it connects it between the background and the media out and all I have to do is add my text node that's pretty quick but you can even make it quicker watch this I have my text node I have my background node I'm gonna grab my text node and I can't put it on media out but if I drag it onto this little piece of the background watch this let go it makes a merge node and puts it in there and puts everything on top of it so it's kind of like just dragging something on top of something else and it'll make a merge node so is that more complicated than just putting something on top of something else for something simple like this yes but it actually gives you a lot of control over the way these things interact for instance if I want to adjust how this text looks I could go through the properties of my text node here in the inspector which is a lot like the effect controls inside of After Effects or I can adjust a lot of things within the merge node so I can adjust the sizing adjust the angle and all of that stuff without actually adjusting how the text layer looks which is really cool because you can adjust all kinds of things without actually hurting anything on your layer you just adjust how it is composited so if this makes sense to you you have officially learned just about the hardest part of fusion which is that there aren't layers it's done with nodes and if you're okay with that the rest of it is going to make a lot of sense so now we have this text merged over our background I'm going to go to my text layer and change the font to motion control something like that adjust my size now I need to add a drop shadow this is where things get actually a little bit easier than in After Effects with my text node selected all I have to do is hit control space bar and type sha D and that will bring up tools that start with sha D and one of them is shadow I'll hit OK and what that's going to do is add a drop shadow to my text and look it's connected in between my text node and the merge so I'll select my shadow node and I can adjust this shadow offset and we had it at 50% opacity in After Effects so we'll just do something like that here in the Alpha so let's switch back to After Effects looking pretty good but now how do we make this black solid with the mask over it we already learned that a solid is basically a background node so I'm gonna select my merge node and hit control space bar and type BG there's background I'll hit enter and what that's going to do is automatically make another merge node for me as well as my background layer which happens to come up as black now what do we do we got to add a mask to this quickest way to do this is actually just like After Effects with my background node selected I'll just click this ellipse button right here and that's going to add an ellipse mask to my background I'll go over here to my widths and Heights and just kind of adjust it to be roughly what we had in After Effects and I'll bring up my soft edge a little bit and I'll click invert very very similar to the way things work in After Effects but now this background is coming in a little bit strong it's like way too dark so we got to turn the opacity down and if you want to you can grab this alpha and bring that down and that will work just fine but another way that you can do it that's actually a little bit that's probably a little bit cleaner is to go to your merge node and here we have an attribute called blend and you can do the same thing and just blend that down so now we have our composite something special now we've got to animate this text easiest way to do that is just grab this first merge that's the one that's controlling this text being merged over the pink background and I'll scroll up here to size let's see where our keyframe and After Effects is living that's at 6 frames so let's go to frame 6 with my merge node selected this attribute that says size I'm gonna click this little diamond and that's going to add a keyframe right there at frame 6 and I'll bring it back to 0 and size it up a little bit this is pretty much exactly the way you would do it in After Effects it's just done inside of the merge node instead of the text layer another thing I want to do is adjust the center because this is kind of not in the middle of the screen go back to frame 6 add a keyframe on my center bring it back to 0 and I'll move it back up like that something like that so now we have this coming in like that but now how do we smooth out those keyframes because in After Effects all you have to do is select the keyframes and hit f9 it works pretty similar inside of fusion in the upper right hand corner there's a button that says spline that's going to open up your a spline window which is exactly like graph mode inside of After Effects it's pretty much the same thing okay so if you've ever used the graph editor this will make a lot of sense to you this pretty much just adjusts the way that keyframes are interpolated and it lists all the properties that are animated right here on the left and you click which ones you want to see so I'll just click everything and now nothing happens all you have to do is click this little button that says zoom to fit and that's going to zoom up everything that you need to pay attention to all the keyframes that are animated I'm going to select these last key frames because those are the ones that are going to matter and I'll hit f4 flatten and that's pretty much just going to ease in just like an easy ease inside of After Effects shoot same way see you told us even says Shoop I knew it I knew it would work so everything's pretty much animated now all we have to do is add that wiggle there are ways to do that wiggle expression inside of fusion in fact you can right click and add an expression to just about any property in the inspector here and it works very similarly to After Effects but if we're gonna add a camera shake fusion actually has a camera shake effect and the cool part is that we don't even need to pre-comp any of this because just the way that nodes work anytime that you merge something it's kind of like pre comping in that you can move everything around as a group so I'm going to select my merge node and hit ctrl spacebar and type SH a K E and this top one that says camera shake see SH K that's the one I want I'm going to hit add and this is very similar to the wiggle position preset inside of After Effects we have strength speed distance those type of things I'll take my speed down a little bit let's see what that looks like it's too much take the strength way down maybe a little more maybe I don't want it to rotate there we go and there's kind of a similar thing cool thing here too is that there's a few different options on how to fill in the edges so you can say rap and that will probably work pretty well you can duplicate or mirror things and so you don't really even have to scale it up but if we want to do that we can just add a transform node to the end of all this by typing XF and bring it up the size just a little bit and it'll work the same way so there we go and when you want to render it out or add it to your timeline or whatever all you have to do is just click Edit and there it is in the timeline ready to go so even though this looks more complicated it's not actually any more complicated than the way you would do it in After Effects it's just all the pieces are laid out here instead of in properties of layers we still have a background layer and a text layer the text layer has a drop shadow and we're putting that text layer on top of the background we also have a background layer with a mask on it that we're putting over those two layers then we're adding some shake and we're scaling it up a little bit and then we're rendering it same thing here we have our background layer we have our text layer with our drop shadow on it and we're putting it over our magenta layer we also have a black solid with a mask on it that we're putting over everything then we have to pre comp it but we're adding a camera shake with this wiggle and we're scaling it up and then we're rendering it so really the difference is everything's kind of laid out here all the pieces and you can see it at a glance without having to open a bunch of layers and figure out what's going on and I've actually gotten to the point being a hardcore After Effects nerd that I like working in fusion a little better I know it's crazy to say anyway that's not every single thing in the world about fusion but it's how to do some practical stuff which I know I appreciate when it comes to training so I hope you learned a lot if you have any questions or comments leave them in the comments below if you like this hit like and for more color grading post-production fusion resolve tutorials make sure to subscribe to my channel here on YouTube hit that notification bell that about does it for me my name is casey beerus i will catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 44,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 12, how to color grade videos, how to color grade in premiere pro, color grading tutorial, color correction tutorial, how to color grade in d
Id: fKSd9tXg0jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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