Is Far Harbor Really That Good?

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[Music] a few weeks back I asked the great Gaming Community to vote for their favorite DLC from Fallout 4 it came as no surprise that far Harbor won out however what was surprising was that after more than 8,000 votes far Harbor accounted for more than 3/4 of the overall vote that's not exactly a close call especially when you consider that there are six separate dlc's released for Fallout 4 now I personally tend to agree that far Harbor is the best DLC in Fallout 4 and I would rank it toward the top of any DLC offered in any Fallout game but I was a bit curious if this all just came down to my personal interests in play Styles or whether there actually are objectable and definable qualities that make it Far and Away the best part of Fallout 4S downloadable content so today I'm back at it trying to set my personal biases aside and probably failing to see whether far Harbor is really so deserving of so much praise or whether the low expectations of Fallout 4 simply make far Harbor look good by comparison just like with our n World video we'll be using the Grays is it good score to rate this DLC we'll look at four key categories story line explorable area new object usefulness and expansion to gameplay mechanics I'll rank each of these on a scale of 1 to five for a total possible score of 20 so hollow out your my alert carrus and Brew up some Vim captains blend because I'm gray you're watching gray gaming and today we're putting far Harbor to the test I'm just going to warn you now this discussion of an 8-year-old DLC to a 9-year-old video game is going to have spoilers please learn to deal now getting the show on the road the DLC starts off with you getting a message from Ellie Nick Valentine's assistant that the Valentine detective agency has a new client so we head over to Diamond City and get the skinny you see years back Nick worked with a guy named Kenji Nano and now Kenji needs his help now you're free to scoop up Nick and head over to the Nano residence together or you can go by yourself but trust me the story is way better better if you bring Nick along regardless you head over to the nikano residence where Kenji and his wife Ry are distraught their daughter Kumi has gone missing and they're desperate to find out where she is and what happened to her but it quickly becomes apparent that this isn't going to be a straightforward disappearance case as the spouses disagree on the circumstances surrounding kasumi's disappearance Ray believes that kenji's overprotectiveness has finally driven Kumi age 19 to run away and start a life of her own while Kenji believes that Kumi would have never just run away in the middle of the night without an explanation especially since she took one of the family's two working boats possibly the only two working boats in the entire Commonwealth a treasure to be sure as you investigate the house and its surroundings looking for Clues you come to find a number of holotapes Kumi recorded documenting the various projects that she's been working on it seems that her grandfather had taught her how to Tinker with things and she's largely responsible for half of the working appliances and electronics found throughout the Nano household but as more and more holot tapes are found including one left on her grandfather father's grave site a picture begins to emerge that Kumi is not just growing frustrated that Kenji refuses to let her leave the safety of her childhood home but she's also beginning to suffer recurring nightmares and is even struggling to remember things from her childhood a breakthrough in the case comes when Kumi records that she was able to get a ham radio working and managed to make contact with a settlement named Acadia near a place called far Harbor this settlement is populated with people called synths artificial beings and what's more the dreams and memory lapses that she's having lead the synth to suspect that she's actually one of them she took the boat to head north to far Harbor attempting to reach the Refuge of aadia in search of answers when pressed for more information the Nanos are adamant the Kumi is not a synth they conceived birthed raised and loved her all in the safety of their isolated little home there is no chance in their eyes that she's been replaced so Kenji gives you access to the remaining family boat this one even has an automated guidance system so you don't even have to do any piloting just weigh anchor and set sail already this this is a pretty strong opening mystery uncertainty no I work for a bunch of Raiders who intend to kill you here please step into this trap the setting and premise is fairly unique compared to what we've seen in Fallout 4 to date but still feels rooted in this universe it's enough to get players intrigued without giving away the plot too early honestly I don't even think I could come up with a better solution if I triy we arrive at far Harbor a small fishing Village on the coast of an isolated island and docket appear to find two people arguing one appears rather upset to see Outsiders arrive and the other is trying to reason with him and get him to calm down but before the conversation can get very far an alarm is raised the docks are under attack so we go man something vaguely analogous to a rampart and fight off a collection of all new Critters that don't seem to exist in the Commonwealth emerging from the thick fog the assignment itself is just shooting gallery type work so nothing overly exciting but it does show it that this DLC is going to get wild you return to the people arguing Captain Avery the mayor of far Harbor is continuing to try and talk some sense into Allen Lee the town's weapons Merchant who was fed up with sitting on the docks waiting to fall prey to the Island's Wildlife the island is home to a radioactive Madness inducing fog which used to only be a problem in certain locations but in recent times has expanded to envelop the entire Island far Harbor remains one of only two remaining refuges free of the fog thanks to a series of vapor condensers that surround the settlement courtesy of the sense at aadia Le is a comically short-tempered hothead who desperately attempts to scapegoat anyone in sight for his current circumstances he blames the children of Adam the notorious cult that worships radiation who have a sizable commune on the island for somehow making the fog worse Avery defends them assuming that Lee's just an idiot looking to satisfy his own blood lust probably correctly Lee also has a bone to pick with aadia because they won't give far Harbor enough fog condensers to take the entire Island back an understandable frustration but this belief is also based entirely on the assumption that Acadia actually has the resources to produce condensers on such a massive scale something that here in the post apocalypse is highly unlikely eventually Lee relents and goes back to man's storefront but has made pretty clear that his behavior will have to be addressed eventually in the meantime Avery confirms that Kumi did in fact pass through far Harbor and went up to find aadia she doesn't have a whole lot more information and warns that the people of far Harbor are very self-sufficient stubborn and don't trust Outsiders so if the Soul Survivor wants more info they'll have to gain the people's trust somehow as we ask around town we find a couple people who aren't afraid to ask for the mainlander help and even manage to find a guide old Longfellow willing to take us to aadia sure he's a crotchety old drunk but the Soul Survivors dealt with far worse before together we find our way through the fog dealing with Trappers pretty much just generic Raiders wolves my lurks even run into a child of Adam who accuses the S and aadia of blasphemy because they invented technology that subverts Adam's will by protecting people from the fog okay Allan Lee might actually be on to something with his hatred of the children of Adam here finally they reach Acadia an old Observatory built on a m mountain top above the fog line inside they come face to face with dimma a let's call him a highly modified gen who syn fully sensient though many aftermarket vacuum tubes and cables he has protruding from his body are somewhat off-putting and serve as a pretty clear sign that his current level of functionality probably wasn't available when he rolled off the institute's assembly lines DEA describes himself as a prototype synth a stepping stone to bridge the gap between the old Gen 2 synth and the more advanced gen 3 synths that dominate people's fears in the present day diema was a prototype designed to test what would happen if you let a machine gain sence and develop personality naturally his many modifications were added after he escaped from The Institute to combat storage capacity limitations which required him to frequently delete or offload his memories he's even using many of the old mainframes and terminals lying around Acadia to increase his computational abilities and transfer data back and forth which is actually pretty cool and pretty much takes an old synth that shouldn't have more computing power than your average assaultron and cobbles together a Zach's computer that your mom ordered for you off wait that's a dated reference what's the current equivalent I'm a bit of a shut in Teemu whatever moving on DEA tells you that Acadia isn't a threat to anyone and the sin here just want to live their lives in peace and to that end they are Sheltering Kumi Nano as a synth and helping her learn the truth for herself he says you're free to talk to her but also poses a few questions to the Soul Survivor that is meant to throw you a red herring but instead has sparked one of the more ridiculous mainstream fan theories in all of Fallout out that the Soul Survivor is actually a synth because they don't remember anything from before the day the bombs dropped no offense if you're one of the people that believes this fan Theory it's just obviously meant to make you chase your own tail and offer just the tiniest sliver of doubt that Kumi is actually a human I'll just go ahead and save some additional thoughts I have on this topic here and move on for now Kumi can be found tinkering with some Machinery in a cadus depths and if you ask her to come back to the common wealth she refuses not just because she's convinced she's a synth but also because she's found some worrying information about and some of the data he's been building in the Acadia Mainframe yeah we weren't buying the softspoken pacifist routine anyway so now we're stuck trying to ingratiate ourselves to the good folks of Acadia while trying to learn anything we can about dimma when Kazumi's concerns are verified dimma is confronted with his actions he says he was simply running simulations to determine the likely death count if War erupted between far Harbor and the children of Adam he's trying desperately to keep the peace between these two factions and needed as much data as possible to help him make informed decisions on how to approach each group dang it that actually sounds plausible although dimma is certain he once had the answers to ensuring peace those memories are now missing archived to an external server from before his sweet Dropbox subscription here in Acadia problem is that server is buried deep in the submarine base that the children of Adam are now calling home so we get to infiltrate or piously convert to the children of Adam to go look for it once again we're sent on a number of different Quests for various members of our new family including another Cameo by tuac I guess that explains why Captain Kel's is the go-to for Brotherhood atrocities tied to this DLC anyway we finally get access to the bowels of the base get to the end then no don't you do it no say it how dare you it's an augmented reality Puzzle level thank you Bethesda you know by 2016 everyone else had already beat this idea into the ground right uh fine we have to navigate through a series of puzzles to unlock dea's memories and it seems that he had plenty of reason to leave these locked away because they include a kill switch for the experimental wind farm that provides power to far Harbor's fog condenser Network the nuclear launch coats for the missiles rusted in place in the nucleus that's what the children of Adam call their Base by now and a record of DEA murdering one of far Harbor's residents and replacing them with a synth infiltrator basically violating every belief that Dima has a spoused and would give people like Allen Lee plenty of reason to organize a synth hunt all of these memories if they fell into the wrong hands could spell certain and doomed for one or more of the islands factions so we go hunting for the answers and get our hands on the codes we identify the identity of far Harbor's infil okay it's Avery the one person with the most clout and one voice of reason in all of far Harbor yeah that wasn't much of a surprise actually so we confront Di and we have a choice we can either pave the way for far Harbor's destruction by disabling their condensers we can convince the children of Adam to seek division by detonating their own nukes basically committing mass suicide if that innuendo was too cryptic for you or you and DEA can scheme together and finally bring peace to the island by murdering the Hardline leader of the children of Adam Confessor tectus and replacing him with another synth infiltrator who is intended to offer a more moderate voice to the children the same way Avery does for far Harbor naturally if you don't feel like doing anyone's bidding or you feel sort of Dirty by doing exactly the sort of thing that would make father shaon proud you can simply choose to keep the Doom code secret and convince DEA to present himself to far Harbor for judgment he can March into the middle of town admit that he murdered one of their their own and beg that only he be judged for his actions so Acadia can continue to prosper on their own naturally the hothead Allen Lee will try to use this as justification to whip the town into a frenzied mob to storm Acadia depending on the mainlander actions the people of far Harbor whom he helped along the way will come forward one by one to speak against Lee and if we did all the open world stuffs to do in Far Harbor we can actually get a peaceful end for everyone but Dima he dies sort of fitting it's by far the most interesting ending with the greatest sense of accomplishment as one by one people who we've helped return the favor by coming to our Aid when the chips are down it's the most heartfelt and emotional ending but also the least satisfying with the least chance of assuring long-term peace on the island the Final Act is an amazing series of trade-offs and is one of the best of not just any branching storyline in a DLC but in an RPG period you can choose to support either of the extremes far Harbor's libertarian ideals mesh pretty strongly with Minute Men ideology the children of Adam adhere to strict Doctrine and ideological hegemony not so dissimilar from maxon's Brotherhood totally different ideology mind you but culturally they share a lot of similarities the ending with best long-term Prospect for peace is also the one that requires manipulation deceit murder compromising every ideal that Acadia stands for but also doing so with the purest of intentions or there's doing the right thing that stands the greatest chance of hurting innocence and even if only the guilty party is judged and punished they were still someone that was acting with good inions and his actions actually did serve to Stave off Bloodshed if only for a short while the only game whose branching stories come even close is Fallout New Vegas but if we're being honest that one gets a lot of extra points just because it has the benefit of being a fully fleshed out game rather than a 10 to 15 hour DLC anyway before the angry New Vegas totalitarians show up to my doorstep with a freshly tied noose let's go there is one last thing for us to do to tyo on this case oh yeah that's right the case we we got to get Kumi to go home we can talk to her one last time and it's clear she's still confused about who or what she is the Soul Survivor can use this as an opportunity to nudge her any direction we want we can tell her she already knows what she is we can flat out tell her she's a synth or we can flat out tell her she's a human dealer's choice but she returns home and if she claims she's a synth Kenji will naturally be very upset but the so Survivor can calm him down or failing that this happy little home will be shattered forever as Kenji tosses Kumi out if she's human it's every bit the heartfelt reunion you could possibly hope for and that's far Harbor this is a story Rich DLC this synops is completely blew past old longfellow's companion story arc most of the faction specific quests the funniest twist I think I experienced on any quest in a Fallout game when we go hunt a sea monster called the Red Death there's just so much to get into but this video would be massive if I don't cut a bunch of this stuff out but a part I really want to draw attention to is the fact that dimma is most likely wrong about you being a Sy I've heard it all all the fanfiction all the theories about the Soul Survivor being a synth about how he can use Vats without a pit boy because he's a synth that's called technical oversight sort of like Vats not becoming available as soon as you receive your pit boy in Fallout 3 there's a specific set of conditions that need to be met and Bethesda just put it in the wrong place in Fallout 4 deal with it that entire theory is based on Dima trying to convince you that you're a synth because you don't remember anything from before the bombs dropped because the writers never tried to create that much backstory for your character it's a red herring a snipe hunt a wild goose chase why are all the idioms about misdirection animal related it's to distract you from the fact that Kumi is not actually a synth another human whom dimema has convinced was a sin I could argue this point for quite some time but again I need to move on so I'll summarize the evidence against Kumi synth Hood she doesn't have a synth component there's no reason the Institute would have replaced her with an infiltrator is the Nanos are an insignificant family of Hermits who live on the very edge of the Commonwealth Institute infiltrators are fully aware of their own identities see Roger Warick mayor MCD and art the Nanos have known Kumi her entire life so she's not a railroad escape with a mind wipe and neither the railroad or Institute have any knowledge of Kazumi's actual identity if dimma is this wrong about Kumi based on what sounds like somewhat compelling evidence with her nightmares and memory lapses of her own How likely is the fact that he's wrong about the Soul Survivor with even less knowledge into their background and less evidence to back up his claims all right let's stop beating around the bush storyline it's pretty incredible there's a reason it sparked all these fan theories and debate in the Fallout community that is still being discussed at nauseum almost a decade later it's just that damn good got to give it a five out of five hey folks if my voice sounds a bit off it's because I came down with some crazy mole rat disease after recording the rest of this video now normally this would be the part of the video where I would ask you to do mean things to the like button yada yada but today I just wanted to give a shout out to a fan Brandon Bryant Brandon took the time to craft a logo for gray gaming to replace that aging one that I made when I was first learning to add text to my videos unfortunately I had just invested in hiring a professional graphic designer so even though I won't be using your logo Brandon I did just want to say thank you and I appreciate the time and energy that you spent on this it means so much that you would go out of your way to design something like this for me and I did want to sincerely offer my gratitude the far Harbor DLC adds one location in the Commonwealth the Nano residence and an entirely new map a somewhat decent representation of Mount desert island in Maine I actually went there earlier this summer and irony of irony I couldn't see Jack because of the fog that covered most of the island that day I blame the children of Adam but sadly I have no proof I almost didn't make it out you know what they say people go mad in the fog anyway the island has a lot of fairly interesting things to look at so long as you're interested in lore the Vim poop Factory is pretty big and expansive but if you're not interested in reading all the terminals and seeing the Shady stuff nuca Cola was doing before the word of force a hostile takeover you probably just found it to be another generic Factory infested with super mutants the MS aelia is also expansive but also just another sprawling Shanty Town occupied by the trappers who are once again just generic Raiders there's a new Vault added in the DLC which is actually pretty interesting all of its dwellers are Robo brains there's a murder mystery that we have to solve and the believably ridiculous ulous vault tech experiment never happened thanks to the overseer funneling funds away from half the Vault so construction only happened on the quote unquote good half it's filled with Easter eggs and it's all around just a good time unless you count the requirement that you have to Traverse a ghoul infested multi-level Maze of a hotel ruin in order to reach it and then accidentally steal a phone that was marked as owned that caused the whole Vault to aggro and forcing you to go through the hotel a second time that was a frustrating recording session there wasn't much that was unique about the vault in terms of new assets it was just a new combination of things we had seen in other vaults in particular Vault 88 contributed a lot to the design here the nucleus and aadia are both very unique and while the docks of far Harbor could pretty easily be replicated by one of the more skilled settlement Builders out there like school zone it still carried with it that Waterfront charm that the real world Bar Harbor is known for without the fact that all parking in the entire town is metered Bar Harbor Board of Tourism I hope you're listening that just felt very greedy anyway far Harbor it's one of the few cases where there is actual visible improvement improvement by Bethesda era Fallout standards that occurs as a result of your actions which is a nice touch the map is larger than Nuka world but also feels pretty sparse like there isn't a whole lot here now I know this is not actually the case there's more marked locations and far haror than there was in N world and that's even with Bethesda marking several of the parks rides as locations in nuk World maybe it's just the fog adding to a sense of isolation but I do agree that it feels spacious empty and isolated maybe that's where all of the comments in my n World video were coming from when they claimed that this DLC is boring and Bland I think a lot of this just comes down to environmental factors more so than design in terms of explorable area I'm going to give it four out of five mostly due to that sense of isolation which I'm pretty sure is intentional and in that sense I think the DLC definitely succeeded but I don't think it worked in their favor in this case as with my n World video I acknowledge upfront that this is a somewhat subjective category and what works for one person's play of style won't necessarily work for another but trying to be as objective as possible okay screw it it's my review and I do what I want far Harbor actually doesn't bring huge amounts of new objects to the table what it does bring are pretty good the Marine assault armor is Bar None the best armor in the game even if it is a bit ugly and has some character clipping issues the wet suit is also a nice alternative to the Vault suit if you're wanting something a bit more muted in color but still like the form fitted underclothing appearance of the Vault suit I'm pretty partial to December's Child a unique combat rifle that uses 556 ammo so basically it's the assault rifle without the ugly of being a Fallout 4 assault rifle for melee builds there's Adam's judgment a super Sledge augmented with four damage Fusion course for people that like the broadsider but don't like how hard cannonballs are to locate there's the Harpoon Gun for people that like rifle builds there's the lever action rifle which is great unless you have n World installed in which case it gets completely eclipsed by the handmade rifle if you're looking for completely outlandish clothing there's the various outfits and helmets you can can get through the children of Adam or the Trapper armor sets but the single greatest expansion in objects I have to say is the introduction of the barn build set in the workshop the barn build set has lots of options for floors walls and roofs that aren't full of drafty drippy droopy or otherwise deficient holes gaps and other stupidly lazy design choices it was really this DLC that finally made the vanilla settlement building even remotely tenable in my opinion yes I love my concrete but you can only build a gray box so many times before you begin to crave a bit of pigment there's not a lot that's new and some of what it did well was overshadowed by NAA world just a few months later but I think giving it a three out of five is perfectly fair in this case much like the N World video I feel like I've already given away the punch line here throughout the video by now far Harbor's expansion to the settlement building system finally added enough variety that nerds like me could start wasting entire weekends building strongholds across the Commonwealth there are loads of new Critters fog crawlers Anglers gulpers hermit CR even where the enemies are just reskins they're pretty gnarly reskins that are unique enough that you don't really consider wolves or blood rage myurs to be just a minor texture pack and color palette away from the pests you've been stomping all over the Commonwealth the wildlife here is exactly what you would expect in a Fallout world that takes place on an island off the northern Atlantic Coastline and most have new behaviors that you have to learn to cope with if you want to survive out in the fog unlike nuc World vault tech workshop and automatron that all only added a single Workshop location Far Harbor adds four four new settlement locations each unique bringing their own challenges advantages and requiring different methods of unlocking that are more than simple Clean Sweep radiant quests they also added a number of new events to break the monotony of Simply getting another settlement attack notification there's actually coordinated assaults that don't take place from the normal attacker spawn points there's the condenser down event where the condensers can malfunction allowing the islands Wildlife to begin pouring into the settlement from all directions and there's just a good oldfashioned hermit crab hunt where settlers will grab their rifles and head off to get a nice Seafood dinden but with that said there is one mechanic you have to deal with if you want to finish the main story line and it's that completely unnecessary virtual reality Mission it seems that no matter who you were in the early 2010s if you were producing a AAA title you were expected to throw in a VR puzzle mission Assassin's Creed Revelations had those Desmond platforming missions Mass Effect 3 had the GU server Mission and apparently by the end of 2015 Bethesda still felt like this was a thing and they didn't want to be left behind even though Bethesda always seems to be a few years behind everyone else anyway probably a self-fulfilling prophecy there huh Todd anyway apparently ignorant of the fact that these Mission types are usually considered to be some of the least fun out of whatever game they're inserted into Bethesda decided to throw players into a cyberpunk Minecraft platform or puzzle Mission and require you to complete no fewer than three levels five if you want to unlock added backstory into Nick Valentine's history and then get completely disappointed when the most convoluted time-consuming final puzzle just unlocks a multi-item fetch quest for items you can already buy Bethesda are you listening I hate you guys so much right now but since I brought up Nick Valentine the story as I told it when I offered my synopsis was actually pretty devoid of any references to him despite the fact that the quest begins with a case opened by the Valentine detective agency the reason for this is that you don't need Nick at any point to progress the storyline he's not essential in any way you can go to the island alone or with any other companion although the they'll have pretty much nothing to say about the events the mainlander kicks off but if you choose to bring Nick you can actually learn that he and dimma were the only two prototypes built by The Institute to bridge the gap between Gen 2 and gen 3 synths dimma considers them to be brothers and it was dimma who masterminded their escape from The Institute together if you get rid of Nick's Noir detective accent they actually even have the same voice but Nick was built to test whether a human personality could be imprinted onto a machine which is why he has the memories of a 250 detective and after their escape the confused Nick attacked Dima forcing them to part ways and leading to Nick's solitary existence following the Escape Nick's presence during many of the most important conversations with dimma and the ncos opens up completely different dialogue options that you otherwise would never get there is also different dialogue with dimma depending on whether the Institute has been destroyed or is still intact and which factions you've cited with while none of them are very satisfying there are options to inform on the syn that aadia leading the the railroad to offer their Assistance or the Brotherhood to send an assault team to wipe the sents out or The Institute to send SRB teams to reclaim the sents all of these add to the replayability allowing players to try different things on multiple playthroughs and get what feels like dozens of different outcomes even if there are really only five major branches in the ending and it's a huge part of why this DLC gets such high marks from fans this level of integration back with the main game that doesn't actually break any storytelling any head Cannon or otherwise literal gameplay aspects shows that Bethesda actually is capable of well planned executed and integrated storytelling under the right conditions far Harbor doesn't bring a lot of new mechanics to the table and what it did we probably would have rather done without but what it managed to accomplish with what was already in place in Fallout 4 has to earn at four out of five for Gameplay at the [Music] minum so to recap far Harbor receives a perfect five-point score for Story 4 point for explorable area three points for new object usefulness and four points for expansion to gameplay mechanics resulting in a Grace is a good score of 16 out of 20 it sounds pretty harsh considering how much praise I've heaped on the DLC this entire time but there are valid criticisms that can be leveled against it it's not perfect nothing in Fallout is not even New Vegas Bethesda nailed it when they set out to create a region that makes you feel isolated on edge vulnerable but this isn't a survival horror game and much like like the dead money DLC from Fallout New Vegas it creates such an ER of for boing that it can be difficult to push yourself forward at times at least if you're the sort of person that doesn't like survival horror games but in terms of story Fallout doesn't get much better than F Harbor and Fallout 4 certainly has nothing else that even comes close to the level of complexity and behavioral realism or provides the same sense of lasting consequence throughout the Fallout four main storyline Diamond City Bunker Hill the castle the pridwin The Institute none of these show any sign of change Evolution or Improvement due to your actions they can be replaced by a smoking crater if you choose to blow them up but the Minutemen never restore the walls of the castle Bunker Hill always remains a pile of rotting Lumber Diamond city is still just a rusting old baseball field surrounded by piles of rubble in Far Harbor your actions can allow the locals to add Palisades giant metal plates cut from an old ship hole even Myer carapus is to fend off acid attacks from myar Queens to increase the defens ability of the docks from Attack when new locations are added as settlements they're surrounded by fog condensers a sure sign that change is happening across the island instead of NPCs just being inserted where they weren't before none of this requires you to do the building yourself or any work in the workshop whatsoever it's not just good when compared to the rest of Fallout 4 is just good I highly recommend you check out far Harbor if you haven't already and invite you to voice your observations whether they're positive or negative let's face it if they're negative you probably already posted them before I even finish the intro but regardless let it be known that you have opinions too and at the end of the day all of our opinions matter until next time stay safe and I hope to see you here later at gray gaming
Channel: Grey Gaming
Views: 154,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout 4, Far Harbor, Game Review, Fallout
Id: -mQAh3Q0kU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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