Is Enter The Gungeon Any Good in 2023?

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I actually I deleted our save file here we go ladies and gentlemen welcome to is enter the gungeon still any good we're about to find out let's check out the options real quick video no screen Shake Pixel Perfect that's that's how we live our live vsync Shader quality good gameplay don't screen Shake get out of here okay we're gonna jump in is this game still good oh we I mean we probably got about like 20 through it let's go Marine because that's how we how we live our life here increase speed out of combat for your sanity um someone said increase speed out of game where do you see that increase speed out of combat okay so it looks like quality of life all right good so here we are enter the gungeon is it any good it is one of the classic action roguelikes of all time get me in here so I'm excited I mean look I'm gonna be honest here first look at if it does well if people enjoy it if it's fun maybe we start a new series 100 or bust how do we how do we fight here get me in there turn on beast mode who's gonna tell him Paul Hall of knowledge we don't have any guns oh is this tutorial that's okay that's good it's a good warm-up for us that's a good warm-up try flipping tables good cover me cover me cover me okay good that's how it's all coming back to us talk to little Timmy Dodge roll me tutorial is short how come you're adding me look Dodge roll you know bait hug them this you know what this really is this is the souls like of roguelikes with a Dodge roll like Dad are you kidding me Master the Dodge roll I got you this is not on Playstation no no because I'd imagine the reason we're not playing on Playstation is um because there's probably good mods for this if this is good jump over the pit back to the pit the other thing um the other thing we may do if if people enjoy the first look at I would go through and delete steam achievements flash me Chad do you play this with um man I forgot there's some really good mechanics in this game huh but yeah you can do it um the only thing that's a little interesting about this is the the one thing I remember it's the runs seem to be like kinda long peashooter dude this is good and a Time filled with the best content on Twitch love you Dan and love the whole Dan Community less than three yo punch Dino you T3 piece of Peace we get some t space three for 19 months spam and chat thank you I'm just messing with the audio real quick appreciate the over the top support hold on there we go should be good here kill him all right here we go for Chad how come you never told me this game if the game's good in the tutorial how come you never told me this game is good all right all right reload is there is there a is there like a mini game on the reload mechanic or no [Music] oh [Music] send me both some guns there are okay Chad out this this is the souls like of roguelikes I'm not even there's nothing else like this Soul's like of roguelikes it is okay close the gap [Music] Souls like what are you supposed to do here shoot it there we go all right we're in this remember you could swap to any teleporter that's a great quality of life didn't they not it wasn't a game originally not like that all right we're in this is this game not supposed to be full screen all right nice and easy it always had teleport horsing in the gungeon wait is this the game now did we start the game is this the game play a lot okay all right here we go it's on the table oh [Music] man this game's good huh technically this is the first is this our first run first look at enter the gungeon all right you're supposed to be zoomed way back [Music] Chad this is a great game man is there a lot of Secrets and stuff in it how do we blow that up [Music] if there's Cosmetics Old Knights home is there codex too there's a Code man this is this is it is is this is this that the Holy Grail of action roguelikes that our souls likes you Platinum this and love it oh did any are there any mod packs for this game like holy [Music] all right we got a shot here single combat easy wait what's this rotating Shield I've never seen that It's gotta be new huh ladies and gentlemen the muddy roll forgot about the money roll controller might be meta I mean we're cooking right now all right so that tutorial modes over rainy X you can probably skip through a lot of that stuff but maybe show all of our cracked moments um okay [Music] so now we have 20 bucks to spend you prefer controller how is the aiming with the controller though I think that's it for us here all right let's do this aiming his worst movement is better all right here we go this is our first official run strap up our will we beat the first level wait where's our gun never mind all right how do we how do we start the game what all right Marine me they didn't let us in you're not ready to enter the gungeon first run will we win our first run uh you know what why not us why not now all right here we go [Music] let me let me make one quick adjustment let me slide Chad over here Chad get chatted hey here we go [Music] I think we're gonna chat we may not get hit this entire run all right man the combat's tight what what are the um what are the knocks against this game like is it pretty much a flawless roguelike what's the knocks against it the run the runs are a little long what the heck is that crown of all guns what is that [Music] what the heck I'm not is this like is this like the brimstone poly Bemis godhead [Laughter] I think we gotta save that right that's wild man nice and easy are there hitless challenges in this game there are okay so what's the um what's the knock on this game like what what are some of the the criticisms none I mean like runs are really long [Laughter] I mean they know who they're dealing with here this game had no synergies on launch okay and there he is you pierce I've never seen this gun all right nice and easy run the table here most of what most of them is samey what's them they get him the run the runs are Sammy uh in what way like the pathing or that's just wrong good because we got we got a nice healthy debate here but we got the crown of of guns send them unless you get hit the more loot you get let me tell you right now we don't get hit holy um okay that looks a little mysterious this game makes it feel rewarding if you play well forehead what is that jet pack to fly okay so there's active items in this game since when did they live patch them in all right let's go bottom right all right here we go watch this get toasted Louie just let it rip man just let let's let the bullet we should maybe save that for the boss fight huh all right oh you're still alive you peace I wish that said if that said equal smiley faces would be the greatest roguelike of all time something for the collection I will compensate you um what should we buy here probably a key me or save I don't know what keys are used for making me feel my age it's a marathon one month at a time bloody Cactus thanks for the 53. Kimi okay an excellent choice let's go win this thing uh go here all right first run gungeon there's our boss head north real quick do a quick sweep and clear are you um you get benefits for full sweep and clear [Music] sometimes oh we have the AK don't forget about the I thought we had an AK oh that was tutorial man I just can't believe they never like remastered or made this a sequel to this game came out what 10 years ago they did how was the sequel wouldn't the sequel only on iPads or something kind of bad is this Twitter bird what's this guy's name Gatling gall take a mouthful of this actually that doesn't seem to be that good huh holy nice and easy oh there he is just Pump It Bowie okay when does this game get hard when does this game get hard yeah all right nice and easy nice and easy where is he boss the daughters aren't slurping tonight ew they're eating them how about a money roll how about a money roll we'll get them all get them all in one roll it's called the money roll what is this all right so what happens now you get this Corsair Master round first chamber what does that do what what did that big thing do there's more chests on this floor permanent Health upgrade okay you get HP for a hit this boss Ah that's it huh there's a secret where do we go now you'd blank in the shop [Music] what do we do we just got one guy there's two chests and a secret room on each floor we just got one guide go to the boss room and leave the floor [Music] okay here we go what is this thing hey looking B want to take a break no not now okay good spare HP okay one up one down that's not bad do they have like a speed run time around this game art storage all right there is a speed run timer um is it under video gameplay foreign can I turn the gameplay up I got you what is this gun ew can you trade in guns [Music] all right we got him yeah we need to get rid of that that piece of a gun is does does does this keep track of all the guns we've ever gotten like a gun codex [ __ ] are you kidding me there's all these guns what is that a pillow all right here we go all right first we first we we send them then we end them [Music] nicely done cat and this is the Soul's like of action roguelikes it's it's what it is a piece because of roll question I wouldn't mean because of roll but I mean because of roll [Music] oh we have jet pack too okay all right nice and neat nice and easy Mr Popper's Penguins okay so so this so you take care of little Timmy is there is there like an achievement for flipping a thousand tables or something that's the only similarity what do you mean boss fights weapon upgrades what do you mean only similarity lore does does red bandana mean they're tougher oh there's our first hit you piece faster oh I've been clicking we should be holding [Music] oh Chad hits are like bananas they come in bunches [Music] holy Bouche I think we're out gunned right now those guys are tough all right we need we need we need to gun up I guess what the heck is that a pineapple upside down cake armor of thorns thank you ew what is that gun get out of here with that that's okay Chad we're a streaky ball player here and so you're saying some of the guns can be combined right some of the guns can be can be combined all right all right we're in this we won't lose we've always been a streaky ball player when we're when we're on when we're dangerous when we're not on watch out okay [Music] you gotta tell me that's a monster aged Bell Lacuna what is that there briefly stops time space bar item okay thank you Ty Ty Hilton boss me press tab for Journal thank you secret over here or something right all right it's a good start man it's a great ooh another free chesta Lil Uzi vert machine pistol okay good we needed that we needed something to Wet The Whistle a little bit is it is it typical to like want to clear an entire level before is that like the meta oh that's good wood man yeah always clear ABC always be clearing so this this shoots a lot but doesn't seem to do a lot of d I was how is This Gun representative of a of a boat I'm trying to I'm just trying to wrap my head around it or Sarah your beloved it has piercing and homing is the gun a big ship I think so foreign okay the bullets are monies okay we're we're wrapping our head around this thing right now I guess it's not terrible right the gun's not terrible [Music] it's midichlorian okay [Music] do you get full health on level change who is that Tabitha heck's going on in here do nothing okay secret forum all right let's go to the shop and I'm thinking we probably need to buy the gun right what is this a shrine of glass yeah glass Guan Stone isn't that from uh isn't that from Ace Ventura rat Guan bat Guan what's that's a d7d reference what's d7d oh all right one stone oh you piece nice shot okay send them Chad is there like a 7.99 in this what's the hardest thing to achieve in this game 100 percent space bar more the space where I have a cooldown not falling asleep what do you mean not falling asleep [Music] um Martin Kimi half heart me I don't know what that is what is this big iron all right let's go run the table don't be afraid to be crate let's go take this boss up all right [Music] is that from Alvin ring [Music] holy reload I get it so each gun's other guns have different kind of reloads huh nice and easy give me that give me the give me the give me the mini give me the mini where's the mini is he healing or something ah you peace keep pumping keep pumping okay don't don't don't don't squeaks it but oh hey do we come back to life glass one stone first run boss to boss two join the shootout 104 kills 133 money we played We we played Titan then we fell right off the cliff pretty good though is enter the gungeon any good in 2023 chat what do you think why if yes if you'd like to see more and if no that's fun it's fun what's the percentage on this one 98 approval rating all right let's run it back it takes 800 hours to 100 in this game [Music] try the controller how do you okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to 100 percenting enter the gungeon asterisks we we just went through our first look at we're gonna try the controller on this run at least to a certain point oh we've been to the second chamber and we won't be afraid to be great here you can zoom out with the map scroll wheel um so we're using the PS5 controller and maybe it's probably better for longevity huh [Music] you know what we may be a controller Marty here all right how uh how difficult is a platinum to get in this game it's harder with the controller we'll find out we did one run with the uh with the mouse and keyboard I think I think if it's kind of like Isaac you start playing you start playing with mouse and keyboard and then when you get into it you flip I recommend turning down the cursor moving the screen some what does that mean foreign Platinum isn't harder than Isaac still I've Shield of the maiden maideness if you leave earning on auto reload too [Music] all right run the table here all right here we go this is fun I mean this is definitely the souls like of roguelikes for sure are they ever gonna do a seek like a proper sequel to this chat why do you think they'll do a sequel to this and if no what what is this what is this the uh Game Dev making now they got to be working on something right they're working on an unannounced game they made an arcade cabinet cabinet recently see I'm I'm glad they're making games to reach the mass as an arcade cabinet how many do they make like 200 [Laughter] what is that how do we pick that up you can't pick that up the road souls are like lights being puddle it is the it is the souls like a roguelikes we got to use this a little more I switched a mouse and keyboard I switched to mouse and keyboard you know what let's let's let's stick with it stick with it we're gonna stick with controller pick it up with the interact but I thought you just walk over it what what's the PlayStation button X me okay moving is definitely easier with controller aiming is going to take some getting used to all right um okay x button I got you push the table into the pit I mean it's kind of like it's like it's very Isaac like you know in terms of the control scheme so it's doable for sure are there rare enemy spawns others they're like shiny enemies there are equip the DOT reticle um um you want controller cursor there you go is that better for your visual cues there we go yeah it's interesting man I just I just wish someone would have told us this game was the souls like of roguelikes no not one person has ever said that what do you mean oh it's not glass Cannon [Music] this thing better erase holy it's like brimstone synergy how do you know what synergy what's the synergy [Music] um how do we okay let's try and see how we use the teleporter uh uh how do you use teleporter here on keyboard left trigger [Music] there we go okay thank you L2 L2 for uh real gamer speak you're watching on Tick Tock you started to be a twitch Marty yo derp fish welcome send me open me blue Guan Stone time is on my side okay what do you think that means Platinum platinum trophy is kind of annoying because some of them are extremely luck based or time consuming if you get good at the game you can blaze through most of them what do you mean if we can get good get it good at the game if you mean if this could be a platinum candidate for sure all right um is there anything we need to buy here made in the shield Kimi this game has a steep learning curve [Music] okay let's do this no Jeffrey Baratheon is his name Joffrey in the lead thrown bullet King holy you peace got him thanks for playing gungeon is this your next suffer chord challenge [Laughter] Bubble Blaster Flawless save for later should we buy anything or just roll as much as I'd like to think I don't know I don't know if we're gonna go keyboard and mouse but we'll figure it out ninja zombie thanks for the five gifted and the 10 months of prime you absolute piece of a piece thank you for the support um what is the let me check what is the blank button on controller that's what we need to need to learn real quick both okay L3 okay good so you don't accidentally hit that I like that that's good all right let's see what let's see what Bubble Bobble is good for together what [Music] so there's some trash guns in the game [Music] okay [Music] I guess when you pump a room with bubbles and then throw them into it okay why did I ask for this next suffer core challenge that's not a bad idea not a bad idea at all could be the first Platinum suffered tougher core challenge suffer of the plat I didn't mean to do that flip the tables I'm with you I'm with you yeah items are we are we controller chat why in chat if you play this with the controller and in chat if you play it with a mouse and keyboard 52 mouse and keyboard [Music] okay we just gotta remember we just gotta remember the holy we just gotta remember the controls here a little bit circle is Dodge keyboard's better for aiming [Music] okay we got we got caught we caught we they're wrestling our jimmies that's okay gun me poison shot okay you based it open me can't open that yet good item that's a Pog item don't know what any of this is Tomb of the elders feel like you get hit 5x as much on a controller nice try Timmy nice try okay good so we got we got the eye of the beholder a couple tarkov snipers sell key what what does it unlock dude this is wild man what a good game how come no one ever told me Miyazaki made a roguelike not one but not one person ever said me as hockey made a roguelike my problem is I mash down the controllers too hard [Music] we're getting a lot of mash in um we we do that with Elden ring too man I smash the sticks in all right reload me well what happened to all our health [Music] and it's just a flat out good game man good games that are good this is one of them we'll open the cell open that South let me flip me [Music] all right homing ammo conda this is the Elden ring of roguelikes is this level one how do we get to that shop [Music] I think we got it I think we need to invest in some health chat I think we have to buy some health no do not buy health buy the yellow ball what does that do all right everyone's saying go unlock sell let's go do that just play better I'm with you who is this oh finally I knew it'd be wild before someone came down here it's been forever anyway we should get back to the shop come on by we're on top of the level of breach you can't miss it thank you for rescuing mistress and you're always so slow um I guess we should why to buy it let you know let's not we'll go hit this we'll go hit list here we'll go hitless please buy the heart we'll go hit this we don't need it why to buy the heart and for no you guys make the call what [Music] okay we're good flip them flip them flip them all right so here's first first to delineate holy oh [Laughter] I guess we should have bought that house huh that's okay that's okay I think all right so just just to keep it just to keep it on the same we're gonna do one run keyboard one run controller you guys say what she thinks more effective so that that was the that was the controller Run Okay this will be the keyboard run do they have a um do they have a preferred method that's up for leaving the first floor alive Brad are you kidding me switching is gonna make it harder that one we're out here just look at that Chad our Precision different iPad is preferred is this on the iPad you get less used to both or better at both right [Music] every run every run we switch controllers there's some items that don't work well in the controller was this designed first for controller in mind PC second foreign look at that man we're just Sit Them Up sit him down this came out and PlayStation first all right here we go melted memories what's going on welcome slurp that up all right here's the play take out the martys yacht gun double-barreled old Goldie that sounds like something we would name Insane luck it's everyone's saying POG and chat POG POG POG POG pog best gun in the game [Laughter] [Applause] old Goldie man foreign holy is this why if this is the best gun in the whoa don't run for me what is what are you running from what are you running from can you leave stuff on the floor will it go away it will go away just don't leave the room chat you said to leave keys on the ground though holy that's a great gun huh the one shot Marty it's a very separate core challenge leave keys on the ground what is that table Tech Heat we don't know meta yet we just buying Keys Kimi no point in leaving keys on the ground key meta stop wasting ammo with Goldie what do you mean wasting ammo here we go all right Chad here's how you win Timmy and Tommy trigger twins I like I like that little screen that little boss fight scream holy all right we gotta go Flawless here Flawless flawlessly Flawless me all right where's all the money where's the money where's the money people we got no money you always get two blanks per floor holster wear your heart on the sleeve all right I think we're done oh Scrambler beats bosses good gun luck Chad does this run have some legs holy [Music] that's it huh you got two good guns will they give you a hint where the secret room is do you think do we miss we missed the secret room right [Music] mostly where chess rooms are [Music] can you see cracks or no you can see them okay I don't see a secret yo plastic Sinatra yeah it's good man it's good shoot walls to see if there's a crack [Music] red chest room right wall how do you know what the red chest room was thank you so that's it hi [Music] tried down [Music] the blanks don't carry over okay it's all right we're out of here all right this is the first is this PB all right so blanks refresh every every floor I'm with you I I like these guns man these guns are our next level you got HP and guns it's got some legs [Laughter] s tier guns gunned me but we just take damage scramble me so that's like a mini home homing I'm with you yeah that's a great gun huh it's different it's a Difference Maker plus it's called Old Goldie what does that green arrow mean good drop spawned on that piece all right no more no more bad D no more bad d ude oh he's getting buffed from Summer shot me Kimi I just don't know what what is Chad what does Prime do what is what is Twitch Prime [Music] Chad the deals if we buy that someone someone must pry him up if we buy the primer you don't need us for a quest okay never mind I thought it was gonna be something you had to buy every time all right End Game Quest item we need double keys foreign guns partially refilled Prime primer for the true ending wait are you gonna hit us with not a real ending on this game are you gonna hit us with that same as Isaac [Music] thank you yo Talon sample thanks for the 19. all right run the table [Music] wasting ammo I can't what's in here what is this secret room throw any Trash guns in there okay foreign two guns into one so you trade up what the heck [Music] trying to a forgotten bullet who laid down his arms [Music] it's not always a trade-up whoa that guy's a piece it's completely random that's not true [Music] nothing's completely random RNG is based on the date right gun Gamba all right we're running the table here you want Zayn do it [Music] save for later Chad what are the odds of getting um old Goldie every time [Music] pick that up please 50 50. incredibly low and we are keyless in Seattle [Music] whoops that was a complete accident [Laughter] [Music] just hitting buttons all right open me what is that an eraser gun shot grub look sometimes we're doing sometimes with luck to poison shotgun uh will the boss give will the boss give uh a key let's fight the boss here looks like a hot dog sometimes if we go Flawless okay don't forget we have Philly blanks all right revenge tour no Flawless what do you mean no flawless foreign we got Q if we need it cue me Martin come on you peace couple more flawless ladies and gentlemen look at the monies man look at the monies look at the money roll can we get it all in one roll oh that's good monies man save for later Augustus say cheese should we go Gamba the guns ew let's go Gamba the grub gun is oh that looks pretty good though man what if we get rid of egg get rid of egg all right all right let's all right let's just buy the other chest because that that one's not good egg is good okay Mega dowser jar of bees okay can you bust open a chest [Music] you can break them open what's what's the downside to breaking them open are you kidding me um all right we'll Gamba here Mega dowser full Gamba oh that's good man that's like laser and Contra [Music] [Laughter] okay and then give him this piece all right we want Omega launcher we won't know what an Omega gun is but maybe [Music] gungeon ant small ant all right all right level three me it's not bad about five minutes a level all right we'll get we'll give it a whirl here holy what the heck looks kind of it causes fire not super strong but all right old Goldie man old Goldy hits different like your favorite sandwich at the ice cream shop there we go this thing's this thing keep riding sorry I was looking for the button I wasn't looking for it but it's twice that's got to be some kind of mini boss huh [Music] mini boss me [Music] that's shatulu okay Chad we sometimes we just GPT ourselves I'd say that's what we're doing right now hits are like bananas they come in bunches you have an active item now all right let's try it swarm of the martys okay stop wasting gold what do you mean we're effectively using it what do you mean wasting it you want some shot grub well Gary he has all caps no what the heck are you kidding me I don't get it peace look at look at this room it's a face the room is a face all right you should have checked the map foreign check this map all right holy all right we're good we got we got all of our bad D out of the way get all the bad D out of the way peace it's scrambled all right gold chat we gotta be who we are we're a Goldie oh give me gold or give me death that's where we are right now all right we're okay all of our bad D's out of the way is there is there that much of a key discrepancy keys are valuable what is this [Music] holy Zelda could never even have a puzzle like this ever Arcane gunpowder do you want to keep that it's for the end game warp out okay get out of here torch them dude old Goldies No Joke Man this is a common gun right this is a common gun is there is there anything you can do to like increase the odds of getting the guns you like no Pepe sag face it was in a special rare chest the two good guns in the muncher to trade up you peace oh why is he so angry Rambo red and black there's black chests there are way to increase the odds but it's Dae oh look at that guy who's he think he is the Excellence of execution rainbow and glitch chess chat you tell me there's all sorts of random pogs in this game does oops does Eddie play this game has daddy ever played this game it's an easy go get the green chest gotta check the back row first nothing all right I like this I mean it's it's what is that heavy boots orange scope a lot of options here chat a lot of options you've only seen one rainbow and one glitch ever what is that rubidyne rubidine rubadian orange is goated I don't think we want to waste money on a blue key right as much as I don't want to I feel like we should we save up for orange yeah it's safe for orange here where's boss me usually get one gun and one item per floor old Goldie never let us down never lost with old Goldie not gonna start now I the beholder Cannonball Rog UE oh you piece little slow on the roll me all you peace you double peace it's beatable this guy's beatable as long as he doesn't have some kind of crazy attack he's beatable we may have to get some more range in here get some more ranger more ranger don't be afraid to be scramble me man that I will say Chad it hurts it hurts when you don't see a floor full of uh four full of uh money Chad is the resolution off that's right why is it why is it I have that border alien engine should we swap this gun no you can fly with it one of the worst guns munch it [Music] foreign [Music] get the boots Chad why the Munch and the boots [Music] why to munch end for boots I don't get it all right we'll buy it [Music] iron stance I have the key too you don't have the Monies all right I don't understand what we just did but I understand that and then there could be you said that check the chess rooms for secret rooms no cracks oh we don't have any blanks okay we want to munch anything I mean are we gonna use all those guns all right boots are insane with the gun no recoil I'm with you how many chambies are there Chet five [Music] all right it depends we're talking vanilla gungeon nice and easy run the table blank me ooh extra blank banish blanks [Music] there's 10 levels no way all right I know people don't like when we just salt up one gun but old Goldie is old Goldie for a reason what there's 10 levels that just doesn't make any sense we're getting torched right now we gotta okay forget about the levels worry about the six inches all right nicely done just send it send it nice and easy see you Brett have a good one Brett's going to play some tarkov good luck man watch out for the lag switch here we go shred of armor okay good tell me what I can't do ever how do we get a key chat we need to we need an immediate key shop me okay shot me you flip coffins what wait we had a cosmetic helmet you can flip coffins okay cool use rubidine rubadine thank you this thing's kind of weak huh give me give me Goldie man we give me Goldie or give me death we have half a heart left [Music] all right when in trouble egg out [Music] holy have we seen a shred of the shop we have not whoa okay we gotta be we gotta be extremely extremely careful here chat what do you mean GG [Music] oh what do you mean GG for them we just got to play a little less loose here more tight all right we're in this the one HP gulp what the heck what the heck what the heck are you kidding me this is fun man it's a good game unlock the iron coin we died level three that's not bad that's not bad is there can we check the Codex refilled passive items don't believe his lies enraging photo okay look at all these we've unlocked the majority of the gun not bad not bad not bad for a first attempt not bad we'll run one back um to do a different different character Hunter all right running the table with trying to 100 some more enter the gungeon we're gonna take the pilot first time Marty and then also we got 44 bucks to spend pilot is Gamba sure we'll we'll run it someone said go up to spend money um where do we spend Monies wrong area up left art bottle gamma ray hegemony RPG thank you for the assistance this is the gungeon acquisition okay um machine gun cartball gamma ray [Music] rocket Powerball RPG okay we're in this [Music] all right so this guy has a Marty gun rocket powered bullets unlocked all right here we go let's go win this thing why does he have Han Solo aim is that his thing he's just not accurate is that the pilot this is the Gamba character use spacebar put a space bar dude oh it's a free Chester that's kind of cool wait not guaranteed chance to unlock the chest what are the odds holy 50 50. hey a bunch of Garb in here there's a luck stat 50 50 no meme we need a gun ASAP here the daughters are slurping tonight thank you blank companion ring he tries what is that [Music] OMG [Music] little blank what's he doing you just touch us thank you all right we can read about them we'll read about them in the notes read about them where is he chat where is he yo he's the ring triggers a blank on active item use huh are there infinite active items we're getting torched right now like I wonder if there's like an uh space item you can just Spam thank you to find infinite just continue to spam up all right we gotta play a little bit better here huh foreign are they spelling something it's spelled the letter N no okay let's get a gun before we go fight this boss they're spelling are you okay the heck is that [Music] okay this this has got to be one of the least effective guns in the game huh foreign all right let's go do I remember ravioli's not a legal term yeah yeah we're here for it it's not good because he has good starting items the pick Redeem Me Hopi there we go all items in the shop are cheaper too what why is that what's his what's his storyline he gets more money [Music] all right he has luck and charisma oh okay I'm with you all right nice and he just just walk in the fine line shot me we need a shred of a shop and we're in great shape here Brown is the worst right all right well 50 50 it it didn't it didn't open it paper bag he has a Riz perk if you look in the ammo Cron best item in the game Insane luck are you guys memeing are you being for real all right this is the gun we're gonna go to battle with foreign there's no shop on this level huh all right let's focus on Oakley before we focus on Annie [Music] nice and easy shred of Gamba holy [Music] too much rolling foreign [Applause] business now reload you peace [Music] and the game's gonna come to us we'll split the D here [Music] splitting D is not is not what we're trying to do it's just kind of what's what's happening right now you peace the heck of a battle here you piece of peace Giga blank lazy pleasy I don't think this fight is supposed to last this long here we go to where the bullets are not to where they they're not a couple more a couple more please these ecclesiastics please holy please be a good gun please don't be what a bolt action go to the shop now oh we already found the shop huh shotgun Cola what do you think you're Kimi no we don't need keys weird chimp they call him the grand a bolt action okay we're out of here weird champ they're calling the M1 a bolt action tell me you play tarkov standard what's that how many play Tarka without telling me you play tarkov [Music] [Music] take a mouthful of that [Music] piece of peace all right Chad so you're telling me to break chess there's a lot of people there's a lot of people saying to break chests and they aim I can't so we should break every chest we see including the red ones I'm with you someone drop something will they drop Qui-Gon Jinn [Music] look we needed some help here Mega Man gun [Music] we holy all right [Music] we're we're one hit Marty huh you see him getting fully heated all right this this is the new Goldie [Music] all right nice and easy just can't be afraid here [Music] that made the room's clear okay shot me backpack what's that mask back there how do we buy that not a shred of H that's okay what do you think here write the shop can you fight the shopkeeper holy [Music] M1 Garand [Music] we're in a little bit of trouble here chat foreign last run there you go send me all right we're in this ready for a full G Hill from where [Music] dude I'm glad they did Mega Man right you know they didn't shortchange them like the Mega Man Battle Network games you know like they traded Mega Man with the due respect all right there we go worst take what do you mean worst take what do you mean worst take that they showed Mega Man respect in this game all right you know what you said no um we got one room left hard left charge me [Music] dude the one hit one hits oh baby this is shred of H this is shred of H [Music] we got M1 garanded [Music] all right we're in this it was nice while it lasted what do you mean all right say good night shred of Mega Buster I think we gotta open it right opener bust bust it [Music] is that like Meat Boy he becomes he's like Meat Boy all right I think that's it for us huh we buy any like no there's nothing to buy we just gotta go flawless um I don't know what's gonna probably gonna have to Grand up here secret rooms spawn next to chess rooms your majesty holy okay maybe buy a blank just in case not a waste of money all right why everything we use it and if you think we we don't get the chance all right this guy's top right [Music] Mega boss to me M1 Garand me we gotta go around man we we have to pump this piece [Music] oh we had to hit we had a hit to get we had to hit again [Music] ever over holy what is this foreign piece of absolute boom Skippy BM how about temmie's couple timmies oh how close are we one shot we had to be one shot huh [Laughter] that's this is good man we'll run it back we'll run it back we'll go same character we'll run it back we're close man was it seven to one odds squeaks it all right well we'll play this one quick here all right chat this is a fun game man I will say this character this character I'm not saying he's a t but maybe not best for the beginner player all right he's a t it's okay you can say it I mean as long as if we get a quick good gun we'll be okay if we don't he's great once you get any other gun he's your favorite character can I ask one question why the lock pick is bait all right nice and easy this guy the the uh Tiny Tower Games [Music] foreign MOBA games oh wait can we pick that that's okay [Music] starter Gun Won't reveal secret room I got you I just hope that wasn't our I hope that wasn't our gun are we just flush it this game is good but it's no Hayes Chad if we're playing Haze right now you know how many decisions we would have had to make or how many how many variation in the weapons zero it's basically doing a hamburger a hot dog that's what Hayes is gunjin is like hey we got all kinds of toppings we just imported some olives from the western coast of the Himalayas here we go this is like hey we're working on pages like hey we're working on getting ketchup but it's going to be when hates two comes out a horrible take what do you mean horrible take horribly accurate all right I had to open chat to see how bad that take was [Laughter] why if you think that's a bad take and if you think it's it's highly accurate foreign [Music] there's too much dialogue in it oh look at that gold door too much yapping what's in here why was this gold as someone who's very skeptical of hates once you started playing you won your first run I was sold yeah but it's not really a run you're just playing a single player game it's pre-scripted with very little choice I just say it's it's the thing about Hades which is very light on the Rogue elements it's instead of a roguelike it's more of like a roguela it's like a roguela what do you mean no I said gungeon has a lot of choices the road left can't Cades is more of a dating Sim than a roguela you being for real for real what yeah there's not a ton of roguelike elements in Haze it's basically like storyline to play it collect some comic book character stuff not true yo oxy maybe it will maybe it will depends if we get a gun here clown mask is that actually can you actually buy that and it's a throwback to payday too you have to steal it should we steal it we've not found both uh by the Kimi Dan knows about Payday 2 yeah it was like it was like the default recommended game for team unity when are you guys playing Payday 2 when are you guys playing play now the question when are you guys playing [Laughter] all right [Music] nice and easy let's go nice sir first you just circle them up then you shoot them up all right come on great Chester we Gamba chadwigamba gamber used the key all right ladies and gentlemen all right we got a gun I don't care what it is Glock gun non-non-lethal the garbage done me that's a great room for us man Goldie Winchester let's go win this thing all right we're hoping for Jeffrey Baratheon Hopi should we use the other gun what's better and they aim get out of here with any aim Chad when is the na aim meme gonna die copy [Music] needed it when the N A proves they can ain't that wasn't hitless it wasn't hitless that wasn't hitless are you serious he of course Timmy had him where's the money are you kidding me right now Two and A hitless where's the Monies rad gun is fun is that a nod to um what's the first indie game Cave Story [Music] what what what [Music] was that whack what what let's use the Winnie Cooper Winnie Cooper is like discount Goldie the one ring florante Dodge Power is up [Music] Dark Soul is that a Dark Souls ring [Music] Chad this is the souls like a roguelikes for sure it's the green Ring in Dark Souls Winnie Cooper isn't there a way to like pause reload uh you gotta Master the rad gun okay [Music] cool watch wait when you reload does the gun get better [ __ ] when you reload perfect the gun gets better [Music] holy [Laughter] noise that's kind of cool man I like that how good can this gun get [Music] yeah whack whack is definitely sound soundboard worthy That's it man that's a cool concept for a gun [Music] oh and it uh re you resetting piece of peace cool [Laughter] that's good man what is that little Timmy's wind-up gun blunderbuss [Laughter] dude that's so good man hates could never all right nice and easy [Music] oh nice shot they got players too they got players [Laughter] all right all right hold on just reload reload all right you can shoot once in the room and keep reloading like a min max sweat I'm with you [Music] yo what what are we shooting [Music] [ __ ] quack cool [Music] bullets with sunglasses Spelunky gun Vine shooter mahogany 100 organic does it tell me it shoots wood tell me it shoots wood en wood it's kind of nice that's just too much velocity upstairs get good wood on it that's nice man what a cool game how do they come up with all this stuff decent but inconsistent let's go shoot the walls here the walls of Terabithia no cracks there's two chestas per place right any gungeoners in chat you probably put it on paper first doubt I think they just they built this game on the Fly what's a gungeoneer [Music] I am missing whack a little bit at times huh foreign [Music] like a Yoshi that's 100 a Yoshi noise no I'm serious listen at least a Super Mario World noise it pumped oh you think [Music] we could gamble here that's Gamba [Music] I'm kidding me [Music] next time you use a key [Music] worth uh check the shop real quick and then we're due okay let's go fight Chad would we want to bring rad to the fight how do we how do we reload that that holds it control button okay chat I think I think the gun jokes and descriptions in this game are written by Dan they just danglish if you really stop and think [Music] tip thanks for the bits you're not wrong here we go [Music] black one two three four five here we go all right we better put a leash on this puppy on that puppy [Music] gotta make sure these Hits Count Dolby give me give me good you give them the Yoshi wood here I don't think it's working I don't think it's working give him the Winnie Cooper give me some red give me some red give me some red oh that's doing pretty good just my rain you cannot tell me that's not a Mario sound it's like when Yoshi breaks the egg nice and easy you peace too much Horizon going on oh all right don't expect a lot of payday here we're okay though one one that's insulting pulse Cannon artist Floor 2 boss all right we're in this sounds like Yoshi's egg smash effect on Yoshi's Island I'm with you come all right let's do this I do remember the money roll holy blue arrow overhead synergy how do you check the synergy how do you check it open the journal where does it say synergy on the red gun how do you check it foreign supposed to say something red gun and glass heart to gets bugged it should say something all right get back to the PlayStation buttons all right we're out of here if you get hit it'll spawn some bullets well you never have to worry about seeing that because we don't get hit all right too busy making arcade cabinets to fix their game all right let's go win this thing good shot Marty attack they should put whack on every gun are there other guns with whack on it let me get let me get some whack going yo Lars Fest thanks for the raid appreciate it this Gamba is for you [Music] junk whack nice yo Lars thanks for the Raiden host appreciate it we're just checking out to see if enter the gungeon is any good in 2023 but welcome welcome in y'all appreciate it Lars how did you find the channel just clicking are you just clicking around if you're just coming in from Lars is welcome my name's Dan we take on some extremely difficult challenges here difficult meaning we have no business doing them you could probably do them in your sleep but around here you do things a little bit different I can't all right I think this is our gun here thanks for checking out the channel this this one right here is for you it's been lucky too I got you thanks Lars Qui-Gon gin here we go but I think a Jack Black's new music video peaches I like peaches I think Jack Black just like makes up songs in his car and then just produces them because that's to me that's like the that's how I look at his songs it's like the songs that you make up when you're just driving is to stop sign don't stop stopping that's then that's what he does you know and a couple of them stick foreign thank you for the nine months of prime you piece of Peace dial for the Believers okay what's a prop bet oh we're in a shred of trouble here I I was told to be no damage taken from this moment on we will not take any more damage that moment right there all right survive the floor I got you reload me win me don't be afraid to be don't be afraid to be sniped that's ours you can't take ours yo did they take that from Eddie did they take the the Mind cards for Maddie all right what is that Shadow bullets to me I think we buy that Shadow forehead that's good I mean you can just tell the way what happened we're just trying to find the we're trying to find the secret you angered him don't shoot in the shop shooting in the shop whack all right don't be afraid to be it's a big room huh we're expecting a chest up from this room all right nicely done we just got back seated you're not wrong got trunked trunked in our own game all right we gotta get the shred of some h we'll take it all right is this the best gun Cheetos I think it is we do have some mahogany jump with the Yoshi sounds we're kind of limited right now buffer killing come on baby big payday Zoomies rocket power bullets that seems really good huh there's some cool upgrades in this game Brad me h n what noise all right we're ready we're ready Winnie Cooper me rocket boats makes Winnie Cooper way better huh uh uh there it is lever action pilled is that what they call it lever action we have another chest we gotta find [Music] I don't see any cracks do you chat no cracks there no cracks here I already found it okay I never realized how danglish this game is what do you mean what makes it danglish okay a couple Yoshi's couple Yoshi's I can't get that out of my head man when Yoshi hatches that's the noise man this is what it is oh geez we have one HP and we're horsing and it's not on everyone only someone when the Yoshi hatches but oh that never stopped me before what horsen what do you mean all right let's get over there heart me two for one bullet time and Dodge this yo n is for it it's a lot of fun okay we don't need this I think we're ready to play ball let's go play some ball and all the shops double time now I think we want a rad actually Winnie no let's let's go pulse Cannon all right IH in the shop maybe so expensive though we could buy two half hearts at a better deal Starcraft and again thanks for the 31 months appreciate it 33 months um will hurt me what do you triple chat don't hit me a triple question mark why you triple question marking me [Music] shred not we picked up another active that slows both wait how do you detective items how do you switch active items but button shift that's kind of nice huh thank you for telling me thank you for telling me right in the middle of the boss fight it's much appreciated holy piece of peace uh [Music] uh uh give me the Yoshi gun Yoshimi Yoshimi Yoshimi we hitting the Yoshis [Music] Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi um it doesn't have the D use the Winnie Cooper everything slows down but us that's awesome Chad is this PB if we win TV all right oh look at look at all the items the daughters are slurping tonight AK-47 run the table PB or do we tie PB oh type we tied PB okay I'm with you thank you all right Hollow Knight me don't be afraid to be now we're cooking I didn't know you could have multiple uh passive actives oh now it's over man you give you give us a tarkov gun and uh the soul is like a roguelikes it's over the black borders are from the display area how do we go bigger display area that's it oh this character can have two actives your resolution is insane what do you mean what do you mean this resolution is insane Opie it's a great gun man this is okgr kind of gun oh look it look at little Timmy 10x for surviving this floor are you kidding me that's all you had to tell me that's all you had to tell me nope okay we had one hit to give me some Yoshi I think Yoshi will will take care of these guys best song in the game I wonder can we give these guys some you know uh Dodge roll games can we give these guys some more HP please can we give him a shred of more HP I was wondering [Music] all right AK me wait we didn't want a boss fight [Music] or a shred of uh a shred of them health bar it's okay don't don't be afraid to be don't be afraid to be oh [Music] that was a good run that was a good run that was a good run we we took the Han Solo character we learned about it we'll SP let's go spend his monies here let's go spend his monies um is the Marine real quick go spend the Monies the pit is our worst enemy do they I wonder if they keep track of how you die here let's let's let's let's at least see what Han Solo is good for here mailbox box hurt locket hot lead flashray mailbox box box part lunchbox all right that was a good run all right Chad we got one more run shred of one more run um let's go win this thing is Marine huh [Music] ladies and gentlemen on our journey to 100 gungeon how about our first win with Marine I feel like this this is okay gr kind of character this 100 was modeled after Doom guy and at least at least they nod properly you know like when Halo made Doom guy they just tried to be like hey you versus your friend's homework paper they copied with Chad GPT at least gungeon you know acknowledges that this guy is from Dune you know they even call them Space Marine guy instead of just Marine all right [Music] nice and easy [Music] you should try mod the gungeon we're playing vanilla vanilla me I wonder what's good Pace per floor five minutes per floor like Risk of Rain means we're hitting our shots we're moving for Alt tabbing with the best of them oh nice shot mods on day one send me but don't end me look Chad I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lie darkest dungeon two is in the conversation and then uh you know it's been interesting right because we've gotten to the final boss in in darkest dungeon twice and I mean we played pretty much Flawless and then kind of like the I'm not trying to dox anyone but the cherry on top on the back wire Ryan Geary was going off he was going off about something that happened in his gungeon run I'm like I think you know that's why we trust our gut I don't know what it was but it was pretty funny all right what do we need regular yacht gun I mean like we we played we played Flawless in our darkest dungeon 2 runs let's go I'm not saying we're not gonna play it but we've we've we've played Flawless and died to the boss twice there's a good library video on him quitting no I get it I mean I get it like like when you play Flawless and it's you still don't win all right here we go save for later it's kind of an interesting Bridge to Terabithia wait you can slide you can slide on the table how do you slide on tables oh what button [Laughter] cue the Tony Hawk music ladies that's not Tony Hawk all right that's cool that's a hard Flex if I've ever seen one ew [Music] ew ah gotta trust your gut here what why is this thing so limp what's wrong with it what is this gun called JK 47 what even is that [Music] [Laughter] wait you shouldn't be able to get hit while you're sliding all right all right all right where's our Kimi a shred of a Kimi I like how fast you can move around man they respect the player's time um Choppa okay this is gonna be an item isn't it [Music] hegemony what the heck's hegemony OG that shoot bushes it does not it shoots it shoots Staples it's like spread gun and Contra I'm with you foreign I think we go win this thing huh okay it should be this should be I I'm gonna say hit list for sure it should be good hit list it's okay we didn't want the hit list anyways reload me you piece of absolute I think this got the best way to stand in front of this gun is right in front of it you know what I mean sometimes it's it's like you ever hear the saying the best way to avoid a fight is not to be there the best way to dodge a bullet is to stand in front of the gun which is anti-tithesis but you know what that's what this guy's about all right ew that's so insulting though one snowballer do we have a key [Music] what's up online Paul you piece Shield of the maidenless it's regular old shotgun will take it um can we check oh are we missing any secrets chat do we get our secret no let me check okay all right let's go win this thing what's our PB on level one eight minutes who's this greetings what can I do for you who are you how do we get the shortcuts working yo blizzy glad you're here try the hunter character yeah but we like to win so we win with doom guy holy shotgun's pretty good I can't believe shotgun is only 35 baht [ __ ] ing it's kind of like Goldie huh except you got to reload every time all right we're in this great pogs for Value I'm with you [Music] what do you think those guys are called PlayStation Wizards they got to be called PlayStation Wizards piece of absolute all right let's use this gun [Music] Flygon Jinn [Music] they're called gunjers [Music] glass armor Payne's blessing what is that a Synergy or something [Music] hello [Music] window pane all right glass Shield I don't understand because we just picked up Qui-Gon Jinn and then we got it some kind of weird thing all right sawed off what is that oh Kimi consider buying the sawed up you have three fly guns [Music] all right good start here sawed-off is bad [Music] egg me how do you know when you have synergies they tell you hop Arrow right up arrow means synergy blue arrow gotcha but that's a snowballer that sounds like uh what was that old meme a harlem twist remember everyone made videos what was the name of that that's what that the beginning of that gun sounds like what's that thing called a Harlem Shake doesn't it sound like it that's what that's how they made the gungeon guns they took memorable sounds and do the chat why in Chad if you ever participated in one of those and in chat up no someone had hit an end for me on there [Music] no I said put an n in there for me 78 that's a high percentage of people so you're basically saying 22 participated no I said an end for me that was in 2014 all right [Music] with some shotgun action aware honestly thought that was like I thought that was three years ago [Music] you were you were in one and it's on YouTube Somewhere you sure you want to be telling people that [Music] who's this little Timmy achievement progress great haul [Music] a young Nave how unexpected and amusing I'm a long man servant uh we need to buy a mark what is that what's that right there you saw that challenge room now you're speaking our language here oh you need a key you peace no keys okay can't be there right use the key for the egg gun I think it's time to be not be afraid to be great all right how about Flawless here [Music] are D's leaving a little bit to be desired here all right foreign that's pretty good man freeze them egg golfing mcalperson's hang in here just keep doing what we're doing a couple more a couple more a couple more eggs ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen direct egg was good what is that a floppy Cog of battle active reload let's go bust this thing huh [Music] save it for later all guns are rad gun now really foreign oh it doesn't say it though all right how come those guns have little homes on them holy love me some dungeon Let's Go Go Olaf thanks for the 17 months you piece of peace beer Built For This [Music] all right an aim thank you did this gun change call you piece is this gun change color something changed with this gun used to be silver what changed the color Clueless cat-like reflexes are you peace they got the bubble bobbles too dangerous uh what what's giving this a Synergy yeah oh [Laughter] Martin Kimi and we got we got a shot here oh the Cog the Cog and the wheel foreign [Music] check your amicom and the pause for synergy part locket hot lead we unlocked all these oh enables active reload gotcha okay cogme kogite ammo crumb wait what's the name of it it's gonna be called ammo crumb what are you laughing at Chad what are you what do you what do you mean it's toasted where is he [Music] loot bag why why are they just they're just trolling us man why are they trolling thank you daddy says yep yep all right we would need another key to make it worth our while huh not to brag but you have a physical copy of the ammocon how'd you get that it's digital holy you piece of absolute get in the hole foreign empty what do you mean empty do the Harlem Shake we have some a t right now it's got to take care of business one shot at a time here all right [Applause] green is better than blue right [Music] okay let's go get the green then yeah we opened the red one there was Health in there Senate check the ammocon those two work together huh so the Nintendo zapper works together with that yeah what is going on it shoots like a duck hunt when you're out of bullets it shoots a duck hunt I get it I wonder how how what the inverse is same thing doc hunt you know Duck Hunt all right good work here [ __ ] Chad that [ __ ] isn't even the best NES zapper game have you ever played gumshoe I mean it's a game about sleuthing it doesn't always go both ways green me open me M1 Garand me yeah gum she never heard of the game gum shoe for Nintendo are you kidding me um I think we're good here who do you want to use egg meat all right who is that [Music] why they have a gun pointed to about mind player Sinister one holy they settle in and hodling is this the gun holy is this the gun we want holy Duck Hunt duck hunt was the move jolter Jolteon caliber okay I think we're done here all right I think it's a good run here we have a legit shot to win by natas why not nah this is we just tied PB s it's wide but it's not good so right now Nintendo zappers are best so let's use it no need to save it for later all right chat what's a little brother for how is that little I don't I don't get it how's that little brother foreign [Music] what is going on what happened [Music] well Geary they reflect bullets back at you the reflected bird was a killer the a bird was killing us that was a tough one Let's uh at least spend the monies marine marine gave it is all let's spend the Monies what do we get here fat bullets raid and coil art erogeny erogeny and I can't buy anything else you piece oh art purse all right that was a good run look it slipped away at the end but it's never over Chad where's the um I want to see this Ryan Gary video that's under the library of library and if you have a gun in the game library of Letourneau like 85 percent um where is some he has a darkest dungeon 2 video where's the darkest on YouTube video darkest dungeon 2 was too hard for him okay let's watch this Chad cause we've been on the fence here about um about darkest dungeon too he needs a trophy for the mountain no no I'm still on uh round one how do they get chat like that since very lots of lots of questions coming in I saw one which chapter is he on two or three neither sorry I'm sorry to tell you it's neither he's uh he's on one [Laughter] he is me as well it's like the most demoralizing game I've ever played like the runs are three hours long and the first like two and a half hours of them I'm like this is a lot of fun I want to see where he just sends it like then I just die at the boss or before the boss and I'm like I never want to play this [ __ ] ever again so backwards me lay attack positive all right yeah I'm gonna see this lock fight here we go one more with the torch from the end he's got three guys how does he expect to win [Laughter] chatter now that the last few drops of this monster area leech into my recycling content are you happy really like you to not be targeted we can't use melee attacks we're marked so I guess we just withstand because next next turn the lion anyway okay it's 2V1 he's got him he can win this [ __ ] I regret to inform you I've reached the the limit of my solemnities which seems pretty bad for me so this is it this is the finale we can't we can't win the 1v1 here I don't think it's it's possible without a heel you're blind that's great you've denied me from using melee attacks that's not so great you missed me that's pretty great I will reflect because I have no other moves I could do is there an adult backwards I guess like a package uh that happens and the second one I was like there's a trick to it which is kind of annoying but life goes could you just kill him but not even gonna spend my resources remove it from the solid state hard drive we have space for more YouTube thumbnails I think I saw someone in chance say it I don't want to get stun locked about just complaining about the difficulty it's not really difficult but like it's not that the final or the final boss of act one or whatever it's not that's difficult is hard is that everything up to that was like not that hard so it's like the difficulty was like it's pretty much straight on like a a little higher than your average strategy game and then at the boss it's just like eat [ __ ] like it just I mean Chad he's not wrong he's not wrong I yeah it's just like it felt like a scripted loss you know it didn't feel like a script it feels like every time we lost to the first guy it was like a scripted loss definitely isn't scripted I know but it felt scripted all right chat no BM I cleared the first boss first try you just gotta have a good team composition yeah but like I feel like in that game you just you shouldn't have to have the perfect team set up to win you know what I mean you just gotta have good RNG if that makes sense it's not BM several early guides talk about the issue yeah I mean like I think the game's close they just gotta Tinker with it a little bit um this is my opinion though it's my opinion we have not played Hunter yet to not play Hunter and then and then the other thing I mean dark not the dunk on darkest dungeon darkest dungeon one it's like it's a 40-hour campaign and issue if you mess up once then you get flushed you know [Music] which I get which I get I understand [Music] centerpiece me uh Chad what's up check the platter yeah real quick Chad let's let's talk let's talk shop for a second here why in chat if you'd like to see uh selective gungeon pace [Music] I think we could probably segment it and I don't think it's an everyday thing but I think we could segment and chip yeah is it good I think enter the gungeon's really good I also think dead cells is really good it just doesn't do that well you know [Music] YouTube loves gungeon we'll find out 92 so why I'm with you [Music] that tells us kind of student yeah like dead cells to me is like maybe one of the most action-action roguelikes out there um but [Music] it just doesn't do always do well [Music] that sounds hard to jump in and out of watching [Music] I'm with you [Music] as a viewer you like dead cells but watching it as sleeper yeah that's how I feel about there's some other games like that too right [Music] 100 percent [Music] you struggle understanding what's going on the screen in Dead South same as Noida Noida I think's pretty straightforward though isn't just shoot and go down fun to play not great to watch them with you there is Noida has poisoned your eyeballs no one knows what's happening uh see to me Noida you just float and then go right oh the wand system the wand system is some Dae you're not wrong but if you could nominate one streamer in our Circle you know people that you know we bring on the shore hang out in the community or um new streamer wrestling who would you like to see [Music] I love the gas lighting is enter the gungeon any good asking a question is gaslighting [Music] cross versus Cobalt oh [Music] here's what we're gonna do then we we won't be able to get another full run in yeah yeah it's okay you know you come up with your own definitions [Music] waiting for this stuff Chad I was really you know what let's do this I I gotta mute everything we're gonna open up um two Counter-Strike cases let's go prop bet will we get a knife and a Counter-Strike case is greed Venturi out all right we'll go three three Counter-Strike cases three just only three will we pull a knife out of three cases three cases want to hunt it I just know one of these is there we go all right um we should have some keys right hold on where are where's our inventory Sergeant ranked ten isn't that not good all right Chad which are which are the which are the cheaper ones is Phoenix or breakout better [Laughter] not any knife any knife breakout has a better knife which are okay yo what's up Jay I gotta buy these Keys hold on let me uh we said we're opening three Jay hey Danny heard CS Go music and you appeared dude I know it's I know it's your sauce all right what's the prop bet on all right here's what we're gonna do have to authorize it again authorize me okay Chad how much how much are these um how much are these cases are they are these expensive ones oh you can 3D move them I wish they told you the price I just don't want to open our like our crazy expensive ones hold on inventory not yet at least um real quick break out six bucks can you get a knife in the Phoenix boxes all right we'll do breakout why not all right all right here we go all right ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen three cases to get a knife why not us why not now butterfly knife me about it just just you know what it's like getting the golden ticket we have good enough odds as everyone else one of three cases is blue rare sgg Abyss yeah we need some boost here that's okay um this one's feeling lucky this one's feeling lucky uh okay blue is common wiggle thank you red is good look we'll take a red but we need we need a knife here knife me knife me give me some gold give me some gold we got this we're only opening three gold gold gold gold purple purple purple okay yo stat track Karambit Benedetti that's gotta be good right that track's hard to get stat track good all right all right here it is our third of three all right here we go how about just one knife why not us why not now knife me we have as good a chance as anyone else to pull a knife here we go gold me gold we want only open in three give us a knife me knife me knife me night why is this all scuffed why is it all scuffed up foreign pop stat track look at those look at how many kills we got on there 50 50 chance in the next case all right we'll open one Phoenix one Phoenix hold on we'll open up one Phoenix literally last one [Music] yeah that's it chat the more you open without a hit means the more your odds go up I'm with you all right here we go all right all we're asking for minimum we're looking for a red we're gonna at least get a red or a knife all right only open in four why not a knife why not us knife knife knife knife knife it's still got time to get a knife [Laughter] this looks like it was invented during The Walking Dead era Daryl Dixon man all right last one last one I just think we're gonna get it man I just think we're gonna get it a credit card companies could call me be like did you authorize these charges you're like what do you mean What charges all right this is it last one chat chat can we get some Gamba spam and chat for good luck we're due man butterfly knife me [Music] if we don't get a cyrex and Isaac Asimov or a butterfly knife all right come on baby come on baby knife me gold I'm gonna see a flash of gold what are these odds man can we sort by rare you can't sort by rare you have a .26 sort by quality this is our best gun huh that is kind of look at that man it's flawless [Music] confirmed kills 49 still minty fresh in the Box we got to do we gotta do how long does it take to win uh our first Counter-Strike game in five years foreign how long do you think Chad what do you think the over under is on that matches are short now I like that ladies and gentlemen thank you guys so much
Channel: DanGheeslingVODs
Views: 6,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon gameplay, enter the gungeon ita, sabaku enter the gungeon, geforce enter the gungeon, enter the gungeon gameplay ita, enter the gungeon how to, enter the gungeon tips, enter the gungeon прохождение, gungeon, enter the gungeon ps4, enter the gungeon гайд, enter the gungeon help, enter the gungeon guide, enter the gungeon review, enter the gungeon español, enter the gungeon how to win, how to beat enter the gungeon
Id: aP5uMcAskY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 23sec (11303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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