The Greatest Balatro Run in History

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me welcome brand new subscribers brettski gifted a tier one sub to Queen of stringles thank you for the gifted they have given gift Subs in the channel why not us why not now oops didn't mean to do that we got to get ready we're not we're not ready right now we got we're we're in Risk of Rain mow we got that's I would say that's one of the more difficult things about this challenge is being able to get in and out of risk of rain meta oh hey you pece you pece you pece all right see this this get we got batro down we are batro we could we could win this any day of the week risk a rain that's where you find out what you're made of pair me even me PA me even me Queen's Boulevard me where's the batra music what do you mean this is getting us mentally ready buffoon me three of a kind three of a smime three of a mime three of a kind three of a malt three of a scult where my short Queens at what is the high pitch soundboard saying what do you mean what is it saying it's saying Kate Spade almost 6 months of prime happy birthday dang play High Pair play a high pair there's nothing wrong with the high pair was as long as you don't stare two pairs better than you and me okay we're good Ace is full vouch me good thing is we could play this quick and win and you know what's better than two TWP meta 3p meta look at that we're teeing off right now what do hype scream look like probably need some chippies huh do you hear the funky Bas Dunk Dunk three of a kind meta oh looks like a dog I can see it now is that the new uh franker Z 2p meta we'll play nines and fish for some iives plus one hand size plus one man size looking for nines actually we just need Queens huh start with zero discards looty with the pink pink badge looking around like it's no no sadge where my Queens at where my short Queens [Music] at I do I like the outlay of the water you know spectral me give me the one where you minus one but all the same [Music] one good news is we got two P [Music] meta it does look kind of nice though huh Odd [Music] Todd dude that is so [Music] bait but we have to take it do I have risker rain music running yeah I took down the batra music three of a kind or face three of a kind or face oh we got another one thank you all hearts are debuffed come on kid give us something good to write home about we should be good where my short Queen's at where's my I need my short Queens to stand up in chat right now the short short Queens thanks for standing up Stone me my cat is a short queen and she's here to support I'm with you double me that's a lot of money looking for Queens where where's our Queens at we are Queens Boulevard there's my short Queens okay we got queens now oil Joker too risky where are my short Queens at I mean we're getting some good quickness man I don't mind a good pair all right come on we could do this man it's never over plus 18 malt it's a hard upgrade in my book Justice Diamond steel gold me where my short Queens at we're adding more Queens to the boulevard Queen me only Queens you've heard of only fans we want only Queens flush eights we don't want any of these these are all John and Tennessee all right those kings should help huh [Music] Kings and Queens Boulevard okay what's only fans I don't know I just saw it was um advertised during the streamer Awards One PA me X Arcana wheel me sell me Justice me we could make another queen what the heck is that okay we're in this we can play that I'm not mad at it 11,000 we sleep on 11,000 whole house could be I mean probably peir was better than full house huh yeah might be time there's no there's no downside roll plus two malt you watch only dance Queen me all right come on kid Queens I like Stone cards man um we'll just this this will just melt with no we'll have no chips left come on we got to we got to pull this off here hermit mol destroy to Herman Miller me Queen me cell is worth five roll one roll two you're ready to learn it buddy oh that's not very good we need some [Music] malt could be in trouble here after player discard always draw three cards where my my short Queen's at uh-oh [Music] okay we're okay I believe this is the Run doesn't matter how many times you fall fall down only matters that you get back up I believe dang heart yo murf thanks for the bits appreciate it looty thanks for the 84 straight months 84-0 spam in chat what were we doing 84 months ago um are we in trouble [Music] here [Music] come on [Music] kid nice we needed we needed that short King we should be good [Music] here it's not going to be enough to moonball but we got to find a way what do we [Music] do we we need we got to we have to do something [Music] card sharp may have just W us the whole darn thing I think we get rid of we get rid of our short Baron we're still in a malt situation okay that helps Queen me get rid of PA [Music] Joker maybe too late for DNA that's our Mt that's that's our malt [Music] business all right here we go we can't skip anything [Music] now we are Queen's [Music] Boulevard it's not that good huh four of a kind not good 65 by6 barely why are we falling off here we're not playing card Sharp what we forgot we forgot sharpness forgot about sharp man you won you did it you oh baby it's never over it's never over gold seal me it's never over saved Tex aremy we're good we're close man hero Fant Grant steal me put a little steel flush me no no one more that could be good what do you think about that that don't those would double [Music] up not good [Music] enough all right wait can we discard first the first if the first hand of a around if I discard that doesn't count as a hand okay cuz we at least would like to get a king here there we go make Queen lucky before doubling it that would have been smart or of a kind is not that good 60 by7 is not that good you know what I [Music] mean pair so you can card sharp the voice of reason thank [Music] you thank you we got to remember when the chips are down we got a card sharp I think we have to do it huh man we are just barely squeaking through this thing we're in trouble Man we've got it we have to get some we need help 15 malt that's still garbage yeah we need some planets [Music] huh I guess just hang on to this need to blow some cash Queen me I mean we got to get some like four of a kind [Music] stuff 150 chips we got to get something out of [Music] here what do you you think about this DNA is out of here just for right now 20 Mt 4 * 4 is not as much as [Music] that then we got to play for four of [Music] fours abstract or [Music] malt lose $1 per card played [Music] but here's the thing we have to we have to be sharp with it we got to play pears man it's so weird cuz how many quads can we really [Music] play [Music] [Music] you know what I mean no quads we're in trouble I think we probably squeaks this by spreading too thin I think that [Music] happened I think that's it [Music] boys I think that's [Music] it we'll go one more more I said blue shirt this month this month this month all right come on kid it's we're we're not going to fold yet we got we've got to get a quick win here [Music] though we got stuck man we got stuck in the mud look there's only one true way out of this that's flush meta [Music] what the heck is Yori X5 maltt only 23 discards what even is that your Rick what does that mean what does yor Rick [Music] [Music] mean Yori from Hamlet who knows what Hamlet [Music] is he's a he's from League of Legends I've never heard of Yori once in my life TP got to protect the run until he can take over for you got to play five huh bannner anti York I'm with you Jax intends we are Jax Boulevard don't get us over 600 we needed more Yori we need full York tupy Early yoro is a GG so basically we just got we got to we got to flush [Applause] everything 16 more yics York's background looks like scrambled yoke you're kind of not wrong on [Music] that heex arcany go looks like Jupiter yo Targus thanks for the 19 months appreciate the [Applause] support all right we should be flushing right now to be honest with you we should be flushing and [Music] [Applause] discarding should be discarding and flushing Flushing Michigan and discarding Grant steal me EMP [Music] anotomy left to right we don't really have a usage for that yet now for a flush with lots of face cards ooh I see what you're saying I see what you're putting [Music] [Music] down so so once again we once again I ask you do we flush meta consider Cloud n that's [Music] bait that is big bait energy [Music] that was not what we wanted to [Music] do we're in some we're at that one squeaks [Music] man holy saved holy saved holy saved okay look if we win the run we're going to look back to that squeaks B moment and say somehow we survived yupiter wheel me wheel York I know you will we'll take it create a tarot card when blind is selected see you buddy better get ready to learn it all right 13 more discards come on they gave me the world in York just spit in our face there we [Music] go I think I think I think we got through the tough part of the run I I I I believe leave that we're through the tough part I mean we're we're 100% flush met at this point right what are we looking to get rid of probably smiley face I do like that how many more discards 10 more discards couple more yics couple more K coloras uh-oh we should have a bunch of Hearts no where the heck are our hearts at please is that enough they're not making this easy man if the if the hardcore Rogue like pentathlon was easy everyone would do it never punished what do you mean could be never punished this Joker gains eight chips when each played two is scored I just I think that's bait man Baron of bait where my short Kings at I'd rather have that to be honest with Youk you can wee get Skyfire thank you for the 10 GI appreciate support you've been a silent individual appreciate it you've been gifted from Skyfire please use your first dang Emoji at Skyfire I'd appreciate it mean a lot to me personally this roll is for you flushes and Kings Kings and flushes keep the hearts lose the Queen's Boulevard let's go a WWA appreciate where we are for my short Kings please where are my short Kings at mou here we go all right yor Yori needs to come home I've heard a lot about Yori but I haven't heard a lot about yorik all right voucher come on [Music] kid please we need something to write home to Mama that would have been good four more discards and Yori is ours is he really going to throw away a [Music] flush he is where my short Kings at [Music] please come on when does York be does he smile after all the discards please tell me he smiles wild Spade malt steel [Music] stone all right time to go nuclear come on come on yoro we need your K calorics how come he's not smiling why is he not smiling why is he not smiling he should be smiling all right what do we got it clubs clubs clubs terat I bet we get higher than 20 [Music] oh we got it hear me out get rid of King get rid of King Double yoro Double York it's a one run now I mean I hope so where my short Queens at no repeat hand types A not going to be any repeat hand types I promise you that keep my short Kings Grant triple steal [Music] me all right we got we got one Sprint left in this pack pentathlon 20 maltt 20 maltt Temperpedic no one and four one and four four and one one and four and four and one holy cow we got to we got to pick up the Pace here a little bit see on the flip side buddy now we're looking for Speed we're looking for Speed now take this thing to [Music] anti2 really anti 50 what do you mean anti 50 skip blinds now I mean we're getting a little crazy here don't you think I just dump I just dumped a short King this build doesn't [Music] scale get more hearts in your deck [Music] we need more we need more flush meta not getting it [Music] though scale [Music] that oh I mean we had to go back to back upgrade the first upgrade the level of the first discarded poker hand each round that could be good should we try that that's bait really you really think that's bait huh where's my hearts at where's my Owen heart at okay re trigger Seltzer could get us to the Moon I've never seen four card Marty it's only three card Marty Seltzer's huge it doesn't get us to the Moon Selter for a king get rid of flush by mime all right we'll try it mine will re-trigger all Kings I got you [Music] John in Tennessee go ahead what you want to say that's trash do get off the airway oh come on man that would have been nice still got to buy it though right all face cards are drawn down where my short Kings at in straight copium pivot in the straight [Music] copium holy cow I've never even seen that the her tree man we are not getting what we need here get ready to learn it buddy what do we get rid we get rid of this right I guess doesn't matter heart they're ready to learn it buddy tabulate my short kings and queens give each give X2 malt when scored holy where my kings and queens at cell Baron what do you mean it's no longer useful oh I [Music] see Aaron is still good for right now Mega buffoon R trigger all face cards are you kidding me that means that means my man that means my man that means my man that means sell the heart Lusty sell Lusty that means my man that's not bad though should we chip though should we chip up cell Baron all [Music] right so now we want to play my short kings and queens we want to play [Music] him we play two kings just read Murphy OBS message I didn't see him must have backed down when it came when push came to shove all right what do we got here we want to dupe this so that would be hold on 2 4 68 * 2 is 16 oh when scored I get it okay holy holy nah n n n n n n n no nah we got a shot here destroy to create to oh that could be good that could be very good blueprint better on tribet are we getting one guide Murphy or no we getting one guide let's go all face cards are debuffed can we reroll that H Omega AI play flushes but we don't have any flush meta come on baby send me send me okay that should be enough if we see any let get us out of here man get us out of here all right still there's still a chance for us to go nuclear Baron is back do we bring back the baron I'm definitely we want that for sure why would we not want [Music] Baron conflicts with the [Music] Jokers we'll take that just so we can potentially rank it [Music] up thank you we need needed that no we don't need [Music] flush what if we got two more negative Jokers what if we Skip and went two negative Jokers yep yep here we go force is one card to always be [Music] selected so right now we want face and hands we want face and hands [Music] should probably play this huh play [Music] it okay where my short kings and queens at converts the left card into the right card would you rather we'd rather have more Kings than queens right left card into the right card WTF is he doing oh just wait just wait [Music] is that going to be enough I can't strength anyways move blueprint I don't think blueprint works like that move blueprint to here Murphy said it doesn't work like that more more more more how much is that I don't even know how much that is how much is that 1.4 billion oh man do we keep going or do we do the do we pentathlon holy cow all right reny probably what we're going to do we're we're going to take this we're going to take this batra run eat the entire P pentathlon and just use this for today's video all right here we go there should be two negatives two negatives two negatives two negatives two [Music] negatives look at all the negatives all right don't know what it does but we'll take it free taros free diamonds what do we do 1 b474 mil5 1 billion that's how much it was take a mouthful of Queens Boulevard where my short Queens [Music] at left and right well hold on we want diamond Queens if we can or do we delete all right all right hang in here I would love a diamond Queen man where's our where's our diamond we don't have a diamond [Music] [Music] Queen Diamond Kings okay we'll hold for it uh we are Queen's Boulevard hang on to that Jade just in case actually we don't need that all right your maest we're not done yet boys we're not done yet peace should we make more Kings should we make more [Music] Kings just save just save just [Music] save why is that not a flush house oh cuz it's not a flush house holy 4 [Music] billion who do you think you are hold on I think oh man we got to save money I we got to save money brand steal me we need glass man we're looking for the King of Diamonds is what we're looking for right what are we looking for steal the king then dup [Applause] it no that's one guy kings and queens only all right one guy they don't all have to be the same [Applause] sua all right 32 billion 32 billion ho we're going to the Moon we're going to Wisconsin and Iowa and New Hampshire all right how much higher can we get I still think we we need we need Tex Arcana [Music] my short Kings at [Music] um should we sell it so we get a free [Music] one blueprint on sock and bus what the heck does that mean should have used it last round you should have made that chat should have made that comment before we left the last round ladies and gentlemen we got him all right we're looking for diamond diamond king queen half chips oh no oh no but you don't oh know [Music] me should we convert one yeah four of a king not our best hand but we'll take it not our best hand but we'll take it all right temper Pedic me we need more of these we need more of these come on we got to moonball this we could take this and then upgrade it you know what I mean what if we take and then hope for an upgrade card yeah we'll try it oh we can't we can't we can't we can't we can't we can't sell face what it doesn't matter we'll get Negative out we [Music] don't we can't sell it we're stuck with it but I do I do see you one guying so basically we're in the business of packs only we're in the business of packs three to Diamonds three to diamonds look it's not much but it's enough it's not much but it's enough it's not much but it's enough three diamonds it's not much but it's enough where my Diamond Kings and Queens at turn the lefta to the right oh that's not one of those sort by rank there you go we are King's Boulevard is it better off if we hold it oh we got rid of the king this has got to be our best hand by far what how much is that how much is that how much is that 49 billion oh you pece imagine if that was face and hands me we got to take it there's no reason not to strength me sell me use me that strength card could be clutch lucky [Music] me going to need some red seals where's Planet X where's Planet X do we [Music] dare [Music] all right here we go one and seven get drawn face down wait wait do we want to jacket we want to jack it hold on then we can Diamond them [Music] [Music] too oh wait to wait for the Red Seal I got you just converted a diamond to a diamond no you did not [Music] me come on boys come on boys come on boys we need a little more a little more that's not enough we need some more we need a little more a little more a little more 49 billion what's our PB that's this Arcana pack is huge elete gold wild come on where's Planet X don't talk to me ever again how do we get more Planet X 49 PB I think we hold I think we hold we can there's more Jacks to be had more Jacks to be had I wonder if we should go all Kings or all queens should we Jack [Music] him wait till we get [Music] two not yet wait till we get two 98 billion can we get 100 billion can we get 100 billion hold for the Red Seal glass could be good Red Seal Red Seal me red sealed Diamond you won you did it you did it I knew you would I just knew you would come on Planet X me [Music] I think we buy this for right now [Music] huh do we buy this glass it buy Emperor and save this one's got this one's got some legs this one's I mean do we jack it do we jack I think we jack it that's what we wanted we wanted to Jack okay malt okay we can jack a few how many more Jacks do we have three Jacks holy B this is what we wanted to Jack right here it's all happening and we molto me [Music] it where my short Queens at this is not going to be the whole home run we needed but it's okay go is he the best to ever do it Jimmy space thanks for the 3 months listen to the music on Q I'm telling you we get a few more red [Music] seals I think we should use this first what's the order of operations here spectral first spectral first gold [Music] seal spectral [Music] last destroy two we got to use one here wheel me bonus Club me sell that yes more we need more one more save the money save the money save the money can it be lucky and bonus no lucky or bonus Queen we need one more Queen please we need a queen I don't want 14 million I don't want 14 million [Music] what that's got to be a queen [Music] we should just bonus these right I don't want to risk that I don't know what it is though lucky the Spade come on baby come on now kid we're looking for 100 billion more more more more what is the E what is the 6.48 what is an e what does that mean what does it mean 6.4 e what does that mean 6.48 [Music] E11 what does it mean part of the that means 11 zeros in what world where's our Planet X you piece six what's what's the real number of that chat what's the real number of it can someone type out the real number 6.4 Tri something wrong with your score down it's got letters in it last time I checked numbers don't have letters sending this to local Thun 64 trillion yo thanks for the support I appreciate it we out 64 trillion 60 64 billion why don't they just say 648 billion a left to right a left to right a right to left to left to right right to left left to left to left to right holy give us give us the red [Music] Marty where is it we need it left to right right to right left to right give a fight left to right oh baby moonball time how do you like your moon balls just see if we have any other greed in there double double double double double what if that maltt hits do we want Red Sea on the left or the right 2.52 E12 E12 E12 what is E12 2.5 trillion and we're not done yet we're not done yet come on give me some Planet X you piece read games to play science thank you for the support appreciate play science gifted a tier one sub to Dynamic [Music] 10 another death we're going in boys should we roll should we roll I feel like we should reroll [Music] yeah I'm waiting for someone I trust to say yes could get all cards face down just play the Kings next round the debuff will not matter all right we'll play we'll play Kings bull save the Kings for that [Music] then lot of folks wonder what they're going to bearing whatever it is you might need an umbrella too folks there's a a front out to our South it's a stationary front that's going to lift North this evening as a warm front and then basic become AC C thund along this thing bring us a chance for [Laughter] [Music] rain we want them on the right do we want them on the right red seals on the right enter the crescendo we're going to the Moon boys [Music] come on [Music] moonball more more more more fly what is that what's that number 1.4 e13 major 15 trillion how do you know [Music] [Music] [Laughter] that the music is perfect man [Music] one more roll so we got to play Kings Boulevard here right we have to play Kings or not necessarily so we're going to need some help here King [Music] me what is the order we want left to right doesn't matter molts first doesn't matter if you don't have red seal maltt and lucky first maltt then luck gold first [Music] can we beat the game can we beat the game e14 does not mean zeros what does it mean explain it to me like I'm in first grade Planet X e14 means X asterisk 10 that's not like I'm first grade it's not like I'm in first grade 47 billion we can't horse anymore you may need that da da da da all right where my short Queen's at we have a jack with a red oh we don't have a jack with a red on all right should we go for our [Music] [Music] Queens come on hope that greed didn't pay didn't burn us did not burn us [Music] holy all right so what's what's the proper order here we could play do we have any any other better Queens in the the deck though we have a another luck we do we have another rrig I think we play for it we play for it try to get the the other [Music] one lot of folks wonder what they going to bearing whatever it is you might need an umbrella too not horsing around I'm not do we already have three all right what do we want to do what do we want to do here Mt luck we're going for one more one more give us the last give us the last red one don't take us to the Moon we need the last Red One a okay okay multiplier always first strength the [Music] [Laughter] J bonus on the far [Music] right why do we want bonus on the far [Laughter] right blueprint the re-trigger [Music] card cuz it doesn't add [Music] [Laughter] Mt Mt left seals right one guide come on baby 40 7 billion is that is that PB what's our P can anyone give me PB in in 1.31 13 what's our PB what's our PB shows on the stats page 1.53 yeah please make a batro PB but in like in a way that's a normal human can understand it one more reroll come on give us a copy card give us a copy card two planets what do you mean no ski the negative I didn't skip a negative you did should we glass this oh was a free negative ice cream that's my bad should we glass this isn't it going to double bust what's the order here why do Skyrim music keep playing what I'm here diamond and moltz on the left Mt cards on the left last last like that save glass when you need it more more [Music] more 2 trillion how much is [Music] that is that new PB 200 trillion I think we should thin the herd thin the herd thin the herd thin the herd or money get the make the money get the get the get the get the money get the money get the get the money I don't think we need malt anymore get the money come [Music] on do we want a brand [Music] Steel [Music] not as much as we want a glass not as much as we want a [Music] glass only one hand type this round no problem standard pack may we need to Glass something get the get the money get the get the money get the get the the money blueprint sock and busin really no you don't want to do that probably better actually I would need that to come from a trusted Source it's objectively better you're going to need to give me some more objects re-triggers 2x that doesn't tell me anything all right [Music] should we test [Music] it yeah we're not going to Glass yet it will re-trigger the legendary Joker and any other enhancements you want should we try it now you're re-triggering 2x but you could re-trigger it is compatible just one hand try [Music] it all right I hope you guys know if it's better or not where my short queen [Music] at not [Music] better holy molting out of our Gods definitely not better Trum how many queens we got left five [Laughter] it's never over do we don't need to do we need to Glass here do we need the [Music] glass [Music] no [Music] please okay saved at least we know the song's from risk of rain that would be nice Mega standard mega mega doodoo could there be a negative in there one more how many more cracks are we going to have at this thing one more uhoh uhoh we got a shot is this is our number higher than this is our number higher than that okay oh shoot use that should we just play it and see instead of horsing is that too early is that too early we could lose it do we want to lose it how many red seals do we have in the deck three or four we have one more so it give us four total [Music] do we glass or no glass glass a regular no I don't think we glass yet do we play the glass though do we don't need to play the glass [Music] right no do we need this [Music] one feel good about this play it to be safe what do we ditch [Music] chippers or I mean or we we'd send or we Double Glass yeah this was unseated I thing is I won't even know if we beat the number I won't be able to read it as long as we have e14 will be okay I think we're going to go over e14 it didn't break right didn't [Music] break didn't break hex Arana now we do need the glass [Music] huh but do we glass one of these it's maltt or glass the this one glass the Red Seal no I think we save we can always glass whenever we want right [Music] the question is do we do we get money or do we try to Glass [Music] glass when do when do we think we're going to run out of sauce here are we going to be you will lose on 15 you clearing the boss you don't need money okay I know Dark Souls when I see [Music] it we can't we're too thin right now we can't thin and fool you know what I [Music] mean we and we can't buy and sell anything right [Music] now [Music] can we beat this we want to roll it decrease the level of the played poker hand five of a [Music] kind we can't swap out Jokers right now because we're a negative [Music] you can beat it in one all right but I do think we're going to need to Glass up [Music] huh [Music] we got him we got him ladies and gentlemen we don't have enough rggs though all right which ones we want a glass what do we want a glass here the Normie glass the normi or can we GL need to Glass the red seals so should we just play one I mean we play one 2 3 4 five we have six play the [Music] Normie playing will decrease your level can we win with this I [Music] guess there's a lot of cards left [Music] left playing one [Music] card play the [Music] steals [Music] red what's more important [Music] [Music] seals [Music] [Music] H that's brutal all right we glass these now [Music] [Music] is that the right [Music] order what if we get lucky we get we get plus come on now we need [Music] it more more more more more more more couple more couple more oh we're alive baby it's never over we're alive holy hit both 20s oh mine as well [Music] right it's not over now anti 15 it's not over it's never [Music] over what do you mean we don't have a [Music] future glass you can switch out any non- negative Jokers [Music] really oh whoa whoa whoa what about Smiley you [Music] could this could be worth holding on to for right now ooh we need to thin the herd steel or glass glass or steel steel or glass and glass and steel steel Smiley is better than scary molt is better than chip do we agree with that one guy no get one [Music] gun one more one more no more let's go boys that's PB right that's PB that's PB right that this is PB all right here we what do you mean it's over that's P we haven't hit e16 yet we're about [Music] to we can always steal at the end come on we need one more red one more Idaho [Music] red I mean we we can't we can't we can steal whatever we want we can we can steal whatever we want we can steal we we we could steal we can steal a steel you know what I'm saying we can you can always steal come on Chad can we get can we get some r space s spam in the chat we need more red seals we got two we need more our space s spam in chat come on Daddo yeah okay more red seals which one do we play bonus or maltt which one do we bonus right or play the glass cuz we can always glass [Music] that we could always glass this one if we need it though keep the five Queens Boulevard sh running off running off we got them all we got every one of them we got them all we got everything we need and nothing that we [Music] don't we glass one of these or glass this we got to Glass a seal right steal the four this is it man we need some we need some Heavy Hitters we need some Heavy Hitters [Music] please [Music] this is it this is this is a once in a lifetime hand you were here ladies and [Music] gentlemen All Glass everything we got to get the order right is this right no okay glass at the end the super glass this glass at the end like that like that a glass sandwich please we have to get [Music] e16 Diamond Glass in the middle please e16 more we're going we're going to the Moon I'll see you in Jupiter no we had [Music] e16 07s in chat the Queens for my short Queens let us there we did it I don't know what E64 75 means but I know it's a lot if you were here ladies and gentlemen for the greatest batro run in the history of batro Omega the seat at home is a xylophone ly willy willy 91 Universe holy thank you for being here ladies and gentlemen we took this run to the moon and the moon we took the run I don't know how we glass red sealed but we sealed the red glass if you were here I was here spaming chat thank you for the 20 gifted witch night appreciate the support if we if we had our secret project done you would be able to do a little little something the secret project is not done but it will be soon it would be like well what's the secret project you'd have to ask a certain Dev but it has to do with those ladies and gentlemen we got them
Channel: DanGheeslingVODs
Views: 2,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balatro, balatro gameplay, balatro game, best balatro, balatro combos, balatro full run, balatro release, sinvicta balatro, balatro tutorial, balatro tier list, how to play balatro, best balatro build, best balatro hands, crazy balatro build, best balatro jokers, balatro full release, insane balatro combo, balatro for beginners, balatro beginner's guide, balatro ost, hafu balatro, balatro demo, balatro felps, balatro force, balatro review, balatro brasil
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 37sec (6457 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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