The Messiah: meet the Australian man who says he's Jesus and his followers | 7NEWS Spotlight

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tonight a worldwide investigation into the evil and destructive ways of a self-proclaimed messiah a charismatic australian whose devoted disciples believe he walked this earth two thousand years ago we commissioned the reverend david milliken one of the world's foremost experts on colts to head up our special investigation that's been 10 months in the making tonight we'll take you inside the messiah's isolated queensland compound where he's preparing his followers including children for the apocalyptic end of the world [Music] the idea that the group is is is coming together in a community and that miller is developing a compound in my opinion is ominous because only the most extreme cults isolate themselves in a compound jonestown or a waco davidian group which were two groups that ended tragically in mass suicide this is when groups become the most extreme because the leader controls everything [Music] the leader is this man [Music] my name's alan john miller but but i'm actually jesus i remember all of the events of my crucifixion i understood what was going on i understood the reason for my death and he's collecting disciples miller has convinced them that they were with him at his crucifixion went to get the spike and smash it into his hands and just so much love that come from him i couldn't do it it was excruciating to watch basically the annihilation of the person that i love the most whenever i think about him now i just cry i'm starting to have a soul like an emotional realisation of who he is [Music] i'm on the way to mergan in country queensland to two days of teachings by yeshua ben joseph or jesus it's a gathering of the faithful from around the world welcome along i'm jesus this is mary and so what we want to do today is talk about addictions and bribery and fear threats and blackmail i can feel that many of you are still in addictions with regard to your development towards god i've got all these emotional injuries i will feed them with my truth these things are not going to go away from you just by you getting baptized to me these words sound like rehashed new age pop psychology but for these people they burn with the light of divine truth let yourself feel the disillusionment you feel the disillusionment about the search what's happening here is aj is talking about emotions now most religions are suspicious of emotions they see faith as essentially a thing of the mind but emotions take us to the heart of aj's teachings what he's doing is setting up a sort of spiral where people get dragged down and down and down and people are asked to plunder the depths of emotions from which many of them can never escape one of his techniques to draw people in is to demand that they find emotional trauma in their family history let yourself feel what it was like to have to shut yourself down so much just to please your mother because that's that's what she wants that's what she wants you to do shut you down so much and she's giving you all these things but she wants a heap of things in return from you and that feels bad to you so allow yourself to connect with that that's it and as you connect to that you will start really connecting that's it and as you connect that's how much rage is there you see this is the childhood race now in miller's web as well well that my dad didn't want my mother [Music] before he became jesus miller was a jehovah's witness pastor but fell out with the church over an incident with a prostitute i first met him and mary during the brisbane floods for many years miller made his money out of land development and a computer business but now he believes he holds the salvation of the world in his hands along with a growing number of disciples who are buying properties next to him he lives outside kingeroy in queensland my first memories were having nails driven through my feet and those memories began when i was just over two years of age so i didn't put them together as i'm jesus from that and so i just sort of slotted it into the back of my head and went merrily on with my life until such a time as i started having a lot more specific memories about my life which happened when i was 33 really is it true that your mother tried to commit you to a psychiatric ward yes it is true yeah yeah and so and and these are things that i knew would occur this is why i went what i've got to like i'm having all these memories of who i am and i realize all of these different things coming up and i also think about my future and i go boy do i really want to bite this off again my mum and dad in the first century followed me around telling everybody i was crazy for most of my ministry so so you know my father didn't even change his mind until my passing in the first century so can you show me the the nail marks in your hands of course not because it's not the same body miller spreads the word via the web youtube and seminars here and around the world he claims there are 100 thousand of his dvds in circulation he calls his message the divine love path which offers oneness with god through aj's teachings how long have you been doing the past like i'm just looking at everyone hold it right up praying for god's love and courage and strength because i'm feeling a lot of fear right now um uh 200 months 28 months [Music] it's torn my life to pieces i've lost my wife i've lost my home i've lost my family it's been tremendously devastating and yet he's calling this divine love if miller walked into the room right now the way i feel right at this point initially i'd have him up against the wall and i'd look at him right in his eye and i'll rip that first float throw it right out miller's reach is international in san francisco i met dugan mcverk whose wife jennifer fell under miller's spell tell me about jen before she knew aj yeah jennifer was one of the most effervescent and lively spirits put into a body that i'd ever seen was some one of the most amazing connections that i've ever had with another human being so in that relationship what happened for yourself is it just triggered more of that childhood hurt that you felt with men jennifer was introduced to miller's teaching by two australian friends and became captivated she would watch and listen up to five hours a day every day there would be more downloads and it was continuous i watched jen over the course of a month or so basically become so absorbed in it that it seemed to be the whole focus for her it was everything that she would be listening to she came to me with tears and said to me dugan he really is jesus aj really is jesus unbeknown to her husband she began donating money to miller and communicating by phone and email miller raised doubts about whether her husband was her soul mate apparently there's some requirement for soul mates according to a.j miller which brought into our relationship the innuendo of doubt as to whether or not she and i were soul mates it was as if there was a a a third party sitting right between us all the time and it i was watching jennifer basically just disappear within five months jennifer left dugan and planned to come to australia to be with miller desperate dugan contacted rick ross america's leading culti programmer to stage an intervention when dugan first contacted me he was very worried and he was hoping that somehow through an intervention they might reconcile jennifer a.j miller is not jesus i explained to jennifer that after meeting many many cult leaders that claim to be jesus or god how could she be sure that miller was in fact jesus and all she could respond is the teachings make me feel good it's given me joy and there was a kind of euphoria that she experienced from listening to the tapes and in in a sense this is a key to the way that miller uh quells their critical thinking induces the kind of self-hypnosis that i've seen they put their headphones on and they listen to downloads for hours on end and i think this has a mind-numbing effect on them i am out of here the intervention failed basically miller sets himself up as god he is jesus christ he is the god man and if you disagree with him you disagree with god so if you have a spouse or a family member and they are critical of miller they have come against god and therefore they are not spiritually right for you or as miller might say they are not your soul mate yesterday morning i left my husband after 30 years and um yesterday morning yes and i knew it was something i needed to do because i was in an unloving situation and i knew that i no longer really loved him and so i wasn't living in truth but it was still very hard and i was still very sad yeah i've talked to so many people around you who are married some of them married for many years yep and i asked them the question how long have you been married some people say 25 years i say is your wife your soul mate and they say i don't know they say i don't know and that's okay like it's not okay aj why that puts a tremendous pressure marriages are breaking up around you because of this teaching about soulmates it will become very obvious to you whether the person you're currently with is your soulmate or not and this is why it's so good to be in your current relationship and work through the issues until you get to the point where you know that this isn't right and when you know it isn't right obviously that is the time for you to leave my teachings are all about love developing relationship no they're not they are they're not you're a lot of your teachings are about addictions about emotions about fear about struggle you take people into a sort of holocaust an emotional holocaust yeah i can't agree with that david i'm sorry that's what i see when you start opening this soulmate side of you what will happen is every other attraction that you've ever had will start to die you think you'll ever stop missing no no i mean i didn't find the person i wanted to marry until i was 56 years old in my heart you know i'll never never get over missing her i i'm really really really really amazed by just the the stunning arrogance that this man has to claim what he's claiming i mean he's about as yeah how does one say i don't think he would know jesus if jesus came in better than the others tell me about that what you think about aj who who is agita he's a a bringer of truth i feel that he is the messiah he's the messenger of god's truth um to help us wake up yes he is he is jesus and and you've just discovered that i've only discovered that yes since i've been on this path through aj's teachings that's how we come to god [Laughter] [Applause] now aj do you do you always tell the truth um i i always attempt to as far as i know it at that time yes so did you walk on water no did you um raise lazarus from the dead yes so you saying that you did some sort of miracles but not other sorts um there's a few miracles in the bible i didn't do but the rest of the rest who did yes i did like most of the miracles involving recovery of people's sight the recovery of their limbs but the walking on water is one of the ones i didn't do yes um the another one that i didn't do was turning the uh water into wine you didn't so you couldn't you couldn't give us a a nice little you want a job no no aj miller shares his home in central queensland with a woman 13 years his junior the way that i first met aj was at a talk in my parents home they had invited him to be there and he just happened to be in our living room giving a talk and that's how we met yeah one of the remarkable ironies of your life yes is the role of your parents uh my parents told me that uh that they had found out through someone else that aj felt that um i was his soul mate [Music] a former aide worker she was born mary luck but aj has convinced her that she is mary magdalene so what's happened with you and your family i feel quite sad about it david yeah just that they um they don't accept what i want to do with my life at the moment they don't agree with um the way i'm living it but they introduced you i know yeah sadly um my brother has said to me that he thinks i've gone mad i have memories of being at the crucifixion uh remember being there and just the intense feeling of some my soul mate someone i feel very connected to suffering immensely um although i feel i suffered more than he did um but just because of the development in love that he had at that time but for myself it was excruciating to watch basically the annihilation of the person that i love the most it feels like i might die from grief and um it's so real you have convinced mary that she was married scenario how has he convinced me you did not think that you were mary magdalene i never forget mary she was mary magdalene you didn't tell her no no i did not so how can you say i convinced mary well after she meets you she begins to think that she's mary magdalene well that's her i never respond you had no thoughts about that beforehand did you no but to be honest i really had no idea who mary magdalene was how many mary magdalenes have there been in your life there's there's only one mary magdalene in my life but there's been others is it two three no you're not asking me you're telling me all right i'm asking you okay did you tell other girls before mary that they were mary magdalene i i told yes definitely one girl mr miller seems to use his position as jesus to get sexual favors from women that he is attracted to and so he says well this woman is mary magdalene wait a minute no this woman is mary magdalene it reminds me of many other uh so-called cult leaders that i've run into over the years who use their position of spiritual authority to get what they want sexually financially in whatever means they wish from the people that become their followers miller has an inner core of about 30 disciples who have in his words forsaken all to be with him and to learn at his feet the key is to allow yourself to feel the sexual feelings but understand when they're out of harmony with love and when they're out of harmony we'd love not to act upon them does that make sense there are hundreds more who believe he is jesus and many thousands who are intrigued by his teachings these are the reasons why divine love doesn't flow all the time to most people is because they're unwilling to have the awakening as to the perception of their true self and there is a special 13. his chosen apostles says have been reincarnated to spread his message i'm called cornelius and that's my name in the first century of my identity my soul identity at murgan i met cornelius and jody who left her husband to follow miller both believe they lived at the time of christ so you knew jesus as such i saw him and listen to what he was saying i did come across him once and i asked him about one of my servants that was sick and he healed the servant i was just quite amazed by what he did until the time come where we were asked to go and execute him and then then when my my troops and had to go and nail him to the stake it was like a pole it was me that had to do that and as i just went to get the spike and smash it into his hands he just kept looking at me and just so much love that come from him to me i couldn't do it i just had through the ballot down through the state the spike down and just walked off which pretty much was my death sentence in those times you don't do that so do you think he's jesus i feel at times that um yes he's jesus and yes um mary's mary magdalene and what i feel is the beautiful friendship we had together and the loss of that let yourself feel the disillusionment you feel the disillusionment about the search miller's followers like alex have been convinced that there is an eternal battle between good and evil spirits controlling their behavior how does it manifest in you how does it manifest in me well in the past it's it's caused me to do very unloving things um spirits basically because i'm so open spirits hook into me i basically step into my body and cause me to do things like you know drink all night take drugs you know um have sex with random women just a whole lot of unloving things and that's that's because of my soul condition it's allowed a lot of dark spirits to do that can you feel how once you start recognizing the addictions you have in play particularly the ones with spirits how instantly the spirits up the ante tell me about aj who is he whenever i think about him now i just cry i'm starting to have a soul like an emotional realisation of who he is it's just it's overwhelming because i know that only god can save me but at the moment i feel that he's saved me through his teachings and his truth and love that i haven't experienced through anyone else and i've been looking for a long time if i gather 10 of your people and start talking to them within a minute they're talking about the struggle and and see just about everyone i talk to is on the verge of tears but you notice that i don't feel i'm still alex sorry a poor guy he's he's just consumed and i've talked to alex many times about him allowing spirits to com almost completely control his life i think you are at the early stages of becoming a cult leader well i'd like to see how i can be a cult leader when i ask everybody to actually engage their owners you're on the way aj you are beginning to look you're beginning to to to gather all the means of control to yourself you uh you are the only source of knowledge within the group you are separate you are not you are separating people away from their families no i'm not how many people have i talked to one of the questions i asked them was what does your family think time after time now david read your bible what what was said about me in the first century are you engaged what does it say jesus did in the first year that's right say it yeah jesus said that your greatest enemy would be your family why do you think that i said that in the first century but that's not you and you are not jesus no that's your opinion like say someone was on earth and they were in the 22nd sphere and they wanted to go to the spirit world like with their soul can they do that this is one of miller's dvds not only is he targeting vulnerable adults he's also drawing children into his warped world i was wondering if my dad my mum and dad are soul mates well i might be able to tell you it but i'm not going to there's another question that you might not be able to tell me but if you really desired to die but you didn't you knew that it's not good to commit suicide with your law of attraction bring that to you yes does god have a mum and dad does god have a mum and dad now that is the hardest possible question i can answer and i've lived now for two thousand years and i don't know the answer to that question you haven't fun with this have you you know miller is is still a fairly new uh leader i mean he really hasn't fully developed his group it's it's still in its early stages but the idea that the group is is is coming together in a community and that miller is developing a compound in my opinion is ominous again and again historically the most extreme expressions of cults have been in compounds and some of the most terrible cult tragedies have been asso associated with that type of isolation this is the 600 acres that i was telling you about it's currently owned by four different people and what they're doing is uh they're just waiting for the organization to be set up as a non-profit organisation and then they want to donate the land to the organisation with money from his believers miller is acquiring properties here and around the world sort of goes in that direction about a kilometre and about that direction about a kilometer from here and then it goes up the hill he calls them sanctuaries in readiness for the great cataclysm he's prophesying will soon engulf the planet from the chaos he will emerge the savior let's look at some of the things i know that you've said were going to happen you know like that there were a continent was going to rise next door to hawaii yeah cause a 100 metre tsunami that would sweep over australia i'll go further than that if you wish there's going to be an earthquake devastating earthquake and so on you might you made those predictions and and every all of these things are going to they are going to happen the earth itself is going to change a lot in the next few years and what you now know as countries will some of them will disappear completely other ones will change completely [Applause] on one level aj miller is just a buffoon but on another level he has found the ingredients that make men like him dangerous the divine love is the only substance that flows through the holy spirit and if he goes on he will continue to separate parrots from their children wives from their husbands and take money from his followers talking to god i think there are two aj's one aj is a friendly open sort of aussie sort of character aussie bloke yeah yeah there's another aj who has the heart of a tyrant and that's that's what that's where you are heading i disagree i see it david i am worried about what you're doing um i don't think it will end well for him for you and the people around you right and i'd like to meet you in 10 years time and see can i make a prediction for you david okay you're going to want me to meet me much sooner than 10 years time and what does that mean well it just means that many of your current thoughts will change over the coming three or four years in my opinion are you saying that i will become convinced i'm saying that you will you will start thinking wow maybe there is something in this so i'm perfectly happy to speak with you should you be here on earth in four years time or whether you should be in the spirit world enforcement hey jay don't hold your breath mate well really can i can i say something to you many people in the first century have said exactly the same thing to me as what you are saying to me right now and and many times they've come back at a later point in time and wanted to have far more deeper discussions about the matter okay look thank you no worries it's that pleasure you
Channel: 7NEWS Spotlight
Views: 1,124,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: News, Channel 7, documentary, interview, 7news, spotlight, feature, story, Alan John Miller, divine truth prayer, cult, jesus, religion, christian, christianity, god, religious cult, australia, queensland, religious cult documentary, religious cult leaders, religious cult stories, religious cult in australia
Id: d0-ustkfE9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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