What If Dobby NEVER Interfered In Harry’s Life? | Harry Potter Film Theory

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and must do what they they say they can break the rules if they really want to I mean Harry says as much they can leave the house if they really want to Dobby did he left the mouth always give me warnings three years ago he had to punish himself afterward but he still managed it what's weird about Dobby in this situation though is that he's managed to convince himself to break the rules enough to go visit Harry in his muggle home but not managing to convince himself he's allowed to tell him any useful information at all because he doesn't really tell Harry anything at all just that terrible things will be happening in Hogwarts and then Harry Potter should not go back but regardless of this morning it does nothing to prepare Harry for the terrible things that will happen in Hogwarts you know like the the Basilisk attacks then after they do happen the fact that Harry had any kind of advanced warning at all makes no difference then Dobby's other goal of trying to dissuade Harry from not going going back to Hogwarts puts zero Dent at all and hair is resolved to do exactly that is my home so really it's kind of a net zero for Dobby's efforts isn't it which got me wondering did his appearance or influence make any difference at all is Dobby the Indiana Jones of Harry Potter like yeah he keeps being near the plot but has no relevance on it I hate snake sucked I hate him I mean obviously my Deathly Hallows he's incredibly important but like inside of Chamber of Secrets but if Dobby never shows up that night to Fred and George and Ron still come to rescue Harry from his bedroom to Harry and Ron still fly the car to school and if none of that happens does it make a difference anyway well today we find out [Music] all right before we dive into today's video I want to give a huge shout out over to Tux in our Discord server for suggesting this what if scenario I had so much fun deep diving in if you have any suggestions you would like to send to me and Ben our Discord server is a great place to do it we are in there all the time and even if you don't it's just a regular party in there and if you want to join it's just three dollars over at patreon.com supercarlinbrothers seriously I guarantee you'll have a fun time in there last week we invented a brand new mascot called Spud he's a salamentado half uh potato half salamander and he evolves into this giant rainbow dragon so you never know what's gonna happen in there but it is always a fun time and it's a great way to support the channel so uh see you in there but anyway let's talk dobbers everyone's a favorite house off because even though he is completely unsuccessful in dissuading Harry from going to Hogwarts or giving him any information at all he does still cause some chaos that night doesn't he as a refresher that night also happens to be Harry's 12th birthday and he's supposed to be spending the evening in his room not making any sounds and pretending he doesn't exist I'll be in my bedroom making no noise and pretending that I don't exist meanwhile downstairs Uncle Vernon has some important business clients over and is in the process of closing what seems like the biggest deal of his entire career and look I don't know anything about selling girls but apparently it could be quite lucrative because Uncle Vernon is convinced that if he seals this deal he will be shopping for a vacation home in Majorca the next day which if you don't know because I didn't is an island in Spain and I looked it up and I don't normally like the dursley's taste but um I'd be seen on vacation here just as long as the dursleys are not there but thanks to Dobby they definitely won't be yeah because after Harry fails to promise Dobby that he's not going back to school Dobby has to take things into his own hands and arrives downstairs and Frames Harry for dropping a large pudding on Mrs Mason's head thus ruining everything and prompting Uncle Vernon to Bar Harry's windows and lock him in his room for the rest of the summer which you know not a huge problem for Harry because Ron have heard and George come and save him anyway but how does this evening look if Dobby never shows up what if he is truly Bound by the laws and unable to visit or interfere with Harry's life well for one it probably means Uncle Vernon does seal the dealing it's to buy the vacation home in Majorca which bad news for me I'm not going anymore but I guess that's possibly good news for Harry like maybe he'll get to go on the vacation or else maybe they'll leave him home while they go on the vacation and I know neither of those seem likely at all but it does seem like they're going to have to choose one of them doesn't it but then if Harry isn't locked in his room because of Dobby does that mean Ron never comes to rescue Harry because Harry isn't responding to the letters so then Harry never gets to go to the borough and who are you oh sorry sir I'm Harry sir Harry Potter actually no because even though we don't meet Dobby until that night he's been messing with Harry all summer from afar specifically he's blocking all of Harry's mail from getting to him hoping that if Harry doesn't think he has any friends at school he just won't want to go back but so if Dobby wasn't interfering then Harry would have been getting those letters all summer and that's important to this story because Ron actually tells us what was in the letters what's been going on why haven't you been answering my letters I've asked you to say about 12 times then Dad came home and said you'd gone on official warning for using magic in front of Muggles right so actually Harry would still make it to the borough that summer and probably way sooner because Ron has been inviting him all summer yes the dursleys would probably have to agree to something like that but I bet they would because this exact situation shows up in Goblet of Fire when Harry wants to go to the Quidditch World Cup and Uncle Vernon has this terrible internal battle where that'll make Harry happy but it'll also mean Harry is not at the house and in the end he decides Harry not being there is still the better outcome so yes Harry would still get to go to the borough that summer the dursleys would get to buy their vacation home and Harry wouldn't get in trouble with the ministry for performing underage magic which feels like a big deal because later in order the Phoenix when he gets accused of this again they reference this exact incident when they're trying to like arrest Harry and prevent him from going back to school Justice of course he gets out of that either way anyway so maybe it doesn't matter anyway Harry makes it to the burrow and it feels like maybe Ron would have only invited him over for like a week or a weekend or something but I guarantee you the moment Molly Weasley sees Harry and gets any information about how the dursleys are treating him she's just gonna insist that he stay there the rest of the summer anyway from there they all still go to diagonally Jenny still gets the diary and Harry still meets Lockhart no real chain just so far nice big smile Harry to get the you and I rate the front page the first really big change in the story though comes when they go to board the Hogwarts Express normally everybody gets through the barrier but then suddenly Harry and Ron are blocked by Dobby and they can't get through and decide that they're gonna have to fly the car to Hogwarts well I'll tell you another what if is uh what if Harry and Ron had decided to go through the barrier first then they're all stuck but if Dobby's not able to interfere then Harry and Ron just make it through the barrier like usual and get on the train like usual and don't have to steal the car and this is a pretty big deal because it means that they don't crash into the Whomping Willow they don't get detention Ron doesn't break his wand and the car doesn't end up running wild in the Forbidden Forest which is a lot of things to account for so let's try and unpack them one by one and guys now we need to do a quick pause to thank today's sponsor PayPal honey the easiest way to save money when online on your iPhone or computer and I seriously cannot over emphasize the word easy it literally takes just seconds to download and then just a few clicks to use like I bet if you go to joinhoney.com supercarlin you can have it downloaded before I'm done with this ad read and getting something done that quick and easy always feels good but it's even better when that thing is saving money I mean just the other day when I was ordering pins for our quarterly pin Club over on patreon I got to the checkout screen and there was a coupon for 10 off and we ended up saving forty dollars just boom right there didn't have to do anything and I mean that you don't have to do anything when you're on the checkout screen honey will just immediately scan for coupons and if there's any available at all or multiples it'll choose the best one and boom you've 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make certain discoveries during their detentions for Harry it's the first time he ever hears the Basilisk speaking in the halls and he asks Lockhart if he can hear them too which he can't which Harry finds really weird spooky how the time flies when one's having fun but even though it's the first time the Basilisk appears it is not the night of the first attack that doesn't happen until Halloween when Harry Ron and Hermione are exiting the death day party and really I don't see why it would be any different if that was the first time Harry heard the voice or not like no matter what he's gonna follow it and he's still gonna end up at the scene of the crime Where Mrs Norris is all petrified and plus even if he wasn't in detention with Lockhart that night he still could have heard the voice of the Basilisk just wherever he was in the school I mean probably the Gryffindor common room but even if he doesn't I'm not sure it matters then during Ron's detention he has to polish the award for special services to the school one by TM riddle 50 years ago several times because he keeps belching slugs up all over it and because Ron remembers this information about TM riddle Hermione is able to piece together that the award the diary and the Chamber opening are all probably linked together because of the 50-year time Gap it's a brilliant Theory himani so that's all does kind of feel important right well first let's talk about Ron's slug mishap if you'll recall normally he's belching slugs up because his wand misfires trying to curse Malfoy for calling Hermione a mudblood you still feels but in this scenario Ron's wand isn't broken so it doesn't backfire and I think he just successfully curse his Malfoy which one is uh awesome but I guess would probably also just land him in detention again anyway but probably not that specific detention but either way even if Ron doesn't learn about this award it doesn't change much sure Hermione won't be able to piece together this Theory which happens to be spot on but Harry learns all of that information from the diary anyway and maybe you could argue that without that theory in place Harry would have been less interested in continuing investigating the diary because at this point they just keep flipping through blank pages and they're like what what does this do but even that's not true Harry even says he feels this unusual connection to TM riddle and the diary like he sort of knows him or something Harry couldn't explain even to himself why he didn't just throw Riddle's Diary away the fact was that even though he knew the diary was blank he kept absent-mindedly picking up and turning the pages as though it were a story he wanted to finish and while Harry was sure he'd never heard the name TM riddle before it still seemed to mean something to him almost as though riddle was a friend he'd had when he was very small and had half forgotten but this was absurd he never had any friends before Hogwarts Dudley had made sure of that so either way I think Harry continues to investigate the diary and learn the quote-unquote truth about Hagrid and the Chamber of Secrets and at this point I think we should talk about the third thing Dobby does to try and interfere with Harry's Life by introducing the Rogue bludger into his quidditch match against Slytherin which of course throws a huge wrench into the match itself but doesn't stop Harry from winning the game but he does end up boneless in the hospital later that night not entirely boneless just Justice are how could you be nearly boneless like this and that night in the hospital is somewhat important it's at the very least when Dobby reappears to tell Harry all the ways in which he's been ruining his life it's also when Dobby lets slip that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before a fact that is almost immediately confirmed by Dumbledore himself when he appears in the hospital wing with Colin creevey couldn't have said that and while that is relevant information for Harry to have again it doesn't change basically anything because at that point Harry Ron and Hermione are already planning to do the apologies potion scheme and interview Malfoy and once that's in effect without even trying Draco just spills the beans on this exact information anyway it's been 50 years since the chamber was opened he wouldn't tell me who opened it only that they were expelled so yeah this far end of the year Harry's life is just a lot better without Dobby interfering you have to go to the burrow a lot sooner he got to board the train like usual he skips a detention and he's made all the same progress he usually would investigating the Chamber of Secrets not to mention Ron got to successfully curse Malfoy to belch up slugs I mean how great was that but let me assure you that gravy train is about to end unless you're Malfoy in which case the slugs are just going to keep coming because eventually Harry and Ron are going to find themselves down at Hagrid's Hub where Cornelius fudge and Lucius Malfoy are going to show up to escort not just Hagrid but also Dumbledore out of the school and it is at this point when Hagrid gives them the very dangerous information to follow the spiders why spiders why couldn't it be follow the butterflies and this is where Dobby's lack of meddling is really going to bite Harry in the butt or well maybe a bunch of spiders are because usually what happens is they go into the forest and they talk to aragog who helpfully explains a lot of exposition which didn't have to do because he's planning on eating them and then he offers them up as a meal to the rest of his family and usually the only way Harry and Ron get out of this situation is by the surprise arrival of the flying Ford Anglia which is able to offer them some armor some speed some loud noises and some bright lights yeah so but if Dobby never blocks the barrier way back at platform nine and three quarters then they never fly the car to school so well they do at least have one other good thing going for them here is that because they didn't fly the car to school Ron does have a functioning wand huh and to be fair wrong with a wand way better than Ron no wand s there was something there I think we found it but even so I gotta tell you I don't see how they're getting out of this one like Ron might have a wand but he's also extremely terrified In This Moment and they're just so isolated in the forest there's just there's just nothing else that can come save them like the centaurs aren't gonna come save them they're they're not coming near the spiders that's just more meat for them fox fox maybe but this really isn't a showing Dumbledore a ton of loyalty kind of moment you know which is what summons fox in the chamber yeah the sad truth here is that without the car in the forest I think Harry and Ron are just spider food which is a real bummer because then that's pretty much the end of the story The Boy Who Lived until he was eaten by giant spiders but you know what just for the sake of the what if and this video I'm gonna give Ron the benefit of the doubt here and say that him having the extra wand is clutch and that somehow someway him and Harry managed to escape the spiders and get back to school okay let's just say that happens well I've got more bad news for you it still doesn't matter because if they escape then the plot is right back on track which means Ginny gets taken down to the Chamber of Secrets and Harry and Ron go to tell Lockhart what they know so that maybe he can try and save her and then they end up going down into the chamber with him the huge difference here is that usually Lockhart tricks them and ends up stealing Ron's wand and attempts to erase their memories but of course because Ron's wand is broken it backfires and he erases his own instead but this time Ron's wand won't be broken so when Lockhart steals it he just succeeds and that is extremely bad news because this is the one spell Lockhart is actually really really good at and he's not just aiming in this moment to like erase Harry and Rod's memory of his hoax or their knowledge of what he's doing to other people and stealing stories now he's going big he wants their minds completely erased and we know that two ways one not only is that just what happens to him so it sort of seems like whatever happened to him was going to happen to them but he also just explains helpfully out loud what he's gonna do he starts monologuing I should have committed the skin back up to the school tell them I was too late to save the girl and that YouTube tragically lost your minds at the side of a mangled body say goodbye to your memories so yeah if Lockhart succeeds then Ginny definitely dies because he basically just said he's gonna leave her for dead which then also means that Voldemort successfully comes back later that night as well as young Tom Riddle while his main adversary The Chosen One Harry Potter has just been left in a completely mindless state so yeah I guess in a weird way if Dobby never tries to warn Harry or interfere in his life Voldemort wins But the irony here is that it's not because Dobby succeeds at anything he's trying to do everything Dobby tries to do just ends up making life harder for Harry or leaving him boneless or directing him towards other odd accidents not kill you sir never kill you but in a wild outcome of these Maneuvers do end up saving Harry's life so uh good job Dobby I guess so there you go guys that's what happens if Dobby never interferes in Harry's life I mean worst case scenario he ends up as Spider food best case scenario he's just Mindless like Lockhart when you meet him in order of the Phoenix said mongos if Baltimore hasn't killed him by then but she probably did [Music] you guys thanks so much for watching today's video don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already so you don't miss any future Harry Potter action from us if you want to see what if Neville had been the chosen one instead of Harry you can check out this video right here but otherwise Ben until next time I will see you in another life brother
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 240,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, film theory, film theorists, harry potter film theory, harry potter, harry potter theory, what if, what if harry potter, what if dobby never interfered in harry’s life, chamber of secrets, dobby, dobby theory, dobby the house elf, im an elf sir, gryffindor vs slytherin quidditch match, wizarding world, jk rowling, hogwarts legacy, follow the spiders, arragog, tom riddle, gilderoy lockhart, harry potter explained
Id: dA3ynh0C3yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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