Using a 4K OLED TV as a Monitor? Watch this!

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I have compiled a ton of tips and tricks for using a large OLED TV like the one back here as your monitor so you can look like a pro who actually needs that much screen real estate versus somebody who buys big things simply to compensate well for other things my name is Dan on welcome to honestly [Music] as always links to everything will be down in the description below please use them as it really helps this channel a lot and if you like Tech chairs and desk setups make sure you get subscribed for more content if you're debating about buying a large OLED TV Azure monitor these are some things to consider now if you've already purchased one you can skip this part and you can jump to this time stamp here the first thing to consider is whether or not you actually have the space I own two 48 inch LG oleds one here in the studio this is the C1 and the one I showcased in the previous video that is the C10 and out of the two Decks that I own the one at home is the shallower desk at about 29 and a half inches deep and when I measured my eye distance from my monitor when I take a tape measure and kind of measure like this from my eyes to the screen it measures a minimum distance of 34 inches now I think that distance is perfect because it does two things one it puts you far back enough that you're not feeling nauseous and your eyes aren't being strained when watching movies or playing games because trust me if you're too close you can feel a little sick and then two is that it puts you at a perfect distance where you can see the entire monitor without having to drastically turn your head to see the left and right while at the same time being close enough so you don't have to squint every time you're trying to read text on the screen because you will be sitting back further from that monitor than you would on a average smaller monitor you might be thinking well my desk is 30 inches deep just like his so I should be fine but all these OLED TVs come with a substantial base in terms of its size the LG 48 inch TVs come with a base that's 10 inches deep and a lot of those inches are hanging off the back and so if you put that entire base on your desk you're not going to have 34 inches eye distance so the way that I've done it is that I've got a substantial amount of space between the back edge of my desk and the wall and I hang the TV pretty much off of there and so you need to be okay with that you need to be okay having some distance of your desk off the wall or have a desk that's 34 to 35 inches deep now I know that some desks lose stability when you take them off the wall so that's something to consider and as a matter of fact you need to be careful that for example if you use a standing desk like me well I forgot that the back part was touching the wall and when I went to a raise the desk it scratched a whole ton of paint off of the wall there is a workaround so you don't have to have anything hanging off the back of your desk you can get a monitor arm but they tend to be quite expensive and I'll talk about them a little later in the video it goes without saying that these things are wide so for reference here's what the 48 inch looks like on a 61 inch wide desk and then on my studio desk which is 71 inches wide the next thing to consider is do you have a graphics card that can support HDMI 2.1 because this is a TV not a monitor so it only has HDMI 2.1 ports not USBC and not DisplayPort now you can still use this thing use a large TV as a monitor for your older graphics cards or for Mac or MacBook devices but you're not going to be able to access all the features that you're essentially paying for when you buy one of these I will say this though you're going to have a much more pleasant experience using this with a Windows device compared to an Apple device and I'll explain why as we go along if you plan on using a webcam for video conferencing just keep in mind that with a regular monitor it was just shooting straight you probably just have to clean the counters behind you but because the monitor or the TV is so big the webcam is going to be shooting straight down so you probably have to clean your floors as well and also if you plan on using a webcam for Windows hello unlocking you're always going to have to lean in because the camera won't be able to read your face with the distance that you're going to need from this monitor hello people who skipped ahead we're going to be talking about monitor arms now if you stuck around the beginning you know that we were talking about the depth of desk that you would need and how sometimes that TV base is so big that you might have to hang it off the back of your desk to give you enough width away from your screen or depth away from your screen well getting a monitor arm pretty much undoes all of that and there are two options that I know of that can hold a monitor or TV this big and it is the ergotron HX which is a 330 370 dollar monitor arm and the AV LT 13 to 49 inch monitor arm which is about 200 but that one is always always sold out unfortunately it goes like that as soon as it comes in stock and it's a real shame because it's got two USB pass-throughs which are really useful now in addition to getting the screen further back and not needing to get your desk as far back off the back wall you also get the additional real estate under your monitor to be able to tuck things in I have a second one that I plan to do with this screen here but it's definitely a two-person job and I am only one and a half persons if you plan on using a monitor arm you're going to need a visa adapter again I'll link a good one down below and this is because the TVs use a weird Visa pattern and none of the monitor arms have that pattern by default now we're getting into software and tweaks and first we'll start with stuff that applies to all the OLED TVs and then we'll talk about LG OLED TV specific tweaks and software and these LG specific tweaks and software are really cool because it transforms your experience it makes you go oh I'm clearly using a TV as a monitor to saying oh wow this actually feels like a monitor it's really cool make sure you stick around and in case you're wondering why do you only have LG tips it's because well I have two LG OLED TVs and two because because the LG OLED TV as a monitor thing has been around far longer and so the community has developed more has had more time to develop tweaks for them the first thing to consider and again this applies to all the OLED TVs is a program called Fancy zones by Microsoft power toys now windows by default has a pretty decent Windows Manager you get the four corners but with the screen this big what if you want three zones instead what if you want nine zones well you can't really do that but with fancy zones you can and you can customize it to your heart's content and what's really cool is that there is a feature called like use alternate click to activate something like that I'll have it on the screen where if you drag a window and then you click any other Mouse button well it'll show up all the zones and then you can drag and drop it wherever you want to snap to that allocated space and it's really cool because then it's keyboardless fancy zones only works on Windows but Mac users have three options you can get a free option called rectangle or you can get two paid versions one is called magnets and one is called Moon I unfortunately don't really use these programs so it might be worth doing some research to find out what the best for you number two is a program called Mac type now having a TV this big and this far away from you means that you need the sharpest text and that's what Mac type does it's called Mac type because MacBooks have sharper text than on Windows and so it enhances your text and makes it even crisper now for me personally I didn't see a huge difference but some people swear by it and the tool is totally free and really easy to install so might be worth checking out from here on are going to be the LG OLED TV specific programs and tweaks and these will totally transform your experience they're really amazing the first tweak is disabling auto dimming now all OLED TVs have Auto dimming built in because it prevents burn-in but it's really annoying when using it as a monitor because as you're typing something the screen will just get dark and it'll stay there for a few seconds before kicking back out and just really really annoying now you do need to proceed with caution here because this can void your warranty and if you click something by accident or you start messing around the menu you can break your TV so again please proceed with caution I've disabled auto dimming on both of my TVs and the one I have at home it's about two years old now there hasn't been any burn-in or retention but again proceed at your own risk now what you're going to need is an LG service remote that looks like this and you're going to go ahead and hit a button and then you're going to type in the code zero four one three and then you're gonna go to the OLED menu item and in there you should see a TPC and a GSR you're going to disable TPC and you're going to turn GSR to off and then after that just exit the menu don't touch anything else and I would say test your TV and see if Auto dimming still happens for some TVs like on my C10 that was all I needed but on the C1 that I have here Auto dimming kept happening and a follower of mine reached out to me and said hey how do you disable this and him and I worked together and we found out that you have to do one more step to get rid of the auto dimming and that is to change your input type to do this you're going to hit and hold the input button on your LG TV remote and once the input screen comes up you're going to go up to the top right hit the three buttons and then hit edit and then you're going to see all your inputs show up find the one that your PC is hooked up to click that and change the icon to PC now this does change some settings from the cable connection I'm not going to pretend like I understand all the intricacies of it but it should lower your brightness a little bit and this in conjunction with turning the things off in the service menu with the service remote should disable auto dimming permanently next up is a program called LG TV companion and it is freaking amazing you see because these things are TVs when you turn your PC on the TV doesn't turn on it's just like hey I'm a TV I'ma stay off you know like a regular monitor would detect the signal kick on and when you turn your PC off it would detect that hey there's no more signal and it would go into sleep mode well the TV doesn't do that but with LG TV Companion now it does and this is totally free the developers did a really good job giving you step-by-step instructions but you will need an intermediate knowledge of how to access your router and set a static IP it's not that difficult it's definitely googleable the best way to do it is Type in the brain brand of your router and then static DHCP and I promised one of the first few results would tell you how to do that and then the rest of it is pretty simple and make sure you guys donate to these developers because again these apps are free speaking of which I'm going to donate to them right now [Music] LG TV companion is Windows only there is no Mac version again reinforcing this idea that these TVs your experience at them is just going to be a lot better on a Windows device the next tweak is screen off mode again because this is a TV and not a monitor if that TV or that screen turns off all the audio that you're playing let's say on Spotify through the TV speakers or through speakers that were hooked up to the TV because you want to take advantage all that Spanish audio stuff will go with it [Music] now if your speakers are hooked up directly to your PC or via Bluetooth then you're fine but you can get around this because you want to prevent burning right you want to be able to save power well to do this you have to enable screen off and the way you do this is you go into settings then you go down and then you hit edit and you're going to remove one of these screen options in order to have space and then you're going to hit add and then you're going to add a button called screen off and I would prefer to put it all the way at the top and now if I ever want to listen to music even when the screen is off what I can do is you can hit the setting button and that first option should be screened off you can click it and then your screen will turn off but music will continue to play either through the TV speakers or through the speakers hooked up to the TV to wake up the screen you hit any button on your remote except for the volume buttons and the power button to get your monitor to start up faster and use it quicker as a monitor you can disable the startup logo and get rid of all the annoying home app launch things that show up every time you turn your TV on to disable the startup logo you're going to hit the mute button three times and then you're gonna see the option to disable the startup logo and then to get rid of the home menu or those home apps that pop up you're going to go into settings General then system then additional settings then home settings and then disable Home Auto launch now in every TV this is going to be slightly different but essentially you want to look for the additional settings and then find the Home Auto launch and disable it there and finally if you have multiple inputs you can switch between them very quickly by assigning them a quick access button to set this up you're going to take your remote and hold zero and then a quick access menu is going to pop up here you can assign every number a different input and then from now on with your remote if you hold that number then it's going to jump immediately to that input so that you can quick switchly switchly quick you can quick switchly between them if you're a Mac User I own an M1 14 inch MacBook Pro and I tried using it with this thing and I got incredibly frustrated but if you have any tips and tricks for me please let me know down in the comments below again I really was excited but it was really disappointed and here are some of the issues that I ran into the first thing is that all Macs in existence at least as of September 2022 cannot utilize the entire 4K resolution at 120 hertz refresh rate you can do 4K 60 hertz but not 120 hertz and even though technically it should be possible I've tried a ton of different cable combinations and I've read a ton of people's feedback it's just not going to work the second issue that I ran into was that when I plugged my MacBook into the monitor the text was just it was awful like it was so blurry and I could not read it but I figured out how to get around that what you have to do is you have to go into the LG TV menu you have to change the input type to PC and that seemed to fix things but then I ran into another issue and that was and this is more of an issue with the TV is that when I unplug my MacBook from it and that's the whole point of a Macbook right you want to be able to go on the go whenever I unplugged it the input type would change back to its default which means every time I plug it in I have to change the input type and I was like no this is dumb I'm not I'm not doing this maybe if you have like a Mac Studio or whatever you can do that but with a MacBook Pro all right everybody like share subscribe let me know down in the comments below if this video was helpful until next time stay safe and as always stay honest foreign
Channel: Ahnestly
Views: 305,141
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Keywords: ahnestly, lg oled, oled gaming monitor, best oled tv, 4k gaming monitor, tv as pc monitor setup, lg cx 48 setup, lg cx oled, lg c2 42 oled tv, oled tv monitor, lg oled tv, lg oled c1, lg oled c2, oled gaming monitor 4k, oled gaming monitors reddit, oled tv as monitor, using an oled tv as a monitor, using a 4k oled tv as a monitor, tips and tricks for oled tv as a monitor, sony a90k 42 inch, lg c2 42, sony a90k, sony a90k 48 inch, sony oled, best oled monitor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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