$170 Aliexpress Graphics Card Is A Sweaty Beast

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[Music] in this package that looks a little bit  like Lifeboat rations we have another fascinating   AliExpress graphics card specimen but before we  start probing our specimen a word from today's   video sponsor today's video is sponsored by  Corsair and their fancy Dominator platinum   ddr5 in White NOW aside from the obvious hello  epine that comes with these dark black kits   they also perform very well you can get 32  gig kits in up to 6200 megahertz speeds in   the white version and that performance combined  with their 12 ultra bright capellix RGB LEDs make   these a great option for any high-end gaming  system check out the Corsair Dom Platts in   white using the link in the description below  thank you Corsair for sponsoring today's video [Music] now I've not exactly had to open Lifeboat rations  before so I'm not sure how this works but I'm   assuming by this line of tape here that I should  just cut along that [Music] thank you foreign unboxing AliExpress stuff is always  such a surreal experience that kind   of feels like unboxing a harvested  organ you bought off the internet hey getting right to the good stuff  back here and it's turning around [Music]   whoa um first thing there is a little bit of  damage on the rear i o Shield which I don't know   how they manage considering how well protected  the graphics card was in shipping although I   think I may have spotted the problem it doesn't  actually line up with the screw hole that's used   to secure it above the HDMI slot that's also  a real interesting looking HDMI port that's so   janky I love it although putting aside the i o  Shield that was clearly found in a bin and the   fact that the graphics card seems to be exuding  a film of sticky protective cheese basically   the entire graphics card is made of metal this  entire shroud is metal the back plate is metal   and so is the front here and look at that I've  not seen that on a graphics card in a while we   have dual 8 pins on the front of the GPU not on  the top here and I like that I actually think in   a lot of cases this may be quite a smart place  to have your power connectors because you can   more easily cable manage it although that does  very much depend on your case that is a solid   heatsink we have under there we have our two  fans with the very off-center sticker on them oh oh so the rattle was caused by the end of  a screw yeah I'm not really sure where the   rest of the screw is and hopefully it wasn't  holding down anything important because well   that thing's not being held down anymore  and then as you can tell from the other   sticker this graphics card hewn of Steel is  an RX 5700 XT actually it's build quality   kind of reminds me of the reference 5700 XT  let's just give me a second let's have a look   this is a reference 5700 XT that I used for a  while in my main system and I think even with   its dent it's quite a good looking graphics card  it's also all metal the Shroud and on the back   plate although this is clearly higher production  value metal than on the AliExpress card you've   got this kind of texture on the back plate and  I think even this Radeon logo lights up having   said that I kind of remember this reference  cooler howling like a banshee with its tail   caught in the door so the other Express cooler  may give us better temperatures and noise but   we'll compare them soon enough first I just  want to kind of wipe the cheese off of the   AliExpress card and then do a quick tear down  so that we see what's going on under that metal   cooler [Music] okay it does smell a bit like a  Distillery now but at least it doesn't feel like   it's got a thyroid problem anymore so that's  good it is now the future and I've tested this   card which makes me even more excited to have  a look at what's going on underneath here I'm   not sure what the HT on the screw sticker means  I'm just gonna assume it says hurry try [Music] yeah I really like this all the screws on the  back are the same so you don't have to worry   about sticking it in the wrong hole it really  wasn't just seven screws okay oh no it's my least   favorite thing in the world fan clip this is one  of those that inevitably break every time you undo   them or at least every time I undo them oh again  I'm very glad that all these screws are the same   oh that's actually worked this time that's good  okay clearly that's the way to do it wow that   is the bottom of a relatively basic heatsink  but it looks fine to me although there is some   solder splatter around the heat pipes where they  attach them to the finare which I've not really   seen that on a heatsink before moving on to the  PCB clearly the thyroid problem extends to the   PCB because there is quite a lot of sweating  around the the memory modules with the 5700   XT there are components on this PCB like this one  here is definitely one of them I think that one as   well the cooler on the reference PCB actually has  pads that make contact with these so I'm not sure   if it's a problem that these are just open  air it could be that they're made contact   with because it's a blower style cooler and  the this kind of like more open air cooler   design just blows enough air on it for it to  be fine and here is our GPU die that clearly   isn't from a GTS 450 so that's very good I love  how there are pinots for external power facing   down on the PCB it's good that they didn't  put them here as opposed to on top [Music]   yeah I don't know it's just the back of a  graphics card it seems perfectly reasonable   so now I am going to reassemble this card but  we're gonna jump back into the past and have a   look at uh if this graphics card actually fires up  and what kind of gaming we can do with it [Music] so now we finally get to see if we have to go  through the driver install process equivalent   of trying to summon a demon into a new host like  we had with our previous AliExpress graphics card   hey [Music] it's just output a signal that is a  pretty good start and after a quick ddu wipe the   driver install off of amd's website installed  without the need of any form of seance it just   kind of worked which is awesome so let's try  and do some gaming on this surprising card would you look at that we've got some high  performance GTA 5 action happening here   this is a 1080p with uh pretty much everything  cranked in terms of settings yeah I mean this   is this is looking really good that power draw  is impressive that is actually a suspiciously   low power draw I don't think the 50 700 XT is  a very frugal graphics card in terms of power   usage so I think this AliExpress card may be  fibbing a little bit especially considering   that I tried to read the fan speed earlier  and it said there was zero percent fan speed   but the fans were definitely spinning so we'll  drop the reference GPU in here later and see   how its power draw and performance Compares but  first let's try a more demanding game [Music]   this is running a 1080p High settings the  same settings for Battlefield 5 that I used   in the last couple of videos and this may be  a relatively bare map in terms of foliage and   stuff so it's not super demanding but when I did  the standardized Benchmark for this graphics card   we were getting very similar results to the RTX  3060 that I bought the other day which cost a   whole lot more money than I paid for this 5700  XT and yeah Battlefield 5 loving AMD booty and   all that but we're bouncing off the frame rate  limiter it's awesome it is very audible you can   definitely hear the graphics card whining but the  temperatures are are pretty solid for a 5700 XT   so you should be able to play with the fan speed  [Music] yeah okay so the temperatures have kind of   topped out at about 72 it did occasionally creep  up to like 75 degrees Celsius but yeah that's with   very low fan speeds right and and this the cooler  definitely has a lot more Headroom in it let's try   cyberpunk and see what that does before we drop  in the reference uh 5700 XT to see how it Compares wow even cyberpunk at 1080p High settings is  running well we're sitting in the 70 frames per   second which I feel like is a is a very good point  for cyberpunk to be it's where the game feels you   know about as responsive as cyberpunk can feel I'm  still convinced the graphics card's lying about   the power drill though so let's drop the reference  5700 XT in here and see how they compare [Music]   okay so it's pretty clear that other  cards lying because we are getting   about the same boost frequency about  the same frame rate oh slightly higher   temperatures I guess the same temperatures  although this uh this blower style card is   noisier and it's actually got worse  coil wine this this reference 5700   XT has some of the worst coil wine of any  graphics card I've tested before it's real bad anyway it's got very similar parameters to  its running but it draws up to about 187   Watts which I think is a bit more than up  to 130 Watts but at least performance wise   they are running very similarly and finally  pricing wise when all is said and done that   means including tax and shipping I paid a total of  240 Canadian dollars for this AliExpress RTX 5700   XT which considering that you get a thyroid  disorder included that's a whole lot of   graphics card for the money anyway thank  you for watching if you enjoyed the video   subscribe to the channel for more videos  like this one and maybe consider watching   another video a suggestion will pop up in a  second and until the next video bye [Music]   thank you
Channel: Dawid Does Tech Stuff
Views: 427,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dawid, dawid does tech stuff, PC, gaming, intel, AMD, Corsair, Gaming, Game, Computer, Gaming PC, David Does Tech Stuff, DDTS, Tech, Stuff, David, Linus, Linus Tech Tips, Windows, Microsoft, CoolerMaster, DeepCool, bequiet!, Technology, cloud gaming, streaming, xbox, playstation, sony, Windows OS, GPU, Nvidia, gaming laptop, laptop, gaming computer monitor, monitor, Nvidia GeForce RTX
Id: wTHe_Og-mhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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