10 Bluey Scenes That Were Censored by Disney

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do you realize how often Disney censors scenes from one of the most beloved cartoons for kids and adults worldwide Bluey just to give you an idea one of the segments in this children show that Disney decided to completely censor happened when Bandit was playing with Bingo on the tree swing and bl's younger sister thinks that's a good moment to ask one of those super embarrassing questions that kids love to ask their parents how do kids get inside their mom's belly the expression on Bandit's face is really funny and instead of answering he simply lets go of the swing and lets the girls spin around right after that we see the little puppy stumbling up the stairs from all the spinning but anyone who watched the episode on Disney was left puzzled when they saw Bingo stumbling up the stairs as the scene where she asked her dad the question was completely deleted in the company's broadcast Dad yeah how does the baby get in the lady's belly want to know which other scenes from Blue were absurdly censored by Disney we've got you covered low and sensitive parts it seems like Disney has a thing for the Healer family swing because in another episode we see another scene that the company deleted and didn't let air on their Channel which happened in the same location as the previous scene we just talked about when the two girls Bluey and bingo are playing with their dad on the swing the older daughter asked Bandit to push the swing from both sides and then asks him to push it normally but when Bingo and the swing come back after being pushed the tip of the wooden swing hits the exact sensitive spot of the Healer family's dad for some reason the folks at Disney thought this scene would be inap appropriate for kids so it was simply erased when the episode aired on the Mickey Mouse House channel this way a sweet this is bathroom privacy in the episode the mobile we see muffin and socks playing with Bluey and Bingo on a new cell phone app that Trixie left with them where you can draw and animate on the screen of the person you're video calling Trixie then leaves and says she needs to do something and that strip will need to keep an eye on the girls the problem is muffins starts wanting to hog the phone and stripe the kid's dad tells her she should share the phone with her brother but muffin doesn't want to so he forbids her from playing but she secretly grabs another phone her own dad's then little muffin starts running around the house while stripe chases her with Fitz and starts he only manages to catch the little troublemaker when she bursts into the bathroom and guess who's in there that's right Trixie is sitting on the throne reading a newspaper poor thing she was caught completely off guard so when blue started airing on Disney the company believed that this scene was let's say inappropriate due to being an ultra invasion of privacy that's why the part where Trixie is on the toilet was cut from the show but the rest was kept R [Music] muffin okay there we go don't touch your belly there was also another moment in Bluey where Disney simply cut a segment from an episode of the show that they thought might be offensive to some people because it suggested that exercise is healthy can you believe that in this episode Bandit enters the bathroom and uses the scale on the floor While Blue is in the bathtub and thinks out loud saying he needs to do some exercise after seeing his own weight and the little blue puppy innocently asks him why he needs to exercise and then he comically Pats his own belly indicating that he feels like he could lose some weight well believe it or not this scene was totally deleted from Disney's broadcast of the episode to top it off Chile also weighs herself and doesn't seem satisfied with the number she sees on the scales display and since then in many places this scene has never been seen again except on the internet oh found you why don't you just do some exercise same old reason blue you kids and work switching new babies for teeth have you ever heard of a vasectomy it's a surgery that married men can undergo to prevent their wives from getting pregnant again and why are we telling you this because for some reason Disney doesn't want this topic to appear in its content and that's evident in the episode where Bandit is talking to his friend at a bar barbecue and tells him he wants to have one but Chile doesn't agree as she probably still wants more kids besides Bingo and bluee maybe a boy which we might see in the upcoming Seasons right shortly after BL who is spinning around accidentally bumps into him interrupting her dad in Disney's version the production team had to ask the official voice actor for the character to redub this scene where instead of talking about having more kids which is a more adult topic he starts talking about not removing K9 teeth as he might feel like biting someone in other words a subject that has nothing to do with the original conversation I guess Disney doesn't want to convey the idea that mothers might want more than two kids and you are you an only child or do you have siblings comment below to let us know if your parents had only one baby or if you grew up sharing your toys just like most of us did look I'm Keen to get it done but Chile she wants to keep her options open but I don't know do we want any more of these things running around Moto yes poop no in the episode train Louie is playing with her dad and they pretend to be on a train where she's a passenger and he's in charge of everything on the train in one scene he asked for the imaginary ticket to board the train and she hands him something else that's also imaginary then the little girl reveals that she didn't hand him the ticket but rather poop playing along the dad makes a disgusted face but it seems that he wasn't the only one to make a disgusted face when they saw this scene as the folks responsible for Disney's Channel also did is they thought the idea shouldn't continue in the show so the imaginary ticket turned into a slimy slug and the original idea was deleted from the show that isn't a train ticket huh that's a slug what no baby daddy you've seen small words some scenes and even complete segments removed or altered in episodes of a very calm children's show but what if I told you that there was even a whole episode of the series that was entirely banned from being shown by Disney would you believe it well that's exactly what happened with the episode daddy baby in which Bandit pretends he's pregnant with Bingo and even simulates giving birth during the play time with his daughters someone at Disney believed that the entire episode could generate too much controversy or be too disturbing for the children who normally watch the show for this reason the company decided to completely pull it from the air it's a shame because it's quite funny you like to be beside the SE morning Wendy respect for indigenous people in another episode of the show we see both Bandit and the girls communicating using unconventional words like like ugab Booga that are associated with indigenous peoples of Australia and Africa along with other terms and words throughout the episode after the episode aired on the original BBC channel in Australia the company received a letter from a viewer complaining about how the words and expressions could be disrespectful after this complaint the broadcaster edited the episode and removed the scenes and words related to the complaints expressions and to be fair this time it wasn't Disney that censored but only this time allergy problems in another episode of this excellent Bluey show Bandit eats sauerkraut and then he sneezes indicating that he can't eat it because he is allergic but Disney considered that the scene could make children think that food allergies are much simpler than they actually are for this reason the scene was completely altered at the company's request and Bandit sneeze was replaced by a nice and pleasant burp this way the scene remained funny and the Dual idea that the episode could convey was removed from the show no rude ponies this is one of the funniest scenes that Disney cut from the bluey show we know it happens in the episode Market where blue receives $5 from her dad to spend as she pleases at the fair they go to upon arrival Bluey goes with her friend Indie and they look for options to spend that fortune so to speak then they arrive at a place where there's a pony named buttermilks but after finding out that the money wouldn't be enough for both of them to ride the little animal blue asks to get down and while saying goodbye to the pony buttermilks decides that's a good time to relieve himself in front of everyone so all of this was shown on Disney's Channel well almost everything the part that shows the pony's poop falling was completely cut the reason it was too gross come on Disney Let the Little Pony do his business in peace these were the scenes we picked out for you that ended up being deleted or censored in Bluey watching Bluey videos is always a lot of fun and since we know you want to have a good time we picked out these two really cool videos for you to check out I heard the first video is awesome check it out I know you'll like it out
Channel: CineWave
Views: 338,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SWsttIzm1Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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