Is Bobbi Althoff an Industry Plant? | Baby, This Is Keke Palmer | Podcast

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what do you think they're going to say when they see you on the podcast I definitely see what people say online or then there's always the industry plant gag industry plant right what would you say to the people that feel like okay you're just capitalizing without concern I like I know who I am that who are I don't think I'll ever be someone who doesn't care about what people think you're very good at deflecting because of who Drake is it's like you know that interviewing him is going to change your career when's the last time you talked to him I am super excited going to be talking to my guest today her podcast is becoming quite iconic and she's had such a fascinating rise as an Entertainer okay she's usually the one asking the questions but you know today we're going to switch things up and put her in the hot seat we're going to dig deep as we discuss how to blend two things that don't normally go together performance art and journalism welcome to the show Bobby thank you for having me so the first question I have to ask you is are you in character right now I'm not you're not so I'm getting the real Bobby you are you are okay well let's start at the top because at first you know when I heard about you or when I saw your stuff you you did a lot of mom content I did and then you kind of walked your way into journalism did you have a a journalism background no I um I did not I just I just wanted to start a podcast and I kind of modeled it after a podcast that I listened to which podcast was that uh how I built this with guy Ros oh how I built this shout out to guy yeah um so when you initially said okay I'm going to do this podcast did you know what it was going to be about did you immediately say just like okay it's going to be kind of like entertainment I'm going to take on this Persona so in the beginning my plan was that I was just going to interview rich people and like figure out how they like just make them uncomfortable I guess and like ask how they're rich and like what it's like to be rich and stuff but I like very quickly I thought I was going to be like a good interviewer I realized I wasn't so then it just became a parody and yeah that's how it became just like a parody of a good podcast so how would you describe the character that you play on your podcast a horrible interviewer um it's really nice too seeing your setup it's so like legit everything is so legit in here mine's not um it doesn't like I don't have a cool this is so cute everything in here but mine does not have any of that um I would just describe her as a horrible interviewer who interesting so hor you came in knowing okay I was maybe going to be a good interviewer I'm not but maybe I should just go with this yes so what are the similarities between the character that you play and you the real Bobby um the SIM ilarities I mean I am really awkward in real life so yeah that's not it's not always knocked like I genuinely like I'm really awkward at times so so that's the real part of it that's the real part okay well do you think the character kind of helps you like so how how cuz I can like like I know that I'm acting so I can just like say things that I normally like would never like I can talk to people I wouldn't talk to you know it's just like that that person's more confident than I am yeah they're like confident in their awkwardness they lean yeah yeah I don't lean in in real life I'm like get me out of here this is so uncomfortable everywhere I go but yeah interesting well I me having a podcast myself I'm learning like a lot of different things especially like behind the scenes I mean when someone comes into your space whenever you're recording are you in character right away like do you kind of intro yourself in the beginning and then you're like oh by the way like we're about to get into it so just know like I'm going to be like extra or do you kind of like surprise them I feel like most of them have already seen it so they kind of know what they're getting but I definitely always start off normal there's been a few times where like it's not I don't know it's just like I there was one that I did and it's going to come out this week okay but um with Michael Sarah oh that's amazing I live for him down I know it was but it was like part of a campaign and because it was I like walked into the room and had to immediately be in character but he's he's an actor so he kind of just was in it and I was it was great but it was like so awkward at the end cuz they're just like okay well yeah it was so nice meeting you all right bye like he it was weird so that's part so you said in the beginning that you kind of like the idea of it being awkward and like pissing off uh these rich people so to speak but now people know the show so how has that changed how you can approach the interviews because now it's like people come in knowing like Bobby's going to do some weird [ __ ] how am I going to like kind of take control of the interview how do you balance that I don't know I kind of just Wing every interview I do and just feed off of the energy of the person I'm interviewing I feel like you can kind of tell like how it's How what I can say what like I don't know if we're kind of just like this I just feed off thr energy really so I don't know have you ever had to break the character down like if it has ever like gotten stalled to a moment where it's just like they're getting mad or or becomes so awkward that there's nothing to say or never anybody getting mad all of them have been very there's been times where I mean know every time it gets awkward like it it does genuinely getw driving awkward into the ground yeah we are it is there are times during it where I'm like in my head I'm like oh my God this could not be more Awkward if I tried like this is so bad but I would say that like no no one's ever gotten mad and everyone usually like sometimes I'm like oh my gosh people are like really like I mean I'm I'm opening the door to roast me so people are they roast me so what's what's the most uncomfortable interview that you've done or or or I guess awkward or roasting how were we put into words what's the one where you're like um my interview with offset we he roasted me the whole time he came did you expect this though like did did he did he have the attitude of like yo blah blah blah like when he came in or was he kind of quiet and then he just came out of nowhere oh it kind of came I don't there was like a little bit of like before like we talked and stuff like with everyone in the room and it was like like pretty normal I I was unexpected I was like oh I don't know I just was like oh my goodness and we kind of just like roasted each other for it but he's way better at it I was like oh my God I don't know what I got myself into okay what was the interview that made you laugh the most H like watching it back yeah or watching it back or maybe I mean during it I don't know if I've ever really seen you laugh during interv I always laugh I always cut it offset I laughed a lot during that interview I cut out every time I laughed though cuz it was like so often we had to switch cameras to him cuz like I'm just over there like oh my God like it would just be like he looked down at my legs and be like your legs are so Ashy and I was like oh my God like I'm like this is it was it was brutal and then we have everyone in the room while we're recording like there's at least like 10 people in the room and they're all laughing too so it's just like yeah it's it's pretty funny to be in the room during it so podcasts are obviously a form of entertainment but it's also like a great way to tell stories I mean I know you've admitted that you're not like actually trying to be a good P podcaster per se but ultimately you want people to get something out of it so has this character or like even when you're talking about the interview with offset or whoever like has it ever stopped you from being able to actually get something good out of it um I mean I don't or do you care to get something good out of I don't really care to get anything good out of it I don't do any research before I don't do now Bobby this is crazy I know I also just like try I don't want it to be like I don't want to ask questions that are going to make the guest like uncomfortable I'm not trying to get like viral Clips in that sense you know what I mean I don't want to get like dirt on them or anything so it's like I kind of just don't want to even ask like I'm like there's there's no way I'm going to ask you anything that will make you like actually uncomfortable I just want it to be like a fun not real interview entertainment yes like not sometimes like I accidentally get out stuff that's like real but like it's not intentional ever it's just kind of like I know you mentioned it doesn't seem like people actually get the point of of the the show or they don't understand where you're coming from how does that sit with you like in a real way um I mean I do like I think that I I thought that people would just like know that was a character and I think there's a lot of people that are like oh no that's just how she is in real life um so I've been trying lately to like make sure that there's like this is like I want to get into acting and this has always been my like my really yeah you that's why I'm here actually do you uh have anything you want to put me in okay so so so yeah so then you always like had you maybe didn't have interest in journalism but you had in acting so was my way of like I I no one's putting me in their movies right now or shows right now so like this is kind of my way of like acting so that's like what the character is it's just me like acting so then how do you like deal with the backlash especially like like okay so for like the Drake interview and then it rolls over to the yachty then it rolls over to the offset then there's like these twtter threads where they like this white girl coming in hip-hop and she's capitalizing off of it with this character that kind of like leads into some negative stereotypes like do you care about that when you you start doing your next interviews or are you like like what is what do you think when you read this stuff well so during it everything kind of happened like I was like I didn't like I said I don't really plan anything so it's like my Drake interview happened just because like funny Marco interview happened like he followed me from there and then Drake told yachty to come on so then yachty comes on and then um and then like I like tiger followed me so then I DM him and I'm like oh do you want so it's like just whoever but like I also asked a million other people too um and it just happened to be like there was kind of like a connection in the beginning and yeah but I don't know I don't like I see I definitely see what people say online um like I mean you like I mean it makes you go viral too I don't like to go viral for like they say you know all all publicity is I don't love when I see publicity that's not good um at all so yeah I kind of like took a step back cuz I was like yeah SE I seen a Twitter threat the other day I was like she only interviewing Jessica Alba people like that now so I was curious I was like did it kind of spook did you feel did you feel like wait a minute like I don't want to be negative or was it just like how what made you kind of take that step back the step back was just like my mental health was just not good at all I mean I had like my kids I didn't realize too I had like the worst postpartum anxiety like yeah but I just it's mix up on you personally the anxiety and the postart like you don't realize that it's not like I'm like I don't want to be medicated like I'm not I'm fine and then I got medicated and I was like oh my God this is how normal people feel yeah so so do you think that I don't know like that was kind of the stick it was like okay she's like this is white girl who seems like to Super straight La she's interviewing this these hip-hop rappers and that was kind of thing that people were like a looking forward to but then also people were like low key hating on and then it became this thing where it's like now people are coming on the show like you said just to roast or just to kind of like uh blow up the character in a way how does that change your then trajectory I mean I think it's I'm doing like the same thing I was doing in the begin beginning which is just anytime I hear a cool name I'm like okay I'll interview them so I just I need like anytime I find someone that I think would be a good guest I'm like okay and again I like I know who I am I know that who are you I my name is Bobby Alto um I feel like because I have this podcast mic by the way it's so hard for me not to just like jump into like yes start interviewing you right now you interiew me too there we go I know you're very good at deflecting and bouncing off I'm so good at it's really I'm really impressed with it what was the question well the question actually I I got lost in my question but I can like rephrase I can rephrase like a new one but ultimately how does it change your trajectory that people because this is the thing right once people are aware of stuff it kind of can take the fun out of it yeah because then you don't get to do your thing because it's like now they know what what's going to come yeah I mean just how do you how do you keep the [ __ ] going when so many people are trying to like blow it up I mean I want them to know it's like a fake thing so I feel like it's pretty easy for me to keep up now and it's like even more fun now if people really understand like that's not like you're just watching something purely for entertainment it's not and now I've been able to like with the break and then coming back like really decide like what I want this character to be cuz I didn't really get to put much thought into it before but as far as like like I don't know like I want it to be more like comedy so it's like I'm like I'm I'm taking acting classes now like I'm really trying to like just you know like I said I want this and do you care like in terms of so there's art there's performance art there's people that perform art they want it to mean something or say something there's also people that just want to perform art just to entertain you but then when you get into like the cultural elements of it genres the different people you're interviewing do you do you want to take that into account like do you think like okay if I'm going to do this Shick maybe I should be like conscientious of X Y and Z after having some of this like uh uh what's the word I'm looking for like you know people really looking in and zeroing in like once you see these threads and that people take what they see so seriously does it does it make you want to take it more seriously yeah I mean I definitely like don't want to offend anyone at all so like I just I I try to not offend people like I spend my whole life trying not to offend anyone like anyone at all um so yeah I do I definitely like take into account what I'm reading and stuff and I don't want people to think I mean like like I said I know who I am and that I like I genuinely like I just found cool people that like I was shocked would ever come on my podcast it was like a very like of course I would interview them like every person I've interviewed it's like I'm like oh my God I can't believe this person would ever like want me to interview them um and go along with this so yeah but I definitely like do think of that and like see all of so how do you balance that and still performing your art cuz I mean there like for instance like I'll use somebody like um Kanye West for instance his performance art can go so severe right but we love it it's like it's crazy and he'd be doing a lot of wild stuff but also it's kind of like a part of his character so and and he seems really dedicated to trying to be so true to that despite what anyone thinks so for you how do you balance still being able to give people entertainment but not overly being affected by what they say or how they're going to take it I mean I think I need to work on not caring so much about what people think cuz like you look at Kanye West he's so successful and it's like but you just can't care about what people say you can't it's like it depends like everybody depends on what kind of artist you want to be yeah I mean if you want to just like I I just someone who cares way too much that'll put me in like oh God I'm not going to post for like six months because I'm like I how do I make everyone I want everyone to like me and then when they don't I'm like oh my gosh but like in my ideal World everyone just like loves me and like welcomes me with open arms in like Ideal World I know but in the real world it's not like that so it's like yeah I don't think I'll ever be someone who doesn't care about what people think and I'll always be a people pleaser so it's like okay so what would you in that what would you say to the people that feel like okay you're just capitalizing without concern if that's not who you are what would you say you are doing um just I I don't think I was like capitalizing I think I was just like taking people who I thought were really amazing and like interviewing them but I didn't think more like deeply into that and I can see how like I definitely can see how people would come to that conclusion it's like it's crazy though and I know a lot of people thought like like I I mean it's crazy like I don't assuming it's a setup or assuming or then there's always the industry plant gag you're an industry plant right I am but so wait what is the industry plant to you I mean I don't truly like know I I feel like it means like I don't know I mean like the industry is like helping you like I don't know where I know I applied and they were like I guess what I think is industry plan is what I think industry plan is it's like somebody that has been like that is is tied to someone else in the industry and uses those connections okay to capitalize and they like have zero talent that makes more sense what I thought it was so I I was like I don't know like some like the industry like comes in and it's like hey like we pick you you're going to be the next I don't know I don't have any ties though so I would love to have had ties I feel like my life would have been a lot easier if I had ties don't have any ties yeah just have like well you do feel kind of planty we do have the same manager so is this I know isn't that crazy feels a bit planty this is definitely here in 5 minutes I took me 20 years I hey it has been a minute 20 years you started so young yes girl I've been working hard yeah it did not take you I think you're the real industry plan do you think that that's do you think that's representative of the times or do you think that's I don't know like I don't know how you got in it like it's like I wanted to be like a child actress I but it could it didn't happen did you tell your parents yeah and they were like [ __ ] off no they were like we'll take you to like a scam La thing where we like inter where we hey the little bit of money we have and then we hope that you're going to be an actress and it doesn't amount to anything so you go back to school and like and let your dreams die wow and then you just started it back up one dayag was like yeah I was like I was like my dream I want to be so what do you think the secret is like to the the secret sauce of like going viral of build being a content creator so I the secret to going viral is like don't be afraid of being like embarrassing yourself I to the day embarrass myself all the time like really put yourself out there um I'm like I know a lot of people who definitely are like oh people think if I post this but I just say like post everything I'm also just like a chronic like oversharer so that really helped me on on the podcast cuz or like not on in the internet cuz it's just like I have no problem sharing all of my insecurities I have no problem sharing things that are like I'm like my boobs like I was so embarrassed about that and I was like let me just like make fun of myself for this it's interesting because cuz it's almost as if you're like an extreme contradiction which we all are right because on one hand it's like I'm awkward I'm insecure I'm X YZ but then also like lean in show it all interet what is this it feels like it's not real life it's so weird cuz I can put like I can be like look at my I would never walk into like a store with my boobs like showing that they're like the different sizes I would not like I go as far as to like put a like a pad in one SI so they look even in real life so it's like on the internet I feel like I can be like very you know I don't know cuz it doesn't feel real I do kind of understand this because there is this thing with the internet where you kind of feel like you don't really know me for real so I can kind of just like be a version of myself that isn't really real but then do you get lost then at that point do you get lost in the character like do you get lost in your like do you get lost of what like who you want to be online and who you really are I mean I feel like I can't possibly get lost my life at home is so boring like it's not like I'm it's a complete like what's your life at home I'm just a mom with kids who are like attached to me and I cannot like I L I loved walking into your house by the way I was like this is I should have brought my kids with me like they would have had so much fun here see we got the ball pit my son he has way too much he's not even a year old yet he can barely use all I know I was like how old is he I was like oh my goodness he is living a great life up there call him Master Leo you know he is the master he he really has like every toy imaginable my kids would have loved to be here they'd be so one and three one and three so you're at home you're a mom yeah that's your every day that's my every day and then you like go and you escape in your content creation yeah once a week I go do some work they know Mommy Mommy goes to work and they're like I don't want you to go and I'm like I I do though I need to get Need Some Space here okay so you've interviewed I mean some of the biggest celebrities from like we were talking about Drake offset Lil yty Scarlett Johansson Mark Cuban I mean let's be real how the hell did you get all these people to come on you know you're just a mom Creator and then you do the podcast how the hell did you get all these people to come on your show it was just that one interview with funny Marco love funny Marco by the way shout out to him so you did that interview with him you guys both have similar sticks um different different variations but a lot by the way a lot of people felt like you stole his stick how you feel about that I was just like I have his I did I'm so sorry Marco it's it's up I well I guess everybody says it was really a a yeah we both stole that ganus and we owe him an apology cuz we've made a lot of money off of stealing his his stick but I I don't know like I had so the way that I found funny Marco is because someone commented under my page and was like you have such a similar sense of humor to funny Marco and I was like who's [Music] that you know what's going to happen all the comments are going to be filled with people being like why the [ __ ] does she have her on her her podcast right I do wonder what the people what do you think they're going to say when they see you on the podcast I don't know I never know you just like throw it out there and you're like I hope people they might hate me they might like me I don't know they wanted you to answer to some things I know that Ian I feel like we've been talking about it you've been answering to the things questions that the people have been saying I'm trying my best you're getting into it you're getting into it okay so like I said you you interviewed all these people how did you get them on your podcast what was the trick uh the trick uh persistence don't ever like don't be afraid of I like funny Marco I I like just threw I was like I'm going to at the time like he had such a large following and I was like there's like he is so famous how am I ever going to get him on the podcast I remember he was like my like there's no way he's actually going to come on this and I uh I I like posted a story and I was like funny Marco come on my podcast and I'll give this girl money if you do and he was like okay and I was like no way and he came to my house and he did it and then I um then he called me one day and was like look Drake followed you and I was like oh no way I go look and I was like no way what the hell like what that's I didn't follow him like I was like this is crazy and then he was like he followed you and liked our clip together so I was like that feels that feels like he wants to be on my podcast um and I was like he's not going to say yes though there was I was like there's no way if I DM him he's going to say yes so I waited on it like a day I was like and then a day and I was like so when are you I don't know what I said I was like say when you come in on my podcast um and then it happened D came on your podcast what were you thinking like I mean I know you said you don't prepare but this [ __ ] Drake you listen to Drake's music yeah I have I mean I think everybody yeah I mean if you didn't now it was a trick question love me like come on SO Drake came on and what was the beef what was the thing what was the thing that went viral with you and Drake where they're like the unfollow what happened with that why did he unfollow you I I guess we'll never know when's the last time you talk talked to him um like a couple weeks ago maybe a month ago so that's your homeboy Foria he's he's break news very he's a very nice person and he's definitely clearly changed the trajectory of that was a big word I I mean he did Chang Chang my whole career so I I found out about you from him so I'd say I think he yeah either him or funny Marco but like both of them um definitely changed my whole entire life so like look at you giv the black people props yes they definitely did there's no like there's no without them it's like I was still going to be like posting with my 100K views and not it was it was a crazy like I like because of who Drake is you know yeah like I remember him in his Degrassi days it's like you know that interviewing him is going to change your career like it was something I knew would happen I was like when it was before it happened I was like and then sitting on the interview for a while was like the craziest thing like I have this interview that I'm going to post and I'm like oh my God just any day now I can post this interview and it's going to like change my life and like and it did and and it did change your life you got more amazing guests it's so interesting this whole this the just the trajectory of all of this you know if somebody that is quote unquote self-proclaimed awkward you know kind of like I don't want to say insecure because we're all insecure but just like ah unsettled how has all that popularity changed you in your real life um I mean I'm sure you get what recognize like way more than I do but after that whole thing I feel like I can't leave the house without like at least one person saying something sounds so stupid I just it doesn't sound stupid I I don't itens like it's I very viral for a minute there I mean it's it's Drake and everybody knows who he is so um yeah I just wear a hat and a mask every time I leave the house now and I don't really notice it and like at home my life is like pretty normal like my kids kids don't care about anything I do they wish I didn't work like yeah my life is like yeah pretty the same I feel like just the just the being being noticed and kind of the that's the weird thing I don't know how you uh have lived your life so long like that cuz it's definitely get used to it you just yeah get used to it but you can't do like anything like you just know not Michael freaking Jackson but you you are you're you're very famous um why would I do he he so I guess what I also want to know is has that confidence given you the energy to want to do more like when you think about your podcast how do you see it evolving I know you said you want to act this is just like a performance sketch character you're going to keep doing it but what else would you want to add I mean I don't know I just want it to be like so I am a huge fan of the office like a huge fan of like how it how it like just the awkwardness of it or like Modern Family or just like anything like that that's just awkward dry humor so I just want my podcast to start like mimicking kind of that style um more so than it does now so I've been trying to like playing with like having a little bit more of like when we first meet and stuff but like faking the like you know just have it just be like kind of a TV show and then and then maybe one day a real TV show would be it's G sketch it's given I'm about to try to get into this sketch comedy live so then how does that change and impact your guest like I said people really are you know anytime somebody that seems like an outsider of hip-hop culture makes their way in that's like a big thing and there's always the commentary of like are you going to stay in that space right but obviously there's also the reality is as a creative you want to Branch out it's like yeah I want this space and that space and this space and that space how do you see balancing getting in all those worlds or for you is everybody just a guest um I definitely don't want to feel like I'm just like coming in and like taking over and being like yeah and again I never I know there's like incredible journalists and stuff I think the celebrities go to me because I'm not I'm not a journalist like it gives opportunity for us to see a different side of them I think you know same yeah exactly and funny Marco gets like amazing guests like he just got Kevin Hart and I love Kevin Hart and I'm like it's he's he's great and it's like so he gets like incredible guests and I think it's just like a fun way and Marco and I have just like he's he's just I mean like I'm I will say he's like definitely funnier than me the things that he says I'm like I learn a lot from him and he always tells me too cuz I'll be like Marco I like you're so funny and he's like you know like we all like get inspiration from each other and stuff and like he doesn't you know think that when people say like oh my gosh you're copying him it's like I never try to but he does inspire me for sure and I think it's difficult too right because it's like it's not even about like necessarily C who's copying who right cuz we do all get Inspire from each other I think that's like valid I mean if you're in comedy or if you're in anything we all producers sampling Etc it happens there's cross contamination I guess the real thing is like what people get out of the outcome but I don't know if you really are responsible for that right if somebody looks at funny Marco and they look at Bobby and they're like well why funny Marco not getting what Bobby getting you know why Bobby getting you know and funny Marco been I mean how do you grapple with that I mean it's not some of it's systemic but I mean how do you grapple with that when people are saying that because it's actually not true right funny Marco is successful but the comparison more successful than I am too I'm sure but the comparison's unfair because you guys are two totally different people in in the of the world yeah no I get it and like and I had never seen funny Marco before I did my interview with him which is crazy like I'm just on a different side now I'm not like yes black Twitter White twitter yeah I'm not on I'm not on black Twitter so it's like um but yeah I I like I mean I think he's like incredible I also think it was a way to like open up to like people who like like my followers are obviously very different than his followers before that now they're like more merged I would say it's like everybody audience is getting bigger yeah and it's like it's definitely like he gained a lot of followers from us like from us working together and stuff so I do think like that it's beneficial to both of us and I do think like again if there's any celebrity that takes any advice from me it's like he's a great person to go on to and I don't think there's like pick one or the other like do both that they're both going to go viral like it's not I think that's important to say it is especially in the time that we're in now and like us being able to spread just like everything across the board you know what I mean and make sure that we're bringing everything we can to both audience and that there beneficial it's like that phrase like a fair exchange isn't a robbery um so as long as the exchange is fair and like you said if you feel like you know there's something you're offering you're bringing to that person and it they feel that way back then then yeah like people that coming on your show whether it's Drake or Jessica Alba or offset or Lil yachty or you know Mark Cuban then then it works so yeah yeah yeah and like I said it's like I think that I'm not trying to like steal from him at all and he we understand that on like a like and that's why we were going to do our tour together and everything it was like no wait a minute what this tour we were going to so what happened miss lady this would have been bom I I I was like so not well mentally at that point in my life like just so not well mentally and I like called Marco and the tour was like scheduled for like two weeks before I don't know I think somebody can like date that and I was like Marco I'm so sorry but like I we're not prepared like I'm not prepared I am so like my life at home right now I'm so sad like I'm so the mom stuff what was was it just like just the weight of the success yeah I was just like my personal life was just like depressing at the time I was you know going to therapy and stuff and I was like Marco I and at that time I started to feel like I didn't know how people were going to perceive me and I was like very scared of like getting on a stage I don't get on stages like part of like I told you I can be my like ridiculous behind a screen a stage is like different there's a lot of people in real life like what if I say something and they don't laugh like then it's just like or I was like Marco's so much better at this this is his career like he does this I was like I'm going to so I was like I am not prepared I and then I also think I just like had my around like the same few weeks I had like a hernia surgery and then I had broke my foot and then I was just like I'm everything that's happening to me so I stopped it but like hopefully we can resume that when I've prepared myself because so what do you feel like is the skill set that you had like when you talk about like oh funny Marco was ready or just like being in it what what what did you feel like you needed to like get back up your game on in order to be able I need to learn from more people like him cuz it's like he is so more improv yes I I do want to take improv classes but the problem with improv classes is that like there's so many people in there and it's I haven't worked up the like courage to go that you got you need to stop playing like you got to you know what I mean like you be doing the thing you you can do the thing you be doing the thing can you I that's so I want to do I want to do I me you basic improv on your I do I just can't imagine going in a room full of people who do improv and no but like Marco's Improv is unreal like he's so good at it I don't got like sometimes I'm like how do you think of this stuff like when he like he's just he's so funny so it's like I yeah I I looked at him and I was like you're going to you're great on stage I on the other hand have never done that like i' I mean stage is different I'm not even going to hold you it's the same difference between like there's some actors that like oh yeah film and TV love it I could never do Broadway I could never do theater so it's the same thing it's not weird what what you're seeing but that's why I was curious of like what areas that you want to get stronger at so that you could do something like that yeah I don't know I need to get better like I will I'm taking an acting class I want to take improv classes I want to just like really I'm all about like I know that I'm not like a lot of people like she's not even funny I feel like I'm a little bit funny like I'm I'm like I'm a little funny I think that you are funny but sometimes when you're when you say you undercut yourself actually because you're like oh no it's like I'm not doing anything and so then that's like well she's not doing anything she's not funny but you are doing something I'm really I need to get past so like the thing that does Hold Me Back even in interviews from like being I think more funny is that I got super like there's usually people watching and I'm like so shy around people watching and then I'm like okay I can't like so anytime like I remember Taiga that was my most I've never felt more uncomfortable in an interview in my life only because there were people watching exactly thank you there was so many people we did have a Public Zoo yeah and I was like there but you got to cut that out girl if you want to be doing a public nobody you got to you know mean hey you chose this I know you would think I didn't you would think someone was like go right there right now and like do this and I'm like please no no I like I If we're like beh if we're in a closed room and it's like there's only maybe the cameraman I'm fine the second you start to like add people to it I'm like oh my God I cannot I wish I could be more like I want to care a little less about what people think in my life yeah and I think you also like if if your thing is being awkward then like really go ham on it like it's cool like go I think there a lot I mean that's a style so it's like go don't be shy about it go go keep going in on cuz you be doing it already we I think again in the beginning people are like oh yeah it's like one side is like oh she just being just you know playing up whatever and then other people are like yo I think she's really being she's really actually is she a comedic like is she really X Y and Z so if that's you then I just say Lena too yeah I mean I'm going to take that advice yes baby this is oh yeah okay so what do you want people to know about you I mean you always interviewing other people but I mean I'm interviewing you I was trying to really get into it and ask you the right questions you're good at this want to know thank you thank you so is there something that you really like just would want people to know that I didn't ask you I don't know I'm definitely not an industry plant I like struggled most of my life and I've always wanted like I feel this is like the first time in my life where I feel really good like I feel happy with where I am and I feel like my whole life was like just looking at other people be successful and being like oh I wish that could be me so bad and you know like just the like everyone even like it's just funny cuz like as a child people who were like middle class they made it like I wanted to be middle class so bad I wish my family could be middle class try disappear it right now huh they're trying to disappear the middle class yeah I know it's like oh now it's like even harder especially like yes it's really and it's also really hard cuz now I have you know I have more money but I like it's hard to see people who don't and now cuz it's just like I feel like there's such a there's such a gap and it's like I wish I could like do more to help people who don't then You' be broken then I don't have I know that's I know I'm like like it's like my dad I go to his house recently and he um he doesn't like my whole entire life it's like your dad's house is getting foreclosed I don't know how that man still has his house cuz it's like he he was the type of person who like my whole childhood would like print out um the registration on the car and then use the same one for all the cars you know like photo paper on all of them it we were always a little scared like I was always like I'm we're we're going you're going to jail so he um like like he is just like I go to his house and it's like I look at it and it's like I want to like help him but I'm like I can't give all of my money trying to like help and it's like you know I it's just really what area did you grow up I grew up so I always say because I'm like embarrassed of the city that I grew up in I always say Corona because people are like but I'm from Paris California which no one knows that is it still the iie it's it is but it's um it's like really deep in Riverside it's not like I so I I crossed over from like my mom lied about my address is yeah yeah so you go to school we're like in good school so I went to school 20 minutes away and like pretended to come from the houses right there and my nice houses Corona is they're like yeah those people people like drove really nice cars too I was like okay um and then now you live where and now I live in LA okay yeah I like my whole life I like dreamt of like just like I want a nice car I want like not even a nice car I just wanted a car that wasn't in high school I had a a a hatchback and that was not cool like it was a Honda CR now if you had a old SCH hatchback right she's stylish no I was not it was not I would park at the church down the street because I didn't want people to see me go to my car I was like oh my cuz they all have like nice cars like like so who your ins um my inspo I don't for like podcasting for like somebody like like like for me like my ins I have a couple different Inspirations right but I mean I love like Eddie Murphy Will Smith Brandy Oprah Winfrey who was some of your inspos um I mean I love Kevin Hart I think that he's like very he's just very funny I amazing at branding yeah he's so good at it you had his uh his fast food place is really he just does so many cool things like um I really like his style of Comedy like just think that Marco is a still a huge inspiration I see his Clips on my page all the time and I'm like always the first to like them cuz I'm just like he is so good yeah um and then like Aubrey Plaza I think is very oh yes oh yes did you interview her yet no I would love to girl that would be like she's really boom bo boom boom y'all I feel like you guys have a total same Vibe and she goes so dark away they feel I've heard she never like breaks out of character though like she's always that person it's like performance art in in being an actor yes she really D she really Dida I want to I want to meet her though I'm like I want to I don't know would that be really weird I wonder like our personality it's like Spider-Man it it could be really good or really bad so I don't know maybe not I think it would be really really good wait I just met rain Wilson and I was like he was always I love Dwight from the office I was like that's going to be funny cuz like he he was iconic in there row he was he was I know it's he was really funny in there and then so yeah that just awkward people well on the show we know first of all thank you for being on the show thank you for having me yes seriously but before we finish up I I know we got to wrap things up with like a quick little game okay that's the way we do things here so this game is called questions that need to be answered and it's pretty simple I'm going to ask you a question that the people are dying to know you're going to answer and that's it you ready okay okay who's been your favorite guest you've had in the podcast oh my God this is hard can it be like a tie sure it's a tie between like Drake and Scarlett Johansson now why Scarlet I didn't see Scarlet I mean I know Drake Drake was good too and obviously he's Drake and Scarlet is Scarlet but like what specifically that you loved about her so I'm so sad that that one will never like see the light of day but um so why won't they way uh just like it came down to like branding and stuff so at the end like hopefully I can work with her again and it can actually come out but like she was so funny and like I didn't know it was unexpected but like she played off my character really well and I got to it's so funny cuz people were like you were so nice to her I was like I wish you could see the full interview cuz it was I was like we I it was not it was like it was very like she played off of it so well and at times I was like I think she hates me and I was like this is great but then after she was so sweet and like I know me too you have the one clip to replay okay how do you feel about being compared to Amelia AKA my chicken sh day girl um I mean I definitely so I've seen a couple of her episodes I think I've seen live for her I've I she's dope yeah I I She interviewed me once did she yeah yeah that's fun F I'm sure she um my little sister I remember her showing me I remember being like pregnant with my second kid or something and she showed me one of her episodes and we were like we binge watched her things and um but like yeah people think that I like ripped her off and I'm like we're I think our style of Comedy is very different like like in a there's there's similarities but like similar but she's more a be she's more Awkward like she's just more like leans into like like not she's not like uncomfortable she it seem like she come with a game plan like she's very oh she like researches these people like she's actually interviewing yeah she has some journalism background she's too good for me too she's not winging it so to speak no I'm like um not she's better than me that's that's it I'm um I know you've joked that you only read positive comments but obviously through this conversation I know you see the negative ones too I mean how often do you look at them like when you were talking about the mental health thing and then I mean I'm going to be honest has it ever gotten to a point where you were like this is actually good so I mean how did you change your dialogue with the with the negative comments I have I feel like I just was at dinner with someone actually said like I feel like sometimes the ne negative comments are like helpful like just not negative or like like this morning I posted a video of like my outfit and I like everyone said I look like Slender in this jacket I was like thank you that was jacket is big but that's the point like it's an oversized they were like girl this is like a size to I was like this is an extra small like what do you want from me it's not working I'm like I thought I was like all so those comments I don't see the I me you could have you could have kept that to yourself honestly didn't need that um but the comments that are like about you know my Approach or anything about like where I could be funnier and stuff I actually think they're helpful so you like constructive criticism yeah I love constructive criticism don't uh criticize me too much after I said that but like I do like I I listen to like everything I mean like I said I'm a people pleaser so maybe that's like to a fault but I read them all and I'm like I I read way too much like I read my comments too I mean I'm a little bit Topsy Turvy on the construction criticism because if I don't see three Academy Awards in your bio then why am I taking some criticism for you so I'm a little bit you know it's like I take but when people are like I want to see more of something I mean get your feedback from your fans like what more would y'all like to see what kind of guess would you like to have all of that stuff I definitely think the internet that's its strongest suit when you are an Entertainer is to actually like tun yes use them as a bouncing Board of what things to do but still maintaining you are type of feel I definitely try to do that what does your family think of your career they um were like we always thought she'd she'd do something one day so like they kind of they kind of Ian like I huh they saw this yeah because like I said we were going to like little scam classes and stuff so it's like it's like oh look finally something came of alled this yeah so were you always like kind of like shy like awkward Vibe or or did kind of that experience create that for you and what I mean by that is you know how sometimes when you want to do something and it doesn't work out and that kind of like changes you were you always like you are now or when you didn't get a chance to kind of explore that side through entertainment early on did you become how you are now I think I've always been like I wanted to be like up and talking in front of people but always been so awkward about it like I've always I've always felt awkward I just have like I don't know I think I have really bad social anxiety it's like Watch Me Shine but like yeah but like wait a minute yeah no I'm like yeah I I've always been like okay like I would I would be the one to like be seeing at like a talent show but then I'd be like um it's like give me a sage y'all but like like wait a minute don't look though that seems like so hard it's so interally hard it is it's very it's a struggle I'm like I I thought that if I treated my anxiety I'd like I was like well I even be myself anymore if I treat my anxiety because like then I'll just be like not anxious but I don't like the dose I'm on right now is already pretty high I can't imagine any higher I feel like okay my last question before I let you go is who is your audience like who are the people that obviously everybody that entertains wants everybody to be Their audience so that's a given but like if you're like thinking specifically the the person that you're talking to who's the person who the people um I feel like my audience now is like I was so before interviewing Drake it was like or even funny Marco I would say just moms it was just like I think a 98% moms are so Universal and unique know yeah it was like 98% women yeah and now it's like 60 so it's gone way not just women anymore I don't know I don't know who my audien is anymore like it's anyone who thinks I'm funny I guess like understands that it's a bit I I I assume most people following me understand that it's a bit I would hope so or they just whether they like it or not bit is the bid it's fun to watch it's entertaining if you yeah if you're into it if you're if you're like yeah and I mean if you think it's real then it's entertaining in like a way that I don't want it to be but yeah well Bobby thank you so much thank you and your house is beautiful and son is so cute too oh stop I really do appreciate you coming to the show it's my first guest that I've ever had in person I don't really have guests in person so this should start this is the cutest set ever thank you it's amazing but thank you for having me thanks so [Music] much I honestly appreciate Bobby coming on the show you know I'm not sure if I really got to meet her or if I did get to meet her I'm still quite unsure of of how this has all happened but what I will say is sometimes it makes sense to put on a facade and with that I thank you guys for joining me today for another episode I know I'll see you here next week right because you know it's your girl baby this is this is Kik baby this is Kiki P yeah
Channel: Wondery
Views: 312,970
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Keywords: wondery, podcast, wondery podcast
Id: ua0ddHTU2lw
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Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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