The Really Good Podcast | Sukihana: "You could make so much money from those feet."

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you can sit anywhere are we going did you start make sure all the phones are all right guys welcome to the really good podcast with your host Bobby Alto today we have Suki with a good coochi what she said that is who we have here today um Suki I'm not going to lie the alcohol we drank before I'm feeling it yeah me too it was it was real strong I've never had that before what was it called again the 75 yes the Gin champagne and lemon lemon lemon french5 French 75 okay that is so good but also powerful it is powerful it like sneaks up on you but it doesn't take too long no it takes like a minute and then you're like oh it's so good and then you're and then you're drunk second dick time this episode is sponsored by SeatGeek hey guys unfortunately the last SeatGeek ad I did did not perform well so noted we not be doing any more behind the scenes but here we go seat geek I'm redoing my ad I I get it I wouldn't have paid me for that many views either but uh SeatGeek guys only for SeatGeek would I do this again I think seek is amazing I use it every time I buy tickets you can buy tickets for anything concerts concerts um whatever else you buy tickets to all the things that you buy tickets to you can buy it to and if you use code Bobby with b o BBI spelled in all caps you will get $20 off of your total make sure when you're shopping that you go ahead and look for green cuz green means you're getting a good deal yellow and red not so much but yeah thank you guys for watching this ad again and get back to my interview with Miss sukiana what thank you thought you're going to throw that at me get back to watching my interview with Suki and make sure you use my code to get tickets on SeatGeek but I have a question what camera am I supposed to be looking at that's the camera that's straight at you that one's also going to get you okay I like this one more do I look fat in that one oh that one's only getting her yeah okay all right you're in that one too though all right something about cameras like it really just I don't know I just get into another vibe what type of vibe I don't know can you describe that feeling for me I mean I just I just get a little turned on at times turned on just cuz there's cameras around us I feel like I'm just supposed to perform and do something what do you going to do well okay uh that's that's a good idea maybe maybe not maybe what do you do you want want to perform right now what do you mean by that like close it's just like something about these cameras is just like it turns me on it's just like I feel like I'm supposed to do something else but we're having an interview so it's just like I guess okay yeah maybe I wait till I ask you a few questions we're having an interview yeah I could be doing something that could give me a lot of money like what I'm not understanding what could you be doing suuki with a good coochie what could you be doing right now I mean how many times you going to ask that question until you answer it okay I don't know okay nasty stuff like oh okay yeah like anything you make a lot of money doing that baby one thing about me is everybody know I'm so good with a good hoochi I always make a lot of money that's amazing I don't I didn't know that about you what do you know that you're a musician but that's why I'm interviewing you today so I can get to know you so I'm a musician MH what the [ __ ] that mean make magic or something what is musician I think that's I think you're confusing that yeah I'm not no musician I make music I make music and that's not all I do I make music I act I'm a TV star too a young M I just really quick I think you're confusing I'm not confusing nothing because you you don't know you thought that all I was was a magician or whatever the thought you say see that's what I think you think I said I said musician not magician I don't think baby I don't think what is that that's ghetto I don't think I know so you you think I didn't say magician Suki I said musician and I think you are a musician no baby I do music so you just really just really quick for the record could you say you don't think you're a musician I'm not none of that but then after that you just said I do music yeah I do music so in other words you're a musician no I'm not okay um what what else do you do you act I act I'm a TV star H cry cry you act okay cry so he just want me to cry but don't mess up me your makeup like don't just look like you're crying without what am I crying about like that's you're crying because I canceled our interview right now you're supposed to interiew can yeah you walked in you walked in here and I said oh sorry I got to run and then you were like that's why is that funny no I'm crying like so wait you're not laugh crying you're sad you're sad of course you're sad cry be sad you're asking my reaction no I'm not asking for your reaction I'm asking for you to act cry so I have to act like I'm sad if the interview's canceled yeah okay fine let me think of something that actually makes you sad uh you text me and I didn't reply you cry no okay uh you say you're in LA and you want to hang out but I don't get back to you in time what do you do no okay you I cry like when it comes to food okay if I if I like if I'm anticipating going out to eat yeah yeah yeah so I'm in Miami I say hey I'm down the street it's about you I'm not crying about anything that you do okay all right yeah think about somebody like a a guy that I'm dating or something like think the same level no I don't I don't as like a guy you're dating or like food no not on that level okay okay think of this um a piece of broccoli loses its mom and dad did that get you you feel sad yeah that's that's that's weird cuz broccoli doesn't have [Music] parents I wanted my broccoli so [Music] bad um that was that was really good do you want some water or something thank you tissue does anybody have tissue do you want some I don't have tissue toilet paper no okay okay well um well that was a lot but that was good actually I know cuz you have to think about the character yeah which is me yeah so it's like how would I cry about Brockley yeah what were you thinking about with a broccoli were you thinking about its family and like where did this broccoli come from did you I feel like it was a little broccoli family and like like the Veggie Tales like they have those cute eyes and this yeah and then you got really sad you did that well I want to act one day so I think that I should um I don't think that's for you why why don't you think acting is for me is it just you just give one thing and it's like blah ask me to do something else ask me to do something else I can do anything I'm an actress go ahead I mean okay you cry about broccoli well you can't just steal what I said give me a new thing okay cry about tomatoes or something give me a different I don't want give me a real real so you came to Miami M and you just trying to find a way mhm you run into some street guys and they say okay we got to wait for you to make money cuz you're white so they put you on to scamming and going in the banks and getting the money and you thinking that y'all going to go half like let's say you bring you get 10 bands that's $10,000 you're supposed to go half you only get 500 yeah that's what would you do I'd probably let them scam me you wouldn't cry No Cry you said something that doesn't make me sad you made me so somebody taking your all the money and giving you $500 yeah I probably would just let them do that well you get locked up well now I live in jail so you're not going to C no no I'll probably cry if I go to jail I are you going to tell no you ain't no I told you I'm going to go to jail they you're not going to tell them no yeah no the the court said if you tell you can get out of prison and I said no and now I live in prison so why would you say no because I didn't want to tell them people okay and they gave me my $500 thank you um but now I'm going to cry cuz I do live in prison and not is okay so cry yeah you're right is there any tips or tricks you look constipated okay I'm done crying thank you my audition's over I think you did good thank you so much um well again I'm so thankful that you came here today for this interview I um um I mean I kind of came to you cuz I I came to you in Miami that made me feel good that you flew all way out here of course I would do anything for you anything uh yes okay I will remember that remember it okay anything thank you okay um anyway I was really excited to oh look our alcohol is here do you want a drink Suki with a all right but who but who got two is one for me one for you and one for me okay I'll just take it okay she said she said no but she's uh reconsidering you can just hand it to us like I was going to do we have time for a glass no I don't need no glass don't be annoying wow I want to be drunk it's okay I've never gotten drunk in an interview before I have you have what happened was it good I mean yeah what happened I just become more of myself and not give a [ __ ] and just take over the Internet that's something that I do okay let's cheers do and have more you look so fancy when you drink I feel like I splashed it on my face and you were like so good with it yeah I love I love liquor though it makes me feel alive in the night time I do too but I had to stop drinking because it make my back big so like literally this is the only drink that I can have this week but yeah when I drink it makes my back big and I don't want to be walking around with no big back baby do you think that's going to happen to me yeah why' you look at me like that before you said yeah I just feel like if you keep going where you're going your back's going to get big going where I'm going yeah drinking asking for drinks and offering them to me okay um what got you into music I've been making music for a long time so I've been making I was a little girl I don't feel like I'm a musician though okay yeah yeah honestly I'm Every Woman I don't want you to say that I'm one thing I didn't say that you were only a musician I'm just saying that you're also a musician I don't want to be called that so I've been making music since I was a child and my mom wrote my first song okay can I hear it okay okay how old were you I was six okay take us back Suki is six years old were I was six years old were you still going by sukki just Suki no I was actually just I'm not going to tell you my child name who are you oh okay uh it's just an interview asking questions I don't want to tell nobody it okay so we'll just call her kidsuki y okay so it was like I'm the d e s the best no contest you like my style cuz they take nothing less St back cuz I'm hot like fire I'm six and I'm still a rough Friday wow your mom wrote that for you does she still help you write music no think my music might be a little bit too nasty for her you think so what's like your nastiest lyric Ever what don't don't look at me like that I mean it's stuff that y'all like to do in your culture so it's like I don't feel like you will not accept me but it's like this [ __ ] stopped the car I got a piss he just ate my ass he want to switch now I'm you know what to say what are we doing I I really don't know eating his ass okay you don't have to act like you never did it because one of my good friends she's older than me and she's my manager she said when she was in school high school that all the white girlss was eating [ __ ] asses in high school and it's okay okay so like when I made the song I made it to piss people off but then I found out it's a whole community and then I just did um a show in Vegas all my fans were white girls and they were singing my song and I couldn't believe it and I was like wow okay so this is a thing so yeah eating his ass eating his ass we be eating ass amazing I love those lyrics and I'm happy that you found a community who uh has the same goals yeah like it was like no it's not a goal it was when I made the song honestly I was in the studio and I was just like you know what I had smoked a little bit of weed and I was like I just when I smoke I get very very very free the same as with alcohol no no no see alcohol like this will make me a little bit free but I like to fight with alcohol but with the weed I got a little bit I'm not going to fight you okay just if anything I will protect you okay should we go out if we go out I will protect you real bad real bad real bad especially out here we in my place so you know okay let's go but let's get into it so when I smoke a little bit of weed it make me a funnier girl like I like to laugh I like to have fun so I just said [ __ ] [ __ ] it I have did it well I only did it one time at that time so I was just like let me just sing about it cuz it's like do I really have to hide this about me me if I'm really Suki I don't need to hide nothing about myself I need to stand on my truth and when I stand in my truth I Liberate the world that's why I'm always trending every day yeah um so like I made the song and then it just took over but that's not that's one of the nastiest things I said but I have said other nasty things like I don't even want to say that one cuz that was crazy can you say it no say it what's the nest thing I said my that's the most iconic thing I said I I didn't hear that I'm 5 foot but my throat is 66 oh God yeah cuz I'm I'm such a little one wow yeah I'm wow I'm not sure what to say back to that well that's what I said in a song and that was one of my first songs that was like the most nastiest thing I said it's a real lyric I I love it it's like poetry it is MHM yeah I love your music so much I'm a huge fan of yours I love that about me that everybody's my fan yeah everyone and it doesn't matter what they look like or what their occupation is I have doctors preachers activists humanitarians like that help with the world humanitarians yes those people they all know Suki like go to the NFL okay and ask them do you know who sukiana is like just the NFL not just the NFL the NBA no I meant like the Million Man March I don't know what that is but I meant are we just going to like the players are we going to the owners ask anybody about Suki with the good coochie they go know do you have someone that oh God that guy took my phone but once he gives it back do you have someone I could ask yeah I do do you think Mark Cuban would know Mark who the Mark Cubans yeah he's like I called him during my last interview I wonder if he'd answer if I called him who's Mark Cubans he's a billionaire he owns the Dallas Mavericks he so you said anybody NBA made me think of that he owns the NBA no you know him not the whole NBA the Dallas Mavericks he owns a team how do you know him he was on my podcast you know who to bring on the podcast and he uh he answered my phone call the last interview I was doing I called him I wonder if he'd answer with you but would he know who you are yeah if he a [ __ ] is he you just said ask anybody anybody I don't give a [ __ ] who it is okay so so if I ask Mark if they don't know baby they don't know the culture they do not know this generation I'm one of the leaders even though I'm ghetto but I'm one of the leaders of this generation definitely Suki okay well so calling [ __ ] well call him okay I don't have my phone right now when I got it I'll I'll call him get her phone she he's gone he left he want to go get us our hamburgers I don't need your phone give me my phone I don't give a [ __ ] I'll call the [ __ ] how how do you know you talking about somebody that own the NBA baby I know [ __ ] that got money too baby Rec calling yeah I call anybody anybody mm I call my [ __ ] kids they going now your kids yeah everybody know who the [ __ ] I am I'm happy your kids know who you are let me go ahead so who who I need to call a man or or a girl which one anyone I I'm just confused because of course the person in your contacts are going to know who you are you calling your mom Who you calling hello hey I um I got I got this phone on speaker I'm just letting you know cuz I don't want you to talk about nothing that don't need to be said on this phone so I'm with Bobby and I told her that if she call anybody they going to know Suki with the good coochie so I want you to tell her who Suki with the good COI tell her why they call me Suki with a good coochie that St real life why stamp for real she don't know she don't know about it she don't know about it but are you a happy customer I'm happy B I going no that's right do you want to sprinkle a little extra [ __ ] on top of that or this is all you giving what you mean do you have anything else to say about Suki with a good coochie baby tell them about that thing that I did which one a couple things you do that turn me up okay you a shoot about this cat I'm ready to shoot now okay that's good that's all we needed to hear and I stopped crime in Chicago yeah and out here stopping crime with this [ __ ] all right all I love you I love you yeah you should [ __ ] so that's what do I got to go down the list or we good right there who was that he said he was a happy customer that's all okay yeah um I felt like I was invading a very personal conversation he wasn't a they all say that baby wow I'm um I call that man that owned the NBA whoever he is I want to speak to him I lost his number oh now you lost the number a oh she you know why I don't be liking people cuz they be stingy with the ones that got the money call the man that owns the NBA what she say his name was Mark yeah call Mark Freeman whoever he is call call Morgan Freeman I'll call Morgan Freeman um I will call it's Mark cubin I okay um I don't on my phone when you get the phone call him uh someone forget to remind me of that thank you I have a question when we get to the bottom of this drink are you sure you want to get to the bottom you going to get to the bottom of that yeah all right when we get to the bottom of this drink will you teach me how to dance cuz I watch you dance and I just I wish that I knew how to why are you looking like that you think it's too hard you can't do it no I can do it no you can teach me of course you can all right so do you have rhythm no you have to teach me no that's not something you can be taught it's it's it's genetics baby you can't learn what Rhythm no you can't all right let's clap let's see if you can clap I'm scared on beat come on you can do it what what's the be oh my God I mean she's clap right she got it I'm going to teach you how to dance one when we're done okay I'm excited wished that I could dance I mean what do you do in a club I stand there you don't just no because I feel like people might be looking at me and it's just so you don't do anything no I I truly stand there and I I um I just stand there I feel I don't I don't want to be like that though I want to dance but I don't know how to so I'm scared that people will look at me and be like oh she's dancing that's gross I'm going to teach you a little something with you know little do one two with we doing a strip club just a little one two for the girls that don't know how to dance you teach girls you don't know how to dance no I'm saying I was taught cuz I'm not how to dance yeah I wasn't the best dancer oh so but now you know I have did ballet hip hop modern and now you know I know how to clap my ass I know how to do the thigh thing split you can do splits yes what can you teach me how to do those no why because like that takes time how much time at least you need a week I mean how far do you go down I don't know we have to yeah you need a while okay let's finish these drinks then while I'll talk to you if you can't do a split I don't even know what type that's crazy so when you get hunched on what you do you just lay back you're not even in the world of Financial Freedom if you ain't know how to do no split on no dick my girl so uh tell me about yourself well I'm young and fine I like to make music I like to sing I like to make people laugh mhm um I'm a mother I love to have children how many you love to have children yeah I love to do that how many do you have three how many do you want I think I'll probably stop at Seven Why seven I mean I would say 10 but I feel like seven of me knowing myself I think I'll stop at Seven So Random seven is a good number okay what's your favorite number uh I don't know I've never thought about that seven is my favorite number are you are you that's a good number I think it's like God's number or something yeah it's a good number you should have seven kids um so are you dating yeah what's dating like like to have a boyfriend why this is an interview okay but you ain't tell me about who owns the NBA I will I have my phone here now okay well I [ __ ] him do you want me to call him call him okay give me the phone Morgan he's going to let him say anything tomorrow and I'm going cuss his [ __ ] ass off he better act like he now don't do that with friends cuz he can miss out on the best coochie that he ever had in his [ __ ] life I don't want to talk to no Mar man that's what you disrespected right there you knew not to put me on the phone with him I didn't think you were going to try to have sex with him I didn't think you were going to have interourse with going try to have sex with he was going to try to have sex with me f I didn't think you were going to even I I did not know intercourse was on the table intercourse ain't on the [ __ ] table the only thing on the table was some [ __ ] money okay that's it I don't want to talk to him I didn't know he was married why the [ __ ] I'm talking to the [ __ ] that own the NBA and he may um is they swingers I don't think so I don't think you don't even know that part I I don't look at him like that I don't want to talk to him okay I just all the only reason I said that was you said NBA NBA you said NBA I don't know I've never like looked that up I don't want to talk to no more probably like 60 or something 60 probably is that is that right I don't want to talk to him no more yeah cuz I thought you was I don't know anybody else that's rich okay well I don't want to talk I don't even know why I'm looking for rich people I think I was just looking for people that knew so if I like ask like my cousin if she knows you she'll know you call your cousin she cousin know me okay yeah um let's see but are you going to be nice how old she is she's 40 let's see I don't know if I'm going to be nice okay can I maybe not call call her you could call her call her call the operator call God call whoever you want to call just don't call that man if he married oh look she said she knows you okay um I told you she know me she said she's your biggest fan actually is she mhm wow okay she know what's right I'm almost done mhm can we get some fries over here y'all got fries I don't know maybe what's the food that y'all got you ordered too oh yeah I ordered a um a cob salad so I have this it's very healthy yeah it's not the best but y'all are paying so it's like and we order lobster rolls too just me I'm the only one paying here everyone else here is paid by me okay that's so good cuz I literally pay everybody too no no don't to pay everybody yeah so we in the St and you got how many kids two okay you got two I got three and we we work women we both sitting in the same type of shars we are we're the same person you have no shoes on but I got Versace heels how much was these like 35 they was 35 I don't know somebody bought these for me but if you follow my league you won't be sitting bare foot and you might have something like this on your feet what size are you I'm a size seven and a half oh you're five how did you know that cuz look at those little toes you can make so much money from them feet put them feet up in the camera show them Toes Let Me see the bottom of them feet no for real they're they're really nice toes look at those wow look at her feet they suckable oh my God okay we'll have the food now I didn't see nobody else EA in our interview um I feel like I'm just really hungry cuz you were me to I'm just going to get a little bit of so you must want a big back girl hm you must want a big back oh I do okay do you no I don't know what that means it means your back is going to get wide like quarterback okay with weight and fat I I don't want that what that's what's going to happen if you keep eating them fries you think I don't want to eat fries and I just want to eat this [ __ ] I don't want to eat this you want to fry I do just one I can't okay I'm not going to stop I mean if you think about it if you you eat a tomato doesn't have any seasoning you just think steak mhm steak that's what you're doing cuz you're not going to pour the dressing on that that looks disgusting I know steak steak steak that work do you feel like that was steak not when you said it okay why what happened when I said it no just it's tting like something else like what I just don't want you to talk when I eat mine okay I'm done I kind of have to pee cuz I've been drinking a lot of will you will you entertain the camera as well get the pee out because if you don't you can get a UTI oh I don't want one of those well you ENT like if you just hunch the like you hold your P you could get a UTI so you have to hurry up I'm going to entertain for me please okay I will don't stop the cameras yeah I don't want anymore but I'll eat the rest later wait I think I should give you this and this okay so Kia how am I doing cuz you know when I drink I start getting BR okay so I'm not being too nasty I don't want to be too nasty like every time I always be nasty I talked about eating ass that's not too V that's a normal thing okay so we good that's normal we're not all just Su no okay that's fine you did good now you got to take this home keep it home all right so wait what you mean take it home take it home okay I'm going take it home keep you all right did you entertain them while I was gone what' you do talking about politics and stuff what what you say you weren't here okay um will you edit all of that out maybe okay uh anyway sorry that I had to pee guys that's really unprofessional and was it pee or was it a doodo cuz you did turn on the sink yeah because I realized he's listening to me still oh okay I usually just take my mic off but that makes sense I was you're up you're up you turn thank you I was like this is really weird and I'm also kind of uh buzzed so I noticed I was talking out loud to myself in the mirror for a second I was like oh my God he can hear me that's good well um I love your nails thank you they're really pretty yeah I Love Actually these are pressed ones what press ones yeah they they make them for me it fit each nail and I just wear them for the interviews and then after I'm done take them off how do you take them off I just pop them off cuz I really got normal [ __ ] that I have to do oh my God like smart yeah who can do Mom stuff with these long nails these are for two things like literally like yeah camera and suck dick like this is Dick grippers guys like stuff like this other than that I'm not wearing these for real in daytime like that's not weird what do you call them dick grippers baby you have them yeah and then you got that special color you know what that color mean I I don't yes you do I swear yes you do what does this mean I mean how long have you had that I just got it yesterday so that's the first time yeah or it's not a reoccurring thing no yes it is it's not okay what do you mean I mean white toes what does that mean I'm not going to tell you cuz you going think I'm outrageous it has a meaning ma'am you should tell me so I don't okay so first of all you don't even have the real white you have the transparent white that look like nut I mean what do you call that cuz when I get those done I say I want my nut colored nails what do you think that is milky white no milky white milky come on that's what that's what it says bro I'm going tell you what it mean see mine let me show you what M are can you get the oil cuz I see I see what's going on okay I'm going to show you something about the difference between toes can you can you take this off from me thank you just just go ahead they they going to cut it out he he no you want to touch my toes don't you yeah pull it from the hill don't act like I got some big ass feet okay I don't need no oil baby they naturally moisturized you okay so let me tell you something about toes cuz you got your feet off so I already know you probably in a foot world I'm not yes you are I not it's I promise you I'm not I don't care I don't have anything against it though I don't care but I'm not I I know you don't care great you're like wiggling your toes you are now yeah that's what I do especially like if I'm nervous or if just I think something's funny or I'm blushing like always wiggle my toes that's something that only the guys I dat know why are you nervous right now nervous you just said that I say funny too okay why are what's funny yeah it's funny just because like I don't know but either way let's get into the toes okay so these right here you know I'm a little older than you I got to be because don't ask me my age I won't ask you yours but what I will tell you is these right here mean you know I I truly don't know you don't know what this means truly from the bottom of my heart this indicates French a French Petty indicates a little class okay little class and um and I'm what I started with white toes like you I was there that right there means that you like to get n then that's why every girl that gets those white toes they say oh yeah he want to get me pregnant white toes going to get you pregnant no you just like getting out of that and it's okay I do too but this right here this some we we look grown we look classy you know you still on your second baby I'm on my third so you know I've been there done that but this right here this is what the guys like okay this is what their wife that's this is what they watch that is are you married I'm married to the gang baby that's what it mean you asking too many questions I'm not asking too many questions no white toes to get into a French pedicure that's what you need to be focused on so you see how white white and pink yeah this I added a little flavor to it so all the cochie girls they get the pink who are the coochie girls coochie girls are [ __ ] that get money for real did you coin that term yeah that's my this I own that I know you're you have the good coochie yeah but it's other girls with good coochie you got good coochie that's why you got them two kids and I'm sure you've been pregnant multiple times yeah I know what's up it's not time for a baby right now we get that but you a good coochie girl okay um feel like I should close my legs right now for okay um wow you ovulating I'm not ovulating right now thank oh my God are you ulating feels personal it's almost time for my dancing lesson all right I'm going to get to your oh look I'm almost done too look I'm almost done no actually I'm more done than you and I just I don't think you are yes I am no you're not okay huh like it's just a like I try to keep it real with you I try to sit down with you I feel like you're fun and I like you okay but I don't like I knew there was a butt coming huh a butt what' you say you said butt I I knew there was a butt coming after that yeah okay continue with your with your butt continue with yours you're the one who continue with your butt continue with your ass let's let's cheers again I'm not going to lie I thought by the bottom of this I'd feel like more like dancing I don't think that was enough though all right bring the cast Amigo let's just let's just do it you have a song called of that yeah so I Ain going to lie I was in love when I made that song do you see did you know that the hotel charged just $5500 for that bottle that we're about to drink who is we like why are you saying us and stuff like who is us you what did I say guys said the hotel charged us oh yeah I don't know they charged just me okay I was just making sure cuz I wish they charged someone else yeah but it won't be me cuz I only have this you obviously it's not you you rich you got the money I'm I'm getting there yeah I'm not rich enough to go to Mars when people start going there me neither so that's that's why you need to know helping with paying this bottle so you seeing all that us and we but I think that together we can be rich enough to go to Mars when the time comes how much does that cost I don't know I feel like we have to be billionaires we need to start a product together what would you start with me don't look at me like that we're you friend you mean what brand would you start with me you can start any brand in the world me and you are trying to become billionaires what brand I feel like Drew Barry more right now like I'm getting too close oh I love her she like starts to like sheet remember 50 uh yeah that was a good movie oh my gosh I cried that's true is that when she was blind she was blind I think she just lost no I don't she lost her memory oh yeah she's a star but anyway what I would do with you where we can really get that coin is um what's that show billionaire I think billionaire too not millionaire we need to be billion billionaire how do you even get to that level you start like a massive company I could ask my my friend Mark he it's definitely not this I'm just letting you know I'm aware of that I know that I don't I know that that's why I'm trying to start a company with you Suki yeah but I don't know I know how to make some Millions though we can make millions I don't we need to go to Mars when the world goes to h I don't even trust you like that what yeah I could even trust you like that cuz if I feel like if we'll do something you might just try to run off with I'm not going to run I'm not taking me to Mars would You you I swear to God I would I would put you on Mars before I got there just so you made sure you got there that's the type of person I don't what's the most ghettoest thing that you ever did I don't know how to answer but when you let me know that I will really get to know you really well and I'll let you can you ask that question what's the most ghetto thing ghetto is basically using your resources so what's the most thing that you did that was just like ghetto using my resources yeah what did you do H can you give me a minute yeah come back to that if you want think about that yeah cuz I just don't believe you that's not fair it doesn't matter what the [ __ ] so we drinking this straight that was your idea well no I honestly thought he would like do something it I didn't think he would do that I'm not going to lie but this is wild what do we have do you have Coke you said you did I drink why would you drink it he he works for me I love that and he drinks my drinks that I he put that on my card I bet did you yeah he put that on my card and he drank it yep that's what they do of course no actually I think I probably shouldn't have any more alcohol I won't lie all right so that means I'm I'm not even going to drink did you drink a little bit of it no I finished the last thing and I we just good now I do I feel like maybe we could give a little sippy sip but not a drink okay let's just do it I'm going to taste it with water so that I don't die I always do that actually cheers cheers you know I know that I'm a little drunk when that didn't taste bad it didn't no you want to do it again I I I shouldn't cuz I have to. I didn't taste it at all especially with oh you taste it I thought you didn't drink it no I drank it but when you came up no baby this is this is you're not drunk you don't even know what drunk is you never been drunk before right now this is just a Tipsy type of maybe I just okay I'm just Tipsy yeah you a little bit more funny and open to things mhm that's it like learning how to dance come on just she want to dance so bad okay just get up and do it I just want to see you get up and do it you said you want me to show you I'm not about to be the only one dancing you are you ready to dance did you have enough liquor I have I promise you I can't even tell where my hand is right now it's open I I can't this what you need to do this I couldn't walk in it let's walk in a straight line okay okay let's let's follow that cuz I feel like I couldn't do that but maybe I could I think I I actually always think when I see DUI videos I the time you get arrested for DUIs yeah I never got a ticket before in my life cuz you can I I always think that they're kind of like why couldn't you walk in a straight line if you're drunk yeah see look okay see you did look at those toes I think you're just trying to show your feet wow I didn't do all of that can I try that now should I do that what was that it's just that's how you walk when you get pulled over for D yeah that's why I never got a ticket you're like oh my gosh what's that little girl that crawled out the TV that time the crazy the scary one po no it was like this little yeah the ring that's what you're giving bro okay you her yeah probably that was rude Suki I'm sorry okay now uh should we play music or how does this work play something put Suki [ __ ] put um oh yeah I found that song yeah this is you know this song this is my song you know the song Yes you like this is your song you like to put on this is my song that I'm on oh you're on this [ __ ] wet I need a panty line okay you're ghetto [ __ ] so you know what words yes I know the words this my [ __ ] you it's the best okay on the west and this what I said like so I keep clapping I'm F to shake this ass cuz my bills is Du you know I got that good cat cooch ain't loose girl you going this the last time to talk when I'm singing okay I'm [ __ ] Kayla's man and I'm [ __ ] Bob's to [ __ ] ass ho that's what I said right okay now come on let's go ahead and do the [ __ ] I feel like it's enough just do this put one leg first [Music] this okay come on let's do it come on you got it come on hands up uhhuh look she got it yes what what what is happening you don't see her doing this [ __ ] come [Music] on come on bounce with it bounce with [Applause] [Music] itak but I feel like she stay pregnant too and then listen I want to suck on a presentent cut that [ __ ] cut cut this s you ain't got to do that do she got to do that it's yeah it's all good she got two kids in the thank you for teaching me how to D yeah you in the mommy Club coochie girl girl you good you ain't got to do all that that's some [ __ ] got to work harder than everybody else if I was you I wouldn't do no dancing ever like how you've been moving don't do that [ __ ] okay ever ever again never do that again okay I felt like it was a little good no like for a second there so we try I feel like we should try gotten I'm going to give it my all no bro you did good did I I think that I can learn do you think that I'll ever be as good as you is the question no never in your life never in my life in your dreams okay I'm going to leave you here when I go to Mars if you say that you're not going bro you might what do you mean you might I feel like you can too you think so I do what I got to do start a company how come I got to start a company with your ass I can't go way I can't she going to Mars she going ain't she she going she on list she already on the list I'm I'm not you on the list ma'am you on the list promise you I there's a list I don't know about it she on the list she on the list she know about it she know about it so what I got to do uh I I'm not on the list you want a list I promise on the list how do I okay you on the list okay so you don't I feel like you don't want to start a company with me is that what I'm do you no yeah we could start like a yeah [ __ ] it do he get on the list to if I start a company with you and my kids and [ __ ] of course what's the business [ __ ] it should we like make a prant nail company no the Nail's not going to do it okay should we make um we we need to do something big okay yeah whatever you want to do I don't give a [ __ ] it can be the nails and that's how we get on the list to get the Mars [ __ ] [ __ ] we can do the nails I don't even give a [ __ ] what about like what if we start a competitor the only fans a benador what' you say a competitor to only fans a competitor what if we do that I mean I think that would be how many millions do you need to get a bill I don't know that answer to that 999 million 100 billion 100 million I mean a th000 Millions 1,000 Millions is a billion yes that's a lot oh we can do that we can we can do that's so easy you know how many girls on only fans made a million dollars everybody that's true so if we make another are they a billion do dollar company anybody no they definitely a billion I made them a lot of millions oh my God yeah you're on only fans yes what the [ __ ] what you thought how would I know that you should cuz you should have did your research so you know what type of [ __ ] that you talking to okay yeah so so you're on only fans how much money do you make on it a lot a lot how much more money than you ever seen so far you see it you going to see it when you change them toes but you going to see it you going to see it I made a lot of money on there and in these streets but what I'm saying is I ain't make a billion he said it's how much 2.5 billion we we can go so how much how much we need to get the Mars we need if you have one billion you're one billion that's all [ __ ] let's start an only fans competitor only fans if you're oh wait we're not I don't want to get in the way of you making money on inter let's not tell them we're making a compe about we got to go tomorrow let's not tell them we're making a competitor now yeah that's what I'm saying stop that [ __ ] I love only fans and I support only fans and what's your what on there my what is it well all you got to do is look up Suki look up mewhere anywhere yel oh really Christian Mingle does anybody have black people's meat Black Planet anywhere that you put Suki it's going to come up okay let me just she like she don't know what's going on I'm just checking Yelp cuz I've never I didn't know you were on Yelp baby look up Yelp good cooch yeah that's yeah Suki good coochie Suki good coochie is the only fans Suki um I don't see you on yel [ __ ] a yel [ __ ] [ __ ] wrote Yelp reviews so you told I don't give a [ __ ] okay I just you just told me you were on y serious well they might be banned but at the end of the day they have wrote reviews okay yeah did they write reviews about you Noe on Yelp on nothing on nothing I didn't see one review I feel like this isn't what you say to your new business partner you feel like you're being a all right I'm sorry I feel like if we're going to be business partners if we going to be business we'll split 50/50 is that okay yeah okay uh who putting up the money I will oh well I'll put up I'll put up my money too okay why did you ask that question I'm just saying how much money you about to put up I don't I think you have more money than me no I promise you do okay well [ __ ] do there's no way that you don't why you think that you just like I feel like you have way more money than me I feel I'll put up the money all of it all of it I'm going put up all of it [ __ ] you cuz I don't want you to get too much percent of nothing I told you you could be 50/50 not if I'm putting up the money we that's why I want to put up half of the money okay well okay let's let's okay whatever let's just call call the man down on the NBA and ask him what he think you ask him to put we don't even know what our idea is yet what's like I know the idea what is it you said we can't talk about it no more I know but what is like the difference between us and them what separates us what makes us better the difference between us is that we're women is it owned by men I mean we don't know who it's owned by but probably own by if it's owned by women it's a different vibe yeah yeah yeah it's a different vibe cuz we're loving do you like it right now do you think that you could make it better you you have something yeah I could should we ask the person with billions of dollars cuz he's on a show called Shark Tank and like he have you seen that okay so you go up to them and you pitch them ideas I feel like we should pitch him our idea all right let's do it if you run off with my thing I'm going to be upset I promise you I would never do that to you do you think do you think you would answer I don't know Shark Tank you know what that is okay wait he doesn't have FaceTime he the Android yeah oh that mean he really got that coin all the guys I talked to yeah all the guys I talked to with Android they really got money I asked him if he can talk for a second so we'll see okay and then we'll PCH him our idea and if he thinks I'll be like are you all in and then I'll be like maybe you should go in 100% of the money cuz he obviously has more money oh he got more money he got a lot of money he's a billionaire he's a billionaire yeah we're not there you and we want to go to Mars so how much percentage did he want um I didn't give him this idea yet we just came up with it right now all right well go ahead put him on the phone I hopefully he answers in the text talking cuz that would be great yeah I'll let you talk if he answers but my that guy right there keeps telling me that we need to go cuz our flight is oh my God okay I see what's going on so we got to go before we get to talk to the man from sharks tanks well let's just see if your replies I think this is a great idea I think it's great I think we're going to be billionaires if you you don't do it I'm doing it no we're doing it together okay it's together all right we're doing it together Team all right so if you don't do it I'm still doing it so go ahead and try to change up and act like you don't want to do it no more I'm still going to do it so either we do it together or I don't know or you do it alone yeah well then you do know okay I have to tell you on my business I don't even trust you you don't trust me but you're going to okay this doesn't I feel you're contradicting yourself a lot today Suki you can trust me do you have any tattoos yeah I have a lot I have this one on my face which is a tiger I like it and I have a wolf but I didn't uncover it why cuz it's not for you who's it four it's for who is for do you got tattoos I do what is that that's my kids wow look at you a real mommy she got her babies I love little thing right here what is that says you are okay okay that's it and then I have a Bible verse on my back what' it say it says if God if God is for us who can stand against so you tatted to the mtic yeah she down with the [ __ ] in the hoes God and I love that for you I got a lot of tattoos so I got some Chinese words right here I forgot what it me I think it says black queen okay then I got under my ass I got Kill Bill that was somebody used to date but he locked up I got a new man so his name is Ashton and he on this leg okay is that who you called today baby don't worry about I ask any more questions sorry yeah you trying to get all this in the business and see who it yeah yeah that's be the ones that Ste your tricks so I got Medusa okay and um [ __ ] oh I got a uh Mac 10 on my ass a what a Mac 10 what's that it's a gun oh machine gun a guy it's it's a long story but a guy said that about me said what a oh yeah okay she don't know nothing about that no it's okay you going to get there I hope I she might be there cuz she got them two kids but yeah and then I got a spider what's a spider me you don't even want to know well he's not texting me back okay well [ __ ] him then we can do it without him let's do this are you ready who who going to give us the billion dollars that you say not a billion dollars like I don't think they put up the whole how much we need I don't know how much do you need to start a website does anybody know this we need like a million a million dollars would be good I feel like we could $500 $5 million million to start a website a business yeah okay we need like employees I Mar yeah gole well we can market for ourselves right yeah all right well we're starting our business we are and it's called what should we call it okay we got to think about us we both moms we both got our feet out okay that I think I would say I don't want you to make it up we have to make it up I'm going to make it up what about like um just just fetish just friends yeah W it's just for people who are just friends no and then also people can post regular videos but doesn't make me want to get loose but also you can go on it if you don't want to get loose because it this applies to everyone it's like going to appeal to just a wide variety of people if you're going to make up the whole name by yourself just say that I'm not you can okay I'll do one word I'll do one word okay uh just let me think I I believe in you just just I don't know come on can I just love just love I don't think people on the site like want are looking for love this isn't a dating site okay they're looking for coochie pics and foot pics and fun just fun just fun that's all it is nothing more it's nothing more it's not cheating it's just fun it's just fun all it is fun I like it and the guys will say say listen I'm not cheating it's just fun I'm just looking that's it okay and we like take care of all of our employees and we make sure that everyone in the op get a good amount of money two moms exactly and everyone on the app is paid well like they get a high percentage instead of I don't know what the we do lower than them no we don't do lower than them no that makes them not want to go on it we do no I mean we give them more money give them more money than we take less of percentage Yeah we're going to take less of a percentage okay we've got this all right well thank you so much this interview I got to you got to go I got to go y got to go that's true this [ __ ] up okay yeah I'm going to go make my f I'll be at Disneyland at 6 a.m. cuz I got to do my Valentine's Day pictures okay well I see them on Instagram um no you have to pay $100 for the posters thank you Bobby
Channel: Bobbi Althoff
Views: 3,096,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ET7A_O_xQ7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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