Is Beijing's Michelin Star Peking Duck Worth it? Quanjude Qing Dynasty Duck

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hey guys and welcome to another episode of UAE eats I'm UA and this is a very special episode of UAE eats this is the very first ever International video of one of our food Vlogs and I am in Beijing China specifically I am in the famous chemen Square now chairman means front door literally and as you can see by the big gate and castle in front of the neighborhood this was once a bustling commercial center protected by a castle and a gate not quite inside the Forbidden City but near the Forbidden City so pretty close to the center of the city today though it's still a very commercial shopping district and as you can see it's become very modernized in many ways now there's a lot of great eats in China in Beijing specifically there's a lot of great eats and we had all sorts of great eats already on this trip however I wanted to bring you guys along for one thing that I definitely have to eat here in Beijing Peking duck peaking being another way of saying Beijing so Beijing slash Peking Duck and people say that the best place for a peking duck is a restaurant called treinjureda or you know Chinese is hard to pronounce so you can probably say Tran Judah if you want just no matter what don't say Juan Jude now trenjuda is one of the oldest Peking duck houses in all of China this place has been around since the 1800s when the Qing dynasty was still reigning over China so it survived decades centuries it's still round and it's even opened at many locations and even gotten a Michelin stars so they say this place is pretty good then again because of its reputation some people think that it's a little bit overrated it's overpriced and it's kind of a tourist trap they say for foreigners but we're gonna find out I mean it has locations all over China so some locals definitely like it so let's go see if one of the oldest peeking duck houses in all of Beijing lives up to the hype but uh for now let's get out of the heat it's about 100 degrees so let's get some shading let's get some duck so let's go all right here we are at the famous trenjuda and uh yeah a lot of these restaurants are quite beautiful I don't know if they have many beautiful restaurants like this back in the US even the most beautiful Chinese restaurant I've ever seen back home has never been quite this ornate and actually there's an even more beautiful sign here almost looks like an imperial Medallion or something and uh yeah right there they advertise this as origin I think they mean original roast duck restaurant there's already people lining up so let's go eat before it gets too long all right all right guys so we are inside the famous trenches now even though this is a really fancy restaurant it has a really casual Vibe I mean just check it out people are wearing like t-shirts and everything no one's wearing like suits or anything like that but like a typical Michelin star restaurant the service here amazing the first thing they did was fix my napkin for me to give me a fancy napkin setup plate display thing let's take a look at the menu why don't we by the way just really cool beautiful menu like look at this it's like an actual book it's not like a paper menu and I love this metallic logo so cool so this place has a lot of great stuff but we really are here for the roast duck also known as Peking duck the Beijing style roast duck and if you've never had Peking duck before even if you're not in China you gotta try it it's just incredible it's got some crispy skin I think the way that they make the skin so crispy is that they have to blow up the duck like a balloon so they kind of lift the skin off of the duck and then that way they're able to really get like a crispy skin and a juicy duck on the inside and of course the marinade that they use and the oil that they use is a secret recipe as well so we are of course getting some peeking roast duck and then they have a whole signature dishes section here now everything just looks so beautiful and delicate the way it's presented like just look at these things they're like vegetables but they're flowers isn't that just so incredibly beautiful they even found the way to make walnuts look beautiful and tasty as well but but one of the most interesting things I saw was check out this section I mean besides these ducks on the left but just look on the right they have like one of their signature dishes they have like what almost looks like an afternoon tea like thing now these are all desserts they're like Chinese style desserts some of them are going to be Mochi like inconsistency I believe others are going to be a little bit more dumpling like maybe dumpling was not the right word but these kind of resemble like buns so these are almost like dim sum like in a way so honestly this is so interesting that we gotta try it so so let's just move with those why don't we uh peeking roast duck and a Beijing Chinese afternoon tea dessert thing all right let's order oh um decision all right our Peking duck has arrived and as you saw him slicing it it probably looked pretty good in that vid but it looks even better close up let me show you real quick so the first thing he does is he removes some of the excess skin on the outside as you can see it's just some delicious oily greasy Skin So crispy and delicious that you only get it that way when you make it the Peking duck style like I said you blow it up like a balloon with air to separate it from the skin honestly Popeyes KFC take notice find a way to copy this because if you can copy this for chicken you're gonna make like a bajillion dollars and then the rest of their pieces with skin and flesh or meat I probably shouldn't say flesh they stack it really beautifully other places will kind of just stack it you know side by side but of course this place got a Michelin star for a reason so it stacked beautifully and then I just want to show you real quick that the way you do this is it's kind of like making little it's kind of like fajitas you can think of it that way where they give you some Chinese kind of like tortilla those I'm not even sure what these are called in Chinese I think in Chinese they're called Bean which basically is just like bread or like any sort of bread or bun substance thing but you can basically think of these as like Chinese tortillas and then you just wrap it up with all of your fixings you want to do one or two cucumber some garlic if you want it and some sugar you can dip it in the sugar too if you want and some scallion but of course don't forget to dip each of them in the sauce and then yeah wrap it up and eat it I'm starving I can't wait so let's eat but let's go with the skin first and the way that you do the skin is that you can eat it straight up but what you're supposed to do is dip it in the sugar and then eat that straight up some people think this place is a tourist trap now they say it's mostly coasting off its height and it's Michelin star and historical status but we will see if they are right or if they're just haters [Music] oh man I gotta say iPad peeking duck before I mean Peking duck I've had in the states it's usually more oily and um you know sometimes even a little bit chewy but it's still good this is just so unbelievably crispy and it like disintegrates in your mouth yet it's still oily and juicy in a good way at the same time it kind of reminds me of pork rinds I think in Spanish they call them chicarones but yeah it reminds me of pork rinds in Duck form let's try one just straight up all right okay so it's good straight up but I now see why the local people say you really gotta dip it in the sugar because straight up it is a little bit oily it does almost taste like a crunchy duck oil sponge as delicious as that sounds it's uh trust me it's not quite as good as it sounds but sugar because the sugar and the oil and the savoriness it's a perfect complement it really cuts down on that oiliness and greasiness from the fat oh you know how like the chicken skin for fried chicken is the best part it's like that only the skin is just oh that's like the best fried skin I've ever had of anything but anyways onto the main course Let's uh grab one of our Chinese tortillas and let's wrap one of our kicking roast Ducks why don't we that's okay typically good practice to kind of follow the vertical cucumbers and scallions all right Bottoms Up thank you I think one of the best parts is that this tortilla is just so thin look you can like practically see through it not practically you can see through it so it's great starch the vegetables of course are nice and fresh and provide a nice crunch I think I did too much cucumber last time so let's just do one this time scallions really fresh but I think I slightly overdid it last time so let's just do a little bit less but as expected this duck is oh man it's just the star of the show by far I mean we already talked about the skin and just how delicious and crispy and oily that skin is but the inside is just juicy and a great temperature not chewy at all very very very tender the mistake I made last time was not adding enough duck actually let's do mostly duck and just a few veggies to switch it up oops forgot to dip them in the sauce so let's just dip this guy why don't we and paint the others doing like my Bob Ross impression let's paint some happy don't we you want just roll that guy up like a cigar I guess you don't even need to close the ends if you don't want to and let's do [Music] I think I need a little more sauce oh yeah make sure you get plenty of sauce because without the sauce the starch the cucumber and the scallions it almost kind of masks the duck a little bit like the duck is not as Savory as other Ducks you might have like Hong Kong style duck but somehow you add that sauce and the whole thing just comes together so be generous with that sauce I'm telling you guys lots of ducks less cucumber an okay amount of scallion and lots of sauce and this is going to be one of the best fajita like Foods you're ever gonna have just loaded up on sauce well unless you have high blood pressure but I don't so [Music] I've ever had any Cuisine Chinese French and the service is great the atmosphere is great everything is fresh and delicately prepared and plated it's also actually a fairly decent portion I mean this is half a duck so it's actually not too bad I guess in terms of portion size obviously I'm an American so what do I know I've only ever had picking roast up once in China and I've had it a few times in the U.S but you know I'm not really qualified to judge peeking bro stuck for sure but we're actually here with my fiance Tina who is from Beijing let me ask what she thinks so Tina you're from Beijing so you've had peaking roast duck many times I don't know do you think this place is overrated really good and I feel like the atmosphere is really fun here as well we can see all the old-fashioned decorations and the tutors we really feel like oh this is the old time and you're actually eating it when you're in like qingdines or something and they're also actually people singing picking upper in the background for you so that was really fun but the food was yes yeah excellent yeah so you heard it straight from Tina the Beijing native and Tina is absolutely right I mean you really do feel like you're eating within 10 miles of the Chen long Emperor and if I can be honest for a Michelin star restaurant it's really not that expensive I think this came out to about twenty dollars perhaps for local Beijing people they might say that yeah you can find cheaper Beijing roast duck for sure but you know this is a delicate Michelin star joint so 20 bucks is pretty good for Michelin star food and especially depending on what country you're coming from in my case I came from the US so for me 20 bucks for a meal in general pretty good but for picking roast duck that's I'm gonna say 20 bucks is even cheaper than any Peking roast duck you're gonna get back in the US but let's Reserve judgment for a bit because we still have dessert coming so let's wait for our Beijing afternoon tea before we review the dessert though I want to show you one more thing is that they have free refills of this stuck bone broth and basically this is broth that's made from simmering duck bones for hours and hours and hours until you get this clear milky substance and what's cool is that you get infinite refills of this so let's give this a try why don't we oh oh that is excellent especially after eating that heavy peaking oily duck this bone broth is really a good change up it's still hearty and savory but it's a really nice change up to the oily duck I don't know if you've ever had Korean so long tongue to those who may like Korean food or if it had like bone broth you know how bone broth was really trendy at one point in the US this is a really refreshing and savory and a little bit filling too of a soup and it's nuts that this is infinite refills so together ah see how much I like that amazing anyways on to dessert all right our beautiful Beijing afternoon tea display is here as I like to call these little towers of death because it's really good to make your way up as you eat at the top though we got some little cute little ducklings made from probably some sort of Mochi or gelatin-like substance or I guess it could be like a bean paste or something not sure what this is but I guess we'll find out together this is some sort of crispy bun like thing probably with some sort of sweet filling inside pretty sure this is mochi and this is another dessert with Mochi and bean powder on the outside and everything looks delicate and beautiful so let's dig in Chow Time [Music] yeah that's definitely some sort of Mochi and I think I detect some red bean paste inside and some sort of like powder on the outside like a red bean powder or something but I gotta say that tastes much different than I expected that's chewy but it feels kind of light and Airy in a way honestly we're also a great start let's grab this without kind of cool looking right oh you know what I thought that was gonna be sweet on the inside because this is like a dessert Tower but it's a little Savory on the inside I'm not really sure what's in it but it tastes Savory that how do I say it that dough is just so unbelievably flaky it kind of reminds me of like pie crust like almost like beef wellington crust Western pie crust puff pastry texture on the outside and a Chinese Savory taste on the inside oh that was that was incredible all in a cute bite-sized piece next up that I have completely given up on the Chopsticks I don't want to waste any of these by having them fall on the floor a cute piece of Mochi no doubt just by the way it feels and looks like you're eating like a cloud or edible gum or Kirby from Nintendo foreign okay I don't necessarily like that one I feel like that one kind of has an interesting filling it's not quite sweet enough like it's a little bit too subtle I think and it has like an interesting crunch almost like a carrot or like a turnip but carrot and turnip is not really a flavor I usually like and dessert but the Mochi texture was really nice and all right we're making our way up the tower of death next up we got one of these now I truly have no idea what this is that is red bean on the inside the outside is some sort of like rice dough thing let's give it a try oh no this is probably slightly just a cultural difference uh I really did not like that at all it was way too powdery on the inside I was expecting like red bean paste like a little bit of a wetter piece but it was very powdery the rice dough really I don't know it really had like a weird sticky texture to it possibly a cultural difference it might not just be for me like I might just have a really Americanized palette that one wasn't for me but any Chinese viewers if you like it let me know in the comments and lastly uh cute little ducky it's actually really slippery I'm glad I didn't try to pick this up with my Chopsticks it's almost like a rubber Ducky from the bathtub just covered in soap let's start first by butting off its head fatality huh okay this is some sort of being I would say this isn't really for me either Tina said this is a really local Beijing eat I probably just don't have the right palette for this I'm a little bit too Americanized to appreciate this it could stand to be sweeter or saltier or something like that but anyways I gotta say guys even though I didn't like everything on this afternoon tea hour of death get this this was only seven dollars less than seven dollars converted to US dollars I mean this is a Michelin star restaurant and everything is just crazy cheap compared to back home definitely worth trying for 650 or seven bucks but anyways um yeah I'm just gonna say that this place trenjida it kind of gets a little bit of mixed reviews some people say oh it's overrated it kind of fell off it's mostly riding off its hype and its Michelin status and it's Qing Dynasty status hey I gotta say not for me man and apparently not for Tina I felt like everything was delicious beautifully plated amazing service not stealthy at all like other Michelin joints I've been to in the past where you could hear a pin drop and you get stairs if you you know cough too loud or something it's not even that expensive compared to food back in the U.S at least in New York but if you're willing to splurge a bit compared to Regional Beijing Cuisine I highly recommend you give this place a shot it's great food great service great atmosphere definitely try this place you won't regret it let me know in the comments if you've been to treasure duh let me know what you think of it if you think it's good if you think it's overrated if you recommend a better Beijing Peking duck place let me know in the comments because great minds eat a like and if you like my videos make sure you like And subscribe that way you stay up to date whenever I post another video until next time I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: UA Eats
Views: 36,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quanjude, quanjude peking duck, quanjude peking duck house, quanjude peking duck restaurant, quanjude beijing duck, quanjude beijing duck house, quanjude beijing duck restaurant, quanjude roast duck, quanjude roast duck house, quanjude roast duck restaurant, quanjude michelin star, peking duck, beijing roast duck, best peking duck in china, best peking duck in beijing, china food tour, beijing food tour, china food vlog, beijing food vlog, authentic chinese food, china eats
Id: HYHg_ec7yos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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