Pizza Hut in China is FANCY! Reviewing Pizza Hut's Beijing Menu

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hey guys and welcome to another episode of yoa eats I'm UA and I am still in Beijing China I'm in a mall here in Beijing in the fifth circle of Beijing and it's a pretty nice mall like many of the malls in China now the reason we're in this mall is we're eating at one of the most popular restaurants in China Pizza Hut nope that wasn't a joke I'm being dead serious Pizza Hut in China is wildly popular there's locations everywhere and people in China love Pizza Hut however like all Western Restaurants in China Pizza Hut in China is a little bit different it's not quite one to one back in the U.S Pizza Hut is kind of more of a cheaper brand it's almost kind of dying out a little bit I feel like Domino's has kind of made more Headway but in China you won't find Domino's pizza or Little Caesars or Papa John's you'll mostly find Pizza Hut when it comes to chain pizza and believe it or not Pizza Hut in China is kind of a nice chain now the last time I went to China 15 years ago if you can believe leave it Pizza Hut then at least in Shanghai was a bougie place to eat there was tablecloth waiters and tuxedos Renaissance paintings they were really marketing it as like a bougie Italian restaurant lately Pizza Hut has been rebranding themselves in China as a little bit more approachable and more fast casual but it's still one of the nicer brands in China they don't just sell cheap greasy pan pizzas they sell nice Italian pasta made with pasta imported from Italy they sell steak they sell tiramisu all sorts of really fancy stuff I gotta show you guys come on let's go check it out [Music] thank you [Music] so we are at Pizza Hut here in Beijing at the mall here in Beijing now I think they're doing some sort of sponsorship with a mobile game gen impact I don't know if you're familiar with it but uh yeah they have anime characters all over the restaurant you'll probably saw them at the front as well when we entered definitely a lot different than the last time I went to Pizza Hut in Shanghai where it was all tablecloth and pump and Circumstance I've never played gentian impact but I think it's pretty similar to Zelda breath of the wild so they also have some decorative scenery here as well they even gave me some stickers as well yeah Tina's having a lot of fun with the stickers maybe I'll keep this pizza one for myself now in China nowadays you do all your ordering from QR codes but it's not like in the US where the QR code just spits out a menu here in China the QR code is like directly linked to WeChat WeChat is like an app that pretty much everyone uses for messaging people getting taxis paying for things they pretty much use it for 90 of life I don't really have WeChat so let me see if I can get a paper menu all right we just got a paper menu and I gotta say is this not the nicest Pizza Hut paper menu you've ever seen like it's not just like a cheap piece of paper like back home right so they got all sorts of selections a bunch of delicious fried foods for appetizers I can't really eat shrimp so this probably isn't worth it there's some overlap you got your wings onion rings so then when you start to look through the menu you find some things that are a little bit different like these are pigs in a blanket these are I believe uh you know I can't really read Chinese so Tina helped read it for me these are like pineapple cakes and these are like fried chicken like spicy chicken balls kind of like pepper chicken balls it's sort of like Taiwanese Fried Chicken if you've ever had that and actually I was wrong this is fried squid not onion rings very very tempting these drinks all look plenty refreshing we don't really we have anything like this back in the US usually just Fountain drinks I think this is milk tea but I kind of want to try this refreshing Plum beverage so let's give this a try oh these desserts look delectable and delicious Pizza Hut is not really known for dessert back home so everything here looks pretty good not gonna lie oh my goodness this looks like some sort of like tiramisu lava cake or something and you know a lot of their pizzas are the same I mean Pizza is still pizza and it's gonna follow the same Pizza Hut dough formula but what makes Pizza Hut in China different is they have some different flavors this I believe is durian Pizza I am not a fan of durian at all but if you like durian I'm sure you're salivating looking at this this is a tuna pizza I've never heard of putting tuna on pizza before but I feel like it might actually be good not in this case but I feel like like a spicy tuna on Pizza that actually sounds quite delicious so someone out there please invent that and look they have a whole section for beef and lamb pizzas they got a wagyu beef and this one is like a Mongolian like lamb pizza with I think pineapple and mushrooms and stuff so let's try this why don't we don't get this back home and I gotta show you one more thing you're probably already getting the sense that Pizza Hut here is a little bit more high-end a little bit nicer of a chain it may not be a tablecloth and Tuxedo waders anymore but a lot of the remnant of their bougie era is still around as they have a whole steak section and you know I love sticks so I gotta try some steak at Pizza Hut to see how the chinese pizza hot steak is and they don't just have steak they have beef wellingtons what the heck all right let's try a Pizza Hut Beef Wellington why don't we and let's get us a ribeye steak to see if they do the ribeye steak well I think we have the food situation under control let's order [Music] okay not surprisingly the first thing to arrive was our drink now this is kind of like a plum drink sort of but it definitely looks more like a float than I was expecting and it's got a nice foamy head reminiscent of like a root beer float or something like that Italian it actually tastes a lot healthier than I was expecting the picture you know kind of makes it look like some really sugary beverage and in real life it looks pretty you know it looks like a float like it doesn't look particularly healthy but when you drink it you'll find that it's not too sweet it's nice and cool and it really has some nice fresh Plum flavor I've kind of been eating a lot of street food here in China some of it can be quite meaty and oily and I feel like this is kind of good for my digestion believe it or not ah pretty good choice come on [Music] oh okay I guess the drink came first and everything else came in a hurry like I guess they really wanted everything to come at the same time but yeah we got our steak our Beef Wellington and we got our pizza here now right off the bat I gotta say I'm sorry I was really excited originally for the steak but that is probably the saddest looking steak I've ever seen in my whole life like this literally looks like one of those Hungry Man four dollar Frozen TV dinners it doesn't even look like steak at a first glance like it almost looks like ham or something it has grill marks on it but I don't know those are some really susque grill marks makes me wonder if they drew them with like a marker or something the beef wellington I'm feeling a little bit more excited about it's not cut in half like it should be uh usually when they make beef wellington they'll cut it so that you can see the insides and that's also how it was presented in the menu I guess we're just gonna have to slice this ourselves later but you know the fries don't look bad if you ask me and this is our pizza our Mongolian style lamb Pizza it looks like it's got lamb it's got onions and it's also got some mushrooms and uh yeah it's uh your typical Pizza Hut pan pizza so the bottom looks pretty similar but the top does not let's not wait for the food to get cold so let's just dig in why don't we let's do the pizza first right here as said earlier I got the pan pizza the crusts are all pretty much the same as back home they got hand tossed they got pan pizza they got thin crust I think they have a few options we don't have here like they have hot dog stuffed as well so let's give this a try oh wow yo guys I am I am not kidding you that is excellent lamb on Pizza it's definitely out of the comfort zone for most Americans I'm not so sure about Europeans but but I know back in the US this would not be popular at all like a lot of people can't even eat lamb chops or wrap their head around eating lamb at all while in China lamb is eaten pretty commonly but lamb on Pizza I gotta say just something about lamb meat something about some juicy and slightly charred lamb meat it just really has like an excellent flavor like a really great meaty flavor like almost a more Savory meaty flavor than beef and on Pizza it's somehow a perfect combination with cheese and oil they were actually smart to also include onions so that you kind of have some acid and some sweetness to really go with that lamb meat and the cheese and the oil I feel like these Western Brands they should like try rotating some of these International menu items they should try this Mongolian lamb Pizza on like a trial basis back home to see if people will like it kind of like the McRib like they can take it away and bring it back but guys lamb on pizza if you've ever had Chinese hot pot it kind of tastes like hot pot or sort of a little bit like Kebab like if you've ever had kebabs or shawarmas or anything like that if you like food like that trust me you're gonna love this and I'm glad they kept this Pizza Hut pan pizza crispy oily buttery crust the same as back home [Music] all right that pizza amazing it hit the spot so well I didn't even know that spot was there I became aware of a spot that I did not know existed until now and that spot was Mongolian lamb pizza but next up before it gets too cold let's try this extremely sad looking steak all right I should stop making fun of it let's keep an open mind maybe it's better than it looks tonight all right this is the steak it sliced really easily with not really much force usually when you eat steak there's a reason why they have to give you a steak Knife because you really really gotta saw it off this sliced really easily but it's not looking super appetizing it almost looks kind of like spam or scrapple or something so let's give it a try [Music] what's up oh I mean how can I say this it doesn't taste terrible like if you didn't tell me what it was I might think that's sort of passable as like a very cheap 7-Eleven food like if you told me that was spam or ham or from a can I might think it's sort of okay because my expectations are really low but they have no business calling that steak it tastes like a mix between spam and hot dogs like it's completely processed meat and it's pretty gross you know what let's give it one more chance oh all right this is like a Japanese dipping sauce that they gave us to pair it with so maybe this will be better oh no oh that's almost worse no no this sauce is just Dreadful as well like it's it's way too sweet it's almost syrupy like I feel like this sauce almost belongs on like a Yakitori like a Japanese skewer and then you cook it and you kind of like they kind of let some of it drip off you should not really be dipping anything directly into this it's more like a marinade than like a dipping sauce honestly there's no if ands or buts about it this is hands down the war steak I've had in my life you can't taste the grill marks at all there's absolutely no sear or Texture it's the lowest quality beef out there like even Taco Bell would not use meat like this do they even have any business calling this beef I don't know it really does kind of taste like ham or like hot dogs disappointing but on to the next one next up the beef wellington will the beef wellington redeem the steak will it be satisfying or will Gordon Ramsay call the chef a donkey let's try it tomorrow [Music] okay so I gotta say I had low expectations for the beef wellington after that extremely sad steak but I gotta say this Beef Wellington doesn't look terrible I mean I guess it does look a little bit overcooked but you have to keep in mind that in China eating steak is not really a big part of the culture so for example they did not even ask me the doneness level for both of the steaks these are by default gonna be well done or medium well at best it's just part of the culture here people aren't really used to not cooking the meat to complete doneness but even then I gotta say that this doesn't look terrible I mean look this looks like a pretty flaky puff pastry let's see how it tastes [Music] now it is annoying that beef wellingtons tend to always fall apart but they are tasty when done well thank you know actually that's not bad okay it's not great but it's not bad it's definitely better than I expected after that rib eye steak now it's certainly not great I don't think I would ever order this again to be honest the main issue is that as you can see by the filet mignon inside they did not sear it first what they really should have done is they should have seared the whole thing first to get a crust on the outside but by not searing it and just directly baking it they kind of did not give it that what do you call it like that Char myard reaction or whatever people say these days that's a little bit disappointing but other than the meat itself you know this mushroom duck sell the duck cell is basically like a mushroom paste that they put on the inside this duck cell actually is is quite nice and tastes pretty fresh and has good mushroom flavor this puff pastry is really crispy and really flaky and buttery and it's done well so the rest of the ingredients uh you know like the puff pastry and the mushroom duxel it kind of makes the whole thing sorta edible unfortunately the meat is still poor quality both in the quality of the meat itself and in the preparation but the pastry and the mushroom duck sell actually pretty solid so I figured out the perfect solution let's just skip the meat and only eat the pastry see that's actually solid it tastes like a nice vegetarian mushroom pie I'm not kidding you this pastry and this mushroom duck shell it's actually pretty good like on its own this is good enough [Music] hmm Let's Lose the steak I mean this is some pretty lame quality I mean just look at it doesn't that just look like spam or lunch and meat from like a can or something so forget that but hey you know we still got some good stuff in front of us here at Pizza Hut in China before we hit the road why don't we snack on some more Mongolian lamb Pizza hmm all that delicious lamb I wonder if Kublai Khan would enjoy Pizza Hut China he would be like aha this is why we conquer China so that we can eat this every day foreign no complaints at all whatsoever about the pizza the pizza is excellent and I don't know I'm kind of sad that when I go back to the States I won't be able to get this Mongolian lamb pizza anymore but yeah uh before we end the video just some final thoughts all in all in summary the pizza was excellent very very unique flavors here in China and this drink too this Plum uh iced tea I believe really refreshing tastes really healthy not too sweet can't recommend this enough unfortunately the other two things we got the ribeye steak and the beef wellington I mean I guess you kind of get what you pay for and you kind of have to use some common sense I guess let's be honest I mean at the end of the day this is still Pizza Hut like you wouldn't go to McDonald's for sushi would you so let's just say they're not exactly dry aging their steaks back there but I'm glad I tried it it was really interesting to see it being offered at at the end of the day it was still incredibly cheap just keep in mind that you get what you pay for anyways guys thank you so much for watching this video uh you know I thought it would be fun to show you guys a well-known American brand here in China so I hope you liked the vid let me know in the comments what you think let me know if you've been to Pizza Hut in China and let me know what your favorite fast food place in China is American Chinese or any let me know in the comments because great minds eat a like if you like my videos make sure you like And subscribe that way you stay up to date whenever I post another video I am not letting any of this Mongolian Pizza go to waste so until next time I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: UA Eats
Views: 30,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza hut china, pizza hut asia, chinese pizza hut, china food vlog, china food tour, beijing food vlog, beijing food tour, china cheap eats, beijing cheap eats, china fast food, beijing fast food, pizza hut genshin impact, genshin impact, pizza hut china genshin impact, china restaurants, beijing restaurants, china pizza toppings, chinese pizza toppings, Asian pizza toppings, pizza hut china review, chinese pizza hut review, beijing food review, beijing cheap eats review
Id: 7n-qhqY5tyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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