IRS Scammer - Rope a Dope

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[Music] for causing IRS how can I help you yes you guys called while I was out I didn't know what it was about okay Wendy do refute the culture I'm guessing it was this morning I can't hold all of it until then pardon have you received any case number I didn't get to the phone on time so I don't know that I will then let me just take in my system if I have the information that it is for you if I don't have any information then it's not for you okay okay so forth for the record first of all can you help me out to be the name and address so that I can check in my person yes ma'am a meter Danny Jasco first name is Danny yes the NIE I did da NY da n NY and in Hawaiian how did for the last winter chat scoffs eh eh s ko okay got it and can't tell me at it now slowly please yes it's 47 hi gander ass Magan rode forth left hi gander right hi gander smokin fourth-level Robin board for Doyle fourth level fourth level yeah hi Candice Morgan Road fourth level again what does it go through it's two one 7:05 okay just give me a quick moment please let me just take in my sister okay thank you okay well thanks for holding the line sure I appreciate the time and patience over there yes I am no problem okay Walter as I can see here in my system let me tell you that and there are some legal allegations and a lawsuit has been filed against you and also there is an arrest warrant has been issued on your name today so are you available the situation before mercy know what's going on so basically there is a tax fraud case is coming on your name and this is not the way how we deal with the phone so we always deal with letters and we did send the letters to you as well sir but however at that time you were not there at your home to sign those letters that is the reason because the letters back to us and we are giving you culture because your past records were all clear strong man further now yes may be possible sir okay well in that case so let me just say go ahead and read out the affidavit and the legal charges which has been filed against you and I would request you to please do not interrupt me while I'm reading it out to you okay okay so while these lines are getting recorded and this monitored by the Department of Justice anything you will say on these lines will be used in your favor or against you so now sir I would request you to please to grab a piece of paper and a pen handy so that I can provide you with some of the important information first I've got one I keep one right next to the phone okay so first of all sir I want you to write down my name my name is Jeffrey 3b on Oh Jeffrey Fabiano tribuna yes PRI VI a and oh okay my back I number if I are by an internal other than revenue okay two zero one five eight nine okay can visibility up bad number two yes I are two zero one five eight nine right and now most important thing is your case number so please write down that as well ID number is seniors in California Diaz in Pennsylvania 101 seven three T as in Tom a as an alpha okay so if you want you can go ahead and research on Google as well my name a batch ID number well in that case sir let me just come to the point right now so as for the document there was an audit conducted on your taxes and which was files from the year of 2012 elderly 17 and in between these five years old we have found out some mistakes and miscalculation error in your tax filing which did not match the records we have that means here we are not denying the fact sir that you don't file your taxes I know that you are a regular taxpayer but so the tax which you have filed in between these five years somewhere it was filed incorrectly that is a reason today the arrest warrant has been issued on your name because today total outstanding or your name is coming up to six thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars including your pending taxes legal charges and the arrest warrant cancellation fee and so according to Section 101 that amount is still outstanding on your name that you have not paid and for that reason the local authorities with an arrest warrant will come at your place today to arrest you your driving license is going to be cancelled and everything under your name like a property your bank account everything is going to be seized and you will be facing of federal imprisonment for up to three years or maybe of five year that depends on the coat house judgment so first of all can you tell me that are you filing a taxes by your own or you have a tag is prepared to file them I do it on my own I use a computer to do it Oh in that case let me ask you one more question sir to be very honest with me over this recorded line okay I don't see why it would be dishonest okay so did you try to defraud the government intentionally or was it an honest mistake um I don't know that I defrauded anybody yeah you didn't tell me what I did wrong so wrong means here the amount of which you were supposed to pay to the others you have paid something less than that because of that the main head court of things that you are trying to defraud the government because the rest of the amount is going directly in your pocket so they think that you're trying to hide your actual income that is how we think that say you are trying to defraud the government you hide your actual income that is why you are ending up with a penalty charges and legal charges also now the amount is coming up to six thousand seven hundred ninety dollars you see when you fill out these armed tax programs on the computer a TAS how much you make and how many dependents you have you fill out all that information and then they tell you how much you roll and then I paid it and so you still didn't tell me what I did wrong I did what the computer told me you do I paid my taxes nothing instead of paying that on computer also you can definitely go ahead and go in your local address officer files attached it may be possible that some problem was there in from your end only I suppose as possible I'm paying you for that maybe party letter I suppose I mean it is a computer program some computer may be possible sir let me just as you are saying that you have not done anything intentionally let me just let me give you two options instead of giving you one option how you can resolve the matter let me give you two options because this is your right only see the first option is that sir you can hire a criminal attorney and fight the case against IRS inside the courthouse but if you lose this case sir then you will be ending up with a penalty charges also and that will go up to $75,000 and five years of imprisonment fully there for you the second option is that sir you can resolve the matter out of the courthouse without getting into any types of legal trouble by paying the outstanding amount which you owe to the IRS and now sir decision is yours you want to fight the case or you would like to resolve the matter without getting into any type of legal trouble well I don't want to get into legal trouble but how does fighting inside the co hells get legal trouble Fighting's at the courthouse mean sir if you lose this case okay if you lose this case because we have got this Frank strong evidence if you lose this case inside the hotel then you will be getting into a legal trouble like you will be ending up with a penalty charge also and that will go up to $75,000 plus five years of imprisonment fully be there for you if in case you lose the season no no wouldn't be $75,000 for fir no no it wasn't criminal so I didn't do anything intentionally um I can show I got my printed receives I can show that for the computer said I polled so if the computer didn't make a mistake well it was a mistake that's the reason we are still giving you a chance to resolve the matter by paying only the outstanding amount that depends on a user if you want to fight the case after leaving go ahead we are not stopping you sir if you want to resolve the matter you can just talk to my senior officer who is in charge of your case file because I'm not a system user and this part of the system um I guess I could do that means you want to resolve the matter yeah yeah it'd be better than going to call hills okay just give me a quick moment let me just transfer the call to the senior officer just give me quicker mom and somebody senior officer paper only okay give me a moment please okay thank you am i stealing hold yes I'm sorry I it will take some time because it taken property while talking to the coat house first this is on procedures I'm sorry it's not don't lift in here we have to talk to the core people for it to stop the arrest warrant then my senior officer will be there to talk to you sir to resolve the matter he will help you out in this case and I mean this is long distance but it's a long distance phone call for me I'm sorry forgive me moment give me money do you think maybe I can call you guys back when when you're not so busy well in that case let me just explain it for you first the first time so that because you are facing this problem for the first time because right now my senior officer is working on your fight only let me just tell you how you can resolve the matter do you have a computer system at your home sir I do you can just go on a website that is government websites where this govt okay do you have that much outstanding balancer how you so that you can resolve the matter because you're not going to pay anything over the phone that you are not going to share your personal information over the phone okay sorry off is a website is IRS car compare yes sir you can just update your payment today already so you're going to make this payment electronically like through EFTPS systems called EFTPS new destiny you can see an option there's a lot of option will be coming there like refund status view your account make a payment have you seen have you seen any makeup make a payment option nice I see where it says pay you can see your makeup payment option will be the biggest scroll down the face I see it says paid by bank account debit or credit card payment plan or electronic federal tax payment system EFT yes yes it atonic federal tax payment system you can just click there yeah I did it and after that hold on sure because you have not so sure sure about this DF CPS system so because my senior officer is working on your file that's why I'm just checking out here I'll let you know sir after that click daily what option we see there do you see option of mega payment and n roll I see EFTPS enrollment is that what you're asking when you click on EFTPS system you will be getting an option to it's in a red ball make a payment and one is there and roll I do see where it says enroll yes you can click on enroll and after that so you will be getting like options on up in a box there were reading something there and under that is written I accept Privacy Act and paperwork reduction Act you have to click that I have to click make a payment or enroll okay okay I do see the Privacy Act yes you have to play that small box we'll be there you understand except yeah after that you have to click on individual okay here it's going to ask for your information okay and after that once you put this information here after that it is going to ask for a PIN number and a password which you don't have that right now you see the option so now you see the phone they're like how many taxpayers was your day primary type their name it's asking for a routing number account number reenter accounting number but it's not asking for a PIN number no for the pin number one key for the information because you have to put that pin number within like 20 minutes and it will be like 10 to 15 minutes to get the pin number also how do I get a routing number and account number is that for my check-in Okello oh yeah it is rare checking yeah okay so once you fill in this form right I don't have to fill this one so because you don't have the pin numbers it will take like 10 to 50 MS would get the thinner also but you don't have the pin number so to generate a pin number sir you have to make this payment EFTPS like there's a voucher that voucher will help you to generate the pin number and a password okay farmer don't fill this form right now sir because once you fill this one automatically it's going to ask for the pin number and the password after that well why not just fill it out get it over with because if you feel this one right now it will ask for the pin number and password in which you have to put that at that time only if you don't don't put that - the money will vent off then don't do that otherwise your money will be is gone then well that's why you have to go I wasn't there and a password that's why we're doing well so be gone right now it's not going to go to the main headquarters nd right code this money in the main head for a fire - you have to purchase EFTPS router first which is available in your many of the stores as well that's not what this is saying doesn't say any of that it's asking for financial information that's the website I think is providing neither account number reenter account data account type SS checking so I'm putting in my routing information right now so I did I read I'm reading to you it says it's asking for my primary tax payer social security number my name my phone yeah and then below that financial information which is for either a checking or savings account I'm gonna use my checking account right that's what I have so I can just pay you guys right now right from this website I don't have to go to store it right on my checking account the website is going to ask for your PIN number and a password also you mean after well after yeah after you I tried giving my routing number yes right now please don't pay anything sir don't pay anything because your money is not going to the Treasury Department you have to pay this money to the Treasury Department sir not to me electronic federal tax payment system that's exactly what closes go straight to the government that's why old government electric electronic shuttle has payment system means it's a voucher first the voucher will come first well luckily I'm only paid luckily I can review it before it's complete so I'll know that it couldn't be whether I have to go or not because apparently I don't have to go anyplace I'm filling it out right now as we're talking there you don't have to do that otherwise not going to talk goes annoying this quarter then I'd mean I don't mind doing them now while I'm waiting for the next guy there that you got gonna turn me tool but I might as well fill it in and get it over with the fee I told that even I don't have the exact full information with me that's why I'm telling don't do that okay asking for Dean lumber I'm clicking review it's not asking for a PIN number this is to watch the film there may be possible that I am wrong somewhere that if I'm can you don't pay that right now may be possible I may be wrong somewhere because I told you that I don't have big exact information with me because my senior officer is working on your file right now he has the exact information there okay six thousand seven hundred and ninety dollars give me little pay now review don't do anything right otherwise maybe I'll do that I can get it what trouble then I I think I put in the wrong social security number it's a good thing I didn't do it quick click yeah when I'm clicking for you Social Security numbers wrong and I see I mix up two digits I'm fixing it don't worry you're right thank you sir I'm saying sir maybe positive that I am wrong somewhere that is why please don't make any payment right now otherwise if your money is gone then sir I will be in the legal trouble then trouble for me paying my taxes if anything you should get an accommodation for me paying on time sir if I make any mistake from my end that I can get to India troubles I told that I don't have to exact full information with me that is my senior officer because right now I am doing yourself I don't have the exact information right that's fine thank these don't do anything right now if I you make the payment like that only if the money goes somewhere else then I might get into the trouble sir okay well I won't do it but you owe me one then because I could be paying a rate like yes I do me a favor if we're ever in a bar something together and you owe me a drink because I could be paying it right now but I don't want you to get in trouble thank you so much sir just give me a mall please sir thank you you're right sir give me mostly you this is long distance to me you know I'd appreciate if you spitted SR and I'm just talking to my office only but what should i do then because it also take some time to stop here that's 1/4 day because that is most important for you for it I do apologize er yeah if I pay and print up to receipt when the cops come they'll see that I just paid it but if you paid in the wrong way then I might get into a trouble dancer that's better than me going to jail you get that arrest worm hanging over me I don't want I don't want to the restaurant right now don't you That's not me was going to cancel the arrest warrant that the courthouse because the coat house has the right to release the restoring the coat house has the right to cancel the arrest warrant and even I don't want you to now to get in really get into any legal trouble then but you are so cooperating with out there thank you you've been very good with me I'm very kind even even though thank you so much fish it thank you give me a moment sir can you hear me I can hear you I'm waiting but this is this is gonna be expensive for me this is long distance sir let me tell you the line transfer to me this is Eric Edward from accounting department and I'm the supervisor I receive a transfer call from your text concerned officer telling me that you want to go ahead and you want to resolve the issue am I correct well that's what we just talked about Jeffrey okay and you are visiting the website for the payment right I believe so yes I went to the website that you told me already Jeff okay so they on with the next guy Jeffrey when are you gonna put me on with the next guy sir this is the officer the line French for Jermaine this is super finance that you transfer like you transferred the line to yourself you're Jeffrey tribunal no sir no no this is Eric Edward now what happened the line plan for this is supervisor Eric Edward Eric Edward with the exact same voice just give me a moment you if you like the conversation please like and subscribe and leave a comment you [Music]
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 37,883
Rating: 4.8720264 out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, scambaiter, scambaiting, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, phone call to scammer, phone call to IRS scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, microsoft scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, scamming the elderly, irs scammer, government grant scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey
Id: XNhfQBuHXyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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