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what is going on everybody good morning i'm hunter thanks for checking into the channel today i got a special one for you we've got all the rail up i've got all my holes drilled for iron balusters so today i'm going to show you a quick how-to on we're going to just do quick measurements we're going to cut them outside on an iron cutting saw and then we're going to bring them in and i'm going to show you just a simple trick on how to install secure them no liquid nail just a screw if you have any iron balusters at home and let's say one or two were a little loose or you can hear them wobble walking up and down the stairs or the kids are running their hands down them and a couple of them are loose this is going to be a simple trick that you as a homeowner can do at home just to tighten up that baluster and walk away so here we go guys i'm going to start off i got my block for scrap measurements here and uh we're just going to get my measurements then we're going to get head out to the saw and we're going to get cutting now technically when i'm measuring this out guys i'm going to want it to go i'm going to want it to be about an inch and a half larger than this than the opening that i have all right we're back outside now we got boxes full of iron we need to start opening these get some of these balusters out and then we're gonna get this set up [Music] all right guys we got our dewalt 14 inch saw we got an iron or a steel cutting blade for our iron balusters to cut on it here we do have our handy for some odd reason they're 7-11 safety glasses so it's about time we snag these boys on oh man yeah all right so now guys i got 84 balusters is my total count on how much i need in this house so i got 84 laid out on the table here now we have some with different measurements some are going on the rakes of the stairs where you're going up and down the stairs and some are on the flat so different measurements but i'm going to start off with my most amount and i need per my block i need 52 at 36 and three quarters so i'm gonna put the blade down right there get it hooked on i'm gonna come over my 36 three quarters i'm just going to clamp this down here guys and this is just you know so i don't have to measure every single baluster no one wants to do that so we got our block got it set this guy's ready to go it's pretty loud but let's start cutting guys [Music] [Applause] so all right so you see me laying them out and i'll cut it so let's cut it real quick and then you see me doing something like this all i'm doing is i'm just scratching those little birds whether you can see them on the edge or not i'm just scratching those burrs off all i'm doing is just scratching those off it makes it a lot easier and maybe maybe so you don't cut your finger but it makes a lot easier for it to slide down into the hole so you see me cut and you see me roll it on the saw it's just to debur that edge fits easier into the wood it doesn't it slides in nicer and you'll see later why alright guys 52 of those boom done next size it's 35 so get this loose get this on the edge where we want it we need to slide this guy down get it to my 35 mark clamp it back up so it stays we're off to cutting again beautiful house right look at this thing massive got a finished basement in this thing over 7 000 square feet beautiful we just got all the balusters cut now we just need to run them in start the install process of screwing them in let's do it all right guys ran all those pieces back in so we have all of our balusters kind of leaning up against the wall or laying on the floor kind of where we need to install them but the next rule of business these are the little boots and let's get a baluster here these boots slide on and cover the bottom but there are two different types both of them have an allen screw i believe it's closest i think it's a number three allen but there's two allen screws to then tighten to the baluster after install but two separate types of boots one is obviously for our rake this is the rake down the stringers the rake of the rail and then obviously the other boot is for our flat runs so save you the headache my next rule of business is to take all of these each one is kind of individual in bubble wrap inside a little baggie so i have to go through each one take them out of the baggie lay them out all next to the holes that's the next order of business so let's do it all right guys on my knees now got some knee pads on i'm just going to do a couple just so you see and then we'll explain it here a little bit further um on what i'm doing how i'm doing it but uh we've already got the holes up top drilled we've leveled down each hole marked the center drilled those out we've cut our balusters we've got our boots ready and we're gonna face our boots we're going to face the allen all one way just to make it look clean and to make it easier when we go to tighten them so in this case i'm facing all the allen key screws that will tighten on the ball so i'm going to face them to the wall but make sure you slide it on first make sure you got her in the hole next one same thing allen key is already faced to the wall sometimes gotta kind of work at it to get it in here we go okay one more here and then we'll get a little close up i'll try to get a nice close-up since i'm in here snug so be gentle be gentle take your time [Music] okay so you can see that we have our holes up top there's my thumb up there we got holes up top and then we got our holes at the bottom so just hear me out while i do this let's get the drill out of the way we slip the baluster we got the allen key let's see the allen key okay slip the baluster gosh of course i have the sorry i got the hardest one here because i didn't and then deeper this edge okay let's try another balancer my bad try this again okay slip it in we've got the allen key right we're facing the allen key towards the wall so i turned it now just focus there on the bottom for me i'm going to slide it into the top ready let's just kind of just view up so we've got our hole up top and i've got it in and i'm just going to pull tie it up okay now guys super simple inch and a quarter drywall screws now i know some people think oh well we liquid nails are in ours in you know and that's well they they fail over time the liquid nail doesn't keep true all the time it kind of sometimes holds for that first year and then it fails so drywall screw i am pulling up tight on the baluster i have it squared out to where i light okay and i'm getting the screw right here on the inside i'm running it in holding the baluster up until we get i don't know if you can see it the screw down here is pinched against the baluster tight in the wood and that thing if you could tell boom there you have it one nice rail all nice and snug [Music] okay hold up hold up let's just go over this one more quick time it is simple to me at least to understand and figure out but let's go over one more time got our baluster our boot we got our set screw pointed towards us this time this whole run we're going down we're bringing it back up so it's snug we're getting a inch and a quarter drywall screw guys the cheapest screw almost you could buy at home depot and i am pulling up on the baluster to make it tight up top and i am holding it there i'm not lifting it so i'm bending the wood bending the rail i'm holding it there as i'm screwing in that screw and tightening it very simple um most balusters do have this little nib or nip at the top where it's just round and a little a little smaller than the square detail of this baluster but for this case all the holes up top are half inch paddle bit holes half inch the holes in the bottom are 11 16. [Music] so [Music] last but not least guys last step all iron secure everywhere but now our boots are still loose so what we need to do is we need to get our number three allen and we need to go through and it's tedious that's why i have a longer one to fit it around these sides here and we need to go through and just tighten each one don't tighten it too tight to the point where the allen strips or anything just get it snug and it's not going anywhere and that's it done it's in fancy i like it but in this case guys i'm going to loosen this one back up i'm not going to go through all these and tighten them because the painter's going to come in he's going to tape all these up in order to stain underneath every boot and when i come back in here to finish putting in some door knobs putting in the rest of the baseboard on top of all the finished floor i'll also come through and tighten every boot in here if you've stuck with me this long thank you so much appreciate it i really do and i hope you learned something or just enjoyed watching me be on my hands and knees and running around cutting iron and kind of going crazy today hope you enjoyed it hammer that like button please subscribe and turn on notifications three weeks from now four weeks from now i'll be walking this entire house we'll do a full walk through of this so you can see all 7 000 square feet of this dr horton home here in castle rock thank you so much guys hope you have a good rest of the rest of the day stay safe we're out [Music]
Channel: Hunter Carlson
Views: 40,598
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: staircase remodel, iron baluster installation, home improvement, how to install iron balusters, staircase renovation, Iron spindles, spindles for stairs, carpentry, dewalt tools, handrail, construction, woodworking, wood and iron handrail, stair installation, how-to, balusters, stair materials, iron boots, decorative stairs, do it yourself, wrought iron balusters, balustrade, stair products, iron stair parts, stair building materials, interior design, L.J. Smith, Banister
Id: bnAtHoLXaqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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