Carolina Stair Supply - Rail Zip Clip Installation

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and today we're going to be using the Z clip system to change over these old wooden balusters to a new modern metal balusters and zip clip is usable with any half inch metal balusters system that you use we've got two different styles that we're using today we have ones that have a level shoe in a fixed plate in them we're using those up on the balcony both the top and the bottom of the balcony and down below we on the brake rail we have the red shoe and a level shoe comes packaged this way and we're actually going to be using to break shoes down on there on the stair rail and we also have an adjustable clip here that allows you to adjust any angle to get the balusters at the proper rate of the stair so these are the two systems that we're going to use here today and we're going to show you here how we're going to use okay after after I've installed the bottom clip I want to use a level plum bowels directors can cut to length um you notice on on the clips here the system that decide that is open that you slip the balusters into that on a rake stair like this that will be the opposite from top to bottom so if you put it on this side on the bottom cliff you simply flip the clip over and that way to clip will go on the top of the rail and that keeps it proper for the to sit over time oh there you have a plan between a twist and a double basket just making easier to install your screw okay you you
Channel: Carolina Stair Supply
Views: 36,637
Rating: 4.8290596 out of 5
Id: Di4Mng3wQUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2015
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