iPhone 12 Hidden Features — Top 12 List

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today i'm going to be showing you the best hidden features for your brand new iphone 12 pro iphone 12 or iphone 12 pro max these are the best tips tricks and hidden features that you can use on your iphone 12 running ios 14 to become an absolute iphone expert so let's get started on the best hidden features tips and tricks for iphone 12 and ios 14. now when you're in the camera application and let's say you're not in video mode but you want to quickly take a video let's say you're taking some pictures and you want to take a video all you have to do is press and hold the volume up button and you automatically switch to video mode so you can quickly start capturing a video and then once you release it stops that video that's a way to quickly capture a video even when you're in camera mode without having to swipe over to video then start the video when you're in the camera app just simply press and hold on the volume up button and it'll start taking a video automatically now in the settings you can actually change this to have it be a burst series of photos so you take a variety of photos all at once you can update that in the settings application as well if you'd prefer but i like having this enabled so i can quickly take a video when i need to this next hidden feature is absolutely incredible it allows you to tap on the back of your phone yes you heard me right on the back of my phone in order to make things pop up on the screen and there's a lot of customization that's available for this this is definitely a hidden feature watch this all i have to do is tap on my phone just twice in the back like so sometimes a little finicky here there we go and as you can see the control center pops up just like that i don't know why it took a second at the beginning there but as you can see here it just pops up just like that just tapping twice on the back of your phone now i also can be able to tap three times in order to activate another function and this one is actually the hidden home button that's available that's another hidden feature if i do three taps as you can see i can activate another feature of my phone and in this case it's the hidden home button now we're gonna show you how the hidden home button works in just a second how to enable that but what i want to show you is how to set up this tapping feature get rid of it by doing three taps again remember sometimes it is a little bit finicky because this is not exactly how your phone is supposed to work right but you have this hidden feature again two taps control center opens up and there's a lot of customization for what you can do with this so i'm gonna show you exactly how to set this up right now in the settings so now i'm gonna show you how you can enable that back tab right here on your phone just go into the settings scroll down to accessibility and then what you're going to do is you're going to click right here on touch and then in touch you're going to scroll down until you get to back tap right here at the bottom again this is definitely a hidden feature because it's kind of hidden away in here and then what you're going to do is you're just going to enable the double tap and triple tap so as you can see here i chose control center but there's a wide variety as well you can get this accessibility shortcut app switcher home screen mute notification center reachability you can even get it to take a screenshot you can have it enable siri right let's just do the siri one watch this now we just tap on the back twice like so and siri should pop up come on might not actually work while we're updating it so just like that so you can see siri popped up all right we don't need you any more serious thank you yeah no worries and let's go right back over to our settings application so you can see here that we can enable siri or we can have it be control center like i did before i think we do need to be outside of the settings for this to work but as you can see if we just tap twice right in the back the control center pops up now you can probably notice that it is a little bit tricky to get it to work every time and that's because your phone wasn't necessarily built for you to tap the back of the screen but it seems to work about two out of every three times that i do it and you can see that it pops up with those additional features now you can also enable what you want to do for the triple tap now what we have done is we've turned on assistive touch so if we scroll down you can see there's a wide variety i mean there's so many of these you can have invert you can have scroll down you can also have shortcuts like calculate tip directions home email schedule you know home eta there's a wide variety here as well you can actually add more shortcuts too accessibility all of these with this back tap this is an incredible hidden feature and it's something that i guarantee not many people know about this is the exact type of thing we wanted to show you in this video so be sure to give this video a like if you learned something new this is something new that you've learned you can see here that we've got the triple tap now we've added assistive touch we'll show you how to use that a little bit later but you can see that assistive touch if we tap three times pops up with this assistive touch which i call the virtual home button right here at the bottom and you can see that that pops up with all kinds of different things shortcuts to do we'll show you exactly how this works a little bit later on in the video but that's how you can use the back tap as you can see we can just tap it three more times get rid of the assistive touch two times is going to allow us to have the control center pop up again like i said doesn't work always all the time but it's the back tap that you can set up over here and this is definitely a hidden feature right here in ios 14. a new feature in ios 14 is you can actually hide pages so let's say you have a variety of pages but you don't necessarily want to have all of them there at once all you have to do is press and hold and then actually click on the pages icon down here like so click here you can see all of the different pages you have available to you now what you can decide to do is let's say you want to hide a couple of these you see here i have a bunch of you know folders filled with a lot of different apps these are usually apps that i review but maybe don't use every day so what i can do is i can deselect these and so now these pages are hidden i can of course always go back and re-enable them later but now i actually don't have those pages of apps anymore it skips past those and that way i can more easily and quickly get to the app library if i ever want to add those again all i have to do is again price and hold go to the pages and just re-enable the pages down here and then they'll appear again for me when i click done and you can see there i have my pages available to me again that's a nice hidden feature that you can enable right here in ios 14. ios 14 now adds the brand new translate app which allows you to more easily translate conversations and text instantly into other languages so you probably already know about this i'll just give you a quick demo right here you can now automatically translate with the new translate app just like so and you can see that it'll automatically translate that into the language of your choice you can also save specific replies as favorites as well so let's say you figure out how to say you know where is the bathroom or you have a certain allergy or dietary restriction that's convenient as well and what you can also do is play this back as well now what you may not know is if you actually go into if you go into landscape mode you can actually take a look at the text a little bit larger just by going into landscape and then clicking the full view just like that that way you can get very easy view that you can show the person you're trying to communicate with obviously you can of course use the the voice translation as well but this is going to allow you to have something that's more visual so you can easily show people when you're looking to translate again all you have to do is just rotate your phone like so and it'll automatically show up now sometimes it might appear like this you just have to click the expand icon to automatically have that translation in an expanded view do you ever just want to draw that perfect shape but you can't seem to get it now a hidden feature right here in ios 14. this is kind of a fun one is that you're actually able to draw the perfect shape now all you have to do is let's say you're drawing a shape you know normally you just draw a circle it might not turn out that great but what you can do now is if you draw that circle and then you pause at the end of it and just hold for a second you can see that it turns automatically into the perfect circle now you can do the exact same thing with a star and a variety of other shapes as well you just need to pause at the end of your drawing and it'll automatically draw that perfect shape this is a fun one but a little hidden feature i wanted to add in here as well on ios 14 you can now customize your home screen to add custom widgets check this out as you can see here we have the weather widget and we have a variety of different widgets like our calendar top news stories and even a photo album as well just by swiping through this widget stack now we're going to show you how to add and change the stack in just a second but you might be wondering how do you even get these widgets on your home screen in the first place so what you're going to do is you're just going to press and hold anywhere on the home screen that's not on an app itself press and hold and as you can see all of the buttons start to jiggle all the icons that is and what you can do is you can go up here to the top left and you see how you have this new plus icon you're going to click that plus icon and as you can see here there's all of these different widgets that you can use now we've already selected the weather widget but let's just say we don't have it we're just going to remove it for a second here so we'll show you exactly how this works you're going to go press and hold and then you're going to click the plus button and you can see right there we have the smart stack and this includes the weather widget built right in so as you can see the smart stack has a variety of different widgets now you can choose if you want a small smart stack or if you want a kind of medium size banner style smart stack or you can even have a full featured smart stack that actually takes up a wide array of your home screen now i opted for the medium and middle size option i'm clicking add widget here and it adds it right up at the top now as you can see it moves all the rest of your apps over and on to the next page and because this is the smart stack you can see here that you're actually able to scroll through a wide array of different widgets right here on your home screen now let's say you wanted to change the dish the different widgets that you have right here in that smart stack all you have to do is press and hold on the smart stack itself and you can see you can edit weather which is you know the specific actual widget in the stack which is the weather app but you can also edit the whole stack so if you click edit stack you can see here that you can add different features to the smart stack and you can see that we have siri weather calendar news and you can actually rotate where you want each of these to be so if you want photos to come before news you can rotate it just like that now smart rotate also allows you to automatically determine what you're most likely to see so let's say you check the weather every morning it's going to automatically have the weather be the first thing that you see in the smart stack but then later on the day let's say you typically go ahead and check your calendar if that's the case it will automatically adjust and your iphone will know it'll actually show you the calendar as the first thing you see when you look at your smart stack in the morning now of course you can always just scroll through these just by swiping up and down to look at the different widgets in your smart stack now you can also add additional widgets to your iphone as well you can see here that i've added the clock widget all you have to do is press and hold on the home screen again and click the little plus icon up at the top and then you can actually search all of your different apps for different widgets you can see we have the fitness we have the clock notes and more so you can see here that we have a wide variety of variety of different widgets that are come available to us let's just say we wanted to add in another clock widget so we click on clock and you can see that we can actually swipe between a full clock face that we already have on our phone a world clock or even a world clock that's kind of in this this long horizontal view so let's just say we want this additional world clock just click add widget and you can see that it just adds the widget right there onto your home screen now if you want to move these around at any time let's say you want to move these down here you would just move these around like you would a regular application just like so as you can see we can switch where we want each widget to be and let's say we want to remove a widget all you have to do is just click the remove icon just like so so as you can see we can move these widgets around and this is one of the absolute best features that they have in ios 14 you're going to want to do a lot of experimenting with this now let's say that you want to specifically you know change some of these widgets that you have you can press and hold on a specific widget you can see here you can edit weather so maybe you want to change the location i have my location right there but you can change that and tap on that same thing with the clock if you press and hold you can click edit widget and you can actually change the city now with the different widgets that you have and obviously all the different apps that you have might have different widgets you can actually choose and customize those widgets on your home screen just like so this is absolutely one of the best features in ios 14 you're really going to want to experiment with this of course you have the smart stack up here which i recommend adding right to the top of your home screen you can of course select this and you can edit the stack itself and what you can do of course is add additional widgets there's a wide array of additional widgets for all kinds of different applications that you may happen to use on your iphone so i recommend experimenting taking a look at them and looking at the wide array of different widgets that are available to you so hopefully you found this valuable and also let me know in the comments below what your favorite widgets are i'm constantly looking for new widgets to explore and use and some of our other app find viewers might be interested in that as well so be sure to let us know down in the comments what your favorite widget is so we can learn from you as well i hope you guys are enjoying this video on the best hidden features for ios 14 we have a lot more where these came from but first we want to show you an incredible application that's going to allow you to earn free gift cards amazon gift cards paypal cash and rewards just by using your iphone so we're going to show you that app and then we'll be right back with some more incredible hidden features so now i'm going to show you how you can earn free gift cards and rewards with an incredible app that lets you earn cash and gift cards just for completing surveys browsing the web going online it is incredible and so you can actually sign up and get a five dollar bonus right now if you use our link so you're gonna go exactly to this link open up your mobile safari browser and go to bit.leebit.ly get swagbucks bonus just like this b i t dot ly says g e t s w a g b u c k s b o n u s bit dot e slash get swagbucks bonus it's right here on the screen and also we'll put it in the description make sure you go to that exact link in order to get the five dollar bonus as you can see you're automatically going to be able to get the five dollar bonus by going to bit dot le get swagbucks bonus as you can see you can earn free gift cards to your favorite stores like amazon itunes uh you can even earn paypal cash and then all you have to do is sign up with your email address put in a password or you can even sign up with facebook now as you can see they give out incredible gift cards all you have to do is sign up using this link answer surveys watch videos go online and then redeem those points and they've paid out over 372 million dollars to their members that is incredible so you can see here that they have a ton of different testimonials on trustpilot they have all of these reviews so you know that they actually pay out you know that they're legitimate they've been around for a long time so all you have to do is go to bit.lee slash get swagbucks bonus link right here on the screen and in the description sign up with your email address and a password or with facebook and then click continue we're gonna do that right now and then we're gonna get our five dollar bonus so you can see once you do that it says your gift card is just clicks away you can go ahead and take some surveys you can activate different offers or you could just go to the home page and as you can see here once you verify your email and you sign up through that you're going to get five dollars in rewards they have all kinds of incredible rewards just for shopping watching videos answering questions searching right here you can literally just search the web like you normally would and you can get these swag bucks that you can redeem for rewards there's all kinds of different ways in order to redeem get cash get rewards right here on swagbucks you can even just watch videos and earn rewards as well and then of course you can redeem those rewards in order to get incredible gift cards so as you can see here the coveted paypal amazon gift cards itunes gift cards they often have sales it is absolutely incredible look at this the itunes gift cards has sales and you're going to get five dollars for free just by going to bit dot lee slash get swagbucks bonus right here on the screen in the description you help to support our show but you're also going to be able to get that five dollar bonus right off the bat so go down there in the link in the description sign up for swagbucks and start earning today at least to get your five dollar bonus but it's really easy to earn additional rewards additional gift cards and cash right here with swagbucks this next hidden feature allows you to enable sound recognition on your device now this can help you if you're hard of hearing uh or if you need additional assistance or it could just be a fun little hidden feature to install on your phone just to have in the background so whether you're using this for more of a practical purpose and you need this or if it's just a fun feature definitely is a hidden feature here so it's sound recognition and so what you want to do is just search sound recognition right here at the top and so you can see here that we have sound recognition it's actually in accessibility so you can also go to it through accessibility and then you can see here that you can actually turn on sound recognition just turn it on like so and then you can choose the sounds that you want to recognize so for instance if you want to recognize a fire alarm siren or smoke you can actually add those to here as well so all you have to do is enable these and then you can turn on sound recognition and it's going to automatically alert you if it hears a fire alarm a siren or smoke you can also do that with animals like cats and dogs and then also there's some more practical ones down here like babies crying now this can be really valuable if you especially if you're hard of hearing uh or some or if you you or somebody you know happens to be deaf you can use this as well it'll automatically appear with a pop-up notification right here on your phone now here's the other thing as well this could also be valuable in order to set it up for something like baby crying so you can get that notification especially if you have your apple watch on as well you can get that notification maybe you have earplugs in at a point in time so it's not just necessarily if you have uh if you need hearing assistance you can also have other practical uses for it or you could just have it installed in the background as something fun that you're trying out but either way this is the sound recognition whether it's something that you're looking to have it's a helpful feature or just something you want to give a try it's right here in the sound recognition function it's definitely a hidden feature right here in ios 14. in ios 14 you can now reply directly to messages in your imessage app all you have to do is press and hold on the message and in addition to the reactions that you're used to getting you can also click reply and then what that will do is it'll allow you to reply directly to that message and so people can see inline responses so you could say something like that's great and then what it'll do is it'll actually have this be a reply to that original message you can now enhance your recordings to get rid of background noise things like that that might be going on the background like that just by using so what you can do is you can enhance these recordings just by using this new wand icon to edit your recordings watch this we can clean up how this recording sounds this was one wasn't actually that bad but imagine you're out and about you're in a bit busy street or area you want to make sure that you have this recording um and it doesn't have so much background noise all you have to do is press this little button right here at the top left it'll automatically clean up that audio for you watch this you can now enhance your recordings to get rid of background noise things like that that might be going on the background like that see how it got rid of that area and it's just by using that feature right there to enhance your recordings now this one wasn't actually that bad to begin with but you'll notice a much stronger change if you have an audio recording that has a lot of wind or noise in the background you can use that automatic enhance similar to the automatic enhance that you can do on a photo that you take on your iphone i want to invite you to sign up for app find vip where we're sending the best mobile apps and games directly to your email inbox all you have to do is go to appfindvip.com it's right here on the screen and in the description and what we're doing is we're consistently sending the best mobile apps and games directly to your email and you'll automatically be entered to win itunes gift cards google play gift cards and all of our giveaways that we have exclusively for app find vip subscribers now this is completely free and we're sending out the best mobile apps and games let's say you only want to receive the best apps you don't have to choose the games feature or if you just want to receive the best games you can choose what subscription works best for you but of course it's completely free so just put in your name email address and of course choose the emails you want to receive and of course i recommend receiving the giveaways because we're constantly giving out itunes gift cards amazon gift cards google play gift cards just for being an email newsletter subscriber so you can automatically enter to win those giveaways so go to appfindvip.com we'll send the best mobile apps and games directly to your email inbox that way you never miss an incredible new mobile app or mobile game and you're automatically entered to win our gift card giveaways go to appfindvip.com and i'm looking forward to seeing you there this next hidden feature is a little more serious and it's not necessarily specific to ios 14 but i always want to include this because it has the potential to save you from a negative situation and the way that i see it is even if this just helps one person then that's worth it and it's enabling emergency sos i encourage all of you to enable this on your phone so if you go into emergency sos what this allows you to do is add call with side button and auto call for emergency services if you get into a negative situation now you may already know that if you press and hold on the power and volume up button at the same time you'll have the ability to power off get a medical id and even access emergency sos by swiping that you'll get access to emergency sos let me just cancel that and type in my passcode but what you may not know is you can also turn on if you go into emergency sos in the settings call with side button when you enable that all you have to do is rapidly press this side button five times in order to automatically call emergency services make sure you also turn auto call on as well so it will automatically call emergency services and notify your emergency contacts that you might be in trouble now hopefully this is something you never have to use but i wanted to show you this because it's better to install this now and turn this on now so that you have it just in case so that's emergency sos which is a feature that's a little bit hidden it's not necessarily unique to ios 14 but it's something i want to show you because even if this just helps one person then it's worth including it in this video you can now mirror your selfie camera so that it actually has a true natural view of what you look like instead of using a mirror image so you can scroll down to the camera application this is definitely a hidden feature here scroll down to the camera application and then you can see here that you can actually have the ability to mirror front camera which you can turn on and what that's going to allow you to do is get a more natural view of what things look like instead of having a beer in the mirror image when you're taking a selfie this next one's really quick but if you actually swipe down and you start to search an application siri will actually have a suggestion of what it thinks you're about to type in so for instance because i go on youtube a lot you can see that this is pre-selected it has that little halo around it you can see it has a little white box uh drop you know kind of drop shadow around it all you have to do is click go and it'll automatically open that top suggestion so if you type this if you start typing something in and um siri thinks that that's what you're actually going to go to like with settings you can see that's the top suggestion just click go and it'll automatically open it instead of having to you know move your hand all the way up over there and actually you know tap it manually yourself if you're watching your favorite apple tv show or show on your iphone what you can now do is use this icon right up here at the top to actually just minimize the show so it's in the bottom of your screen so for instance let's say you're watching a show like mythic quest which by the way is a great show on apple tv you can take this widget and put it down here and actually play the show in the background while you're doing whatever else you want to do so let's say you're browsing or you're you know you happen to be online whatever it happens to be maybe you're using a productivity app but you want to have that show running in the background you can do that right here with this very simple pop out widget for your favorite tv show that's playing either on apple tv or one of your favorite streaming applications so now i want to show you an incredible hidden app that allows you to earn rewards and cashback just by using your iphone let's take a look now we have a few apps that are going to allow you to earn and save money while shopping online they have big sign up bonuses now you can use these even if you don't usually shop online a lot or go grocery shopping because you can use these apps at convenience stores when you are shopping online and you could rack up some serious money that you can earn and big reward bonuses so i recommend at least getting the initial reward bonus on each of these apps we're going to show you exactly how this works right now so now i'm going to show you this incredible app that you can use to earn cash back and rewards whenever you're shopping online and we're going to give you our special link that you can use to get a 10 bonus just for signing up so you're going to want to follow along and go to this url it's bit.le bit.ly slash get ebates bonus just like this bit.ly g-e-t [Music] e-b-a-t-e-s-b-o-n-u-s bit.list get ebates bonus right here on the screen and also down there in the description click go and as you can see here you're going to get 10 when you sign up and just make your first purchase with ebates now it's now called rakuten right but it's the same thing as ebay so it's rakuten ebates so this is what you're going to want to sign up for and so you're just going to put in your email password click join now and that's going to qualify you to get that 10 reward so we're going to do that real quick and show you inside of the app so once you open up the app you can see that it is ebates rakuten so you can see right here they did re-brand a little bit so they used to be called ebates now they're rakuten but you can go through and take a look and see here that you're able to shop at a variety of different stores and earn cash back like macy's ralph lauren under armour newegg um amazon walmart now amazon isn't always the case so be careful because sometimes there's different categories but walmart dick's sporting goods right groupon old navy you know ebay gap best buy a wide variety of places you're shopping online kohl's look at this kohl's 12 cash back imagine if you're just shopping on on kohl's already if you're not using this app you're missing out on 12 cash back that you can use from rakuten ebay so you can see here you can actually get that 12 cash back now if you scroll through you'll also notice that it tells you about coupons like take 10 off 15 off 10 off you know certain orders you can see here it'll give you the coupon codes as well so you can actually stack coupons and cashback and it's as simple as this to earn cashback just click shop now as you can see 12 percent activated and then you can see that it pops up right here and as you can see this is kohl's and you can see at the top 12 cashback activated you can also click on seven deals you can copy coupon codes that are available too so you can stack coupon codes and cashback that you get from this application now the extra benefit another thing that you can stack on top of this and there's a wide variety of different stores macy's is one of my favorites to use this at as you can see six percent cash back and it shows you coupons as well once you download this app by going to bit dot least get ebates bonus it's right here on the screen and in the description you'll get a 10 bonus once you spend 25 at any of these stores within 90 days so you have some time to go in and spend money at any of these stores just 25 you'll get the cash back and because you use the link bit dot lee slash get ebates bonus you will also get a 10 gift card so i highly recommend taking a look here you can see there's a wide variety of different stores that you can shop at i mean look at this right if you're going to shop at kohl's already you can see hotels.com priceline gamestop there's a wide variety of different places you can shop online at and earn cashback so i highly recommend going to bit dot lee slash get ebates bonus to get your 10 bonus and earn cashback whenever you shop let's say you wanted to watch a video in 4k because you want to get all of those vivid colors right here on your iphone let's say you're watching a video on youtube i'm just using was as an example looks like a pretty cool video here on costa rica all you have to do is tap the icon at the top right the more settings go to quality and then you can see here that you now have the ability to display videos in complete 4k so just choose the 4k option and then when you're playing that video you can automatically now play it in 4k so you can watch it in the best resolution possible these next couple hidden features pertain to the app library where of course you have all of the variety of different applications that are available to you it's right here at the end of your your phone if you swipe all the way to the right and so what this is is you actually have a couple customizations that you can do so if you scroll down to the home screen you can see here that you can have newly downloaded apps maybe you don't want them to be on the home screen you just want to add them to the library you can change this to app library only and if you want you can actually turn on notification badges in the app library but be careful if you're like me and you have hundreds and hundreds of messages and emails coming in all the time you might want to keep the app library a little bit uncluttered with those badge icons but again of course it's up to you these hidden features are right here in the home screen settings of your settings application and that will allow you to change the different settings for your app library now i'm going to show you how you can add a virtual home button right here to the bottom of your iphone you can see here that this is a virtual home button and it pops up with a wide array of different things that you can use like apple pay of course home itself control center device siri you can add custom features as well and it's this virtual home button that you can have right here on the screen now we showed you earlier how you can do the triple tap the back tap to enable that but what i want to show you how to do is how to set this up itself so this is called assistivetouch now let's say you're over here in settings it does take a little bit to get to because remember this is a hidden feature so if you go to settings and then you're going to go to accessibility then you're going to go to touch and then you're going to go right at the top here to assistivetouch and then you're going to hit enable so by default it'll be off this is enable and you can add it right down here and as you can see you can customize a lot of these features so you can customize the menu so you can choose how many icons you have let's say you want to add another icon just click plus and you can see there's a wide variety of different things that you can do so there's analytics there's you know double tap there's go home there's lock rotation rotate screen sos spotlight all of these different features and you can even have things like calculate tip let's just add that in so i think that's pretty fun so watch this so now what we can do is let's say we're on any given screen we're at the bottom here we tap on the virtual home button we can tap on calculate tip and automatically what we can do is we can write in you know what's the bill okay so let's say it's a hundred dollars and actually this is kind of a bad example so let's do 132 dollars because i don't want to do something that makes me seem dumb but so we'll just hit uh done and then you can see here how much would you like to tip let's say you want to tip 20 and there you go it'll give you the tip right at the top now that's actually a shortcut that you can enable but you can see here that it's right here in this virtual home button now you also have the ability to go home itself access the control center access apple pay a wide variety of different things now i just choose to put the button down here at the bottom i love the way that it looks as a virtual home button but you can move the button over here you can move the button basically wherever you want when you're not using it it will fade into the background now course what we showed you earlier in addition to having this button here there's a lot of different features you can play around with the opacity you can play around with you know exactly where it pops up how it works you know if you do a single tap to open the menu but maybe you want the single tap just to go home so if we scroll down here and i'll show you actually how this will work is if you have the um the the single tap go home and then the double tap might open up the menu so watch this so now let's say that you're in an application like you're in uh you're in settings now if you tap this button down here it will literally act like a virtual home button right it'll take you home so if you were if you missed that home button you used to have on your old iphone it now acts as that and if you double tap then it'll open up the menu and actually i prefer setting it up like that that's why i wanted to show you how that works so that way you can actually tap this to go home so if you're in an app you tap it once and then you'll exit out or if you double tap it you're going to access the menu now of course you can also enable the back tap that we showed you earlier that's over here at touch you scroll down to back tap and the way that i have it enabled is i have the triple tap add the assistive touch right there on the screen so whenever i tap the back of my phone three times it'll pop up with the assistive touch i hope you found this video valuable on the best hidden features tips and tricks for your iphone 12 iphone 12 pro and iphone 12 pro max let us know what your favorite hidden features are in the comments down below especially if you know any other ones as well like this video give it a thumbs up if you learned something valuable today share it with your friends so they can find the best hidden features for themselves as well and be sure to subscribe for more great content on the best iphone 12 12 pro and 12 pro max and ios 14 videos right here on app fine so subscribe we've got lots more content coming soon as well check out the apps we talked about in this video down in the description below and i'll see you guys on the next video bye
Channel: AppFind
Views: 317,536
Rating: 4.6836824 out of 5
Keywords: iphone 12 hidden features, iphone 12 pro hidden features, iphone 12 pro max hidden features, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iphone 12 features, iphone 12 secret features, hidden iphone 12 features, best iphone 12 features, hidden, iPhone, 12, Pro, Max, features, hidden features, secret, iphone 12 tips, iphone 12 tutorial, iphone 12 guide, iOS 14, guide, help, tips, tricks, tutorial, top 10, unknown, AppFind, iOS 14 Hidden Features, iPhone 12 pro hidden features
Id: 6nUzbfOGC9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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