iOS 14 - The Best Hidden Features + Tips & Tricks

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watch this let's get into it [Music] okay anyway so as you may have seen there my phone is now playing a custom sound anytime that i'm charging it or you know take it off the charger and that's all compliments of ios 14. this is the latest trend it seems and before i even begin this video huge thank you to everyone that watched the video regarding my setup and how i got it like this i'll link it somewhere up here as well as in the description box but if you're new to the channel um check me out what i like to talk about up here is pretty much anything in relation to technology so if that is of interest to you feel free to hit that subscribe button and the like button if you feel inclined too but in today's video what we're going to talk about are some tips and tricks things you may know or may not know that ios 14 brings to your phone lord let my phone make it through this video about it it's about to dash so with ios 14 came a lot of changes and thankfully if you're one of those that have been holding off on updating because you think your phone's gonna automatically look like this breathe it will not it does not automatically add widgets to your phone when you update to ios 14. customizing your phone to look like this is something that you have control over you can keep your phone looking as it has been before ios 14 or you can update it so that it looks like this so a lot of the changes like i said are subtle like for instance any time that you connect a bluetooth device to this you're going to get a little banner at the top now we're going to get to the charging sound effect later in the video because it's a bit more advanced and you know we want to ease our way up there so something that you may or may not know is the fact that you can now filter your messages now i'll be able to sort your messages so that people in your contact list are in a certain group and those who are not are in another group so the way you go about doing that is to head into your settings i find it easier to kind of just search for things so you're going to search for messages filter and then you're going to tap the messages result here that pulls up and you're going to scroll down to filter unknown senders and you're going to toggle that switch on so now when you head into your messages app and you'll notice now in the top left hand corner you have something called filters so if you tap on that it's going to take you to the main page which breaks down your messages so you have all messages which is everything known senders which are people in your contacts and unknown senders which are basically any numbers that aren't in your contacts so then you can tap on that and view that information separately another new feature that you will discover you have is the option to pin your contacts so that you have quick access to your favorite contacts at the top of your conversation list another cool feature within your messages is that you can reply to specific messages so this is really helpful especially when you're like in a group message and you want to respond to a specific message you can long press on it hit reply and it'll create its own kind of conversation thread of the responses to that statement one of my favorite things is the fact that we can now search for emojis because i don't care how many times i use an emoji i can never find it unless it's in my recently used section so you know how you might use google chrome instead of safari and you want to set that as your default browser you can now do that by setting default apps for different things like mail or you know your web browser but the way you go about doing it is to head into your settings then you're going to scroll all the way down till you get to your section of all of your apps once you're there you're going to find the app that you want so we're going to select chrome here and then you'll see an option that says default browser app and then you're going to select that and change it to the one that you want it to be i personally like google maps um apple maps has failed me one time too many but unfortunately currently at least you cannot set google maps as your default maps app so that sucks because i really that was the first thing i tried to do now something else that ios 14 introduced are some you know new privacy settings so now when you tap on the i next to the wi-fi network that you're connected to you have an option that says private address and what this is going to do is help reduce the tracking of your phone across different wi-fi networks so just you know extra level of security on top of that if you head into safari and you tap you know the little double a's in the top left it's gonna allow you to get a privacy report so if you tap on that it'll then show you how safari is protecting you against trackers from following you across different websites apple also stepped it up a notch by giving you visual indicators anytime that your camera or your mic is being used so if your camera is being used you're going to see a green dot and if your mic is being used you'll see an orange dot and while we're on the subject of sound there's a new feature known as sound recognition to gain access to this you're going to head into your settings search for sound recognition tap on it and then you're going to toggle the switch so that it turns it on and what this will do for you is give you a notification on your phone and your watch anytime certain sounds are heard so you can go in here and turn on the sounds that you want to be notified about but a feature that i am super duper excited about it's a small one is the option now that you have when you're in apple music and you have a playlist that you're listening to you can now tap on the song at the bottom and you'll see that you have a new symbol so what happens when you tap on that is that once your playlist is finished it's then going to play other similar artists i love that that is something that was on spotify that i missed when i went over to apple music so it then goes from being a playlist to almost a station and it's a great way to discover new music because that's how i discovered a lot of new music when i was using spotify now another feature you might like is spoken content so this is going to have your phone basically speak the text that it sees on the screen so if you head into your settings and you search for speak content and then you tap on that you have your two options up here where to either speak the selection or it'll read the entire screen so to activate it you're going to take two fingers you're going to swipe down from the top speak selection you can adjust the speed you can hide it but a really nice feature for those who might need it face time this is a feature that is just like long overdue and that is the ability to navigate away from your facetime call but still be able to see the person that you're facetiming and have them see you so now you can still edit your home screen as your face time and your friends because let's face it i think a lot of us are customizing our phones a lot more now that we have the option to this is one step closer to split screen a feature though that i'm really enjoying is the small call banner so now when someone calls you instead of it dominating your screen you can just have a little banner at the top that appears that you can dismiss when you don't want to answer your phone and when you do that you'll probably see a little phone icon in the top left i know it tripped me out at first because i thought i accidentally answered the call that's going to allow you to tap on it in case you do change your mind and you want to answer the call but if not it's just going to continue to ring out of your way if you want to enable that or disable that you're going to first head into your settings search for phone find the section incoming calls tap on it and then select if you want a banner or full screen i want a banner and while we're in the settings let's search for back tab so this is pretty cool because this is going to allow you to basically tap the back of your phone and perform a specific action so on minds i have it set up so that if i triple tap the back of my phone it'll take a screenshot so to customize that after you search for it in your settings you're going to tap on touch and you're going to scroll down to the bottom select back tap and then you're going to select what happens if you double tap or triple tap now i chose a triple tap because i feel like i'm a double tap by accident a lot also with ios 14 you know how you would go into an application and it would want access to your photos you now have more control over that so you can tell it that you want it to be able to only select specific photos or you can give it access to all of your photos now this to me is something that you might want to do asap and that's head into your settings to turn off precise location so these apps that want your location by default will have precise location turned on to turn this off you're going to head into your settings scroll to the bottom where your apps are find the one that you want to change then when you're on the location settings for that app you're going to turn precise location off now this next one is another one of my favorite features i know i have a lot of them and that's the ability to hide a specific page so to do that you're going to long press on your wallpaper you're going to get into wiggle mode or jiggle mode you're going to tap these three dots at the bottom and you can tap on the page in which you want to hide and then hit done and done again and now that page is no longer there but if i want to bring it back long press again tap the dots at the bottom tap the page that you want select done done and it's back like it never left this is so useful because say for instance i have a certain setup when i'm traveling or a certain setup for work i can have these pages be visible and hidden when i need them to be and for those of you that have the you know cluttered home screen you can move apps to what's known as the app library and if you're from android you can basically look at that as like your you know app drawer so it's going to move the apps off the home screen and put them in a section when you swipe all the way to the left so that you can access them from within here and it's going to automatically group them and everything you're going to see your main apps that you use as the first three icons here but if you tap on this cluster of icons it's going to open up the folder that has all of the apps so if you wanted to move an app there you would long press on it and then you would select remove app and it'll ask you do you want to delete it or move it to your app library you would tell it to move it to the app library and then it would be over here if you want to bring it back you're going to long press add to home screen and then it'll jump back to your home screen you can even set it so that when you download an app it automatically goes to your app library instead of your home screen clutch now this section of the video is going to be a little bit more advanced and a little bit more tedious so consider this your warning label widgets and shortcuts so i touched on this in my setup video and i'm not going to dive into how i made my shortcuts but i will give you a tip that somebody gave me and that's the option for the app to load a little bit faster so to do that you're going to head into your settings and you're going to search for reduce motion you're going to tap on that search result and then you're going to toggle that on and it basically just makes the transitions smoother as you're jumping in and out of applications so that it's not so abrupt and obvious that it opened up the shortcuts app before it opened up the actual app and for those of you that are using widget smith for your widgets you can actually export the widgets in which you have made so maybe you have a setup that somebody likes instead of walking them through how to do it you can just open up your widget smith app head into settings and there's a section there to share and export your widgets you can select the ones that you want and then select export and then you know going about sharing it to who you want now for that charging sound this is how you do it we're going to head into your shortcuts app we're going to select automation down here at the bottom we're going to hit the plus symbol in the top right here and then we're going to hit create personal automation and then we're going to scroll down to the bottom and we're going to select charger so you can set it so that it does a custom sound when you're connecting to the charger and when you're disconnecting or so that it does the same sound regardless of which one you're doing so in this case i'm gonna select when it's connected then i'm gonna tap on next add action and then i'm going to search for speak text stay with me we're almost there what you're gonna type here is what you want your phone to say when it connects to the charger so i'm going to say something simple like charging but you can get creative and make it say what you want and i'm going to hit done now to sample what it sounds like you're going to hit play charging sounds good so we're going to hit next and we don't want it to ask before it runs this command so we're going to turn that off and then we're going to select done so now when i charge my phone here charging it'll say charging um and then i could set it maybe so that when i disconnect it it says not charging like you can get creative here but the real creativity comes when you take it to the more advanced version oh my god so to do that you're going to need to download this shortcut called base64 and i'm going to link that down below in the description for you now if you get hit with the prompt that it can't add the shortcut you're going to have to head into your settings and turn on the option for it to add untrusted shortcuts now once you have that base64 shortcut up here you then want to find the sound file that you want you can get real fancy here and maybe find like maybe one of your favorite sayings on youtube and then head over and extract the audio using something like youtube to mp3 bottom line though save that sound on your phone in something like the files app when those two steps are complete we're then going to head to the actual base64 shortcut and we're going to run it by tapping on it you should then be greeted with the screen that's going to let you select your file you're then going to search for the file that you want select it and you should see a long script of text just hit the share icon right here and select copy then you're going to tap done after you've done that you're then going to hit automation down here at the bottom we're going to tap the plus symbol create personal automation scroll all the way down to charger select when you want this sound to play so i'm going to leave it at when it's connected select next and then we're going to select add action this time we're going to search for text you're going to choose it and then we're going to tap here in the text field and we're going to paste what we copied then we're going to tap that plus symbol and then we're going to search for base 64. we're going to choose the shortcut and then we're going to change where it says encode to decode i know y'all then we're going to tap the plus symbol and we're going to search for play sound we're going to select it and the sound file when we tap here should be base64 so we should be good to go now if you did this correctly when you hit play you should hear the custom sound so we're gonna see we in business so to finalize things we're going to hit next and we're going to turn off ask before running we're going to say don't ask and then we're going to hit done and now anytime i charge my phone i should hear so yeah that's what mines does but for those of you that do decide to customize the charging sound please let me know what you made it down below in the comment section because i'm just curious what y'all might just create with that type of customization option now we'll be getting the new iphone and i do plan to cover that so i do hope you stick around and we get to see each other again hit that subscribe button so we can make that happen and as always thanks for taking the time out to let me check you out you
Channel: TechMe0ut
Views: 2,833,564
Rating: 4.9383264 out of 5
Keywords: iOS 14 Setup, iOS 14 homescreen, iOS 14, tips, tricks, favorite custom widget, custom widgets, iPhone widgets, iPhone setup, whats on my iphone, apple, techmeout, how to, how to customize iphone, how to customize iPhone homescreen, iOS 14 tips and tricks, iOS 14 hidden features, how to use iOS 14, home screen setup, iPhone home screen, iPhone homescreen, iphone, homescreen, home screen, hidden features, whats new with iOS 14, new iOS 14 features
Id: 1rdKMIRtatA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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