25+ Tips and Tricks for your iPhone 12

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[Music] hey guys soccer from socky ticket in today's video i'm going to be sharing 25 plus tips tricks and features for your brand new and shiny iphone 12 so let's dive in and get started let's maximize your ownership now the first thing i want to talk about has to do with the basic navigation tactics in case you're brand new to the iphone scene so basically if you launch an application let me go over here let me just launch an application if you want to go home you just swipe up from the bottom okay dumps you into the home screen and again if i launch it again and if i just want to bring it up and look at my other applications i can switch between them just like this and i can individually swipe up and kill individual applications as you just saw you want to switch from application to application basically you pull this up the applications come up you choose the one you want you go inside now here's a little trick at the bottom we have a bar there's a line here you can use that line to switch to the next application just like this by swiping to the left or right those are just the basics of navigation now people still miss the home button on their smartphones but that's gone but you actually re-enable that if you so desire all you do if you want a virtual home button and i'm going to show you what that does if you go to settings okay and basically to go home you swipe up but what if you just want to click a button to go home you can do that so what you do is you go into accessibility you go into touch and then you go over to assistive touch you tap on this one you enable it and suddenly we have a button here this button you can press it and you it's going to expand to give you options you can tap home to go home or tap it again uh bring down the notifications panel it's all going to be up to you the button itself is also going to be customizable when you come here and one cool thing is you can choose what happens at a single tab double tap or a long press on this one button which means it gives you three options this just this button right here so if i go over here i can say home so now when i double tap this it will go home so that is a virtual button you can put it anywhere that you want some people like to keep it right here where it used to be in the past so fantastic little feature if you don't need it just keep it off no problem and make sure under the same menu you have tap to wake enabled tap to wake so if my phone is turned off i tap it to wake it up if i don't have that option it's not going to wake up the phone let me disable that if i go back out if i tap nothing happens okay so tap to wake and one more very important thing you want to do with your iphone is you want to go to your settings this is something you just have to do in the very beginning you want to go into your settings you want to go into your apple cart right over here and then simply go into icloud once you're in the icloud you want to scroll down just a little bit then go inside icloud backup okay and make sure icloud icloud backup is in fact enabled because if you don't have this enabled and if something happens to your phone all your data is going to be lost but if you have the icloud backup enabled you are able to restore your phone after it is fixed or you get a brand new one and of course i hope nothing happens to your phone but it's better to be safe than sorry now one more very important thing while you're in here is you want to tap on manage storage okay you want to tap on manage storage and by default you do get five gigabytes of free storage but you can tap on the change storage plan and that's going to allow you to purchase additional storage if you need so now in my case as you can see i have the current 50 gigabyte plan that's a dollar a month not that much but you can downgrade by default uh let me just cancel that by default you get 5 gigabytes you can go to 200 or 2 terabytes if you so desire all right let's move on the next thing i want to talk about has to do with your control center that's on the top on the right so you pull it down it shows up i just want to let you know that every single button here just about every button you can press and hold and it's going to expand to give you additional options and even further i can press and hold on the wi-fi and that's going to expand even further okay so you can actually access your settings without having to go into the actual settings screen and just go right from here on the top press and hold you get the expansion dark mode nice shift true tone all at the bottom here if you so desire i'm also going to show you how to customize the control center in a minute but one thing i want you guys to notice is when you pull this thing down and you go into the brightness slider when you switch on the dark mode what you do get is your background wallpaper also reacts to the dark mode and you get a darker background in addition to having dark background in the settings and certain applications so just keep that in mind let's tap this one it's going to be easy on the eyes now let's quickly talk about the notifications you have a good grip on what's happening with the notifications so i'm going to pull this down we have a bunch of notifications here every notification can be slid over and it gives you a bunch of additional options you can clear the notification individually or if i swipe over i can tap on view to see the actual notification in detail okay and additionally i can swipe again i can tap on manage and that's gonna allow me to turn off the notifications for a certain application that is bothersome or at least deliver them quietly so the phone doesn't beep every time i get a notification from that particular application in this case it's the wallet application all right so again over here we have the netflix i can do the same thing here if i tap on manage i get those options and i can even go into the settings to further customize the notifications for the netflix application and i have all these options i can kill the sound i can disable the badges and i can even disable the notification for a given application right from here all right so that's one way to manage your notifications you can always go into the settings go into notifications and individually tweak any notification you please for any application that you please as you can see or here's just one more example with the messages application all right let's move on if you want to take a screenshot of your iphone of any screen the combination is the side key the power button and of course the volume up key so if i go like this it takes a screenshot that stays here you can swipe it away and it just gets saved or if i take it one more time i can tap on it and it's going to expand and give me additional options to edit my screenshot before i can save it or send it to somebody i can share from here if i want to or i can just tap on done and that's going to save it or i can just delete it right from here now one thing i really like with the screenshot feature is if i do take it and if i go over here uh there's a ruler here that i can use to write straight things and i can rotate this ruler with two fingers as you can see so let's say i want to draw a straight line now i get a pen let me just pick a color here let's just stick to black actually all right so now when i go like this if i move the ruler you'll see that black line right there and i can do as many as i want that's a really nice virtual ruler you can use uh on the screenshot or even when you go in and edit your photos so fantastic little feature let's move on so let's say you want to actually record the screen of your smartphone so i'm moving around let's say i want to record something and send it to my friend to show him how to do something all you do is you pull down the control panel and you look for the record symbol if it's not there okay you go to your settings let me go back to the main screen main settings go to the control center here and make sure the screen recorder you just click on plus is enabled now it's going to show up right there now when i go back out and pull this down there's the screen recording option if you press and hold it gives you additional options i can start the recording it does a countdown all right there we go the recording is on you can turn on or off the microphone if you want to record your voice if you want to give instructions but again now the screen is being recorded you can see on the top we have a red blinking light here okay when i'm done recording the screen and showing what i want to show on the phone i tap on that button right here and just tap on stop and the screen recording has been saved to my photos now if i go back inside i'm replaying that right here pause play okay so i just recorded the whole screen again a great way to share instructions with a friend or ask a question to somebody to help you out your iphone 12 comes with a set of powerful cameras especially when it comes to video recording so what you can do is when you launch your camera and when you go over to the video mode on the top corner on the on the over here you'll see it says 4k at 60. so that's 4k recording 60 frames per second you can tap it again it switches to 1080p which is hd at 60 and if i tap it again 4k 60 tap it again hd 60. so you can tap here to switch between different formats now here's the funny part if i tap on hd it changes that portion if i tap on the number the 60 it switches from 30 to 60 frames so both of these numbers here are in fact clickable on both sides and this green light here the green dot don't let that scare you that simply means your phone is currently using the video and the microphone so when i exit the green light disappears anytime you see that green light it means the microphone or the video is in fact active all right now in the past all your applications were dumped to the home screen but apple cleaned up their mess a little bit so now all you do is you swipe all the way to the end and what you have is app library and you have folders that aggregate everything together under a folder for example we have the utilities if i right here i have four applications every folder is gonna have four applications plus it might have one more folder so here we have three applications and we have one folder i can access all my utilities right here that's recently added four applications all this happens automatically but if you want to search your applications you can search right from here or go through the full list right here okay nice and clean because you want to go to your settings okay and then you want to immediately go over to your battery right over here you tap on this one and then go into the battery health you tap on this one and you want to make sure that the maximum capacity for your battery is in fact at a hundred percent if this is any lower than a hundred percent when you buy a brand new phone it's time to do a quick exchange because you can read the description at the bottom here it says this is a measure of battery capacity relative to when it was new so it definitely should be a hundred percent when you first buy the phone another thing you want to make sure that you enable is the optimized battery charging now this is going to optimize the battery charging so the battery gets minimum wear and tear from constantly charging the phone now if you disable this the phone might charge a little bit faster than usual but if you keep it enabled you might get slightly slower charging but a longer battery life especially if you're thinking of keeping your iphone for a long time all right let's move on to the next thing to do all right so the next thing you want to do quickly is go to the settings and then scroll down and go into display and brightness and you want to make sure you want to scroll down go into auto lock and make sure you set this to 30 seconds so what basically happens is after 30 seconds of inactivity the display is going to shut off automatically and that's going to save you tons of battery life if you have it at five minutes believe me that battery is going to drain fast because display eats a lot of battery life so keep this at 30 seconds and you'll be good to go you're going to maximize your battery experience i'm going to keep it at five minutes for now for the sake of the video now with ios 14 on these iphones what you get is you get a bunch of widgets so make sure that you utilize these and put the ones that you want to see on your home screen all you have to do is press and hold on a blank area on the screen it's gonna start to wiggle the screen you wanna tap on plus right here and you get access to all your widgets right over here now every widget has four or five different variations you can tap on the battery and that's gonna give you a bunch of different widget sizes and stuff like that then you can hold it and drag it to the screen or you can tap on uh add a widget it's gonna get dumped into the screen now if i go over here and if i tap on plus real quick and if i go down just a little bit let's just grab this one right here let's use this one i'm going to grab and drag i'm going to dump it right there and we are good to go now this battery widget if you have an apple watch an ipad it's all gonna show up right here in the other circles and just a side note you do want to make sure you go to the app store and simply search for widgets okay this is something for people that like to customize their phone just search for widgets and download a widget application such as widget smith which is going to give you even more options as you can see right here to fully customize your iphone's home screens so that's something you want to do if you want important information staring at you in your face right on the home screen all right let's move on now back in display settings there's one more thing i like to enable personally so i'm in display and brightness settings under main settings i do want to go down a little bit and i want to make sure that my text is bolded so when you have this disabled the text is going to be light and thin sometimes it might be hard to see this in daylight so i like to bold it up so that's much more visible as you can see now one more thing even though you don't see the setting here there's an auto brightness setting that's enabled in your iphone by default to try and save you battery life now i like to control my brightness manually okay so here's what you want to do you want to go to the settings the main settings so what you want to do is you want to go into accessibility you tap on this one then you go into display and text size you tap on that one as well and then you go all the way down and you want to make sure this auto brightness here is in fact disabled once you do this you are easily able to control the brightness from the control panel right here press and hold look at that okay much better to have manual control on the actual brightness of your smartphone as opposed to auto adjustments all the time that might confuse you if you're not aware of what's going on so disable auto brightness or enable it based on your needs all right the next thing i'm going to talk about has to be your face id so i'm assuming you already set up your face id so what you want to do is you want to go to your settings you want to configure the face id so it works at maximum capacity so let me go inside dump in my password and here we are so what you want to make sure that you are able to use your face id for all these tasks okay make sure it's to unlock your iphone we should be default and then you can make purchases in itunes and app store uh you can also make payments with apple bay and also autofill passwords with the face id system so make sure that is enabled and also for further security you want to make sure you have both of these attention features enabled now this one is going to require you to give your attention to the face id system for it to unlock so if you're sleeping somebody can't just grab the phone and put it your face to unlock it it's gonna actually require you to be looking at the phone to unlock it so that makes a lot of sense make sure attention features and require attention is in fact enabled for maximum security now going back into the face id settings there's one more very important thing to configure what you want to do is you want to scroll all the way down and you want to make sure you disable all these guys when the phone is locked so as of now when your phone is locked people can access your today's view your notification center your control center and all these options right here that they shouldn't be able to access when you lock the phone locking the phone means no access so take a look at this so if i turn off the phone just i'm gonna give you one example i'm just gonna go to my lock screen over here and i can pull down the panel here and then from here i can actually mess up things in the house i can turn on and off the lights i can change the brightness the volume play music so you want to disable these things when you lock your phone and walk away so let me show you how that works so i'm going to disable all these guys and see what happens on the lock screen now okay so everything is disabled phone is fully secured turn off turn on let's say somebody's trying to access my home settings can't do it okay can access my notifications can't access today's screen cannot access nothing the way it's supposed to be so make sure that it's configured properly based on your needs now one more thing i want you guys to do is go to the settings okay and then go into sounds and haptics now this is a trick here to save you some battery life so every time somebody calls you your phone can ring and vibrate what you want to do is you want to disable the ring option so if you the phone is actually ringing it doesn't vibrate and that's going to save you extra battery life because vibration requires a lot of battery power so you don't need a vibration if you can hear what's happening okay if you like it you can keep it open but i like to disable this it's going to give me 10 to 20 minutes more battery life based on the calls that i get on a daily basis now one of the newer features that people really are going to enjoy is the picture in picture view on ios 14 so you want to make sure you go to your settings okay and you want to make sure you go into general and go to picture in picture and make sure it is enabled by default okay so start pip automatically should be enabled let me show you what it does so let's say you're watching a movie okay sometimes you want to exit the movie and do something but you also want to continue watching the movie so let me just open the application i'm just going gonna play a movie let's say you were playing a movie right over here okay in netflix and i want to do something on the home screen i can exit this guy and it's gonna actually continue to play right over here the good thing is you can pinch this to make it bigger as you do other stuff on your phone okay check messages browse the web research something real quick and this is right here you can make it small or large as you desire as you can see you can even put it in the side for a minute and do something if you need full screen and then bring it back up based on your needs when you're done you want to go back inside you can tap this it'll go back inside or if you just want to exit out you close it out and move on fantastic little feature the next thing i want to talk about is very important it allows you to restrict access to applications and settings on your iphone so your friends or family members cannot mess up your phone or do things they're not supposed to do so you want to go to your settings and you want to go to screen time the first step is you want to go here at the bottom it says content and privacy restrictions you go inside and you want to enable this when you enable this for the very first time it may ask you to pick a passcode which is fine that's going to be a separate unique passcode different from your regular pin number as you can see it shows right here use screen time passcode so if i tap on this one it's going to ask me to set one up so let me just pick something simple let's just do 777 for this video okay now in your apple id to create a recovery in case you forget that because it's important and then it's enabled so i'm going to go back in here okay right now this is enabled so let me show you all the things you can do here first and foremost let's talk about restricting access to applications i can tap on allowed applications it's going to ask me to put in my screen time passcode of course because only you should be able to change the settings so from here i can disable access to all these applications nobody can read my mail nobody can access my camera people cannot go to the itunes store now to purchase stuff and maybe waste your money and you can also restrict access to your health information which is supposed to be private but you get the point so if i disable all these guys you'll notice when i go back out most of those applications just disappeared there's no mail application there's no camera application they cannot access it now so when you want to go back and re enable them you go back inside you tap on allowed applications okay you just tap on here and enable everything as you desire now that's number one the other thing that people complain about a lot is this thing right here itunes and app store so right now anybody if you hand your phone over to somebody and it's unlocked anybody can install applications delete applications and also perform in-app purchases which is going to waste a lot of money if they do that for you so first and foremost always require a password to install an application and also if you don't want people to download and install applications you can don't allow this okay now when i go back the app store is actually hidden so people cannot go to the app store and install applications but if you want to keep that one enabled that's fine okay let's say you want to keep that one enabled at least what you can do is you can disallow people from making in-app purchases on existing applications and also uh restrict people from deleting applications so if i say don't allow if i go back out here if i press and hold now none of these applications can be actually deleted there's no x symbol on it i can tap here i can remove it from the home screen but it's not going to allow me to actually delete any application all right so fantastic little security feature you want to enable to make sure you are fully protected now obviously if you have an iphone you're going to be accessing your control panel a lot this thing right here you can access your music from here you can access your quick toggles from here you can access your brightness slider and volume slide if you press and hold the expand you want to make sure you fully customize this area so you have everything you need at your fingertips when you want to quickly pull something down and maybe take a photo or whatever it launches the camera so go to the settings okay go to the main screen and then go to notifications right here on the top and then go over to control center right here and from here you can enable or disable the controls you don't want to see so for example if i don't want any of these guys i can remove them okay just let me show you how it looks now when i pull this down all those options at the bottom have disappeared i can disable the home controls if you don't have any smart home items in here also you can go over here and basically enable everything that you want anything that you want you want a flashlight useful tool calculator very useful camera use it all the time so now if i pull this down i've got those right here so make sure this is customized to perfectly fit your needs as well another big thing is if you go to the settings and if you go into the display option okay you want to make sure that raise to wake is enabled this option right here now normally if i have the phone locked and if i just raise the phone to look at it nothing happens okay the phone remains shut you have to press the power button to log into it which i'm doing right now but if i have the race to wake enabled all right now if the phone is turned off and when i just glanced at it without unlocking it i can just race and it's gonna you know open up the phone i can look at it and if there's nothing going on i can just put it back and move on so make sure you enable that raise to wake feature as you can see very convenient to have all right so that brings us to the end of this video i hope you guys learned a bunch of new things with your new iphone 12 and hopefully we're able to maximize your ownership any questions comments or concerns drop them down below and let me know for now guys have a fantastic day all right
Channel: sakitech
Views: 171,946
Rating: 4.6778073 out of 5
Keywords: iphone 12, iphone 11 tips and tricks, iphone 12 review, iphone 12 pro, iphone 12 setup, tricks, ios 14, iphone 11 first 12 things to do, tips, iphone 12 tips, iphone 12 tricks
Id: T53k3TZ8i28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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