Demoknight's Charge is π˜Šπ˜–π˜”π˜—π˜“π˜π˜Šπ˜ˆπ˜›π˜Œπ˜‹

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I've played Demoman for over 2 500 hours or more specifically 107 days 10 hours 18 minutes and 38 seconds yeah that's not my overall play time spent playing Team Fortress 2. that's not time spent idling in the main menu while eating lunch all of this time was spent while playing Demoman specifically of course that's not entirely accurate because when you think of neverman you're probably thinking of this regular set of weapons where you have a grenade launcher and a sticky bomb launcher the keep on launching in particular is a very reliable weapon for mid-range encounters and is also Noble for its ability to set up traps despite it being in the secondary slot A lot of people view the sticky bomb launcher as demand's most important weapon that is not hard to see why however most of my Demoman playtime was actually spent playing demo night which foregoes the sticky bomb launcher for a sword and shield it might as well be a completely different class and if I made the pie chart showing my play time between both play Styles it would probably look something like this demorite is the king of close causes fights I don't need to explain what's going on here the clips kind of just speak for themselves you lose stickies but you get to run at enemies with a charge attack that only the shields can provide getting kills with swords provides Buffs so there's plenty of incentive to get in there two thousand hours on demo night is a pretty big number but apparently it's not the most Odin somehow has 8 000. what I'm not even mad but this undermined my expertise for the rest of the video that's dedication right there but if you're not a demo Knight main the obvious question is why why would I or anyone else for that matter dump thousands of hours into mastering the demo night I mean if you're new to the class you might assume that demo is rather basic and it's not as complicated as other classes like the soldier I mean how complicated could a simple charge mechanic really be okay I'll admit that there are some moments where bad players of the enemy team can feed you Buffs like crazy and Demonite can't do a quintuple rocket sync jump so soldiers clearly a more difficult class but that doesn't take away from how much depth the charge mechanic can provide demo Knight might not be the most complicated class in the game but he's pretty close case in point I'd like to spend about an hour talking about charge not even demo night in general just the charge mechanics specifically I'll be going over how it works and I'll be explaining the many techniques you'll want to have in your Arsenal by the end of the video you'll have a better understanding of how Demonite is played at a high level so with all of that out of the way let's start with the basics [Music] [Music] establish that the charge is what makes demonize the demo night this here is your charge meter it'll look slightly different depending on whether you're using a custom HUD or not but it always does the same thing here's a comically large charge meter it's an actual HUD edit I made incredible anyway when it's full pressing the alternate fire button causes you to automatically charge forwards while charging you cannot jump you cannot Crouch and you cannot strafe the only way you can control the charge is by moving the camera left and right the charge lasts one and a half seconds enough time to cover a large distance the Claymore adds an extra half second to this which makes it last 2 seconds as you charge the meter the plates and Cycles between different colors these colors are meant to be a visual guide for timing your attacks so if you sell a swing while the meter turns yellow the swing will be on Mini crit for some extra damage and if you do it while it's red it'll be a critical hit which can one shot most of the game's classes but even though the developers had good intentions these code is aren't exactly accurate and shouldn't be relied on for example the Thai tuna can't quit at all it only does mini crits but for some reason the meter still turns red and even with the other Shields which do crit the timings are rolled off notice how I got this crit when the meter was yellow what's up with that see the actual timings are based on how high and low the charge meter is not the colors 75 or below for a mini crit 40 or below for a crit in this clip I modified the charge to make it last longer do you see how the meeting out drains really slowly it takes ages to the point where I can get a mini crit let alone a crit you don't need a silly mod to notice this in game though do you remember the Claymore from like two seconds ago the same thing applies with its longer charges it's just not as extreme obviously if you're not paying attention to this you might accidentally do a mini crit swing instead of a crit swing and then just well miss out on a Kill the Persian Persuader has a unique mechanic where you can fill up the charge meter by picking up ammo packs this is great for reducing cooldowns but there's an unfortunate downside to this if you cause the charge meter to go back up while you're charging you can remove your opportunity to get a critical hit this can be fairly annoying I will admit but since we're talking about the Persian Persuader here I think having some kind of downside is definitely Justified [Music] you can't keep getting away with it once you complete a charge the meter slowly fills itself back up and you can't charge it until it's full you it takes 12 seconds which is a decently long time but there are ways to speed it up displayed screen has a lower cooldown than the other Shields at just 9 seconds some weapons can refill our portion of the charge meter after you get a melee kill and if you use certain weapons together it's possible to refill the entire charge meter at once the Persian is sweeter on top of its ammo mechanic I mentioned earlier also gains 20 charge every time you hit someone with it doesn't come up all the time but it's pretty useful sometimes [Music] what charge all of the shields can also do a shield bash attack dealing some amount of damage and a small amount of knockback as well the amount of damage the shield bash does depends on how low the charge meter is which is a bit similar to how the melee crits work and speaking of which let's say you've charged a decent amount of distance and you have a critical hit ready to swing but then out of nowhere your Shield bash an invisible spy it would be a bit stupid if your crit went to waste because of something you literally couldn't see coming so when the shield bash is triggered the game kind of stores your melee Crypt for a bit giving you some time to react the exact amount of time is 0.3 seconds the splitted screen does a higher amount of Shield bash damage than the other Shields and collecting heads with The Islander will also boost your Shield bash damage you pair both of these weapons together you can achieve some pretty ridiculous numbers potentially one shot in Glide classes unfortunately there is one downside increasing the damage that a shield bash does will also increase the knockback this extra knockback does technically have benefits you might be able to knock some enemies into hazards or places they don't want to be but most of the time it just ends up saving your opponents from your crit swing which would have been a more deadly attack even a broken cable the worst melee weapon you can possibly use is capable of dealing more damage than the most powerful Shield best possible just as long as it crits so paradoxically you typically want to avoid smashing your enemies with massive amounts of Shield bash damage unless it's the finishing blow now I understand that all of this can be a bit frustrating and you might think oh well just don't use the shield bash then but Shield bashes can be viable in certain cases and if you don't use them in the right circumstances you might miss out on a couple kills if you charge for a shorter amount of time the shield bash will do less damage and therefore let's knock back this means in close range encounters you have more of an opportunity to go for shield bash Combos and because this is also the range where you typically get a mini crit swing the shield batch can be useful for taking out light classes or Medics even just as long as the shield bash doesn't go over say 75 damage-ish you should be fine heavy takes less knockback than the other classes in the game so you're free to smash him with as much damage as possible the biggest heavy is such a tanky class you'll want to hit him with as much damage as possible The Islander and Splendid screen combo is really good against Heavies if you have the maximum amount of heads you can consistently take down Heavies with a combo so he's the one exception always Shield bash Heavies if you can oh one last thing you know what he charges or something like a wall or a player and the screen shakes yeah it turns out that's what triggers The Shield bash damage so this means you can hit objects nearby your enemies and the shield bash will still work you might be able to come up with a few Odd Ideas based on that information but you probably could just hit them with your sword instead you know [Music] depending on what weapons you decide to equip the amount of control you have over your charge can change drastically you have three different choices to make here so you'll need to Choose Wisely when it comes to demo right stock Loadout charges don't allow for much maneuverability 90 degrees is about the most I can manage but that's under the most ideal circumstances 90 degrees is about the same as what my thumbs can achieve and that's something the entire comment section didn't shut up about but anyway the loop turn control means your strategies are a bit more limited and since you have less options to choose from you also become more predictable that's not to say you have no options whatsoever you just have less of them you can charge unaware enemies you can charge around corners or surprise people you can even add explosive jumps to the mix but I'll cover that later but if you're running a lure it out like this you're probably trying to play with resistances and grenades in mind not really your charges Maps like Dust Bowl come to mind [Music] dust bowl is small and claustrophobic choke points are often full of enemies with not much room for escape which means you can't charge too deep into the enemy side of the map you'll just get a play raid on the other hand the map is also so boxed in that sometimes charging in straight lines can be pretty viable dust bowl is also home to three things explosive spam sentries and flog pyros so to deal with those kinds of problems resistances can be seen as more viable than charges but even on Dust Bowl you can still get some value out of charging with melee and with that in mind let's talk about alibaba's wee booties this item removes your primary weapon but triples your turn rate opening an entire new world of possibilities potentially up to 270 degrees the lack of a ranged weapon can result in some pretty unbalanced matchups which is unfortunate but in exchange the kills you can get while charging are pretty ridiculous having the ability to deal full critical hits in combination with decent turning control simply isn't a laughing matter you can One-Shot enemies with ease and move very fast doing it but maybe decent turning control isn't enough for you or maybe you're not content with going melee only there is one last option the Thai Turner a shield that completely removes all of the Turning restrictions giving you full control of the camera not only that you get to keep your grenade launcher too it goes without saying that the extra Mobility is absolutely insane allowing you to cross entire maps in mere seconds but that's not all a simple charge Dodge can save you against even the best players in the game what kind of moves are these you just just 360 no you can turn a Dodge into a counter attack making it even more effective [Music] the lack of melee crits is a bit of a deal breaker especially if you like using weapons that benefit from getting a lot of melee kills but where the titano lacks in melee combat it shines with ranged combat if you're running any kind of grenade launcher you're probably going to pick the Titan and if you want one of my favorite reasons use a good segue [Music] when you think of demonite's charge it's easier to assume that you should only do it while using a sword or sometimes the shield itself is enough on its own but charging with your grenade launcher can also be a decent strategy the Titan is full turn control isn't just a maneuverability thing it also gives you full control of your Crosshair which is incredibly underrated it's possible to slam grenades into players whilst moving at a high speed letting you deal a pretty disgusting amount of damage it helps negate the main downside of the Titan less damage hit two grenades and it deals about the same damage as a melee crit would have additionally hitting a pipe and the shield bash nearly gets you there dealing in 150 damage which is just barely enough to kill a medic just remember that the American regenerator's Health give him too much time to breathe and he'll just barely survive the combo it is also worth remembering that you'll definitely take self damage while doing this meaning you'll need to be okay with the chance of dying immediately after going in five four three two one over time sort of like having a cable but in the primary slot but if you want a better chance of living try jumping off the explosion it can give you an opportunity to fire the rest of your shots and it might even just save you from dying and if you find yourself needing to reload in front of a bunch of people you could avoid taking damage by just well charging while reloading look at that heavy he's so confused rare High moment oh that's balanced [Music] oh okay I'm getting ahead of myself here I am talking about grenade charges and I haven't even talked about basic charge strategy goodness well at least you know that all of demonite's weapons have their uses when it comes to charging and that demonite's charge can essentially be boiled down to three different types there's also a distinction between full demonites and hybrid Demonite which is often a massive shift in play style Demonite has so much weapon variety that talking about specific strategies can be a bit of a nightmare any given strategy might be Godlike in one Loadout suboptimal in another an impossible in another but if there's any strategy that works regardless of Loadout it's the demo Knights jump scare take this clip for instance I'm fighting another demo Knight and right as I win I look out the window for a few frames I happen to glimpse a soldier walking towards the bottom of the stairs I have a good idea of where he's about to be so I make my move after that I see some shots coming from downstairs and I hear an engineer pain sound I don't even need to charge for this next pick meeting enemies around corners especially by surprise is a very effective way of closing the distance whether that's because you managed to get a glimpse of your enemy without them nursing or because you baited them into an overconfident position I Dare You rage quit you better hide what the [Β __Β ] man or maybe you chose the blind charge around the corner because you know there's probably someone there oh looks like I just ruined that crit squeak uh yeah I totally meant to do that also sometimes the game just straight up gives you War hacks uh very cool thanks Volvo please fix but don't just assume that you can only charge around corners there are plenty of other scenarios where you have the advantage this can be something as simple as having more Health than your enemy having a numbers Advantage you get the idea since demonites tend to get Buffs after each kill you can even use this as yet another Advantage you could push onto enemy players so the point where you can genuinely feel frustrating from their perspective take this clip where the half the toichi allows me to tank five rockets from the soldier they'll need for me to end up with just as much health as I started with it is short the life of a Demonite is an unfair one you sometimes get owned really hard but if you carefully look for your advantages you can give them a taste of their own medicine [Music] thank you wait why would I dedicate an entire chapter to pressing the space bar most people already know about jump charging even the basic segments of this video had more interesting information you don't have to be the best player in the world to know that the space bar oh oh no okay granted it's Banny I'm pretty sure he was just surprised at my flank not the jump itself I mean it's not like I can surprise another Pro player with the exact same jumper what what dude did every TF2 player unbind their spacebar what is happening at least the people in casual should have played against enough demo Knights by now to know that this dude's putting stickies on the stairs oh no he thinks he has the perfect plan going help me before it is a child okay so it seems that everyone who isn't a demo Knights main has no idea about jump charges but if you are a Demonite main who wants to learn here's the trick the inputs are Jump Then charge in that order it won't work the other way around because you can't jump on the charges active if you want to make this more unpredictable it's worth pointing out that the direction you initially jump towards can influence how the rest of the charge goes so doing a diagonal jump to the side can help you set up curved charges but of course don't just use it for Corners it makes you less predictable in general it's way harder for your enemies to keep track of what you're trying to do but that's not all it even lets you charge further distances leading to all kinds of advanced jobs that said I'll save the wax Source engine stuff for its own section but it is worth noting once you've become decent enough at pressing the buttons with the right timing here's a quality of life thing that I'd recommend you do tf2's developer console is very useful for making all kinds of control skins especially since players are able to make custom scripts because scripts can let you perform multiple actions with one button demo night players have been using what's called a jump charge script for over a decade I'm going to assume you know what an autoexec.cfg file is in which case you just copy and paste the text from the video's description change the key to whatever you want and it should just work you'll now be able to do a frame perfect jump charge whenever you want anytime I need to jump long distances I always reach from the button on the side of my mouse but on the other hand it's not useful in situations where you need to manually time the charge the last thing you want to do is treat the script like a crutch it's also good for certain ramps which I'll elaborate on later but if you don't mean demo night just forget I said anything the spacebar does not exist you see a demo Knight across a giant Gap don't worry about it you're good everything's gonna be just fine charging has the ability to clean debuffs this cleansing effect only happens at the start of a charge so if the debuff happens after the charge started it won't get cleaned you can use this to get rid of Fire milk girati gas and all bleed effects even the ones you wouldn't expect like manpower's plague effect there is no limit on how many debuffs you can remove in one charge but you might have noticed that not all debuffs are on that list even though marks for death is identical to drati it doesn't count I suppose that makes sense though trying to Mark a demo night for them is just asking to get yourself owned so I guess I can't be too man if I end up dying as a result slow effects are the other exception in fact slowdown is the only debuff that can prevent you from starting or charge in the first place as long as this icon is on your screen you can't do it this even applies when spamming Natasha across the entire map wow whose idea was this Sandman also applies slow down but since nobody even I often forget it exists entirely in this clip it took me an embarrassingly long time to even notice what was happening if I could go back in time I would have just shot him there are a few other weapons that apply slow but only for a very short amount of time these are usually knock back weapons like the force of nature The Scorch shot and the Loose Cannon Air Blast is also a knockback tool so it also applies slow but for some reason in the jungle in photo update valva decided to give airblast special treatment the Air Blast slows specifically now lasts an infinite duration this is unlike other slow effects or even the old Air Blast for that matter since they only affect you for roughly half a second or so this means if the Pyro juggles you the slow effect will last literally forever but if you touch the ground the debuff instantly disappears unlike other slow effects it also never shows up in the HUD which is a bit strange since the airblast slow is special you can start a charge while under its effects but it still won't remove the debuff in fact the charge will also be slower than normal foreign [Music] not many maps in TF2 have water so the strict doesn't really come up often but it can be useful in Pier which has plenty of this stuff while you're underwater you can charge directly up and down which is something your voice can't do obviously unlike when turning left and right there aren't any restrictions on how fast you can move the camera up and down if you charge towards the water's surface you can do a sort of dolphin jump it's useful in situations where there isn't really any other way out sometimes it can even result in A Creative Kill I'm sure every Soldier player in existence knows how you can skim across the water's Surface by holding the jump button you can also land in Morton to avoid fall damage uh is there anything else about water anything anything at all wow amazing chapter what was that 30 seconds most people start their charge by well pressing the charge button whenever it's off cooldown what you might not know is that you can buffer the charge input what do I mean by that simply hold the button down and as soon as the charge is ready it will automatically begin as soon as possible how Nifty if you're using weapons that refill the charge meter Buffet charges can be useful you'll instantly be on the move after each kill and your enemies will have a harder time keeping up just be careful if you're carelessly holding the button down and your opponent dies earlier than you thought you might waste your charge by accident in other words only hold the charge button down when you want to charge what the should be obvious already why am I even explaining let's just move on [Music] bunny hopping is a well-known technique across lots of different Source games and TF2 is no exception in a very old version of the game bunny hopping was incredibly powerful since it used to conserve all of your momentum rather than just a small portion of it of course this was nerfed very quickly in today's version of TF2 you can use it to move 20 faster than normal any more than that just won't work it really doesn't get used much the timing window for a bunny hop is just under a 60th of a second which is to say it is not easy to do unless you're a demo Knight because demo Knights can do a bunny hop 100 of the time with an asterisk it involves the fact that you can't jump while charging if you hold the jump button down while charging you can buffer a jump input when the charge ends will automatically jump as soon as possible the resulting jump ends up being 20 faster than a normal jump in other words we just did a bunny hop granted it's still nowhere near the speed of a grounded charge but hey a speed boost is a speed boost I used a server plugin to measure the speed difference and here's what it looks like when you have the boots equipped if we collect heads with The Islander our movement speed increases and as you might expect bunny hopping Stacks with it always maintaining a 20 increase pretty cool this technique is really Niche but I do use it sometimes that tiny bit of extra distance might sometimes get you an extra kill or the b-hop the b-hub charge maybe you needed to jump over something or swinging maybe someone's on a Ledge while distracted of course these situations aren't frequent but it is good to have an option at the back of your mind [Music] two of demonite's melee weapons can affect the distance of your charges the Claymore gives you a pretty large charge duration bonus which increases your potential distance the skull cutter on the other hand has you charging slower reducing your potential distance both of these status effects only apply when the weapon is being held here's something interesting though you don't have to wait for the weapon switch animation to finish the effects are instantly added or removed when you press the button to swap weapons there is no delay whatsoever using the claimer as an example this means you can instantly make use of its effects by pressing the melee button followed by the charge button in Rapid succession from here what you decide to do is up to you if you keep the sword out the whole time you'll keep the entire buff but if you only want a little bit of extra distance you can swap back to the other weapon Midway through since the skull cutter is the opposite and slows you down you'll instead want to avoid holding it out while charging it's a similar concept you just draw the primary weapon instead if you want to get extra creative you can switch back to the skull cutter just in time to land a hit [Music] a regular charge will last one and a half seconds but you can prematurely end it by swinging early this happens as soon as you press the button to attack and this is what I call a charge cancel melee weapons don't hit your opponent instantly there's a quarter second delay between the moment you start swinging and the moments the hit connects this creates a short period of time during the attack where you're walking around at regular speed depending on your Loadout your regular walking speed might not be that fast worst case scenario it might be really slow the slow speed can give your opponent a chance to react whether it be by shooting you juking you or otherwise escaping your melee range entirely the simplest way to prevent this would be to get closer to your enemy before you start to swing but sometimes this just isn't an option what if you need to maintain your charge speed while attacking in that case just do a charge cancel while in the air or in other words a mid-air charge cancel since you're not touching the ground you won't return to normal walking speed and you'll keep all of your momentum this can have a number of benefits but it's usually combined with more advanced tricks which I'll cover later if you crouch while Airborne your hitbox will be slightly raised letting you stay airborne for longer combining this with a charge cancel can let you finish off enemies lightning fast I recommend trying this with the Thai tuner specifically since the extra turning control can make it a bit easier to aim just be aware of the fact that you can't Shield bash while doing this ending your charge also restores your ability to use the movement Keys you'll want to do this if you need to air strafe and one last charge canceling chip sometimes it can be a great idea to stop your momentum entirely and land on some poor guy's head [Music] I've talked about this technique a bunch two videos to be precise free if you include the recap from this one but the video you're watching is meant to be an all-in-one guide to pretty much everything charge so I guess it's time to talk about the extender again regular melee weapons have a reach of 48 Hammer units swords have a reach of 72 but if the hit connects while you're charging the range will be extended to 128 Hammer units regardless of which weapon you're using whoever was writing the code for this forgot a pretty important thing an oversight if you will if you were paying attention in the last chapter you'd know that starting a swing while charging ends the charge since you're not charging with the swinkin X you don't qualify for the extra melee range this unfortunately means that the benefit mostly goes unused that is unless we work around it if you start the swing first then charge you'll qualify for the perk this is because the code literally expects you to just be charging while swinging it doesn't do any other checks at all so what do you do with this information well if someone's just barely outside your melee range an extender hit is the fastest way to damage them it can work great as a finishing blow and it can be a great way to hit multiple enemies with one charge I've actually found that if someone's running away especially in a tight space you can open the attack with an extender hit and since they're moving away from you you get to hit them again with your weapon you could also do a similar thing with the tie Turner just by doing a bunch of swervy stuff it is a bit tricky though because you could Shield bash them on accident when it comes to downsides there's the low damage it's just a regular melee hits after all and if your opponent dies to it any refill Buffs you would have gotten might as well just be flushed down a toilet sometimes that sacrifice can be worth it but that's up to you [Music] we all know by now that when the charge meter Runs Out The Charge ends but the Persian Persuader allows players to refill the charge meter even while charging so if you kept picking up ammo you'd theoretically be able to charge forever but valve was one step ahead the game also includes a hidden timing keeping track of how long the charge lasts if the timer sees that your charges lasting longer than intended it ends your charge regardless of how much charge you had in the meter but fortunately for us there's an oversight step one buffer charge inputs by holding right click Step 2 max out the meter with an ammo pack so why does this work it's because the game incorrectly thinks you're trying to start a new charge even though you're already charging as a result the game resets the charge timer allowing you to charge longer than intended I've decided to give it a proper name this time the charge reset glitch there are a few restrictions I haven't mentioned before though you can't do this while reloading a weapon nor can you do it during your weapon switch animation for some reason the game just doesn't let you buffer charges while doing either of those this bug is most commonly used with the Persian persuador but there are a few other ways to use it one method involves using the resupply locker since this always fills your meter up to the maximum amount [Music] in an older version of TF2 it was possible to get charge refill bonuses by killing an enemy with a shield bash but when valve changed how refill bonuses work they accidentally broke Shield bashes in the process Shield bashing an enemy now gives you the refill too early as a result you can use the charge reset glitch with it but that's the only way you can get any tangible benefit from a shield bash refill there are a few Niche cases where it comes in handy it can work decent as a retreating option but to be honest this is the one technique I used the least a lot of the time it just happens by accident I'd probably prefer it if refills just worked as intended but as long as they're still broken we'll just have to make do with what we have a consistent way of setting it up is to land a direct grenade onto a light class like a scout or a sniper lowering their health to 25 a shield bash should finish them off easily if you want to make this trick work more consistently make sure you're using both the tie Turner and the Claymore the claymore's refill bonus only works while the sword is active and as I mentioned before you don't want to be stuck in a weapon swap animation when the hit connects so make sure it's fully deployed first the skull Cutter's damage bonus is also good at bringing your enemies below 50 health so there's that I suppose [Music] the 90 rule isn't really a technique but it is an important mechanic to understand during the first 10 percent of a charge there aren't any special conditions and the charge goes on as normal but once the charge meter drops below 90 percent an additional rule is applied if your movement speed drops below 300 Hammer units per second for any reason the charge will immediately end this will cause a screen shake and if you remember from earlier this is when a shield match can happen for reference 300 Hammer units per second is the walking speed of a sniper pyro or engineer so don't go any slower than this and your charge will continue knowing about the 90 rule can help you avoid some accidental charge failures such as when spinning too quickly with the tie Turner starting a charge while moving backwards in the air starting a charge while crouching even if it's just for a millisecond apparently getting shot at the start of a tie Turner charge since it drains the meter below 90 percent getting slowed down while charging taking tons of knockback you get the idea here's an extra tidbit Shield bashes only work when the charge meter is below 90 which means you can't instantly Shield bash someone and if you want to know something dumb do you remember how the Persian persuaded refills the charge meter while you're charging yeah that can be an issue with this ammo right in front of the guy you're Shield bashing haha not fun depending on which Loadout you have equipped charge stalling can range from incredibly useful to not very useful at all child stalling refers to when you deliberately slow down your charge usually this is done by hugging a wall since the timing for a critical hit is dependent on how low the charge meter is and not your distance you might end up overshooting your enemy by the time the crit is ready by slowing down your charge you give your charge meter more time to drain in simple terms you can charge shorter distances and still get a crit if you slow yourself down too much you'll trigger the 90 Rule and your charge will end you don't want this of course you could just back up first like a normal person but there are other benefits too for instance hugging a wall means you'll be able to take Corners more sharply this can be especially useful when running a Loadout with no turn Buffs since you'd otherwise struggle to take corners even with boots it can be a pretty decent way of surprising someone around the corner even if it is a bit situational but as with all things it gets deeper when you think of charges moving too slowly it's easy to assume it just means horizontal momentum as in forwards backwards left right that kind of thing it turns out that moving up and down is also a factor have a look at this because I'm moving downwards at a considerable speed the 90 rule isn't triggered allowing the charge to continue this means there's potential for even more Niche discoveries to be made not every map has a great big wall you can scale down but you have to remember it counts both ways it also has implications when trimming upwards it's the reason why trimping up super steep walls doesn't ruin your charge [Music] all right it's also the reason why I can do an instant 180 when tripping up this ramp as long as I'm going fast enough vertically my horizontal speed bad is less hopefully that makes sense I think Odin is the one who came up with the term child stalling I'll put a link to his video in the description if you want to see it [Music] thank you foreign [Music] this next technique is extremely important if you want to get good at demo night it's non-negotiable demonites who don't learn it end up being significantly easier to hit this technique is charge air strafing which I'll shortened to just charge strafing as you might have guessed I'm talking about the ability to control your charge movements while Airborne this is something I've already mentioned while talking about charge jumping but it's time to get more specific now I don't need to tell you that charging in a straight line sucks everyone knows this but it's not just because it's predictable it's also slower like significantly slower the amount of difference it makes isn't even funny holy Jesus what is that what the [Β __Β ] is that most speed means more distance allowing you to take down enemies that would have otherwise been too far away and of course it's good around corners too okay so how do we do it I assume you already know how regular SJ thing works if not there are tons of guides out there that said I want you to take everything you've learned and just throw it out the window none of that muscle memory applies while charging and that's because charges behave quite a bit differently for one charges have a ridiculously high acceleration stat that makes sense of course because it's what gives you the ability to charge in the air in the first place but this ridiculously high number ends up affecting the physics in a pretty major way if you're new to the technique you'll probably just wiggle your mouse back and forth this will result in some Speed game but it's not optimal the optimal angle refers to the angle you need to face away from the direction you're currently flying towards what okay you need an example let's say hypothetically that the optimal angle is 40 degrees it's not but let's just go with this for now to do an optimal strafe you'd have to face 40 degrees away from the direction you're moving then you turn the camera in the direction you want to go kind of like a normal air strife that's the gist of it but it's actually a bit more complex than that the optimal angle isn't really a fixed number like 40. no the number actually changes depending on how fast you're moving because of course it does why would it be simple look at this graph the optimal angle starts off somewhere around 30 degrees but then quickly Rises when traveling at high speeds it's closer to 70 degrees now I know what you're thinking how on Earth can I be expected to hit the optimal angle perfectly throughout an entire charge especially when it constantly changes don't worry it's actually more forgiving than you'd think as you can see you can get a speed boost from a wide range of different angles I left this out earlier for the sake of not overwhelming your brain you'll simply get a bigger speed boost if you're more accurate the light on the bottom is What's called the minimum angle as in the minimum angle required to get any speed boost at all now I wanted to make sure that this part of the video was extra accurate so I asked my friend not in heavy for help in my Discord server not never is known for being a bit of a lab rat he likes to look into the game's code and ends up finding lots of things at some point I asked him to make a plugin that would show all the relevant information on screen it even changes color based on how well you're doing thanks to this absolute Legend I was able to spend several hours painstakingly testing different charge strafes with the gravity turned off based on both my testing and my gut the best way for a human player to do a charge strafe is to just do something like this a constant gradual turn that deviates away from the direction you're charging towards by the end of the charge you should nearly be facing sideways 70 degrees as I said you might look at the graph and get the idea to do an instant 30 degree flick right at the start since the optimal angle starts at 30 but if you're traveling at very low speeds doing such a massive flick messes with your trajectory too much which changes the angle you need to face and it's just a massive headache when traveling at low speeds hitting optimal angles seem to be impossible I was only hitting minimum angles which was producing less speed not that you'd really notice though since apparently the amount of acceleration you get also depends on how fast you're going which more than cancels it out look if I keep talking about the source spaghetti monster I'm going to be here all day the point is just copy the strategy you see here I mean you'll probably get this through muscle memory anyway I've provided a link for the practice plugin in the description if you want to mess around with it chart strafing is obviously best done with the tie Turner but the boots can also work rather well the major difference comes from your ability to switch directions with the tie Turner it's as simple as just flicking to the other side but with the boots you can't really do that since you can't turn fast enough this is why a lot of the time it's good to do a charge cancel to get our normal air strafing controls back oh and if you're running a Loadout that doesn't have any charge turning Buffs charge strafing won't make a massive difference it's one of the major reasons why I don't recommend using these sorts of loadouts the lack of good charge strafing ends up kneecapping the skill ceiling which means good demo Knight players typically avoid these sorts of loadouts save for a couple exceptions oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] ever since I started making videos on this YouTube channel I wanted to make a tutorial for trimping the problem is tripping benefits a lot from prior knowledge teaching players how to trim before they knew about charge canceling or child strafing doesn't really make much sense to me but now the opportunity is finally here so let's get on with it there are three different types of ramp you'll want to consider first the gentler smaller ramps next the medium-sized ramps and lastly the steep slopes and walls your approach will change depending on what type of ramp you're using so let's cover them one by one lots of soldier and demo players already know how to slide off gentle ramps it's a staple in many fancy jumps and rollouts but I might as well explain how it works TF2 is essentially a mod of Half-Life 2 running on the source engine The Source engine was based on gold source which is a modified version of the Quake engine a while back I stumbled across a great guide detailing how ramp siding works in the Quake engine TF2 may be different from quake in many many ways but a few of the underlying engine quirks are exactly the same for example when you move upwards above a certain speed the game never treats you as touching the ground if you collide with a ramp such that your horizontal velocity is redirected vertically you'll start moving upwards and as I just mentioned the game doesn't like putting you in a grounded State while moving upwards as a result you'll slide up the ramp in an Airborne State the amount of speed you have going into the ramp matters if you don't have enough horizontal speed you won't have enough momentum going upwards and if you don't move upwards fast enough the game will treat you as a grounded player and you'll come to a complete stop on the other hand if you increase your horizontal speed you'll end up with more vertical momentum to work with resulting in a higher jump in addition to this the ramps angle also matters a steeper ramp like this one will do a better job converting your horizontal momentum into vertical momentum meaning you won't need as much speed but a shallower ramp like this one will be much more difficult since morpheum momentum is being sent forwards rather than upwards okay I can understand if it's starting to get a bit confused so here's the simple version of what I just said the less steep a ramp is the more speed it requires you also need to consider the angle of your momentum going into the ram since that can also play a role in how your momentum is affected while sliding up ramps you won't have any friction but since you still have to deal with gravity you'll still slow down while going up demonites don't really care about this though because charge acceleration is way bigger than gravity medium ramps are the type that most players think of when you mention trimping the this Infamous shrimp on degrute keep is the most well-known example but more of them can be found on other Maps too for these you just charge into them no special trickery involved just face to right angle charge and you'll fly right up it some of these opportunities are pretty hidden though so make sure you have a good look around on your favorite Maps you might find some slopes or stairs that you'd think would be a medium ramp but they're just a little bit too shallow they're technically gentle ramps meaning you can child strafe into them and fly straight off them but they're also steep enough for a new method to work simply run up the slope then charge and jump at the same time it'll only work with very good timing so if you can't get it to work no matter what don't start calling it patched if you remember that jump charge bind from earlier this is where it comes in handy steep ramps are also pretty easy you just hug them at close range and then jump and charge at the same time you might be seeing a pattern here that jump charge bind is coming in very useful but there's also nothing stopping you from just doing it the normal way as well that works fine a good thing to know is that different types of Trumps can actually be combined together for example a medium ramp can put you in a good position to climb up a steep one the strip on bad water is a pretty good example and if you happen to be nearby this area you now have an option for a fight or for an escape trimping can be used for basically everything whether it be map traversal dropping out the sky to Ambush enemies accessing locations that are difficult to reach flanking Behind Enemy Lines whether to spawn camp or just be a giant nuisance in general evading taxes forcing multiple enemies to go on a wild goose chase abandoning the objective in the process avoiding 4 damage Crossing large gaps charging enemies who are very far away indulging attacks while reloading which is something I mentioned before creating unexpected attack patterns oh no committing a drive-by plus if you get ambushed by an enemy it can be useful for escapes as well [Music] you are a coward bloody hell that was a close one just to be aware of the potential sentry gun thank you stacking a charge with an explosive jump can be a very powerful way of Crossing large distances especially with the Thai Turner you'll want to make use of this when you're playing on a map that has very few ramps namely if there's a large open space my recommendation would be to make use of the iron bombers rollers they're quick to explode the reduced rolling means that RNG won't screw you over as much and they don't deal too much self-damage plus the iron bomb is a very good primary weapon so you don't lose out on damage either the loose cannons over the jumps are technically better but combining one of those with a charge starts to become a bit Overkill to the point where you don't need to move that quickly you're certainly paying for it by taking more self-damage so you need to be more careful with how often you jump on the other hand you could pair it with the charging charge of Splendid screen letting you dive bomb enemies out of the sky with a critical hit the half Satoshi can be very useful here since the healing can compensate for the self-damage in this clip these two snipers were annoying my entire team and this just happened to be the best way I could close the distance so in some cases the loose cannons overload jumps can be pretty useful and I wouldn't rule them out completely meanwhile stock grenades tend to roll away from you they're very random and take the longest to explode so while it is possible to jump off these it's also not very ideal and the locker node at least it still works off enemies explosive jump charging can be a great way to surprise your opponents since they won't expect you to appear from the sky remember you're not trying to be an NVM Samurai Robot that's too telegraphed you don't want that you want to surprise people when they're not looking at you and as long as the age-old myth of TF2 players never looking up remains true you can get some free kills this way wait I'm not done how could I talk about explosive jumping and not even mention surfing no not that kind of Surfing this kind of Surfing taking damage is usually something you'd want to avoid but when it comes to enemy explosions you can use those to your advantage it's especially relevant when playing full demo Knight since you don't have an explosive weapon to jump with the extra turning control from the boots combined with the critical hits makes these dive bomb plays a lot more consistent while still being very deadly surfing can even be useful when your charge is on cooldown either as a way to close the distance or as a way to retreat in the case of retreating even bullets can come in handy here so make sure you use those as well just remember that you're not invincible [Music] foreign [Music] every time I upload a video heck anytime a good demo night posts clips of them doing sharp turns there's always the same comments how are you charged turning like that I can't turn as sharply as you sometimes posts will appear asking whether the wee booties even do anything some people will chime in saying that the weapon works just fine other people will claim that it does next to nothing what is going on here how is it that so many players are having vastly different experiences despite using the same weapons I don't want to spend 20 minutes talking about exactly why this happens so here's a simplified explanation even then it's still pretty long-winded back in the ancient days of TF2 demonites could charge him with any Shield using a variety of exploits this was before the tie Turner existed so if you wanted to do any cool plays you pretty much had to use exploits this wouldn't last forever though valve eventually stepped in patching the exploits that people were using after that they essentially turned the exploits into an official feature by adding the tie Turner and after that they buffed the wee booties giving them more turning control you might think problem solved but it goes a bit deeper than that one of the bugs they tried to patch was a frame rate problem where people on better computers with higher frame rates would charge turn better than other players they implemented this by using a simple check the game would have a look at your frame rates and then reduce your charge turning to compensate in theory this would work great but in practice it's a bit wonky check this out 30 frames per second abysmal turning 200 frames per second better turning 500 frames per second one thousand frames per second clearly the bug is not patched it's just nerfed that's not the only fix valve did though whenever you play a game of TF2 there are two components there's your computer and there's also the server you're playing on valve implemented a new check where if the server sees you trying to charge turn more than intended it will just stop you resulting in a pretty horrendous looking Jitter sad to say but that 1000 fps charge turn just isn't going to work in casual however there is still room for improvement 500 frames per second is still very clearly better than 30. so does this mean that you have to go out and buy a brand spanking new computer just to play TF2 properly frankly not not in heavy did a lot of research into charge tuning while we still don't know everything we at least know a few alternate solutions for example did you know that enabling the mouse filter setting could be a big help albeit with the drawback that it only works at low frame rates mainly 60 FPS and below in other words if your setup has a 60hz monitor locking the frame rate to 60 and enabling Mouse filter can be a great solution and if you have a Godlike PC that can somehow Run the game at 550 FPS that's also a good solution but if you're running a setup that is in between these two extremes you'll need to use a third solution especially if you want to take advantage of a nice 240Hz monitor by default TF2 lets you use the arrow keys to turn left and right I think it's one of those leftovers from the Quake engine either way we can use it to our advantage if you hold one of these buttons down and then move the mouse in the same direction you'll stack multiple turn inputs together resulting in a better turn the arrow keys are a bit far away from wasd though so let's do some rebinding I suggest binding Q to plus left and E to plus right the medic bind can always go somewhere else you can also tweak how fast the Turning is by editing the command clu your speed I like to use a value of 230. if you've tried everything I've said and you're still charging in a straight line I do have some more troubleshooting tips first check your Mouse's polling rate if it's lower than your frame rate that can cause problems in some cases you can fix it by lowering the frame rate and then just using Mouse filter most good mice have a polling rate of about a thousand but you should still check just to be safe this same issue can also apply with controllers namely with the controller's gyroscope if you were planning on using a joy-con to play TF2 using the gyroscope as an equivalent for a mouse the 60hz polling race might be a problem as mentioned before you can fix it by using 60fps with mouse filter controllers if you're going to be using one you want to fiddle with the steam input settings a bit joystick input seems to work just fine but the default gyro look setting isn't very good for Charles turning set it to use Mouse emulation instead and you'll usually get better results I can't stress enough how important child's turning is I'm starting to sound like a broken record but I'm going to rub it in even more if you're only charge in a straight line you're limiting the amount of potential picks you can get and if you've heard that phrasing before that's because this advice is a decade old now a lot of people will tell you that the ability to turn while charging isn't necessary to be a good demo Knight that's simply not the case as being able to only charge in a straight line is limiting the amount of potential picks you can get demo Knights that choose to ignore charge turning are putting themselves at a severe disadvantage on the battlefield wow one day I was running around punching people as heavy for my own amusements hey when I stumbled across an enemy demo night now if you've ever used the fist of Steel with the buffalo steak sandwich you know that you can get two shot by melee weapons which isn't very good is it that being said you don't really want to go up against the game's specialized melee class now do you in this situation I should be screwed but because this guy has a bad setup he just charges in a straight line and misses completely twice anytime I see this happen I kind of just die inside do you know what I mean it's like it's just sad to see now that you're aware of demonite's advanced tricks what's the best way of using them some of these things are obvious and can be learned just by playing for a long enough time but once again demonite's massive weapon variety can make things tricky different loadouts can encourage different techniques so let's quickly go over some common loadouts and break down how they're played if you insist on running a Loadout without any turn Buffs your playstyle will mostly revolve around firing grenades charges are often relegated to basic mapped reversal and the occasional crit kill you'll often use the charges for escaping and charge stalling can be an important part of your kit jump charging has its uses for crossing gaps or ambushing enemies but unlike in other loadouts it doesn't provide much of a speed boost however explosive jumps can make upfully avoid's terrible Mobility it might not work reliably against very skilled players but given the limitations of this Loadout we don't have many good choices to work with while trimping is much more restricted it it still has some Niche use cases if you look carefully enough mostly for map traversal though since this Loadout isn't really focused on melee combat melee focused techniques like the extender don't see as much use but can still be handy in a pinch if you're running Thai Turner with your grenades you now have a Loadout that focuses on turning the troll as opposed to melee crits sword resistances you're still using ranged weapons a lot but your charges become a lot more versatile with better dodging escaping and chasing charge strafing is game changing with that comes more jump charging Shenanigans grenade charging is powerful when used in the right circumstances so don't just relegate charging to melee shrimping is significantly more viable and should be abused whenever necessary Shield bashes are easy to hit and become more reliable and since the titano doesn't do any crits you'll often rely on the shield bash for that extra damage The increased Mobility means that explosive jumping isn't as important but it's still useful sometimes especially when the charge is on cooldown or you're saving it for an escape it's very likely that you're using the Claymore or even the skull cutter so these weapon switch techniques I mentioned before will come in handy other melee focused techniques like mid-air charge cancels or the extender can also work really well and the charge reset glitch is also a possibility though it isn't used very much moving on to a typical full demo night Loadout we have a set of weapons that focuses on critical hits the Thai Turner is still the king of movement but calling this Loadout bad at its would be foolish at this point it should be obvious that Charles strafing is the most important Tech to make use of since you're probably using the splendid screen shield bash is also coming to play a lot you end up relying on trimping for a multitude of reasons so that's worth learning mid-air charge canceling is used frequently for fast kills and elaborate trimping setups if you're running the Persian persuaded specifically the charge recycle it can also be a helpful movement tool when fighting against soldiers and demos surfing sometimes comes into play and because you're often looking for close Waters fights the extender sees a bit of use as well charge stalling sometimes has its use as a mix-up particularly on certain Maps but unlike a new turn build you're not super reliant on it in short you'll want to use a lot of movement Tech and melee Tech to your advantage lastly we have an uncommon Loadout consisting of both the boots and the Thai tuner it's very similar to the other tie Turner loadouts so I won't read the whole list the only major differences are that without a grenade launcher you can't explosive jump grenade charge or weapon switch you're also more defenseless while your charge is on cooldown so you want to be more careful with how you use trimping hopefully these lists give you a basic idea of how each Loadout prioritizes different strategies of course swapping weapons around can also tweak things slightly so keep that in mind [Applause] [Music] the Quick Fix is an alternate Betty gun for the medic I won't talk about all of the stats this is just about something specific this bit here the Quick Fix allows the medic to mirror his patient's movement abilities for example healing a soldier allows the medic to rocket jump with him the same thing goes with Demo's explosive jumps Pirates flare guns and so on if you heal a demo knights with the swing you'll also mirror his charges everyone asks the same question if a Demonite can use his charge to saw across the entire map surely a medic can do it too that sounds really fun but when you try it out it doesn't work why simply put the Medics charges are fake it seems to work fine on the ground but when he tried while Airborne the illusion breaks it simply doesn't do anything this is pretty disastrous since a lot of demonite's Advanced Techniques involve charging in the air this means no charge jumping no child strafing and no trimping on the bright side the Medics charges do have full turn control regardless of what Shield the Knight player is using and while I'm on the topic of Quick Fix You can stop the charge at any time just by disconnecting the heel beam if you're using the setting that keeps the midi gun attached to your patients without holding the button down you can disconnect it by clicking somewhere other than your patient so if you're about to plug it off a cliff you have a way to stop it [Music] over an hour ago I talked about how I main demo night and spent most of my Play Time on it we returned to the question of why why spend so much effort learning demo nights hopefully after all of this talk about charging you'll have more of a picture there's a lot to learn and it's fun to master a mechanic but maybe you're still not convinced you might still suggest that loading a different class would be a better use of your time after all choosing to make demo Knights has a few drawbacks it's nothing to do with his overall effectiveness though if I could put Demonite in a tier list he'd be pretty close to the middle he's not exceptionally good but he's also not terrible stock stickies might be extremely powerful but you'll still find plenty of demo nights playing alongside the regular Demoman unfortunately when it comes to competitive play specifically there's a big problem almost all competitive game modes enforce a limit of one Demoman per team it doesn't matter how good the demo Knight is overall compared to the rest of the classes if he can't compete with a sticky bomb launcher specifically he's not getting a spot on the team even in Highlander a game mode which Prides itself on having one of each class demo Knights falls short due to a technicality with that in mind if you're going to spend thousands of hours mastering a specific class wouldn't it be wiser to pick a class that can actually be played in competitive it's a totally fair question but the demo night means the challenge isn't about becoming the best player in the world or climbing the competitive leagues in my opinion many Demonite Mains just want to be as sick as possible a class that's sick is typically one that's cool has a wide variety of weapons and is fun to watch and play forget tier lists I'm going to borrow a concept from Implement and introduce TF2 sick list of course you might have disagreements heck even I have disagreements but this is mostly based on other people think not me as you can see demo Knights is staggeringly sick along with spy of course I'll need to back this up though let's do a quick comparison to heavy who's at the bottom of the list heavy is very poor Mobility leading to a class that mostly revolves around defending areas contrast this with demo Knights who can dive bomb his enemies from many different angles using a variety of different techniques heavy has a very poor selection of weapon unlocks a lot of them don't do much to change the class and those that do tend to be very underwhelming contrast this with demo Knights who has plenty of game changing unlocks most of which are very good heavy is often criticized for being boring to watch and play with demo Knights it's a very different story [Music] demonite's frag videos tend to get a lot of views most of them are mine who would have guessed but the most viewed heavy frag video is this one and that's just showcasing a patched bug so I don't think it should count the closest thing I found was this unedited gameplay footage from 10 years ago which I also didn't think should count heavy runs faster than my internet connection [Music] Ally love their tons of sfm videos getting millions of views but when it comes to his actual gameplay heavy doesn't get much respect sorry big Joey I have to say it don't get mad at me you might wonder how Demonite and spy end up surpassing Scout's soldier in demo these three classes are the faces of competitivity of two along with medic but unlike medic these guys are combat classes that praise for having a very high skill ceiling while also being fun to play and watch and I'm not discrediting any of that there was once a time where I played a lot of 6v6 as a regular Demoman I've binged a lot of competitive frag videos in my day I've traveled to the insomnia gaming Festival in England many times with one of the main reasons being to watch the best Scouts soldiers and Demos in the world that destroy each other on a large stage but there's a reason why competitive frag videos don't tend to get millions of views even if you spend a massive amount of time delicately crafting a beautiful video and end up with a result that is simply masterful it'll maybe get you 40 000 views why well simply put it's because these classes are the best in the business these guys are played so often that it genuinely becomes stale and repetitive if you decide to pick some Soldier there's not much separating you from the 10 million other Soldier Mains playing TF2 every single day so you're not getting any points for originality if you prefer getting points on the scoreboard you might not be phased by that but at the end of the day what people really care about are The Underdogs [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's easy to feel a sense of Injustice but don't blame me I'm not the one making the decisions here I don't control what videos people watch so put the pitchforks down by showing this list I'm only trying to describe the underdog effect where classes that are typically weak or unrepresented end up being the most interesting as a result don't get me wrong though you shouldn't feel bad for picking a class just because people think it's lame if you like playing Sniper and end up destroying the entire server you might get kicked and you might get some rude comments from people but that doesn't mean that any of this is justifiable or necessary I'm going to get a lot of [Β __Β ] for this but I actually like playing pyro with the flog is it lame yes of course it is do I care no and neither should you pick whatever class you find fun I don't care as long as you're not breaking the game in a massive way I have no reason to argue with you about it just play what you want so where am I going with this well here's my answer to the question why I main demo night because it's fun I don't need to justify it any more than that did you really need to learn all the class specific Tech just to have basic respect towards other player's choices hopefully not given that Demonite has more Nuance than some of the game's actual classes it's not surprising that many players like me enjoy taking it seriously treating it as a sort of 10th class the very nature of the charge is to push forward to go into Uncharted Territory to learn new ideas rather than just sticking to the old ones one of the things I'm always excited about is learning new trim spots upward is my most played map by far and I'm still finding new Trump spots when you consider all of the maps in the game there's simply too many trim spots for one person to know all at once which is a good thing it means that as long as I continue breathing there will always be something new to learn about demo night and to me that's a beautiful thing unless it's Junction that Maps suck learning lots of trim squats can be a daunting task especially on your own but there's no shame in asking for help my Discord server solar lights demorites is full of other demo night players shocker obviously there's the text channels where people talk about demonites but there's also a convenient little farm where people post trim squats if you want more obscure knowledge that I didn't cover in this video not unheavy as a pinned Post in one of the text channels and he really goes into detail like so much detail that even this video doesn't have room for every little bug in factoid ever wanted to know the exact reason why the cable doesn't minicrip while charging yep he's written it down also patreon yeah that exists now this video was a long project some parts going back to 2020 a lot of stuff got cut too [Music] oh no oh crap sick this is by no means mandatory but if you'd like to give a helping hand I'm doing the thing where I'm putting people's names at the end of videos and one last thing you know how I said the cyclist mostly consists of community feedback if the list was purely based on my own opinions it would look a bit different for example the traffic cone is the sickest class of the game everything else is lame deal with it foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SolarLight
Views: 2,324,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2 solar light, tf2, solarlight, tf2solarlight, tf2 solarlight, tf2 demoknight, demoknight, trimping, tf2 trimping, demoknight charge, charge strafing, air strafing, buffered charge, tf2 extender, charge reset bug, charge reset glitch, tf2 90% rule, demoknight 90% rule, 90% rule demoknight, charge stalling, charge turning, charge turning exploit, charge turning bug, charge turn bug, charge turn exploit, quick fix charge, charge bhop, subclass, demoman, demo, buggy disaster
Id: LlIs5GnyA_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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