Day Of Dragons Beta ! First Impressions Gameplay | Episode 01

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[Music] alright ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel and welcome to an all new game legend we are showcasing here it is called day of dragons now if you haven't heard of this game ladies and gentlemen yet well it's not really a new game so some of you may have heard of it it was an alpha stage for quite some time a few years and there was quite a bit of controversy when the when the game first released and came out on kickstarter so if you want to go ahead and watch videos about the controversy on day of dragons ladies and gentlemen there are plenty of youtubers you can just go ahead and check it up in the search bar you'll find plenty of content regarding the big scam well ladies and gentlemen they are back again with the beta and i do believe that everybody deserves a second chance especially game developers and we want to go ahead and check out what they have to offer so legend it isn't beta apparently this is all new game basically uh when it first released it was a desert map it was very boring there was not much to do with a few dragons it was it was pretty much an asset flip at the time and everything was just kind of bought assets it was nothing made for the game itself um but we want to go ahead and actually check out what they've done and and what they you know have brought out in this beta so ladies without further ado let's go ahead and check out day of dragons all right so we are at the dragon selection menu this is pretty cool okay so factions what what okay okay we we definitely want to be a dragon this looks pretty cool though oh it's got all the powers ladies and gentlemen there's stats and everything this is pretty epic and there's more dragons than i thought there is okay so these are not yet unlocked but we have got what is this called what is this called is there a name for it okay flame stalker oh okay okay okay so we can go through it here we've got the inferno ravager that's pretty cool we got the shadow scale and we've got the acid spreader this is dlc ladies and gentlemen um the assets but i don't think is a flyer so i mean he's just like kind of on all falls that's pretty cool here's the dlc but we are able to actually i think use it this is basically toothless i think we're gonna go ahead and try our toothless oh but this one over here the inferno ravager what and the flame stalker okay okay okay i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna try out the shadow scale i think this is for the for this video ladies and gentlemen we've got to go ahead and try our toothless uh random gender nah we'll make him i'll make a male because i'm a male random skin iconic i don't we'll just use the iconic okay let's go ahead and spawn i don't know if we're gonna spawn as a baby so this is pretty epic this is the loading screen by the way we're an egg oh my god we're an egg all right guys look at us we are so cute and we're blue guys okay so basically what happened i unfortunately didn't record because i was trying to figure out what was what i was supposed to be doing um you started as an egg and you just start clicking buttons and he hatches out of the egg like the egg actually breaks it's so cool um but we we're blue i don't know if this is the iconic color that we picked uh you press i and you can see all your stuff that you see we're a hatchling at the moment and family we are dragon whip and we elements as plasma which is pretty cool we'll go through all the calls and stuff like that his hunger and stuff though we need to uh we need to go and find some stuff you know we find food and we need to find some water but look how cute he is obviously i don't think he can fly um but i may just be pressing the buttons wrong but i'll figure that all out but i want to get to a nice little spot look we found our mushrooms oh look at this oh can i do something with it can i do something can i hold to eat ladies and gentlemen you can eat the mushrooms oh that is so cute so is this okay so did that actually oh there we go hunger is at zero so first okay so that's exactly how that works look at the water so i had to mess with the settings a little bit uh guys it is still in beta um and as you guys know my pc is pretty powerful so i had to actually mess with the settings and dial some things down like the draw distance and stuff like that uh just to get it running at like a decent 60 fps you know but it isn't based i'm pretty sure the performance will get better over time let's go ahead and have a look at our thirst but our thirst isn't going up what's going on maybe we drink really slowly but hold on we're walking into the water so we're a blue color that's so cool i wonder if if when you don't pick iconic what color it gives you probably gives you like a little black one oh i just heard some there's something over there there is something there is something over there oh man we got to figure out how to fly in everything but i do want to go through the course quickly so you saw the first one let's get up on this rock over here let's just hope somebody doesn't come oh damn there's no collision on the rock all right we're gonna we could do it right here we can actually get rid of that there we go press the oh that's one call this is two look how epic that is he's like godzilla ladies and gentlemen this is three oh it's so cute focal oh it's this scared call and that is all the calls i don't know you can do a bite and you can shoot um i just oh oh there's sundragonist server admin huh so i don't have enough bile apparently i think bile is the stuff you need you know to uh to shoot some fire or plasma i think it's plasmal this is a plasma element but ladies and gentlemen uh right off the bat first impressions i mean i've played day of dragons in alpha the big desert map and like i said it was really boring not much to do um this is pretty cool i like this i like the environment i think this is perfect for dragons um there are a few issues as you can see there but it is like i said it's in beta so there is a little bit of glitchiness in the animation and stuff like it might even just be server-side just because you know i've joined a u.s server and i am in south africa so that could actually just be me all right so thirst has gone down so we've got to make sure that we are close to these little mushrooms i'm pretty sure they spawn everywhere so we're going to go ahead and grow a little bit and i'll catch you guys in a bit i'm going to try and figure out if we can fly we might not be able to fly as a baby that's usually the case i think that was the case when uh when it was an offer as well oh okay so i think the yellow bar at the bottom is the growth bar and the uh white bar is our stamina we can sit of course we could sit he's so cute men oh yes um he can go invisible oh yes i like the oh i like the controls as well i gotta just mention that the controls are quite nice apparently i've heard that it's very difficult to fly as the dragon but we'll be the judge of that but ladies and gentlemen this is day of dragons if you guys want to actually play it yourselves you can go right now on steam i think it's 130 bucks in rans so it's probably around like 10 bucks u.s so i mean it's pretty cheap and uh now's the time to actually get into it you know if you want to play a dragon game a survival game if you guys have ever played the isle this is very reminiscent of the aisle um so you'll fit right in okay so i think we're full we don't need any of that anymore this is look at the environment this is epic but i'll catch you guys in a little bit i'm going to try and figure out if we can fly or not i'm gonna ask in the chat and uh yeah we're gonna grow we gotta grow man we've gotta go grow and survive okay so you can lay down all you gotta do is just hold r so you can't also you cannot fly as a baby unless somebody picks you up so you can be picked up so you hold r and look he lays down so i just wanted to show you guys there is a first person view look at this and you can only like look at a certain like rate if you know what i'm saying because of his head but look how cool this is this is a whole other dynamic uh but leisure we are surviving we're growing i think the orange ball on the bottom is a progress bar there's a dragon out there guys there's a dragon look look look the rendering distance is also pretty epic oh that is so cool and i think this is a pvp service i've got to be very careful we're just gonna oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god hide hide oh here we go here we go uh we're gonna die we're probably gonna die hello hello hello oh it's so cute hello oh and you make little noises when you chat which is the cutest little thing look at the color of this one so ladies and gentlemen there's different colors this is pretty epic everybody's a toothless here look how cool this first person view is ladies and gentlemen this is something that i'll need oh my god but this environment it definitely works for the dragons i love it love it love it love it uh we just found like an entire tribe oh look it's it's an acid spitter there ladies and gentlemen you see the one that's on all fours there doesn't have wings yes he's wingless he's a wingless but hello everybody hello hopefully they see me as a little baby they're like oh he's so cute let's not kill him but they might just single me out and go yeah he's easy food let's just let's just kill him boys hello oh hello hello oh look how beautiful the color is oh he's picking me up oh ladies and gentlemen look i've just been picked up oh hello hello [Music] look at these colors these pellets are so cute oh ladies and gentlemen we have found a home oh look it's a little oh what is that can we eat it oh we can eat it okay so there's little bugs oh that's so cool how's our food i don't wanna i don't wanna eat too much because you know i'm afraid that they might be like you know he's overstaying he's welcome he's eating too much he's eating everything is so cute oh i'm feeling a little anxiety i wonder if it's because these guys are not like part of me tribe or anything i don't know how to join the tribe and stuff how do you do all of that stuff oh there we go a cool look at the size of this clan guys 14 players look at all of us that is so cool and oh there is a photo mode as well but of course but of course there's a photo mode come back your assets better look ladies and gentlemen it's an acid spitter yes they are so fast they are so so fast look at him i want to get him oh he's beautiful i mean the models guys hey you know what day of dragons had a really really rocky launch a lot of uh a lot of things were thrown around at that time a lot of your words like scam and you know and uh cash grab and asset flip and you know what i he everybody deserves a second chance and this game is looking amazing these models the mechanics i can't wait to fly we're almost there i think we can fly at the next age i'm hoping this i think this is the next stage right there so i'm hoping we can fly at that stage you can fly around the map and check things out man apparently you can get these blue mushrooms and become eldar but if you eat a blue mushrooms you grow watch this guys so yes we can sit and chill of course but we can sleep oh it's so cute our head still moves a little bit but i noticed this guy over here he was sleeping and i'm like oh we definitely can sleep i mean this is epic we have another little baby that has joined at the tribe and look at his blue he's blue just like me he's so cute i just saw this one right here malefic whims male thick male thick i just saw male thick whims over here flying through with this little blue thing and i'm thinking hmm i wonder if he just killed this baby and brought it here for food no he just brought him here so cute look at this white one look what we have found oh let's jump we can actually fly um look at him oh hello beautiful hello look at it i had to show you look at the color that is amazing so they are all different colors we have chosen the blue color which is the um the iconic color he also has the iconic color and we can fly i'm just waiting for it to get a little brighter alright guys i think you know what let's go ahead and do our first flight during the morning yes oh oopsie oopsie so ladies and gentlemen this is my first flight um i think you basically i'm just gonna wing it i don't know the exact key combination but let's do this first flight ladies and gentlemen with the dragon jump press f oh i don't know i just got hurt all right there we go we're in we're in we're up we're up ladies and gentlemen okay so basically how it works you gotta press s to go up uh w to go down oh wow this is epic can we glide though okay so to go faster is shift oh yes we can roll my gosh this is insane this is insane oh we found all the dragons what is up what's up guys this is crazy okay so can we roll er so oh this is insane this is insane okay the flying mechanics are scary but this is so cool i mean now we can actually see the map all right space our nose to slow down can we can we slow down into one spot yes we can so we can hover oh and you actually fall look at that that is actually really cool so physics oh my gosh this is insane what does it look like in first person [Laughter] oh ladies and gentlemen the only game you can play right now and live out your little dragon fantasies man day of dragons what's up okay so there definitely is gliding so you can glide oh this is epic and it does take a little bit of stamina just a little bit so i want to go ahead and explore there's our guys down there hello hello okay so you can only actually press the call uh one call when you're flying i wonder if we can go this way is this all right looks like we can i mean look at this map it's gigantic whoa what is down there i think that's the edge of the back down that side wow look at this and you know ladies and gentlemen i haven't seen anything besides this dragon and the acid spiller so it would be pretty interesting if we came across another dragon i don't know how to land though let's actually attempt to land here comes a field the flying mechanics are pretty cool i like it um very very very stiff though i'm not gonna lie okay so we're gonna come in for a landing wait i just pressed f oh we are so hurt oh that was not a good idea okay so the health does regen a little slow so instead of wasting time we're going to do some stuff okay instead of you know what because we might just starve to death but this field guys is perfect to practice i wanted to show you yes it's literally and i mean literally it's just like oh we can't shoot that side okay so when it's red you can shoot when it's white he bites that's pretty cool it's just like toothless this ladies and gentlemen this dragon is like a mixture between toothless from how to train your dragons but also i don't know if you guys remember i know if you guys remember the movie dragon heart yes looks very much like the dragon heart one as well so let's go ahead and fly again we are at like 56 health it should be enough it should be good um space and f there we go there we go perfect perfect but let's practice landings let's practice some of these landings so we're going to hold space and come down nice and slow that worked okay so basically we just got to slow down physics physics ladies and gentlemen we're going to press f then press f oh oh he didn't take any damage there all right so we're gonna run jump press f and we're up yes this is so epic look how blue we are oh now we can see our colors and there is definitely damage modeled look at that pretty epic yeah that the map definitely reminds me uh very much of the aisle which is not a bad thing i like this i like this unreal engine so obviously it's gonna look very familiar we're almost at adult stage as well we are a little hurt we want to explore there's snow mountains and i want to go see the snow mountains okay so we found some water look at this gliding it's so epic it is so cool i mean yeah the flying physics are a little tough uh there is a bit of a learning curve is there other dragons here oh there's other dragons hello other dragons acid spit as i think or something maybe it's ai i don't know that looks like no those are dragons those are definitely dragons let me go ahead and show you this menu this menu is amazing i mean just look at all the stats and you can actually add mutations and stuff like that so obviously i've gone for agile at first uh basically shows you your age what kind of elements you are you know the diet all of that stuff ladies and gentlemen it is really epic and the coolest part of it bloodline quality you've got all these stats the guys that i was grouped with earlier on they were all trying to get dragons at a at a stat or i don't know they were breeding so that is so freaking epic okay there's so much more to the game than just you know surviving and stuff like that ladies and gentlemen deal of dragons what a comeback what an absolute epic comeback from the game that it was to the game that it is now it's it's well like the old saying goes night and day hello hello [Music] yeah the flying mechanics are amazing um i think we can fly through the trees without getting knocked yeah we were fine if we fly through the trees i think it would be very very hard um i don't if you guys remember i covered the game it's basically how to train your dragon it's a fan made game and if you hit the trees you pretty much break away no oh so okay there definitely is damage it's amazing we haven't found any other dragons like fire dragons yet you know i've got the oh this looks scary this looks pretty ominous i'm not gonna lie definitely don't land with f you just gotta slow down that with that was gonna be a couple of broken legs no okay we definitely don't have it hands down just yet no ways this place is pretty cool though this is a nice place to live we've got a visitor look at here the white one hello i'm a little hurt yeah i had a little bit of a an accident yeah oh they're offering me food i mean just look at these graphics absolutely beautiful for i mean a dragon game survival dragon game this game is freaking amazing okay ladies and gentlemen so we've just turned to adults and i just wanted to show you here okay so you've got survival which is scavenger and you've got movement agile and you've got fertile so we're going to go ahead and choose probably scavenger for now um but that is the point system text will appear saying press e to pick up hatchling okay cool so we're going to go and maybe find like a little baby if we find a little baby we're gonna pick him up and we're gonna go take him towards the main area where we could you know they can grow and stuff like that all right so ladies and gentlemen i have just spoken with our friend over there plus guinea i think that's the way you say the name i'm probably right dude look at the size of that tree we're gonna go see that um i don't think there's any other dragons in the game yet i think it's just the acid splitter and this one at the moment but the other ones are coming i'm pretty sure i could have selected them though which is pretty weird i don't know this game is amazing though okay we're going to go ahead and check out that tree we got it press f there we go all right look oh my gosh look at this environment guys all right let's slow it down a little bit oh this is so epic and i mean first person view how cool is this so i like you like i said uh ladies and gentlemen the rendering distance is actually pretty good i have had to set it down by one i think it's on epic instead of cinematic it's just it's just so that we could get a 60 fps steady frame rate hello hello oh it's so cute wow look at the size of that tree oh we just heard we just hurt ourselves again 57 percent yep it's going to take some getting used to yeah the flying definitely takes some getting used to oh please no no no no oh this is this is really really tough i'm not gonna lie the flying is extremely tough wow look at the size of this tree that is insane that is one big tree guys okay i wanted to go up to the top of this mountain because you know that's definitely something i wanted to see if it was possible like i look the physics are very very realistic i'm not look a dragon is a big heavy beast and it's going to struggle to fly in certain instances or certain situations but look at this we're on a snowy mountain yes yes i have come home i'm blue dabba d i am blue i am definitely look at the size of this map is huge map is massive look down there guys oh it's like a rocky valley oh we need to watch where we're going we need to watch where we're going we're almost there i wonder if anybody's up here i don't think so all right we're at the top of the mountain jeepers this is difficult this is slow down slow down there we go there we go just let's let's go down we're just gonna do it really slowly awesome so we made it on top of the snowy mountains i mean look at the the rocks and stuff like that that's pretty epic [Music] the one thing about this game i'm going to mention right now the audio 10 out of 10 the the the calls from these creatures that when they sounded in the distance and you're in the middle of the forest the way it echoes it's abs the proximity audio is amazing but there's nothing up here uh i was actually thinking you know maybe some blue mushrooms or something no wow just absolutely wow look at this the audio just the the feeling of being in flight like this so high up it's just so epic this game is just breathtaking look at this i'm like chilling here in the mist and it just looks so beautiful that tree up out in the background there epic oh we found another one look how epic the flag is look how cool this looks ladies and gentlemen wow absolutely breathtaking we're gonna go ahead and find those pointy mountains you know those pointy mountains that we saw they're only on one side so i want to go ahead and check them out ladies and gentlemen just look at this the sheer scope the absolute sheer scope of this game it's insane so that's where we're heading we're heading towards the big spikey rocks look at this cavern wide oh that is epic the map is really really good i i you know what from that desert map to this wow so before we get there guys just wanted to show you the calls as he's an adult you know his ability obviously is to go completely invisible and it does take stand but if you crouch it doesn't so you can literally stay in crouch mode in invisibility all the time you can literally be invisible all the time that is so epic for hiding this creature is so cool it's like it i look i know there's no other dragons besides this and the spitter but when those other dragons come they're gonna be pretty epic the fire one and all that even though it's so weird that we could have picked it maybe maybe maybe it wouldn't have let us but uh look how epic this is so i wanted to show you that yes and obviously he can crawl oh dude that looks so cool look at his crawling the animations are epic and yes you can i'll turn in this game you can actually alternate which is you know it's not exactly realistic it should be disabled maybe on some servers it is um but i mean just everything the animations are fantastic let's go through the calls quickly listen to the echo because we're in a very big open space just listen to the echo [Music] oh that echo wow that audio is amazing while the echo's crazy oh he's scared there okay and this is number five you guys have not seen number five yet it's mating yeah it is mating call it is so cute i love it i love it ladies and gentlemen it is the edge of the map that is so not cool i flew right into a brick wall yep well i mean ladies and gentlemen i could not have expected that much uh those spiky rocks kind of looked like they were background assets you know what i mean you know they weren't really meant to be flown to so that's my bad that's my bad all right ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be the end of the video this is day of dragons but before we end i just wanted to show you one cool little physics party trick the whole flying mechanic's got going on here in this game check this out oh yeah oh baby we're going in hot we're going in hot oh oh this thing can pretty much stop on the dime though i mean look at that that was insane epic ladies and gentlemen day of dragons if you guys oh i just hit the wall again i just hit a wall again all right well ladies and gentlemen if you want to check out dave dragons go ahead and check it out on steam it is like 10 bucks so it's it's pretty cheap probably cheaper in your country i don't know the exchange rate but it's around 10 bucks 10 u.s if you want to play a dragon survival game and it's got a whole bunch more to it you can also do roleplay and stuff there's pvp pve servers as well ladies and gentlemen day of dragons is the kind of game for you and it is in beta so do bear that in mind but with that said if you guys enjoyed the video please smash the like button if you haven't subscribed to the channel already please consider subscribing to the channel i'll see you in the next one ladies and gentlemen peace
Views: 405,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day Of Dragons Beta ! First Impressions Gameplay | Episode 01, Day Of Dragons Beta Release, Day Of Dragons Beta First Impressions, Day Of Dragons Beta Gameplay, Day of dragons in 2021, Day Of Dragons Gameplay, Day Of Dragons, Day Of Dragons Beta, Day of dragons update, Day Of Dragons Open Beta, NEW Day of Dragons Open Beta, Day of Dragons open beta update, Day of Dragons the Shadow Scale, Top 5 Best Upcoming Dragon Games In 2021, Mad South African Gaming, kaiju universe, godzilla
Id: -NsBrxHGOrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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