Introduction to Titles and Motion Graphics | Part 1 | DaVinci Resolve | Fusion

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[Music] hi I'm shashwat I hope you are having a really great day a while ago a viewer asked me on how to animate not just alphabets but also words using the follower modifier INF Fusion so in today's episode we will be exploring some really simple and quick ways of animating text infusion here I will be showing you six different text animation Styles so without any delay let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so this is the first text that we will be animating to create this animation first go to the toolbar then click and drag and drop the text node into the node editor next in the inspector window type your text and change your phont load the text into the viewer then right click and go to guides and select show guides this shows us what the title safe area is now back in the text area change the size to about 1. 1811 and change the font color to Yellow now duplicate the text node two more times and change the text to love and Earth respectively now we'll connect all three of these nodes using a multi merge node what a multi merge node does it allows us to connect multiple node outputs to one merge node instead of the traditional merge node which only has two inputs a foreground and a background now let's load a background node in the background node settings we'll change the alpha to zero then connect it to the multi merge node now let's connect our text to the multi merge node now press FS2 to rename all of our text we'll rename the first text I then we'll rename the second text log and the third text Earth let's load the multi merge into the viewer to see what our composition looks like now select the ey text node and in the layout section we will be adjusting the offset click and drag the Y off set and move it upwards then do the same with the Earth but instead we'll be moving it downwards now let's change the color of our love text to a nice deep red and this is what our text looks like now we'll start working on the background so load a background node change this color to blue [Music] color and now load a merge node we'll connect the background to the background input of the merge node and we'll connect the multi merge to the foreground input of the merge node now let's load the merge node into the scene now this is what our composition looks like now let's reposition our text so while we still selecting the merge node go to the inspector properties and we're going to increase the size and adjust the Y offset to position our text in the title save Zone with this our text composition is ready now let's start animating our text to do so first We'll add a rectangle polygon node and connect it to the text a rectangular polygon mask allows us to mask certain parts of the image now in the rectangle mask window press invert to flip the mask then adjust the polygon size and position to just below the text now select the text and in the inspector window go to the transform section we'll be animating the text to pop up from behind the mask revealing itself to do so first go to frame number 10 and in the text inspector window add a key frame to the offset this will be our end key frame now go to frame number zero add a key frame drag the Y offset down to hide behind the mask press play we can see the ey text popping up now we will smooth in the animation to do so first select the text node then open it in the spline editor in the spline editor click on the three dots in the top right corner and select show only selected tools now check box the it text parameter and now our animation curves are visible if it's not then to rectify this in the top right Cor corner of the spine editor press Zoom to fit button this will reveal all of your graphs now click and drag to select both the key frames then right click go to ease and select out cubic this will give an ease out to your [Music] animation now duplicate the rectangle masks and connect it with the other two text and apply the same animations here I'll slightly speed up the video to save [Music] time now we are going to offset the animation for each of the words to do so select all three of the text nodes then go to the key frame editor in the key frame editor make sure that show selected is on click and drag to select the key frames of the love text and move them two frames forward and then select the Earth text and move it four frames forward now if you press play we see that our words pop out one after another now we will animate the love text to beat like a heart to do so add a transform node after the text node and go to frame number 24 transform node allows us to do simple 2D transformations of an image such as scaling position or even rotation in the transform node add a key frame to size then move two frames forward and increase the size very slightly then move one frame forward and reset the scale to zero repeat the process after a gap of two [Music] frames now we have a heartbeat we'll repeat this entire process after a gap of 11 frames now we have two heartbeats and this is what our animation looks like in this next text we'll work on zooming out and squeezing the text to create this animation let's first add a text node then type the text I then we're going to duplicate this node three more times now for the second one we going to type love for the third Earth and for the fourth one we are going to type save it select the first text node and press f2 then rename it I now we are going to select the rest of the nodes and then press f2 and rename the first one as love now it will automatically open the second one and we're going to rename it as Earth and we're going to rename the third one as save [Music] it now let's change the color of these text select I and change the color to [Music] Yellow now we going to save this yellow color as a sample because we going to be applying the same color to the other two text as well [Music] but for the save a text we are going to change its color to Green now let's connect our text to each other to do so load a multi merge node now load a background node and change this Alpha to zero now connect the background node to the background input of the multi merge node and now connect the rest of the text to the multi merge node as [Music] well load the multi merge node into the scene and currently this is what our text looks like now let's add another background node and connect it to the multi merge node using a merge node and change the color of the background node to a sky blue color and lastly change the font style of our [Music] text now we are going to slightly increase the text size of our first three notes which is the I love [Music] Earth but for the save it we are going to increase the scale to a 2193 now in the save it text property go to the shadings panel and in the shading element select three to apply a drop shadow now we are going to reduce the opacity to about5 and with this our text is now ready for [Music] animation so in this one we have four text nodes we have I we have love Earth and we have Sav it so to make the I love Earth part we only need to create one animation and then we will duplicate the animated text and change the text and the offset of the animation in the key frames but for the save text it's a bit different so let's start disconnect the save it text and then delete the love Earth text nodes now we are just left with the itex node now in the itext node go to the layout and we will animate the size so at frame zero add a key frame to the size now change the size until it fits the screen almost completely in this case I'm using 10 next go forward five frames and add a key frame scale it down to a smaller size in this case I am using two now we want this key frame to stay for a while so go to frame number 12 and add another key frame here we will not change any value now go to frame number 15 and scale it down down further now let's play the animation now we can see that our text starts abruptly and doesn't fade away at the end of the animation so we'll go to the shading section of the text node and under properties we will animate the opacity so go to frame number zero and add a key frame and reduce the opacity to zero then go forward two frames and reset the opacity to one now we'll do the same thing for the end we'll go to frame number number 15 we'll reduce the opacity to zero and we'll go back two frames and we'll reset the opacity to one now this is what our animation looks like now let's smooth out the animation so for that let's go to the spline editor select the first two keys of the size right click go to ease and change it to incub then select the opacity right click ease and select out cubic now for the end we'll select all four of these Keys both the opacity and the scale right click ease and select in cubic now if you press play we have a much smoother animation now we're going to duplicate this twice we'll rename this and we'll rename the text as well accordingly and we will connect it to the multi merge now if you press play we can see all of them working together now we need to offset these two to do so let's select all three of these texts then go to the key frame editor here we go to the frame where the eye has just started its exit which is in this case frame number 12 and then we're going to select both the love and the Earth frames and drag and move them over so that the first key frame starts at frame number 12 and now we'll do the same with the Earth and this is what our animation looks like up till now now we come to the Save It Animation so first let's connect the Save It Animation now move forward two frames after the Earth animation ends which is at frame number 41 now select the save it text node and go to the text section here we will be animating the tracking parameter so at frame number 41 We'll add a key frame and we'll change the value until the letters are just out of frame then we'll go to frame number 52 and we'll reset the tracking value and this is what it looks like now we want our text to squeeze together before they return to normal so go back four frames so we are at frame number 48 and we'll add a key frame and we'll move the tracking slider to squeeze the text together now go to the spline editor make sure that only save it text node is visible select all the key frames and in the bottom left corner of the spline editor press the smooth button this will smooth our curves with this another text animation is ready from this text onwards we will be exploring on how to use the follower modifier so let's dive right into it now let's load the text node in the text box type like and now rename the text node like as well now select the desired font and load the text node into the scene now let's change the color of the text to a light blue color now we'll change the size of our text to 0.6 and in case the slider doesn't go over to that value you can just manually type the number now let's create a background for the text so drag and drop the background node then load a merge node and connect our background and the text to the merge node now load the merge node into the scene now let's change the color of the background node to a shade of red with this a background and the like text is ready now to improve upon it let's add a let's add a drop shadow to the like text so select the text node go to the shadings area and in the shadings element select the third element which has the preset for drop shadow press enable and now you have a shadow in the scene now let's reduce the opacity quite a lot and if you go down we can adjust the softness of the Shadow we have the option to soften the Shadows horizontally or even vertically but we are unable to do so uniformally to uniformly soften the shadows in the Y parameter type the equal to simple this opens the expression box you can use the Expression box to automate certain parameters but in this case we are going to click and drag the plus icon and drag and drop it on top of the X now this connects our X and Y parameters together now if we move the X slider we can see that our shadows soften uniformly now let's sharpen our shadows now move down and click on the position to open the position box now change priority to a value of 4.72 Now set the Z offset to 0.16 the X offset to 0.01 and the Y offset to 0.009 Now to create the me textt node let's duplicate the like node in the text box type me and then rename the text node to me as [Music] well now there are two ways we can go about connecting these two nodes using a merge node you can click and drag the merge node from the tools bar or you can click and drag on the output of the node that you want to use as a foreground a wire appears appears drag the wire on top of the output of the node that you want to use as a background now let it go now these two nodes are automatically connected using a merge node now drag and drop the second merge node into the viewer node now both of the texts are visible one another thing that you should take note of before we move forward often you'll come into situation where you're aligning your text and they're both of different sizes or even shapes and during animation you want their edges to be aligned and to find that edge is not easy since unlike after effects or photoshop Fusion does not have ruler lines that you can click and drag from the edges to help you align your Motion Graphics but still there is a very simple alternative infusion let's first load a merge node and connect it to the rest of the composition after the background node this is a very temporary step that you can remove after you done with this now to this merge node we are going to connect a new background [Music] Noe here we will not be changing any settings but we'll be connecting a polygon Mass Noe to it now in the viewport selecting the polygon node click on one Edge to add a point then shift and click on the other Edge to create a straight line now this is the line that we will be using as a reference guide now in the polygon settings we can increase the Border width to give it a slight [Music] thickness with this we now have a reference line that can be moved in the Y AIS by clicking and dragging on the arrow keys now we can use the same process to create a ruler for the horizontal plane just duplicate the background and the merge node and load in another polygon node now go to the top side add a point then shift and click on the bottom side to create a straight line give it a slight thickness now we have a horizontal reference line that we can move along the [Music] x-axis and once we are done with our ruler lines we can either switch off the merge nodes or we can just remove them from the node tree and with this our text is ready to be [Music] animated in this animation we have two text like and me let's first load the like merge node and then select the like text node in the text section right click in the text box go down and click the follower modifier then go to the modifiers and here in the timing section we'll change the delay to two this means that after the first letter each letter will start with a delay of two frames now if you press play we see that nothing happens that's because we haven't created the animation yet so now in the followers modifier section go to the transform under the transform we will be animating the Y offset now go to frame number four and add a key frame to the Y offset adding the key frame opens the path window we don't need to be concerned with this we can ignore it so scroll up double click on the follower modifier and it will take us back to the transform window now at frame number four after setting the key frame drag the Y down and go to frame number 17 and add a key frame to the Y offset and change the Y offset back to zero now if we hit play we can see our letter swiping up one after the other so now let's add some dynamism to the animation now let's go to the spline editor and change the curve style to out cubic and then we'll modify the curve now what will happen is that our texts will pop up very fast and it'll go further up before it smoothly settles back into position next we will be animating the Mi text the Mi text will be dropping down from the top but before that we want the like text node out of the frame so go to frame number 35 and then add a transform note after the like text and add a key frame to the Y offset then go to frame number 42 then drag the text down out of the frame now select the Mi text node and in the text box right click and add a follower modifier then in the follower modifier section in the timing set delay to two then go to transform and set the playhead frame at frame number 33 and add a key frame to the offset then set the Y offset to 0.5 now go to frame number 46 and reset the offset to zero now if we play we can see our me text dropping down after the like and our like text exiting the frame now we don't want the Mi text to stay in the frame for long as well so in the tools tab go to the text section for the me text node here we will be animating the tracking so at frame number 60 add a key frame to tracking and then at frame number 70 move the tracking slider until the letters are out of the frame so this is how an animation looks like up till [Music] now to add the motion blur effect go to the settings area of each text node and checkbox the motion blur and adjust the motion blur settings as [Music] desired now press play and we have another text animation which is ready motion blur is quite heavy on the processing so be careful when you're using it and use only the settings that works for your [Music] system unlike the previous animation where the like text and the Mi text were on two different nodes this text animation is on one single Noe now let's see how we can animate this now let's create our next text now load the text node same as before now type our [Music] text now change the font and load the text into the viewer now let's change the color of the text to Yellow now let's adjust the size of our text and let's adjust the space between our letters using the tracking slider now let's rename our text node so press f2 and rename the text to subscribe uncore text now let's create our background so bring in a background node and connect our text to the background node using a merge node now load the merge node into the scene now go back to the background node and change the color to Blue now let's start animating our text so first let's add a rectangle mask and connect it to the text scale it big enough so that it covers the whole screen and then position it just below the Subscribe line now go to the mask properties and press invert now to see through the mask we can simply switch it off by clicking this button now we can see through our mask now select the text node and add the follower modifier and in the modifiers change the delay to two and then in the transform tab add a key frame to the offset at frame zero then drag the offset until the Subscribe line gets covered by The Mask now go forward eight frames and reset the Y offset to zero now switch on the mask and press play we can see that it works now to make the other lines visible we will be animating The Mask switch off the mask now scrub through the timeline until we see the T of the two pop up in this case it's frame number 25 now pull back one frame to frame number 24 in The Mask properties add a key frame to Center and then go forward to frame number 25 and then drag it down just enough so that is over the rest of the line now scrub forward until the C pops up now go back one frame at frame number 40 We'll add another key frame and at frame number 41 we'll Drag The Mask just above the line switch on the mask press play and this is what it looks like now go to the spline [Music] editor select all the key frames right click go to ease and add and out cubic now adjust the curve now what will happen is that when we press play our letters will jump up slightly before they settle down into position with this another text animation is done in this animation instead of letters we will be animating individual words on the same text node using the follower modifier so let's get started now let's create our text load a text node and a background node connect the text node to the background node using a merge node and load the merge node into the scene now go to the text node and now let's type our text now change the font and change the color to Yellow now let's increase the size of the text until it fits both ends of the title save with this done now let's go to the background node and change the background color to a light blue so now we have our text now let's give this text a drop shadow but before that let's rename our text node so press f2 and rename the text node to I love Earth now in the text properties go to the shading section and in the shadings element select three this is the drop shadow press enable to enable the drop shadow then scroll down to the properties and decrease the opacity now go down to the softness section connect the Y softness to the X softness using an [Music] expression and increase the softness of the sh Shadows with this our text is ready now let's start animating our text now if you want to animate the individual words instead of letters these are the steps you need to take this is our text in the text node right click in the text box and add the follower modifier in the followers modifiers tab change the order type to manual curve at at frame zero assign a key frame to delay by character position now this is what manual curves allows us to do we can highlight and select each and individual characters in the text so for example we can select an entire word and manually assign them delay so we'll do exactly that first we'll highlight I add in the followup modifier click on this button the set first selected character delay button now highlight love and change the delay value to 10 and hit the character delay button finally highlight Earth and change the delay value to 20 and hit the button now open the spine editor this curve that you see here this is not a Time based position curve this is the curve that was created when we animated the delay and currently if you set up all your animation and hit play you'll see letters being animated instead of the words to rectify this select all the keys then in the bottom right of the spline editor press the step in button next go to the transform section in the followers window make sure that your playhead is at frame number zero and add a key frame to the offset then move the Y offset to move the text up and out of the frame then go to frame 10 and reset the Y offset to zero now press play and we can see our text being animated now we are going to make our words bounce like a ball so first go to frame number 13 and move the Y offset slightly up then move three frames forward and reset the frame to zero now move two frames forward and change the Y offset to 0.05 [Music] then move two frames forward and reset it to zero and finally move one frame forward and change the Y offset value to 0.025 finally go forward one frame and set it to zero now press play and we have a bouncing ball now we can smooth this animation even more so go to spline editor make sure that the delay is checked off so that you don't accidentally change any settings in it now select the first two key frames right click go to ease and select in cubic now press play and we have our [Music] animation so that's all for today in part two of introduction to titles and Motion Graphics we will go through each step in detail on how to create this simple 3D text animation so don't forget to like subscribe and ring that Bell icon to receive the notifications for part two until next time see you [Music]
Channel: DarkWhite Productions
Views: 567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8bqyE_LPAAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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