Should I Go Solo & Teach Online Independently?

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what's up everybody hello and welcome to the online teaching show the place where we talk about online teaching companies uh building your own teaching business and in today's episode we're going to be talking about going solo and you are welcome for the cute cat in the background uh she is definitely wanting to be the star of the show so i said why not let's let's make it happen uh good to see everybody here uh lots of you here early i did try to put up my first poll ever on youtube i can't do it from stream yard but i am doing it from youtube directly so i'll check those results here if you are just popping in um or you are a little late coming in or even uh watching the replay let me know what your results are for this for the for the poll are you currently teaching independently yes no and i want to start so i see a few people adding to the poll something like 18 or 19 votes the majority says no um i want to start 28 and 32 yes cool so that's just good i just kind of wanted to get some feedback on where folks were at um i've been doing kind of a combination of teaching privately and teaching for companies for the last several years and um yeah even today i i had my two hours with vipkid i had a private student that i've been teaching for a while from hong kong and i have a few of those throughout the week on a very small scale but nonetheless a business that you can grow and that i want to share with you some questions to ask yourself and also provide a place this morning to talk about some of the issues around that and things that you should be thinking about as an independent teacher as someone who wants to build their own teaching business so let's just say hello to folks that are popping in maria was the first hello maria and then we've got stacey hello let us know where you're tuning in from as well the bearded teacher terence i think it is right in thailand yeah i remember who you are um janae hello charity thank you for the the comment what do you guys think you should open up a company and hire us just going to grab something over here um yeah that would be that would be a great idea a lot of work and not something that i'm really wanting to do right at this moment but uh hey you never know right um too many things going on at the moment for me to to work on something like that but thank you for that uh jason buenos dias masango hello you're always here welcome back uh kelly welcome and miss ellen awesome so if you guys are uh meeting me for the first time my name is tim um i'm an online teacher business coach and i uh show up live every monday at 10 a.m eastern time to talk about different things usually i come up with it the day of or the day before or it's based on your feedback and your questions and uh so yeah do make sure that you are a subscriber just look below and click the subscribe button that would be greatly appreciated this channel has grown so much over the last year and especially over the last month so really excited about that about that and stoked to have a platform to be able to share resources and uh tips and ideas for all of us as we navigate this crazy industry right now that is you know kind of collapsing in front of us it's it's it's what is happening is really like none other and it's it's really um causing a lot of anxiety and stress and that makes me really sad to see that in the online teaching community because it is such a wonderful opportunity and i want to see us continue to have success and to continue to grow in this because you know i really believe that there's so much potential for all of us and out there and no matter if you really want to stay in this industry or if you want to go out there and and find something completely different that is also awesome i know that many are doing that currently and have found success in other things i will say you know i have gotten so many mlm um invites over the last several weeks in my inbox um and i want to preface this by saying that i have nothing against mlms but read the room now is not the time to take advantage of teachers who are losing their jobs you know can i get an amen on that in the chat i really i'm just tired of seeing um people not in our industry you know seizing opportunity to take advantage of online teachers and to um you know sell things that uh to be quite honest with you only a very few are able to be successful in and so um you know i just want all of you to be wary of that that there are going to be those people that are going to try to you know bring you into something else and remember nine times out of ten it only benefits them and not always benefits you and so just tread with caution um with all of those things so um yes hello kisha uh thank you deborah and yeah so very cool we are going to jump into uh talking about online independent teaching going solo and you know pivoting that direction that you may want to go if you have been working for a company and you are wanting to move into uh finding your own students or you know marketing yourself and uh becoming a private online independent teacher so um yes monica says no mlm please masangu amen yes absolutely yes there and my mom is here hello mom from my native land yeah i actually don't say often that i'm from bermuda but uh i am and and uh that's where my mom is and uh yeah awesome okay so let's jump into uh some of the topics that i wanted to talk about but before we do that i wanted to let you know that i do have a facebook group right now that has grown a lot in the last uh month especially it's called going solo pivoting as an online teacher and really we're sharing about ways that you can find success um if you are in that stage right now of pivoting and wanting to build your own teaching business so feel free to go over there and join uh you will only be let in if you answer the questions so make sure that you do answer those questions and we would love to have you we are sharing about all kinds of you know issues around private teaching and you know how to set up those systems and how to navigate this if you've got students that want to uh take classes with you and i want to preface all of this by saying that you know whether you are for or against teaching your current chinese students that may be coming off of companies it's important to know that there is a large world out there full of students wanting to learn english and you don't only have to market yourself in china you don't have to only think about teaching your chinese students and and that being your only business there is there is a lot of opportunity to market yourself and to find students who want to learn english outside of china so i know that some folks are you know kind of leery about um teaching privately right now especially with the regulations um as i've said before on my channel i think you know more power to you i'm certainly doing it and you know as of right now there are no restrictions against that i do believe that things could get more difficult but if you are wanting to do that then then that is an avenue that um that you can that you can explore so um i am also offering some coaching at the moment and basically this you can sign up at uh and you can kind of see what i'm wanting to focus on with online teachers that are wanting to build a business i think my slots are full this week but i've got an affordable rate for an hour or for three sessions if you want to really walk through some of the things that you're struggling with bounce ideas off of create an action plan and have accountability for uh teaching on your own so this is uh this might be for you and you know certainly if it isn't for you not to worry at all but i am working with a few teachers this month to uh to help them uh build their business and to scale their business so if that's interesting to you then go ahead and check it out and you can certainly send me a message via that website to uh to ask me more questions and to make sure that um it's a good fit for you i want to make sure that i add value away with um with more tools in your toolbox to be able to teach privately all right so one of the um let's see check the chat here for a second yeah talking about multi uh multi-level marketing okay um so some questions that you know you might be asking yourself right from the beginning and one that i want to ask you off the start is do you really want to do this and i think that while you might see a lot of teachers moving in this direction and you might think that that's the stage that the step that you want to take as well but you may not have really thought through what that sort of looks like i want you to really ask yourself is this something that you really want to do do you want to be a teacherpreneur do you want to build your own online teaching business and it's okay if you don't you know maybe you just want to take a few students and continue to teach them or maybe you actually have a teaching niche and you want to you know go out there market yourself and build an awesome business where you charge what you're worth and where you are able to teach what you want and be in complete control of all of those things we're going to talk a little bit uh in the in in the coming slides about you know some issues that might come up with that and some things that you really need to consider and think about right from the beginning but no matter where you're at i really want you to think about that you know do you actually really want to do um this and i think that's half the battle and once the answer is yes then we need to start thinking about shifting our mindset and you know i think that it's very difficult in the beginning for online teachers to um get their head around what it takes and what it means to be a business owner to be someone who is running their own business something that you know i've been doing with coaching teachers and building a teaching brand on youtube and you know through my social media and you know by creating my own offers and selling products and services and things like that uh but um there is a there is a mind shift mind set shift that really happens when um you want to move in that direction and so many people really find that a stumbling block to figuring out you know what how how do i do all of this and what is it going to look like and you know you might struggle with imposter syndrome where you feel like what's the point in me offering um teaching esl there's thousands of others doing it um there's no room for me or you might be you know telling yourself that you're not actually capable of doing that or who would pay for my skills outside of working for a company if that's something that you've always done i know that for me when i was a teacher you know for the brick and mortar system i you know you get hired you get a salary and you teach what you're given but this idea of becoming an entrepreneur and actually running things under your own terms is a huge mindset shift and it's a struggle every day to know to know how to do it and how to keep yourself moving forward because it's so easy to give up when things get tough and believe me things do get tough things are challenging all the time and you just have to continually work through those things and have a really um an optimistic mindset about what is possible what you're what you're capable of so um james says two chinese students and two parents who say whales won't give them their money back so interested in classes after will's uh class is finished yeah so one of my recommendations you know james and and those others is to get their wechat um if you're not able to get on wechat and you're not interested in wechat for communication because there are there could be some issues with that down the road then you can get an app called ding talk ding talk is widely used for communication not as a tool or an app to teach from per se but if you want to you know have another way of communicating with your parents then download dingtalk and send them your user id you can also of course do it you know with email and you can get your your parents emails email will always work and you can communicate with them and let them know that you're interested in in private teaching um if that's something that you you want to do okay um so if you are in the right mindset and you've you know made that decision to move forward and you're thinking okay so um what's next and how do i know where to begin um you want to be asking yourself um what is your teaching niche so if we are have been working for an online esl company then you have been teaching esl for general esl general you know english teaching for chinese students and you might not really know what your niche is you might you know just be quite comfortable teaching the grammar or the english the conversation skills the um the general esl but when you're moving towards independence and when you're moving towards targeting and marketing for your own students it's really important to have a niche and i want to bring up this diagram which um kind of lays out the three things to be thinking about i've talked about this on a previous video i actually have a um what do you call it playlist on my youtube channel called going solo independent teaching and on there there's about 10 videos i've been talking about this for over a year you can find videos on finding your teaching niche you know building a business and tools and and resources that i use but essentially you want to think about what your expertise is what your passions are and what the market is demanding and that you know niche in the middle that cross section of those three circles is really the optimum place to be if you're able to figure out what you're skilled at what your expertise is aligned with what your passions are and as well aligned with what students are going to pay for then this is a really great place to start now there's lots of ways to test that and you know maybe if you're just taking a few students right now off of a company then you're teaching general english right you're not really being so specific in a particular area of english and that's okay because the market in china that's what they demand that's what they want they want esl for their children and they want quite generalized esl where you're covering topics like um social studies and math and um speaking skills and conversation and reading and comprehension and writing and all those things but as you do that um it's you will start to figure out and you might already know what you're really good at and what you're skilled at you know think about those areas that maybe you know hands down you get results for students in maybe your students do really well with reading because that's a specialty for you you've got skills in it you're passionate about it and when it comes to the reading part you're able to really get results for your students in so this is a great place to be able to start and market yourself right you're able to really be specific now as an independent teacher and say like i can help your child get really good results in reading or i can help your child develop really strong communication skills because you're good at thinking on your feet and you're good at conversing with the student and drawing language out of them so even though we're just esl teachers there's a lot of areas within that that you can niche down in and be really specific about um what you're teaching so do think about that and it's not something that you you know necessarily need to have nailed down if you're kind of just starting with a couple of students from a company but it is something that you will get clarity in as you move forward with that uh let's just see what folks are saying here yes linda bermuda that's right yeah small island in the atlantic ocean hey karen from trinidad and tobago awesome in the caribbean as well i know there was a hurricane coming up through the east coast there i'm not sure if trinidad and tobago were affected let us know karen um yeah so if you've got questions or comments along the way and don't forget to also fill in the poll which is um in the chat as well so i would love to see the results there i see most of us 44 are not currently teaching independently a really good handful are wanting to start so that's really awesome and wanting to start is really the first step in taking action and um we're gonna talk about that i love talking about taking action and and really how to get started with that and um that's really part of what i'm doing in my coaching is to help you take action because i think it's it's it's really easy just to provide all the excuses in the book for why you're not going to get started and so the results that i've seen and the progress that i've seen have all because all being because um i took action on different things okay so let's talk about uh the next one which is what are you offering so you know once you've decided who you're teaching the students that you're teaching maybe the age group or if you know if you're thinking about outside of china you now need to start thinking about what you're going to offer so as an independent teacher you have a lot of choices are you going to offer pre-recorded classes are you going to offer one-on-one classes are you going to offer group classes this is your time to be able to set your program up are you going to use a pre-existing curriculum are you going to use your own curriculum are you going to create your own resources purchase your own resources there really are so many options out there in my facebook group i do have a thread about curriculum ideas specifically esl curriculum ideas and i am making a video later this week about six where i really dive into the specifics of six different esl curriculums pre-made pre-done you don't have to do anything except pop them up um and and use them so we're gonna look at those um in a later video this week um so keep an eye out on for that and you know what the benefits are the pros and cons to each of them and why you might want to use them with your specific student okay um so you've been thinking about your niche maybe you're not really sure about that yet let's start thinking about our offering what are we actually offering as an independent teacher what are we going to um you know what's what are we delivering what kind of curriculum are we delivering it depends really a lot on what you're teaching and who you're teaching to um and so i'd love to help you figure that out as well because there are a lot of options out there but it doesn't have to be super complicated you can you know once you kind of hone in on the specifics of of who you're teaching and uh what your program is going to be all about then you can move into looking for curriculum i think a lot of teachers initially panic with what am i going to teach um i've never made curriculum you know vipkid or gogokid or whales english or magic ears or bling abc they provided everything for me so how do i create that amazing curriculum that took a team of developers and designers to do right and and that's a valid question you don't necessarily have to do all of that and and and recreate that depending on what you're teaching and depending on what you're offering um another really important thing to uh think about and i really want to hone in on this is the systems that you need to have in place and things to think about especially especially right now as you're maybe having a few students reach out to you from platforms and ask for classes with you this is happening with many teachers myself included and what i've seen happen and what i have you know cautioned teachers on is that you have to remember that you are the teacher right you are the entrepreneur here you are the one that's running the show not the parent and it's it's really easy for the parents to take advantage of you and to take advantage of the fact that they know you've never done this before right so they know that they have a lot of um room i guess to call the shots and i've been seeing it so many different times i've i've seen screenshots of parents telling the teacher what the prices of the classes are going to be and let me tell you the prices that they're telling are much lower than what they were paying with companies and much lower than what you should be charging don't sell yourself short you need to factor in a lot of things if you're going to be setting a rate you need to be thinking about the cost of the curriculum that you may buy you need to be thinking about the cost of receiving payments sometimes if you're using services that allow you to do it without you having to set up any website or any kind of invoicing then you're gonna probably be paying up to five to six percent to receive those payments so that's coming out of your pay make sure you factor that into it you're also going to be doing more preparation you're going to be spending more time communicating with the parent about all these things so all of these things really add up and are important so don't sell yourself short you call the shots it's really important that you set your prices um you know let the parents know what you charge and be firm with that it's okay if they if they decline then they just weren't for you um uh you know you can work of course with them a little bit but i wouldn't get into a negotiating match with parents as to what prices because a lot of parents right now are shopping around it's not hard to find esl teachers on wechat you know if you want to make yourself more marketable on wechat put that in your name put esl teacher michelle or esl teacher tim in your name and and you know it's it's not hard for you to be found by parents and it's parents are shopping around for free trials they're shopping around for prices don't feel obligated to give free trials if you don't want to don't feel obligated to go really low there are lots of students looking for teachers you're not going to lose them if they really want to take classes with you they will make it happen but it's real i think it's really important to be to be the one in charge here with that um as well as curriculum you know parents don't get to choose the curriculum with the company right so the curriculum is there and that's what is taught and so shop around look around at a curriculum that you want to use make a decision on one that suits your teaching style that suits your comfortability with teaching it and go with it don't worry about having five or six different curriculums because i promise you if you are um providing different curriculum for different parents things are going to get really confusing and really messy you want to especially if you're just teaching you know general uh younger students in china that are learning english you don't have to be super um varied with the with the curriculum that you use um there are a lot of great ones out there that are you know really uh well done and provide a lot of room for extension and for bringing in your own things um as well so uh let's see elora how can i get paid from china so i've this is the million dollar question um i've done a video on this there are options uh paypal is an option you have to think about you know what is native to your students and for our students in china it's alipay and wechat pay and it's done by scanning a qr code um you can do this within your stripe account you can integrate alipay and wechat pay inside your stripe account so you're going to apply for a stripe account and you're going to turn on alipay and wechat pay it's not difficult to do it takes different time frames for different people depending on your account and then once you do that it is possible to put that onto your wordpress website but probably an easier way to do it is to create an invoice of some sort within within stripe so stripe allows you to create invoices so i would create an invoice which will populate the qr code and you can send that directly to the parent there are platforms that will allow you to accept alipay and wechat pay as well strikingly as one a couple in my group have been working with that it's a little bit limited with the free version and i think they take out around five to six percent um there's a platform called my cool class which allows you to take your students directly onto their platform but they do take a lot like uh geez i think it's like um i don't want to guess numbers right now but maybe somebody in the chat knows is it 20 i know it's less than out school but it's uh it's a fairly fairly steep percentage um and again i i'm not 100 sure if that is for the private teaching side of the platform or if that's for any class that's conducted on the platform so um i'm not not an expert on that for sure uh ten dollars an hour is lower than normal for private teaching absolutely yeah absolutely and especially in china you wouldn't want to be charging any less than uh ballpark at you know before fees are taken out i wouldn't really be going any less than 35 an hour so that you're at least clearing 30 an hour and you can certainly go higher uh parents with vipkid were paying upwards of 40 and higher per hour to the platform so they were they were taking more than 50 uh you know after you were getting paid and and that's what they're used to so if you're doing this on your own you certainly can um charge more gretchen says 19 oh is that is that what michael class takes okay cool miss ellen i so want to build my online preschool teaching business great so you really i mean that's a great niche right there right you're targeting preschool um you know maybe fauna all the elements of language learning phonics and things like that um yeah that's awesome and if you're looking at markets outside of china like start with your local area you know i tell people get the goal of finding one student just one student once you find one student you will be able to figure out what worked in that process how did you find them maybe it was just a friend of a friend right totally fine keep doing that find more friends of friends find more within your network and your broader network and then your two or three students can become great referrals for future students so don't think about the business as something you have to kind of go out in big numbers with and pay for advertising and everything it can be it can start really small and at a very local level for um for that so yeah any other questions um so yeah if you are here um do let us know in the chat where you're tuning in from if you're joining late we're talking about you know should you go solo and just things to be thinking about and things that might be uh concerning you or worrying you if you've got questions um you know let me know uh in the chat oh ellen i'm so sorry i cried yesterday applying for a preschool job sadness from from losing the online teaching position ellen yeah i totally feel for online teachers right now um especially those that were relying on this but you know sometimes you need some kind of a stop gap in between um building your own business and if you need income right now then there's nothing wrong with with going back out into the work world and looking for something um temporarily there are other online companies i'm not talking too much about specific ones right now because a lot of them have over hired and are kind of halting hiring at the moment um and there's lots of great facebook groups out there sharing you know different opportunities so i tend to i tend to talk about a company and then the next day they're they're they've stopped hiring uh because i sent a lot of applications so um it's it's an ever-changing uh world at the moment with with online esl companies uh i've had several of my out-school students request private tutoring so that can be a place to start if you don't have students yet yeah absolutely and there's lots of out-school teachers that are offering private tutoring on the platform so one thing you can do sorry i'm just getting dry mouthed here one thing you can do is create um those one-time classes which um are you know privately only accessed by the parent of that student or if you wanted to kind of sell like a package of private tutoring classes you could you could you could create ongoing classes you know with a max of one and make it only available to that specific parent you do have to remember that out school takes 30 so you're gonna have uh 30 to 30 yeah 30 so you're gonna have to definitely scale the number uh your your rate higher to factor that in but absolutely a great place to start and a good way to get some market research done on your private tutoring whether or not you uh you know see a demand for that or not and and really hone in on what you're good at and what you enjoy teaching um yes james fluently are recruiting but want at least 10 hours i think i saw a post about that maybe that was you um in my group yeah somewhere i saw that uh they do want 10 hours minimum and they're paying you know that's really interesting because 14 an hour is what vipkid was paying for a base rate pay uh this year so new hires i think they were getting 750 and then it was lower to seven if i remember correctly by the way they're actually still hiring and a lot of people have been asking me why am i getting accepted if classes are diminishing well the fact that teachers aren't able to teach on weekends and public holidays right now means that you know they they still need teachers like they've got these these classes that have been purchased that need to be taught and uh you know while parents are trying to scramble and get as many booked as possible right now um the bookings are really good so yeah fluent b is paying 14 hours so yeah that's an option i've talked about them before uh 14 bucks an hour but 10 hour commitment a week so could be an option for you um suzanne yes michael class takes 19 and you do pay a fee as well to be part of the michael class co-op that's right so i think it's it varies depending on your location maybe around 30 bucks roughly if someone knows specifically a year it's a co-op um i have been wanting to bring um someone from michael class on i just haven't gotten around to it to uh to share with you guys but there are some good videos out there about them and they are a great option for teachers who want to freelance and into and go independent and teach privately you know this is a great platform to do it on for sure it's gonna it's really a neat project and i and i wish them all the success in the world because it's a great um something very different i won't get into all the specifics about the co-op setup but it's it's a really really good thing so finally let's talk about the very last question are you willing to take action so i think this is as i was saying before what really holds a lot of teachers back in that um they have these ideas you might have an idea you i've seen a lot of people say i want to start a teaching business um you know 40 percent of you out of 70 votes have said i want to start a teaching business but i just don't know how um or i don't know what steps to take there's too many options i don't have a road map i don't have you know an action plan on how to do that um and i want to you know encourage you that rome wasn't built in a day it it's step by step it's one foot in front of the other it's baby steps it's do one thing every day and you know make progress every single day right so if you're making progress you're that much closer to your goal um there's a lot of people out there that want to take action but don't do it they just simply don't do it because they they get paralyzed in fear they get paralyzed in uncertainty and they get paralyzed in overwhelm and so um you know what separates the doers from the not doers is quite simple it's those that take action it's those that put one step forward in the morning and say all right i'm gonna do this today whether it's um send an email or research this or figure out one thing what i like to do is um you know i create project boards i've talked about asana on my channel before which is my project management tool but i some i have a big white board here where i put projects out and i just lay out what's the priority and let's break it down into small steps so that i can get all these little steps done which is going to help create this finished product or whatever it is um and i've got seven projects on the board right now three of them are complete and you know last week i was getting paralyzed myself i was like i want to get this done i want to get this done i want to do this but um in overwhelm we get paralyzed right we just we just do it's normal it's uh it's part of um being human oh there we go it's a little bit a little bit brighter and clearer someone should have said tim you're in the dark well actually i am in the dark uh so great any questions about private teaching going independent let me just scroll through up here most folks are being awfully quiet uh if you do have any questions now is the time so leah perkins okay curriculum ideas so um okay i'll give you a sneak peek into the video that i'm talking about this week so some that i'm going to be looking at are esl hyphen curriculum dot com which is crystal clear esl um esl pals is another one kid uh hyphen inspired dot com and then esl chit chat dot com so this is um daniel didio's um chit chat to fluency program he's a vipkid teacher um and he's been working for several years i think on on this curriculum and i bought it when it was kind of at its launch price i think it's about eighty dollars now but you you don't have to ever pay anymore so you know make sure that you are knowing that you want to buy it before you buy it uh but it is you know several levels constantly being added to and modified and you get all the access to it he hosts it on his server um and it's basically just like click slides like a lot of the online esl teaching companies so nevada great ellen um okay karen says rain and highway so that was a question i asked before i believe about the hurricane what is the hurricane name i forget learn eng learn ing abc uh tina jones i live in a small town in serbia wow cool i'm the only native speaker in my town i was wondering if anyone is doing some alternative preschools in serbia or you mean online tina can you get a bit more specific about that one leslie says one of my regulars booked five weeks into the future on the weekend twice they were canceled by vipkid yeah so weekends and public holidays watch out for um first week of october and i believe september 17 18 and 19 is a public holiday and then october 1st to 7th is a public holiday so we won't have classes then um hurricane ida oh yes that's right um you're welcome fatima yeah awesome guys so again um please do join the facebook group going solo if you're wanting to pivot if you're wanting to we talk about all things you know independent teaching um would love to have you join and if you're interested in the coaching i mentioned you can go to i'm not taking many i think this week is full i'm looking at next week and then maybe only the weekend or only the week after that in september um just wanting to avail myself because i'm spending a lot of time in emails and in messenger and i want to you know really work with teachers that are serious about moving forward and who want some accountability and an action plan to start making it happen right that's what we want we want to make it happen we want to make progress and we want to move towards those goals so um if that's you reach out to me ask any questions that you have would love to connect um and you know i want to just encourage you to start small start um you know start with your if you start with your chinese students if that's what you've got you're going to learn a whole lot about building your business you're going to learn about marketing on a small scale you're going to learn about you know curriculum you're going to learn about being in charge and and taking those scary steps and if you're wanting to market to other places in the world or tutor privately start in your local neighborhood you know you can do a lot of old school things like flyers and facebook posts and things like that to start getting the word out make the goal of finding one student that's it one student and then from there you can grow and scale and repeat the process of course you can also use platforms like out school and kid pass and you know hollow is another one that i've been hearing a lot of teachers talk about as well um i've been meaning to have someone there on my channel as well just too many too many things to talk about actually these days gosh if august and september had uh word of the month it would be pivot diversify um and uh you know all the all things in between um but i hope you're doing well i hope that you are you know finding um the positivity in this that you know sometimes when we're shaken out of our comfort zone good things will happen and we can really uh make amazing progress with with what you're wanting to do um so i also did a live last week all about pivoting uh so if you want to check out that some strategies for you know how you can maybe pivot from from this into something completely different you know outside of teaching altogether if you want sometimes um the best things happen from from a crisis or from uh you know having um a a shake-up in in your life so uh hey evelyn howdy tim taking my kids to the zoo day awesome yes are you gonna post about that on youtube i love seeing your family videos um james will students pay for pre-recorded classes absolutely and so i talked about this um if it is the name of the game pivot yes from friends um gosh you know when when words get overused they almost become annoying right it's like it's like the word teacherpreneur i don't know why but i try not to say that word because it just for some reason it just gets under my skin like it's just being used too much um but yeah i mean i love the word itself we are teacherpreneurs when we're building our teaching business but i think it's it's just like any word that gets overused just becomes like for me it just becomes a little bit uh annoying couch that's right yeah all right massangu i will see you there my coaching please please come along again uh really just you know send me an email i'll let you know if it's if it's something that's for you or not or if i can help you um but um i've i've made it fairly affordable just so that i can offer that to to teachers and um yeah but you know keep coming back here i'm continuing to create content all about this type of stuff i've got a video coming out about curriculum this week uh next week talking about more payment stuff and wechat and um you know so it's kind of uh my channel will be taking a slightly new direction i will still continue to talk about um online esl companies and as i hear about them and you know can really um assure you that they're a good fit i would never talk about a company that's a disaster or that's um not a good fit for you um and uh so i i'm careful about talking about long lists of companies for that reason because i just don't know enough about all of them how can you know all the things about all the things right um i i kind of need to just stay in my lane and talk about things that i'm passionate about and yes i i'm also looking for non-chinese esl companies as well um as backups you know i'm hired on with cambly and although i don't teach for them and i'm not teaching with vipkid as much as i used to um it's the most wonderful uh it's the most wonderful backup and for me i looked at it as you know a very stable income after teaching with them for four years it wasn't all of my income but it was a really nice stable income that you know i could be assured i would pay my rent from it if nothing else if everything else crashed down i wouldn't be sleeping on the street so oh thank you kimberly you're most welcome uh so yeah we're gonna we've gone on a little bit longer um i'll hang out for one more minute if anyone's got um any questions yeah evelyn's got a great channel as well talks about a lot of things i haven't watched all your videos evelyn but um you've got a lot of good content there as well yeah and um i've taken a break from interviews on this channel but you know as i find people that would be good fits i'll certainly bring them on so every monday at uh 9 a.m eastern standard time um i will be here showing up and adding value come join my facebook group send me an email if you have any questions or you don't need to vent or whatever i would be happy to chat with you so thanks everybody have a wonderful week a wonderful day a wonderful monday and i will see you next week talk to you later [Music] you
Channel: Online Teacher Dude
Views: 1,491
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0RJpVqNiuqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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