Introduction to DFHack - Dwarf Fortress Tips

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hey there I'm further reading today we're going to talk about the Alpha version of DF hack how to install it and a couple of cool things you can do with it to work in some ways what exactly DF hack is it is a tool that adds a command line interface to your game that you can use to run various commands you can either run them in game or if you want them through a console that loads in a separate window first I'll explain how to install it what you want to do is go here to DF Hack Slash DF Hack Slash releases the first post you see on this website will be the most up-to-date release you scroll down until you see assets you expand that and you can download this ZIP file at the moment at the time of making this video it's Windows only but but in future you should see other opening systems here once you download it and extract it you will have a folder with all of these files and folders in it what you want to do is go to your install for Dwarf Fortress the best way to do that is to go to steam by click door fortress on the left hand side and go to browse local files and this is going to take you to your to our Fortress folder then all you need to do is copy everything that's here and you are going to paste it into this folder now next time you start up you will have a DF hack window opening additional CTF hack in the top left side that will be active on any of your current worlds when you store the backup you'll get this big warning that is the Alpha version and to be careful the that and my cost problems now I'm going to show you some things you can do with it but keep in mind this morning and be wary that because it's an alpha there might be some issues ah to removing the squatting you can press Ctrl shift and D to open up the DF hack launcher and from here you can look up all the commands get some documentation about what they do and basically do everything that you need to do with the F hack the first one I want to talk about is the fixes so you can just type fix up here to get there these are all commands that can be used to fix issues that may cause FPS problems or bugs fix dead units this is going to remove dead units from the list basically if you go here to dead or missing if this list gets too big then it could stop migrants from pivoting because these look out towards the population so what you can do is go to the units press return and it's telling us now that it will move to 362 units from dead units so if we head back now to our dead list you'll see all of these unnamed triangle data gone most of the unnamed enemies are guard and it's a lot lot smaller and a lot easier for you to manage another good fix is blood Dell what this does is it removes liquids that can't be used from Caravan manifests so things like blood icore and goo that you might see Caravans break sometimes which at the moment have no function in game it won't include them the list and this means that your Caravan list will be a bit more useful and also because now in the early game your Caravans won't get wagons that way you're not wasting weight on items that can't be used the next one for fixed dry buckets for this book when a dwarf has a task to bring water somewhere how the task works is you have to get an empty bucket fill the empty bottles of water and then bring the water to the place the bug is that if they get interrupted after filling the bucket with water they can't use that book anymore because again the first step and all these tasks is to fill a bottle pocket with water and it doesn't recognize the fact that buckets have water in them before a dwarf starts the task so dry buckets is going to find all of these buckets and remove the water from them and that way they can be used for the stuff next one I want to mention isn't in the fixed section but I would consider a bug fix and this is clean owned if you recall from my military video I mentioned how sometimes military dwarves can have a meal and before they get to eat their meal they'll drop it on the floor because they get interrupted or distracted for some reason and then that meal can't be moved because it is owned by that dwarf this is how you fix that problem when you want it just on its own it is going to Mark anything that is rotten or anything that is food that is on the floor and will move the own ship from it and that way your food Hollows will stop moving food Auto stop moving stuff to be dumped if it needs to be dumped there's a whole bunch of additional ways you can use this too but the documentation is really really good I won't bother you by reading it all out but check out the dark still really good this is a great command you should definitely use it now that we're done covering the bug fixes let's talk about some more useful mechanics I think happen one I like is prioritize prioritize is going to allow you to tell draw certain jobs should be done at a higher priority a simple way to use it is to do prioritize Dash J that is going to list all of the jobs you have to do and let's say I want to make sure that this dump item job gets done first I just type in play all the ties don't bite them and now the four don't buy some jobs in my list right now are considered a higher priority so dwarves who have the labor to do that job are going to prioritize gain just finished you notice that when I typed it in we lost access to a list of jobs one handy thing is with the console the jobs stay listed so you can actually look at this to figure out the exact name of the job that you want to prioritize if you scroll down you can see some extra examples some interesting ones is Dash a this Dash a option means uh all of these jobs going forward will be prioritized uh this defaults one is a list of jobs that people considered should be highly prioritized they've got them listed down below you can also do specific ones so for example this one is saying to prioritize um hauling food and corpses which can prevent Bots which is very very useful one thing to keep in mind though is that if you project plays too many jobs it becomes less effective so I would recommend definitely using this but be a bit wary about the dash a personally um I like having this this is a good one to be prioritized and then after this one maybe our prioritize dump because usually if I tell some dub something I was done straight away and after that point uh I'll prioritize if I feel something has to get done right away and my doors aren't doing it fast enough like say build a specific building or whatever then I'll prioritize that task but not using Dash a the one star task is done it'll go back to its normal priority next what I like a lot is auto butcher Auto butcher is going to monitor the population of animals in your fort and allows you to specify how many males females and children that you want and it will automatically schedule budget jobs if the population gets too high in order to use it first you have to enable it so you type enable auto Butcher and there you go and then let's say we want to add something to our let's just say wanna watch pigs we do auto butcher watch Pig like so let's see this has been finished successfully then we can use the auto butcher GUI to have a look and see the current settings so you'll see here these are defaults that get added when it attacks a new vase it every 6 000 texts it's going to run this so after 6000 texts it's gonna check to see what I'm losing your fart let's go pop like this so right now it always says pigs because for the demo I'm just adding picks manually but if you have this warning in your fart and you check after a while you'll see all of the different creatures in your fort will have your own entries here what this is showing you is the first number is uh how many currently exist the second number is what the limit is so here's telling me that for my pigs I've got two female kids and I'm allowed to have up to five female kids so nothing will get butchered here for male kids uh I want one I currently have three which means two of them will get automatically scheduled be butchered for the female adults you'll see that seven should be five so two of them will get butchered and for male adults it's at seven you want one so six demo will will get butchered and finally these commands will allow us to set the numbers that Timo came having seven female adults I could say you know what we actually won seven they can also 707 so that means that we're not going to end up slaughtering any of our female pigs soon since it's done just by wanting the stone sense command in the uh GUI and what this is going to show you is a isometric representation of your map so we'll see here as I scroll down you can see on the top right everything's like changing as I move around and I can kind of see you know I can see stuff like the what the carbon floor is made out of if I scroll down to where there's people you could see you can maybe make out just a little bit uh we can see over here the tops of some screw pumps they go down a bit more keep going down so this is like in my base proper and you can see all the bedrooms and stuff and how they look with that nice little glass windows you can see all of the birds in my little Nest box there including all their names in fact all my drawers can see their name so it makes it a bit easier to actually find where Dwarven stuff are my base isn't really built for looking very pretty and isometric but some people will focus a lot on that and make very pretty looking bases uh I've noticed that sometimes when you're using it it can just go all blue a good way iPhone to fix that if you press F1 to go back to the top you press make sure you're in mining mode you've got the mining cursor on screen and maybe move the Minecraft around a little bit first and then once you've done that and you start using what wsd again everything should start working fine now the last thing I'm going to cover is a bit exploity but this is how you should remove aquifers from your maps on a brand new Embark if you check the launcher there is a drain Aqua command however at the start of Annenberg you can't see all the way down so before you do that you want to reveal the map so now the map is revealed we can head down and you'll see everything is black or unusual gray and you'll see we can tell what everything is made out of if we go into mining mode and we scroll down we'll start seeing this is now an aquafeller you can tell it's not for layer because if you this is all damp it's go up above and there's no liquid here so this must be an aquifer layer I can go down and now this is where it ends this is showing you not just the arc for layer but if you remember correctly with aquifers right the final aquifer layer will drip down onto the first dial aquifer layer and here the first non-actual layer still uh mark this damp you'll see here this Limestone and hematite area this is is an aquifer this is there's an aquifer on the layer above it we scroll down once more uh this is now going to be completely dry the window water coming from the roof so now you know exactly how much you have to dig through to get down past the aquifer and let's say you know at this point you decide you know what I I don't want to bother digging shoes aquifer you know I don't want to use a twinkle totally I just want to get down uh as fast as I can to start doing you know dwarf Shenanigans at that point what you can do is when your command and there you go you can see that the aquifer already existed in four layers it was um with a skinny aquifer but it was wide there was a lot of tiles so now it's been removed and no more aquafile you'll see the only dampered of the bit that's right below the river yeah so let's say you've removed the aquifer now and you want to be surprised what's down in the caverns what you want to do is open this back up and we're going to type in on reveal we do that now the map is hidden again and you can see we don't see anything anymore uh one thing to be aware of with the reveal and unreal command is it doesn't know if you change map by this I mean if we hit reveal here and you look and you decide I don't like to look at this cabin layer I don't want to play here and you quit and you do a new Embark it won't let you reveal so for example here I am in a brand new map cooldown you see we can't see anything I've never done reveal here before I'm going to open up the F hack I'm going to type in reveal and see it tells me it's already revealed or this is a different map so because I didn't unreveal before leaving it still thinks it's revealed in order to fix this we have to forget the fact we've ever revealed so if you type in forget here you'll see web forget appears over here and hit that we're gonna run this and then we're gonna type reveal again and now it worked and we scroll down and we can see that we keep the cabins and everything again but ideally you would on reveal before you leave but if you forget to do that you just do rev forget and uh with that I am done my basic introduction to DF hack I'm really only showing the tip of the iceberg here there's a lot more really useful interesting things that you can use it for I just don't want this video to be ridiculously long for those of you who've used TF hack a lot our feel free that comments down below suggesting other cool commands people should be looking at if you want to watch more content like this you can check out any videos on screen right now or you can find me on Twitch where I stream Dwarf Fortress pretty regularly hopefully I'll see you soon
Channel: FurtherReading
Views: 17,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress steam, dwarf fortress premium, aquifer, aquifier, remove aquifer, Stonesense
Id: NNBcQ9Km6P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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